Chapter 364 362. Rose

"What you did is really exaggerating."

"Yes, I didn't expect that you could show your love to us at such a time."

"The most outrageous thing is that you were caught off guard. Can you be a human being next time?"

"You are no longer a human being, how can you still be a human being?"

"Xu Xin won the lottery in his last life and didn't have time to claim it, right? He saved all his blessings just to find you?"

"How about... you go get the knife. We recognize each other and let the dog in to kill?"

"Do we have any grudge?... If nothing else, Your Majesty, isn't this concubine your beloved concubine?"

"You give your palace queen gold and silver, and we don't want anything else. Can you spare our lives?"

"How much hatred? Just give us two feet of red?"

"It's really outrageous!"

"It's so outrageous!"

The two of you talk to each other.

At this moment, spiritual thoughts have reached an unprecedented unity.

Even a little insane.

Look, even the emperor shouted out, how can he be so energetic?

In the face of the two people's criticism, Yang Mi also accepted it with a smile, and continued to talk shamelessly:

"What's the matter? I just love my brother, what's the matter, what's the matter! If my brother likes it, I will fight for him from heaven to earth! What's the matter, what's the matter!"

"Wow, you... how can you be so scary..."

The three people started chatting with smiles.

As for Gong Er's notepad, the two of them did not continue to read it.

On the one hand, there are many things that they may not understand because they are not "creators."

For example, the two of them were not very clear about what the "Shi Jianqiao Revenge Case" recorded above was.

On the other hand, it's too thick.

Most of the book.

I couldn’t finish it in a while.

But after watching it until the end, the two of them had intuitively felt the changes that this character named "Gong Er" had made in Mimi.

At first it seemed like a simple "violent machine", but slowly, Mimi began to give it more meaning.

The natural change of mentality and the character's growth curve have been designed to be very full over the past year or so.

This is no longer just a role.

In other words, no matter what story this character is interpreted into, both of them have firm confidence and firmly believe that Gong Er in this drama...or Mimi's Gong Er must be the well-deserved protagonist.

As I watched it further, I lost the sense of expectation I saw on the screen.


"Is this how you usually prepare for roles?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help but ask.

Although she also joined the crew of "The Wind" and stayed with it for a while.

But during that time, she and Mimi kept a considerable distance because they were filming.

It’s not that the relationship is cold, but that actors need to have a certain amount of private space to maintain their own status. So it’s not suitable to get too close when filming.

This is more or less the difference between film and TV actors.

After Liu Zhishi heard this, he also looked at Yang Mi.

Waiting for the answer.

"Not really."

Yang Mi shook her head:

"My role... he will help me go through it. Then he will tell me what qualities are needed for the role I want to play. Whether it is "Wulin Gaiden" or "Golden Armor"... including this Gong Er. So I will be very attentive. to dig."

"Then "Sword and Sword III"..."

After hearing Liu Zhishi's words, Yang Mi shrugged:

"He is a character who is not very careless."


Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched.

Not distracted?

If you don't get distracted, can you still have such a high status in the hearts of fans of the original novel?

What will happen if you lose your mind?

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Yang Mi explained:

"Really, that scene... itself was a product of compromise. So in fact, for me, this scene was treated very flatly, and any emotion was on the surface."

Saying that, Yang Mi shrugged:

"There's nothing I can do about it. When "Sword and Sword III" was first released, I had been thinking about the script of "The Wind"... I guess it was mostly a matter of coping."

"I thought you took every role seriously..."


After hearing Liu Zhishi's words, Yang Mi continued to nod:

"I do take all the roles I play seriously. But...there are also levels of seriousness. Xuejian is considered a passing grade in seriousness, and the current Gong Er is considered a 90% in seriousness...Currently the only one A role that requires my 100% concentration..."

""The Sound of the Wind"."



Looking at the confused Liu Zhishi, Yang Mi looked at Liu Yifei again.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and rummaged through Xu Xin's desk and took out a script:

"This script was written by Xu Xin himself... From my perspective, "The Wind" is like the high school entrance examination. In order to get into a good high school, you work hard. As for Xuejian, it's like the first year of high school... ...I just passed it by casually. Gong Er is the second year of high school, and the college entrance examination will be in one year. This is an opportunity to change your destiny, so you have to start studying hard. And this... is the college entrance examination."

