I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 408 406 Christmas Gift (topic of this chapter!)

Chapter 408 406. Christmas Gift (topic of this chapter!)

Liang Binning felt that she was quite stubborn.

It's something that even eight cows can't pull back.

Just like when she was in Huayi, everyone told her that as long as she stayed in Huayi, she would naturally be able to secure her position as the number one sister in the company with her ability.

But she doesn't.

She didn't want to be inferior to others.

I don’t want to be anyone’s maid.

She wants to be a father.

She wants everyone to look up to her!

I was just a little maid back then, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Although a long time has passed, the persistence of "not being a maid" has been soaked in my bones and blood.

Are you saying that I will be a maid for the rest of my life?


I have to fucking show it to you to see if I blinded you in the first place!

So she is quite stubborn sometimes.

Once she decides to do something, or thinks that something is good for herself, she rarely listens to other people's advice.

You can make her bow her head, but she must not be made to admit defeat.

And if other people told her this at this moment, she might superficially agree. Excuses such as "Yes, yes, you are right" and "Wow, you are so great and upright" were spoken, but in the heart, the other party was silently labeled as "brainless".

Even if we encounter him in the future, we will stay far away.

Why are you pretending to be an honest person with me here?

Aren’t the taxes paid in total not your own money?

That's so fair and honest.

Fake or not?

But... at this moment, after hearing Xu Xin's words, this kind of thought could not arise in my heart at all.

In fact, she particularly agreed with one point of view of the other party...that is, there were not many people in front of her, but there were countless people behind her who wanted her to die quickly.

Compared with the objects to surpass, the number of people staring at this position behind her is really endless.

A feeling called being attacked from both sides came out all of a sudden.

She... knew about Mr. Xu's situation.

Maybe I don’t know everything, but I know more or less.

I also admit...Xu Xin has a strong sense of Mr. Xu.


Father and son.

So unconsciously, when Xu Xin said this, she was thinking...what if it was Mr. Xu? Does Mr. Xu also have this view on this matter?

Doesn't he care about money?

In the final analysis, isn’t it just about money?

I didn’t want to pay so much and had reasonable tax avoidance methods, so I did this.

If you don’t care about money, it’s because your family has it.

But my money is earned through my hard work.

Liang Binning especially wanted to use this reason to excuse herself and turn a deaf ear to Xu Xin's words... But that intuition reminded her all the time:

"What they said is right and not wrong."

This made her a little annoyed.

Fortunately, Xu Xin did not continue chatting on this topic. He just turned to Yang Mi and said:

"Sister Bingbing has also reminded us that our people must pay attention to this in the future. We will not stop anyone who wants to die. But we must take good care of our own people and not dare to mess around."

On the one hand, these words are a nod to Liang Bingning, and on the other hand, they are also an explanation to his wife.

Yang Mi nodded:

"I know. Don't worry, I won't mess around with what my dad told me. This kind of trade-off issue cannot be done for the sake of small."

Liang Binning's heart skipped a beat again...

Liang Binning had dinner here.

However, we did not continue talking about the previous topic, but picked up the story of Zhen Huan and some advertising endorsements.

By the way, Yang Mi wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to the Peak Night concert tomorrow.

But something happened to Liang Binning.

Tomorrow is a Christmas dinner held by Bulgari in Yanjing.

She attended as the boss and an invited guest.

Of course he couldn't come.

She is Liang Binning.

As long as she wants to, there are so many business activities that she can't handle them all.

After finishing the meal at around 9pm, she got up and left.

Xu Xin was not sleepy at all because he had just woken up, so he took Yang Mi and wanted to go for a stroll.

After all, today is Christmas Eve.

Their current nightlife is a bit too peaceful, and there isn't much socializing like bars, KTVs, etc., so he has a bit of free time.

As a result, Yang Mi didn't buy it at all and walked around with him twice at most.

So, after abandoning their family and career, they left the child to their parents, held hands, took Zaizai and Niuniu out for a walk.

German Shepherds are actually not that common on the streets of Yanjing.

After all, citizens generally cannot keep this dog.

