I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 346 344 Born at the wrong time

Chapter 346 344. Born at the wrong time

Xu Xin didn't know whether Brother Qian'er and Ning Hao knew each other.

However, Xu Xin knew that Brother Qian'er and Huang Bo knew each other because of Pu Cunxin.

When Ning Hao came in, Yu Xuan also said hello:

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, sit down."

From what I heard, it seemed like the two of them knew each other.

The origin is unknown.

Brother Qian'er is a veteran of the world. Regardless of whether he is a close friend or just said hello after meeting him once, he would definitely not show any signs of intimacy or other meaning in this situation.

So the greeting was very warm.

In contrast, Ning Hao, who seemed to have not shaved his beard and looked a bit decadent and embarrassed, smiled a little reluctantly after hearing this.

It's not right to say that it's forced...

It should be said that it is not very natural.

But it doesn’t look like they’re not familiar with each other or it’s the first time they’ve met.

It's quite strange anyway.

Xu Xin took this scene in his eyes and recalled Ning Hao's high-spirited attitude when he was surrounded by many people at the Huabiao Awards... He murmured in his heart:

"What happened?"

But muttering is nothing but muttering, and it’s definitely not easy to ask at this time.

He remained silent.

Ning Hao said he was sorry for being late as he sat down.

Yu Xuan probably also noticed that he seemed to have encountered something troublesome. He didn't even mention the penalty of three drinks, and said with a smile:

"It's better to come early than to come by chance... Come on, let's get started with the second cup."

The people at the table were full of people, and when the host spoke, no one said anything, and they all raised their glasses together.

After putting down the cup, it was normal to drink and chat.

Most of the content of the conversation was gossip between insiders and outsiders.

Ning Hao didn't talk much during the meal.

When others say drink, he drinks.

When others don't drink, he just eats food and listens to everyone chatting.

Occasionally chatting, occasionally joking.

But clearly feeling the emotion is not enough.

However, Xu Xin's attention was only on him when he came. After a few glasses of wine, he ignored him.

No way, not familiar with it.

Although Ning Hao is also from the northwest.

Logically speaking, he is also a member of the Northwest Circle based on his origin.

But it also depends on the score.

To put it mildly, Ning Hao is from Shanxi.

There is an old saying in the industry that directors come from Shaanxi and screenwriters come from Shanxi.

I’m talking about the composition of the northwest circle.

The director of the Xiying Studio, paired with the screenwriters from Shanxi, was one of the cornerstones of the top-notch Chinese films in the northwest in the early years.

Therefore, judging from his background, it is true that Ning Hao is from the Northwest Circle.

But speaking more broadly, after the "Seventh Five-Year Plan", this group of directors and screenwriters began to rise in the Beijing circle. After absorbing resources, they lost so many sectarian views.

After Ning Hao transferred to Beijing Film Academy to study directing at Yanjing Normal University, he met Cao Baoping, the director of "Li Mi's Conjecture". After he made two movies, he took him to the Magic City.

Over in the Magic City, Ning Hao met people like Xu Zheng and Huang Bo.

Even his famous "Crazy Stone" and the movies in recent years are actually operated by Shanghai circle capital.

After the Beijing Circle became dominant, the Western Film Studio declined, and the Shanghai Circle had no more fun for itself, it didn’t matter whether it was its own directors or actors. The regional labels on these people are indifferent to the point of being inappropriate.

All directors actually have a temperament that they don't want to offend.

This is not appropriate to say...

It should be said that today’s directors, actors, and young actors don’t have to worry about what circle or place the work is filmed in, as long as you can get in and act.

And after becoming famous, you will be labeled by different circles.

But this label is only an implicit label.

The more famous a person is, the less constrained by this kind of sectarianism.

For example, Zhang Yimou.

Old man, let alone the Northwest Circle or the Beijing Circle.

He can span all the heavens.

Do whatever you want.

This is the embodiment of status.

At this stage, Ning Hao, even though he was born in the northwest, is a celebrity in the Shanghai circle.

The label attributes on the body are very strong.

What about Xu Xin?

