I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 381 379 I am not wrong, it is you who are wrong (32)

Chapter 381 379. I am not wrong, it is you who are wrong (32)

"Director Wang's film can be filmed in one year? Is it possible?"

Yang Mi first asked a core question.

Who doesn't know that Wang Jiawei is slow in filming?

Not to mention "Ashes of Time" and the like, "2046" alone took five years to film.

Now let him finish filming within a year?

Is this a joke?

Xu Haofeng shook his head seriously:

“I definitely won’t be able to finish filming.”

"what is it now?"

"Procrastinate. Anyway, the movie has already started shooting. It has been ten years of investment... Although there is still pressure, Director Wang is used to it."



The couple had an argument and didn't know what to say.

How willful...

As expected of you.

At this time, Yang Mi said unconsciously:

"Ten years...More than 60 million...Oh my god, if this money is used in the real estate market...don't mention anything else, how many houses could I buy in Pudong with more than 60 million ten years ago? How many times can it be doubled now? "

"What are you thinking about?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"This more than 60 million yuan is not a one-time investment. It is a little bit of hard work. But..."

As he said that, he looked at Xu Haofeng:

"Although I don't have any objections to Director Wang, but... I still can't figure out how it is possible to make a movie so slowly?"

"...How does Director Xu usually make movies?"

"Design the shots in your mind, and think clearly about what needs to be expressed in each shot. Then after you find the actor, nest the actor's image in your mind, and compose a movie through all the story clips. Go through several scenes over and over in your mind. If you find anything wrong, make adjustments in time."


Xu Haofeng was stunned.

"Making up stories in your head?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"As a director, you must understand the script, right? Once you connect all the stories in the script and go through it in your mind, isn't that the end?"


Seeing his strange expression, Xu Xin asked:

"What's the matter?"

"No need to adjust?"

"It's necessary. Just adjust it in your mind. Have a rough idea in your mind, and then match it with the set and background of the crew. Won't a single picture come out?"


Xu Haofeng's expression became even stranger.

"Director Xu, you...you...do the filming first by going through it in your mind and imagining it yourself?"

"That's right... Director Xu, aren't you?"


If Xu Haofeng knew Zhang Yimou and they sat together and chatted, he would probably agree with the old man’s words:

"His talent is something that ordinary people can't learn."

None of the other directors make adjustments based on the situation on the scene, such as lighting or angles, etc., and repeatedly find out what works well... what works brilliantly...

How about you just start "playing the movie" in your head? ? ?

Where did you come from as a monster...

Xu Xin didn't think anything of Xu Haofeng's strange eyes.

Director filming... one person has one habit.

It’s not like he directly made a complete film in his mind and then followed the original film.

Don’t we have to adjust too?

It's not one piece.

So he doesn't think he is very powerful.

But after hearing what Xu Haofeng said, he thought about it and said:

"In other words, just because she lost the election, it doesn't mean she is inferior to Zhang Ziyi?"

"Yes... we really don't have time to revise the script. And... in the final analysis, Gong Er's length is too heavy. If we do this, the plot of Yin Yin Tian will be gone."


Xu Xin didn't know what to say for a while.

Let Shanghai Film Studio give you some time to slow down?

This method is feasible...

But the question is not that humble, right?

What's more, if the script remains unchanged... With a director's intuition, Xu Xin felt a considerable limitation.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yang Dalin walked in from outside the door:

"The pot is boiling, why don't you eat first?"

"Hey, okay... Director Xu, let's chat while we eat?"


"What kind of wine should I drink? Is Moutai okay?"

"This... is still driving a car."

"What's the point? Just ask someone to deliver it to you later. Just Moutai, Moutai + shabu-shabu, isn't it good?"

Xu Xin smiled and looked at the wine on the cabinet...

I chose a bottle of Moutai from 1991 which is the rarest in stock.

Xu Haofeng really put a lot of effort into the role of his wife, and it can be seen that he is really unwilling to do so...

This guy can handle it.

Then drink a good bottle.

How much Maotai the old Xu family has in stock has always been unknown.

Even Xu Xin himself didn't know.

Anyway, in my impression, at a time when many people were making jokes and jokingly saying that eating cut cakes and drinking Moutai meant they were rich, his family's Moutai had been in "long-term and stable" supply for many years.

And there are all kinds of years.

Even what I drink every day is not Maotai produced in that year.

But the kind from at least five or six years ago.

The new Moutai of that year coughed after drinking it.

The stove provides strong temperature support for the greenhouse in winter. When paired with the steaming hot pot on the table, Xu Haofeng's glasses have already formed a thick layer of white frost as soon as they enter the greenhouse.

Today's meal is for three people.