Even if the two dogs are retired dogs, during the day, Yang Mi is very careful about the impact and goes to places with few people as much as possible.

Even the leash straps are vests with "retired military rights" on them, to prevent interested people from coming to ask questions, or the city management passing by and seeing them and arresting them.

One person and one dog were walking on the street. There were no neighbors on the road at nine o'clock in the winter.

The two of them just let the two dogs sniff and sniff like they were patrolling the territory.

Especially for Zai Zai, Xu Xin was particularly careful about him sniffing other people's tires. It would be inappropriate if he got some dog urine on him.

"I felt awkward when I saw Sister Bingbing today... I had to call Aunt Liang several times."


Hearing this, Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Are you trying to get in trouble with me?

Yang Mi chuckled, pulled up her mask, and said:

"Do you think Sister Bingbing will listen to us?"

"That thing about taxes?"


"have no idea."

Shaking his head sincerely, he pulled Zai Zai away from the tire of a car and said:

"Anyway, I only said it once. What she does is her choice... If she insists on playing like this, we can't say anything. But it is true that we will not come all the way in the future~"

Looking at the busy traffic on the road, his tone was neither salty nor cold:

"We have no right to decide anyone's life choices. We just need to fulfill our obligations. What to do is other people's business."

"Even Aunt Liang?"

"Yes...you are sick!"

Xu Xin, who nodded subconsciously, was speechless again.

Why do these bitches keep causing trouble for others?

I'll slap you when I get home!


Yang Mi shrugged with a smile:

"Anyway, I don't feel any pressure. Uncle Xu is having a hard time alone..."

"I'm still suffering! That's my dad... can you please be kind?"

Thinking of the old man holding Liang Binning's hand and walking into the house in the future, he got goosebumps.


The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to look at it.

Afraid of vomiting...

"Besides, my father has had a sterilization. Doesn't it mean she doesn't want a child?"

"The ligation can also be reopened. It's just a minor surgery~"

"It's your uncle! You are just making me uncomfortable tonight, aren't you?!"

"Hey Hey……"

Seeing her husband starting to curse, Yang Mi knew that the joke had almost ended here.


"Then has our father talked to you about this matter?"



"I said... I think I was in junior high school."

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"At that time, the family's situation had completely improved, and it was very stable. Then... my father became quite popular, and many people asked me to find another child so that I could have children while I was still young."

"Then what?"

"Then? Then the old man had a sterilization. After the sterilization, here..."

He pointed to his abdomen:

"It would be extremely painful. I remembered that he didn't dare to bend down, so he sat on the sofa, straightened his legs, and said to me and Sanshui: Don't worry, dad has no other plans, don't be afraid~"

"What did you say then?"

"I was rebellious at that time, what do you think? I thought it was natural for my father to have a sterilization. I was born to my mother, not to anyone else, and there was no way I would allow my father to have children with other women. …”

As if talking about memories, Xu Xin also pulled down his mask and lit a cigarette for himself.

The smoke comes out in a big cloud with the cold air.

It is full of childishness and heartache that once was young and insignificant:

"But now you want me to choose...even, I'm not afraid to tell you. Even if he wants to have one, two, or even three, five, or ten children with Liang Bingning, I don't care. On the one hand, I know that I feel sorry for him. …”

"On the other hand..."

"The shares are all between me and Sanshui, I'm afraid of a hammer!"


After hearing what her husband said, Yang Mi looked disgusted:

"The first words are quite generous and touching, but the next words are so scheming~"


Xu Xin smiled and said:

"That's what I said. Just like what I told you just now... I was born by my mother, but the child born by my father is not my brother?"

"So...you don't care?"

"Yeah. He's really indifferent... I also think my dad deserves a better life. Especially after marrying you, this feeling is even stronger... Just playing with little girls, playing with girls, really It’s quite boring. You have to guard against her for everything, talk to others about anything behind her back, and even have to be careful about what she wants from you. It feels really lonely~"

The couple chatted, and there was nothing difficult to express.

Xu Xin actually has this attitude towards the old man now.

"And...I actually broke Xu Miao's heart once."

