I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 404 402 Fraudulent academic qualifications

Chapter 404 402. Fraudulent academic qualifications

"We met at a party last time, so there's no need to be so nervous. Come on, I'll take you to see my two big darlings."

"Yeah, okay, Sister Mi."

Hearing this title, Yang Mi smiled very affectionately, and while leading her into the house, she said:

"This time he went to Germany. How many days did you stay with him?"

"In just a few days, the validity of the tourist visa is very short, so I accompanied him to a concert in Frankfurt, and then..."


Yang Mi paused.


Although Gong Xinliang didn't know why her eyes were so strange, he still nodded:

"That's right, Frankfurt, what's wrong?"


She silently changed Frankfurt's place of origin from France to Germany. After filling in the pitfalls of her previous trip to Cannes, Yang Mi, who had gained more knowledge, chose to keep silent about these foreign place names.

It's too embarrassing.

He turned around and started talking about this girl.

She didn't know much about this person, but after that night, she learned that he made his debut in Feng Xiaogang's "If You Are the One".

Just that secretary Fan Wei...

But I don’t know much about other things.

So let’s talk.

"You graduated with a major in acting?"

"Uh... no, I studied capital operations. Then I went to the audition with my friends, and suddenly I was selected..."

"Huh? What a coincidence?"

Yang Mi was a little surprised.

She thought that she and Liu Zhishi should have a lot of topics to talk about.

Then he asked:

"Where did you learn it?"

When she said this, Zaizai and Niuniu happened to rush back from outside.

I must have seen my mother bring a stranger over.

It is normal for a German Shepherd to come to protect its owner with vigilance.

But the problem is that the door is closed and the two dogs can't get in. All I could do was scratch the door.

Yang Mi got up and opened the door.

I just didn't see Gong Xinliang's hesitation after hearing this.

"You two are done with it!... To be honest, this is our guest."

After entering the house with two wary-eyed dogs, Yang Mi sat down on the hot kang again as she spoke.

Brother Qianer is well-informed.

In fact, people in Yanjing really don’t sleep on the kang.

But he had seen and slept on it before, and knew that it was comfortable to sleep on in winter, so he specially built it in several houses. Construction of this place will begin next year, and there will be many plans by then. This house with a kang will also be used to raise animals from the south.

But this time it’s just cheaper to have two children.

I slept well.

Then Yang Mi continued to ask:

"You haven't answered me yet."


Seeing her questioning, Gong Xinliang said:

"Tsinghua University."


Yang Mi was stunned:


"Tsinghua University."

Now that she said it, she felt more confident.


"I studied capital operations at Tsinghua... Actually, I started to be exposed to this from a very young age, around sixteen or seventeen years old. First I went to Tsinghua, and then I went to Cambridge University for further study..."


Yang Mi's eyes were already widened.

In Gong Xinliang's opinion, this kind of glare was obviously a surprise to her for her reputation as a "student master".

However, she didn’t want Yang Mi to get too entangled in this aspect, and said with a smile:

"But aren't you still an actor now? I still have to learn a lot from you, Sister Mi."


Yang Mi opened her mouth, seemingly a little surprised, but immediately smiled:

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a top student... I'm sorry, I'm disrespectful."

"No, no, no, no, I'm embarrassed for you to say that."


Little fox, who are you confused about?

Yang Mi smiled on her face, but was speechless in her heart.

Do you think you've deceived me into a fool?

All of a sudden, my evaluation of this girl was cut in half.

Graduated from Tsinghua University...

If you were from another school, I wouldn't compete with you.

I studied at Beijing Film Academy and have never been to other schools, so I don’t understand.

But Tsinghua... there is so much I can tell you, girl.

What did this man just say?

Did she study capital operations?

If you say you are in the Department of Finance at Tsinghua University, I will believe you.

But you choose to package yourself in a high-end way... Aren't you going to hit the muzzle of the gun?

Also capital operations... I'm afraid you are not talking about the "Tsinghua University Chairman's Training Course on Financial Securities and Capital Operations", right?

Do you really think that I have never entered Tsinghua University?

When I was a kid, going to Tsinghua University was just like going to our back garden, okay?

A place that can be linked to Tsinghua University and specialize in the financial branch of "capital operations" is such a pheasant team.

To put it bluntly, it is just for gold plating for chairman, secretary and the like.

You're still pretending to be a top student with me...

As for Cambridge or something like that, she has no say.