Yang Dalin and his wife basically do not interfere with their daughter and son-in-law's work. They are content to watch their grandson and granddaughter eat their own food.

The steaming hot pot is very suitable for drinking, especially the soft and slightly yellowish taste of aged wine.

After taking a sip of wine and tasting the fresh hand-cut mutton mixed with sesame sauce, Xu Haofeng couldn't help but nod:

"You still have to eat the shabu-shabu at home. It's so exciting."


Seeing his sincere praise, Xu Xinxin said that this person is really wonderful.

Not a particularly annoying character.

When drinking, you have to find a topic.

The common topic on the table today is Kung Fu.

Xu Xin didn't understand martial arts. Even if he watched his wife practice every day for the past few years, he basically pretended that she couldn't see her.

So at this moment, I would like to use the perspective of a newbie to listen to what Xu Haofeng, who although not good at martial arts, has seen a lot because of his family tradition, has to say.

"Director Xu, have you ever seen a real martial arts competition?"

"I've seen it."

Picking up the sweet garlic on hand, Xu Haofeng nodded:

"For example, I learned from my second grandfather..."

"That second gentleman?"

"Yes, Mr. Second Li Zhongxuan. When I was learning from my second grandpa, when I was a child, there were still some gentlemen from the older generation. And these old gentlemen also accepted apprentices, and if they accepted apprentices, you, the martial arts practitioner, You have to compete. Only when you compete can you compete. So according to the old rules, when two people compete, you have to have a highly respected person watching. Many people came to my second grandfather..."


"Yes. You have to be a witness, otherwise as soon as the door is closed, there will be two of us. When you come out, you say you beat me, and I say I beat you. Who can prove it? No one can prove it. If neither of them accepts it, then Don't we just make enemies? If we make enemies, the next time we meet, it may result in blood at the slightest, or human life at the worst.

Invisibly, there may be a gap between two sects, two successors... even between brothers. Therefore, this kind of discussion must have a witness. From now on, no matter who says anything, ask the witnesses what they said, and there will be an explanation for who loses and who wins. "

Listening to his words, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"I see...that is to say, essentially, everyone still wants to define this kind of competition as a...competition. Friendship comes first, and victory and defeat come second, right?"

"It can be understood that way. After all, if you ask many old gentlemen, what is the highest definition of martial arts? What they will answer you is actually two words: Zhige. Martial arts is close to you, but no one wants to use it to cause trouble."

"But the irony is that kung fu and martial arts have been used to fight people since they were born."

"Yes. But the interesting point is actually here... You see, Kung Fu is used to fight with others, but the highest state of Kung Fu is actually peace. For the same reason, if you refine it, the so-called fist and kick Kung Fu, In fact, the original inventions were all intended to replace weapons.

Just like the Xingyiquan that Mimi and I practice, what does Xingyiquan focus on? Take off the gun and turn it into a fist. It means that I put down the gun, and the principle of using fists and guns is the same. The so-called kung fu and moves are actually more like an extension of how to use weapons.

But here comes the interesting part... starting from when I was a child... including the information we are now doing on "The Grandmaster", asking those gentlemen. Ask everyone which is more dangerous than weapons or fists and feet? The answers were all unanimous..."

"Does this mean that fists and feet are more dangerous than weapons?"



"Because punches are difficult to control. You compare with weapons, and everyone has a bottom line in their hearts. It's not a life-and-death fight... All the moves must avoid vital points. I originally wanted to chop your neck with one knife, but ended up cutting your arm instead. Or The stabbing in the heart was changed to stabbing in the stomach... Hold back your strength and win with moves. Everyone has innate control. But if you are competing in boxing, you will punch someone in the stomach with half a step, but the opponent will move his position and hit someone in the stomach. The punch hit the liver and spleen..."

"That man is dead."

"Yes. So you see, this has come around again. The great achievement of kung fu is to stop the enemy's attack and defeat the enemy without fighting. We all know that you are strong and can't beat us, so let's just stop fighting and just chat. And you use your fists and kicks , the original intention is to be an extension of the weapon, but the result is that the weapon is not easy to kill, but the fists and feet have no eyes~"

"Sounds like drawing a circle."

Xu Xin lifted the cup.

After the two touched each other, he continued:

"But I think the charm of these things actually lies in this. From subjective to objective, from objective to subjective... Now that I think about it, Tai Chi is really profound... No, it should be said that the principle of Tai Chi is really Things in the world are explained to the extreme. The cycle of life and death, endless life and death, cycle over and over again..."


Xu Haofeng, who took a sip of wine and picked up a bowl with chopsticks to rinse the meat, responded:

"It can actually be explained by applying many principles. For example, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. For example, if you emerge from the mud without being stained... Whether it is kung fu or how you behave, many things are actually interrelated."