Now that the busy chatting has ended, he simply talked about all the things he did when he was ignorant:

"Back then, the old man met an... I forgot where she was from. Anyway, she was either from Inner Mongolia or Shanxi... an aunt. That aunt was very beautiful, really... no worse than a celebrity. I remember she was very tall. , and... the kind of smile that is particularly gentle... for so many years, she is the only person who can give me a feeling... watching her smile is like watching my mother smile."

"Well, what then?"

"The aunt's surname is Sun. I still remember...the first time I met her, she greeted me with a smile...and cooked a table of dishes. The aroma of the food I smelled when I entered the house was like... It felt so good! When I came back, Xu Miao was already sitting at the dinner table. Just... I have never seen that kind of smile of his. Do you understand what I mean? It's just like that... with his eyes. The kind that can’t be removed from Aunt Sun’s body!”

"Hmm...you and our dad had a fight?"

"Hmm. Alas..."

Xu Xin let out a long sigh.

A trace of self-blame gradually appeared in his eyes:

"I was panicked... I was really panicked. Because at that time, the people the old man brought were all little girls, the kind of people who looked like they were not serious at first sight. That was the first time that he brought someone around the same age as him. When my aunt came home...it felt completely wrong all of a sudden."

"What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything... I just hid. I said I wouldn't eat. I can't be a bastard and not give the old man any face, right?"

"What does that have to do with Brother Sanshui?"

"Listen to me...won't I go back to the room? When I go back to the room, I will..."

Speaking of this, he paused...

Then he said:

"I hugged my mother's photo and started crying. I thought the old man... really didn't want me. Because I have always been the least sensible one in the family when it comes to old men looking for women. Xu Miao is older than me, and he... He accepted it faster than I did. Don’t all parents like sensible children... I thought that the old man would definitely take him to start a family, and he would really not want me...

Then... After crying for probably a few minutes, Xu Miao entered the room. You want to drag me down to eat. I definitely won’t go. I remember the mental activities at that time very clearly. I thought to myself, you will all be a family from now on, who are you pitying? "


"I scolded him... It was awkward at first and I couldn't say it. He kept saying how delicious the noodles made by Aunt Sun were and how delicious they were. If he asked me to take a bite, he would go down and take a bite... Anyway, Well, it’s been a long time, so I got angry and scolded him..."

"What are you scolding?"

"I said...hiss~~~huh..."

He took another puff of cigarette butt and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can on the side of the road. Xu Xin took out a puff of smoke and shook his head:

"I said: Xu Miao, you think a thief is your father..."


"Later I found out that the wording was wrong, and I scolded him for accepting a bitch as his mother..."


Under Yang Mi's speechless gaze, Xu Xin smiled bitterly:

"Now you know why I said I'm a bitch?...Now that I think about it, these words are not human words."


"He cried too. That was the first time I made him cry...but he didn't hit me. He never hit me since he was a child. Every time I made him angry, he just... I cried by myself. Later on my 18th birthday, we both drank some wine, and he told me: Sanjin, I promised our mother that you are my brother and I will protect you. But now you are an adult, not a child. If you make any mistakes in the future, I will beat you to death..."

"But I see that Brother Sanshui is taking special care of you now. Every time our family eats together, he always asks you to drink less..."


Xu Xin shook his head, his eyes filled with memories of a family of three walking along the way.

"So you see, no matter what our father does, whether he gives Sanshui the control of his shares, or lets him and his sister-in-law control the financial power, etc... I don't give a damn.

That's my brother, he is the one who loves me the most.

And... when I was a kid, I was really pretty stupid... and the same is true today. As for what you just said about whether you will call Aunt Liang in the future... I will leave it to you here. As long as the old man brings the person over, she will be Aunt Liang from now on. Because I don’t want to make the old man sad anymore. "

"I don't care."

Seeing his firmness, Yang Mi shrugged casually:

"I'm actually more knowledgeable about this matter than you think. As long as our dad is happy, that's fine, even if it's not nice to say... Even if Brother Sanshui and his sister-in-law have children in the future, they want to take over our family's property bit by bit. I don’t have any objections to others taking over. What’s at home belongs to the family, and what’s ours belongs to us. You don’t need such heavy ideological baggage... I’m not with you because of your money.”

