I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 303 301 Public and Private (33)

Chapter 303 301. Public and Private (33)

"Brother Qian'er, I just filled it up, why don't we take a break?"

"Haha, that's not possible, I've already picked up the wine."

"Come on, brother Qian'er, thank you for your hard work."

"Brother Qi, what about this cup?"

"Nothing to say, this is the end of the relationship, let's do it!"


"Director Xu, I have to stand up to drink this glass of wine..."

"No, Sister Bingbing, let's sit down and drink slowly..."

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang...Teacher Zhang Hanyu! You are a teacher, don't teach me like this..."

"The teacher told you to drink. Do you want to drink?"


After Yang Mi left, the balance of the atmosphere completely tilted towards the warm side.

The first person to bear the brunt is him, the director.

What's more, he is still the one who organized the game today.

He is also a couple with "Gu Xiaomeng".

All the drinks that the two of them should drink were piled on him alone.

After two laps, the small pound of wine had already entered his stomach.

Fortunately, I had eaten a lot when the hot dishes were served just now, so I had something to cushion my stomach.

Then before coming up, Zhang Jiao also brought him a box of that particularly sticky yogurt.

Otherwise, it is estimated that with just this round of effort, others will be in trouble.

But as the saying goes, people feel refreshed when happy events occur.

"The Wind" did well at the box office, and his drinking capacity has obviously increased.

As soon as she sat down, she received a towel from Liang Binning:

"Here, wipe it."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded and took it.

After he made a show of being a director, Qi Lei also stood up with a cup in hand.

As the representative of "Party A", he naturally had to express his opinions.

So, I followed Director Xu's example and played another round...

Then it was the actors' turn.

As the big brother, Yu Xuan played a role.

Zhang Hanyu also has a good drinking capacity.

Huang Xiaoming is not bad at drinking...

We went around like this for a few rounds, eating, drinking and chatting. I don’t know how much others drank. Xu Xin’s bottle of Moutai was clean, and there was not much left in the second bottle.

Everyone at the table was blushing.

Coupled with the fact that Yu Xuanzai never lacked for topics, he and Zhang Hanyu quickly recounted all the anecdotes about raising pigeons and birds among the so-called "Stubborn Masters of the Capital".

Those who heard the turmoil in those early years were stunned for a moment.

After several laps, when Liang Binning finally sat down, classmate Xiao Zhao had been pushed to the sofa by Zhang Jiao and fell asleep unconsciously.

Others were swaying too.

Including Xu Xin.

At this time, Xu Xin, who was holding a cigarette, saw Liu Yifei, who had hardly spoken all night, but was in a daze.

She actually has a pretty good drinking capacity...

But it just looks like it's very wilted.

If you ask her, she will drink.

If you don't look for her, she has no sense of existence.

When Xu Xin looked at her, she seemed to notice that someone was looking at her.

When I looked up and saw Xu Xin, the seat became vacant after Yang Mi left the table.

Liu Yifei thought about it for a moment, then walked over with the wine pitcher and cups.

Sitting on Yang Mi's seat, she filled up her wine glass.

He took another look at Xu Xin's half-full cup of wine and said:

"Can you just drink less?"


Xu Xin blew a puff of smoke on his head, took his own wine flask, filled his own glass and lifted it up:

"How can I owe you a drink? Last time, we promised to have dinner together... But today, Jingtian is away and is going home for the holidays. If she were here, we would have to have a drink with you. Last time I was with She went to dinner and that's why she broke the appointment. Come on, just apologize."

He picked up the cup.

After the two had a drink together, Xu Xin shouted again:

"Jiaojiao, bring me a new pair of chopsticks."

On the side, Liang Binning, who was chatting with Huang Xiaoming across Liu Yifei, turned her head and glanced. After realizing it was Liu Yifei, she stopped paying attention.

Obviously, Liu Yifei was not in her eyes.

As for her feud with Hua Yi, she is even less interested.

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he asked:

"how are things?"

From the day of the premiere to now...or from the time they met until now, the two of them haven't had much communication.

Liu Yifei shook her head slightly.

Perhaps because of the liquor, her face also turned red:

"not too good."


Xu Xin didn't expect that although her voice was not loud, she could be so straightforward.

But fortunately, at this time, the wine has passed the three rounds of food and the five flavors have passed.

Everyone was talking about their own things, so they didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two.

We are all human beings, and we all know what we should listen to and what we should not listen to.

Faced with her response, Xu Xin might have drunk too much at the moment...

