I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 377 375 Love is like mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be leveled

Chapter 377 375. Love is like mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be leveled

"Yang Mi is so beautiful!!!"

"Yes, yes, she is still without makeup. She is like this without makeup. No wonder she looks so good with makeup!"

"Her legs are so thin and beautiful!"

"I remember she did a very professional pole dance in "Not Drunk"! How could her dancing legs be so thin! It's too much!"

"I like the outline of her heels so much! I really want to touch them..."

"...Although we are all girls, I still think your remarks are a bit perverted."

"Have you remembered all the postures and key points? How did you do that sitting position? First lift your skirt, then sit down...what else?"

The entire audition scene seemed a bit noisy because of the bright sunshine of a certain Golden Rooster actress.

These girls are carefully recalling the scene just now, trying to remember all the key points she revealed.


Some girls who are familiar with "The Hawthorn Tree" have a question in their minds unconsciously:

"She is Jingqiu, right?"


"She is the most suitable person for Jingqiu, right?"

Why did Director Xu come to us?

Can't you just let Yang Mi go?

Let's compare with her...

What are we?

But this was so confusing and absurd that their eyes were still looking towards Yang Mi unconsciously.

At this moment, Xu Xin's voice sounded:

"Well, let's follow these steps. Come on... the four of you can start over. Those who have already been on stage can try again later. Let's continue."

It's not good to let the old man talk all the time.

That would seem too fake.

Zuo Zuo had already figured out today's audition routine, and he naturally took over the right to speak.

It would be better to choose an old man.

And with Yang Mi's guidance... As expected, everyone's performance has been much better, and the elegance and gracefulness began to be revealed bit by bit with the pace.

Then, Xu Xin also saw Ni Ni.


What to say.

This girl without makeup... her temperament suddenly dropped a lot.

However, after making up for the makeup in Xu Xin's mind, the image and temperament are quite different.

And she was successfully selected.

Pretty smooth.

And Xu Xin gradually figured out the old man's habit of choosing girls.

Beauty should be distinctive.

This standard should be at the forefront of the old man's casting.

Just...he especially doesn't like public faces.

That kind of cookie-cutter beauty doesn’t work.

Every girl must have her own characteristics.

At least the girls who were shortlisted this morning are quite distinctive.

They are all beautiful, and definitely each has its own merits.

In the whole morning, around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, all the girls who auditioned had completed their presentations.

There were less than 200 people, and they all took turns showing it off throughout the morning.

In the end there were less than 60 people left.

The rest are basically equivalent to elimination.

At first glance, this ratio seems okay... But in fact, before these 200 people, the old man had already screened thousands of people through video recording.

These less than 200 people were picked out from the thousands of people.

Of these 200 people, only 13 will remain in the end.

In the next period of time, they will receive a month-long training under the guidance of etiquette teachers.

Then after New Year's Day, the quota of 30 people will be determined again.

At first glance, it looks like a draft.

But in fact, the preferences of these 30 people are still determined by the old man alone.

It has little to do with effort level...

In other words, these etiquettes are just for showing off oneself better.

When the 30 people are finally selected, they will begin to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Provide a salary no lower than the average salary from the early stage.

Until finally 13 people were selected.

"Where are you going? Shall we eat together?"

"I won't eat with you. I have to go to Shanghai to participate in an event to promote the movie... By the way, I still have the last batch of actors' video tapes of "Hawthorn Tree" here. When I finish watching it in Shanghai, if there are any suitable Yes, I’ll push it to you again. If there’s nothing suitable, then we’ll start the second round when you come back from the full moon.”


Xu Xin nodded and said goodbye to Zhang Mo and Zhang Yimou, then turned to look at Yang Mi:

"Then let's go too?"

"Let's go, I'll have someone prepare the plane."

She temporarily requisitioned Wang Sicong's Gulfstream.

Anyway, he usually has nothing to do.

When the couple returned home, Yang Dalin and his wife, who had received the news, had already finished packing, and Sun Ting and Cheng Hu had also packed up the car.

After the couple had a quick meal, they hurried to the airport.

Then, at around 4 p.m., we arrived at Dongsheng Airport.

The weather in Inner Mongolia is definitely colder than that in Yanjing.

But fortunately, everyone is from the north, and it is not as exaggerated as when the southerners first arrived in the north.

He just added an extra piece of clothing and wrapped the child more tightly.

After leaving the airport gate, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling immediately felt what a high-standard reception was.

First there was a row of Land Cruisers and Lexus 570s.

Seven or eight cars.

Then there's the staid Rolls-Royce.

Seven or eight cars.

Then, Land Rover, Hummer...

Looking at that is called a safety.

Yang Dalin and his wife didn't know what to say for a while.

Yang Mi was also shocked by this battle.

