I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 378 376 I like it!

Chapter 378 376. I like it~!

A night of silence.

Xu Xin walked into the bathroom in a daze in the morning and put some water in it. When he came back, he looked at the thermos cup on his desk, unscrewed it and poured a large glass of water directly.

The temperature is just right.

Neither cold nor hot.

Immediately afterwards, as the warm water went down, my stomach felt turbulent.

He quickly ran to the toilet and started vomiting.

After vomiting, I was completely sober from the wine.

Looking at his embarrassed self in the mirror, he shook his head helplessly.

You’ve been drinking so much wine during the full moon, so you’re not allowed to plunge into the wine vat when you get married? ...No, it's not the full moon yet.

Yesterday was just a feast for the wind.

Today’s lunch is full moon wine.

Still have to drink!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help grinning.

Even drinking... is really uncomfortable.


After taking a shower and changing into the sportswear he kept at home, when he went downstairs, he smelled a familiar fragrance.

In the living room, the root-carved coffee table at home was thrown away by my father.

In its place is a giant climbing mat.

There is also a bedding spread on the climbing mat that looks like it is hand-sewn.

Dad doesn’t have such delicate needlework, so the elders in the village probably sewed it for him. It is full of blessings for the newborn.

Two children were playing with their mother-in-law above.

And his father-in-law was sitting on the sofa with a depressed look.

Seeing his face, Xu Xin could think of his current expression... He should be of the same virtue as his father-in-law.

After saying hello, he didn't have time to smell his son, but followed the familiar scent to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, an old man wearing an apron was rolling out noodles.

Yang Mi is wearing an apron and cutting fungus and carrot slices.

My sister-in-law lifted the lid of the pot and saw him coming in. She smiled and said:

"Come on, let me serve you some soup to warm your stomach first."

Following these words, Yang Mi and Xu Daqiang both turned to look over.

"You're awake."

The wife is smiling like a flower.

"Are you awake? Go and call Sanshui to wake up."

The old man looked disgusted.

As if to say, "Isn't it okay to just order a drink?"

I don't know why, Xu Xin's heart suddenly felt very at ease.

My sister-in-law knows that she likes to drink clear soup. When she wakes up from a hangover, she first wants to warm her stomach with a bowl of soup.

My wife knows that she likes to eat stir-fried saozi, and the thin carrot slices show that they have put a lot of thought into them, and they are cut extremely finely.

And look at the roll of dough under the old man's rolling pin.

The facial hair is really good...

His heart was immediately satisfied.

The kind that is extremely satisfying.

Smiling and nodding, he took the half bowl of mutton soup from his sister-in-law. Without using chopsticks, he blew on the mouth of the bowl and drank half of the soup.

The sweet aroma of radish clashes so well with the mutton.

Add pepper for spiciness.

Xu Xin was completely revived.

In response to the old man's instructions, he held the second bowl of soup and gave it to his father-in-law. Then he walked directly to the second floor and opened the small bedroom where Xu Miao slept last night.

There was also a smell of alcohol as soon as you entered the door...

Obviously, he drank a lot last night.

The brothers grew up together.

No need to shout.

Xu Xin held the mutton soup bowl and fanned him...

Xu Miao opened her eyes, looked at the soup, and then ran to the bathroom.

Finally there was the sound of vomiting.

This set of operations is exactly the same for the two brothers.

When he came out of the bathroom, he took the two mouthfuls of soup Xu Xin left for him and raised his head...

"Let's go and eat!"


Hot mutton soup noodles, hand-grilled meat, stir-fried saozi stuffing, and Zhang Qianqian's special potato rub.

Early in the morning, Lao Xu’s family’s carbohydrates exploded instantly.

After breakfast, the family went out.

When you have a new baby, you have to go to the ancestral hall to offer incense.

Because when I came back last night, it was dark. So Yang Mi couldn't see the whole village clearly. But when she went out today, she could feel the wealth and dignity of Xu Jiawan.

The road is wide.

Although the houses are not high, they are all small single-family houses.

There is at least one luxury car parked in the yard of every house.

But next to the luxury cars, you can sometimes see things like... granaries... and coal piles... and even boiler rooms.

And the layout of the house building is also different from the traditional courtyard house in Yanjing.