To be honest... in the entire entertainment industry born in the 1980s, he should be the one with the strongest label.

Everyone knows that he is from Xiying Studio.

Everyone knows that Xiying Studio will rely on pushing him to complete the comeback.

And this is also why he has become so popular. Logically speaking, he has already been surrounded by people and has become rich and powerful. But unfortunately, there was no one from Beijing around him.

Didn't even call him.

A Huabiao Award, but Feng Xiaogang ignored him and Chen Kaige ignored him. Even after working together several times, everyone felt that they were pretty good, and the two kings, who liked "Corporal Li Xian" the most, didn't even ask to come over to get to know each other.

At a dinner party, the Shanghai circle approached him, the Hong Kong circle approached him, and even several investors from Northeast China talked to him and made friends.

Only in the Beijing circle, it seems that this genius in his early twenties, who has established his status in the circle with two movies and one Olympics, is as invisible as a blind man.

To put it bluntly, the traces of the Northwest Circle on his body were too heavy.

Unless Xu Xin takes the initiative to show his kindness, the Beijing circle will only treat him as a stranger.

Not being an opponent and not stopping other actors from looking for him is already giving him face.

Yang Mi's situation is actually similar to his.

It's because he was "implicated".

She is obviously a native of Yanjing, but the Beijing circle doesn't even pay attention to her...

Very strange.

But it's equally realistic.

Therefore, Xu Xin didn't have time to care about how Ning Hao enjoyed his meal.

On the contrary, he only had three cups of chicken, one bite of chicken and one mouthful of wine, which made him feel happy.

Moreover, he was also chatting with Wang Zhiwen about lines.

Teacher Wang's lines are among the best.

He wanted to learn from it.

He wanted to ask as early as "The Wind", but at that time everyone was still working and it was not easy to interfere. But now that I'm drinking and talking over wine, there aren't so many twists and turns.

He wanted to ask for Yang Mi.

I also want to learn from others in the company.

And Wang Zhiwen didn't hide it, he just told him:

"When I was in college, I subscribed to "Reader's Digest" for four full years. In each issue, I would put myself into different story characters, read aloud, recite, and simulate these characters and characters in my mind. Mood, context. How to say the narration, how to speak if the character is strong, how to speak if the character is calm and dignified... I think about it while speaking."

"I have no reference, so I figure it out on my own. What speed should small people speak, what tone should women use, what tone should merchants use... If I feel something is wrong, then I will go to the street to observe in my spare time. Listen to those merchants selling goods, Selling, going to the supply and marketing cooperative to watch the dialogue between buyers and sellers. Watch and keep it in mind, and continue to simulate them in front of the mirror when you come back."

"Just these two points."

Does Xu Xin believe it?


Do you admire it?


But at the same time, I understand...this matter is really nothing special.

Essentially, it is nothing more than reading, reading newspapers, and reciting.

But the problem is... people don't fall behind in one issue, and they don't fall behind in one issue.

Persevered and persisted.

And all the talents, training, skills, etc., have turned into a natural instinct in the past few years.

As soon as he opens his mouth, you know who he's playing.

As soon as he opens his mouth, you will be addicted to his lines and unable to extricate yourself.

"Tsk...Teacher Wang, I respect you."


Wang Zhiwen nodded with a smile, drank a glass of wine with Xu Xin, and said:

"Yang Mi's foundation is very good. But her voice condition is not very good... If you want to practice, you must work hard."


Xu Xin responded, knowing that what the other party said was absolutely correct.

The smell of milk in my sister's voice is too strong.

Between nasal and pharyngeal sounds.


Want to reach Wang Zhiwen's level...

No matter how talented you are, it still requires hard work.

However, at least this recognized line master has given out his training methods.

He didn't seek to surpass her, but at least he felt that... if his sister continued to work so hard, this shortcoming could be made up for.

Thinking of this, he felt much more comfortable. He took out a cigarette, lit it for Wang Zhiwen himself, and then lit it for himself. At this moment, Ning Hao came over with a wine glass:

"Director Xu."