At this time, Yang Mi said:

"So continuing this line of thinking, Gong Er is actually right."

Seeing the two people looking at her, she said:

"I'm talking about the stubborn and domineering Gong Er I designed... She is like a dumb girl. Everyone else is doing Tai Chi, but she doesn't want to do Tai Chi. She has practiced her own principles and fulfilled her own obligations. Responsibility is enough. What she relies on is not martial arts, but her own character. Whether she suffers a loss or makes a choice, she leaves herself in the time when she needs to stay most..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly laughed.

"I think I'm right. Gong Er's character should be like this. Just now I was thinking, did I really act too domineering?... But now that I think about it, no.

From what you and my husband talked about, senior brother, I was thinking about one thing. If all warriors can reach the state of "stopping fighting" as you mentioned, then, from a basic point of view, these people who have reached the state of stopping fighting are also members of all living beings. Because everyone has stopped fighting, it means that all living beings are equal.

And the "grand master" who was born among them, according to your "Tai Chi" theory, must also be a person who is happy with grudges. After all, this is a relative reincarnation...

Therefore, if this is really the way to behave, then my second palace must be the master of those masters. Unless all the characters are as happy as Gong Er, Gong Er should be the biggest highlight in this movie! "

She seemed to be smiling happily.

That look seems to be saying...

"It's not me who's wrong, it's you who are wrong!"

"I'm right, it's just that you don't admit it!"

Such pride and pride made Xu Haofeng frown at the sight.

But it's not that she is angry with Yang Mi.

Instead, he was thinking about her words.

is that so?

If it can match the theme of "The Grandmaster"...

If we really look at it from the theory of "Tai Chi" or "Yin Yang Fish"...

Among a group of people with extreme personalities, the mellow person is the maverick master.

And among a group of rounded people, only that maverick is the brightest one?

The stage when I, Director Wang, and Screenwriter Zhou were designing the script was the stage when I transformed from an ordinary person to a great master.

It can be said that the perspectives of the three of them are based on the perspective of "ordinary people".

But what if you look at it from the perspective of a "grandmaster"?

What is Gong Er's behavior?

Everyone smiles and forgets their grudges, and everyone can not care about it...

So what is the so-called Grandmaster?

Aren't they just ordinary people?

He suddenly felt a little conflicted.

At this moment, Xu Xin spoke:

"Although you are right to say that, it also depends on the score. In terms of online games, you are one version ahead. It is true that you are ahead of everyone, but you have ignored one thing. That is... the so-called lead, It’s also what happens after the version changes. People who are half a version ahead are experts. But people who are one version ahead... usually have a hard time ending up well.”


"...Can you refer specifically to Wang Mang?"

"The one who competes with Liu Xiu for the world?"

"That's right. If you look at his affairs, you will find that...his thinking is a big step ahead, but he still lost to Liu Xiu. Because you are ahead enough, sometimes you may not be able to do it. down to earth.

As for this story... Although I don't know what this story is about, if the director can lead the audience by half a version, this work can be regarded as a classic.

But the same thing... if you are one version ahead, it would be a bit too outrageous, and the audience will be confused... You can only wait for the natural fermentation of time and let the game version reach that change, and then it will be noticed by others. accept. So this matter is not really about who is right or wrong, but the key depends on how the director chooses to tell the story. "

When Xu Xin said this, he actually said it from the director's perspective.

Directors can have wild ideas.

But there is a premise: don’t think too far ahead.

Because looking at movies and television, anything that is too advanced will never have a good ending when it is released.

For example, "The Promise".

If you haven’t seen it, you still don’t understand it.

The director said that no one would be able to understand it within 5 years... obviously he was underestimating it.

That film was at least a hundred years ahead of its time.

So you see...

The movie really can't be too far ahead...or in Xu Xin's case, he doesn't want to be too far ahead.

You are too far ahead. A hundred years later, people will be reduced to scum, and only then will someone say that your film is a classic that transcends generations... You won't be able to hear it by then, so what's the point?

Of course, from the husband's perspective, it must be commendable that the wife's understanding is so far ahead of the script.

But these are just casual conversations.

As far as the couple is concerned, the deal is done.

If not, then it’s not.

Just like what she said in the afternoon.

For herself, the biggest gain is not the role of Gong Er, but what she got when she created the character of Gong Er.

But there are some things in the world that the speaker has no intention of speaking and the listener has intention.

Xu Haofeng...the more he tasted Yang Mi's words, the more reasonable he felt.

For the role of Gong Er, the biggest conflict between him and Director Wang is actually over everyone's role in the scene.

But if we look at the overall height of the movie...

Thinking of this, the resistance and anxiety in Xu Haofeng's heart became a little stronger.

