I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 382 380 Tell a good story (33)

Chapter 382 380. Tell a good story (33)

"Fade in. On a rainy night, a group of people are besieging Ip Man.

switch. Ip Man was drinking in a pub.

Ip Man: (puts down his glass) Don’t tell me how advanced your kung fu is. How powerful the master is. How profound the sect is. Kung Fu - two words. One horizontally and one vertically. Wrong, lie down. Only those who are standing are qualified to speak. Are you right to say that?

switch. Rain dripped from the brim of Ip Man's hat. A man wrapped the iron chain around his hand. Ip Wen was ready. A group of people rushed towards him, but Ip Wen knocked them down one by one. The rain was flying on Ye Wen's body. A man jumped from the second floor..."

Ip man?

Wing Chun?

Looking at the story in the script, Xu Xin finally raised a question mark.

Is it really Ip Man?

He didn't know what to say.

Because when Yang Mi was pregnant, the couple had talked about the martial arts incident in "The Grandmaster".

I don’t know since when, Ip Man seems to have become an unavoidable name.

Maybe it started from Bruce Lee’s mentor?

Or the movie "Ip Man"?

In short, Xu Xin didn't feel much about it before, but in the past few years... the name "Ip Man" seemed to have spread all over the country.

It was done so that no one knew about it.

Regarding these matters, he also asked Yang Mi what the status of Wing Chun was in the martial arts world.

According to Yang Mi...or Mr. Yu said:

"Wing Chun was still a small boxing style in the south back then. Nowadays it has spread, but back then it didn't actually have much power."

The reason is that what the old man said... Although Xu Xin felt that it was biased, he still agreed with the core point of view.

"Not cruel enough."

The national martial arts back then was not the same as today's physical fitness.

The purpose of kung fu at that time was actually one.


The reason why Wing Chun is not ruthless enough is not that it does not have ruthless moves, but that it is caused by geographical issues.

In that era, the racial characteristics of the northern and southern regions were actually quite obvious.

Southerners are short and not as tall as northerners.

And except for those with extraordinary talents, people with smaller bodies will generally suffer when playing against those with larger bodies.

Therefore, the old sayings of "Fist in the south and legs in the north" and "Hands are two doors, you rely on your legs to hit people" are actually supporting evidence.

As for Wing Chun, a martial art that focuses on boxing, it will suffer relatively more when faced with the taller bodies of northerners.

And this point of view is not just the old man’s talk.

In 1929, Chiang Kai-shek held the first National Martial Arts Competition in Nanjing.

Invite masters from all over the north and south to gather and compete.

According to records, at the end of the first round of "audition" Southern Boxing VS Northern Boxing, the only people standing in the ring were martial arts masters from the North.

These are all things that really happened, and there are records to support them.

Wing Chun's name is indeed resounding now, but at that time, it was the same as many southern boxing styles, and was inferior to the northern boxing skills.

There is no need to talk about the other fallacies that northerners have a fiery personality.

In short, it is recognized by everyone that the northern martial arts world was greater than the southern one.

But now that he saw Ip Man appearing in his first appearance, Xu Xin more or less understood what this story was about.

Although he didn't believe that Wang Jiawei's angle would be so narrow, the whole story must be unfolded from Ip Man's perspective, which definitely meant there was no escape.

However, he still couldn't understand how a descendant of a small southern boxing style could be related to the northern martial arts... Could it be another anti-war drama? Escorting a national treasure or something like that, and the children of the two places becoming connected?

This curiosity made him continue reading.

But the script is quite thick.

I couldn’t finish it in a while.

After flipping through a few pages, he saw Gong Yutian holding a retreat ceremony in the south. Xu Xin closed the page and asked Xu Haofeng:

"Old Xu, is this script unfolded from Ip Man's perspective? Was Gong Yutian killed in the south?"


It seems that he also knew that the entire script was too thick, so Xu Haofeng simply helped him start sorting out the story line.

Maybe he was really drunk.

He spoke very vaguely in some places, and his tongue was a bit big.

Obviously, Moutai has great potential.

But Xu Xin understood the whole story more or less.

"In other words, Gong Er wanted to get back the name that Gong Yutian gave to Ip Wen, and prove to everyone that the Gong family has never been defeated. Even if they were defeated, he would get it back in person. Then he became associated with Ip Wen... and then followed the normal process The history of... is just like in the movie "Ip Man", Ip Man has Gong Er in his heart, wants to go to the Northeast but fails, and ends up meeting him in Xiangjiang?"


