I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 409 407 reasons

Chapter 409 407.The reason

If there is any shortcoming in "The Voice Peak Night", then the only shortcoming may be time.

Although Christmas seems like a good day at first glance, and it is also a weekend, the weather is still a bit cold after all.

The manufacturer also prepared baby warmers, two on each seat.

But the cold wind is indeed quite torturous.

Fortunately, once the show started, the coldness was basically gone.

Singing and dancing, the explosion is coming.

It quickly warmed everyone up.

The last activity of "The Voice" ended perfectly on Christmas Day 2009.

After the lively two-hour concert ended, the crowd began to disperse.

Yang Mi has also received the live broadcast ratings data.


After the finals of "The Voice", this program has added another piece of myth.

More and more people are looking forward to the second season.

For Xu Xin, "The Voice" has actually become a thing of the past as early as the day the program was launched.

He basically doesn't worry about the subsequent operations or competition system.

After the peak night on Christmas Day, everyone was tired, so there was no dinner party or anything like that.

After it was over, he went home and read his paper again before going to bed.

He has already determined the recommended places, but he still needs to have the required papers.

This "Research on Lens Language, Light, Shadow and Color Expression Techniques" is his graduation thesis, so he has to pay more attention to it.

At that time, they will all be filed in the school.

If you fool around with it casually, if someone turns it out and writes nonsense, it will be a minor trouble.

Just like what he told Liang Bingning.

If people want to move forward, they must take care of their own back until they are invincible.

He advises others to do the same, and he does the same to himself.

Only by building yourself up to be impeccable can you not be trapped in place by some unwarranted tricks and unable to move forward.

And his journey...


There is no loss of personal ethics.

Walk upright and sit upright.

No one can pull his pigtails even if they want to.

This is also the capital that allows him to sleep soundly every day.

After one Christmas, Jay Chou turned around non-stop.

It’s New Year’s Eve this year, and he had to shoot some MVs for several songs before the year.

What's more, his friend promised him to stay in Wanwan for a while after New Year's Day, and he had to go back and think about how to entertain the big guys.

As for Wang Sicong, he went to England.

In his university club, there is a special farewell event for graduates this Christmas. It is the kind of event where all the authentic aristocrats of old London hold a bowl of rotten meat noodles, stand on a stool, drink and punch.

These clubs are equivalent to the circle of people you met in school. They are quite important. Lao Wang also has to join them.

And I have to go there every year, to keep in touch with people in the club, to make a fortune together, etc... It's indispensable.

It's almost New Year's Day for Xu Xin, and his work on both movies and short films is on track, so he is free at home every day and continues to prepare for next year's movie.

The days passed quite peacefully.

Every day I either drink tea or walk the dog, or practice rolling over with my little princess... It seems that the development of little girls is faster than that of little boys at this stage.

While Yang Yang was still thrusting wildly, Nuan Nuan had already begun to know how to exert force.

It seems that the day when I will turn over is not far away.

And on the 30th.

Xu Xin, who was continuing to hold the drawings and the scene selections sent by Zhang Mo in the study to simulate the scenes of "The Hawthorn Tree" in his mind, heard Yang Mi's movement:

"Brother, come quickly."

Xu Xin walked out of the house in confusion.

When he was working, his wife rarely interrupted him unless something really happened.

"What's wrong?"

he asked after walking out the door.

Then he saw Yang Mi sitting on the sofa handing him the laptop:


The laptop screen is on.

Inside was a familiar figure ironing a woolen roll.

Zhao Xinyu.

"Aunt Zhao?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"Aunt Zhao personally took action."


Xu Xin frowned.

I took the laptop and read the news on the web page.

The headline of the news is: The truth about "Splash Ink Gate"!

Xu Xin looked at the traditional Chinese characters on this interview and asked in confusion:

"What show is this?"

"A gossip news interview program over in Xiangjiang. Do you remember what Aunt Zhao said last time? Her daughter is a singer over in Xiangjiang..."


Xu Xin nodded and clicked the play button.

Zhao Xinyu's voice sounded:

"Actually, I am very innocent in this matter. Do you know that?"

Zhao Xinyu, who looked like she had her hair specially done and dressed up, and looked jeweled, talked eloquently to the two hosts:

"I don't even know what happened to get me involved. When her brother sent me a message, I felt inexplicable..."

Xu Xin was also confused.

Zhang Ziyi has a brother?

Then the host asked:

"Did he scold you harshly?"

"Yes, I still have the text message... look at it."

She took out her phone, and then the screen changed to a close-up of the text message box on Apple's phone:

"Don't make a fool of yourself!"

"It's easy to kill you!"

"I will accompany you if you want to die!"...

There are several similar text messages in total.

Xu Xin's face turned green when he saw it.


Hearing him gasp, Yang Mi said:

"Are you stupid?"

