I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 403 401 High-end ingredients are often

Chapter 403 401. High-end ingredients are often...

After having enough food and wine, everyone went back to their homes.

It was already very late when I said goodbye to my two friends.

Come on 1 o'clock.

But Xu Xin still didn't feel sleepy. After taking a bath, he quietly took his son's little hand and rubbed it gently while watching the news on his laptop in a daze.

After Yang Mi finished her skin care and skin care, she saw that he was still looking at her and said:

"What else are you looking at? We don't have anything to do. Go to sleep now~"


Xu Xin responded, but after closing the screen, he suddenly said:

"I really didn't expect Aunt Zhao to do this."



Having said this, he paused and then said speechlessly:

"Don't you think it's a bit LOW?"


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment before asking:

"Why LOW? How exciting. One move is fatal!"

"It's because she is so direct that I feel LOW...it's not LOW, it's just different from what I expected. Do you understand what I mean? In my case..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said:

"Suppose you are..."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched...


"You wait first."

She stopped her husband who was about to continue talking, got out of bed again under Xu Xin's puzzled gaze, and took off her pajamas.

Xu Xin thought she was going to get under the covers.

I have to admit... my wife's figure is really getting better and better.

People say that after sleeping with someone on your bed, her beauty and ugliness will be mediocre in the eyes of the other half.

But he didn't.

The two of them...were too familiar with each other.

What it requires is tacit understanding, familiarity, understanding, and the willingness to devote oneself to the other party.

Really, even if the law suddenly says that concubinage or polygamy is allowed.

You asked him to choose, and he still chose to sleep next to his wife every day.

There is no other way, everyone else is just like melons and eggs, some are only fresh but have no proficiency.

Not interesting at all.

But what about my wife?

She has more than just proficiency.

There’s no shortage of freshness either!

Just like now...

Xu Xin thought she was going to get under the covers, but he saw her butt facing him as she fiddled with him in the closet...and then he took out a piece...it was really a bellyband that he hadn't seen in many years.

In my impression...it seems that the two of them bought it for fun in 2007, right?

"You still have it?"

"Yeah, I think it's quite fun, and it looks good on me."

Put this piece of cloth on your body and tie the two straps at the back.

"Okay, da da~"

The woman with only a bellyband all over her body smiled like a flower:

"Hello, Director Xu~ I am Zhang Ziyi."


Do you think she is scary?

Isn’t it scary?

Do you think she... can play?

The novelty caused Xu Xin's blood pressure to surge directly to the top of his head.

It's real blood pressure.


He couldn't laugh or cry:

"I want to talk to you about business...what do you think I want to do?"


"Director Xu doesn't want to play with me?"


If you are more vulgar, I will kowtow to you...

Speaking of which, the photo of Zhang Ziyi wearing a bellyband and following an old man on stage to receive an award is so tacky!

What do you think?

He covered his face speechlessly:

"I'm so damn embarrassed by you..."

"Hahahaha, you old man is even thinner-skinned than me!"

"Don't smile like that...the stubble is showing."



Shut up, you pervert, I don't have a useless brother like you...

It was really shameless to look at his wife who suddenly got into trouble. Xu Xin shook his head helplessly:

"Don't make trouble, I'm talking to you seriously. The child will be woken up by you in a while..."

"Tch, it's really boring..."

"What were we talking about just now?"


Xu Xinxin said it was a blessing that you could pull this plot back.

There is no one left.

So he shook his head:

"I mean, if I were Aunt Zhao, if you were Zhang Ziyi."

"What will you do to me?"

She had guessed what her husband meant a long time ago and continued her words.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Yes. If I were her... let's just say, it would be a plot involving a third party. Take Wang Sicong and Luan Lun as an example..."

"You mean they are a couple?"


"You have a very unique taste~"


Just tell me, how can we continue talking today?

