I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 345 343 College Student Image Exhibition and Decadence

Chapter 345 343. College Student Image Exhibition and Decadence

Xu Xin said to continue, and then Li Ruichao said:

"Director Xu, it's like this. We have tried to extend this script in different directions... I have shown you several versions before... But as you said, its theme revolves around As the story of the bartender and the child unfolds, we try to start from opposites, such as the process of misunderstanding and reconciliation between the two. Then we both belong to the "unfortunate" group in society, and they warm each other..."

"Let's get to the point, screenwriter Li."

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I have already read these script extensions. Let's just talk about the reason why you called me here today."

He couldn't see what was so unspeakable about such a thing.

After listening to this, Li Ruichao opened his mouth...

Finally, he said as if he was risking his life:

"We feel that... no matter how this story is extended in any aspect, the fragile storyline of the story itself and the relationship between the two marginalized people cannot meet Director Xu's requirements..."


Xu Xin said nothing.

Just keep listening.

Li Ruichao didn't know whether he should continue talking.

This made him glance at Yao Tingting subconsciously.

But Yao Tingting didn't look at him. Instead, she lowered her head as if reading the script.

As a last resort, he could only raise his head again.

"Director Xu, I was inspired by your work "Not Drunk". Then... I tried to deconstruct the script and found that... maybe... it would be more appropriate to just... shoot... a short film."

I stuttered at the end of the sentence.

But he still insisted on finishing his words, and then...

That is to say, his eyes are small and Xu Xin cannot see clearly.

Otherwise, you can definitely see how panicked he is.

I had to panic.

Buy the script for tens of thousands of dollars and finally make a short film?

? ? ?

What to do with money?

This is the first problem.

The second thing is... if the first job is handed over to you, it will be smashed. How can we cooperate in the future?

Is it because of a lack of ability?

These practical problems are before us. The screenwriting team understands them, and Xu Xin actually understands them too.

However, after Xu Xin listened to the opinions of the screenwriter team, he did not express any eagerness to deny or be dissatisfied. He just looked around and looked at the few people in front of him and asked:

"Does everyone feel this way?"

Several people looked at each other...

Then they nodded in unison.

Seeing their reactions, Xu Xin's eyes fell on Yao Tingting:

"Screenwriter Yao, what do you think?"


Yao Tingting hesitated for a moment before saying:

"It's not that it can't be changed, it's just that the content of the story after the changes may not meet Director Xu's expectations."

These are her exact words.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said with a smile:

"I'm quite curious as to how everyone reached this consensus. Screenwriter Yao, was this your idea?"

Yao Tingting did not hesitate now, but looked directly at Li Ruichao.

Apparently, this was his idea.

After being glanced at by her, Li Ruichao seemed to have "given up on treatment."

He nodded proactively and said:

"Director Xu, it's my idea. Because after trying several ideas, we found the requirement to emphasize storytelling and resonate through stories... With the fragile connection of a child and a bartender, let's not talk about you. , it can’t even meet our internal requirements. But I must admit that its main story is actually very touching... and I think the edited content is more impactful than extending it. That’s why I proposed it This suggestion~"

While talking, Sun Ting had already walked in.

He hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Then let's take another version of the short film story. I still have the same requirements. First, the content of the story must be grounded. Second, the connection between the child and the waitress is not superficial, but through each person. The stacking of small stories and small buttons comes naturally and presents a natural state. Third..."

After finishing several requests at the same time and waiting until everyone had recorded them all on their laptops or notepads, Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay, let's just say this first. I look forward to everyone's wonderful stories. Don't be so stressed, come on."

"Thank you, Director Xu..."

Hearing Li Ruichao's words, Xu Xin responded:

"Well, go get ready, come on."

This means the meeting is dismissed.

Soon, a group of people took their cups and left the conference room.

Only then did the secretary bring him the cold brew oolong he wanted to drink.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry it was a little late to bring your tea."

"Well, it doesn't matter. You can go out first."

He motioned to the secretary to go out first.

As soon as Sun Ting heard the meaning of these words, she knew that Brother Xu wanted to talk to her about something.