"That won't happen. Sanshui and sister-in-law are not like that~"

"I know, I just want to remind you..."


Xu Xin was silent.

He just held his wife's hand.

Two people and two dogs were strolling along the street, which was still busy with traffic at almost 10 o'clock at night.

Fading away in the cold wind.

The 25th, Christmas.

Early in the morning, Xu Xin received a Christmas gift prepared by his wife.

A box of pens.

In fact, it is quite difficult to choose a gift for Xu Xin.

Because he is a well-known synonym for "low desire" among people in this circle.

He has no interest in luxury cars, watches or souvenirs.

In addition, Yang Mi also takes care of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

It’s hard to give a gift that feels special and thoughtful no matter how much it costs.

Because he feels that he lacks nothing.

There is no desire to spend money.

But Yang Mi still put her heart into this gift.

The pen she gave her was not an ordinary pen, but the kind of tipped hero pen that cost 3 yuan a piece when Xu Xin and she first started learning pen calligraphy when they were children.

The inspiration came from a couple's night conversation one day.

We started talking about how we used pens to tease others. For example, the rubber tube used to store ink in Hero pens could be used as a water gun, and then we could flick someone's face and leave an ink mark on their face...

Xu Xin muttered, "You can't even buy those old-style pens anymore. That kind of pen is the most comfortable to use..."

He mentioned it casually, but Yang Mi got him a box directly.

And looking at the packaging... it's probably ten years at least.

Xu Xin was really happy to do it.

Compared with his wife, his gifts are a bit perfunctory.

An emerald necklace.

I asked an intermediary to auction it for me at Christie's in Hong Kong.

Not much money, less than fifteen million.

In terms of money, ten thousand boxes of pens are not as good as this necklace.

Regardless of my intentions... I just used the remote control, and asked Jay Chou to go to Wanwan to bring me the necklace, which made me look like a country bumpkin.

But Yang Mi was also very happy.

Because she is white.

The breasts are still big.

This diamond-encrusted emerald just hangs down on the career line.

It looks so tempting...especially beautiful.

The two elders also received gifts bought by Yang Mi in the name of Xu Xin.

Yang Dalin is a Rolex watch.

Mom has a set of La Mer cosmetics.

And the "four" little guys at home were not left behind either.

Zaizai and Niuniu had enough beef tendons today, and Nuannuan and Yangyang each got a little doll.

A Mickey Mouse and a Donald Duck.

As for the gifts Yang Mi prepared for Sun Ting and other people in the company, they were more sincere.

All are red envelopes.

The minimum share is also two thousand.

The eldest is Sun Ting.

Tingting caught one of the three paper balls given out by Yang Mi in a perfunctory manner.

The result is "year-end bonus doubled."

Yang Mi would not tell her that the rewards for the three paper balls were actually the same...

Because she really couldn't figure out how to buy a gift for her assistant.

The joy of Christmas lasted from morning to afternoon.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the couple went directly to the Bird's Nest.

There are no special Christmas gifts for friends.

Xu Xin didn’t buy it anyway.

Not only did he not buy it, he saw Wang Sicong who was picking up his mobile phone in the waiting room, and he even reached out his hand:

"Merry Christmas... where are the gifts?"

Who knew that the eldest young master would not accept this trick:

"Your gift is outside. The Bentley I drive is. Where's mine?"

Although he didn’t know whether it was true or false, Xu Xin still took off his Patek Philippe watch from his wrist:

"No, I'm afraid the metal strap will be too cold, so I'll keep it warm for you."

Wang Sicong sneered:

"Do you think I'm a fool? It's obviously the time you kidnapped Deng Ziqi. You and Wanwan bought it as a couple! I've seen how many years you've been carrying it!"

Xu Xin was not to be outdone:

"You haven't driven your Bentley for a long time recently, and you're afraid of burning oil, so you're here for a spin today, right? I was the one who gave you the idea when I asked you to choose a sexy red one!"