"Then it tells the story of people who were turbulent in the war years or who had various missions, and finally gathered in this heroic place on this street. Through everyone's perspective, it reveals the atmosphere of the martial arts master at that time? Multiple protagonists ,multi-angle?"



Suddenly, Xu Xin's brows wrinkled.

This script...he smelled something like "Ashes of Time".

Scattered, chaotic, slow.

The artistic conception is sufficient.

But the storyline is a fragile mess.

Ip Man's line is a line of wandering.

The story mainly focuses on Ip Man, his wife Zhang Yongcheng, and his arrival in Hong Kong.

Compared with the movie "Ip Man", he explores more of a story about the decline of southern boxers and the transformation of Ip Man's mentality from Master Yip to a "grandmaster" who teaches courses and recruits disciples.

And Yixiantian, a master of Bajiquan, embodies the line of those who joined the military in order to save the country at that time and fought against Japan and saved the country in the three eastern provinces controlled by the Japanese.

As for Gong Er, in that turbulent era, under the control of the Japanese, the martial arts people in the three northeastern provinces had conflicts and conflicts. Ma San, the villain who defected to the Japanese, is the focus of the conflict, a line where family, country and personal views are mixed.

And, because Gong Er and Ip Man have a relationship.

Gong Er went to the West to study medicine and saved Yixiantian's life on the train, so she also had a connection with Yixiantian.

The final result was that Gong Er killed Ma San, took back the Gong family's "things", abided by the rules, and finally voluntarily followed Taoism and withered in the medical clinic he opened in Xiangjiang.

Because of the grace of his life and his love at first sight for Gong Er, Yixiantian opened his own barber shop next to the hospital and silently guarded Gong Er for the rest of his life.

Ip Man was unable to get together with his wife Zhang Yongcheng and their children, and coupled with Gong Er's rejection, both of them stuck to their respective bottom lines, and finally experienced the world and understood the true meaning of "Kung Fu".

Xu Haofeng spoke in general terms, but Xu Xin felt that the whole story should be like this.

be honest……

Suddenly, his senses for the story dropped.

Not that it’s not wonderful.

But its lines are too distinct.

Want everything.

Much like "Ashes of Time".

But according to the director's intuition, if Wang Jiawei doesn't make a choice, then it is very likely that the drama will... collapse in the end.

All lines are taken care of, which means that all lines may collapse.

Although the main story line of this script sounds very simple at first glance, by reading the essence of the drama in the first few pages...Xu Xin knew that its spiritual level was relatively delicate.

But therein lies the problem.

This movie...if it were really shot like this.

Perhaps, very Wang Jiawei.

But it's definitely not a good movie.

Because as one of the most basic requirements of a movie - the story, he failed to explain it clearly.

It's impossible to explain clearly.

It takes up to 2 hours, the story lines of three people, the complete psychological journey, and various kung fu fights and interludes...

It’s hard to let anyone go.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"It feels...difficult. This movie is difficult to make. It's...too full."

"It's too full. Because Director Wang is in control of the main plot, he didn't actually design the line of Yixiantian at the beginning. But... the history of Bajiquan is really brilliant, and Director Wang loves it. So the requirements must be there A line to the sky..."

"Then what can we do after the filming is finished? No matter how you look at it, the time is not enough, right?"


This time, Xu Haofeng stopped talking.

Obviously, he didn't know what to do.

After all, he is just a screenwriter and not a director.

But when asked this question, it usually doesn't matter what his choice is. The important thing is that tonight, guarding the steaming copper pot, all he can do is lift the cup:


"Ah, this is..."

When he heard Yang Mi's movements, Xu Xin, who was also drunk, looked away from the script and glanced at Xu Haofeng, who was already lying on the table... and shrugged helplessly to his wife:

"Lao Xu's drinking capacity is still low."


Yang Mi was speechless, walked to the two of them, and shook the second bottle that was already clean:

"One pound of wine per person, isn't that enough?"

"I'm fine. Except for being a little drunk..."

"...What are you looking at?"

"The script of "The Grandmaster"."


Yang Mi was stunned, her eyes fell on the script, as if she wanted to say something...but in the end, all the words were swallowed back.

The end... is the end.

Not interesting.

But her expression fell into Xu Xin's eyes.

That look of reluctance... was exactly the same as what she looked like in front of the makeup mirror during the day.

But before she had time to think about it, Yang Mi asked speechlessly:

"What should he do?"

"...Open the guest bedroom. What can I do?"

Looking at Lao Xu who was really unconscious, Xu Xin said:

"Let's sleep here for one night. We can't just kick people out when things are like this, right?"

