I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 402 400 Unparalleled

Chapter 402 400. Endless

The two barrels of ink were splashed and squandered, making a mess.

However, in less than two hours, the entire network was turned upside down.

Was Zhang Ziyi splashed with ink?

Are you still being scolded for seducing other people's husbands and defrauding them of money?

When the nickname "International Zhang" was in full swing, something like this happened! ?

Zhang Ziyi’s home is indeed upstairs at the Park Hyatt Hotel.

Many people know this.

And now this behavior of pouring ink and dirty water on the doorstep of the house...

What netizens are thinking is: Who did it?

What people in the circle are thinking is: Who dares?

For a star to gain momentum, it is definitely not a lone tree standing bare on a shallow beach.

In other words, what others can see is limited to the lone tree on the shoal.

The truly invisible things are hidden in the water and buried in the soil.

Investors, financial backers, backers...etc.

They hide deep and dark.

It’s not that it’s shameful, it’s just unnecessary.

They don't need to be seen by everyone.

To put it bluntly, every entertainment character is just the final output product of a factory.

Products are exported and people pay for them.

It doesn’t matter to anyone whether the money that falls into the hands of the factory is used to pay wages or is used for other purposes. You can just digest it behind closed doors.

But if someone suddenly tampered with the factory's products at this time, or simply kicked them away...

Then it's not just the product that he offends.

There are also the huge factories behind the products, as well as the suppliers that supply raw materials to the factories, etc.

The bigger the position, the less likely you are to offend.

Because there are too many things involved.

But now...

Someone moved the international Zhang! ?

Someone actually dares to stir up international tension?

? ? ? ?

As soon as the news came out, countless netizens began to take advantage of it, but some people who knew about it had already begun to think about the consequences of this incident.

Liang Binning was at home in Yanjing at this moment, looking at the blurry photos on the computer in a daze.

She had just arrived home.

The filming of "Rizhao Chongqing" ended.

She was quite happy today.

Let’s not mention next year for the time being, nor the catwalks and other activities at the end of the year. Let’s just talk about film and television. She can finally take a break.

My original plan was to have a good sleep today, put off all work tomorrow, and get up at any time I wanted.

It doesn't matter if I sleep until the 25th.

In short, you should sleep until you wake up naturally, then have a delicious meal and relax yourself before New Year's Day.

But as soon as she finished taking a shower, she received a call from Yang Tianzhen:

"Sister, look at the news! Something happened to Zhang Ziyi!"

The moment she heard this, Liang Binning's first reaction was another person's name: Zhao Xinyu.

After all, after leaving Xu's house that day, she took the initiative to clear away all the entrustments from Zhang Ziyi.

Although he didn't say it so clearly, his attitude has begun to change from warm and welcoming to polite and polite that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Using filming as an excuse, she had begun to consciously avoid him.

Mr. Xu's energy...she knew it.

Or to put it more...inappropriate.

From the moment she knew that Xu Xin was Mr. Xu's biological son, she felt that her "defeat" was not unjust.

And that night when she was being pointed out, she suddenly realized that she had been involved in something... no matter what, she would end up in a bad death. After the incident of being quartered, she never stopped sweating when she slept that night.

All of a sudden, her vanity and illusions caused by the various career advancements this year have completely sobered up.

After thinking a lot, she assigned many different tasks to people she could trust around her. As for Yang Tianzhen, she only has one order:

"Pay close attention to Zhang Ziyi's news and movements and let me know at any time."

But now that she learned about this from Yang Tianzhen and thought of Zhao Xinyu, after browsing all the news that happened on the scene, the more she read, the more she felt...this matter was not that simple.

This method seems simple and crude.


It’s so damn effective!

First, someone was sent to the hotel to "explain" the whole story.

Zhang Ziyi seduced other people's husbands and defrauded them of money.

Then when we go outside... to put it bluntly, it's like throwing blood at the door of a house in the old society.

Curse others to death.

This matter...can be big or small.

On a more minor note, it may be a "prank" by some black fans... After all, it was just a photo, not a real person.

If you spill two buckets of ink, even if you're caught, you're just destroying public facilities and you'll be fined.

Whether he can be detained by public security or not is a matter of debate.

But speaking more seriously...

If you really dig deeper, it doesn't matter who splashes the ink. All that matters is what those people shouted in the hotel lobby.

An A-list actress seduces someone else's husband and then defrauds him of money?

This matter...

Even if others want to dig, will Zhang Ziyi let others dig?

Anyone who wants to dig out, she, the victim, has to be the first to stand up and stop him.