The people of Lao Yang's family watched it with gusto.

While walking all the way to the ancestral hall, the people in the village seemed to know that the time was up, and they went out one after another.

After seeing the Xu family, they smiled and started saying hello.

The dialect spoken was difficult for Yang Dalin and his wife to understand, but Yang Mi could barely understand it.

But as young people came out, Xu Miao and Xu Xin began to say hello and introduce them. Yang Mi’s attention index began to rise sharply.

It's a pity, I should have known that my makeup would be brighter today.

she said to herself.

Then, walk all the way to the highest ruins of the village.

Finally I saw the extremely luxurious-looking ancestral hall.

And there were people standing outside the ancestral hall.

Adding a new entrance to any village is a big deal.

Everyone helps each other, contributes to each other, and uses the bond of this relationship to unite tightly.

After arriving at the ancestral hall, Xu Xin, who was the center of attention, immediately took Yang Mi and her children to recognize people.

Various elders and peers, including Xu Xin and several young people who came back from the devil city.

There are also classmates and friends from the nearby village.

In the open space in front of the ancestral hall, there was laughter and laughter.

Lively and lively for the ancestors to see.

Today's full moon wine is in a hotel... There's nothing I can do about it, the weather is still a bit cold, and Xu Daqiang doesn't want his child to suffer outside.

So I still go to the county to eat.

But at this moment, after Yang Mi broke away from a group of young people, Xu Daqiang pointed to the open space:

"Mimi, when the time comes, we will hold your and Sanjin's wedding here."


After more or less understanding the status of this ancestral hall in the hearts of Xujiawan people, Yang Mi didn't have any objections.

Anyway, her weddings are also two.

This is the home court.

Even though the conditions may seem crude at first glance, it is actually the most authentic one.

"Then let's choose the wedding dress, shall we? Wearing a wedding dress in front of our ancestors feels so strange."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't think anything of it, but Xu Daqiang smiled happier than anything else.


The daughter-in-law said this from the perspective of "her own family."

That's nice to hear.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, looked like "it doesn't matter":

"It's all up to you, we'll do it as you say."

The ceremony for the birth of a new child was completed.

The time has come to almost 11 o'clock.

It's time to go.

As the last firecrackers were set off in the open square at the entrance of the ancestral hall, everyone began to drive to the county town.

But Xu Xin did not go home and drive with his family.

As soon as he walked out of the ancestral hall, he was "herded" to a commercial vehicle by several boys.

"I'll go to the hotel with them first."

Speechless, he hurriedly followed Xu Miao and said hello, and then just like escorting a prisoner, he pushed his head into the commercial vehicle.

Then...this isn't the end yet.

You said that a normal business car can only seat seven people.

But Xu Xin got ten people into the business car directly.

How to sit? ...Hey, this is very particular.

Four squeezed into the back row.

In the middle seat, Xu Xin is hugging Xu Yang on the left and Xu Zhi on the right.

He sat on a board resting on the front seats of the two middle seats.

Heng Ha Er will squeeze him tightly.

In addition to Xu Jie who was driving, the co-pilot Xu Qi sat on Xu Rong's lap.

"You are the protagonist today! Why are you sitting on the bench!"

After Xu Xin got on the bus and saw the distribution of seats, he started to curse.

Unfortunately it's of no use.

Xu Jie pushed the accelerator, and he managed to dig through the middle to the back row.

Suddenly, he felt like when he was a child, a dozen children crowded into the old man's van and took him to the county to play.

It's just that the kids back then are now a bunch of prison guards.

Holding myself as a prisoner...

"Ah, stop moving!"

"What the hell! Come and try sitting here! ...Climb! Who touches my butt!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A group of people started to make a fuss.

Just like when I was a kid.

After leaving the village, the commercial vehicle slowed down a bit and drove more steadily.

After all, there are many sacred trees and large cars in winter, so they don’t dare to mess around, so they have to hide and go.

"Sanjin, that "Thirty-three Days in Love"..."

"Thirty-three days of love breakup!"

"Ah, it's all the same. The budget has been made, 35 to 4 million. You have time when you can."

"What? Are you here to take pictures???"

"Why do you think you are allowed to sit in the seat? Why don't you make the movie we made ourselves?"