When he drinks, he doesn't like to use his brain.

I find it very troublesome to use my brain.

So I simply asked directly:

"Regret it?"


Liu Yifei was stunned...

Xu Xin seemed to have realized what he was talking about and nodded:

"I... don't know. I don't know that I joined... Huayi."

When she said this, she lowered her voice even more:

"Would it be different?"

"At least it's better than now, that's the truth."

Xu Xin put out the cigarette, but his tone didn't change much:

"But, all this is in vain. There is no regret medicine in this world, isn't it? Now you should think about what to do in the future...get involved in Hong Kong circles? Tsk."

He shook his head:

"This is not ten years ago... Now it has been reversed. They have too much time to take care of themselves. You have a bright future and a good hand of cards, but now you can only go there. I really can't understand what you are thinking... You Don’t blame me for speaking outright, just think I drank too much.”

He seemed to feel that his words were a bit harsh, so he added a special sentence.


Liu Yifei said nothing.

I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

And Xu Xin also knows the virtue of drinking too much.

If you don't like to use your brain, your words can easily hurt others.

So he can usually control his temper when drinking outside.

Or maybe it was a situation that he really couldn't avoid. At this juncture, he started to shut up.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard Liu Yifei say:

"I actually... really want to come to you and Mimi's place."


Xu Xin's drunken eyes instantly regained some clarity.

"Then come. After all, you are also a great Bodhisattva. Come to our small temple, which is what we both want. But..."

There was no need for Liu Yifei to speak again. Reason gradually began to gain the upper hand. After driving away the alcohol and chaos, he continued:

"I'm pessimistic about whether you can come."


"Because you are not alone."

As soon as he said these words, Liu Yifei's first reaction was that he missed three words - fighting.

But immediately after the second reaction, he understood what Xu Xin meant.

"Is... godfather?"


Xu Xin really didn't hold back now.

Laughed out loud.


He waved his hands to apologize, shook his head and said:

"I laughed, not because of...him...well. That's wrong...but because of him? It doesn't seem like...well, let's put it this way."

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Xin said simply and roughly:

"Leave aside your status as a director. For me personally, if you do...well, Mr. Chen is not a rich man."


Liu Yifei didn't know what to say for a moment.

Looking at her expression, Xu Xin lit another cigarette for himself.

He blew out a puff of smoke, hid his eyes in the smoke and narrowed his eyes before saying:

"Maybe it seems rich to others... but at least not to me. And when I tell you this, I'm not saying how rich I am, but I want to express one thing... Yang Mi is a very generous person to her friends. A person who hates seeing friends in trouble. She will also talk to me about your affairs, but if you pay close attention, you will find that she never tells you anything about your career. She only cares about you. In life. Right?"


"Actually, it's not difficult for me to help you. Xiying Film Studio took the initiative to invite you to act in a series or something, and you were able to revitalize yourself. Do you admit this... do you admit it?"


"Guess whether Yang Mi mentioned it to me?"



Xu Xin nodded:

"I mentioned it several times, but I rejected it all. And the help I can give you... is all in this movie. Do you know the difference between these two points?"

After hearing this, Liu Yifei thought for a while and then said:

"One is Xiying Studio, and the other is you personally."


Xu Xin responded and quietly moved closer to Liu Yifei.

And this time, the fairy sister, who had never been rumored to have an affair with a man in the eyes of outsiders, also took the initiative to move closer to him.

It's not that the two of them want to have any intimate actions, but purely. She knows that maybe... Xu Xin doesn't want others to hear what she said.

Even their voices were low enough.

"From the perspective of the factory... First, I have the right to speak, but... I am not representing myself, understand? From the perspective of the factory, if I help you, the factory will help you. And the factory Helping you, we are mutually beneficial. But... in front of Huayi and Tangren, everyone knows that no matter whether you are this kind of person or not, the person standing behind you is this kind of person.

You only think about yourself and never think about others. Therefore, whether you say it offends the public or whether it is not worth it... from the perspective of the factory, I have no reason to help you. Because this is destined to be a one-sided transaction, who would make a deal destined to lose money? "


Liu Yifei was silent.


Can't even argue.

Because it's true.

An undeniable fact.

"I am at Xiying Studio, and I am part of the collective. I cannot make a decision that I know will harm the interests of the collective, but still care about it in vain."