"...Then I'll call my dad and you two can come."


Soon, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling came over together.

Drunk people are actually very heavy.

Because the other party will not cooperate with your efforts.

Therefore, the three of them tried their best to land the person on Xu Xin's back.

Lao Xu is very heavy, at least 200.

Xu Xin just carried him, panting, and walked to the guest bedroom with the bathroom.

When he came to the bed and looked at Lao Xu, who was lying on his back, he panted and shook his body.

"Dad, please turn off the lights in the living room tonight, in case he wakes up and is thirsty and cannot find water."

Hearing his daughter's words, Yang Dalin nodded:


Then, after covering him with a quilt, the family walked out.

"You should also rest. I will clear the table later."

"Let's go together."

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I'm going to take a look at the script. I'm quite curious... Don't worry about me, I'll go to the greenhouse."

"It's all in the past. Why are you still looking at it?"

"Ha, don't worry about it, I'll do it."

After appeasing his wife, he pointed to the tea cup on the table:

"Just make me a pot of tea and take it to the conservatory."

"What are you doing? Still burning the midnight oil to fight?"

"After reading it, you also know that I like this story."

"Want to shoot a copycat of your own?"

"Am I such a mean person?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and walked out.

After all, Yang Chunling, who felt sorry for her son-in-law, came out with him, and the two began to pack up the hot pot.

Soon, the table was cleared.

Xu Xin added a few more large pieces of coal to the stove, sat down at the table, unfolded the script and continued reading there.

Yang Mi brought him tea and a pot of water.

I also took an ashtray by the way.

"Keep an eye on the water yourself, don't sit on the stove all the time...can I open the window for you?"


Xu Xin lowered his head to read the script and responded.

Seeing this, Yang Mi simply poured the tea into his cup, then waited for the water to boil, helped him make it, and moved the kettle to the corner of the stove to keep it warm before leaving.

Finally came again.

I brought over a new pack of cigarettes, with the seal still torn open.

I forgot to take it just now...

After ensuring that her husband could read the script in the most attentive and comfortable state, she left the glass conservatory with complete peace of mind.

And Xu Xin didn't say a word, just reading the script one after another.

A pound of wine wouldn't make him unconscious.

Although my head is a little dizzy, my brain is still thinking clearly at the moment.

Moreover, because of the influx of alcohol, his mind had the illusion that his thoughts were diverging very fast, and all kinds of messy thoughts were constantly going in and out of his mind.

So much so that for every paragraph in the script, he seemed to be able to imagine a certain scene, and various messy shooting techniques could also put these scenes together into a scene... The dizzy vision of colorful lenses echoing in his mind feel.

Very noisy.

But I also got a lot of inspiration.

And looking at it, I don’t know how long it has been.

It wasn't until he couldn't stand the pee anymore and stood up that he felt a soreness in his back.

I glanced at my phone subconsciously...

I found that the time had reached 2:05 in the morning.


After taking a look at the script, which he had read thoroughly while holding back his urine, he thought for a moment, packed up the script, and walked into the room with the cold cup of tea.

Empty the body of water.

After adding a large cup of impossibly strong tea, he still didn't feel sleepy, but the feeling of hangover gradually changed into a kind of... numbness mixed with some headaches, and he walked into the study.

be honest.

This script...

He was already dissatisfied.

The story was definitely a good one, but he saw an obscure flavor of "Ashes of Time" everywhere in it.

It refuted the concept of filmmaking that he believed in.

For example, let’s take a story here.

After Gong Er's death, Yixiantian and Ye Wen met once in Xiangjiang.

When they met, it was in a restaurant, and Yin Yin Tian wanted to have sex with Ip Man.

Originally, he nailed the "handsome" chess piece on the chessboard with a nail and told Ip Man:

"If you can let me move this chess piece, you win."

And Ip Man told him:

"I am not interested."

Yixiantian continued to ask him:

"I heard that Wing Chun has an eight-cut sword, which is said to have an unparalleled sound as a stick and an unparalleled sword. It sounds scary."

Faced with his persecution, Ip Man asked him if he wanted to see it.

Yixiantian told him that he wanted to hear it.

He also explained that the razor in his hand had not been touched for ten years.

Ip Man told him:

"I can try."

Yixiantian asked him again:

"Why are you listening to my knife?"

Ip Man picked up a pair of chopsticks.

The script reads, "The sound of sharp blades was heard, and it ended."

Then, the next scene turned into Yixian Tian and Ip Man walking out of the restaurant together.