Subconsciously he took out his notepad from his bag.

When the secretary closed the door, Xu Xin's first words were:

"This screenwriter Yao Tingting will no longer cooperate with me in the future."


Sun Ting was stunned.

Although he didn't stop writing, after finishing writing this article, he still subconsciously asked:

"Did she hit you?"

"That's not the case."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"It's just that I don't like people like her."

Recalling the questions he asked the other party in succession just now, the first question he asked was "what do you think", and Yao Tingting's answer was "it's not that it can't be changed."

In fact, what he meant by asking this question was very simple.

Your script, your story, when it's time to explain it, what's going on if you let a college student explain it?

If the decision is made by your screenwriting team, then as the script writer, you have to show your attitude and stand up and speak out, instead of pushing a college student out.


Help you take the blame?

It's not appropriate.

But Yao Tingting's answer, from the sentence "It's not that it can't be changed", is equivalent to selling out everyone in the team.

"They agreed to change the short film."

"It's not like I can't change the feature film here."

From the moment she said these words, Xu Xin knew that she had betrayed everyone.

Even if she makes up for it later.

What is the consensus of the team?

But what's the use?

Your team, your work, your kids.

You don't stand up and tell me personally, but let others do it?

This is the first point.

And the second point is that he is already reminding Yao Tingting.

That’s why I asked, “What’s your idea?”

If it's your idea, come and talk to me in person.

As a result, she looked at Li Ruichao again.

As a script creator, you should stand up no matter what the team's decision is.

Rather than passing the responsibility onto others.

Yes, Li Ruichao is just a college student.

You just met in an online chat group.

Maybe he is just an inconsequential scapegoat to you.

But if the leader takes advantage, the subordinates will take the blame.

Such an irresponsible person...

As a child who grew up in a coal mine, he really couldn't accept it.

If you don't have a sense of responsibility as a leader, how can you expect the people under you to work responsibly?

The mine is different from other places.

If something goes wrong, someone will die.

Therefore, from the moment she continuously passed the blame to others, Xu Xin completely rejected her in his heart.

Looking at Tingting, Xu Xin thought for a while and repeated what happened before.

As expected, Sun Ting frowned after hearing this:

"This man...isn't he shirking his responsibility?"

"When a leader cannot take the lead and lead by example... Do you understand? It's the same for you. As a leader, the first rule is to make everyone convinced of you. If you are one of your own, you will stir the pot and your brothers. If you are treated as a chess piece that can be sacrificed at any time, then..."

He didn't continue.

But Sun Ting already understood what Brother Xu meant.


"I understand. What about Li Ruichao? Do you think he..."

"too small."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Tell him that after the completion of "The Deal", the company hopes that he can go back to complete his studies. But it does not mean that he will not cooperate. On the contrary, Director Xu admires him very much. If there are some works in the future, or after graduation, No matter what his plans are, Shuangwei welcomes him at any time... It's okay, he's quite responsible. This kind of person... will never be bad no matter what in the future. Of course, it's just a suggestion. If he listens to it, he will listen to it. If he doesn't listen... he won't do it in the future. Give him a life.”

"Okay, I understand."

After Sun Ting wrote down all the key points in her notebook, she suddenly said:

"Brother Xu, what a coincidence."


"The University Student Image Festival is coming to you to invite you to shoot an opening short film to be used as the opening screening of the 2010 Image Festival, and to invite you to participate in the film review of the Image Festival next June as one of the main judges of the Image Festival."


Xu Xin was a little surprised and pointed at himself:

"Me? Judge?"


Sun Ting nodded:

"I also specifically asked why you were chosen. They said that the College Student Film Festival is a film selection by college students. The annual selection invites outstanding college students from some colleges and universities to attend and serve. And you are currently a college student in the film and television industry. The most accomplished person as a director, so I would like to invite you to participate..."


Xu Xin rubbed his chin and thought for a while...

"Invite me to shoot the opening video?"

"Yes... they said they would pay for the expenses, including filming, personnel, transportation and horse fees. However... due to limited funds, they cannot provide you with a lot of remuneration..."