"...Is this text message true?"

"How would I know……"


Although Yang Mi did not give a definite answer, Xu Xin looked at the paused page on the screen and felt the air conditioner puffing away one after another.

"Brother Zhang Ziyi... is he crazy? Do you really think that your sister didn't die quickly enough!? Who are you messing with... messing with her!?"

"Just keep reading. Gao Neng is at the back. The whole cause and effect has come out."


Xu Xin continued to click play, and the text message screen switched back to Zhao Xinyu's face:

"He is a bit unreasonable. How can he blame me for this? It has nothing to do with me..."

"Then what's going on?"

The host asked again.

I saw Aunt Zhao speechless:

"Actually, it's very simple... Last year, Bazaar Charity Night, did you know?"

"I know, it's from Harper's Bazaar magazine."

"Yes, this child and I both went there. And at that time... there were several friends from Magic City, and we were all sitting at the same table. Since I had a good relationship with this child, I introduced her to these friends. One of them...well, I want to protect his privacy, so let's call him Mr. A for now."

"Mr. A?"

"Yes, Mr. A and she have known each other...and you all know about the beach photos, right?"

"I know, she and her fiancé VIVI..."

"We've broken up."

"...Ah??? We broke up? When? Weren't we engaged?"

"We broke up a long time ago."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head:

"The reason why she and VIVI didn't get married is because VIVI's understanding of marriage is American. What about a prenuptial agreement, how much money will be given to you for having a child, etc. The two of them broke up after they couldn't agree on these things. ”

"Oh my god, there's absolutely no news out there~"

"Yes, but the actual situation is that at last year's Bazaar Charity Night..."

Seeing this, Xu Xin pressed pause again and asked Yang Mi:

"This Bazaar Charity Night...I remember inviting you, right? Have you been there?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"It was co-organized with Li Lianjie's foundation to donate money for repairs after the earthquake. I donated 200,000~"

"Did you see Zhang Ziyi at that time?"

"I saw it, but her table is a high-end table, and even a little party like me can't get through it."

"oh oh……"

In response, Xu Xin continued to click play:

"... After the two of them met, I thought it was just a normal relationship between friends. But in fact, according to Mr. A... after the two of them took photos on the beach, they had... a more practical intimate behavior."


"Hey, does this count as marital infidelity?"

"It's probably not cheating, it's just an engagement, not a marriage..."

Several hosts were chatting away.

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth kept twitching.

Good guy...

Is our old Xu too innocent?


It’s so fancy.

Then I heard Zhao Xinyu continue:

"Mr. A already has a family..."

"Oh my God!"



"He gave this kid a lot of jewelry. He told me that it was just a TIFFANY necklace, worth tens of millions. Anyway, there are many gifts that cost at least one or two hundred million."




The hosts all had uniformly shocked expressions.

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth were twitching...

Although he was obviously listening to gossip...but he had to admit that he was really awesome.

The cow has come home.

"But I am actually very aggrieved by this matter. Many of my friends were there at the Harper's Bazaar charity night. How could I know about the private contact between these two people after they met?"

"Then how did you know?"

"It was Mr. A's wife who found me. She complained to me..."

"...Does Mr. A's wife know?"

"Yes. After his wife found out, she came to me. His wife and I are also friends. What she meant was how could I introduce such a woman to her husband and destroy their family... You know, just I was speechless. I was not introducing this child to Mr. A alone, but helping this child expand his network. There were many people sitting at my table that day and I introduced him to them..."

"Then it's not your fault."

"Yes, you are also kind-hearted."

"So, I'm speechless. But what's even more speechless is that after this child found out about Mr. A's wife and her affairs, he thought it was me. I was the one who told Mr. A about her secret relationship with Mr. A. My wife..."

"Put you in the middle?"

"Yes! Mr. A's wife felt that something was wrong with me, and she actually felt that it was me. But the problem was that I didn't do anything from the beginning to the end. As a result...she stopped paying attention to me. But I was There are innocent people here, why does the matter between the two of you... or the matter between the three of you involve me? "

"Yes, you were wrong to seduce someone else's husband. What is this? How could I blame you?"

"Zhang Ziyi, this is a bit bad."

"Sister Zhao is so innocent~...Then what's going on with her brother's text messages?"

The host started to bring up old things.

Zhao Xinyu shrugged:

"I have always been very kind to my friends... Even if you hurt me once, twice, I treat you as a friend from the bottom of my heart. What's more, you didn't hurt me, but misunderstood me. I I think for the sake of our friendship, we need to talk about this kind of thing, don’t you think?”

"Because we are aboveboard."

"That's right! So I found this child, hoping to communicate this matter. The first thing is to make the misunderstanding clear. It's not me who told Mr. A's wife about you and Mr. A... or even if it's not Mr. A's. When my wife found me, I had no idea that you two had such a relationship in private.

