I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 412 410 The only win due to chance

Chapter 412 410. Win-win by chance


One episode.

This is the result of Xu Xin and Luo Ming's extreme pull.

Just kidding, both sides are also "killing" red eyes.

Xu Xin also just discovered...it turns out that he has a talent for bargaining.

CCTV’s single-point experiment, which finds success in multiple points after the experiment is feasible, is also the best argument for the classic idea of ​​crossing the river by feeling for the stones.

It's tradition.

And being able to make out five million within the tradition and within a budget of fifteen million... at least in his heart he felt that he was quite successful.

After coming out of the CCTV, he glanced at his cell phone that had been silent all morning.

Four missed calls.

One is Xu Haofeng, one is Yang Mi, and the two are Qi Lei.

There are two more messages.

They were all sent by Yang Mi:

"Senior brother is here. When will you finish your work? Will you go home for lunch? We are waiting for you."

Article 2:

"Director Wang personally called me and said good things to me, and then asked me if I could collaborate on "The Grandmaster". I agreed."


Xu Xin raised his eyebrows.

He quickly replied:

"I just finished, I'm going home. Go home and talk."

Then, he dialed Qi Lei's phone number.

The phone call from the factory must be returned as soon as possible, maybe there is something wrong.

"Dudu... Hello, Director Xu."

"Brother Qi."

Xu Xin held the phone and opened the car door:

"Did you call me? I was busy with the documentary at CCTV in the morning, and it's just over here. What's wrong?"


Qi Lei was stunned:

"You want to make a documentary?"

"Yes, CCTV will vigorously support the documentary industry starting this year. I was very interested, so I submitted a plan. Didn't we all sit down and talk about it this morning?"


Although Qi Lei was surprised when he heard Xu Xin's words, he didn't have any other ideas.

Strictly speaking, Xi Film Studio has not made much achievements in the field of documentaries. The documentaries released by the factory are more of a rigid necessity and are used to promote the history and culture of Western film.

Not to mention being realistic...

Documentaries don't fit well with the temperament of Xi Film Studio.

Although they are all things that test artistry...

"So that's it..."

"Brother Qi has something to do with me?"

"Yes... I heard that "The Grandmaster" wants to invite Mimi to star? At what stage is it now? Have you contacted Mimi?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

These words...


How did the factory know about "The Grandmaster"? How did you know that Yang Mi was in contact with "The Grandmaster"?

Moreover, the latter two questions are obviously manifestations that although they know it, they do not fully understand it.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xin asked:

"Brother Qi, where did this news come from?"


Qi Lei didn't hide anything and gave a name.

"Yindu... what is it?"

Xu Xin was a little unfamiliar with this name.

"You don't know?... It's normal not to know. The name Yindu sounds really strange to most people... Let's put it this way, Director Zhang's "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "Painted Skin" which was very popular in the first two years... …Oh yes, including Bingbing’s "New Shaolin Temple", they are all produced by their subsidiaries."

"Yo? So awesome? But why haven't I heard of it... I remember that the investment company of "Painted Skin" is not from Xiangjiang? What is it called... Dinglongda?"

"Yes. Dinglongda is an investment company under Phoenix. And Yindu is a collection of three companies: "Phoenix", "Great Wall" and "Xinlian". They have very old qualifications and are among the earliest film companies in Hong Kong. . It is also the first "overseas" Chinese-language film investment company controlled by the state after the handover."


"Yes, state-owned. But the shares are all in Xiangjiang. The older generation of Xiangjiang directors such as Li Pingqian, Zhu Shilin, Hu Xiaofeng, Huang Yu, and Zhang Xinyan are all owned by their company. Among the middle-aged and young generation, Director Zhang has also worked with them. , also including Xu Ke, Du Qifeng, Zhang Manyu, etc...

Even the copyrights of Mr. Jin's works such as "Flying Snow and Shooting White Deer" are owned by them... Let's put it this way, if you watch Xiangjiang movies on the surface, they are like Golden Harvest and Emperor. But in fact, the size of these companies and Yindu... is still very different. "


Leng Buding heard this "behind-the-scenes knowledge", and Xu Xin was really confused for a while.

"So powerful?...Then how did they find our factory?"

"Everyone is a state-owned factory, and we can't see each other without looking up. They only started to have contact with us last month. We are currently negotiating cooperation. If nothing unexpected happens, our factory's youth talent base training project will start next year. After launch, they are the main partners...

