I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 349 347 First Person

Chapter 349 347. The First Person

"The Golden Rooster Awards "The Wind" and "The Beginning of Spring" won both Best Actress awards, and West Film Studio became the biggest winner!"

Although the title of the draft is a bit exaggerated, in some respects it is actually true.

The movie that has made the most noise in the West Film Studio in recent years is "The Wind".

And it was "The Wind" that allowed them to return to the attention of insiders from the slight decline in their twilight years almost instantly.

The important thing is not how much money "Wind" made, but that they took action, gained momentum, and succeeded.

He wanted to film "The Wind", to attract Liang Binning, and to catch up with the popularity of the Olympic Games. Starting with Xu Xin, most people's attention was focused on it.

Before the release of "The Wind", it was still unknown whether Liang Binning was just a simple affiliate, and how capable Xu Xin, a young man, was.

But now "The Wind" has a box office of 300 million, and Liang Binning and Yang Mi have become queens again.

In this battle, don't worry about how much "Assembly", "Mei Lanfang" and the like won.

The biggest winner is Xiying Studio, no one else.

There are three movie queens, old, middle and young.

Jiang Wenli has a deep foundation and a solid reputation and cannot be underestimated.

Liang Binning set up her own business, successfully transformed, and was ambitious.

Where is Yang Mi?

She didn't need to do anything else.

Don't worry about variety shows, starting a company, or whatever.

To put it bluntly, no one knows what her upper limit is. But the lower limit has already been reached.

She has a disciple of Lao Mouzi, and from all aspects of looking, inquiring, and observing, it seems that her husband cannot be ignored.

This lower limit is already an upper limit that many actors may struggle to achieve throughout their lives.

These three people are the facade.

It propped up the facade of Xiying Studio, which was rejuvenated due to the cold weather.

One film studio, two award-winning films. Among the six old studios in history, only Xi Film Studio has won this honor.

In 1986, "Black Cannon Incident" and "Wild Mountain" competed for "Best Feature Film", "Best Director", "Best Actor" and "Best Actress" at the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards. It is hard to distinguish between the top awards.

And that era was when Western Film Studio dominated the entire film industry.

A long time has passed.

But now, "The Wind" and "The Beginning of Spring" have recreated this grand occasion again.

Although the situation is slightly different, it is possible to do this, which has proved that whether it is short-lived or regained life.

This old state-owned film studio, whose corporate culture is that "Chinese movies come from here", has once again returned to the mainstream circle.

Is it the cry of wolf... I don’t know.

But, it really came back.

As for its return, it took three actors to launch the first shot.

The greatest contribution is made by a young man who is just 23 years old this year...

23 years old.

I don’t know how many talented people have graduated from college and are still looking for jobs in the talent market and accumulating work experience.

But this young man has suddenly become a director worth 500 million...

As far as box office is concerned, let alone secure the number one spot among young directors. All directors put together, he is on the list.

How did Lao Mouzi discover this little monster?

Is it really like in the documentary, where people were arrested after seeing the draft drawings?

Isn’t that too nonsense?

"Ms. Liang, this Golden Rooster title will be of decisive help to your career. What are your plans next?"

During the interview, Liang Binning and Xu Xin were surrounded by a group of reporters.

Hearing this, she smiled and said:

"The next step is to make a good movie and bring better works to everyone."

"Then what do you think of Director Xu Xin next to you?"

"I think...director Xu Xin's ability doesn't need me to be evaluated, right?"

Liang Binning asked Xu Xin with a rhetorical question.

Immediately afterwards, a reporter asked:

"Director Xu, this time your lover won the Golden Rooster Award. What do you want to do most now?"

"...I want you to end the problem quickly and then fly home. Is that okay?"

Holding the trophy and certificate in his hands, Xu Xin said with a smile.

But obviously his answer did not satisfy the reporter:

"Then the award for "The Wind" can show that Xiying Film Studio has officially emerged?"

“It has never declined, so how can we talk about rising?”

Xu Xin continued to ask questions.

"Can you tell me about your next movie plan?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a moment and nodded:

"Okay. The next movie...is already being prepared."


As soon as he said this, the reporters were stunned for a moment.

But it immediately turned into excitement:

"Can you tell me what the theme is?"

“What is the investment cost?”

"The script is out yet?"

"Who do you want to invite to be the hero and heroine?"