Secondly, I still want to tell her... you are also engaged after all. You are also about to become someone else's wife... Let's put ourselves in someone else's shoes, what if it was another woman who treated your husband like this? Will you feel at ease? People have to compare their hearts with their hearts. It's not good for you to do this. You can't do this... This is what I mean. "

"Wow...Sister Zhao is really such a good friend!"

"Yes, the three views are very correct!"

"Whoever can be friends with Sister Zhao will be really happy."

The host started to praise non-stop.

Then I heard Zhao Xinyu say:

"But when I got there, before I even spoke...her brother started scolding me from the side..."




"Just scold you?"

"Yes, the content is actually uglier than the text message I sent. Hey, I just thought how could you, a man, be so ungraceful? Have you figured out the facts? Are you just swearing?"

"Did Zhang Ziyi stop it for you?"

"No. From the beginning to the end, she stood aside while her brother scolded me... When I saw that you were all like this, there was no need for me to stay. So I left..."

"Wow! How sad are you, Sister Zhao?"

"Yeah, I sound super sad!"

Facing the host, Zhao Xinyu just shrugged:

"So you see, a few days after this incident happened, I didn't say anything. I believed she could handle it on her own...until her brother sent me a threatening text message...I had no choice but to speak out. .Because I don’t want to bear this unwarranted reputation...

If it was really me who did it, then I would accept it if he scolded me. But I didn't do it, but you misunderstood me. I have to excuse myself, right? You may not believe it, but I believe everyone’s eyes are sharp! "

When she said this, Xu Xin pressed the touch pad and looked at the length of the video.

After realizing that it would end in seven or eight seconds, he paused the screen and asked Yang Mi:


"No, that's it."


He nodded, and after exiting the full-screen web page, he saw the interface of Youku.

So I scrolled down the comments.

how to say……

Quite antagonistic.

Some people are scolding this person with words such as "Who are you?" and "Zhang Ziyi knows you? Why are you just trying to gain popularity?"

Some people are also scolding Zhang Ziyi as not being a good person...

There are also some reasonable guests who said, "So that's how it is."

After looking at it for a while, he said:

"Can Zhang Ziyi's brother really be so mentally retarded?"

"Then the text message shouldn't be fake."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly and sighed with emotion:

"She's going to be cold... I heard a few days ago that there is a Hollywood drama, what's it called... "Snowflake and the Secret Fan" wants her to be the heroine. I don't know if I can choose her..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't know what to say for a while.

In fact, he has nothing to do with Zhang Ziyi at all.

But this time, because of the Pomo Sect's preconceptions about the dinner that night, in his heart, he always felt that Zhang Ziyi was too ambitious.

But now, just watching Aunt Zhao hammering hard, I feel...curious.

I especially want to see what kind of state Zhang Ziyi is in now.

However, this idea only came to mind and was immediately rejected.

It's just a matter of having a meal. It's none of your business what state they are in now.

So he got up again:

"Then I continue to work?"

"Let's go...do I want to talk to Sister Bingbing?"

"Please calm down quickly."

Seeing her eagerness to try, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"It's not enough to cause trouble. Zhang Ziyi has nothing to do with us, and it has nothing to do with her, so please stop causing trouble."

"All right."

Yang Mi shrugged and hugged Nuan Nuan:

"Bye bye dad~"


Xu Xin waved his hand and walked back into the study.

Magic City.

Xu Haofeng, whose hair looked greasy and tangled, and who looked like a middle-aged greasy fat man, dragged his luggage out of the airport and got directly into a Buick GL8.

As the driver drove, he looked at the scenery outside the window, his eyes full of anxiety.

Now, the half-month period has arrived.

Just last night, he had completely sent the completed story that continued Xiao Xu's script ideas to Zhou Jingzhi and Wang Jiawei.

The reason why I came to Magic City today is because the project of "The Grandmaster" is about to be approved right now. Wang Jiawei has invited the main investor of this drama, Magic City Film Group, to have a meeting.

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is no different from a "military order".

Director Wang prepared a play for "ten years".

I survived and went bankrupt several investment companies in a row.

Now that the Magic City Film Studio is willing to take over, it has to learn its lesson and first establish a "military order" and nail all the rules and regulations before it can start investing money to continue filming.

At first glance, this seems ridiculous.

That was Wang Jiawei.

One of the most prolific international directors among the Chinese.

When he is filming, who dares to impose strict rules and regulations to restrain him too tightly?


When he's filming, you have to nail everything.

If you don't crucify me... you'll just be pissed off and hospitalized.

Don't mention anything else...the trial shooting of this movie alone has already cost tens of millions. Which investment company can afford such a large sum of money?

And this is why Xu Haofeng came to Magic City this time.

It’s true that the director is Director Wang.