Since there was only one copy, the two of them watched it together.

After seeing the name, Liu Yifei murmured:


"Well, it's Xu Xin's original script. When we were working on the draft, we were not together yet. But it was completed at the end of last year. Lin Lin finally finished it... more than three years ago."



The two of them didn't know what to say for a while.

For others, no matter if it is a script or something else, they would like to start the topic today and finish it directly tomorrow.

No matter what role you are preparing for, you can’t wait to go to the audition today and start the performance tomorrow.

But when it comes to this couple, everything seems to be calculated based on years.

This kind of exaggerated measurement unit... I don't know why, but when it comes to the two people... or their achievements, it seems reasonable.

Liu Yifei opened the title page of the script:

"The son of a single mother named Zhaodi (played by Yang Mi) accidentally disappeared in the vast loess of the northwest. In order to find her son, she had to fight against a huge group on her own. Humanity, animality, motherhood... She just wants her baby back home..."

"Recruiting brother...what is this name?"

"The custom in Xu Xin's family is that if the first child is a girl, they will give it this name. They hope the second child will be a boy."

After receiving the explanation, the two nodded slightly and continued to turn to the second page.


A big car shop, a sheep spine, a brother-in-law who bares his breasts and breasts to feed his child...

Pretty normal.

The two naturally started to connect.

But... when she saw Li Shuiquan pressing Zhaodi onto the table and starting to take off his pants to fuck Zhaodi, while a group of men next to him were just watching with cigarettes in their mouths, Liu Yifei couldn't help but raise her head...

"Is this... so big?"

"Did you see the part about rape?"


"It won't be so explicit. If he is willing, I won't do it."

Yang Mi waved her hand casually:

"You two continue to look down."

After hearing this, the two began to read the first big story fragment.

To put it simply, Zhaodi did not agree to the land acquisition for the coal mine, and she gave birth to a bastard to a man who did not know who she was outside.

Everyone in the village looked down upon her.

Because she had always refused to agree to the land acquisition, the village chief came up with a trick and asked Li Shuiquan, a bachelor, to rape her and cook the rice. After they formed a family, Li Shuiquan signed and agreed to the land acquisition.

It turned out that the younger brother was not someone to be bullied easily. When Li Shuiquan wanted to rape her, she stabbed Li Shuiquan in the eye with a sheep stick bone on the table...

Xu Xin's writing has a... very special texture.

When the two of them saw the description "Zhao Di is holding the child in one hand and holding a sharp barrel in the other, his eyes are green, and he is panic-stricken, like a grinning she-wolf." I got goosebumps.

Yang Mi didn't need to say anything, the two of them continued to look down.

Next, the timeline jumps. The child has grown up, and the younger brother Zhao also has no choice but to "cut off the land and pay compensation" because he intentionally hurt others...

Look at it bit by bit.


Little by little, the frown became tighter and tighter.

Looking at Gong Er's notepad, the two of them didn't spend long.

But when I read the script of "Breaking Silence", I had goosebumps all the way through, and I read it for almost an hour.

This is because Xu Xin did not design too many dialogues in this drama, but instead used long paragraphs of exaggerated descriptions.

If the conversation had been more detailed, the two of them might have watched it longer.

But when they watched the ending, the two of them clenched their fists subconsciously.

"This...this ending..."

After hearing Liu Zhishi's words, Yang Mi shrugged:

"It's ironic, right? The most innocent things record the cruelest truth."



Neither of them knew what to say for a moment.

However, Liu Zhishi looked like he hadn't washed his hair for several days, and his scalp made a rustling sound when he scratched it:

"This script... is too cold-blooded. My scalp felt numb after reading it. It was very uncomfortable. When do you plan to act?"

"have no idea……"

Yang Mi shook her head seriously:

"We talked. I kept telling him about changing the ending of the script, but he refused to change it... I really hate this story. Because it is adapted from a real event, and the prototype of the story is Uncle Xu's. Friend. He is still in jail now. But if he doesn’t change the ending, this least I have to prepare this number."

She stretched out a finger again:

"For one year, I went back to northern Shaanxi to tan myself and get rid of all the city atmosphere. Including dialects, accents, and the traces left by working in and out of the mines, including various living habits... But I have always Don't dare to prepare.