"Ha, that's not necessary."

Xu Xin waved his hands and said nonchalantly:

"I still feel bad about making money from students...Okay, I agreed. If the script of "Deal" is condensed, the story will indeed be much better than if it is stretched. If the script is satisfactory, the short film will not take long."

After hearing this, Sun Ting thought for a while and asked:

"Then do you want to tell Sister Yifei? After all..."

Xu Xin smiled:

"Where do you think she has the largest fan base?"


Sun Ting immediately understood what he meant.

"Then I ask Sister Zeng to communicate with her?"


Xu Xin nodded:


"I'm sorry, Screenwriter Li. This was not my intention, but Director Xu's."

Holding the phone, Li Ruichao was a little dazed and asked subconsciously:

"Am I fired?"

"On the contrary, screenwriter Lee."

Sun Ting also patiently explained:

"Among the writing team of "The Deal", I have never heard that Director Xu attaches as much importance to any screenwriter as you do."

"Since you attach great importance to it, why did you let me go? I..."

"Because Director Xu thinks that you are a responsible person. He believes that your ability is not just that simple. If you can successfully complete your studies, then with your responsibility, you will be successful in the film and television industry or elsewhere. as.

Therefore, Director Xu hopes that you can go back to complete your studies and has given a guarantee. After you graduate, if you want to continue coming here, Shuangwei Entertainment will always open the door to you. This is Director Xu’s personal commitment. At the same time, he also hopes that you will not give up on your dreams and maintain your strong desire to create. If you have any good stories, bring them over and I will hand them over to Director Xu directly over the others. "


Listening to the personal assurance given by the legendary "under one man" of the company, Li Ruichao suddenly became confused.

"Really...don't fire me?"

"Of course, you will continue to participate in "The Deal" and we will pay the fees as usual. It's just that Director Xu hopes that you can return to your studies in time after the script is completed."


Seeing that he was still hesitant, Sun Ting continued:

"Screenwriter Li, if we are deceiving you, we don't need to go to such trouble. We just need to tell you that we are done with the cooperation. I don't dare to use Director Xu's name to fool you. And the suggestion I just told you, They all come from Director Xu. Of course, Director Xu is not forcing you to go back, and he has not restricted your personal freedom. So, please think about it carefully. Is that okay?"

"...Okay, I understand. Thank you, Mr. Sun."

"Screenwriter Li is too polite. That's it for now. I'll hang up first."

"Yeah, okay, hang up first."

The phone hangs up. Li Ruichao looked at the fried cake in front of him...

In one moment, I tasted all kinds of flavors.

I don’t know if it’s sweet or bitter.

After thinking for a while, he shouted to the boss behind the counter of the snack bar:

"Boss, have a bottle of beer."


In the blink of an eye, the two little guys have spent more than ten days and nights with their parents.

Kids... it's so fun.

I don’t know if it’s because of his own cubs, but one of the things Xu Xin, who has always cared little about other children, likes to do now is to watch his son and daughter in a daze when they wake up.

Just watching the siblings blink, open their mouths, and occasionally put fingers into their palms to watch their instinctive grasp...

Everything made Xu Xin feel that life was better than ever.

According to the complex equation of time relativity, happy time is always so short.

On the warm and sunny seventeenth day, Xu Xin boarded a plane to Nanchang.

Today is October 27th.

The 28th, that is, tomorrow, is the award ceremony of the 27th Golden Rooster Awards.

"The Wind" won five heavyweight nominations: "Best Picture", "Best Director", "Best Actor", "Best Actress", and "Best Art".

Moreover, there is more than one nomination for "Best Actress".

The leading actors were nominated by Huang Xiaoming and Wang Zhiwen, while the leading actresses were Yang Mi and Liang Binning.

Known as one of the best ensemble dramas in recent years, Xu Xin's control over the character has been proven through this movie.

However, when the nomination was announced, everyone's first reaction was actually surprise.

But the second reaction is that of surprise followed by reason.

The reason is actually very simple. Zhang Hanyu of "The Wind" was not nominated.

