I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 386 384 Were you the number one in Jinmen?

Chapter 386 384. Were you the number one in Jinmen?

"Are you relieved that Xu Xin is taking care of the children at home?"

"Don't worry, he is more attentive than me. But... it still doesn't work, I really want to. I can't wait to think about it... Although when I came today, there were no two little guys around, and I put on makeup again, It feels... just like being single again..."

"Haha, it's windy when you walk?"

"No. But it only lasted an afternoon. When I had dinner with them in the evening, I started to feel anxious..."

As Yang Mi spoke, she took out a set of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" from her suitcase, along with two or three pages.

They were all script outlines sent to her by Zheng Xiaolong.

"Sister Bingbing, here it is."


Liang Binning took it, glanced at it twice, and said:

"I estimate it will take about ten days and a half before I can give you news. I have to finish filming before I can start watching~"

"I know, there is no rush. Director Zheng will have to start after the new year. After the new year, he will start to find actors one after another, prepare and implement. Take your time ~ Concubine Hua in this book is very brilliant, no worse than other characters .”

While the two were chatting, Liang Binning's phone rang.

After taking a look, she stood up:

"Hmm... OK, then I'll go back and rest. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"No~ I'm going back after attending the Golden Horse Awards. I'm anxious to take care of the kids~"

Although Liang Binning had never given birth, looking at her appearance, he could more or less understand her thoughts and joked:

"I'm afraid you still want to go back to see your lover, right?"


December 12, Taipei County Building Auditorium, Wanwan Province.

The 46th Golden Horse Awards has now reached the red carpet stage.

Including Sun Ting, three assistants helped her adjust the hem of her skirt again.

The dress she chose today is a dress launched by Balenciaga. The style is quite simple.

The upper body is a white slim-fitting corset and the lower body is a pure black loose dress.

Paired with a Swarovski crystal necklace on the chest.

The right-angled shoulders combined with the looming firm muscle lines make her look elegant and graceful, neither seductive nor charming.

But at the same time it’s full of fashion.

Somewhere along the way, some award ceremonies have fallen into a strange circle.

Some celebrities and entertainers, especially female celebrities, always feel very sorry for others if their clothes don't leak anything.

Some of the dresses are not even clear whether they are sexy lingerie or something else.

For example, those big deep Vs she just saw...

Maybe I thought it was nothing before.

But as a mother, I really can’t stand looking at such clothes.

Therefore, her dress selection trend is becoming more and more simple.

"Noble, dignified, aura, and last but not least... strong."

Of course, the last option is the solo option.

Specifically for Xu Xin.

To her today, the entire Golden Horse Awards was like a big show. Looking at the people in front of her who could and could not be named, her heart stopped.

I didn’t even have any expectations of winning the prize.

"The Wind" has been a long time coming to her.

She was still a "girl" when it was released, but now she is the mother of two children.

According to the stage of life, it is difficult for her to have any special attachment to things that belong to the past tense.

Even though she had made so many preparations and expectations for this.

But for some reason, she just felt unmotivated.

I want to end it quickly and leave quickly.

I don't want to stay here any longer.

Did my brother do exhaust exercises for Nuannuan on time?

Yangyang's legs and feet have begun to feel stronger in the past few days. He even stepped on the quilt once two days ago. What if my brother dies in sleep and Yangyang catches a cold?

Yeah, I seem to have a few packets of milk that have been around for a long time. What if my child has diarrhea after drinking it?


For a moment, her heart was filled with worry and she no longer cared about the Golden Horse Award at this moment.

I just want to go home quickly.

If I had known... I wouldn't have come.

It would be great to let my brother take over for me and go home to take care of the children...

Can this rough old man take care of his children...



In today's "The Wind" crew, apart from Liang Binning who has not come over yet, there are only one Huang Xiaoming and one Su Youpeng.

None of the other leading actors came, but some people from various departments came.

The director didn't come either, and Li Pingdong took the lead instead.

His status in the world of Wanwan directors is also sufficient.

At this moment, Huang Xiaoming and Su Youpeng were chatting with some artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but she did not contact them. She just stood next to them, looking at the red carpet in front of them in a daze.

