Chapter 365 363. Reef




Looking at Liang Binning blowing air, Xu Xin knew that she must be thirsty.

"Would you like a drink? There's juice, freshly squeezed."

What he means is to let the other person quench his thirst first.

But Liang Binning shook her head slightly:

"Just drink this. I also have water in the car, but this car is driven from the company, and the water is a bit tooth-pulling. I can't drink it too cold these days. The boiled water I picked up from the airport has a strange smell, and I'm not used to it. .This is just right~”

As she spoke, she leaned a little tiredly on the soft cushions of the sofa.

His whole body collapsed completely, as if his bones had shrunk.

Xu Xin also saw a wonderful sight.

A woman with such a big frame can "shrink" when tired.

It seems to have really reached its limit.

So he asked:

"You're not going to get up early to return to Chongqing tomorrow morning, are you?"

"No... I should be able to rest at home for a day tomorrow. Let's go back the day after tomorrow."

As she spoke, she finally took a sip of the rose tea in the cup.

The kind that you suck with a small mouth.

Then he let out a sigh:

" feels much better."

Seeing this, Xu Xin directly took over a small tea cup and a fair cup, intending to let her pour the water into the small cup to drink, so that it would cool down faster.

Liang Binning nodded, her eyes falling on the pile of red envelopes:

"You haven't counted the money yet?"

"No, I toasted at the table at noon and drank too much. I didn't wake up until dinner in the evening. I'll take my time by myself later."

"Um...see if the child is asleep?"


Xu Xin stood up, walked to the bedroom door, and quietly opened the door.

With the help of the blurred outline of the night light, he saw the way Yang Mi hooked her hands.

After thinking about it, he greeted Liang Binning behind him.

The two of them opened the door quietly.

In order to prevent her from triggering Zai Zai and Niu Niu's protective attributes, he was the first to come in and grabbed the collars of the two dogs and drove them out.

This made Zaizai and Niuniu boss unhappy.

He glanced at the bad woman who caused him to be kicked out...

Extremely dissatisfied.

"Go, get lost."

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After pushing away the two dogs, he walked into the bedroom with Liang Binning.

After Yang Mi slightly brightened the lights so that Liang Binning could see the faces of the two children, she heard a whisper:

"Ah, so cute..."

Instantly, classmate Xiao Yang beamed.

Then, Liang Binning gave her gift.

"Here, one is as strong as an ox, and the other is as strong as a bull. Put the two little guys under the quilt to hold them down."

She handed over her red envelope.

Xu Xin thought it was a red envelope containing money at first.

But as soon as I received the two red envelopes, I immediately noticed the difference.

Hard and heavy.

iron plate?

He was stunned.

I touched it again... No, it's not an iron plate, it should be a gold plate.

Feel the weight...

It's about two kilograms.

Two 500-gram gold plates?

He was a little surprised, but he didn't show it. He just nodded:

"Thank you, Sister Bingbing."


Liang Bingning responded, lying in front of the cradle, looking at the two little guys...

"It's great, I have both children..."

For some reason, her eyes were full of envy and sadness.


Yang Mi couldn't help laughing again.

After watching for about five or six minutes, the three of them retreated together.

Two dogs were lying guarding the door, as if none of the three of you could even think of going in again.

After Yang Mi came out, she saw Liang Binning's state and asked speechlessly:

"Sister Bingbing, why are you like this?"


Liang Binning smiled, sat down in her seat again and began to drink tea.

Just then, her phone rang.

She quickly muted the sound, then glanced at the caller, thought for a moment, and answered the call:

"Hi, Teacher Wang."

"...Well, here we are. Talking right now."

"Let's go back the day after tomorrow."



After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi asked curiously:

"Wang Xiaoshuai?"

"Uh... no."

Liang Binning shook her head, but didn't say who it was.

Instead he asked:

"How do you guys get to the Golden Horse Awards?"

"The Wind" was shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Screenplay, Photography, Visual Effects, Art Design, Style Design, and Best Film.

Awards begin on December 12th.

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked at Xu Xin again.

"We are scheduled to go on the 11th, shall we go together?"

"I'll try my best. If we can't come together, I might arrive on the 12th."

