I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 379 377 Angel Wings

Chapter 379 377. Angel Wings

On the day after the full moon wine, the family did not return to Yanjing, but stayed in Shenmu for another day.

But Xu Xin was not with everyone the next day.

Instead, he rushed to the magical capital to hold a meeting at the World Expo.

This time, he did not contact Xue Haifeng and the others.

It would be enough to contact him twice. It would be too deliberate to meet him all this time.

After a meeting in Shanghai, he returned to Yanjing. As soon as he got off the plane and said goodbye to Zhang Wu, he got into Cheng Hu's car.

The car started and he walked to the company.

After arriving at the company, Xu Xin walked to Yang Mi's office amid greetings from a group of people.

He has no presence in the company.

Idle personnel outside the establishment.

Naturally, you don’t deserve an office.

Fortunately, he and the landlady have a nepotistic relationship, so it is only natural that he temporarily requisitions the boss's office for entertaining guests.

"Mr. Xu, what do you want to drink?"

"Just have a cup of tea. Is anyone here?"

"We're already here, waiting in the reception room."

Hearing the little secretary's words, Xu Xin nodded:

"Just let them come over."


Sitting on Yang Mi's large boss chair, he flipped through some documents on the table, and then heard footsteps coming from the door.

Looking up, Lu Yang, Chen Shu, and Fang Xiu walked in together.

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin stood up with a smile:

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

He skipped the pleasantries and pointed to the sofa enthusiastically:


With that said, he sat directly on the single sofa.

"Hello, Director Xu."

Lu Yang took Chen Shu with him to say hello.

Xu Xin nodded and nuzzled at Fang Xiu again, saving him the embarrassment caused by the different names.

After all...the two of them call themselves Director Xu, and when Lao Fang says "Lao Xu", they will inevitably feel a sense of intimacy and distance.

After sitting down, Xu Xin asked:

"When did you come?"

"We just arrived. Then when we arrived, Director Fang also arrived."

Lu Yang's words meant that the three people already knew each other, and Xu Xin was spared the trouble of introducing someone.

So he nodded:

"Okay, I'll keep the story short. Have you read the script?"

"Looked at it."

Including Fang Xiu, three people nodded at the same time.

And Chen Shu directly took out the script of "Deal".

That's right, Xu Xin came to meet three people today with the intention of launching the short film project "Transaction".

But this time he didn't plan to use the "big guy" from West Film Studio.

No need.

After the College Student Video Festival invited him to be the director of the opening short film, it gave him a budget of 100,000 yuan and a commission of 20,000 yuan.

The money is almost negligible.

For this small amount of money, let alone hiring Liu Yifei, any delay in the length of the film and the filming schedule will lead to overspending.

Not to mention the commission of 20,000 yuan.

Asking him to direct it would cost at least two zeros more for the normal price.

This is still to say the least.

But he took the job anyway.

On the one hand, the platform placement of the short film "Transaction" is helpful to Liu Yifei.

On the other hand, he really wanted to film this story.

Those who don’t have money don’t even think about it.

And the reason why we called them here today is also very simple.

When people from Xiying Studio come over to film, they must be using cannons to swat mosquitoes. If nothing else, the cost of the business trip is a huge expense.

So he integrated his "existing" resources.

Fang Xiulai worked as a photographer, and Lu Haibo always wanted his son to have a stable environment to create. Then give yourself some face and come over and be the assistant director.

With Chen Shu.

"Director Lu, what about the short film "Deal"? Let me tell you and Director Chen about the situation first. First of all, the photographer is Lao Fang. Lao Fang and we are college classmates, and we also worked on the film "Not Drunk". from."


Lu Yang nodded to express his understanding.

"The heroine has been decided. As the opening short film of the College Student Video Festival, the heroine is Liu Yifei. But the role of the child still needs to be found. This is the entire lineup of the entire "Deal" crew now."