On the contrary, it was Xu Xin, who was accustomed to seeing the Rolls-Royce pointed by Xu Miao.

After taking a look at the license plate of the car, Xu Xin knew that this car did not belong to the old man.

It belongs to a friend of my father in the county.

As for what’s different about this Rolls-Royce…

Well, it's bulletproof.

V12 engine.

Displacement of 6.7L.

The total amount is about 14 million.

The original car owner... is also a person with a story, and he has a strong sense of safety anyway.

According to Xu Xin's knowledge, this car is the only one in Shaanxi.

It’s safe to not want it.

Xu Xin couldn't drive this car, so it had a special driver.

And along the way, the couple probably had to hold the child in their arms.

But considering the danger of a small probability event, Xu Xin felt that it was very acceptable.

"Get in the car first, don't let the child get cold."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Xu Xin nodded:

"Where's our dad?"

"The table has been set, waiting for us."

"Okay, let's go."

Nodding to the few Fa Xiao who didn't want to waste time and standing by the car to greet him, the couple got directly into the thick Rolls-Royce.

Then the convoy set off in a mighty manner.

Along the way, Xu Miao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kept turning his head and looking at his little nephew with a smile on his face.

Yang Mi looked out the window curiously:

"I thought there was a yurt."


Hearing this, Xu Miao nodded:

"When we come back in the summer, we have our own horse farm, right here. You can live in a yurt if you want, and you can do whatever you want! I have the final say over this place!"

What he said was reasonable.

Full of local superiority.

"This winter, our family bought another piece of land, right here. Then we will build a greenhouse, and we will grow our own sheep, chickens, ducks, pigs, sheep, and cows, and we will also grow vegetables. From now on, we should not eat anything bought from outside, because it contains pesticides. When the time comes, the plane will deliver it every day. Let us know what you want to eat a day in advance, and we will get the best ones...and buy some wagyu...the beef and sheep we raise here are very delicious!"


Yang Mi quickly shook her head:

"Brother Sanshui, don't mobilize troops like this...it's too wasteful."

"It's okay, this little money is nothing!"

"It's not a matter of money or lack of money. I believe that the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain. Children can't be too spoiled. They can be pampered and hurt, but they can't be spoiled. If the four limbs are not diligent and the grains are not separated, it will be terrible. That’s bad!”

"We're not pampering, we just want our children to eat and drink well. It's healthy..."

Obviously, Xu Miao didn't listen to Yang Mi's words.

As a last resort, she looked at Xu Xin again.

Obviously, what she pursues is the "scientific growth" of her children, rather than such a luxurious life since childhood...

Putting aside money, just that kind of concept is not good.

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"It's okay, just don't tell the child. Just pretend that these things are bought from the vegetable market... The beating of the child depends on the experience and the surrounding living environment, not on food and drink."


Or where are the brothers after all?

The hearts are really together.

Yang Mi was speechless after hearing this.

"What about the plane? When can it be delivered? Can you pay a little extra to expedite it? It's not troublesome enough to have to take other people's planes when I go out every day."

Xu Xin started to use his money skills again.

And...it feels very comfortable.

I don't know why, but when he was in Yanjing, he almost lost the concept of being a rich man.

You don't have to worry about food, drink, or expenses. Yang Mi takes care of it.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Jiao is not here now.

When she was there, Xu Xin almost forgot whether mineral water cost one yuan a bottle or one yuan and a half.

The most exaggerated time was that he had 1,500 yuan in cash in his wallet... but after a month, he only spent 200 yuan.

And this 200 yuan was used for the meal card in the cafeteria...

Just outrageous.

He even forgot the last time he went to a gas station alone.

So much so that he had an illusion.

It seems that I can’t starve myself to death even if I earn Olympic salary for the rest of my life.

You can still live extremely coolly.

And this time when he returned to a familiar environment, he finally picked up the dignity he had once had as a second-generation coal worker.

When I said these words, I felt extremely comfortable.


Spend money!

Without spending money, how can we live up to our status as a second-generation coal worker?

But Xu Miao waved her hand:

"My father won't let me. It's an airplane. When the workers were decorating it, if a screw punched a hole, it would be a big deal. So, my father wouldn't let me, and let the workers work slowly. Everything is safe! You can add money." It’s useless. But if you’re really worried, can I get this for you too?”

Pointing at the bulletproof Rolls-Royce, Xu Miao asked.

"Then don't. It's too ostentatious and I don't like it. I can drive that Volvo quite well."

"Then you go back and tell the old man yourself...but there's probably no chance."

The brothers chatted there all the way.

And Yang Mi, holding her child in her arms, looked at the convoy behind her that was escorting her with double flashes from time to time...

Don’t talk about Xu Xin.

Only then did she gradually remember...

Oh, yes, my husband’s family is quite rich.