In the ensemble drama "The Wind", there are actually only five people who can be called the protagonists.

Li Ningyu, Gu Xiaomeng, Wu Zhiguo, Wang Tianxiang, and Takeda.

Or to distinguish it in a strict sense, Wang Tianxiang is more like a supporting role.

But no one dares to really see him as a supporting role.

His role is not only brilliant, but also one of the rhythm points that drives the entire story.

Moreover, Wang Zhiwen's acting skills in this drama are obvious to all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the protagonist.

But that doesn't mean that Zhang Hanyu's acting skills are not good.

Just because... although the Golden Rooster Award does not share pork like the Huabiao Award, it still has to have weight.

As one of the rivals of "The Wind" in "Assembly", Zhang Hanyu's Gu Zidi contributed a higher level of performance in "Assembly". It is natural for him to be nominated for "Best Actor" through "Assembly".

This time, a total of eight people came to "The Wind" including the crew.

They are Huang Xiaoming, Yu Xuan, Su Youpeng, Liang Binning, Wang Zhiwen, as well as Xu Xin, Li Pingdong and Guo Zhengyi.

Xu Xin was the last one to arrive.

After getting off the plane, we were taken by car to the hotel hosting the Golden Rooster Awards.

The climate in Nanchang is not bad, not as hot as he imagined.

After all, it’s November weather too.

The weather was around 20 degrees, so it was quite comfortable to stay.

It was noon when he arrived, and as soon as he took Sun Ting to the hotel, Yu Xuan's phone rang.

"Are you here? Are you here? Hurry."

Listening to Big Brother's urging, Xu Xin said helplessly:

"Brother, I just arrived at the hotel... Can you let me put down my things before I go?"

"Hey, what are you putting there? Hurry up, the third floor, box 12, it's crazy. You don't want the money, do you?"

have to.

Big Brother has said so, what else can he say?

He said something to Sun Ting:

"You can send my things to the room. I'll go up to the third floor to drink. You can make lunch by yourself."


Sun Ting nodded and quickly went to complete the formalities.

Xu Xin took the elevator directly to the third floor of the hotel. After entering, he told the waiter about the private room and was quickly led to a wooden door.

Before he opened the door, he heard bursts of laughter inside.

After opening the door, they saw Wang Zhiwen, Yu Xuan, Zhang Hanyu, and Wu Gang, talking and laughing happily, and there were two familiar faces sitting next to them.

Huang Bo.

This one is purely familiar.

And the other one is familiar whom I haven’t seen for a long time.

Liu Ye.

These people were sitting on the fat sofa in the box, not sitting down, just in casual postures. Some were smoking cigarettes and holding tea.

After Xu Xin opened the door, Yu Xuan was the first to react:

"Hey, here we are..."

Because he was holding a cigarette, he pointed at Xu Xin. Before the others could react, Xu Xin had already walked towards Liu Ye.

Yang Mi and Xu Xin talked about Liu Ye's behavior when they met Zhang Weiping backstage at the premiere of "Golden Armor".

So she always calls Liu Ye "brother".

Neither of them are the kind of people who just forget about favors.

At the beginning, he was so gentle that he could sit between Zhang Weiping and Yang Mi, acting as a relaxation zone and giving Yang Mi a comfortable step to walk down... Yang Mi really remembered this affection.

In the same way, as someone who protected his wife for him, Xu Xin was equally grateful and kind after seeing him.

At his wedding on July 5 this year, Yang Mi was inconvenient to appear in the public eye because of her pregnancy, so she specially sent a pair of Suzhou embroidered mandarin ducks to express her apology.

Therefore, the first thing he said when he opened the door was to say hello to Liu Ye.


"Brother. Long time no see."

Liu Ye was stunned by this title.

But it's not unfamiliar.

Although when everyone was in "Golden Armor", strictly speaking, Xiao Xu and Mimi were... well, let's just say they were not in the industry.

But inside and outside the crew, including his impressions of the two of them, as well as the relationship between Yang Mi and him in the following years, he didn't feel alienated at all. Instead, he stood up with a smile and opened his arms.

