I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 294 292 She is right

Chapter 294 292. She is right

"Mimi, how are you feeling?"

Hearing Zeng Jia's words, Yang Mi, who had just sat in the car, smiled and nodded:

"Very good. Sister Zeng, thank you for your hard work~"

It didn't seem to be affected in any way.

"It's okay...have you two finished collecting your certificates?"


Yang Mi responded and took out the marriage certificate from her bag, which was different from what the Chinese people thought. At first glance, it looked like a document.

The most important thing is...the paper of the marriage certificate is still a slight green color.

Zeng Jia took a look, and when she saw the columns of "Xu Xin" and "Yang Mi", she felt a little emotional...

I made a mistake.

When this piece of marriage certificate that could not be divorced hit her face, she knew...

I made a mistake.

Of course, she can also continue to think about it, such as "the two of them will live their own lives" or "they have the name of husband and wife, but not the reality of husband and wife"...

But why bother?

Always think about the good.


She sent out her sincere blessings and praises.

"Hey, thank you~"

Yang Mi carefully put the marriage certificate into the bag again.

Then, Zeng Jiacai said:

"I have submitted my resignation procedures."


Yang Mi nodded:

"Did the company say anything?"

"That's not true. It's just that I have to complete the work handover with the agent who replaced me in the past month or two, so I may be a little busier."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't delay our own work. Assistant training and agent training must be done well."

"Okay. Then... Zhao Ruoyao saw that I resigned... and told me that he wanted to come over..."

"Then let's come together. She is quite proficient in finance... But, Sister Zeng, I don't want the others. I don't want to leave a reputation for poaching others after I leave. So, the others No more."

"Yes, I know."

Zeng Jia responded:

"I've made an appointment with Southern Weekly for an exclusive interview tomorrow."


"They also want to make an appointment with Director Xu..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi turned her head and glanced at Xu Xin.

After seeing his casual expression, he nodded:

"Okay. When will the selection of their four Xiaohuadan be released?"

"In May. Although the specific ranking is not clear yet, Wang Minmin has guaranteed that you will be the first."


The two began to talk about career matters.

Xu Xin didn't say anything, just licked his lips, thinking about getting out of the car and smoking a cigarette.

Oh, yes, by the way, I have a meal of beef and potatoes cooked by my wife herself tonight...

He was also very greedy.

The craftsmanship of the greedy cook.

Even more hungry for the cook's body...

Unfortunately, greed is useless.

The Internet has been clean recently, and a lot of the gifts prepared by my good sister have been washed away.

Hmm... As expected, gambling and drugs are inseparable!

When I got home, the yard was much wider.

The walls on both sides were demolished.

Xu Miao finally figured out the owner of the courtyard and connected all three courtyards together.

But currently, only the courtyard has been opened. Xu Daqiang meant to change it into a courtyard similar to a "garden".

It is the kind of Soviet-style garden structure that is more exquisite than the Sanjin houses that Yanjing people are particular about.

But if it really changes, firstly, it involves the protection of cultural relics, and secondly, it will not be easy for the daughter-in-law to live here. So you have to go through the procedures, but if you really want to change it, you have to wait until the baby is born.

The difficulty on both sides is not small, and you still need to find someone.

After all, Shijia Hutong has hidden dragons and crouching tigers in history, and some things cannot be changed with money.

But last but not least, the space at home is large, and living there is comfortable.

At least the two dogs had somewhere to run.

Yang Mi's next move is to raise a cat.

I don’t want any expensive bloodline cats, just keep civet cats.

There are a lot of rats in this place. If you keep a dozen or twenty of them, you must be an advanced rat exterminator in the alley.

When she got home, Yang Mi's entire team of nutritionists and personal doctors were in place. After all, when you are traveling abroad, you still need to do the necessary checks.

After finishing the examination, in order to greet the old man's meal of beef and potatoes, she went into the kitchen, and she and her father started helping each other to prepare the meal.

Not long after, Wang Sicong and Zhang Jiao also rushed back.

As soon as he entered the yard, Zaizai immediately gathered around him alertly.

But he didn't bite or roar, he just looked at Wang Sicong in confusion.

It always looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

"What are you doing? Don't you know me?"

Wang Sicong was speechless, squatted down and waved to Zai Zai:

"Zai Zai, come here~"


Zaizai ignored him.

"...You are the one I brought back, so you are so ungrateful?"


Still ignored him.