Because as long as this matter is dug out, she will be the most unlucky.

And as long as she stops him and refuses to let go, any rumored news outside will be groundless.

Things that are not acknowledged are just scandals at best, not news.

Zhang Ziyi had to quickly find a way to shut up the person who did this, and at the same time, she had to accept that these two buckets of "dung" were poured on her.

Unless she wants the truth about what she did to come out.

Otherwise she would have to endure this forever!

Be patient until people forget about it.

Be patient until the storm calms down.

And this tolerance...

She might still be able to hang out in the circle in the future. But Liang Binning felt that she would not be seen for at least two to three years.

Then here comes the problem.

An actress, exactly this age... How many more are there in two or three years?

She...is not young anymore.

Just turned 30 this year.

It’s almost 31.

Two or three years later, I turned 35.

What else can you do when you get out?

Playing someone’s mother?

The rules for actresses are there.

20 years old is 20 years old, and 30 years old is 30 years old.

It cannot be covered up by makeup or whitening photos.

No matter how good your acting skills are, it's all in vain.

In the entertainment industry, let alone Zhang Ziyi, who among the other 30 or so people can’t feel the power of the actors born after 1985?

Don't mention anything else.

If Mimi hadn't been held by Xu Xin, she would have been flying by now!

And when people like Liu Mi, Zhang Mi, and Da Sa Mi come forward, the living space of the 30-generation people will begin to tighten... and what's going on with Zhang Ziyi?

It's no use having a backer.

Now this circle is changing every year.

This... is to force Zhang Ziyi to a dead end! ?

No way out at all?


In a luxurious European style bedroom.

The woman sitting in front of the makeup mirror with a notebook suddenly felt a little cold.

The heating is obviously as hot as spring.

But her hands and feet inevitably became cold.

After thinking about it, she even forgot about skin care and returned to bed with her notebook.

Just as she stepped on the carpet for a few steps, she suddenly thought of a sentence:

"Are you afraid? Didn't Sanjin help you stop it?"

Suddenly the temperature in the quilt rose.


Taking a deep breath, she pinched her fingers that began to recirculate the blood and generate warmth. After returning to her senses... she suddenly smiled bitterly again.


Just a little bit...

If it weren't for San...Xu Xin.

If it weren't for...Mr. Xu...

Thinking of this, she quickly picked up the phone on the bedside and quickly edited a text message:


After finding Xu Xin's mobile phone number, I sent it to him.

This feels a little more at ease.

But after sending it to Xu Xin, she edited another message:

"Mr. Xu, I am Bingbing...thank you..."

After editing, I paused...

It seems inappropriate.

After quickly deleting it, I edited another one:

"Mr. Xu, thank you for what happened before. I don't know when you will be free. I would like to invite you and Xu Xin..."

At this point in editing, she stopped again.

After thinking about it, I deleted it again.

But this time, after hesitating for a while, she finally edited the last text message:

"Mr. Xu, are you asleep? Is it convenient for us to talk on the phone?"

"Sending you a thank you?"


Xu Xin nodded, handed the phone to his wife, and then took the porridge from Jay Chou.

"Hey, let me tell you, we have been eating hot pot for so long, and what we are waiting for is this bowl of porridge. Try it, it's super fresh~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin stirred his chopsticks and found that there was a boiled oyster inside that someone didn't know who had fallen in. He took it out directly, crossed the pot, and handed it to Wang Sicong:


For some reason, Wang Sicong, who had some dark circles under his eyes these past two days, didn't mind it. After putting it in his bowl, he said again:

"Don't make trouble. This chili pepper is very spicy. You will have a concert the day after tomorrow. Whose responsibility is it for your throat to become hoarse?"


Jay Chou's eyes were filled with pity:

"I really like Aunt Yang's soy sauce tonight. The chili is spicy and fragrant~"

"Then you have to eat less."

As he spoke, Big Lao Wang picked up the red wine glass again.

"The wine is in the glass. Let's disperse after drinking. When the old wolf comes back tomorrow, where shall we arrange it?"


Xu Xin puffed out smoke.

The smoke went out along the greenhouse flue.

"I've finished talking to Brother Qian. He rented a piece of land in Lixian's place and said he wanted to build a zoo or something. We will kill the pig tomorrow, and we will arrange a pot of pig-killing dishes for Lao Lang. Tomorrow we will be done. Go over and support me."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Wang Sicong nodded quickly:

"This is good, this is good... Let me tell you, pig-killing dishes are delicious only if they are freshly killed."

"Yes, the pork belly I ate last time was delicious~"

Jay Chou, who secretly picked up another piece of chili pepper with his chopsticks and whose lips started to turn red, nodded vigorously.