However, before going to Cambridge, Yang Mi was 100% sure that this girl was definitely from the pheasant team.

But I have to admit...girl, you are quite good at playing.

Actors pretend that they are some kind of adult education product from "Beiying Film".

You're going to Tsinghua University directly...

Yes, there is scheming and skill.


Although it can't be said that they can guarantee the purity of the family bloodline like those Sicilian mafias.

But after finding out this person's background, Yang Mi knew that...even if she married Lang Lang, she would never be able to confide in her.

no way.

People can't.


But she definitely won't show it on the surface.

Continue chatting with Gong Xinliang.

It's just that he never mentioned being a top student.

And just like this, Gong Xinliang breathed a sigh of relief.


Sister Mi was just like the others...they were all fooled by herself.




Looking at the cookie coming off the car, Yang Mi quickly waved:

"Come on, come on over and warm yourself by the fire. Why are you wearing so little clothes? Are you not cold?"

"Hehehe, it's not cold."

Shaobing, whose face was getting rounder and rounder, quickly shook his head.

"Where's Brother Xu? Where are my nephew and niece."

"I'm all drunk. I came out to pick you up when I knew you were coming..."

As she said that, she glanced at the pair of Nike basketball shoes at Shaobing's feet.

What model is it...

Kobe... Kobe ZOOM5?

She bought it for her.

One pair of sesame seed cakes and one pair for my husband.

Why are you still wearing this? No cold feet?

Thinking of this, she said:

"After dinner later, I will take you shopping."

"No, I have to work overtime on Christmas. I'm just here to have a meal, and then go to work as soon as I'm done. Wait until after New Year's Day, okay?"

After hearing this, Yang Mi asked:

"You don't have cold feet?"

"It's not freezing. It's not like we stay outside every day. It's not cold...hehe."

"...hehe, you are so stupid~"

Yang Mi poked his head affectionately with her finger:

"I've been doing well lately. I keep my integrity and show full attendance. I'm so good~"

Yang Mi hasn't listened to cross talk in the past few months since the last time she said goodbye to Deyun Society. But not listening to cross talk does not mean that you do not understand the internal affairs of Deyun Club.

For example, just now, she heard about many things about the Guomen disciples from Brother Qian.

Frankly speaking, she felt that Brother Qian'er was really a god.

Guomen was about to get into trouble, but he was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai...

Maybe this is the benefit of having few apprentices?

But it doesn’t really matter, it’s not my own business.

If it weren't for Xiaobing, she might just listen to these things as gossip.

But since her brother was involved, she couldn't help but say more:

"Don't worry about what other people are doing, do you hear me? Just talk about your cross talk in a down-to-earth manner. No matter how strong the wind or rain is outside, keep your own little home. If you are thirsty, you will have water, and if you are hungry, you will have food! No matter who is in your ear Fanning the flames..."

"Ask sister!"

Yang Mi didn't need to say anything, Shaobing took over the words:

"Don't worry, sister, I will remember everything you said. I will never forget it~"

"Then please repeat what I said."


Seeing the miserable look on Shaobing's face, Yang Mi, who was in a good mood, smiled and held his arm:

"Hehe, let's go. Let's try some dishes cooked by my sister... You said I keep calling you to come home for dinner, why don't you come?"

"I won't go. My master said my hands and feet are not serious. If I scare the child again..."

"You are you, he is him, what are you afraid of when I ask you to come..."

Yang Mi walked a few steps and suddenly looked at the sesame cakes...

"Small cake..."


"You've grown up so much... When your brother Xu and I were dating, you were so tall... Look at your head now... It's almost the same as your brother Xu."

Shaobing grinned:

"Hey, sister, wait, next year I will let Brother Xu look up at me!"


While talking and laughing, the two entered the house.

Then I saw a table of people simmering in the steaming iron pot, changing cups.

When Yu Xuan looked at the sesame cake, he pointed directly at Xu Xin:

"Come on, come on, sit next to your Uncle Xu. Master, don't do anything today, just lose weight."


The whole room laughed out loud.

Shaobing also knew that the uncle was teasing him, so he shouted to Xu Xin with a smile:


"Get out of here, call me brother! Do you want me to go home and kneel on the durian?"

"Hey... Auntie~ Brother Cong, Brother Lang, Brother Lun...sister, you..."

After saying hello one by one, Shao Bing looked at Gong Xinliang in a daze.