After hearing his words, Lu Yang took out his notepad:

"Director: Xu Xin

Assistant Directors: Lu Yang, Chen Shu

Director of Photography: Fang Xiu

Starring: Liu Yifei"

"Director Xu, these are the people, and Chen Shu and I will be responsible for the rest?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"In a week, I hope to finalize the location selection and preparations for other crew members. You can discuss this and see if there are any suitable people. For auditions... they should be conducted without delaying the children's studies as much as possible. After all, isn’t there a holiday yet? So we can conduct a centralized selection on Saturday and Sunday.”

Hearing this, Lu Yang was a little surprised:

"Director Xu, this Saturday is the Golden Horse Awards, have you forgotten?"

"No, I'm not going."

Xu Xin waved his hand and said with a smile:

"If Yang Mi goes, I won't go. The child is too young. It won't work if both of us leave. One person has to be left at home to take care of the baby. So when you audition, I may not be able to go. Then the selected child will be Just give me the audition footage.”


Lu Yang nodded to express his understanding:

"Then the three of us will be responsible for assembling the crew. The salary..."

"As usual. This is a short film, and for commercial purposes it will only be shown at film festivals and on the Internet. I just like this story and have no plans to use it for anything else. It's the same as "Not Drunk". The film's The total budget is 120,000. Liu Yifei and I will not take any money, and the rest of the production funds will be spent here. Oh, yes, the company will support the equipment, and other road directors will take care of it."

With that said, Xu Xin stood up and took out a stack of manuscript paper from the backpack on the boss's desk.

"Give me some shots and a vague image design."

All documents and documents drawn by him were placed in front of the three people.

"Just audition according to this feeling. Let me explain to you a few special points... The first is a snow scene. If it snows... we have to look at the sky. What does God say and when can we get it? Shoot. It is divided into before snow and after snow. What I want to shoot here is..."

He began to slowly talk about what he needed to pay attention to in this film in his concept.

The three of them began to take notebooks and start recording.

We chatted for about an hour.

Most of the time, Xu Xin was talking and the three of them were listening.

And an hour later, they had roughly figured out the director's shooting ideas, and the three of them already had an idea.

The entire movie is approximately less than half an hour in length.

The shooting time is about 7 days.

But these 7 days are quite sufficient.

According to Fang Xiu, as long as there are no problems with the young actors and the crew runs faster, it can be completed in two days at most.

He is someone who has seen Xu Xin's shooting style.

What he said coincided with Xu Xin's.

The shooting ideas were clarified and the tasks were clearly explained.

This meeting is over.

There was no formality like "let's have dinner together". After the meeting, the three of them left together.

Before leaving, Xu Xin asked Fang Xiu:

"Lao Fang, when will the results of the documentary plan be released?"

"The notification is to wait until this year is over. The Gregorian calendar year is considered a new move. So whether it passes or not, you have to wait until after New Year's Day."

"okay, I get it."

After the three people left, he checked the time and saw that there was still time to go back for lunch. He walked downstairs and dialed Liu Yifei's phone.

After the phone rang for a long time, Liu Yifei's slightly confused voice rang:


"...Still not up?"

After Xu Xin's voice sounded, the movement there suddenly changed:

"Ah? You...ah? I just saw...what's wrong?"


These girls are quite confused.

"Let me tell you, after "Golden Horse Awards", I may start filming the short film "Deal"."

"Um, okay...where are you?"

"You just came back, what happened?"

"Then you won't go home?"


Xu Xin paused and asked in confusion:

"Where are you?"

"at your home."

"...You didn't leave last night?"

"No, I came to talk to Mimi about Jingqiu. It was a bit late, so I went to bed here. Hmm... it's 11:30? I have to get up quickly. Will you be back soon?"

"Go back, I'm planning to go back now. Let's meet up later and talk about it. Don't leave. Let's have a meal together at noon."


"Well, hung up."

When he was in Magic City yesterday, he had dinner with Zhang Wu and Liu Kuan. While eating, according to custom, he reported to Yang Mi, who was also eating with Liu Yifei. The two of them were in a normal business trip situation between husband and wife.

I'll tell you where I went, don't think too much about it.