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

Hearing this, Xu Xin quickly waved his hand:

"Director Ning's words are too polite. You are a senior, just call me Xiao Xu."

Unexpectedly, Ning Hao shook his head:

"That won't work. It would be more appropriate to call you Director Xu."

"Can we remove the word "you"?"

After listening to Xu Xin's words, Ning Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile:

"Hey, Director Xu. I'm here to pay my respects..."

"Come on, Director Ning, let's have a glass of wine."

After "correcting" him one more word, Xu Xin smiled and picked up the wine glass.

He added a drop of wine to his glass, filled it up for himself, and held the glass:

"Director Ning, please."

When the two clinked glasses, Xu Xin deliberately lowered the glass, and after clinking it with him, he drank the drink in one gulp.

While Ning Hao was drinking, Xu Xin took a cigarette from the table and handed it to him.

Ning Hao took it politely and said with a smile:

"Last time for the Huabiao Award, I saw that Director Xu was too busy to come over. Today we are getting to know each other."

"Don't worry about being late for a good meal."

Xu Xin smiled and lit the cigarette for him.

"That's right... Director Xu, can we leave our contact information?"

"Okay. Tell me, I'll call Director Ning."

"Well, 13..."

With the jingling sound, the two of them completed the exchange of phone numbers.

After exchanging pleasantries for another glass of wine, Ning Hao returned to his seat.

Seeing this, Xu Xin's mind changed...

Are you here specifically to get to know me?

What's up?

He was a little curious.

One meal will cost about half a catty of wine per person.

After eating, everyone went back to rest.

The Golden Rooster Awards won’t start until tomorrow afternoon, but its dinner party is tonight.

It might be nine or ten o'clock when the prizes are moved tomorrow night, which is too late.

At noon, I drank more than half a kilogram of wine, which was Site wine with a low alcohol content.

Yu Xuan knows how to eat and drink, so local food must be paired with local wine.

Even though this wine is not as expensive as Moutai, it is still a taste of local specialties.

But the taste of Site's wine... is a bit too soft for Xu Xin.

I can't say it's soft...it's just that the second half of the drink is not as rich as Maotai's sauce, and you can't taste the aftertaste of it.

So his senses are average.

Moreover, the wine was a bit too strong, so he returned to the room and lay down directly, intending to take a nap.

But he didn't expect that just when he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of a phone call.

Pick it up and take a look...

Ning Hao.


Xu Xin thought for a while and didn't answer.

Instead, he waited for the other party to hang up the phone and sent a message to Sun Ting:

"Come to my room."

During this period, Ning Hao did not call.

Soon after Sun Ting arrived, Xu Xin stretched out his hand:

"Call me."

Sun Ting quickly handed over Xu Xin's work phone, and he found Qi Lei's number and dialed it.


The call was quickly connected, and Qi Lei's confused voice rang:

"Director Xu?"

"Well, Brother Qi, what are you doing?"

"I'm in Xi'an... Why did I call from this number? Didn't I save two numbers? I didn't even react when I saw the number "Director Xu Xin"..."


Xu Xin laughed and said:

"Brother Qi, I want to ask you something."

"Let's talk. What about the Golden Rooster Award? Don't worry, we have used all the connections we can use. The studio also hopes that through this film, it can return to the public eye. So although we are not sure about any awards, But at least one..."

Qi Lei thought Xu Xin was thinking about the award, so he quickly explained.

"That's not it."

Xu Xin looked at Ning Hao's missed call on the phone and asked:

"Ning Hao, you know, right?"

"'Crazy Stone'?"


"What happened to him? Did he have a conflict with Director Xu?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

What kind of militant am I?

"No, it's like this. We had a meal at noon. Then he looked like... he seemed to have something on his mind..."

After recounting the process of getting to know Ning Hao, Xu Xin asked:

"What happened to him recently?"


Qi Lei on the other end of the phone could tell that his voice was full of doubts.

"I haven't heard any news about him recently. Isn't he making a movie? "No Man's Land"? Is that the name? After all, his "Crazy Racing" is now behind Director Xu, this year. The first domestic film with a box office of over 100 million, this film has also been released... What can happen to him? Isn't there him at the Huabiao Awards?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"How much does Brother Qi know about "No Man's Land"?"