Until she was called back to her senses by a voice:

"Mimi, long time no see."

The voice sounded vaguely familiar. When she turned around, she blinked subconsciously and a smile appeared on her face:

"Teacher Zhang, long time no see. Sorry, I was in a daze just now and didn't see you."

Looking at Zhang Ziyi walking over, Yang Mi said hello and took two steps forward to meet her.

"Haha, I haven't congratulated you yet."

Zhang Ziyi was also wearing a black dress, and her hair seemed to have been deliberately done. She looked very carefully dressed.

And...how should I put it.

Compared with her appearance at the Asian Film Festival two years ago, Zhang Ziyi now looks a little more noble.

It is a kind of temperament that is filled with money and status, and "stands out from the crowd" from the inside out.

She seemed to be the center of attention wherever she went.

Compared with anyone else, others will pale in comparison.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it.

International Zhang's name is there, plus her fiancé, the Jewish businessman VIVIAN's "money ability"...

It makes people in the entertainment industry feel a little lower than her.

Even back then she wore a bellyband and attended the award ceremony with Zhang Yimou.

Even when "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was promoted, she didn't even have a name or a shot.

Even if... She reached out to take the core and skin that Cheng Long spit out after eating the grapes.

But now she has survived.

Her fiancé is a major shareholder of many companies. She is treated as a guest at dinner parties held by foreign rich and famous people. She even attends some award ceremonies, and some people will "kneel down" for her.

Therefore, it can be said that she is in the limelight in today's entertainment industry, which is absolutely correct.

Anyone who meets her must give her a thumbs up.


Yang Mi didn't feel anything.

Although she can also say that "mother is more valuable than son", but after getting along with her father-in-law for a long time, the more she learned from him, the more indifferent she became to the concept of money.

Although the money is not hers, the billions of dollars in cash she often spends when talking about business are often in her mind. Today, Zhang Ziyi's reputation is no different to her than drizzle.

She and Zhang Ziyi actually didn't have any deep hatred.

On the contrary, during the International Film Festival, she was very transparent, but when Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi faced reporters' questions, such as what it was like to be in the same frame with a girl, what desire did you two have to win, etc. …

Gong Li and she also used rhetoric such as "We are three generations of girls in the same room" to protect her.

But the cold reception she received that night is still the biggest driving force for her upward struggle.

She accepted healthy competition with anyone and never held a grudge against anyone. Including Liang Bingning, who also treated her as nothing at the beginning.

No one hated it.

She even wanted to thank these people.

Because it was these big names who made her see a cruel entertainment industry.

But that doesn't mean she gives in.

But when she met Zhang Ziyi, every time Yang Mi saw her, she would occasionally have a desire to win or lose in her heart.

It doesn’t matter if it’s international or long.

It doesn't matter.

I just want to win.

His works are better than yours, his acting skills are better than yours, and he is even more famous than you.

I don’t hate you, and I won’t take the initiative to harm you.

Just want to win.

What's more, just a day ago, she lost to the opponent again.

But in the final analysis, there is no direct hatred between the two.

Besides, having learned from Xu Daqiang the ability to remain motionless in all directions, like a Buddha's face, she naturally would not show any emotion at this moment.

After hearing this, he just smiled and said:

"It's not too late to congratulate you."


Zhang Ziyi smiled and nodded:

"That's right... Where's Xu Xin? Didn't he come this time?"

"No, I'm taking care of the kids at home."

"That's it... Hey, let's leave a phone number. When we return to Yanjing, we can get together when we have time."

"Well, okay. Tingting~"

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Sun Ting handed over the phone.

"Just hit me."

Following Zhang Ziyi's words, Yang Mi dialed the other party's mobile phone number.

But it didn't ring.

After getting through, Zhang Ziyi nodded:

"That's alright, cheers for the best actress tonight!"

"Hey, thank you, Teacher Zhang."


After the two had a "happy" greeting, Zhang Ziyi left.

After Yang Mi returned the phone to Sun Ting, she casually said:

"She's not married yet? I remember there was news of marriage in the summer?"

Sun Ting shook her head slightly and whispered:

"No. Sister, it is said that she is afraid of marriage. The original engagement in August has been canceled and another date will be chosen."