So the Gong Er you see is more like my excuse to avoid this role. I haven't even given birth to Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang yet, but I really hate this story... It's not that I hate it, I just think it's too cold-blooded. Now that I have a child, I dare not touch this script.

Although it has been shaping the characters in my mind for almost a year... but it is limited to the characters. When I go deeper, I don’t dare to think about it anymore, for fear of affecting the child in my belly. But now that the child is born... I still have to face this script, just like a high school student facing the college entrance examination. Sooner or later, I will raise my head and shrink my head."

"Wouldn't it be better if we didn't take pictures? Find someone else to take pictures."

After hearing Liu Zhishi's words, Liu Yifei said directly:

"I'm afraid Xu Xin specially designed it for her, right?"


Yang Mi responded:

"Originally it was a male protagonist, but after we got together, he changed it to a female one. And... this script is his real hard work. If it is handed over to others... I would not be willing to part with it."

The sour smell of a sweet marriage begins to rise again.

But this time, the two of them said nothing more.

On the contrary, she felt some sympathy for Mimi.

Xu Xin, you are really... grabbing a wife, you are trying to kill her.

Another few years spent just for a script...

But at this time, Liu Yifei smiled bitterly:

" feels like the gap between me and you has widened to an unpredictable level."

Yang Mi smiled and did not answer, but changed the topic;

"By the way, let me tell you a little practice your lines. Xu Xin asked Wang Zhiwen about coming..."

After sleeping until dark, Xu Xin was aroused by the smell of food.

He stood up in a daze and walked into the bathroom. When he came out and walked out of the room, he saw his wife who was holding a rice cooker and just put it on the table.

"You're awake."


Xu Xin responded, glanced at his daughter and son who were watching the old man and two dogs on the climbing mat, and then looked at the dishes on the dinner table...



"I want to eat noodles...a little more sour, a little spicy..."

"Ah, let's eat some noodles. The rice is ready, so don't worry about it."

Xu Daqiang rolled his eyes impatiently.


Xu Xin was speechless and subconsciously looked at his wife for help.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Hot soup noodles? Vinegar braised noodles?"

"Ah! Why are there so many things?"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was about to cause trouble, Xu Daqiang, who was lying on the crawling mat and coaxing his granddaughter and grandson to play, got up impatiently:

"Let's do it. Mimi, will you eat it?"

"I won't eat it because I'm afraid my child will get angry."

Hearing this, old man Xu couldn't help but look at his son again before walking out.

Then the sound of Yang Dalin and Xu Daqiang communicating could be heard in the kitchen.

Old man Xu was impatient and said that his son was in a lot of troubles.

Yang Dalin said that Xiao Xu drank too much at noon and it would be good to sober up and eat something sour.

That is to say, in winter, you can’t hear it with the door closed.

If it were Xia Tian, ​​Xu Xin's mentality would have been destroyed by his own father.

While sitting at the tea table drinking tea to sober up, Yang Mi asked:

"Why did you get drunk so quickly today?"

"Don't look at how many people have come today. There are almost forty tables..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the overflowing red envelopes piled on the coffee table.

These are all gifts from others and have not been opened yet.

"You didn't count?"

"No, I'm chatting with Shishi and Yifei this afternoon."

"Let's do something about it later. These are all favors, and we have to return gifts when others do things. We have to keep track of the money."


"They came here this afternoon too? Where are they?"

"Let's go. They have been out for a day and they are tired."

"Where are the wheels and the others?"

"That's the case. It seems that the three of us have discussed taking a bath and a massage, right? I don't know. Anyway, we will go to Xi'an together tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xu Xin stopped asking.

Not long after, the family began to sit down and eat.

Xu Daqiang held a bowl of red sour noodle soup and placed it in front of Xu Xin.

With this bowl of noodles, the wine has completely sobered up.

Coupled with the heating at home, he also had a layer of white hair and sweat.

Some residual alcohol on his body turned into an unpleasant smell.

When I came out of the shower, there were two more children and two dogs in the bedroom.

"What are you two doing here? Do you still need to keep vigil?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

He wanted to come in last night, especially when the child woke up in the middle of the night and cried for milk. He also heard the sound of scratching on the door.

Why don't you just come in tonight?