Tsk tsk...

At around 5:30, the team arrived at Shenmu smoothly.

The sun in the sky had only its last glow left.

This is a plateau, and we can see the sun more often than in the plains.

And looking at this small city in the distance...

"It actually looks quite ordinary, no different from an ordinary county town."

"The buns have stuffing, but it's not in the pleats..."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Xu Miao shook his head:

"No, no matter what, our place is still biased. But the treatment is good...Mimi, we just launched free medical care for all..."

"Ah, that's awesome!"

Yang Mi was a little surprised.

"The investment is only over RMB 100 million a year, so it's not bad. The main reason is that there are many elderly people here, and they have been working hard all their lives. The county is rich, and everyone can enjoy it."

While talking, the car passed several large trailers parked on the roadside.

Yang Mi turned around and took a look, and found that the cars were all lined with rows of Range Rovers, Maseratis... and various luxury cars.

"There are so many cars."

Xu Xin looked down and said:

"Then do you want to go shopping tomorrow?"

"What are you shopping for? 4S store?"

"We don't have a 4S store here."

"There's no 4S store? Then why get these cars?"



She hadn't heard this word for a long time.

I remember that when she was a child, she stayed with her parents at her grandma's house, and her grandma liked to take her to exhibitions in the town.

My grandma’s home was in Miyun, and although it was next to Yanjing, the material conditions were not very developed at that time. Moreover, because the south was along the coast, the north was synonymous with “trend,” so there was always that kind of thing. I brought all kinds of popular clothes from the south to the "fair" where they were sold in my grandma's town.

This word is really too retro.

While being immersed in childhood memories, Xu Xin shrugged:

"We just put those cars in the city square here. Anyone who wants to buy them can pay and go through the formalities."


Yang Mi couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Hey guys, are you going to the supermarket for shopping?

This is a Land Rover...

Does Land Rover not want to lose face?

Is Maserati so worthless?

Looking at her expression, Xu Xin asked with a smile:

"Now do you know why I felt so disconnected when I was a freshman?"


Holding the child in her arms, she nodded empathetically:

"The sacred tree...it's so amazing."

Yang Dalin and his wife don't know whether the sacred tree is powerful or not.

But my in-laws are really powerful.

After getting off the car at this restaurant called "Linzhou State Banquet Cuisine", two rows of cannon salutes were fired, and then the host held a microphone and invited them in.

When we got inside, we found that it was already full of people inside and outside.

The host shouted with great emotion:

"Let us use the warmest applause to welcome Mr. Xu's dear father-in-law, mother-in-law, Mr. Yang Dalin, Ms. Yang Chunling... to the entrance!"

"Hua la la la la la..."

A group of people began to applaud.

Yang Dalin mistakenly thought that the full moon banquet had already begun.

His steps were stiff as he walked on the red carpet. He thought he was going to give a speech, but in the end he just walked along the red carpet and went directly to the elevator.

After arriving on the second floor, the long corridor was also filled with people on both sides.

Applause welcomed the couple's arrival.

At the same time, Yang Dalin vaguely heard bursts of cheers coming from below...

It should be the son-in-law and daughter entering the venue.

Feeling the unique welcome ceremony in front of me, and the double-door box door at the end of the corridor opened, Xu Daqiang stood at the front of the crowd to greet him...

He thought secretly.

This meal is really just catching the wind.

But Yang Dalin did drink too much.

There were many people coming from the village, including many relatives, and they all had a glass of wine, and they were extremely enthusiastic.

So much so that Yang Dalin didn't know how much he drank in the end, and he fell unconscious anyway.

Xu Xin is similar.

He didn't even see the bowl of mutton noodles that he longed for.

I just felt like I was confused before I even took a few bites of food.

This first meal taught Yang Dalin a lesson and gave Xu Xin a review.

That is to say, Yang Mi has to breastfeed, and Yang Chunling has to help her daughter take care of the child.

Otherwise, they really have to let them experience the enthusiasm of their family members.

And Yang Mi finally came to Xu Xin's bedroom for the first time.

She will sleep with her mother tonight and take care of the child together.

But before going to bed, she checked everything in her husband's bedroom amidst his loud snoring.

Harvest: a diary for the first half of the third year of junior high school, three bookmarks of love poems that were not sent out in the first year of junior high school, an IOU signed by "I owe you three gold and three fists - Zhao Xiaoyu", and a letter with "girl" written all over it. seal up.

She wasn't angry.

On the contrary, it feels very interesting, just like digging for treasure.

It seems that from these things full of age, I can vaguely see the shadow of my man's life since he was a child.

Finally, she found a locked drawer.

Lock or combination lock.

After thinking for a while, she looked at the four-digit password and fiddled with some old numbers:

"1, 3, 0, 3."