"Afraid of marriage?"

Yang Mi was stunned.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Zhang Ziyi, who was chatting happily with another group of people, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's begun, Lao Xu."

"Hey, here we come."

Hearing Lin Xingxin's voice, Xu Xin responded from the back room.

Soon, he and Yang Dalin walked out together.

Lin Gou came to play at home today, and by the way, let’s take a look at the Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

The father-in-law is concerned about whether his daughter will come back with a prize.

Yang Chunling is taking care of the child.

After Xu Xin came out, he looked at the TV screen that switched directly to the venue. It happened to be Yang Mi holding Huang Xiaoming's arm and appearing in the camera.


This dress is nice...

His mind moved.

At this time, I heard Lin Xin say:

"Is there a high chance that Sister Mi will win the prize?"

"I don't know. The Golden Horse Awards didn't work very well... and the list of judges for this Golden Horse Awards was only announced at the last moment. It seems that this will be the case in the future... It's too difficult to operate. But that's okay, let's do it this way …Maybe the Golden Horse Awards will become more and more brilliant in the future.”

Xu Xin said while listening to Yang Mi respond to the question "Who will be the queen tonight" with an answer that would not offend anyone.

After hearing this, Lin Xingxin couldn't help but nodded.


As far as the three golds are concerned, the gold content of the Golden Horse is obviously the highest among all actors.

The red carpet lasted nearly 40 minutes.

Then, the screen shot switched to the infield.

The 46th Golden Horse Awards Ceremony officially began.

"The Wind" has been shortlisted for 7 awards this year: Actress, Screenplay, Photography, Visual Effects, Art Design, Style Design, and Best Picture, making it the favorite to win.

Moreover, due to time constraints, no 2008 movies came to join in the fun this year.

As soon as the 2009 shortlisted films were spread out, it made people feel much more comfortable.

Except for the old rival "Mei Lanfang", the others are all movies released this year.

Including "Crazy Racing", there are some films that Xu Xin has not seen, but from the few films he has seen, honestly speaking, if these films want to compete with Feng Sheng, they feel worse.

When host Cai Kangyong came on stage, Xu Xin touched his pocket, stood up and walked out.

Quietly lit a cigarette.

Lin Xinxin also walked out.

After Xu Xin gave him one, he asked:

"Would it be inappropriate for me to ask you about "The Hawthorn Tree" now?"

"There's nothing inappropriate about it."

Xu Xin answered simply:

"If you can act, then your opposite role will be with Liu Yifei. And if Dou Yao plays, then he will act with Jing Tian. The final result will be a choice between the four of you."

"Me and Liu Yifei?"

"Yes. But it's not the internal digestion, but the feeling of matching them together."

As he spoke, he glanced at Lin Xingxin's puzzled expression and said with a smile:

"What? You don't want to date Liu Yifei?"

"That's not the case. I'm just wondering... Dou Yao... is that guy whose teeth were so white when he smiled that day?"


"Is he and Jing Tian suitable for each other?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned.

"You... like Jing Tian?"


Lin Xingxin was speechless:

"Why do I like her?"

"Then why do you care so much?"

"Isn't this a friend..."

“It’s easy for someone to misunderstand me when my friend asks me this.”

Xu Xin couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Okay, anyway, I'm still deciding who it is, so you can just go back and prepare the role... Oh, yes, and you speak Northeastern dialect, so hurry up and correct it in Mandarin. This time you need to record the original voice."

Lin Xinxin nodded:


After smoking a cigarette, the two of them walked in.

He sat in front of the TV again.

"The film that won the best original screenplay is... Dai Liren and Chen Wenbin's "Can't Live Without You", congratulations."

"The winner of the Best Art Design Award at the 46th Golden Horse Awards is: Li Tianjue, "Face"."

"Golden Horse Award for Best Costume Design..."Face"..."

One after another awards related to "The Wind" went to others.

Lin Gengxin couldn't help but frowned.

He turned and glanced at Xu Xin.

There was peace.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Lao Xu, aren't you in a hurry?"

"No hurries?"

Xu Xin looked really calm.

