I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 371 369 is too domineering

Chapter 371 369. Too Domineering

"Just this one, don't try the rest."

"...That's it for now. I still need to think about who will be chosen for the final role."

"If there is any news, I will ask Xu Haofeng to contact you then."

"No, no, no, you are the one who is doing the hard work. I am happy for you. These are two golden pomeloes. The more flesh you have, the more blessings you will have."

"Well, okay, go back, thank you for your hard work."

"If this notepad is convenient, you can send it to Xu Haofeng when you return. I think it must have a lot of reference value."

"Thank you...Okay, bye."

In total, it took exactly one hour from the time Yang Mi entered the house to the time she left.

When Yang Mi left, she left her original notebook at Wang Jiawei's home.

For her, "The Grandmaster" is over here.

It's not right to say it's over, it should be an end.

This movie will be launched next year, and if I can choose it, the filming will not start until after the Chinese New Year next year.

But if you don’t choose it, that’s the end of it.

The content in this notepad is just for senior brother to use. After all, they have put in so much effort. Just leave it as a reference for senior brother and return it to you after the movie is over.

Frankly speaking, in more than a year, as far as "The Grandmaster" is concerned, her biggest achievement is not that she contributed good acting skills in the eyes of the two of them, but that she understood Gong Er.

Because she understands... or creates her own Gong Er, then as long as she dabbles in this aspect of the role in the future, then Gong Er's template can be used by her at any time.

The improvement in acting skills is her biggest gain.

Pregnancy was not a waste of time, and I gained a deeper understanding of a certain type of role.

In the long run, "The Grandmaster" has given itself enough benefits.

Leave the rest to others.

Her mission is over.

As soon as she left, Xu Haofeng couldn't wait to ask:

"Director Wang, how do you think? Better than Zhang Ziyi!"


Wang Jiawei didn't speak for the time being. He just picked up her notepad and opened a few pages.

After discovering that it was indeed filled with dense handwriting, each stroke showing the artist's carefulness, I closed the pages.

He regained his meditative look.

Seeing that he was silent, Xu Haofeng knew that he was thinking, so he didn't ask further questions.

After taking the notepad, he said:

"She provided me with a lot of ideas, and I felt that there was suddenly a lot to add to the story..."


Upon hearing this, Wang Jiawei spoke instead:

"Her point of view gave us a lot of inspiration. Some scenes, I think, can be shot more delicately... I have to go back and think about it carefully."

"Then this candidate..."

Xu Haofeng looked at him and asked again:


After all, even other people’s things were used.

It would be really unkind if it was uncertain.

But who knew, after hearing his words, Wang Jiawei shook his head:

"I am not sure as well."


Xu Haofeng was stunned:

"Not sure?"


Leaning on the sofa, Wang Jiawei rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.

"Her performance was so full."

"...Too full?"

"Yes, it's too full. If she is used, the style of the play must be changed. Her style is too strong. This is my opinion... Of course, in the words of the young director, it is too sharp. .”

He told what troubled him the most:

"You also know how long Tony has been preparing for this drama. The time is no less than hers. The most important thing is that the two are incompatible.

The first is that Tony's age is not very suitable for her age, but it is very suitable for Zhang Ziyi.

The second thing is...she really interprets the role of Gong Er better than Zhang Ziyi. But precisely because of this, think about it, if the story really follows her direction... how should TONY's scenes be arranged?

The third point is that she played this role too overbearingly. Her gracefulness was all covered up and hidden by this dominance. If we follow her way of thinking, then our line of sky will become a dispensable line. And Zhang Zhen has been preparing for the role of Yixiantian for several years. "

Speaking of this, there was a hint of regret in his rare tone:

"It's so overbearing... It's such a pity. If this movie was just about the Gong family... she is simply the most suitable candidate. But for this movie, we want to shoot Ip Man, Yin Yin Tian, ​​and Hong Kong Kowloon The street has changed with the times, and I want to film Ip Man and the entire northern martial arts community... But now she has it all by herself, what will the others do?"


Xu Haofeng's face suddenly turned ugly.

"But she is obviously much more suitable than Zhang Ziyi! Whether it is her mastery of Baguazhang or her understanding of the character..."

"So how do you weigh in on the other characters?"

Seeing that his face was very ugly, Wang Jiawei asked back.

"The senior brothers Gong Baotian and Ding Lianshan are going to meet in Guangdong. Ding Lianshan will eventually go to Xiangjiang to have a fight with Ip Man.

Ip Man wants to look for the mark of the changing times and the withering of the martial arts world from his youth, when he became the spokesperson of the martial arts circles in Guangdong and Guangxi, to when he moved to Hong Kong.

Yi Yin Tian wants to break away from the organization from the Northeast, and after getting acquainted with Gong Er, he goes south and finally meets in Xiangjiang. Gong Er opens a medical clinic, while he opens a hair salon and guards Gong Er all his life.