When he was still speechless, suddenly, someone hugged his neck from behind:

"Tell me! If I don't pat you, I'll take off your pants and throw you out!"


"Peak! Peel quickly! Sanjin's ass is white!"

"I'm so scared, just grab it! Xu Yang, do it!"

This thing is afraid of a heckler...

"Holy crap! Don't... don't, don't, don't... I was wrong, wrong! Shoot! Shoot! Can't you just shoot!"

"Really? What should I do if I lie!?"

"Promise not to lie! That's wrong! Absolutely not to lie! Big brothers, keep a line...Xu Laoqi, you idiot! You are so stupid!!...Ahahahahaha...hahahaha...that's wrong ...Don't...ahhahahahaha...it's cool! It's cool!!! Oh my god! It's cool~~Haahahahaha..."

Who knows who put cold hands along his clothes and placed them on both sides of his ribs.

Xu Xin suddenly died.

"Shoot! Really good! Really good! ... Wrong! Ah~~~~"

at last……

Xu Xin, who was unable to defeat fourteen hands with two fists, was like a frustrated little wife, sitting on the plywood with a look of helplessness:

"People are asking me to make movies all the time. They want to kneel down to me. Good on you! You really treat me like a human being, don't you?...Brother, I'm very busy next year! After "Hawthorn Tree" is finished, I have to get married. Ah! What are you thinking about?...You can make movies worth millions of dollars just by sitting on a chair with a pig..."

"This is what we call a head start, a good start. You know?"

"...I'm just saying, there will definitely be no good if you guys get together!...It costs 30 million in director's fees!"

"If you don't have 30 million, can I give you three punches per person?"


As a result, Director Xu was forced to sign a new film contract by the local "evil" forces.

Is there any solution?

Nothing can be done.

Who makes everyone want to do something good and show it to the adults in the family?

After more than half a year of experience, they not only know some rules in the film and television industry, but also understand one thing.

That is... If you want to make a movie, you must first have a reliable director.

As for other directors, they don't know yet whether they are reliable or not.

But Sanjin’s service is definitely reliable.

Carrying the vision of letting the adults in the family see their children as "grown up", Xu Xin did not shirk it.

So, when Yang Mi rushed to the hotel and heard that her husband was being "threatened" to force a movie appointment next year, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing out loud:

"Pfft... Haha... That's okay, it's pretty good. Anyway, we really have to shoot the movie, but we don't have much time. And it's a modern urban movie, so just relax."

"You really can stand and talk without pain in your back. Your husband and I were thrown naked from the car, did you know that?"

"Hehe, how good it is, white and tender~"


Xu Xin's eyes were filled with disgust.

Perhaps because he drank too much last night, Xu Xin didn't drink much wine during today's lunch.

A dozen or so private rooms served a small cup to each table.

Then the whole hall took a toast together.

Although I drank almost half a pound again, I was at least able to walk out of the hotel sober.

After returning home, Yang Mi went to put the two children to sleep.

Xu Daqiang also drank some wine.

Simply, the family came to the boiler room.

Also includes Yang Dalin.

After the four men arrived in the boiler room, Xu Daqiang got a small stove from nowhere, shoveled a shovelful of coal, covered the stove lid, and put a clay pot tied with wires on it.

When they saw this clay pot, the brothers didn't need to say anything.

Xu Xin returned to the house and took out rock sugar, tea, walnuts, dates, and wolfberries.

Xu Miao went to the kitchen and took out a basket of small potatoes, a large pot of water and a small plate of salt.

"Is this...cans of tea?"

Yang Dalin, who was slightly drunk, was a little curious.

"Have you ever...drunk?"

Hearing Xu Daqiang's words, Yang Dalin nodded:

"Many years ago, when Mimi was still young, I went to Tianshui to handle a case, and the locals drank this...also drink it in northern Shaanxi?"

"Actually, I don't drink it. Some old people like to add salt to their tea, which is a continuation of the drinking method in Inner Mongolia. When I was young, I knew some drivers who used the Shaanxi-Gansu line all year round. The roads here are not good, and there are always traffic jams... Take them both..."