"...I'm really not sure. So, let me ask around?"

"Okay. He called me just after we finished eating, but I didn't answer. After a while, I said that I was a little drunk and fell asleep."

"Well, okay, I'll ask now and wait for the news."


Xu Xin responded, and after hanging up the phone, he looked at Sun Ting again:

"Go back and leave your phone number with me."


Sun Ting responded, first checked his thermos cup, and after making sure the water inside was full, she left the room directly.

Xu Xin couldn't sleep anymore when she was interrupted by Ning Hao's call.

He took out his laptop, opened QQ, edited the line training experience Wang Zhiwen just taught him into text, and sent it to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi replied instantly:


"...???? Why can you reply instantly?"


"Say! Are you playing games!?"

Yang Mi didn't reply.

But the avatar quickly turned gray.

Xu Xin was suddenly speechless.

Without saying a word, I logged into the battle platform.

The other person's avatar is also gray.

Xu Xinxin said just pretend.

I quit the platform and sent her a message:

"When I go back, you're dead! As soon as I leave, you won't take the child with you and will just play games instead, right?"

This time, Damimi stopped replying.

Pretending to be dead, pretending not to be seen.

While waiting for news from Qi Lei, Xu Xin was drinking tea there.

Yang Mi got a set of interesting gadgets out of nowhere.

It looks like a teacup on the surface, but it's actually like a Russian matryoshka doll. There are several small cups inside, including filters.

All he needs is a pot of hot water and a bag of tea, and he can drink it wherever he goes.

If you want to metabolize half a pound of wine, water is inevitable.

In the same way, with a pot of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a TV remote control, he really had the wonderful feeling of having a half-day of leisure.

And he had about three cups of tea when Qi Lei's phone call came through.

"Hey, Brother Qi."

"I found out clearly... His "No Man's Land" failed to pass the review and was killed. It is said... that he was scolded and scolded by the superiors."


Xu Xin asked in surprise:

"Why were you killed?"

"The scenes he shot in northern Xinjiang and the villains in the story are not Han Chinese. In addition, the film is full of incompetent descriptions and descriptions of some staff members. After the film was canceled... I heard."

I don’t know why, but Qi Lei’s “I heard” bit him very hard.

"I called the film's distributor directly. I was scolded a lot. The most severe thing I said was: If you want to die, don't take us with you."


Xu Xin thought for a while and asked tentatively:

"Then the producer of this drama..."

"Yanjing Film Studio is the big one."


Now, Xu Xin figured out the reason.

"I guess he wants us to go out of his way?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei said without thinking:

"It's impossible, Director Xu. Although we didn't check the quality of the film, but the information he asked me about... it's basically impossible for him to come up with this movie. It's impossible for any film studio to dare to do this... let alone this year. , it won’t be possible next year, the year after, or the year after. No matter what he promises us, even if he sells his life, we can’t accept it... provided that he really makes this decision.”


Looking at the missed call in his hand, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Then I'll get back to him before the dinner, and just say I was asleep and didn't hear him."

"Yeah. At least stay away from him at this stage. If he really gets hot-headed and opens his mouth to talk nonsense, regardless of whether it is true or not, he will definitely get into trouble."

"Okay, Brother Qi, I understand."

After exchanging pleasantries and hanging up the phone, Xu Xin frowned slowly.

He has no prejudice, misunderstanding or dissatisfaction against Ning Hao.

It's just a reminder to myself.

A lot happens every year.

As a public figure, you must be careful in choosing topics and materials in the future.

It’s not that you have to go against the mainstream to highlight your artistic differences.

That's called self-pleasure.

It doesn't matter if you like to enjoy yourself, don't bring trouble to others.

When you meet this kind of person in the future, making friends is just acquaintance, and acquaintance is just acquaintance, but at the relationship level, after doing enough superficial work, you have to stay away from him in your heart.

It was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon when Xu Xin called Ning Hao back.

He said in a confused tone:

"Hey, Director Ning, do you have anything to do with me?"