Ma San wanted to defect from the Gong family, join the Japanese, and was finally killed by Gong Er...

All of them individually could make up a separate movie, but we all have to be blended into this movie. If it really goes according to her ideas, will there be other people involved? "

After Wang Jiawei said this, Xu Haofeng's face turned even darker.

Because... he knew what Director Wang said was true.

But it was precisely because what he said was true that he felt like a lump in his throat.

After all... the idea given by Yang Mi was particularly in line with the real "martial arts" and "martial arts" dream in his heart.

It's the kung fu he's really looking for.

Or culture.

It fits perfectly!


When he thought that there were so many things to shoot in a movie, he was momentarily speechless.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Then we can let her film according to our wishes..."

"So it comes back again, isn't it? The biggest difficulty that restricts her is not her acting skills, but her age. And that domineering attitude... She plays too domineering, too aggressive. If she plays domineering, it will weaken Ip Man. The scene with Yixiantian..."

Having said this, Wang Jiawei paused for a moment before continuing:

"She is like the sun, her second palace, which makes people forget everything about other people. This is not defined by her acting skills, but her role setting for the second palace. Just like the sun, she makes people forget everything. But Zhang Ziyi is like the moon. She and Tony can complement each other...

Yang Mi did her best in every other aspect today, but she was narrow-minded in this regard... Of course, she is not to blame for this, because we only gave her so much information. Perhaps through this little bit of information, I saw a peerless Gong Er, a young actor with a limitless future. But she is also the one who was "born at the wrong time". Do you understand what I mean? "


Xu Haofeng seemed to want to say something else.

But Wang Jiawei waved his hand:

"Let me think about it carefully... Give me some time. You and Zhou Jingzhi can also think about it and see if there is any possibility of changes... Let me think about it again. This matter... may not be a sure thing. I still have to consider..."


Xu Haofeng lost his temper now.

Shut up.

But his heart felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yang Mi didn't know what happened next.

After she came out and got in the car, she called Xu Xin:

"Let's go?"

"it's over?"


"How's your performance?"

"Well, I've tried my best. It depends on the director..."

"That's okay, then you can come back and I'll contact them to arrange a flight route. Go back now so that you don't delay tomorrow's audition."


Sitting in the car, Yang Mi responded and asked Sun Ting:

"Tingting, what do you think of my performance just now?"

"Super awesome."

"Hehe, your mouth is so sweet~"

"Then...sister, can we get this role?"

After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while...for some reason, she cast her eyes outside the window:

"Who knows."

After speaking, she used a voice that could only be heard by herself, looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and muttered once:

"Only this time, I don't want to lose..."

On the plane.

Xu Xin scratched his head:

"Did you really say that?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"As long as I perform well, then why can't the second palace be mine?...I'll just say it bluntly, I think this is the role of the heroine."

"...In my opinion, the edge is still too much."

Xu Xin sighed:

"Sigh... Sometimes you have to think about it from the director's point of view. Being a great actor is a good thing. But sometimes it's not necessarily suitable for all roles.

Didn't I tell you before?

When I say "a generation of masters," maybe it doesn't refer to a specific person, but to a "generation of" masters.

Everyone is a symbol, representing that era of unparalleled splendor and unparalleled fame. It is not a movie that only makes one person successful.

You have gone too far down this road. "

Listening to his words, Yang Mi nodded and seemed to agree, but her eyes were full of determination:

"You said it, but I think this drama will be more successful if it is supported by Gong Er. Everything you considered is right, but did you think about it for too long? You have to really follow your ideas and portray multiple faces. ...Then how should their stories be defined?

If you give too much, the time limit does not allow it.

If it’s too little, the audience will be confused.

It’s impossible to cram everything into a two-hour movie... How can a generation tell everyone’s story clearly in two hours? You think too much~"

"...Tsk, tsk."

Feeling the confidence revealed in these words, Xu Xin sighed with emotion.


I am so proud of my sister's blind confidence.

What's more, he was actually quite happy.

Grandma’s is really Wang Jiawei...

He was really afraid that after his sister got the role, she would be captured by Wang Jiawei like in "Ashes of Time" and kept in a desert in the northwest for several months or even a year or two. When she came out, she would see Sand is like a dog digging holes to find watermelons...

too exaggerated.

It's unimaginable.

After all, everyone knows that this actor is notoriously slow in filming.

Anyway, I have auditioned. Whether I succeed or not depends on God’s will.

It's useless to say this now.

Thinking of this, he stopped paying attention to his wife, who was frantically paddling while the children were sleeping. He took a skateboard and a pencil, slowly compared the script, and began to draw the shots bit by bit on the paper.

It was quiet.

