I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 372 370 Kobe’s Basketball

Chapter 372 370. Kobe’s Basketball


The audition officially begins.

After the staff guarding the door went out to inform, Xu Xin suddenly yawned.

After using this yawn to fight off all the fatigue, he picked up the first document.

"Well...Mao Xiaotong."

His eyes fell on the bridge of the girl's nose in the photo.

After looking at it, he handed the information to Zhang Yimou.

Specifically pointed out.

Zhang Yimou glanced twice and said nothing.

Then, the door was pushed open, and a girl with a single ponytail walked in.

When she saw the audition directors sitting in two rows, she actually performed pretty well. She didn't feel particularly nervous. Instead, she walked to the place with cross tape in the middle of the room with her head held high, bowed and began to introduce herself:

"Hello directors, my name is Mao Xiaotong, I am 21 years old..."

After introducing himself, without Xu Xin or anyone else speaking, Sun Liwen, the audition guide brought over by Qi Lei, saw that Director Zhang and Director Xu had no intention of speaking, and said:

"Please come and pick up the audition footage."

After Mao Xiaotong walked over, Sun Liwen took out a note from the box with the names of "Jingqiu", "Lao San", "Chang Lin", "Wei Hong" and others.

The note was taken out of Jingqiu's box, which means that she came to audition for the role of "Jingqiu".

The above is a short sentence:

"Jingqiu was writing teaching materials in the house and heard the third child outside talking to Chang Lin. She was peeking in, full of curiosity and concern for the third child."

After Sun Liwen handed the note to her, he said:

"You have one minute to prepare."

"thank you."

Mao Xiaotong took it with both hands politely and began to prepare.

Then, after Sun Liwen reminded "time is up", she made a spying movement.

It's like standing outside the mouth of a well, peering into the well, trying to see what's inside...

Seeing this performance, Xu Xin gave her an X in her heart instantly.

In about a minute, Mao Xiaotong's performance ended.

Sun Liwen turned around and looked at everyone again. After making sure that the directors had no intention of asking any more questions, he said:

"Okay, you can leave. If there is any news, we will notify you."

"...Okay, thank you director."

Mao Xiaotong seemed to realize that his performance was not up to par, and a look of disappointment finally appeared on his face.

Left disappointed.

As soon as she left, Xu Xin casually threw the information into the eliminated basket at his feet, and then said to Zhang Yimou:

"Her nose... was plastic surgery, right?"


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"The signs are quite obvious."

"It's a pity. It's quite beautiful. It should be okay in a TV series, but in a movie... it's too abrupt... Next."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Xu Zhi couldn't help but ask:

"How can you tell? I think her nose is quite high..."

"How many Asians have you seen with noses like hers? So it's very unnatural."

Xu Xin explained.

But Xu Zhi was recalling the girl's appearance and the clips of the performance... After Lou Yixiao came in, he muttered in hindsight:

"It's quite unnatural..."

As an "investor", it was his first time to participate in such an occasion, and his reaction was obviously slower than everyone else's.


It doesn't matter.

Men, like the new and hate the old.

Seeing Lou Yixiao, who became popular because of "Love Apartment", Xu Zhi felt like an emperor.

The front leg was fascinated by "Concubine Mao", but before Concubine Mao was able to warm herself up, the back leg realized that this noble Lou didn't seem to be a bad person either... Oh, this dare... No, Concubine Kan is not bad either...

Throughout the morning, Xu Zhi was completely fascinated by the flowers.

But for Xu Xin, this audition was not so pleasant.

In a whole morning... let alone Jingqiu, no one else could bring him any surprise.

No one can nest with "their" Jingqiu.

Every girl does not meet her own definition of pure on the outside and charming on the inside.

There are dozens of actors, but the men's smiles don't look pure and clean, and the girls don't look so coquettish.

There wasn't even a "barely okay" person all morning.

It made him feel a little anxious for a moment.

During lunch, Zhang Yimou, who could see that he was anxious, said:

"You go back with me tonight. I've found a pretty good young man here. Come and have a look."


Xu Xin responded.

After eating, everyone rested for another hour.

Auditions resume.

Just as the afternoon audition began, suddenly, a surprise was delivered to him.

Xu Xin was stunned when he saw Jing Tian walking in with braids.


His eyes lit up instantly.

This look...

This temperament...

Like a cake with the brand "Jingqiu" written on it, it landed directly on Xu Xin's face.

He instinctively looked at the old man.

As expected, the old man's brows suddenly frowned.