Pointing at Xu Miao and Xu Xin:

"I ride a tricycle selling instant noodles to drivers along the road. Sometimes when the traffic jam is too long, the driver will come down the road to buy some food to cook. I learned the habit of drinking cans of tea from them. I was curious at the time. , I just tried it...this tea can relieve hangover and fatigue."

When he spoke, Xu Miao had already taken a few dried chili peppers and put them on the stove.

The temperature of the stove lid is high, and the chili peppers will start to turn black and smoke within a few seconds of being placed on them.

He quickly picked it up and rubbed it with his hands. As the chili peppers shattered, a spicy smoky smell echoed in the boiler room.

And the crushed chili pepper fell on the dish of salt.

Finally, Xu Miao mixed the chili powder and salt together with the chili stalks in his hand.

Only then did Xu Daqiang say:

"Go and wash your hands, don't get it in your eyes."

Xu Miao laughed out loud unconsciously:


Obviously, my father has said this sentence countless times since he was a child.

But to adults, it sounds like they are treating themselves like a child.

He was quite happy.

And this dish of salt is for dipping potatoes into food.

"Dad, Zhao Xinyu is calling and Mimi is coming over. Is there anything we should pay attention to?"


Xu Daqiang waved his hand casually:

"Just come and chat like an elder. She should give you a membership card, just pick it up when the time comes. You don't have to have any particularly mysterious or high-end ideas about that place...

It's just a big dinner party.

No one would go there to discuss business. If they really wanted to relax, there would be a better place than that... It was just a status symbol.

If you want to invite someone to dinner or anything else, hey, take him over there. I'll give you a long face and that's it. Of course, some people go there just to make friends.

But usually, these people who want to make friends can only make friends with people who also want to make friends. Even if they meet people who don't want to make friends, they won't be able to make them. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, feeling confident.

In fact, the old man's meaning is relatively simple.

Although there are many domestic rich and high-end people gathered in that place.

But if we want to talk about real business, we must meet at the formalized negotiation table. For example, everyone talks about acquisitions or cooperation projects normally.

That place was too private, not a place for negotiation, but more like a place for exchange of interests.

Can't get on the table.

But because there are members there, such as Li Jiacheng and Ma Yun, it is also a demonstration of his strength to say that he is in the same club as Li Jiacheng and the others.

And those who want to make connections and seek development in the club...the big guys will generally ignore you.

Because there are not enough levels.

And the people I can make friends with are actually at about the same level as myself, and both parties are still in the stage of "working hard for their careers."

From this perspective, it is a win-win situation for both sides.

"Then what I heard from my brother is that...she is a middleman? The one who can accomplish a lot of things if she is willing to pull strings?"

"Do you want to have sex?"

Xu Daqiang suddenly became happy:

"Do you know anything about family business?"

"don't know."

"Are you short of money for making movies?"

"There's no shortage either."

"Then it's over. She can take the lead, but she also has to share something from it. But it has nothing to do with you... Some of the businesses that she can take the lead in are of a size that people in the film and television industry cannot reach. Some of them are related to the film and television industry. Businesses that are not close to each other... When you go, go to the eighth and ninth floors to eat. Then go to the swimming pool downstairs to swim and get a massage. As for the other things, they are of little use to you. .”

"It doesn't sound very interesting."

"It doesn't mean anything in itself. Just go there regularly, show your face, and don't break up the friendship."


Now, Xu Xin felt confident.

And the water is boiling.

He began to pour tea into the teapot, roast dates, and crack walnuts.

Picking up some people or things in Chang'an Club, Xu Daqiang treated it as small talk and talked about it with a few people.

After chatting for about seven or eight cans of tea, Yang Mi walked out.

"elder brother."


"Shall we go out for a walk? I want to take a walk."

"Go. Take a walk with Mimi and see where you played when you were a child."


Xu Xin nodded, and just as he stood up, Xu Daqiang pinched the potatoes on the stove again.

I picked the two smallest ones and handed them to him.

"Hey~ Huh... Huh..."

Xu Xin quickly pulled out a piece of newspaper used to start the fire and carried it in his pocket. After pinching a pinch of chili salt, he walked out holding the potatoes:

"Let's go."

"Yeah, baked potatoes?"

"Well, try it, our potatoes are delicious."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded with a smile, and first tore off a layer of the roasted black skin of the small potatoes.