These are the top four of all my password related stuff for my husband.

And if it is a six-digit number, it is: 130300.

She asked what such a simple password was for, and the answer she got was the first six digits of the mobile phone number of the first mobile phone her father bought.

as expected.

The lock clicked and opened.

She took off the lock and opened the drawer.

A glass picture frame first catches the eye.

In the glass photo frame, there is a photo of a woman holding a tiger hat with a tiger head and a tiger head, smiling for a photo with the background in Yanjing Tianmen Square.

The background looks fake at first glance.

It's so fake that it can't be fake any more.

It should be a pictorial like an old-fashioned photo. If you stand here and take a photo, it will feel like you have been to Tianmen Square.

The woman in the picture... is not very beautiful.

In terms of today's aesthetics...it's actually quite average.

What's more, the clothes on his body are a very simple red cotton jacket, underneath are a pair of black trousers, and a pair of ordinary cloth shoes.

But she smiled happily.

The little guy in his arms smiled particularly sweetly at the camera.


Could it be his mother-in-law?

The smile on Yang Mi's face slowly faded.

She noticed the time in the corner of the photo.


My mother-in-law passed away on September 12, 1987.

And this photo... was taken when my brother was less than a year old and half a year before my mother-in-law passed away?

For some reason, her eyes started to feel uncomfortable.

After blinking twice, he looked at the back of the photo frame.

A faint pencil handwriting is vaguely visible:

"Mom, I miss you."

The writing is crooked.

But Yang Mi's nose started to feel sore.

Amidst Xu Xin's loud snoring, she endured the sour feeling, gently put the photo frame on the table, and continued to look at the things in the drawer.

The same fleece hat as in the photo.

However, after more than 20 years, the hat has faded beyond recognition.

Next is a pair of tiger-toe shoes also made of cloth.

It seems to be stuffed with cotton.

Yang Mi picked it up and looked at it, and found that there was a pack of moth balls inside each shoe.

Then there was a pair of gloves with all the threads broken.

and an envelope.

The envelope was the oldest kraft paper envelope, and the outer wax of the kraft paper had cracked.

Yang Mi thought for a moment, then carefully opened the envelope and took a look inside.

Inside were several folded pages.

She swore that she used the most concentrated and gentle strength, which was not even as careful as holding her child, to pinch out the paper inside and slowly opened the yellowed page.

There are two pages.

It was all covered with traces of being wetted and dried by some kind of liquid.

The writing is even blurry in some places, but it can still be legible.

"Baby three golds:

Listen to your father. Dad has a bad temper, so don't make him angry. If dad hits you, mom will feel bad. Be obedient.

You have to eat more, and only by eating can you grow taller. He is taller than his father.

Don't go to the river to play in summer, especially after it rains.

Don't run around alone in the mountains. Be careful of empty shell holes. If you fall, you won't be found.

If you see your father crying because of your mother, go over and kiss your father and say that your mother doesn't like your father crying, so please don't cry.

If your father drinks alcohol or loses his temper and throws things, you must be brave enough to shout out: "Mom, don't let your father lose his temper."

The three golds are to eat, sleep and grow up obediently.

Don't be bad, don't play with bad children, don't fight, listen to your father, listen to your teacher, and listen to your brother. If someone bullies you, you should tell your father or brother. They promised that mom would always protect you.

There will be new mothers in the future, and they are mothers too. We must be filial to the new mothers and fathers.

Sanjin, you should grow up in peace and don't let your mother worry.

Be obedient.

Mom loves you. Love you always, love you forever.

My baby I love you. "

This is the content of the first page.

The content is simple and unpretentious.

It can even be said that he has no talent for writing.


Yang Mi, who had burst into tears at some point, held the page with trembling fingers. After pinching it away, she looked at the second page.

On the second page, there is a pencil drawing of a woman standing in the sky smiling at a smiling child sitting on the ground with trees and a house and waving.

The painting is very vivid.

The child smiled happily.

The woman in the sky also smiled happily.

Happy and gentle.

Incomparably gentle.

But Yang Mi's tears burst out of her eyes like a dam bursting.

“My dad said I inherited my painting talent from my mom.”

Her brother's words flashed through her mind.


My brother was right.

My mother-in-law draws so well.

This was the most beautiful painting she had ever seen.

What a nice view.

What a nice view.

She was shaking and crying silently, holding the two pages and carefully stuffing them back into the envelope.

Using the gentlest of movements, put everything back into place.

Finally, before closing the drawer, she stroked the glass photo frame and said softly to Xu Xin Zhentian's purring:

"Mother-in-law, don't worry. Sanjin... I will take care of him. I will make him eat well and be safe... I promise!"

The words were spoken softly and softly.

But the tone is like mountains and seas.

And the love in it...

Mountains and seas can be leveled.

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