Xiangjiang movies have declined drastically in the past two years, and they are also beginning to move from outside to inland. We are the partners. Didn’t Mr. Tian tell you? You and Mimi are both participating in the youth talent training program that will start next year. "

"...We were asked to participate, but I thought it was our factory's own talent training..."

"You don't take it seriously, do you?"

There was a smile in Qi Lei's voice:

"Haha, it's normal. Let's not say that outsiders can't see clearly our family's family background. Many elderly people don't know it themselves. It's all held by Mr. Tian. Let you both come over. In fact, we can expand our resources together. You are now our The facade of the factory, the more popular you and Mimi are, the better it will be for us. So even if you don’t know what happened in Yindu this time, after the plan is put on the agenda after the year, you will know what you need to know. Sooner or later, sooner or later It doesn’t matter if you know it later.”

After hearing this, Xu Xin finally understood the energy behind the company "Yindu".

But the problem immediately arises:

"Why are you asking about Mi Mi in our factory?"

"You don't know yet, right? Shanghai Film Studio plans to invest in "The Grandmaster"... They are a little impatient. It is said that Wang Jiawei has been polishing the script for ten years, and I don't know why they broke up. And now they have to start again Looking for investors. He took the script and went to Yindu..."


For a moment, Xu Xin was confused again:

"The talks broke down? With Shanghai Film Studio?...What's going on?"

"Mimi and Wang Jiawei have no contact?"

"Yes, my wife has already finished her audition. But I don't know that the talks have fallen apart... But now one of the three screenwriters of "The Grandmaster" is waiting for me to go back for dinner at my house."

"……What the hell?"

Qi Lei was also confused.

Xu Xin briefly talked about the relationship between himself and his wife and Xu Haofeng.

"So that's it..."

Qi Lei thought for a while and said:

"The news I got is this. Wang Jiawei hopes that Yindu will invest in him, and the people in Yindu also attach great importance to this project. And because they want to move to the mainland, this time it is the parent company's direct investment. And... over there People probably asked about the preparation progress of this drama. The male lead is Tony Leung, and I don’t know how many candidates for the female lead there are, but I know Yang Mi is among them."

"Okay, so you found the factory?"

"Yes. In the meeting I just had in the morning, Mr. Tian meant that since we are deepening cooperation, investment in this drama can be considered. But the factory has one requirement. Since investing, we must give priority to our own people. .

I would like to ask you how far Mimi has come into contact with "The Grandmaster". If Mimi wants to act, the factory will fully support it. This heroine is definitely Mimi! And it has to be fast, because Wang Jiawei is not only looking for the Yindu family, he is also in contact with people like Bona.

The investment in his project is not small, and the risk would be too high for any company to invest in it. But the factory has full confidence in Mimi. As long as Mimi opens her mouth, we will definitely support it! "

The strong support from her mother's family instantly warmed Xu Xin's heart.


"Is Shanghai Film Studio definitely going to be sold? How much investment do you plan to make for this movie?"

"The initial cost seems to be 60 to 70 million, and then there will be an additional 150 million or so."

"...More than two hundred million?"

"Yes. Don't worry about money. Yindu is also a big gold and dollar merchant."


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

How could you have the feeling... that the emperor's illegitimate son suddenly became the heir to the crown prince's throne from being ignored?

And just thinking about it...

"Dudu, dudu, dudu..."

Hearing the movement on the phone, Xu Xin glanced at the screen subconsciously.

Caller: Xue Haifeng.


The corner of his mouth twitched.

However, Xue Haifeng probably heard the busy signal on the phone and hung up immediately.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Brother Qi, I'm going home now. Xu Haofeng is waiting at home. The message Yang Mi sent me just now said that Xu Haofeng invited her to become the heroine, and she agreed..."


Qi Lei was stunned again.

My heart said why didn’t you tell me earlier...

"Already agreed?"

"That's what the text message said. I was busy with CCTV in the morning and didn't answer her call... So, you wait until I get home to check the situation... If it doesn't work, you ask Yang Mi?"

"I'm not going to ask, right? Just you and Mimi can control this scene. Our cooperation with Yindu is definitely inevitable, but you have to weigh your interests yourself. The factory is absolutely supportive, but if it's because You people in the factory are feeling aggrieved... Personally, I don’t want to see it. Mimi’s career is still on the rise, so you have to make your own plans.”

Even an 8P central air conditioner cannot be said to be so warm.

Xu Xin couldn't help but be happy:

"Haha, I'm so touched by what you said..."