Let me tell you what I do at home so you can go on a business trip with peace of mind.

That's probably what it means.

Unexpectedly, while he was on a business trip, his wife actually did this! ! ! !


Go home quickly and take a look.

We rushed home all the way, and as soon as we opened the door, Zaizai and Niuniu already came over.

"Yo? That's strange. You two... don't look after the child, but you still have the conscience to welcome me?"

Xu Xin held the two dogs' heads and stroked them.

Yang Dalin, who heard the commotion in the kitchen, came out, saw his son-in-law and Cheng Hu, and said with a smile:

"You're back? Stop touching the dog, wash your hands quickly, and let's eat."


In response, he pushed the box to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a sound:

"Daddy is back! Look! Daddy, Daddy!"

Then, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei, each holding a baby, walked towards the door.

"Don't leave yet, it's cold outside."

Xu Xin subconsciously stopped the two of them and quickly entered the house.

After making way, Cheng Hu also walked in and quickly closed the door.

The cold air was blocked, but Xu Xin was a little dazed.

In front of me...

Yang Mi is in the front and Liu Yifei is in the back.

Each of them held a child.

Not to mention his wife’s face, Liu Yifei’s appearance is number one in many people’s minds.

And when these two people are staring at a smiling man at the same time...especially when holding a child makes the "girly" feeling between them fade away and be replaced by a touch of maternal brilliance...

It's this moment.

Xu Xin suddenly felt that he understood why the ancients liked three wives and four concubines.


He understood immediately.

Both children are of his own blood.

Besides his wife, what if he and Liu Yifei had any kind of relationship.

The sense of accomplishment of "having a happy wife and concubine" made him feel a little distraught just thinking about it.

Marry a virtuous wife, keep concubines and enjoy sex.

This statement... is really not false at all.

At this moment, he was very excited.

However, it is only at this moment.

When she saw the innocence revealed in the big black eyes of her son in Yang Mi's arms... her worries were replaced by longing for her child.

I have to be a good father.

Set a good example for the two children.

He said to himself in his heart.

Then, after completely regaining his composure, he smiled and said:

"Okay, I'm still cold."

"I know, isn't this a grand welcome ceremony for you? Come on, baby, tell daddy. Tell daddy, it's hard for you on your business trip~"

Yang Mi shook the child's little hand, and her lovely words seemed to be really spoken by the child.

Xu Xin couldn't help but the smile on his face bloomed again.

But this time he squatted beside the radiator and waited for about ten seconds to dispel the chill from his body before walking to the sofa.

"Come, daddy, give me a hug."

He held his adorable eldest daughter in his arms.

The tacit understanding between an old couple makes it unnecessary for either of them to express it.

The moment the child was handed over to Xu Xin, Yang Mi raised her head.

After hugging and holding the child firmly, Xu Xin kissed his wife on the mouth.


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

He lowered his head and looked at Yangyang, who was looking directly at his father...

Four words popped into my mind for no reason:

"We share the same pain."

She even felt that Yangyang was more pitiful than herself.

Obviously, at such a young age, he has to endure this kind of "beating".

At this time, she heard Xu Xin's words:

"How are the preparations going? What did you talk about last night?"

The thoughts come to an end.

Just as Liu Yifei was about to answer, she heard Yang Mi say:

"We are just talking about the grasp of the role of Jingqiu. We have a small dispute about the role of Jingqiu...or guessing about your shooting ideas.

I think the theme of the movie you want to make should be a process.

From Jingqiu's ignorance, to her passionate love with Lao San, to the bed scene you mentioned where it was just about sleeping... this process brings a kind of hidden expression.

It expresses that at this moment, Jingqiu’s mentality has changed from a girl to a woman...

Didn't I know the experience of "Xiong Yin" before? Her husband was a man very much like the third child, but in the end she got divorced. And the reason why she got divorced and told Amy that her husband changed before and after marriage is a different person. I think it’s more like “awakening” than “change”.

