I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 380 378 Two big reasons (31)

Chapter 380 378. Two big reasons (31)

When I came out of the study again, it was almost 4 p.m.

Seeing him coming out, Yang Mi quickly said:

"Hurry, there's still rice left in the pot for you."

"Um...Liu Yifei is gone?"

"Let's go. I left around three o'clock. I knew you were revising the script, so I didn't say hello to you... Have you finished revising it?"


Xu Xin nodded, but did not leave the room.

Instead, he came to his wife and took her into his arms.

"Where's Dabao and Xiaobao?"

"Inside the house. Zaizai and Niuniu are watching."


Hearing this, he was speechless.

Did these two dogs treat their son and daughter as sheep?

But... I feel a little more at ease.

A few days ago, he saw with his own eyes that because Yang Mi had placed Yangyang's position close to the bed, Niu Niu's dog's head was always arched next to Niu Niu.

After seeing herself come in, she whimpered and pushed her nose against Niuniu, meaning to push the child inward a little.

Obviously, it doesn't understand why today's children still can't stand up.

But even so, with two dogs helping to look after the baby, Xu Xin felt much more at ease.

But...it's hard to say how long this situation will last.

Maybe in a year's time, when the children can crawl and walk, the fur on the two dogs may have to be stripped off by the two ancestors...

"What changed?"

"Only some small details have been sent to the screenwriters for review. What did she and you talk about?"

"Let's talk about the content of this script... I gave her some inspiration. I helped her figure out the positioning of the role. During the second round of auditions... you can take a good look at it then. If several people are suitable at the same time, If possible, try to digest it internally.”

"So aboveboard? I have principles."

"Oh, director~~~"

His words made the actress in his arms start to act coquettishly, and her fingernails scratched the back of the director's hand with a hint of charm:

"As long as you show your respect. Then... I can do whatever you want~"


You have to admit it.

She plays the unspoken rules really well⑥.

But Xu Xin also understood this truth, hugged her and said:

"It depends on the situation... I didn't expect to see the shadow of Jingqiu in her. Besides, the old man also agrees with her and thinks her temperament is quite good."

"That's right... Anyway, if you can digest it internally, digest it internally. After all... everyone is working hard."


"By the way, shall we go to the premiere of "Three Guns"?"

"The old man didn't invite me. Just don't go... I guess he also has a headache. If I go and reporters ask some questions, do you think I'm telling nonsense with my eyes open or am I telling the truth? It's not easy to handle."

"Okay. Are you sure you won't go to the Golden Horse Awards?"

"I'm not going, I've finished talking to the wheel. You can just go~ I'm preparing my own things at home. I'm sure at least two movies will be released next year. If you want the cycle to be short, you have to advance the time..."

"Jingle Bell……"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Mi's cell phone rang.

She took a look and found out that the call was from Xu Haofeng, so she answered the phone directly.

"Hello, senior brother."

"...Mimi, where are you?"


Hearing this question, Yang Mi was a little confused.

She subconsciously got out of her husband's arms, sat up straight, and then said:

"I'm at home...what's wrong?"


Xu Haofeng got stuck.

Then he said:

"Are you free tonight?"



Yang Mi glanced at Xu Xin again and responded:

"Yes. Senior brother, what's the matter? Just tell me."

"Would you like to have dinner together?"

"Have a meal?"

Upon hearing this invitation, Yang Mi subconsciously looked at her husband again.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, didn't say anything, meaning that she had full authority to make the decision.

If you want to go to dinner, I'll take care of the baby at home.

After realizing what her husband meant, Yang Mi hesitated and asked:

"Senior brother, have I chosen the role of Gong Er?"


Xu Haofeng was silent again.

As soon as he fell silent, Yang Mi knew the result.

So, she pursed her lips.

But just as he was about to speak, Xu Haofeng said:

"That's right, I just returned to Yanjing to have dinner with you... Let me explain, it's actually the director's intention."


"Then why not come and eat at home."

Listening to the two people talking, Xu Xin, who was also observing his wife's expression, suddenly said:

"If Director Xu doesn't mind the simple food at home, how about coming to eat at home? My wife's cooking is quite good."