"You should be moved, shouldn't you? Just remember one thing, our cooperation with Yindu is inescapable. Yindu came to us because, firstly, they value Mimi's box office appeal, and secondly, we start from young talents. Resource exchange began on the project.

Next year, not only Mimi, but you, Bingbing, and everyone else in our factory will also be tilting resources. We will start to gain momentum next year, and we also need talents who can play. There are many resources, but few people. Whoever is pushed out will be pushed out, and one must give priority to his own people. "

"I understand. Then I'll go home first and call you in the afternoon?"

"Okay. Then I'll wait for you."


Qi Lei hung up the phone, Xu Xin sat in the car, lit a cigarette, and was stunned for more than a minute.

After more than a minute, he summed up one sentence for himself:

"Still too young."

At first, he really thought that the young talent training plan mentioned by Mr. Tian was something created to support the talent drainage in the northwest circle.

It belongs to the kind of "youth training" plan that starts from a weak position and gradually expands the business and strengthens one's own.

Who would have thought...

Is there such a thing?

Hong Kong area...?

It is true that Hong Kong is in decline.

But a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

The “legacy” of Eastern Hollywood…

Tsk tsk tsk...

Just as he was sighing, the phone rang again.

When he saw it was Xue Haifeng, he answered the phone directly:

"Hey, Mr. Xue."

"Director Xu...it's so hard for you to hide this from me!"

Xue Haifeng's first words made Xu Xin guess what was going on.

But he still had to keep pretending to be confused.

"...Huh? What? Where did Mr. Xue say this?"

"Haha... Director Xu, we have flooded the Dragon King Temple, and our own people are beating our own people!"

"What do you mean? Why didn't I understand?"

"...Director Xu, is director Wang Jiawei's "The Grandmaster" in contact with Mimi?"

"How did Mr. Xue know?"

"Director Xu, didn't Wang Jiawei tell you that we are the investors in this film?"

"Uh... ah? Is it the Shanghai Film Studio? No, I haven't heard of it. My wife just went to have a test..."

"This... ugh!"

Xue Haifeng seemed really speechless.

After hearing Xu Xin's explanation, he sighed:

"What kind of thing is this? If I had told you it was Mimi, this matter wouldn't have happened now."

"What happened? What happened to "The Grandmaster"?"

Xu Xin continued to pretend to be confused.

Fortunately, Xue Haifeng didn't think too much about it.

He really thought Xu Xin didn't know.

So he said:

"We have been preparing to package and sell this drama in the past few days...we are preparing to divest the investment."

"Withdraw funds?...Why? Isn't the script pretty good?"

"Director Xu, did you read it?"

"Yes, a great story."

"The story is good...if Director Xu were to direct, we would definitely be confident..."

"Haha, don't. Why should I get involved in director Wang's play?"

Although she knew he was talking favorably about her, Xu Xin still showed her attitude.

He didn't intend to get involved in this drama.

That would look dishonorable.

Xue Haifeng was also polite. After hearing his words, he said:

"We originally planned to divest. Although the story is a good story... we also took over this story from other investment companies. After buying it in 2007, we originally planned to start filming in 2008, but due to script issues, it has been delayed. Come this year.”

"Director Wang is slow in filming, that's normal."

"It's normal, but hasn't the script been finished now? We have been holding down tens of millions of funds for several years. To put it bluntly, Director Xu, you just came to the Bund to buy a house with these 60 to 70 million. These two The value will increase a lot every year, right? So people in the factory have strong opinions on this investment."

"Well, what then?"

"Then Director Wang said that the script has been completed and is planned to be filmed next year... We must be asking for a speedup. You can't shoot a movie for another three to five years, right? Our request is to finish it within one year and it must be released in 11 years. .

But Director Wang disagreed. Moreover, the amount of additional investment he requested was too large. On top of the 60 to 70 million already spent, more than 100 million would be added. Then when applying for the project, he didn't tell us that he was looking for Mimi as the heroine, but instead recommended Zhang Ziyi.

Zhang Ziyi's recent affairs... have been quite violent. After comprehensive consideration, the factory decided to abandon the project... But who would have thought that he would actually hide it! If I had said it was Mimi, then let’s just sit down and have a good chat! How do Zhang Ziyi and Mimi compare! ? "

Xue Haifeng's words sounded quite emotional.

It's that "how could this person do this" tone.

But in fact, it’s all said in a flattering way.

Xu Xin naturally understood.

Don't mention anything else, just this last sentence...

If nothing happened to Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi's achievements would be incomparable.

So...whether this was what Shanghai Film Studio meant, or whether...Xue Haifeng added it himself, Xu Xin couldn't say clearly.