"If you two are tossing like this from now on, why don't you just stop taking the child out? Do you hear me? How can a child be so tossing? Nuan Nuan and Yangyang have good constitutions. If they are more fragile, they will have to be tortured like this by you two. It’s amazing!”

When Yang Mi returned home, she was scolded by Yang Dalin.

Yang Mi didn't dare to resist.

After all, there is no Xu Daqiang to support her now.

Status plummeted.

But she still knows how to spread the fire.

I want to drag Xu Xin into the water right away:

"I originally asked him to bring the child back, but he couldn't bear to leave me and wanted to go with me. If you tell him to go, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Be quiet! Didn't you see that he was painting!"

Yang Dalin scolded again.

"He's working, he's already a mother, why doesn't he understand anything!"

"Ah!!! Mom! My dad is biased! His bias is at my grandma's house!"

"You damn girl, you won't keep your voice down, right?"

"Ah!! Mom, help!!!"

The old Yang family began to perform "The Generals of the Yang Family".

Full martial arts version.

Although Xu Xin heard the noise outside, he ignored it.

Just continue what you are doing.

That "Hawthorn Tree" has stayed in his heart long enough.

It's time to start manifesting it.

The braided Jingqiu, the third child with a clean smile, Jingqiu’s mother who is so majestic and inhumane but has her own gentleness, etc...

8 a.m. on November 30th.

Outside the audition hall of Xiying Film Office in Yanjing.


All kinds of commercial vehicles were piled up in the parking lot, even occupying the aisles for vehicles, which once seemed extremely crowded.

The bottom of the car was also filled with people chatting with each other.

These people are all brokers.

Come to connect with colleagues.

Of course, they say they are communicating with each other, but in fact they are just like trying to find out about the enemy.

Who did you bring today?

I will take so-and-so today.

Some people bring one artist, while others are simply assigned by the company to bring several people.

Some people obviously started reading the original book to prepare the news after hearing the news, but they just said, "Even our artists can't stand that book." There are also people who have gone through some special acting training, but they kept it secret. "Just come here and count the number of people."

There are so many different kinds, everything is there.

Zhang Yimou, Xu Xin.

These two names mean so much to these actors.

In other words, Xu Xin is secondary.

Being able to show his face in front of Zhang Yimou...if he is selected, it may bring about completely different effects.

Everyone values ​​these characters.

As the time approached 9 a.m., finally, an inconspicuous Volvo led two commercial vehicles behind it into the parking lot.

Unlike other cars that come in and find a parking space, it drives directly to the entrance of the office building and stops.

Then, Zhang Yimou, Xu Xin, and Zhang Mo all walked down.

Then, sitting in the business car behind, were the directors of various departments of the relevant crew.

And when a few people appeared, those chatting at the door immediately became a little commotion.

But no one dared to say hello rashly.

At this time, in addition to giving the right to speak to the director, the rest can only depend on the performance of the actors.

These agents are useless.

Because whether it is Zhang Yimou, Xu Xin, or anyone else, they are not people who can compromise after the agency does their work.

Just like that, everyone watched these ten people walk into the building together.

And on the welcome sign next to it, there is also a piece of paper:

"The audition venue for "Hawthorn Tree Love" - ​​turn left on the second floor, Audition Hall 1."

"Opening time: 9:30 (please submit the information first to receive the number in advance)"

Audition Hall 1.

When Xu Xin and others arrived, the table was already filled with artists' information.

There seemed to be a lot of people auditioning this time, so the audition process was actually a bit more troublesome than in "The Wind."

After all, there are too many people.

The information alone is already piled into a mountain.

On the table behind the mountain is a cup filled with tea.

There is also a small table in the far corner. On the small table are two thermos bottles.

There was also a clerk sitting next to him with a badge hanging on his face.

This is specifically for serving tea and water to the leaders today.

Today's audition members, in addition to Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou, also include "The Beginning of Spring" photographer Wang Lei, lighting director Dong Fulai, and Xu Zhi who just came from Shanghai, including the old man's official photographers Zhao Xiaoding, Qi Lei and ten more Several people.

Xu Zhi came here as an investor in "Hawthorn Tree".

Originally, this position belonged to Xu Yang, but after several people were kidnapped from Hengdian, they went to the United States and the United Kingdom respectively.

Went to negotiate the copyright of "The Voice".

It is estimated that several second-generation coal workers in Xujiawan would not have thought of it...

Ever since they joined the company, Sister Mo really didn't treat them as outsiders.

No, it should be said that they are really used as livestock.

No matter how big or small, if you can do it, you must do it.

Anyway, you will be familiar with and understand various processes.

When they first had no work to do, they tried to break into the rich second-generation circle in Shanghai. They smoked, drank, permed their hair, and flirted with girls... and lived a life of working as a secretary when they had something to do, and working as a secretary when they had nothing to do.