Finally, Yang Mi came out of the kitchen and said to Wang Sicong:

"Zai Zai, don't you know Uncle Wang?"

The two dogs then let down their guard.

The word of the mistress is the decree.

As long as she knows the two-legged beast in front of her, she should be almost... a friend.

Only then did he get in front of Wang Sicong and enjoy his touch.

At this time, Xu Xin walked out and heard Wang Sicong ask:

"Where's Niuniu?"

"It's in the cage."

"...What are you doing?"

"It's in heat. The two dogs haven't seen each other for the past two days. One comes out and the other goes back."


Wang Sicong thought for a while, and suddenly patted Zai Zai on the back with an "I understand you" look:

"Poor baby~"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Grandson, who are you alluding to!

"Speaking of which, have you two decided what the company will be called?"

At the dinner table, Wang Sicong asked while holding a wine glass.

Xu Xin simply shook his head:

"It has nothing to do with me, you have to ask her."

Seeing Wang Sicong looking at her, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Yang Mi Studio?"



Not to mention Wang Sicong, even Xu Xin was speechless.

Co-authored a few months ago, this name was not complained about by you, right?

Beat me with my creativity?

Boy, magic beats magic.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Yang Mi waved her hands with a smile:

"Just kidding. I really haven't decided on a name yet. The main reason is that the child's father is uneducated and he still can't think of a name. I'm also worried...sigh."


Wang Sicong couldn't help but look at Xu Xin:

"What do you mean? You didn't even think of a name?"


Xu Xin shook his head sincerely:

"Twins are not easy to get."

"...What are the words on your family tree?"

"According to the family tree, this generation is the only one."

"Then it's called the only one...oh, yes, yes, yes."

Wang Sicong finally reacted and nodded:

"So, you don't want to follow the family tree?"


"Then let's choose one with a better meaning?...For example, Tuan Tuan, Yuan Yuan. Or...Happiness, joy...laughing, making noise...aren't any of these okay?"

Not only Xu Xin and Yang Mi, but also Yang Dalin and his wife were a little disgusted by what he said.

What a bad name...

Wang Sicong, who was asking for trouble, shrugged:

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything. You two can figure it out for yourselves~...or why don't you find someone to figure it out for you?"


Yang Mi looked disgusted.

Ever since the White Dragon King she longed for exposed her fantasy, she began to stay away from these nagging things.

But forget it.

I will definitely not touch fortune telling in the future.

Whoever wants to believe it will believe it, but she will never believe it again.

After all, it's too nonsense.

She met Liu Dehua that day, and then she said that she would marry someone older than herself named Liu... People who didn't know thought she was going to marry Liu Dehua.

So drunk...

When Yang Mi and Xu Xin appeared at the airport together, the relationship was basically confirmed.

That afternoon, photos of the two of them appearing at the airport appeared in major media news. From Xu Xin's intimate hug protecting her to riding in the same car, although there was no news in the interview, this scene was almost It's like admitting his love affair.

Fortunately, Yang Mi was wearing loose clothes, so no reporters could tell that she was pregnant.

The next day, a reporter from Southern Weekly arrived as scheduled.

Shijia Hutong.

When the car turned here, Wang Minmin heard the photographer driving the car say:

"It's really rich..."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Minmin is not from Yanjing, so she doesn't know much about this place.

Just listen to the driver say:

"This place used to be filled with high-ranking officials and nobles... Didn't you notice that this road is wider than other places? Before I came here yesterday, I asked my friends here in Yanjing. Is there any real estate in this alley? They are all either rich or noble...tsk tsk."

Hearing this, Wang Minmin nodded, probably having an idea.

But this thing definitely cannot be broadcast.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be the same as telling others where Yang Mi lives?

So it's definitely inappropriate.

With a little regret, she picked up the phone and dialed Yang Mi's number:

"Hey, Mimi, we've arrived... um... ah, I saw it. A black Volvo?... Okay."

After hanging up the phone, she pointed forward:

"That's the Volvo."

Soon, the car stopped, and Wang Minmin also saw Yang Mi who went out to greet her in person.

"Sister Wang."

Yang Mi, still wearing loose clothes, smiled and waved her hand in greeting.


Wang Minmin also smiled and waved her hands, then looked around and asked:

"Is this your home?"

"Our home."


The unique title made Wang Minmin a little stunned...

Then I remembered... Oh, yes, she is already married.


After exchanging a few words, she felt emotional in her heart, and after the colleagues in the car took off the machines, she and Yang Mi entered the yard together.