But he understood the meaning clearly.

Obviously, whether it is because of Yang Mi, who is now the youngest Golden Rooster Best Actress, or the second youngest Mainland Golden Rooster Best Actress after Li Xiaolu, or the possibility of Xu Xin and Shanghai Film Studio deepening their cooperation in the future...

Xue Haifeng...or what Shanghai Film Studio means:

"Originally, we were going to sell "The Grandmaster", but because of Director Xu and Mimi's reputation, we still have talks about it later!"

Just this morning...

After New Year's Day, it was the morning when work resumed.

Everything suddenly came together.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin said:

"Yang Mi did participate in the audition for "The Grandmaster", but Director Wang did consider Zhang Ziyi at the beginning..."

"Director Xu, don't worry! As long as Mimi wants to play this role, then this role is hers!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Although these words are exactly the same as what Qi Lei said.

But the meaning is completely different.

Shanghai Film Studio...why are you so attentive all of a sudden?

This is a bit too diligent.

what's the situation?

After thinking for a while, he said:


"Hahaha, you should be a friend... By the way, Director Xu, let me ask. Director Xu's cousin has been very close to Wen Zhang recently. Do we have any projects?"


Xu Xin's eyes moved.

"No, maybe it's just a simple relationship. Xu Zhi also met when we played golf last time..."

"That's it... Then when will Director Xu come to Magic City this time? Call him and let's have a meal together."

"This time we will go on the 8th and 9th."

"Haha, that's okay. Then I'll meet Director Xu and let's talk slowly? How about that?"

"Okay. See you then."

"Well. Let me just say this first, if Mimi wants to act in "The Grandmaster", we will have a good talk about it then...Wang Jiawei did this unkindly, why should Zhang Ziyi be used, right?"


You haha, I haha.

After laughing for a while, the phone hung up.

Xu Xin's brows really wrinkled this time.

It is normal for Xiying Studio and Yindu to be so attentive to their wives.

My own people.

Everyone goes hand in hand and deepens cooperation together.

But Shanghai Film Studio's attentiveness was a bit too much.

It can even be said that...it's a bit flattering.

After thinking about it, he finally started the car, drove out of the CCTV parking lot, and dialed Xu Zhi's phone number.

"Hey, what's up?"

Xu Zhi sounded a little noisy over there.

Xu Xin ignored it and just asked:

"What contact have you had with people from Shanghai Film Studio recently?"

"Yes, we just had dinner together yesterday."

"Who are you eating with? Xue Haifeng?"

"No, yesterday it was me, Sister Mo, Wen Zhang, Xu Yang, and Director Chen who was next to Director Xue when we played golf last time."

"What did you eat together?"

"A play called "Snow Leopard". Wen Zhang gave me the script. It looked good. Sister Mo looked at it and said that we would have dinner together and talk about the play. Oh, you haven't seen it. Then Director Chen saw Mo Sister, your eyes are straight..."

"What do you mean? Do you like Sister Mo?"

"No, he knows Sister Mo...that's called a diligent person..."

"...Do you know Sister Mo?"

"Yes. But Sister Mo doesn't know him..."


As soon as Xu Zhi said these words, it was equivalent to solving the case for Xu Xin.

No wonder this attitude changed so quickly.

It has nothing to do with whether he is one of his own people or not, it is purely because of Sister Mo.

Those who could go to the golf manor that day were the same people from Xue Haifeng's group.

Since Director Chen, whom he had no impression of, could recognize Sister Mo, it was equivalent to Xue Haifeng knowing about Sister Mo. There is basically no need to check the share composition of Headwind Entertainment. It is just a small relationship between myself and Xu Zhifa. Anyone with a brain can figure out the connection.


Thinking of this, he shook his head:

"Okay, I get it."

"You want to ask about "Snow Leopard"?"

"Why did I ask that... Okay, that's it for now. I'm still busy with some things here. Let's meet up when I go to the Magic City in a few days."

The phone was hung up, and Xu Xin was thinking about the contents of these phone calls while walking home.

The investment in "The Grandmaster" doesn't matter whether Shanghai Film Studio will withdraw its life. After understanding it on the phone with Xue Haifeng, he felt that... even if his wife joins, Shanghai Film Studio will not take that risk.

200 million investment.

To be honest, it's a bit big.

The main reason why Shanghai Film Studio decided to sell is because this investment has already begun to lose money in terms of return on investment. And if you invest more than 100 million at this time, you will only lose more.

