I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 407 405 How many and how many

Chapter 407 405. How many and how many


Walking out of Cai Yinong's office, Li Minnian's eyes fell on the pot of green plants on the edge of the corridor. For no reason, he felt that the green gladiolus was a bit dazzling.

Hidden in the snow for half a year.

This was... as Liu Zhishi's punishment for not accepting this advertisement.

In fact, logically speaking, this punishment is nothing at first glance.

This year's Spring Festival starts in February 2010, with New Year's Eve on the 13th and Spring Festival on the 14th. According to the most general calculation, after the fifteen-day annual solar term has passed, it will be March.

The filming of "Pandaman" started one after another in January after New Year's Day, then the New Year's Day, and then continued filming after the New Year's Day.

The current shooting cycle is about 50 days in total.

Counting the years before and after, it may be May when Shishi is finished.

The so-called half-year punishment is until July.

It’s just more than two months without work.

But the actual situation is completely opposite.

The artist's activity cycle and activity plan are quite... how should I put it, not precise, but they must be operated efficiently.

The connection between each job cannot be said to be seamless, but at least it must be ensured that there is no interruption.

A film and TV series will be released this month, a show will be participating in next month, and a magazine shoot will be in a few days. The best solution is to always keep the artist active in the eyes of some people and become a little bit familiar.

After all, not everyone has the qualifications to be remembered from the beginning...

When talking about this, he thought of Lin Xinxin for no reason.

This young man is really lucky... He debuted when he was unknown, and a "bad brother" among netizens gave him the capital to be remembered...

And Shishi has been remembered since her debut...or in other words, the only thing that people remember right now is Solanum nigrum.

Comparing the two, they are really as good as heaven and earth.

After getting the lead role in "Pandaren", she was finally able to break away from the company's film and television works and start to gain recognition from fans in other aspects... As a result, Mr. Cai actually asked her to stop working for half a year.

Isn’t this nonsense!

"Pandaren" Regardless of the quality of the series, Jay Chou's fans are real!

At this juncture, do you have to stop working on poetry for half a year?

Doesn’t that mean this drama was shot in vain?

It was originally working well, but when the time comes, Shishi can definitely increase her popularity and use pandas as a springboard to get more traffic to notice her!

But now that work has stopped and resources are out of stock... what should I do in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Minnian couldn't help but sigh.

Full of sad faces.

In fact, this is also his fault.

Because it was he who told Shishi about "Dream Zhuxian".

Otherwise, the girl who doesn't like to compete with others wouldn't think so much at all.

The reason why he told Shishi was actually to sell Xu Xin and Yang Mi to the couple.

In his imagination, Yang Mi may not look down on these millions, but "Sword and Sword III" itself is one of her own cakes, and it is natural for her to come and stretch her lips now.

When the cake reached her mouth and left a mouthful of sweetness, she had to think about how she got the cake in.

With this incense love and the relationship between Shishi and her, Director Xu would give more consideration to Shishi if there is any drama or something.

A little bit like this, won't the market for poetry open up?

The more popular Shishi becomes, the more money he himself makes.

Although President Cai is nominally Shishi's first manager, in fact from her debut to now, she has taken care of everything herself.

Who doesn’t hope that he can bring out a few more popular artists and expand his reputation in the agent circle?

Or in other words, who doesn’t want to be the second Wang Jinghua?

Now he is under the command of Tang Ren, and his annual income is nothing more than three to four hundred thousand.

But if it is done well, it will cost one to two million, or even several million more!

Who doesn’t think more about themselves?

Therefore, he told Shishi the news, and Shishi told Yang Mi... But he failed to calculate that it would have such a consequence in the end.

For a moment, the bitterness in my mouth became even worse.

And he also understands Mr. Cai's thoughts very well.

Regardless of whether "Pandaren" is successful or not in terms of drama quality, Shishi's attention will definitely reach a higher level.

When a lot of jobs came to her, she felt the loss of missing out on becoming famous. Her energy was suppressed, so she would definitely be obedient...

But the problem is...

You only signed a 5-year contract!

It's not like I signed for ten years.