"Sleep here. What are you afraid of?"

Yang Mi said casually:

"Okay, you can quickly remember all the gifts. I'll put the baby to sleep first."


Xu Xin responded, put on his pajamas and walked out.

In the living room, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were watching TV.

He heard voices outside again and knew that his father should be on the phone outside.

After putting on his coat and going out, he heard Xu Daqiang say over there:

"Why do we do that? Let's just keep doing cheap real estate. Partnership business is not easy to do, so don't do it. Build the house firmly, and just focus on this. The house is strong, don't do it. Those colorful things are twisting and turning. Our family has passed the stage of making a fortune, you know?

Just do it down-to-earth, make it bigger, and put down your brand name, so that your business can continue... Hmm... Okay, wake up, don't think it's easy just to talk about billions or billions. If this money is really so easy to earn, even if the loan is taken out by someone else, why should it be given to you? ...Okay, um, I'm done. "

While he was on the phone, Xu Xin had already taken out the cigarette case from his pocket.

After hanging up the phone, he asked curiously:

"Who? Sanshui?"


Xu Daqiang nodded:

"I'm not going out to eat tonight. I'm talking to the people at Greenland. They asked him to get a high-end plate and build a... ecological community. There's no point in not letting him do it... there's no point in doing that. House prices in Yanjing have risen sharply in 2016. The land we bought before has doubled in price before we even built it. So he started thinking about selling high-end properties at high prices."

As he spoke, the old man showed a sign of rejection on his face:

"This business is indeed profitable, but the water is deep. He does this, and he feels uneasy. We don't understand the high-end, so just build commercial houses in a down-to-earth manner. The money will definitely be less, but the houses are built solidly. If you don’t deceive people, everyone will think: Oh? Strengthen the real estate, the house will be strong, don’t deceive people... That’s it, isn’t it?”

"Either you have a high level of ideological consciousness."

Xu Xin smiled and complimented.

Xu Daqiang smiled and waved his hand:

"I won't be able to do this for a few more years. When Qianqian gives birth to the baby...ah, let's not do it anymore. You two brothers will take your time and work hard, and you will be able to take care of yourself in old age."


Xu Xin did not object to this.

The old man has been working hard all his life, and now that he has grandchildren, the hard work in the past two years is indeed not as great as in previous years.

Give it a rest.

Nourish your body and live a long life.

Xu Xin couldn't wait to do it.

At this time, his phone rang, and at the same time, there were two "didi" sounds outside his home.

Here in Shijia Hutong... although it's a bit pretentious to say it, the community environment is actually quite good.

After all, the people who can live here are either rich or expensive. Apart from the inconvenience of parking and sometimes there will be a row of parking spaces on the curb, at other times the quality of the residents is quite high.

This phenomenon of two "didi" sounds at night is really rare.

After Xu Xin saw the caller, he answered the call:

"Hey, Sister Bingbing."

The caller was Liang Binning.

It was originally agreed that she would come over to attend her child's full moon party today, but Liang Binning, who is currently filming "Rizhao Chongqing", did not come back in the morning.

There was heavy fog in Chongqing, and all flights were delayed or canceled.

This is what Xu Xin knew this morning.

But after answering the phone, I heard this sentence:

"I went out to pick it up. I brought a lot of things for you two."


Xu Xin was stunned.

"Are you outside the door?"

"Yes, I asked the driver to beep twice just now... I can't find your home."

"...Okay, okay, I'll go out now."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin said:

"Liang Binning is here."

Xu Daqiang nodded:

"Oh, are you going to call Mimi?"

"She said she brought a lot of things."

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang knew that the guests would definitely have to come and sit at home.

So he said:

"Then go get your things first...are these your pajamas?"


"Go and change clothes. How can you do this when the guests come? Let's go and greet them first."


Xu Xin's clothes are indeed not suitable for welcoming guests.

To put it bluntly, the big pendulum is carried in the pocket, and it is windy and tangible when walking.

It was really embarrassing to be seen.

Xu Xin turned around and walked into the house, informing Yang Mi about Liang Binning's arrival.

After Xu Daqiang went out, he saw a commercial vehicle parked across a house.

There was a woman's shadow standing next to the business car.

"Wow here."

When he saw it, he said hello.