If they follow this line of thinking, then even if they no longer choose to sell, there is only one way to go.

Find someone to invest with and share the risk.

And the investment in this drama...

Xu Xin's intuition told him that he might not make money.

Shanghai Film Studio’s idea is actually right.

There's nothing wrong with that example.

The appreciation value of buying a house for 50 million is higher than that of this movie, which took God knows how long to make.

And now this bank has come out to contact Xiying Film Studio.

It shows that at least their investment in this movie is heart-warming.

It's even possible that their purpose is more than just money.

Because this project... anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it may not be profitable in the domestic market.

Although Wang Jiawei's overseas box office appeal is not bad.

But investing one to two billion to bet on an illusory overseas market is actually a very stupid approach.

But Yindu was still moved, and was interested in contacting Xiying Studio.

What's going on here is actually very interesting.

what is this? Knowing that Yang Mi was participating in the show, how much money did you spend on horse bones?

The difference between state-owned film studios and private investment companies is that whether movies make money is definitely not their only measure of value.

The metrics for state-owned factories are more complex.

Such as guidance.

For example, the layout and promotion of the industrial chain.

Money supremacy can be the eternal goal of the private sector.

But whoever dares to shout this slogan in a state-owned factory would be tantamount to abandoning the original path.

Therefore, even if it is Shanghai Film Studio, it must have an existence like Honglin Investment Company to take this path.

And if Shanghai Film Studio needs someone to share the pressure.

Yindu intervened.

The factory will definitely follow up.

Three "invisible" behemoths gather in this film...

This matter reveals a somewhat interesting meaning.

Big brother with three names prefixed with country is here.

Other private companies are basically on the sidelines.

It is impossible for other companies to survive in bits and pieces.

Even if you just invest 10 to 20 million, or even 30 to 50 million just to have a name, it is basically impossible.

Because this will send a signal to the outside world that this private investment company has the strength not to be squeezed out by these three companies.

To put it bluntly, the three families would not cook this pot of food for others in vain.

Because your private investment company can be on an equal footing with three state-owned factories, the energy you represent behind it is a bit incredible.

Therefore, if these three companies really invest, the names that appear in the issuer's investor column can only be those companies that have previously paid for this script in name only, or even went bankrupt and disappeared.

After all, the "dead man" was given many honors, and it was just a posthumous title.

Not very powerful.



Under this premise, can Shuangwei or Niefeng get involved?

Is the profit point big?

This is what Xu Xin is thinking about.

At this point, there is no need to consider what kind of artistry "The Grandmaster" will bring to the actors and the film itself, based on the established facts that have already happened.

Once the film is made, everything will be revealed naturally.

He was thinking about matters on another level.

For some movie fans or fans. This might just be an average movie.

At most it can be regarded as the work of a famous director.

But now from the perspective of the industry, a film involves Shanghai Film Studio, West Film Studio, and Yindu, a dragon from Xiangjiang...

The investment companies that can give face to these three companies represent something completely different.

My wife has always wanted to be a prostitute.

Establish prestige and status in the circle.

In other words... all those who have the potential of being a top star, from Zhang Ziyi to Liang Binning, all they want to do is to improve their status in the industry.

Everyone's path is different, but the goal is the same.

Improve your status, enter the superstructure of the pyramid, and become the one who moves the wind and rain on the top of the tower.

Zhang Ziyi wanted to take the path of setting industry standards, but ended up offending people... BAD END.

Sister Bingbing was stimulated by someone else's words "I will be a maid for the rest of my life", so she chose to run away and become an independent boss. I hope to run the company into a giant and have to make ends meet... although it is not clear whether it is a HAPPY END.

But she was very tired and difficult to walk.

But what about my wife...

Right now...seems like a perfect opportunity.

Effortless opportunity.

Xiying Film Studio strongly supported it, and the three major state-owned studios allowed it.

Whether it is Shuangwei or Nifeng, he can move between the "three imperial families" with ease... No matter what outsiders think, whether it is checks and balances or mediation.

This display of strength...is real.

Most people can't even get through the "door".

Let me ask, the three state-owned factories all have to give "me" this face.

If you don't even want to shout a word of Gad Dharma music to me, that would be a bit too much.

When I reached out to you, you seemed to have no other choice but to bend down and kiss the back of my hand, accepting the kindness I released.

And looking at it this way...

This is no different than someone who was born out of a certain circle and relies on the prestige of the circle to become a master...

More domineering?

If it can be done, what will this wave be called?

This wave... is called a single win.

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