You can pinch it however you want.

This girl...is a stubborn person!

If she was really so ambitious, why would she wait until now? As for not accepting this ad?

If she really had to hide in the snow for half a year, she would really like to go home and sleep every day.

By the way, I can also have myopia surgery...

Thinking of this...


He let out another long sigh.

Thinking about it...

Forget it, let’s not talk to Shishi about this yet.

Let her film "Pandaren" honestly.

We can talk about other things after "Pandaren" is finished filming.

"Sister Bingbing~~"

At the entrance of Shijia Hutong, Yang Mi looked at Liang Binning getting out of the car, suppressing the...uneasy guilty feeling in her heart, and shouted sweetly.


Liang Binning responded with a smile and ordered Yang Tianzhen on the side:

"Bring everything in."

"Okay, sister."

Then, Liang Binning took Yang Mi's arm affectionately:

"Hurry inside, it's so cold outside, what should you do if you catch a cold~"


For no reason, Yang Mi's goosebumps began to appear.

In fact, it was fine before.

She is quite normal.

But since... the couple figured out something, she felt guilty when she saw Liang Binning... It wasn't right, not that she felt guilty when she saw the other person, but that she felt guilty every time she said "Sister Bingbing".

So virtual.

It seems like he is taking advantage of others.

But she didn't show it. After the two of them entered the house together, Liang Binning took off the woolen hat on her head and looked at the two children who were struggling to move their legs on the crawling mat...

"Ah, are you starting to turn over?"

"I'm practicing right now. Didn't you see that there's a bald patch of hair on the back of your head? I've been doing it randomly in the past few days, I guess I've almost learned it."

"That's great~"

Liang Bingning's eyes were full of joy.

Sitting on the climbing mat, ignoring the two dogs, he squeezed his warm little feet before asking:

"Where's Xu Xin?"

"I was sleeping in the house. I went to Brother Qian'er's place at noon and drank some wine. I guess it was already evening. I called him just now and asked vaguely who was coming. I said that after my sister came, He just waved his hands and fell asleep."

Passing the tea cup to Liang Binning, Yang Mi also sat on the climbing mat and explained.

Hearing this, the smile on Liang Binning's face became more natural.

Under normal circumstances, when guests come to the house, the host and hostess must come to greet them.

But that would mean the guest is just a “guest.”

But what Yang Mi said was just like the relationship between relatives and friends at home.

Don’t treat yourself like a guest when you come.

This attitude is obviously much more comfortable for Liang Bingning than treating herself as a guest.

Then, Yang Tianzhen walked in, also holding large and small bags of things:

"Sister Mi, the collagen supplement I bought for you..."

"Hey, okay, leave it over there. I won't wait on you, just feel free to do it."

Hearing this, Yang Tianzhen responded with a smile, put everything on the table, and sat aside silently.

Liang Binning said:

"Have you read the news?"

"Looked at it."

Yang Mi nodded:

"But I think things have calmed down quite a bit today. Isn't there nothing going on with Zhang Ziyi? Both sides are suppressing their influence and diluting their influence."


Liang Bingning responded and said:

"But this matter isn't over yet..."

"It's definitely not over. Zhang Ziyi is on the edge of the cliff. Whether she vomited out what she had eaten or whatever...she has to give an explanation. But we can't understand this kind of thing in depth, it seems like I especially like to ask...sister, what do you think?"

"I don't!"

As soon as Yang Mi said these words, Liang Bing shook her head like a rattle.

That reaction can be said to be huge.

"I didn't..."

Speaking of this, she paused...

Rarely, there was a hint of vulnerability in front of Yang Mi:

"To tell you the truth...when I saw the news last night, I was really scared to death."

One sentence is full of joy.

The woman who had been sleeping for nearly a day and came to Xu's house the first thing she did when she got up seemed to have come back to life at this moment. There was also an uneasy feeling of panic in her happiness.

Faced with these words, Yang Mi smiled and shook her head:

"There's no need..."

As she spoke, her tone was filled with a cryptic pause.

If you can't hear it.