Lang Lang held his girlfriend's hand:

"Call sister-in-law."

"Hey, sister-in-law, hello..."


Gong Xinliang smiled and nodded.

"Okay, hurry up and get your cup."

As soon as Yu Xuan opened his mouth, Yang Mi quickly waved her hand:

"That's not possible. Xiaobing has a performance in the afternoon. Just come and have a hot meal. Don't be like this. I'm letting the dog eat the chicken!"

Zaizai's ears immediately stood up as he was nestling next to his legs.

Starting next year, it will be responsible for the German Shepherd breeding work in the garden.

In other words...Zai Zai will go from being "only for Niuniu" to being the father of many children...

It’s also quite tragic and true.

Anyway, a group of people sat down and started eating and drinking.

Brother Qian'er has a lot of fun stuff here, including crickets, crickets, grasshoppers, and everything.

A serious style of the old Yanjing stubborn master.

With the addition of Moutai and New Year Pig, this family dinner was really fun and lively.

It lasted until almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

After that, they disbanded.

Lang Lang got into the car with Gong Xinliang and didn't know where he went.

No one asked.

There is definitely a difference between having a partner and not having one, and it will never be the same again.

When everyone drank too much, they would go to Lao Xu's place and do whatever they wanted, whether it was smoking cigars, watching movies, or bragging and playing poker.

However, because Jay Chou came here in Xu Xin's car, everyone still went in the same car.

Cheng Hu drives, Wang Sicong SHOTGUN.

Xu Xin and Jay Chou in the middle are sleepy.

Yang Mi squeezed in behind with the two babies.

As for the two dogs…

Go squatting in the trunk.

While chatting on the way back, Xu Xin casually said:

"What did you and Gong Xinliang talk about?"

As soon as he said this, Jay Chou and Wang Sicong, both of whom had vomited, turned and looked back.

Yang Mi shrugged:

"It's okay. The little girl is just a little...a little vain. I don't see any other big problems."

"That's fine. I feel very comfortable looking at this girl. She's our girl from the northwest!"

Gong Xinliang is from Gansu.

Xu Sanjin began to be partial.

Yang Mi smiled and did not refute, just said:

"However, there is something I need to remind you of."

She talked about "Tsinghua University".




In an instant, all three people frowned.

Just listen to Yang Mi continue to say:

"I didn't expose her, and I didn't mean to dig deeper. The purpose of telling you this is very simple... How the old wolf spends his money is his business. But as a friend, if he knows about any large investments, Girl, maybe... Old Wolf wants to invest in something for her... Before getting married, we have to keep a close eye on it... Just know what I mean."

"Then what are her real academic qualifications?"

Wang Sicong frowned:

"If she really goes to Cambridge to further her studies...it means her level is not low. And did you hear us chatting at the dinner table just now? She is really familiar with London..."

"Why do you care so much?"

Xu Xin stopped this topic.

"Just be nice to Lao Lang, be considerate enough, and help Lao Lang. We'll keep an eye on other things... Lao Lang is not a fool either."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong nodded:


Then... I don't know what he was thinking, but he suddenly turned his head and looked at Jay Chou:



Jay Chou was stunned:

"what happened to me?"

He is still digesting the matter of this girl’s “falsified academic qualifications”.

Seeing Big Lao Wang coming to me unexpectedly, I was a little confused.

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"What I mean is that you should be careful... If that doesn't work, we can just find a girl from Wanwan, a fisherman's family. Otherwise, with your academic qualifications... you won't be able to grasp a high-net-worth talent!"


Jay Chou's mouth twitched...

Xu Xin sneered:

"Are you talking about the fisherman's daughter? Or the girl in yoga pants?"

The eldest young master smiled:

"Hey, you still understand me."

"Hey hey hey..."


Amid laughter, Jay Chou shook his head helplessly.

But after thinking about it, I felt relieved.

My eyesight is not good...

Isn’t there Mimi?

So he turned around:

"Hey, Mimi, I'll have to rely on you to find a girlfriend from now on~"

Yang Mi nodded dumbfounded, holding a non-existent pipe in her hand:

"You discovered Hua Dian, blind student."

I tried double updating and it was ok. Although one chapter only has 4,000, it should gradually return to normal in the next two days.

I just write slower, and my eyes are very sore due to coughing and headache.

If there are any typos, please mark them and I will correct them when I wake up.

Love you guys!

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