So, he selectively ignored his wife's unreliability and continued:

"I am good friends with Wheel and Big Laowang. As a third party, you were introduced to them by me... Now that you have done this, you are slapping me in the face, right? "

"Hmm. Then what?"

"Then, I will... let's say Shuangwei. I will first ask someone to find out what's going on. It turns out that you got Big Laowang's money into Shuangwei... Okay, first of all, let's get Shuangwei Cut off all the things about Yang Ying, Zhao Liying, and Liu Yifei in Weili. Then let the news out and let them know that they can't get some jobs or opportunities to make money because of you, the boss. Someone you shouldn’t mess with.”

There was no need for Yang Mi to continue asking, so he continued:

"Next, I will start to touch every place where your hands reach, whether it is replacement, plunder, pressure... I will cut off all your tentacles, leaving you alone.

And then there is the matter of speaking out in the industry...don't doubt "me", of course "I" have this kind of energy. I will ask people in the industry to boycott you and not give you any chance.

Then begin to dismantle everything about you from the root. Everything that your position brings will be replaced by someone else that I will arrange, and then your reputation will be infinitely smeared by some media I hired, making you an object of contempt for everyone.

In the end, I will find you some groundless lawsuits to get you involved in, so that you and your name will be completely ruined. Until he completely disappears from this circle. "

"And you have a vested interest in hollowing out both parties in this process?"

"Then how to allocate it depends on my mood... So you see, this thing is not in vain. You may not be able to spit out all the things you eat, but you have no way out. You may lose more than you eat. More has gone in, and the things I got can just be used to compensate for the things they lost by introducing you to the Wheel and the Big Old Queen... This is what I do, do you understand what I mean?... Just...you can't imagine what Aunt Zhao can get from this matter, what profit she can make..."

Xu Xin's head shook like a rattle:

"I also know that what Aunt Zhao did is really beautiful. It was really a waste of time... But the question is, did she really get something? No..."

"The problem is that she doesn't need anything."

Yang Mi finally understood what her husband was struggling with, and a look of surprise appeared on her face:

"You think...this kind of thing would be better handled according to your method, right? All parties can benefit, the one who made mistakes will be punished, and the party who lost will also be compensated, and everything will be dealt with Is it complete?"


"But think about what Aunt Zhao lacks?"


In Xu Xin's silence, Yang Mi shook her head:

"She doesn't lack anything. And if you think about it from another angle, at first glance...this time the so-called "cheating" people will not spit out the money...

But as long as she is not stupid and doesn't want her stardom to be completely cut off at the age of 30... then Aunt Zhao's action of leaving room for success is equivalent to giving her a chance.

Give her a chance to obediently return the things she defrauded from others... and this kind of action doesn't require any resources. As you said, you seek pressure from all parties and come back unwillingly to use favors... Isn't this the same as free prostitution? "

"That's why I said I didn't expect it. My idea is to use force to overwhelm others... But Aunt Zhao's method is so light... The gap is a bit big, haven't you noticed?"

"……elder brother."

Finally, Yang Mi was speechless.

"How old are you? Can you sober up? We are the same age, and it has not been 10 years yet! 23! Look at what other people are doing at the age of 23... The road they have traveled is more salty than ours. That’s a lot... What’s more, think about this person’s identity. A third-rate singer from the Northeast can be where she is today... You didn’t even understand how bad she was when she was 23 years old!"

"I know, and I'm not saying that I'm discouraged... I can only say that I really learned something this time."

There is nothing that cannot be discussed between husband and wife.

No one is perfect, and he doesn't feel any shame in saying this.

Because he really learned it.

Although... I still can't do it with ease.


This incident gave him the feeling that he was in a mountain surrounded by dense forests and clouds, and suddenly a beam of light came through.

The feeling of helping him illuminate the path to the next level.

It's like telling him: some things don't need to be so complicated to get the same effect.

Suddenly he became much more cheerful.