Xu Xin, who was extremely familiar with him, naturally knew that this frown meant that he was in a state of thinking.

After thinking about it, he said hello to Jing Tian:

"Here you come? Have you read the novel?"

Jing Tiantian walked in and nodded:

"Looked at it."

After she answered, Xu Xin also said to the others:

"Her name is Jing Tian. Our families are family friends and we were classmates in the same class. When we were filming "The Wind", she made a cameo appearance as a maid who took Li Ningyu to the torture room."

This was mainly said to Zhang Yimou.

But others got it too.

Obviously... this girl made Director Xu have a different attitude.

It seems closely related.

But... let’s not talk about whether it’s related or not.

Just because of her braided dress and the feeling she exudes...

It gives people a different feeling.

At this time, Zhang Yimou spoke:

"Take off your coat first."


After hearing this, Jing Tian no longer chatted with Xu Xin, but took off the long down jacket that looked a little heavy.

Her choice today is a gray sweater paired with jeans and sneakers.

It can be said that maintaining body surface temperature depends entirely on that down jacket.

After taking off her clothes, she stood openly in front of everyone.

No one spoke.

The whole room was staring at her with scrutinizing eyes.

This look can almost be said to be unscrupulous.

Then, Zhang Yimou said:

"How much do you weigh now?"

"104 pounds, just weighed this morning."

After hearing her answer, Zhang Yimou nodded slightly and looked at her facial features.

After looking at it for probably tens of seconds, he asked Xu Xin:

"What do you think?"

"Let's audition first... What are you busy with during this time?"

"I went to the National Theater and were rehearsing a play called "White Deer Plain". I played Tian Xiao'e. After talking to you last time, Brother Xu, I canceled the play and have been honing my acting skills in the theater."

Jing Tian's words revealed more about her relationship with Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin was extremely satisfied after hearing this.

He was curious about such an obedient girl.

It turned out that I was arranging "White Deer Plain". No wonder I haven't seen anyone in the past few months.

Just follow the normal route of fighting monsters and upgrading, step by step... Anyway, you are not a acting genius. Only through hard work and hard work can you be on the right path.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your performance. Give her the final farewell to Jingqiu and Lao San. You have two minutes to prepare. Come on!"

Show your preference without any scruples.

After Sun Liwen handed over the note, Jing Tian nodded, took a look at the note, and took a deep breath...

Emotions begin to brew.

Others remained silent.

Until two minutes later, Xu Xin said:

"Three, two, one...start."

There are no lines in this scene.

How to act depends entirely on the actor himself.

There was only one sentence on the note:

"Jingqiu looked at Lao San, who was lying on the hospital bed with purple eyes all over, and burst into tears. Finally, with the calls of "I'm Jingqiu, I'm here to see you", Lao San closed her eyes completely. "

And when Xu Xin said "start", Jing Tian first covered her mouth and nose and yawned...

I immediately squeezed out a few tears...


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

You are so upright...doing this blatantly?

But it was immediately followed by tears... How should I put it, it was like a car that usually filled up with 95 gasoline, but suddenly added 92.

Although the gasoline label is wrong, but...

Barely usable.

Don't worry about how these tears came out. In short, her tears are now spinning in her eye sockets.

Then, he stared at the air in front of him, as if looking at the third child in the ward, and began to whisper in a choked voice:

"I am Jingqiu... Wuwu... I am... Wuwu... I am Jingqiu... Look at me... I am Jingqiu... Wuwu..."

Frankly speaking.

The crying was fake.

But the expression is spot on.

But facial expressions alone are not enough. The fake crying and emotions give people a weird feeling that cannot be contrasted.

Not very coordinated.

And Jing Tian seemed to have noticed it herself. Suddenly, she stopped crying and looked at Xu Xin:

"Can I try it again? I found the wrong entry point."

Xu Xin, who was really criticizing her acting skills, heard the girl's still upright words, and he nodded as he was already used to it:


But her upright look left several people, including Zhang Yimou, speechless.

For a moment, I didn't even know where this girl was from.

Why did Director Xu... treat her so differently?

Then, it took about 30 seconds.

Jing Tian wiped away her tears and suddenly took a few steps back.

"That's it."

"Okay, let's get started."

Following Xu Xin's words, she did not yawn this time, but just stared blankly at the empty space she was looking at just now, her eyes unblinking.

That straight look...how should I put it?

It was like seeing some kind of scene that subverted the outlook on life.

With unbelievable fear, he still stared at the "third child's hospital bed" without blinking.