From then on, the sword was sealed in the sky.

Obviously, he lost.

The design of this paragraph is quite artistic.

It must be admitted.

Especially the sharp sound of a blade piercing the air... Different directors... there are simply too many images that can be used to express it.

It allows people to fully imagine.

But he just couldn't accept it.

If he were asked to film it, he would correspond to what Ip Man himself said to Gong Er earlier in the script: "Kung fu is a battle of tiny details. If you break something, you win."

Let Yixian Tian and Ip Man stand together, and the two of them play short shots at close range.

Then, Ye Wen and Yixian Tian took action, one person at a time.

A razor... is definitely the most direct way to cut one's throat.

And since he chose to use chopsticks, he used one to defend his throat and one to point at a vital point in Yixiantian.

Chopsticks will definitely not be able to stop the sword of Xixiantian.

But he had to hold back, because the two of them didn't have any deep hatred, and they couldn't rise to the level of fighting for their lives.

Moreover, he used a knife and an iron tool, but Ip Man used bamboo chopsticks.

The reason why Yixiantian held back his hand was because if he didn't hold back, he would become a murderer. They were just competing, and killing him would be considered a sneak attack. It was against the ethos of a martial artist and was an act of a shameless villain.

Secondly, if Ip Man used iron chopsticks, then his knife would definitely be blocked, but Ip Man's other chopstick could kill him.

So in this competition, Ip Man had a draw and a win from two aspects.

The result of the competition was that he won.

So Yixiantian sealed the knife.

It's him, he will shoot like this.

Because it won’t work if you don’t explain it to the audience.

Why did Ip Man win?

How did Yixiantian lose?

And if he was pursuing artistic conception... then at most, he would hide Ip Man's skills.

Let the audience see Yixian Tian draw his sword and Ip Man block it.

Then a close-up of a single chopstick is given, and the shot of the second chopstick is hidden and left to the audience to make their own imagination.

This allows the audience in the cinema to see Ip Man successfully blocking, and also allows them to notice the little buttons and little easter eggs he left when digging into the details of the movie later.

Both aspects can be greatly compensated.

Otherwise...you will win if you say you win?


This is not the way to pursue artistic conception.

Because no matter how many layers of meaning you prepare for a movie, you must at least tell the simplest story first, so that it can be worthy of the audience.

But this script is full of wild imaginations...

This is very inappropriate.

Directors can have ideas, but they cannot act willfully.

Especially some parts of this story have obviously been changed by Xu Haofeng and turned into the "Yang Mi version"...

He didn't even want to see a situation where the audience had to reach the director's level of thinking in order to understand the story.

So, I sat in the study and thought about it...

He felt that he had to do something about Lao Xu as a person and his wife's hard work.

So he lit a cigarette.

Walked out of the house.

After finishing smoking quietly outside the door, my thoughts were sorted out clearly by the cold wind.

After putting out the cigarette, he returned to the house and took out a piece of scratch paper and a pen.

Turned on the desk lamp.

He decided to write a letter.

A handwritten letter, using this handwritten method, not only shows respect to Wang Jiawei, but also offers some of his own opinions from the perspective of a director.

and the possibility of extending story ideas.

and structural changes.

Adopt it or not, it doesn't matter.

But at least...he hoped that the other party would use some of his wife's ideas.

Then give corresponding respect.

If the movie crashes, it crashes.

But obviously Yang Mi provided a better idea, but it still collapsed after you tried it...

Then why not stop the loss early and change direction?

"Dear Director Wang Jiawei, hello. I am Yang Mi's husband, Xu Xin. I'm sorry to disturb you in such a presumptuous way, but regarding some issues in the script, I feel that the way they are handled is somewhat inappropriate."

The night slowly deepened with the sound of his rustling writing.

Leader owes updates: 4 updates

I didn't want to explain it. I thought that after the previous plot twists, everyone should be able to get used to my rhythm of not completing the plot in one day.

But today someone "read my synopsis" and made various speculations about why there are so many movies that Yang Mi can't act in, and why I will kneel down and lick Wang Jiawei in movies that Yang Mi can't act in...

In the three chapters of the story, I buried the threads of Xu Haofeng’s subsequent cooperation, and also introduced the ways to break the situation in “The Grandmaster”, as well as the threads that would later be reasonably added to this movie.

I accept readers' imagination, but one thing I have discovered is that readers who like plot imagination always disappear very quickly after I finish writing a plot and the plot does not go as they expected.

Fine. I will install more firewalls on my computer soon to prevent hackers from hacking into my computer every day and peeking at my outline.

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