In other words... her husband understood that from beginning to end, he was just a substitute for the third child. Continuing this line of thinking, no man can accept that his wife is obviously married to him, but all he thinks about, thinks about, and compares everywhere is another man. That's why there was that change.

This is the fate of this woman, Xiong Yin, because she was the first to feel sorry for her husband. "

"Yeah, keep talking."

Xu Xin didn't say it was right or wrong, he just asked Yang Mi to continue talking.

"So, according to my understanding, in the movie script, after Jingqiu and the third child crowded into the same bed and slept together, as a conservative woman, she was actually "married".

And in the end, when the third child died, Jingqiu felt as if she was widowed. The psychological changes she showed were very complete...

Later, her friend...what was his name? After coming to Jingqiu with her pregnant and abandoned body, her reaction should be that of cheating in marriage, and her performance should be filled with anxiety and hatred.

And the whole person...if I were to act, both the braids and the girlish look on her body would have to change. Because since she was "betrayed by the third child", she has already entered the ranks of adults. The final ending of the story should also be an adult ending.

Hawthorn tree, still the same hawthorn tree. But Jingqiu should not be the Jingqiu at the beginning of the script. "

Speaking of this, she suddenly paused.

Looking at his brother inexplicably, a touch of softness suddenly appeared in his tone:

"Also, I think the scene where the third child was lying on the hospital bed covered in bruises should also be dealt with. It's too simple and straightforward. Brother, the third child... loves Jingqiu very much, do you know?

Even if he... passes away... he will definitely be in heaven, protecting Jingqiu in his own way...

I think what happened to Xiong Yin was not a coincidence. The third child must have used his own way to help Jingqiu find a man who could be as loyal to her as he was. Protecting, guarding, and caring about her.

But what he wanted Jingqiu to understand was definitely not that he wanted Jingqiu to remain stagnant forever.

His love...is very broad.

The reason why he pushed someone who looked so much like him to Jingqiu...or Xiong Yin was that he hoped that Xiong Yin could look forward and move forward to welcome his new life. But unfortunately... Xiong Yin didn't, she just regarded her husband as a substitute. That’s why I made the same mistake again…that’s what I thought. "

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she seemed to be afraid that Xu Xin would notice something, so she quickly pointed at Liu Yifei:

"But her point of view is that Jingqiu should be ignorant. Even if the two sleep together, her changes should not be so obvious. She should still have that girlish feeling throughout, so as to ensure the consistency of the overall tone of the movie. Also It’s what’s called pure to the end.”

As she said that, she looked at Xu Xin:

"What's the right answer in your heart?"


This time, it was Xu Xin's turn to hesitate.

In fact, it is very common for directors and actors to communicate about the direction of the script and jointly study the development of the plot.

After all, for every 10,000 Hamlets, there are 10,000 Brad Pitts from Harry Potter.

Everyone understands something differently.

As a director, it is also a very happy thing for the director if he can learn from other people's opinions and highlights.

Because everyone works together, the work becomes more profound.

And this is what the wife is saying right now.

Liu Yifei's perspective is his original shooting idea.

Pure and clean.

A clean shot to the end.

Pure pure.

But Yang Mi's words seemed to open a bright skylight in the house he had already built.

Unconsciously, he was thinking.

What if...according to Yang Mi, Jingqiu's inner journey was transitioned from a bright line to a dark one, what would it be like?

Sleeping with the third child symbolizes Jingqiu's psychological transition from a girl to a woman.

In the original script, after the two of them slept together, the third child sent Jingqiu back the next day.

There is a scene of the two embracing in the air across the river.

It was a flash point for the two people to sublimate their relationship.

The inspiration for this scene came from the line "Holding hands and looking into each other's teary eyes, I was speechless and choked" when Gu Xiaobai watched Liu Yong's "Yulin Ling".

In Xu Xin's mind, the two hugged each other and cried silently, which was a very straightforward way to express their feelings.

But, what if we follow Yang Mi’s idea?

The third child knew he had leukemia.

Jingqiu doesn’t know.