Liang Binning, who had just returned to Yanjing from Chongqing and was shivering with cold, was recalling where Xu Xin's family was. When she heard the news, she turned around and looked...

With the light, she recognized Xu Daqiang at a glance.

First he was stunned.

But that's not surprising.

After all, it's Full Moon Wine, and it's quite normal for Mr. Xu to be here.

After adjusting her mood, she patted the car door and walked forward on her own.

And Xu Daqiang also stepped down.

Because of the headlights, Liang Bingning's face couldn't be seen clearly.

Only after walking in, Xu Daqiang was stunned for a moment.

Liang Binning's condition at this moment is not very good.

The eye sockets are also sunken, and it seems that even the fragile apple muscles are starting to wrinkle.

The whole person exuded an extremely tired look.

He frowned immediately.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, but acted as if he couldn't see it, and smiled politely:


"Yeah, Mr. Xu, long time no see."

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang responded:

"Yeah... let's go home first. Don't you have something? Come and get it with Sanjin."


Liang Bingning responded, and Yang Tianzhen had already opened the rear door and was starting to carry things with the driver.

Xu Daqiang went up to help and asked:

"Buying so many things?"

"Wulong is a big medicinal material market, and someone specially bought some authentic medicinal materials for replenishing qi and blood for Mimi. Since the mother was afraid of losing qi and blood, Fangzi asked the doctor from Tongrentang here. Zhongzheng Pinghe. "

Liang Binning explained, and Xu Xin also put on a pair of pants and walked out:

"Sister Bingbing...oh, your state..."

Looking at her sunken eye sockets, Xu Xin was a little surprised.

"How many days have you not rested?"

"Don't mention it..."

Liang Binning shook her head:

"Last night, the night scene was shot at almost 2 a.m., and I got up at 6 a.m. to rush to the airport. But it was so foggy in Chongqing... I didn't dare to leave. I was afraid that if flights resumed later, I wouldn't be able to catch up. So I rested in the car. . I didn’t get much rest. It was past noon, and I didn’t want to come back. But when I returned to the set, Wang Xiaoshuai saw that I hadn’t left, so he took me to shoot for the whole afternoon. After finishing the scenes for tomorrow, I After thinking about it for a while, it was better to miss the full moon, so I rushed back with my things..."


Hearing this, Xu Xin was really speechless, but he still hurriedly welcomed her into the house:

"Let's go inside first. I'll get the things. Then go up to the room and rest for a while. Mimi is putting the two children to sleep. I can't come out to greet you yet, so you need to rest first."

Recalling the torturous day in her words, Xu Xin felt really guilty.

Regardless of other reasons, if people can go to such trouble, this friendship must be accepted.

Not to mention that these are medicinal materials and bird's nests.

After moving everything into the warehouse, Xu Xin and Xu Daqiang entered the house and saw Liang Binning sitting alone in the living room.

Yang Dalin and his wife knew that their daughter had a visitor, so they also returned to the house.

"Wait a minute, let me check if the child is asleep. If not, bring him over first and let Sister Bingbing see him."

After entering the house, Xu Xin said quickly.

"No, no, no, let the child sleep first. The child doesn't recognize anyone..."

While the two were talking, Xu Daqiang had already walked to the tea table.

When guests come, they must have a cup of tea.


He glanced at Liang Bingning's tired look, thought for a while, and took down the jar of roses for making scented tea from the shelf.

I didn't pour any tea leaves, just three or five rose petals and brewed with hot water.

It was brought to Liang Binning with the scent of roses.

"Drink water..."

With that said, before Liang Binning responded, she waved her hand to Xu Xin:

"I'm going to have a rest too. Let's chat."

Then he walked directly back to his house.

Xu Xin didn’t think much about it.

After all...he doesn't know many things.

And what about Liang Bingning...

She lowered her head and glanced at the cup of rose-scented tea in front of her...

Rose can soothe the liver and relieve depression, relieve fatigue, release qi stasis in the body, calm and soothe the mind...

With the effect of roses in her mind, she exhaled the last breath of cold air from her lungs, picked up the cup, put it to her nose and smelled it.

Just soaked, the rose flavor has not yet reached its peak.

But it was enough to reassure me.

Light aroma, nice.

Please give me a monthly ticket! ! ~

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