Then came the sentence:

"Xu Xin feels so sorry for you... That afternoon, we were at Aunt Zhao's place. I mentioned Zhang Ziyi twice, and after seeing Aunt Zhao's attitude, as soon as you called me, Xu Xin told me: No matter How about it, you have to pull Sister Bingbing out. Others can’t protect you, he will come!... Sister, just don’t worry, we will be there if anything happens!"


After Yang Mi said this, Liang Binning's lips pursed.


Her shoulders slumped.

Sitting on the climbing mat with her back against the sofa, she didn't know how to respond to Yang Mi's... warm concern.

My heart was touched and felt a strange kind of heat...

There is also a kind of shame in the heat.

Her hand unconsciously touched Zai Zai, who was lying next to her and watching TV.

What she touched was the dog's leg.

Zaizai turned his head subconsciously.

Somewhat unhappy.

This place is close to the belly. Except for family members who can trust it, animals don't like to be touched.

As soon as he turned his head, he felt the look from his mistress.

That look means something:

"Don't move, let her touch it!"


The humane German Shepherd grunted and lay down again.

That’s all.

Touch it.

Anyway, you are more of a dog than me.


Touching the furry warmth, Liang Binning spit out the last bit of coolness in her mouth.

He smiled bitterly:

"Mimi...it's so difficult."


Under Yang Mi's puzzled gaze, the woman who could almost be said to have launched a new model in the entertainment industry expressed her helplessness by shaking her head with vulnerability:

"I used to work for others... They said I would be a maid all my life. I didn't accept it, and I wanted to be my own boss. But after I became my own boss, I realized... I really have to be careful every step of the way. I was careless... Just like this time. Once I have an inflated mind that I shouldn't have... it's really... that... chilling feeling like having a knife on your neck... ugh."

"...It's all like this."

Although what Liang Binning said was a bit messy, Yang Mi understood what she meant:

"Sister, how old are you? People nowadays are all bad, and no matter how hard you try to prevent them, you can't prevent them. So the more you become a boss, the more cautious you have to be. If I hadn't been helped by Xu Xin... I might have been there a long time ago. I can’t survive in this circle.”

"You're much smarter than me."

"Don't. I'm stupid...hehe."


Looking at her quirky appearance, Liang Binning chuckled, and at the same time she was filled with emotion.

Because she didn't tell lies.

Mimi is indeed much smarter than me.

This was the conclusion she came to after spending nearly two hours on the phone with Mr. Xu last night.

According to Mr. Xu, his wife... was really found after the smoke came out of the old Xu family's ancestral grave.

I won’t mention anything about knowing books and being polite.

The most important thing is that kind of cleverness...according to Mr. Xu's words, it is "exactly the same as when I was young".

Being able to make Mr. Xu say this sentence itself represents her ability.

Not to mention the sentence "I can't teach her much in the past two years."

Famous teachers give birth to great disciples...

It's really not simple.

With emotion, she thought for a while, chose to skip this topic, turned around and said:

"By the way. I've finished reading the book you recommended to me."

""Zhen Huan"?"

"Yes, I've finished watching it all... Do you want to play Zhen Huan in this drama?"

"Not acting."

Yang Mi shook her head:

"The cycle of TV series is too long. I may mainly make movies in the future. TV series take three to five months, which is too long."

"Who do you want to play this role?"

"have no idea."

Yang Mi still shook her head:

"I have talked with Director Zheng about this novel, and I will not interfere too much with his casting. He was afraid that I would randomly add a bunch of actors, so I agreed to him. We will discuss who he wants to cast. "

"What Zheng Xiaolong said..."

Liang Bingning thought for a while and said:

"Let's put it this way, I want to play Zhen Huan."


Yang Mi was stunned.

"Playing Zhen Huan?"

Liang Binning nodded:

"Yes. Of course, I will do this job. I have also dealt with Director Zheng, and we both have common friends. At first, I thought you wanted to act... If you want to act, then I will do it honestly. You do the matching..."


As soon as this attitude was revealed, Yang Mi was speechless.

It’s not that the other party is being attentive.