"That's fine. We'll communicate with you when the time comes."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Liang Binning drank the rose tea in the cup again.

When Yang Mi saw this, she had to refill her glass.

But Liang Binning waved her hand:

"It's not pouring anymore...if I drink it, I really want to sleep here."

"Then go to bed. There is still room at home. You are so tired, so you can rest for the night before leaving."

Facing Yang Mi's invitation, she still shook her head:

"Then you have to go home."

With that said, he simply drank the remaining water in the tea cup.

"Mimi, here's the prescription for you."

She took out the prescription from her bag and stood up:

"This prescription is from Tongrentang. It is specially designed to replenish qi and blood. I have asked you to drink it now. If you feel that you can't endure it, you can take it over there. It is easy to lose qi and blood after giving birth. Pay more attention... Okay, luckily I've caught up with the little guy's good days, so I'll leave."

Seeing her tired look, the couple didn't hold back.

Going home early and having a good sleep is better than anything else.

So, after walking her to the door and watching her get in the car and leave, the two of them returned home.

After locking the door, Yang Mi took a look at the medicinal materials in the warehouse.

Said to Xu Xin:

"Then you do it slowly, I'll take the kids to bed."


Xu Xin responded, sitting at the table with the gift list and just about to write it, Yang Mi came out of the room again.

"It's quite pretty."

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at the two gold plates she took out of the red envelope and reached out to take them.

On the front of the gold plate is a very cartoon cow baby image, which says "Bullshit".

The other one has muscle knots... I don't know which artist painted it after the image of a strong bull, with the words "as strong as an ox" written on it.

The two children are born in the year of Ox.

It's a very good meaning.

And looking at the back.

The number of 500G is quite eye-catching.

"How much does gold cost per gram? Two hundred and three? Two hundred and four?"

Yang Mi asked.

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Why are you asking this? This is what she wants. When she does things in the future, we can just use the ornaments made by two pounds of gold."

"Hmm...then give me this and I'll put it in the safe."

"Let me go, you go to bed quickly."

Waving his hand, he wrote his name on his friend's gift list:

"Liang Binning: Two pounds of gold."

When the plane landed at noon on the 27th, Xu Xin and Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was okay. The daughter and son seemed to have inherited their mother's physique. From the time the plane took off to the time it landed, they did not show any discomfort.

Except for some crying during the climb, the rest of the flight was pretty peaceful.

Even Xu Daqiang felt relieved a lot.

After leaving Xi'an Airport, everyone split up.

Zhang Hai came to pick up the plane, and Yang Mi took the children and left with Xu Daqiang, Sanshui and the others.

Xu Xin, along with Jay Chou and Wang Sicong, walked to the West Film Studio.

The two sides are separate.

We can't even have lunch together.

Everyone in the factory is waiting for him.

As for Lang Lang...

This juncture is his busiest time of year.

Whether in Europe or America, he has countless dinner parties and events to attend.

I came back yesterday specifically for my goddaughter and godson’s full moon wine.

"When are you planning to release your new album?"

In the car, after hearing Xu Xin's words, Jay Chou shrugged:

"I'll release it next year. I've already finished a few songs. I'm going to start recording the MV and filming after the new year... I think I'll be very busy with acting~ I've also been approached by a Hollywood film, and I plan to agree."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Jay Chou nodded proudly:

"That's right, Hollywood. But I don't know what movie it is yet... They've done a good job of keeping it secret. They just told me it's a superhero movie."


When Xu Xin was speechless, Wang Sicong said:

"Old Xu is sour."

"I'm so sore."

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but didn't say much.

In fact, in his eyes, all of Wheel's talents are really focused on music.

His acting skills are really quite average...

But this is from a director's perspective.

As a friend…

Nowadays, every celebrity is doing cross-border work. Those who play music are making movies, and those who act in movies are releasing albums...

Not to mention anything else, Huang Xiaoming has released several albums, but he has never listened to any of them.

Everyone is doing this, why can’t my friend?

Just give it a try.

What's more, from what he said, he didn't even know what the script was, let alone Xu Xin, who helped him review the script.

"Hey, during the days of the Golden Horse Awards, shall I hold another party? I see that you and Director Li are very happy to work together... The film industry here is starting to be sluggish. Then you can see if anything goes smoothly. ?”