So, across the river, there is life and death.

The two people's hug in the air seemed to express their emotions to each other, but in fact it symbolized the thin line between life and death.

They are only separated by a river, but they are so cruel that they can no longer integrate into each other.

And the third child is crying.

Jingqiu's scene...what if it was changed to a smile?

Or a happy smile.

The third child cried because he knew that he could not stay with Jingqiu forever.

Jing Qiu smiled, because the sweet love between her and the third child had just begun.


This kind of contradictory collision of two different things...

That means we can deal with the previous plot of Jingqiu's fear that the third child has leukemia, and be more sunny.

Whether it’s the sense of the camera, the relaxing soundtrack, or the use of scenery or some seemingly random clues to implicitly express the composition of lies...

The audience thought that the story would not be so bloody and that the third child did not have leukemia.

Then came the sudden tears.

Let the audience mistakenly think that Lao San does not want to leave Jingqiu.

Finally, Jingqiu was shocked by the scene when she saw the third child lying on the hospital bed covered in bruises...

"Yeah! Very good. Your idea... the plot tension is stronger! It's stronger than the pure to the end feeling I imagined before! The speculations and doubts about virtuality and reality, life and death, love and hate are all there. When we progressed to the final plot, the feeling suddenly burst out... now it seems... great!"

His answer was equivalent to his approval of Yang Mi's answer.



The child hadn't been fragrant for five minutes before Xu Xin handed it back to Yang Mi's arms and walked quickly to the study.

In this section, he had to think about it from an overall perspective.

Think about it carefully.

And if this is done well, then the feeling of the entire script will rise to a new level.

"No need to call me for lunch."


The door is closed.

Yang Mi hugged the child as usual and looked at Liu Yifei:

"It seems...I won."


Liu Yifei was speechless.

In fact, to be honest, she was indeed convinced by Yang Mi's statement last night.

Deep down, I think it would be better handled this way.

But there is also a small problem here.

That is……

"Why have you changed so much now?"

She couldn't help but ask:

"The feeling is completely different...whether it's the role or the...acting skills. Why is there such a big difference?"

"This time it's not about the role or acting skills."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly.

And Liu Yifei didn't know if she was delusional.

She always felt that the circles under Mimi's eyes were a little red.

Just when I was confused, I heard the other party say:

"It's... I got inspiration from a very gentle person. Love is definitely not about stagnation. It's about hoping that the other person will live a better life. I think... in Lao San's case, he must mean this."


Liu Yifei didn't understand this at first.

After chewing over the meaning, he tentatively asked:

"So...your ideas and inspirations are based on prototypes?"


"Can you tell me what happened? I think it inspired me a lot."


Her words were rejected by Yang Mi without hesitation.

"I can't say it to you, and I will never say it to anyone. Just treat this as..."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi paused.

When he turned to look at Liu Yifei, he showed a smile that was difficult to describe in words, but seemed to maintain a tacit understanding with someone:

""The Secret That Cannot Be Told"."

When Liu Yifei was speechless, she hugged her daughter softly and hummed a song:

"I believe you are still here~

Never left~

My love is like an angel protecting you~~~

If life only ends here~

There will be no me from now on~

I will find an angel to love you for me~"

She sang this song beautifully.

But Liu Yifei was confused when she heard this.

(These two chapters are for tomorrow.)

I was reading the previous chapter in the past two days and I saw some readers asking if I could skip the plot of the movie. They are all movies I have seen. Do you need to describe them? Can you please tell me the word count?

In fact, I want to say... Although I have made relatively few movies about this book, I really try my best to make the preparation story for each movie as interesting as possible, and then during the filming, I will slightly change some of the things I think the movie will be like. Where there are some shortcomings, let’s sublimate the entire work. It's not based on the plot of the movie.

I really don’t have a good plot, and I don’t use a movie to have a good plot. From the beginning of "Not Drunk" to now, I have tried my best to give everyone an immersive feeling that "this movie was really made by Xu Xin."

So, I’m out of plot, I promise.

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