This made Lin Xinxin seem even more puzzled.

"I felt that the movie "Face" was boring and not interesting at all..."

"So what I won is not an important award."

Xu Xin smiled:

"Do you know what Director Guo told me when I was participating in the Golden Rooster Awards, and when I was also nominated for art design, but someone else won the award? I comforted Director Guo, and I said Director Guo, it's okay... Director Guo told me directly I already have three Golden Rooster trophies."


"According to Director Zhang, all the essence of "The Wind" lies in the characters in the group drama. Otherwise, it would not have been nominated for a double heroine at the Golden Horse Awards. But its upper limit is only As for the leading actress. So...including the best picture, I don’t have any special expectations. The only thing I’m nervous about is the leading actress award.”

As he spoke, he shrugged.

But Lin Xingxin asked:

"But the Golden Horse Awards rarely give double-yolked eggs..."

"So, it depends on who performs better."

Watching the awards ceremony on the TV, Xu Xin's words were like a prophecy. In the following two awards for visual effects and photography, "The Wind" still failed to win any awards.

As if destined to accompany him on the run.

Then, the Golden Horse Awards include Lifetime Achievement Awards, Outstanding Film, Outstanding Filmmaker Awards, etc., plus singers performing on stage, hosts humorously hosting, etc. After nearly an hour and 20 minutes, it was finally the turn of the best Presentation of the Actress Award.

And Xu Xin's waist finally straightened up.

The presenting guests were Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu.

In fact, for the whole night, mainland films accounted for half of the entire Golden Horse Awards.

But everyone knows...the most important awards of the Golden Horse Awards are finally coming.

Shu Qi is indeed no stranger to the Golden Horse Awards.

So as soon as she came up, she had the right to speak, because Wu Yanzu was nominated for Best Actor at this year's Golden Horse Awards for the movie "Like a Dream".

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that compared to other nominees Zhang Jiahui, Huang Bo, and Chen Wenbin, he has no chance.

Even if "Like a Dream" hasn't been released yet.

But as far as the actor himself is concerned, Wu Yanzu is really handsome.

But if his acting skills can hold up to the other three people, that's pure fantasy.

Therefore, Shu Qi jokingly asked Wu Yan to give his acceptance speech. He has no chance of winning Best Actor anyway...

Xu Xin couldn't tell whether the two had exchanged words beforehand.

Anyway, Wu Yanzu was quite speechless about this joke.

If the chance is small, it would be meaningless to say it.

But he is not stupid either. He gets off the donkey along the slope:

"My acceptance speech was: Let's take a look at the nominations for Best Actress first."

Off stage.

Yang Mi and Liang Binning's hands were already held together.

"Yang Yang", Zhang Rongrong.

"Like a Dream", Yuan Pan.

"The Wind", Yang Mi.

"The Sound of the Wind", Liang Binning.

As each nominee's clip appeared, bursts of applause erupted.

Soon, a picture of the four people at the scene appeared on the big screen.


Xu Xin swallowed subconsciously.

After Lin Xinxin heard the news, he turned his head and glanced at Xu Xin.

Lao Xu, who had looked calm just now, was staring at the TV without blinking at this moment...

His hands were already clenched into fists.

Xu Xin has never seen "Like a Dream".

However, judging from the trailer, Yuan Chan's performance seems to be quite infectious.

"Yang Yang" was only released in Wanwan, but the DVD came out early, so I specially brought a copy to Xu Xin.

After Xu Xin read it, he passed Zhang Rongrong directly.

It can only be said that she worked hard, but the foundation of her acting skills was there.

At least according to his senses, it was ordinary.

The Golden Horse Awards have always been famous for their fairness and justice.

This is why mainland actors value this award so much.

Fairness and fairness represent authority.

They are not sharing pork.

Rather, it is a serious continuation of the three major European countries.

Although sometimes it is biased, most of the time the flaws are not concealed.

Therefore, the competition for this role is actually between "Like a Dream" and "The Wind".

Be reasonable...

Two against one...

Holding 17 cards in hand...

It shouldn’t be blocked, right?

With this thought, the tension generated by the accelerated heartbeat, and Shu Qi's action of opening the envelope at this moment, made Xu Xin, who was in an extremely stable mood just now, as anxious as if he was trapped in endless purgatory.