Xu Xin nodded:

"But there is one thing..."

Before he could say anything, Jay Chou responded:

"Don't worry, I'm here. If he doesn't know everything, I won't let him come."

Obviously, the two people have such a tacit understanding that each other knows what they want to express.

And then Wang Sicong said:

"Shout more actresses."



In the speechless gazes of the two people, Wang Sicong shrugged:

"What? No?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but say:

"He also calls a lot of girls on his birthday..."

"You ate yesterday, do you still want to eat today?"


This reason is really awesome.

Irresistible bull.

And just when Xu Xin was unable to complain, Jay Chou took on the big brother attitude:

"Please, how can you be your child's godfather? Do you look like an adult?"

"What's the matter?"

Wang Sicong raised his legs proudly:

"Since childhood, I have taught my daughter to stay away from scumbag men, and taught my eldest son to stay away from scumbag girls. The indestructible boy skill of King Kong must be grasped from childhood, you know? Raise our two eldest darlings into beings who will not be touched by a leaf among thousands of flowers. High-end players, this way they won’t be tricked by those glamorous bitches..."



Xu Xinxin said: What he said makes so much sense.

"Director Xu, hahaha, come on, come on, this is our little thought, congratulations on the new baby... Hahaha..."

During the luncheon, Xu Xin faced a group of people from Xiying Film Studio who almost had joy written on their faces.

Then I received a bunch of red envelopes.

Even Tian Shuanghe prepared one.

Xu Xin's bag is full again.

But this time Xu Xin didn't drink, and neither did everyone.

Tian Shuanghe spoke at the dinner table and asked Xu Xin to chat with him in the office after dinner.

Therefore, this banquet was eaten according to the standards of a working meal.

After finishing the meal normally, Xu Xin followed him back to the office, while Jay Chou had already gone to rehearsal with the "The Voice" team and contestants.

As soon as he entered the office, he noticed something different.

In the cabinet behind Tian Shuanghe, there are three more Golden Rooster trophies. It’s not like there are only three trophies, including several awards for “The Beginning of Spring”.

But who made the three golden roosters connect in line?

It looks particularly eye-catching.

No need to look, Xu Xin knew that it must be the trophy for the three best actresses.

He couldn't help laughing:

"Ha ha."

Tian Shuanghe followed his gaze and turned his head, also happy:

"Doesn't it look good?"


Xu Xin responded:

"It looks good, but it's just too little."

"Why are you so anxious? You are still young."

Sitting at the tea table, he motioned for Xu Xin to take a seat, and then asked:

"When will the casting for "The Hawthorn Tree" begin?"

"day 30th."


Tian Shuanghe nodded:

"Do you have any needs for the directing team this time?"

"Yes, in terms of serving the Tao, you have to match me with an old gentleman from that era. I have to restore all the details of that era."


After hearing his request, Tian Shuanghe responded:

"Don't worry, the seniors in the factory also like to see how energetic we are now. This time, in terms of serving Hua Dao, I don't know if Xiao Qi told you during the meeting two days ago that the staff assigned to you is Mr. Liu Yichuan, the artist, Zhang Li, the costumer, and Ning Daming, the props in "The Black Cannon Incident". The style of "Yellow Earth" - Zhong Ling, the costume - Tian Geng, the art director of "The Sweet Soul Girl" Ma Huiwu... Oh, that's right , Ma Huiwu, Ma Lao Hui, you have to pay attention... there are a total of ten art consultants who serve Hua Dao, including Lao Guo and the others, as well as the young people working under him, the total list is about 50. "

"...Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Hearing the names of these videos, Xu Xin scratched his head with emotion:

“Our factory’s financial background is really strong.”

Tian Shuanghe smiled:

"This is only part of it. When the young artist creation base is established next year, you will see all the seniors and backbones of our factory who are still making contributions to the film industry... We may be working on special effects and CG technology. Such aspects are shortcomings. But in terms of how to bring out the humanistic and artistic value of a film, these talents are the real treasures... In fact, I have to thank you for this."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Tian Shuanghe nodded:

"Well, when our factory was in its lowest stage, our factory staff was a little dissatisfied. I wouldn't let the idle people come in, and the talented people looked down upon us... But after you came, this The movie "The Wind" has really made the reputation famous. Didn't the job fair just open this month, and the number of outstanding talents applying for various positions has exceeded 150... There is no need to worry about passing on the inheritance. "

Having said this, he picked up the teapot with emotion and helped Xu Xin pour a cup of tea.