It didn’t feel dirty either, so I put the skin and flesh on it to my mouth and started eating.

Freshly roasted potatoes, paired with salt and pepper, don't taste very good.

Nuo fragrant and waxy fragrant.

After leaving the door, she looked around:

"Where are we going?"

"Shall I take you to see the old school?"

"The one I just passed by?"


"Let's go...hey, these potatoes are really delicious."

"That's not..."

Perhaps because of the cold weather, you can see a group of old men and women on both sides of the main road in Xujiawan from time to time, warming up and chatting around a fire piled with coal.

After seeing Xu Xin and Yang Mi, they would wave and say hello enthusiastically.

He would also kindly ask Yang Mi if she was cold or not.

After all, this sister's chopstick legs look extremely thin even when she is wearing velvet tights.

Yang Mi answered fluently.

From time to time, a not-so-authentic Shaanxi dialect will pop up.

He doesn't look like a celebrity at all.

After passing this group of people, Xu Xin said to her:

"Believe it or not, they must all be talking about you."

"What are you talking about me?"

"Talk about the TV series and movies you have acted in, or some things heard from young people, or comment on your figure. No wonder you can have two children, your butt is so big. Or what makes you a blessed face? some type of……"

"Then let's go and listen?"

She was about to turn back immediately.

Obviously, I want to hear what everyone praises her for.

Xu Xin quickly stopped her.

Others may be joking when they say this...

But brother, you believe me.

She means it.

And he is still serious enough to do such a thing.


Yang Mi was a little dissatisfied:

"It's boring. I can't even listen to how others praise me?"

"Who praises people in front of you?... If you really want to hear it, go home and change your clothes. Put on your cotton jacket and trousers, put on a turban and sit there, then you are considered to be inside. This outfit counts What?"

"Hey hey hey~"

Yang Mi didn't say anything, just smiled.

Holding Xu Xin's hand, he walked little by little toward the period building.

"So the school is empty?"

"Yes, after getting rich, according to Teacher Zhang's wish, the village school moved to Gecun. Gecun is among several of our villages, and it is the shortest distance for everyone."

"That Teacher Zhang is the one sitting at the same table with Grandpa Er today, the one wearing glasses?"

"Yes. That is our village's permanent guest no matter whether we are happy or happy. Our ability to read and read is all thanks to Teacher Zhang."

"Then do you think the other supporting teacher from back then will regret it?"

"I don't know...but we have all been taught by our families since we were young...I have never met that teacher. Xu Miao and the others were taught by him. Our dad also said that no one will be allowed to speak ill of that teacher. Personally. There is a personal choice, and the rule of being a teacher and a father for life cannot be messed with."

"The atmosphere in our village is really upright."

Yang Mi let out a sincere sigh.

"Although Uncle Xu often told me that the village used to be rough and there were unruly people...but I feel that everyone is really good..."

Xu Xin didn't answer.

Because... his understanding of this matter is: everyone changes because of money.

If the warehouse is solid, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace.

Recalling every bit of his childhood experience... Xu Xin increasingly felt that this sentence contained a profound truth.

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the school's large iron gate.

If you go in, you will definitely not be able to get in.

Just come and take a look.

Standing at the door, he looked at the place where he had lived and studied. For no reason, an impulse to look cool flashed through his mind.

So, he let go of his wife's hand, came to the door, turned around, and opened his hand to her with the school as the background, with a look of relief on his face:

"This is Xujiawan, where I grew up. Welcome to my world~my delicate little princess~"

He didn't know how this sentence came out of his mind.

I thought it was quite interesting when I first came out.

But as soon as he said it, a strong sense of shame quickly spread throughout his body.

Before Yang Mi could respond, his face turned red first.

And what about Yang Mi...

Just quietly watching my husband perform.

She was actually quite happy that no one was around.

If anyone else, my husband would never be able to do such a thing.

But looking at his face that turned red first before he even responded...

Yang Mi shook her head helplessly:


He's obviously quite handsome.

Why are you so thin-skinned?

Like a little girl.


Take a good look.

See how the teacher performs.

Thinking of this, she nodded and smiled boldly:

"MUA~ Hahahaha~ Humph! Little princess? Humph~ I like it! Humph~MUA Hahahaha~"


Why did I blindly marry you in the first place!

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