At this moment, Zhang Yimou seemed to understand something, and a speechless smile appeared on his subconscious face.

As a result, everyone noticed that her big eyes began to slowly turn red.

It turns red, the body trembles, and the muscles on the face begin to tighten...

She seemed to be resisting the impact of the scene in front of her, so much so that her body began to tremble... and big tears began to fall down.

After the tears started to fall, she walked forward step by step.

Walking and blinking.

After her tears gradually stopped, she returned to the same position as before.

"Old... Third child..."

"I am Jingqiu..."

"I'm Jingqiu..."

"Look at me..."

"I am Jingqiu..."

A crying voice sounded in the audition hall.

"I'm here...look at me...it's me, Jingqiu!...The third child...I'm Jingqiu..."

There's nothing heart-rending about that girl's unique cry.

On the contrary, there is a smile.

The moment this smile appeared, the corners of Jing Tian's pear-shaped mouth began to rise:

"Look...I'm here...Jingqiu is here...did you hear it? I'm here to see you..."

When she said this, she smiled the whole time.

Even the tone was in a playful "I'm here to see you" tone, but the taste was very forced.

Everything is artificial and deliberate.

And just after saying this...suddenly, the sobbing turned into heartbreaking words:


The mood changes very naturally.

At least it's much better than the first time.

That deliberate smile... was quite eye-catching.

Watching her performance, Xu Xin squinted his eyes, imagining in his mind what this scene in the movie would show.

Well, from the moment she puts on a forced smile, the cameras will start rolling.

He pulled away from her little by little and switched to the blurry vision of the third child as he lay dying.

Whether there is a blurred lens... I still need to think about it.

But in the end, Jingqiu must not be shown in the picture, but only Jingqiu’s movements will come in through the voice-over...

Thinking of this, he shouted:

"Okay, stop."

He stopped the show.

Then he recalled the performance just now in his mind, and nodded to Jing Dessert, who had tears on his face:

"It has improved a lot compared to before. Although there are still many flaws, but... at least the method is used correctly and you know how to use your brain to perform. So far, this is the most satisfactory performance I have ever seen from you."

"I didn't find an acting teacher or ask any teachers at school. I figured it out myself."

Hearing Jing Tian's words, Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Well, okay, that's it for now. We'll keep in touch when the time comes."


Jing Tian also nodded, then picked up the clothes and bowed to everyone:

"Thank you for your hard work, directors. Goodbye."

Soon, she walked out.

But Xu Xin waved his hand to the staff member who was calling for someone at the door, and then turned around and asked:

"What do you think?"

"Does she have a deep relationship with you?"

Zhang Yimou asked rhetorically.

Xu Xin didn’t hide it either:

"Well, my dad and her family are in business together, and we have a good relationship. But don't worry too much, this girl has a straight temper."

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou understood the relationship between the two and the energy behind this girl.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"As far as acting is concerned, it's actually very unnatural. She's too young. But she's very smart and knows how to use her brain... Can you tell? Why did she cry?"

"Yeah. Don't blink, it makes your eyes sore."

"Yes. But that's what I'm worried about."

Recalling the performance just now:

"She could think for herself and knew that her performance was wrong, so she did it again. The second time the state was indeed much better, but... it was still too superficial. This is a very... difficult thing to handle. If If you want to correct it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort. But... in terms of image and temperament, it's very suitable."

This is the judgment given by Zhang Yimou.

And Xu Xin actually had exactly the same idea in mind.

"Her acting skills are indeed too weak... In fact, her teacher at school also said that. In terms of acting talent, her talent is actually very average. But let's not mention this aspect. So far, her comprehensive score should be It’s the highest…”

"Her frame is very similar to Liang Bingning's. They are both women with large frames."

Director of photography Wang Lei also spoke:

"A woman with a big frame will look "fat". But the charm from the bones is stronger than a woman with a small frame. This is very suitable for Jingqiu. But... personally, I think it's still too fat.

If Director Xu finally decides that it is her, then I suggest that she should lose weight below 100...90 to 95 is the best range. The thinner you are, the more obvious your pitiful temperament will be, and the more protective a man will be. But in terms of figure and face, she does look a lot like Jingqiu. "


Seeing that no one else had any objections, Xu Xin left this information in the promotion basket.

Became the first "Jingqiu" to be promoted.

After a whole day of auditions, in addition to Jing Tian, ​​Xu Xin also found two roles that were more suitable for the third child.

Because both boys have clean smiles.