It's so hot.

Extremely anxious.

If my sister can win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress...

Then...her future path will be completely different!

No matter what results are achieved, there will no longer be any dispute...

Moreover, judging from her popularity, this award will definitely bring her back to the top of her career!


Who is it?

Damn it, I should have known I would have gone there!

It turns out that the feeling of waiting for the results in front of the TV is so difficult!

on site.

Feeling the strength holding her hand, Yang Mi quickly turned her head and glanced at Liang Binning.

Then he turned around and continued to look at Shu Qi who was opening the envelope.

You should hurry up. Why are there so many ink marks?

I'm still anxious to go home and take care of the kids...


I knew I wouldn't come.

Why are you so slow to open an envelope?

Can you tear it apart?

This sister squeezes me so hard that it hurts me to death.

She blinked...

I don't understand why Liang Binning is so nervous.

Having won a Golden Rooster and Best Actress, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future for Golden Rooster and Best Actress.

It's your first time here, so you should take part in it?

Why are you so excited?

This hand is very strong.

As a martial arts practitioner, I can't compare to you.

And in this silent pain, Shu Qi finally opened the envelope.

After taking a look, he handed it to the side:

"The winner of the 46th Golden Horse Award for Best Actress is..."

After she finished speaking, Wu Yanzu looked at the envelope and also approached the microphone:

""The Sound of the Wind"..."


Liang Binning's eyes suddenly opened wide.


The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched and she took a breath of cold air.

""The Sound of the Wind"..."


The moment he heard the name of the movie, Xu Xin felt as if time had stood still.

I don’t know who set off a big firework in my mind.

Who is in "The Wind"?


His raised fist was about to rush higher.


At the same time, a voice sounded in front of the TV and at the Golden Horse Awards ceremony:

"Yang Mi, congratulations!"

"Dong dong..."

Amidst the exciting music, the camera frame belonging to Yang Mi in the four pictures suddenly enlarged.

The anticipation on Liang Binning's face suddenly froze.

But in less than a second, the frozen expression turned into a smile and congratulations.

Without any explanation, she directly stopped Yang Mi, who was still blinking in a daze:

"Mimi! Congratulations!!!!"


Yang Mi was stunned...

She felt the sound next to her ears, which made her buzz.


She was brought back to her senses by Liang Binning's shout and only then did she react.

Just now...it seemed like you were calling my name?

"Hurry, hurry, go get the award."

At this time, Liang Binning urged again.

Yang Mi stood up instinctively.

For a moment, I felt that the light was a bit dazzling.


She saw people applauding her on all sides.

I saw Huang Bo, I saw Liang Binning, I saw Ning Hao... I also saw Zhang Ziyi... And for some reason today, the old actor named Wang Xuexin who came with Sister Bingbing...

Many people were looking at her.

There were all kinds of emotions in his eyes.

She can read them all.

It's just that the brain can't tell the difference for a while.

And perhaps because she looked a little awkward standing stunned, Shu Qi on the stage applauded and shouted:

"Miss Yang Mi, come up and receive the award~ Congratulations!"


Yang Mi suddenly came to her senses.

She glanced at the guests waving to her on the stage, nodded quickly, held up her skirt and walked towards the stage amidst the applause.

And after taking a few steps...

Suddenly, she turned her head and glanced at the camera...

An acceptance speech that I must say popped into my mind:

"Nuannuan, Yangyang, mom is here to thank dad for getting this very important award for mom. And here, I want to give this award to you two..."



Should be fun!

Thinking of this, all the dullness and dullness in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a spirit of eagerness.

And in Yanjing, thousands of miles away...

Xu Xin doesn't have as many things as she does.

The moment I heard the words "Yang Mi"...


He raised his hands high:


All the emotions turned into a scene from the past and the most impressive line from a movie I watched:

"Sister, should I win the Best Director award first, or should you come back with the Best Actress award first?"

"Huo Yuanjia, Huo Yuanjia, were you the number one in Jinmen at that time?"

What time?

Xu Xin grinned unconsciously.

"Just today!"

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