Hearing Xu Xin's voice, Xu Haofeng was a little surprised at first.

But it felt normal right away.

They are a couple.

So, he responded readily:

"That's okay...don't bother me, right?"

"Haha, no need to interrupt. By the way, does Director Xu smoke?"


"Okay, okay. Then we'll send you the address. See you later?"


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin looked at his wife again.

Her mood is obviously not so stable at the moment...

After thinking for a while, he didn't say anything, but got up and walked to his father-in-law's house and knocked on the door:

"Uncle, aunt, we have a guest at home for dinner tonight."


Yang Dalin nodded:

"Several people?"

"On a."

"Okay, then I'll get ready."

After Yang Dalin finished speaking, Xu Xin also came to the door and walked out wearing home cotton clothes.

There is a greenhouse in the small courtyard at home.

However, since the grape vines climbed all over the shelf, Yang Mi felt that the dead grape vines in winter were beautiful, so Xu Xin never put up the glass wall of the greenhouse.

And Xu Haofeng smokes tonight, so let’s eat here.

He used a sickle to trim the grapevines that were stuck on the checkpoint locks, and used a pulley to remove the glass from the roof.

It's okay, not too dirty.

After covering the four sides with glass, I went to the warehouse to find a small transformer and connected it to the plug.

When the old man renovated this glass greenhouse, he used the same glass as the windshield of a car. There were copper wires buried in the glass grille, specifically for heating in winter when it was windy and snowy.

After plugging it in, Xu Xin took the water pipe and started squirting at the floating ash outside.

After the glass walls were all clean, I started to clean up the heater next to the grapevine shelf.

It hasn't been used for several years and is full of dust.

After cleaning up, I shoveled two shovels of coal inside.

After throwing an alcohol block for igniting the fire, bursts of smoke came out of the chimney above the stove.

After a while the guests came and we ate here.

It's warm and you can smoke.

After everything was done, he wiped the table and chairs with a rag.

After smoking another cigarette outside, I walked into the living room.

Yang Mi was not in the living room, so he walked into the bedroom again.

Only then did I see that my wife was putting on makeup.

"So grand?"

"Light makeup, guests are here, don't be too casual."


Glancing at the two sleeping little guys, he said softly:

"Are you okay?"


The woman who was looking at her eyeliner in the dressing mirror shook her head slightly:

"If you lose the election, you will lose the election."


For some reason, Xu Xin sounded a little unwilling.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Let's also look for any Kung Fu movie scripts?"

"No. I don't have any feelings about this character... If you didn't like it, I wouldn't be too lazy to delve into it. But that's fine. In fact, I have gained the most from this year's preparation. That is to build the "Palace" The grasp and experience of the character's characteristics when playing the role of "Er". This will definitely be used in the future. Compared with these, the role of Gong Er is dispensable to me."


It would be better if she didn't say so much.

The more she talked, the more Xu Xin felt that she was not relieved.

On the contrary, there is something depressing...

After thinking for a while, he said:

"I think it's definitely not that you're not good enough..."

"...I'm fine."

Yang Mi looked at him with a strange look:

"Just like when you chose "Hawthorn Tree", as a director you must make choices. I understand, you are so weird."


Now Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

At this time, Yang Mi asked again:

"What did you do just now?"

"Built the glass greenhouse outside."

"...Is that thing still usable? It hasn't been used for several years."

"Yes. Shall we eat there tonight? I just lit the stove."

"Okay. Then just the three of us will eat tonight, and my parents will let them take care of the kids."

"Hmm...what do you want to eat?"

"How about some hot pot?"

"Then you have to tell our dad quickly...I'll call."


After watching her husband walk out, she stopped putting on makeup.

Unconsciously, she cast her gaze on the mirror.

The self in the mirror pursed her lips, and the unwillingness began to appear in her expression.

In fact, she understands the truth.

Movies are not just about acting.

Otherwise, for the role of Wang Tianxiang, my brother met so many actors who could handle the role, why did he only choose Wang Zhiwen?

In other words, in "Hawthorn Tree", Jingtian's acting skills were not the best among all the auditions, but her brother still selected her into the second round.

Although it is cruel, this is the truth.

When auditioning for a certain role, the director's subjective factor is actually quite large.