"Furthermore, the variety show "The Voice" has been so well done by Mimi... everyone has also made money. If nothing else... you won't talk about it. There are many people who have been working in the factory for seven or eight years. When have you ever seen the entrance to the investment department blocked by people? Haha~"

It can be seen that Tian Shuanghe is indeed very happy.

As an old man who has worked at Xiying Film Studio all his life, although the scene before him was far from what he expected, at least... a thriving bud has emerged.

Can you be unhappy?

Taking advantage of this happy energy, Xu Xin tentatively said:

"Leader, our video channel..."

After just the beginning of his words, Tian Shuanghe understood what he meant and asked:

"What about going to the stars?"



After passing a good cat, Tian Shuanghe asked:

"Is it your idea to go to the stars, or is it Mimi's?"

"When it comes to ideas, we must have discussed them. But... "The Voice" is so popular, she must want to gain higher visibility..."

"Well, that's normal."

Tian Shuanghe responded, and after Xu Xin helped him light the cigarette, he asked:

"I can understand Mimi's thoughts to a certain extent. There are no outsiders here, so I'll just tell you my opinion."

"You say."

Xu Xin sat up straight.

"Xiao Xu, the family has not yet been decided. It is too early to say that we will separate."

Tian Shuanghe shook his head slightly:

"Even if Xiying becomes a star, it holds "The Voice" in its hands, including a series of subsequent programs that may be launched, or some TV series... Even if it can become a hit, the regional nature of the TV series group Very strong. Even if we and Shaantai break our bones, our tendons are still connected. Right?"

Xu Xin was stunned...

"what do you mean……"

"Don't you think that the "Sword of Sword III" currently being shown on our a good example?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"You mean... our station can be a behind-the-scenes promoter in some aspects?"

"If you make a drama, show it on your own TV station first. If the response is good, it will star on Shaanxi TV station. First, we have the opportunity to try and make mistakes. Second, more young actors can be trained. Third... this is what I value most. The most important thing is to maintain our style. In front of outsiders, they may think that we are talking empty words and clichés. But, Xiao Xu, do you still remember what I said when we first met? "

Looking at Xu Xin, Tian Shuanghe's eyes were filled with...a clear light.

"Our country's movies came out from here. People say that the Northeast is the eldest son, but as far as movies are concerned, we are the eldest sons. This industry is becoming more and more commercialized, and no one will have trouble with money. But if Everyone will be shooting for money at that time... I guess it will not be far from decline at that time.

The honors of the old factory director filled a wall, and it was my turn. Before the wall behind me was covered with trophies, the money... was enough, and there was more than I could spend, but I was scolded and poked at for forgetting my roots. It’s much more important to say with my backbone that I brought Xiying Studio to a fault..."

The moment he heard this, Xu Xin frowned.

It's not that I'm dissatisfied.

But I feel...

"Your idea... goes against the rules of the market."

"Of course. When everyone is trying to make money, pretending to be aloof will be looked down upon."

Tian Shuanghe smiled:

"But if you lose even the roots of Northwest culture... Just like you. Your family conditions are here. If you feel bored and boring when making a movie, will you continue to do it? "


Xu Xin fell into thinking.

"We all grew up drinking water from the Yellow River. It is only right for brothers to work together. Don't we all pay attention to integrating resources now?

After all, it is a circle. Some people in the circle are good at making movies, some are good at acting in TV series, some want to record something for this hot land, and some want to do something for this entire piece of yellow land.

Chinese movies came out from us. This is the root, and the root cannot be broken.

What's more... you have to understand that after all, Shaanxi and Taiwan, like our Taiwan, are a window to the entire cultural circle and an important promotion medium for culture. No matter how well we do, no matter how high the ratings are, how about being more famous... When people mention our station, the first thing they think of is our factory.

But Shaanxi and Taiwan are different. When people see it, they think of our province and our roots.

So, go back and tell Mimi that the next focus is to promote Shaanxi culture. We need a facade, we need unity, and more importantly, we need to promote the return of a circle and culture.