But there are three screenwriters.

The three of them had to give explanations to the sponsor's father, convincing them that as long as the filming of this crew starts, it can be completed within a year.


Although this project will not be shelved, the photos will definitely no longer be visible.

But this is not what Xu Haofeng is most worried about.

In other words... he is not very worried about the so-called filming progress and investment.

Call him naive or stupid.

He believed in Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu said that he can mediate, then he can definitely do it.

This is a friendship born over a drink.

It is also the sense of trust generated by the "resonance" between senior brothers and junior sisters.

Jianghu people, a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold!

What he was more worried about was the script idea.

In the past half month, he could be said to have been working almost non-stop on changing the framework of the script.

Note, it's just the outline and not the details.

He knew Director Wang's filming habits. When the director was filming, he didn't like to follow the script's settings. But I firmly believe in that kind of unconstrained flash of inspiration.

Many times, the script is only responsible for the direction of the story.

How the actors shoot and what lines they say will all depend on Director Wang's own inspiration.

Therefore, he just changed the framework of the story.

But this is so... If you want to change the tracks of the "train track" that has lasted for ten years, it will not happen overnight.

Even if Xiao Xu, an "expert", gave me a reference.


Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life.

His story finally vividly outlined the martial arts dream in his heart...that Gong Er...that past event!

The moment he put down the pen and clicked the words, the tremor from his soul made Xu Haofeng burst into tears in his study.

It is really difficult for people who are not writers to feel the pleasure of having their words and thoughts reach the stage of supreme resonance.

this story……

He really has no regrets.

No matter how the details were controlled, at least the tone of the story...he had no regrets.

After suppressing the excitement and sending the story to Director Wang and Editor Zhou, what was replaced by a feeling of apprehension.

I wanted to ask, but I didn’t dare.

I especially want to ask if you have finished reading your own story.

How did you feel after reading it?

But I am afraid that others will pour cold water on me, deny my story, and "insult" it!

This contradictory mentality kept Xu Haofeng awake almost all night last night.

And when he got on the plane today, he was even hesitant...

What if something unexpected happens?

I really don’t want to compromise…

Because the story I have completed now is the most perfect martial arts world in my mind!

And amid the anxiety along the way, the car finally arrived at the Magic City Film Group.

He walked into the elevator with his bag, and under the guidance of the secretary, he came to the door of a conference room.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

The secretary opened the door and politely invited Xu Haofeng in.


Xu Haofeng took a deep breath and stepped in with a bit of anxiety.

At first glance, he saw Wang Jiawei wearing sunglasses.

Director Wang is here.

Second glance...

His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Zhou Jingzhi is also there.

And his face was full of displeasure...or rather, it was a bit frighteningly cold.

Then he subconsciously looked at the others.

There were not many people in the office. There was Mr. Xue, Xue Haifeng, who was in charge of distribution, whom he knew.

The other two didn't know each other.

Counting myself, there were six people in total.

Three people from the Magic City Film Studio were sitting on the left side of the long conference table, while Zhou Jingzhi and Director Wang were sitting across from them.

Because he was wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see Director Wang's expression.

But Zhou Jingzhi, who had a frighteningly cold face, pointed to the seat next to him and let him sit when he saw her arrival.

Although he was confused, Xu Haofeng still smiled and greeted everyone, and then sat next to Zhou Jingzhi.

No pleasantries were exchanged.

No hello.

After he sat down, he suddenly heard Mr. Xue Haifeng, the person opposite the seat, say:

"Director Wang, we have tried our best. This project has been delayed for so long, and the funds we have advanced to other companies alone have exceeded 60 million. At the same time, an additional 20 million has been added to the original production budget of 100 million. It is a reflection of our sincerity!

If we can't get your guarantee now, let our producers take over the scene to ensure the filming progress! Then we can't continue to cooperate on this project. "


Xu Haofeng was stunned.

What this means is...

But before I had time to think about it, I heard Xue Haifeng continue:

"The only condition we can accept now is a total budget cost of 140 million including the 60 million previously advanced investment. It also requires filming, editing, landing in theaters, and taking over the studio within one year.

Otherwise, this project... we will have to start looking for the next person willing to take over. This is our bottom line! "

? ? ? ? ? ?


what's the situation?

What were you talking about?

Why are you suddenly talking about this?

Xu Haofeng was completely confused.

Why does this sound like the Magic City Film Studio doesn't want to invest anymore?

What did Director Wang say to them?

He was about to ask, but at this moment, Wang Jiawei's voice rang out:

"Then look for it. I believe there will always be someone willing to make this movie."




Under Xu Haofeng's confused look, the three people, including Xue Haifeng, looked at each other...

Xue Haifeng nodded:

"Okay, since Director Wang insists on this... let's leave the meeting as it is today."


? ? ? ?


What happened?

What happened?

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