Do you look like the character the director had in mind?

Is what you expressed during the audition the same as what the director had in mind?

These factors are rife with subjectivity.

She really didn't want to lose to Zhang Ziyi.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have studied this role so carefully over the past year.

On the one hand, her brother liked it, and on the other hand, after learning from Xu Haofeng that Zhang Ziyi was also under the director's consideration, the spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat in her heart supported her.

And now since we haven’t fought...

"It's time to move on."

She murmured to herself in the mirror.

She didn't believe that her acting skills didn't impress the other party.

But if you still lose.

That only means...it's not a crime of war.

She was extremely confident in this.

As for what "the director meant" that her senior brother said today, she didn't think about it at all.

Don’t care what the director means, if you’re not selected, you’re not selected.

No matter how you look for the reasons, what should have been chosen is still not chosen.

So why bother?

Look forward.

Move forward.

Looking back again...it would be meaningless.

The son-in-law and daughter wanted to treat guests to hot-boiled meat, so Yang Dalin bought the meat and cooked it himself.

Although it was already afternoon, as a person who had worked as a front-line police officer all his life, he naturally had his own network of connections.

Maybe he doesn't have great ability, but if you want to get five or six pounds of good mutton, there will definitely be no problem.

Mutton, chive flowers, sesame sauce, and a series of things are commonplace for Yanjing people in winter.

At early five o'clock, just as it was getting dark, he came back.

He carried a bag of mutton into the kitchen and started cutting the mutton by hand.

Yang Mi also came to help.

As for Xu Xin...just go take care of the children.

He is not proficient in mutton-boiling.

Just make the glass greenhouse warmer.

Xu Xinke is much better at making fire with coal.

It didn’t take long for the greenhouse to become a warm and spring-like place where even wearing a sweater was too hot.

Then, Xu Haofeng, who was wearing cotton clothes and with a big belly, knocked on the door.

Yang Mi came out to greet the guests. When she saw him, she called out kindly:

"Senior brother."

"Hey, Mimi."

Xu Haofeng smiled and handed over a box:

"There is nothing to buy. When I came to Xiangjiang, I happened to see a store selling baby pajamas. I will use them for my children in the future~ I bought two sets."

"Oh, senior brother, you are too polite."

Yang Mi knew at a glance that these pajamas could only be worn after she was at least one year old.

But it is a bit embarrassing for a man to be so careful when buying things for children.

It'll be fine when your heart arrives.

"Xu Xin, Xu Xin, hurry up, senior brother is here."

Hearing the noise, Xu Xin, who was reading to the two babies, stood up and stood at the door to greet them:

"Hello, Director Xu."

After saying hello, Xu Xin said:

"Let's go inside first. The child is still here. I can't go out."

"Yes, senior brother, please go inside first. Let's eat shabu-shabu today. It will be ready soon. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea."

"Uh...hey, okay."

Xu Haofeng responded, glanced at the weapons in the yard, and walked into the house with Xu Xin's welcome.

"Is it cold outside?"

"Ha, it's okay. It's not too cold in the car."

Since it was the first time we met, a few pleasantries were naturally indispensable.

And Xu Xin noticed a small detail.

After putting on his slippers and entering the house, he saw the two little guys on the climbing mat. He did not use his slippers to step on the climbing mat. Even when he looked closely at the two children, he slipped his shoes first and knelt on the climbing mat. After walking a few steps, he walked in front of the two children and waved his hands.

At the same time, his feet were raised and did not touch the climbing mat.

Very attentive.

Xu Xinxin said.

Then, Xu Haofeng looked at Xu Xin and said with a smile:

"I originally said I would invite you two out to eat."

"It's the same everywhere. You feel more at ease when you eat at home."

"That's true. Nowadays, there are a lot of additives and so on in food outside."


Xu Xin discovered that Xu Haofeng was actually quite interesting.

He spoke slowly and politely, not at all like the temperament of a martial arts practitioner.

The first impression is pretty good.

"Director Xu is still preparing for "The Hawthorn Tree" recently?"

"Yes. The second round of Jingqiu's audition will begin tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"That went pretty well. When will the filming take place?"