However, reason can overcome this impulse.

Looking at the wine glass that Xu Xin held up, he suppressed the anxiety in his heart and held the two wine cups together again.

After a sip of wine...


What a luscious taste.

He glanced at the Maotai on the table.

Old packaging, mottled traces of time... For wine that can be aged in bottles, in terms of taste, Moutai is still the best.

Tsk tsk.

While thinking about it, he picked up another chopstick of mutton under the fumigation of the heat.


This meal... was enjoyable.

Lao Xu is a wonderful man.

This is the conclusion Xu Xin came to after opening a second bottle of 1995 wine after drinking half a pound of wine.

The first is this title.

Don't say Director Xu, Director Xu is shouting trouble.

Xiao Xu.

Lao Xu.

That's it.

It sounds pleasant to the ear.

What happens next...

"Hey, Xiao Xu, look...it's just like this."

Standing in the greenhouse, he gestured with a move that Xu Xin couldn't understand:

"Dacheng Quan is this frame. Look at my elbow, it is always on the center line. This is called being as neutral as a leopard lying in the clouds, and moving like a soaring dragon carrying the waves. When I am still, I use my fists, elbows, and knees to protect My three body torsos. When moving, the feet lead to the waist, the waist leads to the elbows, and the elbows lead to punches... With this set, once the fight starts, you can't stop. Either you lie down, or I lie down. The important thing is one In the blink of an eye... This is how Cui Youcheng got his name as the crazy God of War in his early years..."

Lao Xu speaks in a refined manner.

Slow and leisurely.

But after drinking, the warrior energy in my body...

It's not right to talk about it.

It should be said that the chivalrous spirit in my heart was brought up.

Using his skills and what he had seen and heard in his early years, he just talked to Xu Xin there and played around in the greenhouse.

And his hair is still long.

After performing a few tricks, if his hair becomes messy, he will use his hands to straighten it again.

After sitting down, he picked up the wine cup and drank the wine in one gulp.

He looks exactly like the hero.

Gobble it up like a tiger, it's so generous.

In fact, Xu Xin can see the difference from here.

My sister actually started practicing martial arts because of Liu Yifei's hard work to make up for her shortcomings.

Later, I kept practicing. On the one hand, it was the need for self-discipline in my heart, and on the other hand, it was the master-disciple relationship with Mr. Yu.

But when it comes to the history of martial arts and the study of moves... she's really not good at it.

Otherwise, Mr. Yu wouldn't keep saying that it was a pity for her, and all she could do was to practice tricks.

Compared with Lao Xu, my sister is a bit like the kind of person who has martial arts but no courage.

Practicing martial arts is about strengthening your body, not about competing with others.

But this is not the case with Lao Xu.

He really likes kung fu.

But his talent is really limited.

Xu Xin didn't know if this was consistent with what he said, "If my second grandfather had been willing to let me endure hardship, my kung fu wouldn't be just superficial like it is now."

But it is true that Lao Xu really loves kung fu.

After drinking more than half a kilogram of wine, all the courage and courage came out.

I wish I were just like the heroes in those anecdotes about strange people.

This guy... is really interesting.

There is a contrasting cuteness.

And now the time has come to around 8 o'clock.

Yang Mi looked at the time, then stood up and left the table.

She had to put the baby to bed.

After she left, Xu Xin and the two of them continued to pick up candied garlic and peanuts, drink and chat.

Originally, "The Grandmaster" had actually been finalized from the dinner party.

Yang Mi just lost the election.

Even she herself was relieved, and Xu Xin didn't say much.

But at this moment, Yang Mi had just left, and Lao Xu drank another glass of wine and looked at the cigarette that Xu Xin handed over...

Don't know what happened.

Suddenly he stood up.

"wait for me a while."

After saying that, he turned around and left the greenhouse.


Xu Xin was wondering.

After waiting for a while, I saw him coming back from the living room in a hurry.

There was also a document in his hand.



"The script of "The Grandmaster"."


Looking at Xu Xin's confused look, I heard him say:

"Take a look, we won't talk about your relationship with Mimi. As directors, you can judge and see whether this version is better, or contact Mimi's notepad and replace it with the one she portrayed. That version of Gong Er is great!"

"This is not okay, it is against the rules. Isn't it still in the confidentiality stage?"

"It's okay, I let you see it!"

Maybe it really made me happy.

Or maybe I feel unhappy.

At this moment, Xu Haofeng was blushing and had a thick neck. He thrust the script into Xu Xin's hands with an attitude that would not allow him to refuse:


"This... okay."

Xu Xin didn’t shirk anymore.

Not because of Yang Mi, but because he wanted to see what Gong Er, who could write those four lines, was like in this script.

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