But I feel even more guilty.

I think it’s not certain which of us will be “older” and who will be younger in the future.

How dare I...

However, Liang Binning didn't know what she was thinking and continued:

"But if you don't want to act... the quality of this book is good, really. Director Zheng can think it's normal~ If you don't recommend a heroine, or you mean to act yourself, then I will fight with Director Zheng .How about it?"

"I don't have any objections..."

For the drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Yang Mi herself really didn't have much idea.

Looking at the people in the company, the only one who can hold the heroine is actually Liu Yifei.

But the problem is that Liu Yifei has been confirmed to play the role of Hawthorn Tree.

The schedule cannot be arranged for sure.

She doesn't plan to act... She has already started planning to take her children back to her hometown in northern Shaanxi for a period of time next year.

The first thing for the children is to catch up with the "earth energy", and the second thing is to quickly film "Explosion".

This play...is my husband's hard work.

Not to mention a few months, or even a year or two, she felt it was worth it.

And now since Sister Bingbing wants to act, then let’s act.

"What are you going to tell Director Zheng? He asked me to contact you, mainly because he thinks you are suitable for Concubine Hua..."

"We are easy to talk to. We are familiar with people like him and Zhao Baogang. I mean, he chooses actors based on their acting skills rather than their eyes. I am quite confident~"

“Sister Bingbing is so awesome~”


While the two were chatting and joking, suddenly, the bedroom door of the guest room was opened.

Xu Xin walked out with two swollen eyelids.

After seeing the two of them, he said hello casually:


"Why did you wake up?"

After hearing what Yang Mi said, Xu Xin went to the tea table to get some water and said:

"Sister Bingbing is here, you can't sleep all the time... Ouch, it's so uncomfortable."

As he said that, he raised his head, tons, tons, tons~

After drinking it thoroughly, he sat unsteadily on the sofa:

"what's the topic?"

"Talk about "The Legend of Zhen Huan"."


Xu Xin yawned casually and said:

"Ha... um, has Director Zheng invested in the drama?"

Yang Mi nodded:

"When it comes out, the budget is probably 70 million to 85 million."


The moment she heard this number, Liang Bingning was stunned:

"so tall?"

Yang Mi responded:

"Well, the script of this drama has been roughly divided, and it has reached 60 episodes. Aren't we breaking it down? It is estimated that there will be at least 70 to 80 episodes. The main reason is to serve Hua Dao, Director Zheng likes to dig into the details... We had a phone call a few days ago, and he said it would be about this price..."

"Invest close to 100 million to create a TV series..."

Liang Binning's brows were already wrinkled.

"Is the risk too high?"

"She likes it."

Xu Xin said casually.

Show your true nature as a doting wife.

My wife likes it, she can pick all the stars in the sky.

Seeing this, Liang Binning didn't know what to say.


"Then this play needs to be done carefully."

"What operation?"

"Tax avoidance."

Seeing that Xu Xin didn't seem to understand, Liang Binning said:

"Use some means to avoid taxes. Otherwise, it would be great if this investment of 70 million can achieve 50 million~...Don't you know?"


Xu Xin was stunned and asked in confusion:

"What do you mean? How to avoid it?"


Seeing his reaction, Liang Binning was speechless:

"You don't know this?"


Before Xu Xin could speak, Yang Mi spoke first:

"Sister Bingbing, are you talking about the kind of people who prepare two contracts? The tax reported is, say, one million, and then they owe another contract privately. For example, my total salary is 10 million, but the tax declaration contract is only One million, the rest of the money will be kept in private accounts..."

"Yes. That's it. In this case, if you talk to others, their remuneration can be reduced a bit. After all, you have to consider taxes."


Suddenly, Xu Xin's brows wrinkled.

"Isn't this illegal?"

Liang Binning nodded:

"It can't be said to be illegal, it can only be said to be a legal blank. Many people do this, otherwise if you think about it... If nothing else, let's just talk about Zhang Ziyi. Her revenue last year from film and television alone should have been one thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars. More than one million, that's on the surface. If you pay taxes on the more than 16 million yuan in film remuneration, the tax will be about more than 5 million. It suddenly accounts for one-third of the total income..."