"Next year. The crew is almost ready. The location selection will be finalized before the year. The renovation will begin after the new year... It is expected to start from April to May. We will try to finish it before midsummer."

"What's the budget for this play?"

"The production cost is... 10 to 20 million, and the remuneration has not been released yet. However, the specific production cost is only 30 million at most, which is not much higher. It is the limit."

"Yes. I read the novel, and the difficulty of this play lies in the historical background. Those sets must be created by experienced prop masters. Young people have not experienced that era, so they may not be able to design that flavor."

"Hahaha, Director Xu is right to the point. So this time the factory selected all old masters, striving to reproduce the colors of that era."

The two chatted for a while on the topic of "Hawthorn Tree", and then Yang Mi walked in.

"Senior brother."

She smiled and said hello.

It doesn't seem to be affected in any way.

After Xu Haofeng responded, he suddenly showed a somewhat embarrassed look:

"Mimi...this...I'm quite embarrassed."


Yang Mi quickly stopped him from continuing:

"Where did you say this? Not being selected definitely means that I am not suitable. If you are like this...how can I work with you, senior brother, in the future?"


Hearing this, Xu Haofeng hesitated...

Suddenly he sighed:

"Sigh... Actually, there was nothing wrong with your performance. After you left that day, the director and I had the same view. That is... the script restricted you."

His face was full of shame:

"I think my biggest mistake is not giving you a general overview of the story. If I can give you a rough idea of ​​what the script is about, then as long as you continue along this line, you will definitely be fine... …

But equally, as a writer and screenwriter, this is where I feel most uncomfortable. Because I think your idea is actually brilliant, really brilliant. You fleshed out the character of Gong Er. All of a sudden... the entire theme concept was raised.

Especially after studying what you wrote in your notepad, I feel even more... that the script we designed restricted your performance... I really feel sorry for you. The director and I both feel so..."

It's actually better that he didn't mention this.

Mentioning this... actually made Xu Xin curious.

Are the actors' interpretations of the characters restricted by the script?

This statement...

Is my idea right?

Did my sister play the role of Gong Er too sharply?

Subconsciously, he looked at Yang Mi.

After hearing this, Yang Mi was not surprised, she just smiled and said:

"it's okay."

It seemed like she really didn't feel anything.

But when Xu Haofeng heard these words, he felt extremely helpless.


The script can be changed.

Indeed, after studying the contents of Yang Mi's notebook, he and Zhou Jingzhi, who also co-wrote the script, were very interested in Yang Mi's idea of ​​using "martial arts realm" to define the realm of a master.

The masters of that great era were superior in martial arts.

But in the same way, higher is in a deeper and broader philosophical sense.

Each of them is a master.

But every grandmaster seemed unusually "passive" in that great era.

To use the words in the notebook, the Grandmaster was also a coerced sentient being in that era. But in the same way, the more you are coerced, the more touching it is that everyone's persistence and perseverance are revealed.

The firewood is passed down from generation to generation, continuously.

And how powerful is the content in Yang Mi's notebook?

Put it this way.

At the beginning of the script, Ip Man has a monologue, which probably means that the master told him that if he wears this belt, he is a martial arts practitioner. People who practice martial arts cannot relax the breath in their hearts no matter what.

And this breath is Kung Fu.

Kung Fu means one horizontal stroke and one vertical stroke.

In the end there were only those who were standing and those who were lying down.

Here, Yang Mi’s realm is directly used.

Using the definition of realm in the script, it is: seeing oneself, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings.

At this stage, Ip Man is seeing himself.

After experiencing many things, Ip Man finally became a great master. At the end, Xu Haofeng added a line:

"The so-called thousand punches lead to the same goal. In the end, kung fu still only has two words: one horizontal and one vertical."

Define it with the words in Yang Mi’s notepad:

"Seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain."

And Ye Wen, who said these words, finally reached the final state:

"Meet all sentient beings."

That is to say: "Seeing a mountain is still a mountain."

It just formed a closed loop that was like a finishing touch.

Moreover, he even used a sentence Yang Mi wrote in his notepad.

That is a verse from the Lotus Sutra, which is called: With one lamp, spread the message to all lamps. Eventually all the lights are on.