There are no dogs in the yard.

Today, in order to prevent Zaizai and Niuniu from shocking anyone, Yang Mi took the first step to lock the dogs back in the backyard.

But there are people.

Xu Xin, who was not dressed formally, greeted them politely:

"Hello. We meet again, Reporter Wang."

"Hello, Director Xu, we meet again."

Wang Minmin also said politely, and then she couldn't help being surprised when she saw the courtyards on the left and right sides whose walls had been removed.

I subconsciously said:

"The walls on both sides..."

"Renovation requires re-planning and design. So we demolished it first."

Hearing Yang Mi's gentle introduction, Wang Minmin couldn't help but say another sentence:

"Is it all yours?"

"Both of us."


At this time, a group of people didn't know what to say.

The location of the interview was finally chosen in the study room.

Mainly, the various ornaments on the row of antique shelves in the study are used as the background, which looks very nice.

The couple had no objections, and then the staff started setting up lights and cameras to find angles.

Soon, after all preparations were completed, Wang Minmin took the notebook and asked:

"Can we start?"

"Yeah. Sure~...remember to take photos of me that look good. After all, I don't even have any makeup on."

Yang Mi even made a joke with the photographer to ease the atmosphere.

But when these words reached the ears of photographers, they became synonymous with confidence.

At the same time, he had to admit deep in his heart...

The beauty of the little actress in front of me is indeed very capable.

The early twenties are the time of peak.

Plus...it seems like I've gained some weight recently? It made her cheek lines look rounder, and it also had a... taste that was hard to describe.

In short, Yang Mi in the camera is indeed beautiful and there is nothing wrong with her.

Then, Wang Minmin looked at her notepad and said:

"Hello, Director Xu, hello Mimi. Are you two married?"

Yang Mi's eyes instantly turned into crescent moons:

"Is it so sharp when you come up?"

As she spoke, she nodded:

"Well, yes, we're married."




Although they knew that the news was true, when Yang Mi admitted it personally, everyone still felt strange...

An indescribable feeling.

Fortunately, Wang Minmin was experienced enough and regained her attention instantly and continued:

"In Ireland?"


"I heard that marriage there is based on a contract. Can you tell me the length of your contract?"

"a hundred years."

"……a hundred years?"

Wang Minmin couldn't help but confirm repeatedly:

"A hundred years?"

"Yes, a hundred years."

Yang Mi responded.

There is no need to lie about this thing, it is as much as it needs to be.

"Divorce is not allowed for these hundred years, right?"

"Yes. Of course, if Ireland is willing to change its laws, then we can still divorce. Haha~"

She made a little joke.

But Wang Minmin didn't find it funny, she just felt speechless.

Is the law changed as soon as it is said to be changed?

"Then...can you tell me how you two made this decision? After all, a major event like marriage should be the result of careful consideration by both of you, right?"

"Yes, and also wrong."

Yang Mi waved her hands to the camera, then sat up slightly:

"That's right. We have had the idea of ​​getting married for a long time...probably last year? After he proposed to me at the last Olympics, we both knew we had to take this step sooner or later. So from a psychological level, we have already Be prepared to enter the marriage hall.

But... As for when to get married, I haven't really thought about it clearly. It... needs an opportunity, a just-right TIMING~ And when we were in Thailand, we were waiting for this TIMING~ So... we decided to go to Ireland to get the certificate.

But, actually, although I am grateful for everyone's concern and love this time, what I want to say is that the procedures for both of us were completed in January. But because of the laws there, there must be a 90-day public notice period.

That is... within these 90 days, anyone who feels inappropriate about this marriage can object. We are waiting for the end of the 90 days, and this trip is just to complete the last step of the marriage certificate. But in fact, in January, I had already obtained the certificate from him. "

"...January this year?"

Wang Minmin's eyes widened in surprise.

Yang Mi nodded:



Reluctantly suppressing the speechlessness in her heart, Wang Minmin continued to ask:

"Then...can you tell me what you went through from engagement to marriage?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi was a little surprised:

"Ah? Sister Wang, don't you ask about love first? I thought everyone would be more interested in the story of how we got together."

"That's what comes later. This interview is divided into three stages: getting to know each other, getting to know each other, and joining hands."

"That's it...okay."

Yang Mi nodded:

"What do you want to know? Tell me, tell me everything you know."

Her attitude is quite open.

Xu Xin was speechless for a while.