"But personally, since you are in trouble, okay, then you come. Others don't dare to want you, they don't dare to find you, or they ban you for some reason. OK, it doesn't matter, you don't need it, then I will use it. Although this I didn’t give you too many roles in this drama, but... I have made the best trade-offs under the rules of the factory and the circle. And I help you without asking for anything in return. This is the difference~ "

Holding cigarettes between their arms, the distance between the two of them was very close.

Liu Yifei could easily smell the smell of smoke.

As for the alcohol...

She drank too, so she couldn't smell it.

Automatically blocked.

But she understands...

The other party didn't lie.

What was originally a friendly guest appearance has become a "starring role", which is already a great deal.

Now even people in Hong Kong don’t dare to use themselves.

But unfortunately, in a tribute film that broke records one after another, he was mentioned as the starring role.

As a friend, the other party has indeed done his best.

At this time, she heard Xu Xin say again:

"So, it's not that I don't help, I also welcome your arrival. Yang Mi also hopes that you can come... But, so what? First... I am actually quite dissatisfied. Because Yang Mi took Sun Ting away after she became pregnant. They were transferred to your place to help you. But... friends, I can understand. Besides... I also heard that you were sucked by the people around you every day... Do you still remember when we first met?"

"...Well, in the gym."

"Yes, at that time I felt that there were so many people around you...or that there were so many useless people. But now that this happens, it is unexpected and reasonable. But in the final analysis, as a bystander, you Let me say, it’s actually just one point. The people around you... are all second-guessing. Including Aunt Liu... I don’t mean as a mother, but as your agent or assistant. She and you My godfather doesn’t know anything at all, so he’s fooling around here! You didn’t even kill Huang Shengyi, the fourth little actress, and you were ranked third... When I saw that ranking, I was dumbfounded!"


"Unprofessional people who do unprofessional things will end up like this. In fact... you should feel lucky."

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Xu Xin's tone didn't sound mean.

But every word is heartbreaking:

"You know people in the mines, if they meet such unprofessional people... it will cost their lives! If nothing else, if the old miner discovers that the team leader going down the mine, or a certain supervisor is a layman... he He packed up his bed and ran away with a bucket all night long ago. No matter how much money he was given, he didn’t bring anything to dry!

So... In my opinion, your situation is that a coal mine that has already had a mining accident is still riddled with holes, but the leadership team is still continuing to use the same set of people who caused the mine to have accidents... Then I just I can say that this kind of mine... quite deserves it... Of course, I am just discussing the matter and talking about the mine. I am not saying that you deserve it. You just understand what I mean. "

"Then what do you think I should do now?...I don't know if Mimi has told you or not, my godfather and I..."


Before she finished speaking, Xu Xin nodded:

"From the perspective of friends, I support you, and Yang Mi also supports you. But... we can only stand by and watch. Do you know why?"

Without waiting for her answer, Xu Xin concluded again:

"Because it is your family matter. Any external force that played a role in this incident will become a thorn in the heart of Aunt Liu or your godfather after your relationship is reconciled. After all, you It's not a working relationship, the most essential relationship is that of mother and daughter. It can't be broken~

That's why I'm telling you, we can't help you, we can only rely on you... To put it bluntly, even if you come here, we can't let someone who may start a fire in the backyard at any time to disturb our originally clear water. The turbid chaos...

For example, if you come here, you will definitely be equipped with professionals from all walks of life. Whether it's your career plan or something else, everything should be based on professional standards. Talk about business in business, be in your position, and plan your politics. Everyone just needs to do their job...

But if you want to do something like a family bond, the company will put forward a plan, but before anything happens, a very unprofessional person will jump out to confront you... You can tell yourself, did you find an artist to come over, or did you do it? Find a father or an ancestor to come and provide for you? Why bother? Maybe we won’t even be friends in the end. So... no need to. "

Waving his hand, he looked at the call from Wang Sicong on his phone that was set to vibrate.

I know they should have started over there too.

So, I took the initiative to end today’s topic:

"This is what I say to you from the bottom of my heart as a friend, a bystander, an outsider, and...the boss of a company, so to speak. I mean, I drank too much...my words may not be pleasant to hear, but you try to tolerate them. Bear with it. Because...the truth does hurt sometimes, but its starting point is definitely not bad...Go back and think about it. Now let's prepare for the next one and have a good time~Haha...Hello?"

"Hurry up, come on, Lao Zhou is going to kill you!"

"Hahahaha... okay, just wait."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at everyone who was drinking about the same amount:

"Everyone, let's change places to have fun for a while?"

Yu Xuan and Zhang Hanyu didn't go.