"Is it still Yang Mi?"

"Are you bound together? You want to recreate Zhang Yimou and Gong Li."

He was instantly overwhelmed by so many questions.

At this moment, Liang Binning stood up and said with a smile:

"Then you should think more about me."

In one sentence, these questions were turned into jokes.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Of course...Okay, everyone, that's all for now. We're still waiting for a photo of us over there."

Waving his hands to reject the reporters' probing questions, he and Liang Binning came to the red carpet where the Golden Rooster was taking photos.

"Striking a pose?"

Hearing Liang Binning's words, Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Forget it, I'm not the real owner. I just took one photo...people who don't know think I won the best director."

After glancing at Feng Xiaogang who came out behind him and was also surrounded by people, Xu Xin finished speaking and raised the certificate and trophy belonging to Yang Mi.

Liang Binning also held the trophy and smiled.

Soon, after the flash flashed twice, Xu Xin, knowing that the photo was taken successfully, planned to go down.

At this time, he heard a voice:

"Bingbing, wait."

Turning around, I saw that it was Feng Xiaogang in the crowd, calling Liang Binning.

He glanced at Liang Bingning subconsciously.

Liang Binning smiled and nodded:

"Hey, okay, Director Feng."

Then he and Xu Xin walked off the stage.

At the entrance of the passage, Xu Xin thought for a while and whispered:

"If there is any trouble, tell the factory and they will not ignore it."

Liang Binning glanced at him, a little surprised, but also had some inexplicable emotions hidden.

But he didn’t show it, he just smiled and nodded:

"Okay. After I finish filming this time, I will go see the two little guys after I return to Yanjing."

"Well, okay. Pay more attention to rest, I'm leaving."


Xu Xin nodded at her and walked straight out along the passage.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked a while, they saw Zhao Wei, who was attending "Painted Skin", chatting with a woman with short hair.

He ignored it and continued walking down the aisle with the trophy and certificate.

He didn't know Zhao Wei... Although he had participated in several awards, everyone had met him.

But his self-proclaimed "Prince" in the northwest circle is still not in the eyes of those people.

Regardless of what you care about in your heart, just because of his status, it is normal for others to keep a certain distance from him.

He also enjoyed the peace and quiet.

But he didn't expect that just when he was five or six steps away from Zhao Wei and the short-haired woman, the short-haired woman took the initiative to end the chat with Zhao Wei after seeing him, and was polite to Xu Xin. shouted:

"Hello, Director Xu."

Xu Xin was stunned.

When Zhao Wei turned around and saw that it was Xu Xin, she was stunned for a moment, and then took the initiative to say hello:

"Hello, Director Xu. We meet again."

Xu Xin was really surprised now.

However, when people say hello, he must say hello in return.

Smiling and nodding:

"Hello, Teacher Zhao."

"Yeah, congratulations Mimi."

"Ha, thank you."

"Well, Director Xu, we will have the opportunity to work together in the future."


Following Xu Xin's agreement, Zhao Wei nodded:

"Let's talk, then I'll leave first."

With that said, she nodded politely to Xu Xin and left quickly.

After she left, Xu Xin looked at this short-haired woman with interest... She looked about forty years old.

"you are?"

After hearing his words, the short-haired woman smiled and introduced herself:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Wang Jinghua, an agent from 18 Culture."


Xu Xin's footsteps paused.

Quite abruptly, he looked up and down at the middle-aged woman in front of him with a... scrutinizing gaze.

This look is indeed abrupt.

Because he rarely looks at people other than the actors in his plays so clearly.

Especially a woman.

Seems very rude.


This one deserves to be rude once.

Because he really wants to know what kind of person this strong woman who is known as the manager is.

Wang Jinghua.

The number one agent in the Beijing circle and even in mainland China.

The only female devil who caused Hua Yi's vitality to be severely damaged by just moving her body, and was almost sent to hell.

He is also the only first-generation broker who can be listed as a textbook by all brokers.

Together with Xiangjiang's "Golden Aunt" Qiu Likuan, she is also known as "Mom" as the number one agent in domestic entertainment.

Just appeared in front of him?

And when he looked at her like this, Wang Jinghua was not angry. Instead, she smiled and said:

"What? Did Director Xu also hear the legend about me having three heads and six arms from others?"

"……Ha ha."