Using this sentence as an introduction, I designed a scene that is exactly the same as the scene where Gong Er became a monk and became a monk in the temple. Only this time, the picture he designed was that there were many lamps enshrined on the altar in front of the Buddha.

Metaphor: Kung Fu spreads to the world.

So it can almost be said that the things in Yang Mi's notepad are like the yin and yang fish in the yin and yang diagram of Tai Chi.

The script is yang, and the things in her notebook are yin to Xu Haofeng.

The two can be complementary.

The script they designed is masculine and very "masculine".

And the Gong Er designed by Yang Mi is that "feminine", which perfectly fills the entire script and completely sublimates it.

The effect is really great.

But this is what makes Xu Haofeng feel most uncomfortable... and guilty.

I used other people’s things, but in the end I didn’t give them “money”.

Don't you think this is nonsense?

And does Wang Jiawei know about this?

Of course I know.

Moreover, he actually struggled with it.

But there are two very cruel facts before us.

First, if this drama really follows Yang Mi's ideas, then Ip Man will become a character with a much weaker sense of existence.

He can't compare with Yixiantian, who is said to have introduced Baji Quan into Xiangjiang.

He would rather die than reveal the Gong family's sixty-four tricks to Ip Wen or anyone else. He respects all the Gong family's decisions. Since the decision is lost, it will be lost. Ding Lianshan, who has always lived in the shadows all his life...he can't compare.

Not to mention Gong Er. Even though the relationship with Gong Er has a lot of room for expansion.

But as far as Ip Man is concerned during that period, the only advantage of "Ip Man" is that he started a class to teach his skills without putting up a sign, and broke the sectarian tradition in the old era of martial arts.

Although the credit is enough, and in terms of influence for future generations, Ip Man is not bad at all.

But at this juncture of the movie, Ip Man, the witness, does not match the rhythm of Yi Yin Tian, ​​Gong Er, and Ding Lianshan.

This is the first point.

Yang Mi... is too strong.

The second point is more realistic.

This script has been prepared for ten years.

Just the preliminary script, the crew, and even the actors who were paid to practice boxing and kung fu... a lot of money has been spent on the entire script.

The budget also adds up.

The patience of investors is really running out.

A death order has been issued, and filming will begin in the spring of next year.

Otherwise, this script that has been polished for so long may be wasted.

They don't have time to polish the script again.

Thinking of this, Xu Haofeng sighed helplessly.

I chose to tell the truth.

"Oh...that's it. Let me explain to you two the reason why Mimi was not chosen."

Then, he stated these two reasons.

For the first reason, Xu Xin nodded slightly.

The idea here is the same as his.

My sister’s Gong Er really fits that line perfectly.

Before "seeing all living beings", she turned back.

Thoroughly implement his own "domineering" and "stubborn" line.

Unity of knowledge and action.

Unfortunately, this is a male-oriented script.

And the second one...

"Isn't it common for Director Wang to be chased by investors?"

Seeing Xu Haofeng's ugly face, Xu Xin made a joke to try to lighten the atmosphere.

Then he asked curiously:

"Who is the investor of this drama...?"

Naturally, Xu Haofeng would not hide this issue and said:

"The big investor is Shanghai Film Studio."


Xu Xin was stunned.

"Shanghai Film Studio."


Xu Xin's expression suddenly became wonderful.

"Shanghai Film Studio? Magic City Film Studio?"


Xu Haofeng nodded:

"This film has actually had seven or eight investors since preparing the script... The preparation time is too long. Moreover, Director Wang's requirements are still high. In these years, just the test shooting sets and buildings have been built. , and various teams...

It cost nearly 60 million for miscellaneous things... These were just test shots.

Many investors couldn't afford it, so they could only keep changing hands and changing hands... Now it's here at Shanghai Film Studio. After learning from the lessons of those who came before him, Shanghai Film Studio took over full power and gave Director Wang a death order.

This drama has been prepared for ten years, so filming must start next year...it must be completed within a year...This is the biggest practical reason why Mimi was not chosen. We... don't have time to modify it..."



After hearing Shanghai Film Studio's request, Xu Xin and Yang Mi's expressions became even brighter.

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