I want to hug Xu Xin.

Xu Xin greeted him with a smile.

After a hug, Liu Yecai asked:

"How is my sister?"

"I can eat and sleep, so I'm fine."

"Haha, that's fine."

When he let go of himself, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"I'm late, I'm late...I'll have to punish myself later. I'll just punish myself by a pound and a half."

"Hey, are you addicted to alcohol?"

Yu Xuan praised him instinctively.


Xu Xin smiled and nodded, and said hello to everyone, including Wu Gang, who in two scenes of "The Wind" made people remember "three needles, signatures, and drawings". Finally, he stretched out his hand to Huang Bo:

"Hello, Brother Bo."

"Hey, I don't dare to take it seriously."

Huang Bo was very polite. He was obviously much older than Xu Xin, but he still bowed slightly and said:

"Hello, Director Xu."

He bowed his waist and Xu Xin raised his hands.

Then Huang Bo was stunned and quickly took up his other hand.

After the two of them got to know each other, no one was rude and no one lost their status, Xu Xincai said:

"I also thought that the dishes were all ordered, so I came and took my seat right away. Who are you waiting for?"

"Don't wait for anyone, just serve the food."

With a wave of his hand, everyone began to take their seats.

There is no emphasis on seniority, just sit casually.

However, as the person who organized the situation, Yu Xuan naturally sat on the main seat.

After sitting down and asking, I found out that Wu Gang, Huang Bo, and Liu Ye were nominated for the movie "Iron Man".

There are indeed many tribute films this year.

So the competition is particularly fierce.

However, the fact that these people can appear in today's game means that they are at least more or less related to Yu Xuan, and everyone is familiar with them.

Although Xu Xin is younger, fortunately they are both men.

There is no smell of gunpowder or anything like that.

Just serve wine normally, chat normally and talk normally.

Yu Xuan had already arranged the banquet in advance, so after Xu Xin arrived, the hot and cold dishes were served in less than five minutes.

It's quite embarrassing to say.

Xu Xin always thought that Three Cup Chicken was a crooked dish.

Because the first time he ate it was at the night market over there in Wanwan.

Unexpectedly, it is a special dish of Nanchang.

Adding steamed pork with rice noodles, simmering soup in a clay pot, etc.

For Xu Xin, who came to Nanchang for the first time, the attraction was particularly great.

"Come on, let's go first."

The food was served and the wine was filled. I don't know if he was greedy for wine or what, but Yu Xuan, whose face was glowing, picked up the cup.

Everyone responded in unison.

After a glass of wine, we all started picking up vegetables.

At this moment, Huang Bo's phone suddenly rang.

He didn't want to answer the call at first, but when he saw the caller, he stood up and said:

"Sorry, let me take a call first."

Others didn't think much about it.

I was thinking that there might be something that I couldn't discuss at the dinner table.

After about a few minutes, Huang Bo walked into the house again.

After looking at Xu Xin with a... somewhat obscure look, he said tentatively:

"Brother Qian'er, Ning Hao is coming over, is it convenient?"

"It's convenient, haha. Then hurry up and catch up."

Yu Xuan pointed at the wine glass with a smile.

Huang Bo nodded:

"Haha, okay. Then I'll call him over now."

As he spoke, he took his cell phone and seemed to send a message to Ning Hao.

But a trace of doubt flashed through Xu Xin's mind.

Send a message to call someone?

Why do you feel...a little weird?

But he didn't think much about this idea.

What people want to shout is their business.

Moreover, because Yu Xuan had new friends coming, he slowed down his drinking as the host.

The second glass of wine that was already started will not be mentioned for now.

Then, about 10 minutes later, the box door was pushed open, and Ning Hao with a crew cut walked in.


Compared with Xu Xin's glowing face when he saw him at the Huabiao Awards in September, his appearance on stage when presenting awards was different.

At this moment, Ning Hao's whole body exudes a temperament that can be described in one word.

It's called: decadence.

Thank you for your concern. I'm really hungry... really... I'm so hungry...

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