Xu Xin laughed out loud, then stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Broker Wang. My name is Xu Xin. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Director Xu."

The two shook hands with each other.

After letting go, Xu Xin pointed behind:

"Sister Bingbing is right behind. She will probably come out with Director Feng soon."

Hearing this, Wang Jinghua shook her head:

"I'm not looking for Bingbing. I'm here specifically to wait for Director Xu."

"wait for me?"

Xu Xin suddenly became happy.

He looked back and saw that Liang Binning hadn't come out yet, so he took the initiative and said:

"Then let's go out and talk. I have to find a place to smoke a cigarette."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand:

"Agent Wang, please."

"Please, Director Xu."

"Brother Xu..."

Sun Ting was also waiting at the exit, holding a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in her hand.

As a witness to the relationship between Brother Xu and Sister Mi, she is very aware of their habits.

Brother Xu definitely can't smoke in a dress, and he can't even bring his mobile phone. He will look for him as soon as he comes out, and then look for a cigarette to smoke.

Therefore, after seeing Xu Xin, she ignored who the woman next to Brother Xu was and walked over directly to hand over the cigarette.

"My assistant, Sun Ting."

Xu Xin took the cigarette, introduced it, and then said to Sun Ting:

"Wang Jinghua, Sister Wang."


Sun Ting was stunned.

Wang...Wang Jinghua?

Logically speaking, agents and assistants actually have different positions.

Not to mention Wang Jinghua’s status.

But after hearing Xu Xin's introduction, she smiled and nodded:

"I've heard that Tingting is Mimi's right-hand man."


Sun Ting was even more confused.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, pretended not to hear this kind of affectionate address and what was revealed under it.

I just took two puffs of cigarette to suppress my craving, looked at the people around me, and asked with a smile:

"Brother Wang, do you want to find a place to sit? Or are you saying?"

"Find a place to sit. Director Xu, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin responded:

"No problem. Then...the hotel? Is it convenient for Manager Wang?"

"Okay. I live there too... Director Xu, how about we leave our contact information?"


After leaving each other a phone number, Wang Jinghua said:

"There are a lot of people here, so I'll take the first step."

"Okay. Manager Wang, see you later."

Xu Xin said goodbye to her politely.

And after the other party disappeared among the rows of nanny cars, he heard Sun Ting murmur:

"Brother Xu...this...she..."

"He came to me specifically."

Holding a cigarette and untying the tie around his neck, Xu Xin also had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Then he thought about it and said:

"You will follow me later."

"Uh...is it convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience?"

Xu Xin shrugged:

"When soldiers come to block it, water comes and earth comes to cover it."

As he spoke, he took two more puffs of cigarette and dialed Yang Mi's number on the phone.

"Dududu... hello."

Yang Mi's voice sounded.

"Come out?"


Xu Xin responded:

"What are you doing?"

"Call me a movie queen, big or small."

"……Ha ha."

Listening to her triumphant tone, Xu Xin couldn't help but feel happy:

"Yes, yes, movie queen, what are you doing?"

"I just finished soaking my feet. Nuannuan and Yangyang were sent to the baby room tonight. I also expressed a hundred milliliters of milk, so I can have a good sleep tonight... When will you come back tomorrow, give me the trophy!" Make me rare~"

"Okay~ tomorrow, I'll arrive at noon tomorrow. I plan to go back to the hotel now."

"...Well. Let's talk at the hotel then, okay? I have a lot to say to you..."

"You hold it in for now."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

"I, including brother Qian'er and the others, as well as Mr. Xue, have to talk to everyone. I'm done tonight...I guess it will be around 11 o'clock at least. You go to bed early, and I'll get back to you if you have anything to say. Family said."

"Hmm... that's fine. I'm afraid that if I get too excited right now and say something too disgusting, I'll feel ashamed when I think about it in the future... Hehehehe, where's Tingting?"

"She'll be with me in a moment."

"Okay, then I'm going to sleep...but I may not be able to sleep, so I'll try my best. You must come back as soon as possible tomorrow~"

"Well, okay...there are so many people, so I won't talk to you anymore."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin finished one cigarette with a heavy puff.

He said:

"Let's go. Don't tell her about meeting Wang Jinghua yet, otherwise she will have to worry about this and that tonight. By the way, change your ticket and book the earliest flight back tomorrow morning."


Sun Ting responded quickly, took out her cell phone and started calling the company's ticket office.