"But if we follow this method, she will get a lot more?"

"Yes, of course, I'm not saying she did this... I never said this. I was just giving an example. Many people do this..."


Before Liang Binning finished speaking, Xu Xin directly denied this approach:

"This is so stupid. It's so stupid to wander into the gray area and risk your own wealth and life just for this little money."

"Uh... No, it's nothing... This has almost become an unspoken rule. After all, the tax point is too high..."

"Sister Bingbing."

Seeing what else she wanted to say, Xu Xin shook his head vigorously:

"Have you ever thought about what if, one day..."

He pointed upward:

"I feel that it is not allowed. I suddenly want to catch a model. But this model catches you. What will you do?"


Liang Bingning was stunned.

"...Why did you arrest me?"

"Because your chicken is enough for monkeys to see."

After all, it was just chatting, so Xu Xin spoke more casually:

"Anyway, if it were me, for example, if I wanted to start rectifying things in this area, I would definitely start by grabbing the top artists.

Set up an example so that everyone can see the outcome and then behave obediently.

Of course, what I said may be a bit one-sided, but the general reason is not wrong. Paper can never be enough to cover the fire...and if you make too much money, it will actually be just a number in the end. I don't think it's worth risking my life for these numbers.

So...even though I have figured out how to play the things you mentioned, I think...it is understandable for young actors to do this because they want to save more money. With a herd mentality, maybe this knife won't reach their heads.

But big trees attract the wind, and the people in front of them have to be more cautious in their words and deeds... After all, things in this circle are like greedy snakes. A behemoth dies suddenly, and what it leaves behind can feed many people. At that time, everyone wants you to die, but you really won't be able to survive. "

Looking at Liang Binning, who was frowning, Xu Xin shook his head:

"Actually, it's just like those Hong Kong movies we watch. You will find that there is only one way for the leading brother in all the movies, and that is to try his best to clear himself. If he clears his name and successfully goes ashore, then everything will be fine. But if It’s not clear... Then when the enemy comes, all the efforts will be in vain. Born in the world, died in the world.

Anyway, these things are very stupid for me. Let alone 16 million to pay 5 million in taxes. Even if I pay 160 million and pay 50 million in taxes, I still have 100 million left, right? I can't afford to risk my own life just because of this little money.

I won't ask you what to do...but as a younger brother, I want to advise Sister Bingbing, don't take chances...it's unrealistic. Just imagine how many people are in front of you waiting for you to surpass, and how many people are behind you who want you to die. "

After using the measurement units of "several" and "how much" to tell an extremely cold fact, Xu Xin's words had successfully caused a real chill to appear on Liang Binning's body.

In this bone-chilling cold, Xu Xin asked:

"If you want to keep charging forward, let's not mention how sharp you have to be as a spear... Facing these people behind you, if you don't make yourself indestructible, you will definitely die miserably. Isn't that right?"

Although Xu Xin never wondered why such a topic suddenly came up.

But since the conversation has reached this point, he doesn't mind saying a few more words.

The tax issue... has always been a high-risk boundary for him.

There is no way, the coal mines in my hometown produce nothing but black gold.

He had understood from his father since he was very young that a common man is innocent and possesses a jade.

The more people in Lao Xu's family earn, the more the three of them feel that the accumulation of wealth is more important than the solid foundation under their feet.

Shoes must fit well so that they can be worn comfortably and go far.

Never let a mouse drop ruin a pot of soup.

Compared with others, he actually doesn't need to say so much.

Who lives and who dies is their destiny.

If you have a problem with your thinking and fall down in a certain place, it means you are incompetent and you can't blame others.

But this woman in front of me...

no the same.

In other words, at least it became different after that night two days ago.

I might not have cared about it before.

But now...

No matter what.

He is also afraid...

It's not that she's afraid of breaking the law, but it's that if she and the old man are no longer connected or... sneak into the village quietly, there's no need to shoot...

Then when the time comes, the gold profit in the old man's hand will come...

It's so unkind.

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