The three brothers got together today just to attend the peak night concert the day after tomorrow.

In addition, everyone in the West is off on Christmas Day, so Lang Lang is also free. The brothers are so happy to be able to get together again and have fun.

No, tonight is the big guy that Jay Chou is clamoring about for porridge and hot pot to eat in the afternoon, and Yang Mi has been busy talking about it all afternoon.

The meal lasted until early morning.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, nothing happened recently.

Stay in the warm greenhouse, drink and chat. This is actually the cat winter of northerners.

If Lang Lang were here, he might have to clamor to sleep on the hot kang again.

After New Year's Day, the whole family, including Yang Mi, went to live there for a while. Enjoy the warm sunshine and beach, pack up and get ready for the New Year.

What are you talking about next year?

And while the three of them were chatting about the arrangements for the past few days over the last glass of wine, Yang Mi was chatting non-stop with Liang Binning on her mobile phone.

"Sister Bingbing, I'm Mimi, what's wrong? How can I say thank you?"

"Ah? Mimi? You haven't rested yet?"

"No, Xu Xin and we are having midnight snack. Have you finished filming your movie?"

"I just came home."

"Then are you coming to our house for dinner these two days?"

"...Mimi, haven't you watched the news yet?"

"News? What's wrong?"

"... Take a look at what happened to Zhang Ziyi."

? ? ?

When she saw Liang Binning's news, Yang Mi frowned.

After thinking for a while, she said to Xu Xin:

"Sister Bingbing said something happened to Zhang Ziyi. I'll go check the news."

"Zhang Ziyi?"

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"Okay. Tell her and reassure her that it's okay."


Yang Mi left the table first.

Jay Chou, who heard the two talking, looked indifferent.

He's not that keen on gossip.

On the contrary, it was Wang Sicong:

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and smashed his mouth...

The food tonight was quite good.

It's just too bland.

I didn't have any mutton in my meal, so this hot pot always felt uncomfortable.

And soon Yang Mi came out with her laptop.

"Here, see for yourselves..."

The three gentlemen arched their heads together, after reading the huge ink marks on the poster of Zhang Ziyi on the website, as well as the text message "defrauding people of money" on the scene...

Xu Xin's brows wrinkled now.

The drunkenness that I had never drunk much in the first place gradually faded away.

And before Jay Chou and Wang Sicong could react, they suddenly said:

"It's amazing...this move...is absolutely amazing!"

The two of them didn't understand what he said.

But Yang Mi nodded:

"Indeed, this is forcing people to a dead end. Zhang Ziyi had to cover everyone's mouths desperately, and at the same time she couldn't make any move. Otherwise, more people would be offended... Even if she knew who did it I can’t even say it. This is the most uncomfortable thing...her position as a celebrity cannot be kept."

After hearing what the couple said, Jay Chou and Wang Sicong knew...

The extremely hated Xu Sibaixin and Yang Sibaiyan are online.

"You two say something we can understand."


Xu Xin looked at the two people, shook his head helplessly, and began to explain.

What he and Yang Mi were thinking was the same as what Liang Binning analyzed.

After retelling it and explaining clearly the ins and outs with Zhao Xinyu, he sighed:

"No wonder the old man said that this woman is not simple... What she did was beyond everyone's expectations. I thought she would use some resources or connections to tie up Zhang Ziyi from above, and then engage in a round of benefits for both sides. Exchange...Zhang Ziyi obediently comes out...I didn't expect to be so cunning!"



As soon as these words were spoken, Wang Sicong and Jay Chou's minds were still a little slow to catch up.

But Yang Mi hit the nail on the head:

"What Aunt Zhao wants is not profit."

"Yes, this is to establish authority. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

As he spoke, he pursed his lips towards his mobile phone:

"Call Sister Bingbing. Let her relax...it has nothing to do with her."


Yang Mi nodded, took it and called Liang Binning.

But as soon as I called him, I was suddenly stunned...

"What's wrong?"

"On the call..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't think much and nodded:

"Then let's do it tomorrow. This matter has just come out... the follow-up still needs to be fermented. Let's see the reactions from all parties first~ I also want to see... what other options Aunt Zhao has."

His intuition told him that using such a "charlatan" method and choosing such a tricky entry point to make Zhang Ziyi infinitely passive should only be considered a small punishment.

But the last time this Aunt Zhao faced Zhang Ziyi’s attitude...

He doesn't have the temperament to be finished with a small punishment.

Later... maybe there will be more.

The cough remains.

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