However, there are the most roles suitable for Chang Lin... Of course, this cannot be ruled out because his requirements are relatively low:

"Honest and honest."

In short, after filtering the actors through a sieve, there are only so many left.

But it's not over yet.

We have to continue tomorrow, after all, there are many actors behind us.

Strictly speaking, today can only be regarded as an appetizer, because most of the people auditioning are current students or actors who have just debuted.

Some famous and influential people will start to come here one after another tomorrow.

Not just their audition, tomorrow, December 1st, Xu Xin will also attend the premiere of "Three Guns".

A live broadcast hosted by Yanjing TV Station.

After the audition during the day, I went directly to participate in the evening.

Then auditions will continue on December 2nd.

Then, on December 4th, he will audition for the role in "The Thirteen Beauties" under the guise of "The Hawthorn Tree".

It's all his business.

After the audition, he will start preparing for the filming of the short film "Deal".

After finishing everything such as the crew and location selection, we have to go back to Shenmu to hold another full moon party for our children.

After the full moon drink, I went to attend the Golden Horse Awards. After attending the Golden Horse Awards, I had to drag Liu Yifei into the filming period.

After shooting, I quickly sent this short film to the College Student Video Festival before the end of the year.

It can be seen to the naked eye that he will be very busy this month.

This time back to Zhang Yimou's house, Xu Xin took Xu Zhi with him.

The old man said it wouldn't take long, and he also knew about his relationship with Xu Zhi.

They came to see their children, and dinner was ready at home, so Xu Xin let him go after seeing his favorite candidate.

So, a total of four people, including Zhang Mo, followed Zhang Yimou all the way back to Shanshui Wenyuan.

Xu Xin ignored Xu Zhi, who came to Director Zhang's house for the first time and was full of curiosity. While making a cup of tea, Zhang Mo took out a video tape.

After putting it in the projector and jumping the time, Zhang Yimou pointed at the young man on the TV who had a very popular hairstyle and looked a little dark-skinned and said:

"His name is Dou Yao. Have you seen him in school?"

"Uh... no. Also from Beiying?"

"Well, I'm a sophomore this year."

With that said, Zhang Mo showed the footage of Dou Yao's audition.

"Hello, director, my name is Dou Yao. I am a sophomore student from Beijing Film Academy grade 2008. I am 18cm tall and weigh 70 kilograms. My specialty is karate..."

As he introduced himself and showed his small white teeth with his smile, Xu Xin frowned slightly.

After the video screening ended, he thought about it and said:

"The smile is very clean... very much like the third child. Contact him tomorrow to try?"


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"I also think the setting of the third child is very suitable. And... when I watched his audition just now, I thought about the girl named Jing Tian again. These two... are okay, they match well. And this afternoon's audition From the looks of it, her appearance is the biggest advantage. But in the end, if you decide that it is really her...in terms of acting, you have to take her with you personally. Otherwise...she may not be able to reach that level if she thinks about it on her own."

"Don't worry...but the real audition will only start tomorrow. There are so many actors waiting to compete tomorrow, so you have to be patient and find them slowly."


Seeing that he had a clue in his mind, Zhang Yimou didn't say much, just looked at his daughter and said:

"Bring me the plate of Three Guns."


Zhang Mo responded, got up and walked to the study on the second floor.

I quickly got a DVD.

"The released version of "Three Guns"... you can take it back and watch it."


After taking the DVD, Xu Xin nodded:

"Is there anything else about it? What about "Jinling"?"

"You will be able to meet the real person in "Jinling"... Okay, you two go back."


They had only been sitting here for less than ten minutes, without even taking a sip of tea, and the two of them were "kicked out" again.

And now the time is already past 6 o'clock and almost 7 o'clock.

You have to hold on tight, otherwise with the traffic jam in Yanjing, it may not be until 8 o'clock to get home.

Everything is cold.

in the car.

"Let's go back now. If you can't wait, you can eat first."

"Well, okay, let's get there as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin said to him:

"We are waiting for you at home."


Holding the disc in his hand, Xu Zhi looked at the interior of Xu Xin's car and shook his head:

"How about a Rolls-Royce? This car... looks too crude."

"You know nothing, even a Rolls-Royce may not be as safe as it. I cherish my life~"

"Tsk... Oh, by the way, Wen Zhang, remember?"

"Well, what?"

"During this period, he has been in frequent contact with me."

"...With you? What to do?"

"What can you do? That Ma Yili looks amazing. And you couldn't tell that at the last party. Over there, people only know Ma Yili and not Wen Zhang. Can't you tell?"