The car the two of them traveled in was provided by the organizer.

So Xu Xin didn't say much in the car, and even his tie was balled up and thrown into Sun Ting's bag.

He unbuttoned the two top buttons, got into the business car, and squinted his eyes in the darkness.

Wang Jinghua’s experience is actually quite legendary.

A popular drink in the early years was called "Rising Sun".

The two brothers who endorsed the advertisement were her first couple of artists.

At that time, Wang Jinghua was said to be riding a bicycle to find performances for the brothers in entertainment venues all over Yanjing City.

Step by step, the two became the spokespersons of Rising Sun and became an idol group well-known to the whole people.

But the music industry at that time was quite chaotic. There were no clear regulations in the industry, and singers did not pay attention to the rules. It was common for them to change jobs after breaking the contract, and they could even change several companies in one day. The music company boss that Wang Jinghua followed at that time was named Su Yue.

Seeing that the world is getting more and more chaotic, Su Yue also makes money and plans to invest in TV series.

At that time, Wang Jinghua also changed careers with the big boss.

Thus he met Chen Daoxuan and became his assistant.

At that time, Chen Daoxuan had just won the Feitian Award for "Fortress Besieged" and was very high-spirited.

People have bad tempers when they are crazy.

Chen Daohuan cannot escape this process.

Swearing and losing tempers are common on set.

As an assistant, Wang Jinghua will definitely not be able to escape.

But she has one advantage...or she is closer to a service personality.

You call me names, call me names, but I know what my job is.

So she took care of Chen Daohuan's life in order.

Over time, Chen Daoming also felt that she was very considerate and hard-working, and under her care, Chen Daohuan really couldn't lose his temper. The two even became good friends.

So I told her: Stop being a singer's manager and become an actor instead.

In one sentence, she became who she is today.

In 1997, she established the first formal brokerage company in China, called "Black Sea Red Sun".

The first artist signed was Chen Daoxuan.

On the one hand, Chen Daohuan is indeed a fire fighter.

On the other hand, this was the first formal professional brokerage company in the mainland, and many artists came here because of its reputation.

The company's business is developing quite rapidly.

It can be said that Wang Jinghua set the benchmark for mainland brokers.

In the same way, the reason why Huayi can secure its position as the leader of the entertainment company is because of Wang Jinghua's support.

Including people like Li Bingbing and Liang Binning, or all the front lines related to Huayi, most of them were held in her hands.


Later the script became normal.

Some people are destined to share joys and sorrows, but not wealth.

After Huayi became big, he wanted to get rid of the shackles of Wang Jinghua.

After all, in the company at that time, the words of the two kings might be effective, but Wang Jinghua's words would definitely be effective.

A boss like this kind of person would feel uncomfortable.

So, in 2005, Wang Jinghua's contract expired and she left directly.

And with this departure, most of Huayi's country was taken away.

It goes without saying who leaves and who stays during this period.

Li Bingbing was the first to bear the brunt. Between Wang Jinghua and Huayi, he chose Huayi for the 60 million signing fee.

The same is true for Liang Binning.

But that's what's strange.

Regardless of who is leaving or who is staying, as far as actors are concerned, I really can't say a word "no" to Wang Jinghua.

Liang Binning even said it herself that Wang Jinghua's departure was like a divorce between her father and her mother, and she didn't even know who she was marrying.

Li Bingbing, on the other hand, was more straightforward.

"Of course I feel guilty towards Sister Hua, but I believe that Sister Hua is not a narrow-minded person, and our relationship and relationship will not be affected by this incident."

Facts have proved that this is absolutely correct.

Wang Jinghua and Li Bingbing have been in a relationship for so many years, but their feelings are still the same.

After switching jobs to Cheng Tianna, Huayi's main rival at the time, the script was exactly the same as Huayi's.

Wu Kebo, the boss of Chengtian, is also dissatisfied with the situation where outsiders have the final say in his company.

From the honeymoon period to the peaceful breakup, Wang Jinghua and Cheng Tian only lasted for 3 years.

Last year, when Xu Xin had just finished the Olympics and was preparing for "The Wind", Wang Jinghua left Chengtian and founded "Eighteen Culture" on her own.

And those artists still followed her unswervingly and left Chengtian.

Chengtian also directly lost the capital to continue competing with Huayi for the eldest brother.