After hearing his words, Yang Mi also nodded:

"Indeed, I have learned a lot... eh? Isn't this what you always muttered when you said you were going to make a documentary a few days ago? What... high-end ingredients are... boiled ? Or what should I say?"

"High-end ingredients often require the simplest cooking methods?"

"Yes, yes, isn't that what you mean?"


Xu Xin responded, followed by a long sigh:


I learned it.

Really learned.

Some things really don't need to be so complicated.

Sometimes, simpler is better.

Really learned.


Everything about last night has been completely fermented on the Internet.

Speculations about who did this and who did it have formed a mainstream tone on the Internet.

It's actually quite normal.

People follow the crowd and follow the flow.

The party with more people will naturally have more say.

Therefore, more and more people are beginning to wait for Zhang Ziyi's explanation, or someone who can provide popular science with the ins and outs of everything.

Even the Tianya Forum, the most popular gossip gathering place on the Internet, has been busy all morning because of this matter.

Countless capable people are issuing analyzes and analyses.

There are so many companies behind the scenes just to bring her down and so on.

All kinds of news came out.

But unfortunately, no one guessed correctly.

And for people like Xu Xin and Yang Mi who have guessed who did it, they naturally cannot come online to talk nonsense.

It makes no sense to say it.

Then let it ferment.

No one cares if it's true or false.

All we need is something to talk about.


If you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself.

What were you doing earlier?

If you can cover it yourself, that's awesome, awesome. If you can't hold it back, blame yourself for your inability...

Many people think so.

As long as there is gossip, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

And Zhang Ziyi, who everyone was thinking about, did not stand up to clarify.

Immediately afterwards, public opinion began to slowly ferment that she was a "victim"...

It seems like a dream.

But Xu Xin and Yang Mi didn't pay much attention to it.

Originally, I wanted to call Liang Binning, but it turned out that Yang Tianzhen answered the call.

This sister seems to have turned on call forwarding.

Probably sleeping.

The whole family also came to the large compound owned by brother Qian'er.

Although Lixian is not a place with beautiful scenery... it is at least far away from downtown Yanjing and the air is not that bad.

Kill the pig and stew sauerkraut.

Welcome Lang Lang’s return.

As for Lang Lang...he came at almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And Xu Xin finally saw his girlfriend.

Big eyes, high nose.

After the two got off the Phaeton, they walked hand in hand and walked this way.

Looks incredibly sweet.

"Lao Xu, my girlfriend, Gong Xinliang."

"Hello, Director Xu..."

"Hey, hello, hello."

Xu Xin shook her hand politely and exchanged greetings.

After all, she is the girlfriend brought by her buddy, so she must show her attitude.

But that's about it.

Whether she can make it to the end with Lang Lang, and whether she can integrate into this group, not only Xu Xin, but others are also waiting to see.

However, although he was waiting and watching... Yang Mi was extremely enthusiastic. After all, she had met him at the party before:

"Let them chat? I'll take you to see what's for dinner. Can you cook?"

"Uh...not really."

Gong Xinliang looked a little nervous towards Yang Mi.

Yang Mi is also one year older than her.

One 86 and one 87.

Hearing this, the elder sister Yang Mi nodded:

"That's okay, I'll fry it for you whatever you like. Don't worry, I'm a good cook. I've raised them all because they have such mouthfuls!"


The eldest young master's eyes were filled with disgust.

"Hello, Mama Yang!!"

Jay Chou's eyes are full of stars.

The last one is Lang Lang, which makes me really happy:

"Hey, you and Dami come together. It's okay, don't be nervous, we are all our own family~"

So, the two of them swam to the kitchen arm in arm.

As soon as he left, Wang Sicong, who was full of disgust, nodded his head:

"Tsk tsk, Da Mi is becoming more and more like a grown-up parent..."

Lang Lang sat down on the bamboo armchair, called Brother Qian'er, took the tea cup, and let out a long sigh of relief while watching the fire in the yard.


We're home.

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