"...Does it mean that the idea has been decided on you?"


Xu Zhi nodded and handed Xu Xin a cigarette.

But it was snatched away directly by Xu Xin.

"Hey, you!?"

"This car belongs to Yang Mi. The number of my car is restricted today. Didn't you see those two safety seats in the trunk? If you want to smoke in my car, you have to endure it now."

"...Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Xu Zhi started to smack his mouth again.

But he stopped smoking and continued:

"From the time you left until now, he has treated you to at least five or six meals. We even played football together... It's actually very simple. He's not from Shanghai, and you and I grew up together. He's very Naturally, I want to get close to you~"

"How is this guy?"

"...How to say? The acting is indeed not bad, but in private, this person...how do you say that word? Oh, yes, a personality with sensitive self-esteem. He doesn't like others to disrespect him, and he likes to be supported by others. He...is like an admirer...understand?"

"Who do you worship?...Worship him? How do you worship...holy shit, you two went out to play with the ladies?"


Xu Zhi was speechless and very dissatisfied:

"That's called socializing. What? You've become a good person and you still want to drag me ashore? It's not like you were the prodigal son Xu Sanshao who hugged all the clubs of Shenmu..."

"Thief Sun, this is Yanjing. I'm looking for someone to throw you into the moat. Believe it or not!"

Seeing that he was trying to exploit his youthful frivolity, Xu Xin sneered.

Xu Zhi laughed:

"Hahaha, as long as you understand. He is such a person in private... In fact, he is easy to manipulate. As long as others call him brother, his face will look like a flower in bloom... It's so fun."

"That doesn't sound like much."

"Eh~~No no."

Xu Zhi shook his head:

"Except for this, other times... maybe it's because I want to make a fortune here. Most of the time, I'm not bad. Regardless of whether I'm pretending or not, at least here, I can be regarded as a figure. And this time I knew that I would come to Yanjing to find it. You, ask me what you usually like~ After talking about a few things, he brought a basketball signed by Kobe~"

Xu Xin's eyes moved:

"Where's the ball?"

"In the magic city."

"...What are you doing to release demons?"

"I also like Kobe, so I keep it for myself."

"Are you sick, brother?"

Xu Xin was completely speechless:

"You keep the basketball someone gave me? Why are you so embarrassed?"

But after hearing this, Xu Zhi didn't feel ashamed at all and asked:

"When I bought a four-wheel drive car and an Audi Double Diamond motor, the old man specially brought it back from Guangdong for 70 yuan each and 5,400 rpm! I only played with it for two days, and you used a rubbish triangle sword. I exchanged it with Tornado Charge. I want to exchange it with you, why don’t you just change it?”


Either way.

You can't have a deep friendship with this person.

Especially children.

It's best not to have any friends at all. Even if you make a friend, it's best for the child's parents to make sure that they don't let the two of them be friends for life. The best thing is to meet today and break up the relationship tomorrow!

Take a look, what the hell!

Why are you so vindictive?

The most important thing is that I even remember the data so clearly!

"I will buy you the most expensive Audi Double Diamond motor now, and you can give me Kobe Bryant's basketball, okay?"

"Hahahaha~ You want to be a white wolf again with nothing?"

Xu Zhi smiled proudly:

"No. Basketball, I want it. But you still have to accept the favor... Haha, what about making a small-budget, low-investment movie? I think it's similar... Bring it over and give it a try?"

"Are you here to rob?"

"Ah, no more ink marks. In one sentence, give it or not give it. Do you want to give it? This basketball..."

"Give me?"

"Here you go, consider letting you touch it."

Listen to what he says...

This time it was Xu Xin's turn to be silent.

But after a moment of silence, he nodded:

"Okay, no problem. I'll go back and ask Yang Mi later to see if she has any low-cost novels or anything like that, so I can get one for you to play with."

"OK, that's interesting!"

"That's it, who among us is following whom? Blood brothers, beloved relatives and friends!"

As Xu Xin spoke, the corners of his mouth began to rise unconsciously.

A veiled sneer flashed away.

Some low-budget movies, novels, etc... He doesn't care.

People strive to take a breath of Buddha and receive a stick of incense.

Someone gave me a basketball signed by Kobe... If you don't give it back to me (HUAN), that's all.

As long as you let me see and touch it.

Ha ha.

Xu Laoqi!

How did you cheat on your double diamond motor back then!

How can I grab your Kobe Bryant signed basketball this time!


Not robbing.

How could it be robbery?

That's obviously mine!


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