Ning Hao's voice on the other end of the phone sounded sober.

After feeling Xu Xin's "confusion", he asked:

"Director Xu, where are you?"

"In the room, I just woke up...what's wrong? Director Ning, do you have something to do with me?"

"...There's something going on. Is it convenient for Director Xu now?"


Xu Xin's voice was a little surprised:

"I'm about to go out...can't I say it on the phone?"

After the words fell, he suddenly turned around:

"Director Ning, we hit it off right away. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you can help me, I will definitely help."

A loud voice came out.

Ning Hao was silent for a while and then said:

"Director Xu, I know you have a good relationship with Xiying Film Studio..."

"Director Ning, didn't we agree? We don't need to use "you"."

Xu Xin said haha:

"Are you looking for something to do with the factory?"


"Okay, let's talk."

Xu Xin's openness made Ning Hao a little confused.


Did you agree so happily?

At this time, he heard another sentence:

"What's the matter? Is it convenient to convey it through me? If it's not convenient, Director Ning can tell me where I need to contribute. I'll give you the phone number and say hello, and Director Ning can talk to me himself. How about that?"

Hearing this, Ning Hao didn't know what to say for a while.


So casual?

You agreed without even asking?

For a moment, a feeling of gratitude surged in my heart.

This is the first time we meet, and she can be so open-minded.

This kind of heart...

So, he stopped hiding it and said directly:

"It's about the distribution and censorship of No Man's Land."

"Distribution, review?... That's easy. I'll send you the phone number of the head of the distribution company in the factory. You can just contact me. It's very simple... Director Ning, I'm getting ready to go out. You wait for me, I'll send it to you first. You, then say hello to the other side, and you guys can connect, okay? I have some things to do here."

"...Well, okay...I'd like to trouble Director Xu."

"Hey, we all grew up drinking water from the Yellow River. If the family is in trouble, everyone should help. Director Ning came to me to praise me. Regardless of whether he can help or not, it is good to contribute, right?...Okay, Director Ning , I will send you the phone number now, please wait for a minute or two, and I will ask the other party to contact you..."

"No, no, no, how can I do that? I'll take the initiative to contact the leader."

"Ah, why don't we talk to each other? Okay, wait for my news, I'll hang up first."


The phone hangs up.

Ning Hao stared blankly at the phone number on his phone. Hope suddenly arose in his heart, and at the same time, an idea came to his mind unconsciously.

This idea is quite strange.

On the one hand, he was grateful to Xu Xin, and on the other hand, he had a... very different emotion.

"Sure enough, Director Xu is still a little younger after all. He is really honest, but if this continues... I'm afraid he will suffer a loss in the future."

"Brother Qi, I'll give you his phone number. Can you contact him?"


Although Qi Lei's thoughts were not as fast as Xu Xin's, after two or three seconds of silence, he understood what he meant and asked:

"Shall I come and talk to him?"

"Yes. I agreed quite happily on the phone. He said he had something to do with the factory, so I agreed directly. He didn't even need to say anything about it."

"...I understand. Talk openly, ask carefully, and after asking for the reason, give a direct answer or... try to help him verbally?"

"Give me a direct answer, and then say something like "Xu Xin is still too young."


Qi Lei understood instantly and agreed directly:

"Okay, I understand. This time I will open the window and speak out and reject this movie."

"Yeah. Thank you for your hard work, Brother Qi."

"Little things."

The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

This matter went round and round, but in essence, it was just that after judging what Ning Hao wanted to do one step in advance, he used the existing information to obtain enough benefits for himself.

Of course, this benefit is quite fictitious.

It's just the impression that you can't help but still want the other person to be grateful to you.

But it was like Shanghai Film Studio getting in touch with himself.

He also realized that no matter what a director is, his energy is limited.

It's always a good thing to let more outside children find homes.

He didn't care what Ning Hao and Qi Lei would talk about.

His purpose has been achieved.

As for that "No Man's Land"...

Although he didn't know what the picture was like, he still muttered in the empty room:

"I was born at the wrong time..."

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