The two stared at each other for a while...

"A tie?"

Hearing Wang Sicong's words, Xu Xin nodded:


Take a look, the world is in decline, and people's hearts are not at their best now.

But it’s not like there are no good people.

Lang Lang, who came in with Gong Xinliang, saw the two of them coming, and took out two aluminum tubes from his handbag with a smile:

"Hey, Lao Xu, Lao Wang, here is a Christmas gift."

Xu Xin took it and took a look...

have to.


"Just one?"

"I smoked the rest. I originally planned to give it to you as a Christmas gift. But I didn't get any national gifts this time and the stock was running low, so I opened it. Hey, this thing is delicious when used to make smoked whiskey. . You two can make do with each other~ What's wrong, Merry Christmas."



For some reason, Xu Xin felt that it was better for him not to give it.

What the hell is this a Christmas gift?

Doesn't this kill people? !

And Wang Sicong was still asking stupidly:

"What did you prepare for the wheel?"

"I haven't prepared anything. I've finished smoking these cigars, and the last two... It was originally three, and I smoked one at home last night... If he asks later, I will say that he is preparing an album recently, and it is not suitable for smoking cigars. For Because of his throat, I won’t give him a Christmas gift.”

Under Gong Xinliang's dumbfounded expression... the three gentlemen looked at each other...

Lang Lang stretched out his hand under Yang Mi's helpless but not surprised gaze:

"Where's my Christmas present?"


Wang Sicong handed over the key to Bentley.

Xu Xin took off the watch on his wrist.


Lang Lang took a look...

Eyes full of disgust:



Yang Mi sighed and took out a small box from her bag:

"MIUMIU~Here, Merry Christmas."

Gong Xinliang, who was stunned by the three people tricking each other, turned his head and quickly thanked:

"Uh...thank you, Sister Mi!"

"Hey, no, I don't know if you like it...it's a lucky pendant from Harry Winston~"

"I definitely like it. How could I not like what Sister Mi gave me..."

Gong Xinliang looked surprised.

But immediately his eyes filled with guilt:

"Sorry, Sister Mi... I didn't prepare a Christmas gift for you..."

"No need, hehe..."

Yang Mi began to protect Lang Lang's girlfriend's relationship in the circle.

This time it was Lang Lang's turn to be embarrassed.

"This...Dami, you didn't tell me earlier..."

He touched his pocket awkwardly and looked around...

"Um...do you smoke cigars?"

"Get out of here, you!"

Wang Sicong pushed him silently, and then handed the Bentley key to Yang Mi:

"Dami, Merry Christmas."



Under the speechless gazes of Lang Lang and Yang Mi, Xu Xin couldn't help but nodded and muttered:

"It has to be you..."


After the rehearsal, Jay Chou walked into the waiting room:

"Eh? Here we come~"

Seeing that all his friends had arrived, a smile appeared on his face:

"Merry Christmas~"

"Don't bother with it. Where's the gift?"

Hearing Lang Lang's words, Jay Chou didn't seem surprised at all, but spoke in a...

how to say.

It was like "I really prepared it carefully and gave you a surprise", and said to everyone:

"My gift is to go on stage and sing a song for you soon~ In front of many audiences and fans, I will send you blessings! How about it, am I great!?"




The atmosphere in the room suddenly became "cold".

Especially if everyone is not familiar with it, forget it.

We are so familiar with each other, do you think we can't hear your perfunctory behavior?

Jay Chou seemed to feel that this was a bit bad, and he quickly changed the topic after making a haha:

"Hey, where's my gift? Have you prepared anything for me?"


Xu Xin took off the watch.

Wang Sicong handed over the car keys.

Lang Lang snatched the cigar tube from Xu Xin.


Under Yang Mi's eyes that could no longer hold back her laughter, Jay Chou looked at these three "Christmas gifts" speechlessly...

After a few seconds of silence, the four people showed disgusted expressions at the same time:


December 25th.

Merry Christmas.

Fourteen thousand, resume updates! There is also a specially written chapter on the topic. Hope you all like it~

Merry Christmas!

Love you guys!

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell! !

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