The two of them went to find a place to drink tea.

But before leaving, Xu Xin still asked the cook to serve some hard dishes.

This is brought back for the sesame cakes.

When your brother eats well, you can't forget about your fat brother, right?

Qi Lei didn't go either.

Not that he was a spoiler.

I really drank too much...

Anyway, at the end of the day, the rest are young people.

Liang Binning is also there.

As for those who have drunk too much, make proper arrangements when they need to be properly arranged, and say goodbye when they need to say goodbye.

As for a finished thing like Zhao Liying...

Xu Xin sighed.

He waved his hand to Zhang Jiao and said with disgust:

"Tell her tomorrow morning: Director Xu is very angry because she is useless. Scare, scare, scare her!"

Zhang Jiao was speechless.

I muttered to myself, Brother Xu, you are really bad.

Then he left with his friends.

And because Yang Mi drove away a commercial car in advance, Xu Xin got into the same car as Yang Ying and Lin Xin.

When I was about to get in the car, suddenly, there was a knock on the car window.

Xu Xin took a look and opened the car door:

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Let's share a car? I want to talk to you about something."

Huang Xiaoming said.


Upon hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"How about I get in your car?"

"No, it's nothing shameful."

"Okay... Lin Gou, run somewhere."


Lin Xinxin responded and sat directly in the passenger seat.

The position of the entire car becomes:

Cheng Hu, Lin Xin.

Xu Xin, Huang Xiaoming.

Yang Ying.

After Huang Xiaoming got in the car, he asked:

"Where are we going to play?"

"I don't know where that place is. My friend has reserved a place there, and Jie Lun and the others are waiting there."

"Ah?...Then why don't we eat together tonight?"

"They were busy with the sound thing over there. They just got together after finishing their work."

Huang Xiaoming nodded and then asked:

"The Voice... I think it's been quite popular recently. The lineup of four judges is really impressive. BEYOND is a legendary band... and there are Han Hong and Dao Lang. Have you found a host?"


Xu Xin shook his head, then pointed back:

"No, the assistant coffee is here."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming looked back, nodded to Yang Ying with a smile, and then said:

"Our movie... I don't know if it can surpass "The Great Cause"."

"It's definitely unbeatable."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"How is that possible? There are so many celebrities... Senior Brother, who do you play in it?"


"...Good guy."

"It's just a few shots, but... it's true, the lineup is really luxurious."

Huang Xiaoming was a little emotional.

I heard Xu Xin say:

"Actually, this film has a greater symbolic meaning for actors. Being in it means that your status as a serious person has been consolidated. Senior brother, are you not allowed to treat me to dinner?"

What he said was true.

But it's also true.

"The Great Cause" is not something that just cats and dogs can play.


Huang Xiaoming smiled happily.

Especially happy.

After Xu Xin finished holding the cup, he said:

"By the way...do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well...I plan to set up my own studio."


Xu Xin's first reaction was: Is our relationship so close already?

Just tell yourself that it’s okay…

Brother, there is someone else in this car.

However, the second reaction is...

"Want to leave Huayi?"

"Of course not. But... Liang Binning's incident has also been a wake-up call within the company. I'm just telling you about this matter. With her walking in front, the company has also discovered that this is the best way to reduce risks. . So in the future, there may be a large number of people setting up their own studios. Mimi has already established her own company. Although I don’t know your business ideas, I can give you some reference."

It was like reminding Xu Xin about Liu Yifei at the Northeast BBQ.

He said this.

But after he said this, Lin Xingxin in front and Yang Ying in the back both had strange eyes...

Because of this line of thinking, Sister Mi had already said it when she signed the contract with them.

And looking at it this way...

Sister Mi’s thinking seems to be very advanced?

Even more advanced than the people in Huayi!

While he was thinking about it, he heard Xu Xin nod:

"I understand... Or it has to be my senior brother! I didn't drink the wine in vain today... No, I have to arrange a big one for my senior brother later!"

"Hahahaha... don't, I'll just drink some beer and chat for a while. After a round of fighting today, my stomach is churning."

"That won't work. We already agreed that we won't come home until we're drunk today. Who's a coward? You're a puppy!"


The conversation between the two was extremely pleasant.

But Yang Ying and Lin Xingxin were quite emotional...

Especially Lin Xinxin.

Pretend you just knew something you already knew.

There is no mountain and no dew.


Lao Xu is still awesome...

The leader owes 4 updates.

Thank you for your support!

The third update is sent sincerely!

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