Some things are more important to her and you than money. If you want to become an old artist with both virtue and art, you must have the right time, right place, and the right people. She is also the boss of the company and has a more far-sighted vision. "

His words made Xu Xin think for a long time.

Peel away the cocoons and think clearly bit by bit.

In fact, the core point of Tian Shuanghe's remarks is very simple.

That is "based on culture".

If you don’t go to the Beijing circle, status is paramount.

If you don’t learn from the Shanghai Circle, capital is king.

It is even somewhat separated from the entire entertainment industry.

The Northwest Circle still wants to take a path based on culture.

Because this is the West Film Studio, or the root of northwest film culture.

At first glance, this statement sounds a bit out of place.

In other words, noble.

You are noble, you are so noble.

But... Xu Xin didn't know what others thought. But there was no ill feeling at all from him.

Because from Tian Shuanghe's words, he saw that as the head of the Xiying Film Factory, as an old man of the Xiying Film Factory, he had accompanied the factory through its glory, loneliness, and now its restoration of glory... The blood in his heart has never cooled down.

"Chinese movies come out from here."

This is the slogan of the factory.

It is not empty talk or a cliche, but something that these older filmmakers insist on doing.


Especially suitable for Xu Xin's appetite.

The kind that doesn't fit together well.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.


"...What are you laughing at?"

Tian Shuanghe was a little puzzled for a moment.

But Xu Xin shook his head:

"I told my dad before that I particularly like Yu Xuan. My dad also asked me who Yu Xuan is and if he is the one who talks about cross talk..."


Tian Shuanghe was stunned.

Only then can we tell who "Yu Xuan" is from this sentence.

After reacting, he smiled and said:

"What? Are you afraid that our factory will end up like Yu Xuan?"

"That's not true. But I think... it's really good to be Yu Xuan. If the ending can be less miserable..."


"So you have to walk on two legs. You can't look at the future without looking at the present, and you can't just look at the present without looking at the future... I would say, it doesn't matter whether it's a movie or a TV series, it doesn't matter whether it's an art film or a commercial film. As long as the story is good. Shoot what you want to shoot, express what you want to express... do what you want to do, that's fine. Walk on two legs~ This is what my dad often says~"


Tian Shuanghe thought for a while and nodded:

"This is absolutely true."

"So, I don't know what other people think, but I think the most suitable thing for me is to be a rock. It doesn't matter if you can't see me when the tide goes up, or I stand out from the crowd when the tide goes down. I am right there, and I will always be there."


Looking at the young man in front of him, Tian Shuanghe smiled and nodded:

"That's the right mentality."

Although the two of them didn't know why the topic suddenly changed from the TV station to here.

But at least both sides figured out what the other was thinking.

Tian Shuanghe is not a leader who only pursues money, and Xu Xin is not a director who can't get out of money.

The two of them returned to "The Voice" itself on this topic.

After all, tomorrow is the finals, and it is still live broadcast. The factory also attaches great importance to the live broadcast session to have a perfect ending.

The program, which lasted for four months, has created too many ratings and business legends.

This final step must be made clear.

While they were chatting, suddenly, Tian Shuanghe's phone rang.

After looking at the caller, he was stunned for a moment and answered the call:

"Hello? Wen Li."

As soon as he said this title, Xu Xin understood who the caller was.

Then I heard Tian Shuanghe say:

"Yes, Xiao Xu and I are here... Okay, come here."

After hanging up the phone, Tian Shuanghe said:

"A few days ago, Wen Li's movie was finished."


"Yes, "We'll See You in the Sky", she directed it herself. It's being produced in the factory, and it's expected to be released early next year. I took a look at the edited's okay. She will bring someone over soon, named Ma Sichun. , it’s a little girl, her niece.”

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I met her at an awards ceremony before, and we talked about her niece, who is said to be a child star?"

Hearing his probing intentions, Tian Shuanghe shook his head and spoke in an extremely firm tone:

"You don't have to think about this. You just need to follow your own ideas about your movie. No one will interfere with you. Even if there is, tell the factory and we will be responsible for shutting him up."


Xu Xin nodded and agreed.

Suddenly I felt at ease.

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