As a result, the cold reality has caused several people to forget their identities and continue to roll 996 pages every day until they die.

But Xu Yang wanted to be lazy and called Xu Xin alone.

Xu Xin agreed without thinking too much.

After Xu Zhi found out, Xu Yang was beaten to death in Hengdian.

He happily "came" to Yanjing from the Magic City for a business trip.

In this drama, he has 25% of the investment amount.

Of the remaining 75, 50 belongs to the factory and 25 belongs to Li Mingliang.

Around Christmas, when Liu Momo comes back, Shuangwei Entertainment will become the largest controlling shareholder of Headwind.

Moreover, among the shares exchanged between the two parties, Liu Momo will become one of Shuangwei's shareholders.

Like Wang Sicong, he holds the original shares of Shuangwei and does not participate in the subsequent division and management of the artist studio.

But this time Xu Xin’s photographer could not use Li Pingdong.

Director Li has a film contract for next year and has already signed the contract.

Xu Xin was quite sorry.

After all... his cooperation with Director Li was particularly pleasant.

But I have a film appointment, so I have no choice but to smile on the phone and make an appointment for the next time.

So as the photographer this time, the factory recommended Wang Leilai, the director of photography for "The Beginning of Spring".

Xu Xin really liked the quality of the passing of time in "The Beginning of Spring" and agreed after reading it.

After everyone sat down, Xu Zhi slapped his mouth.

This makes me want to smoke.

But Zhang Yimou was here...he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Xin lit a cigarette and turned to the clerk:

"You can open the windows a little, it'll be fine."

Xu Zhi's mouth twitched...

I thought you were using Zhang Daozhen as your food.


If he knew that when Xu Xin went to the old man's house, the old man would take the initiative to hand him an ashtray, he might go crazy.

As expected, Zhang Yimou didn't say anything.

He just picked up the cup and looked at it, and suddenly said with some emotion:

"Even I can't remember...the last time I drank from a cup in the factory."

"Haha, yes. It's been a long time..."

Guo Zhengyi smiled and nodded.

Then contemporaries fell into a flurry of memories.

Compared to actors outside, their mentality is actually very relaxed.

Including Xu Xin.

After all, it's not them auditioning.

They are the "examiners" and the outsiders are the candidates.

And Xu Zhi lit his cigarette and listened to these old people reminiscing about the bitterness and sweetness...

He thought for a while and asked Xu Xin in a low voice:

"Can I go to the bathroom soon?"

"It's okay to go to the toilet, but it's not okay to chase a beautiful actress for her phone number in the name of going to the toilet."

"You're here to crawl!"

Xu Zhi, who never thought he would say such a thing in his childhood, twitched his lips and cursed angrily.


After a while, Xu Xin, who was in a very happy mood, shrugged:

"If you think someone is suitable for you later, just tell me."


Xu Zhi nodded, holding a cigarette, and his eyes unconsciously fell on the pile of information on everyone's table.

There are men and women.

The top piece of information is about an actress who was born in 1988 and graduated from Chinese Opera, named Mao Xiaotong.

The photos are quite beautiful.

Seeing this, he took it over and looked at it.

The photo is of a beautiful woman who graduated from Chinese drama, yo? "Sunshine Happy Life" was played by her?

I can also play the piano... I can dance... I can play the guitar...

Can you do ballet?

Or a school beauty? ? ?

The resume is really rich.

Taking this information, he looked at another one.


Isn't this Hu Yifei from "Love Apartment" which became extremely popular as soon as it was aired this year?

So her real name is Lou Yixiao?

She also submitted her resume?

She still graduated from theater?

Let’s look at the next one…


How do you pronounce this word?

Dare...dare Haruko?

"Three golds, how do you pronounce this word?"




Xu Xin thought for a while, took out the information and handed it to the old man next to him:

"Do you know this word? Is it Nian Gan?"

Zhang Yimou, who was holding the tea cup, glanced at it and rolled his eyes.

Then maybe rolling his eyes wasn't enough, he let out another helpless sigh:

"You are also a director after all...can you stop being so ignorant? Dare you? How dare you? That year KAN! Kan Qingzi..."



Xu Xin and Xu Zhi twitched their mouths at the same time.

Then, he gave Fa Xiao a vicious look.

"Look at how cultured you are!"

"What?! Are you uneducated? Are you reading that correctly?"


Xu Xin, who knew he was in the wrong, ignored him again.

And Xu Zhi, who was asking for trouble, was too embarrassed to ask. After flipping through some information, he simply stopped reading.

He put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray. In the smoke, he looked at the "big mountains" on the table and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Although I know that Sanjin is doing a great job.

After arriving in the Magic City, various actors came to support me.

But I still don't have an intuitive feeling about how powerful it is.


Looking at these mountains, he finally understood.


That's really awesome.

It’s amazing~

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