This is actually a bit scary.

These artists are really determined to leave with Wang Jinghua.

And these people are not small characters. One of her artists can be pulled out at random, and they are all faces that are well known to the audience.

This person's influence does not only radiate to the Beijing circle.

In the entire domestic entertainment industry, her influence is not simple.

It's just that everyone's career angles are different. She is an agent, so she usually doesn't seem to have a "sense of presence".

At least this is the case for Xu Xin and Yang Mi.

Xu Xin does not have an agent.

Yang Mi has an agent, but it's almost like not having one.

Zeng Jia really has no say in Yang Mi.

She is only responsible for finding resources, such as endorsements and advertisements.

She really can't get involved in film and television resources.

First, the human resources are not enough.

Secondly... maybe he was really spoiled by Xu Xin.

The things she came into contact with...Zeng Jia really couldn't get them.

From her debut to now, she, like Xu Xin, has only made two movies.

One is "The Untold Secret" and the other is "The Wind".

Something like that.


But unfortunately, two movies directly produced a movie queen...

This kind of outrageous thing is just left in Xiying Studio... Try another entertainment company.

It's already fried.

The company must support her desperately to make her produce economic effects.

Before meeting this manager Wang today, Xu Xin had never considered her sister's career from the perspective of an agent.

But now I was sitting in the car thinking alone, and contacted him with some hearsay about Wang Jinghua...

Xu Xin is also thinking...

She was looking for herself for only two reasons.

One is to take a fancy to yourself.

Second, he fell in love with Yang Mi.

Putting aside for the moment the "prickly" attributes of himself and his spoiled sister.

Just talking about cooperation...

Is it possible to achieve a win-win situation?

It doesn't matter to myself.

There are only two things that can drive him to make movies.

One is favor.

The second is to see if he likes it.

It doesn’t matter if you lose or gain.

But what about my sister?

Her dream is also to sit in that position... which can almost be said to be higher than Liang Bingning's definition.

As an actress, she needs to be on the front line, or even above the front line.

In terms of status, she wants everyone to respectfully call her "Sister Mi" when they see her.

Wang Jinghua...

What kind of help can it bring her?

Moreover, how to adjust the position?

Xu Xin didn't want her to bring her team here again.

Huayi and Chengtian couldn't handle it. He didn't have that much confidence. Only Yang Mi's bad temper could endure being ignored.

And what if it’s an artist signed separately?

What is Wang Jinghua pursuing?

What can my sister and myself give back?

How can everyone achieve a "win-win" situation?

A series of thoughts were rolling in his mind.

And in the midst of these thoughts, the car returned to the hotel.

After getting off the bus, Xu Xin sent Wang Jinghua a message that he had arrived.

And the room number is attached.

Back in the room, without Xu Xin's need to say anything, Sun Ting started washing the mobile tea set bought by Sister Mi.

Then he walked into the house, and as soon as he took out a power strip, there was a knock on the door.

After Sun Ting opened the door, Wang Jinghua walked in and said hello to Xu Xin:

"Director Xu."

"Agent Wang, please sit down."

Xu Xin smiled and stood up to greet him.

Wang Jinghua nodded and sat down, but did not speak. Instead, she watched Sun Ting holding the power strip in her hand, checking the socket next to the sofa, and putting the cord next to the coffee table.

Then, Sun Ting brought over a hot water bottle that was obviously different from the one in the hotel.

There are also bottles of mineral water.

The kettle is powered on, and the mineral water is poured into the kettle.

After finishing everything, Sun Ting took out the tea set she had just washed, and then sat down on the sofa naturally.

Take a look at her moves.

Wang Jinghua suddenly smiled and nodded:

"It seems that Tingting has taken good care of Director Xu."

"Just like my biological sister."

Following her words, Xu Xin answered.

Wang Jinghua nodded again:

"Well, it can be seen... In fact, assistants and agents are the same. The more careful they are, the more suitable they will be. What do you think, Director Xu?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin shook his head slightly and smiled meaningfully:

"I don't know, I don't have an agent."


A smile appeared on Wang Jinghua's face.

Please give me a monthly ticket! ! Everyone, I have been adjusting my work and rest in the past few days. To put it bluntly... I am really "starving and cold". Jia Geng sees that this month is not over yet, so I can only say that I will try my best. I'm going to start working out tomorrow... I hope I can eat enough...

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