However, he doesn't fight for it. As long as he is not needed, he will silently act as a backer.

"Let's talk about engagement first. What did you go through from engagement to marriage? What was your journey along the way?"

"Is this the stage of engagement..."

Yang Mi thought for a while, suddenly glanced at Xu Xin, and then said:

"Actually, our engagement and marriage were very childish."

"Child's play?"


Yang Mi nodded, her attitude seemed very casual, but her eyes were slightly bright:

"When we got engaged, it was the night after the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I knew he must be very tired. After all... more than two years of hard work had been vented on this night. So in order to prevent him from going back to the Olympic Sports Center and sleeping directly, I went to pick him up specially. He was so tired that he got into the car and lay down on the passenger seat. Then when I drove the car to Beichen Bridge and got on the Fourth Ring Road, he suddenly said: You marry me give it to me……"

"You just agreed?"


Yang Mi responded:

"It just happened. That day, I was at the Olympics and saw the results of his hard work over the past two years... I was so excited... that... ah, my boyfriend is so good... …”


After hearing Wang Minmin's summary, her eyes sparkled, she nodded heavily, and said with a kind of belated joy:

"Yes, that kind of joy is like a key. Maybe at that moment, our hearts were connected. So after I agreed to him, I didn't even have any joy in my heart, I just felt... natural. Naturally I agreed to everything...and then he played me a song...it wasn't a love song."

"what is that?"

Yang Mi suddenly felt disgusted:

“Until the End of the World by Slam Dunk…”


"Including this proposal. When we were in Thailand, he suddenly said to me: Let's get married. Because he had just called his friend at that time and heard that there is no divorce in Ireland... So the two of us immediately transferred to Ireland. We were originally going to Thailand for a trip... but who knew that I was still unmarried on my household register before going out, but when I came back, I became married... hahaha~"

She smiled happily.

But... anyone can sense what kind of joy and trust there is in this seemingly casual proposal of marriage.

Feeling this emotion, Wang Minmin concluded:

"So, regarding the process from engagement to marriage...can I sum it up in these four words: 'it will happen naturally'?"

"absolutely okay."

Yang Mi gave the answer very definitely.

"Then...where is Director Xu?"

Seeing that it was Yang Mi who was talking all the time, Wang Minmin couldn't help but ask Xu Xin who was aside.

You can't just say a word, can you?

But who would have thought that after she asked...Xu Xin nodded:

"She's right."


Seeing this, Wang Minmin, who had nothing to say, had no choice but to ask Yang Mi again:

"Wouldn't that feel a bit... unromantic?"

"What is romance?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi asked back.

Then, without Wang Minmin needing to answer, she said to herself:

"I know that the definition of romance may be different from person to person. Some people may think...ah, whether it's a proposal, a wedding, or an engagement ceremony, there must be some flowers to pave the way, or let all relatives and friends witness the blessings. , or have such a romantic ceremony... Of course I like it too. To be honest, I also think this is very romantic. But..."

Suddenly, she shook her head slightly and pointed at Xu Xin next to her:

"He's a very introverted person."




Let alone others, Xu Xin himself was speechless.

Seeing everyone's speechless expressions, Yang Mi quickly said:

"Really, don't believe it, he is one of those very thin-skinned people. I really can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for him to really propose to me on that occasion... I'm not talking about that kind of discomfort, It's the kind of discomfort and unnaturalness.

Therefore, I feel that there is no need to aggrieve one party when it comes to engagements and proposals. The important thing is not how romantic the process is, but the important thing is... the person you are engaged to, propose to, and get married to is him, and it's fine as long as it's him. Romance is not necessarily a flash of fireworks, it is too short-lived. I prefer to see the steady flow of true knowledge in ordinary places. "

Speaking of this, she once again emphasized her tone:

"So, for me, the person who proposes to me...is just him. If it is him, it is the most extreme romance in the world!"




Including Wang Minmin.

Everyone was mysteriously silent.

Don't know what to say...

Just vaguely, everyone felt that there was something strange in their mouths.

Smash it, smash it...


So damn sweet!

"Then... what about Director Xu? What does Director Xu think?"


Xu Xin, who was immersed in emotion, came back to his senses...

In fact, he didn't mean not to give face or answer.

But I really feel that there is nothing wrong with what my wife said.

Every answer touched his heart, and there was no need to add anything.

Therefore, facing Wang Minmin's words, Xu Xin gave the same answer:

"Well, she's right!"


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