I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 413 411 A blessing in disguise

Chapter 413 411. A blessing in disguise

"Why did you come back! It's so slow!"

When Xu Xin arrived home, Yang Mi muttered.

Obviously, the distance from the north annex building of CCTV's new temporary headquarters to Shijia Hutong takes less than an hour's drive.

But Xu Xin didn't explain.

Instead, he looked around and asked in confusion:

"Where's Lao Xu?"

"Let's go. I waited and waited until you didn't come back. He had to take a plane to Xiangjiang to meet Director Wang. Anyway, everything was settled. I said I would treat you to a drink when I come back next time, and then I left. How did you talk about your affairs? Sample?"

"It's okay. In the next few days, we will start bidding for external teams and form a crew to do preliminary preparations... Have you eaten?"

"Already eaten. You left all your food in the kitchen."

Xu Xin made these calls, which indeed delayed his return.

After walking into the kitchen, I saw even cold and hot food on the table.

Obviously, the father-in-law also thought that Lao Xu would eat here, so he cooked a sumptuous meal specially.

But it’s okay and it’s not a waste.

He moved a small mat and sat in front of the low table, and Yang Mi helped him pick up all the plates that were upside down to keep warm.

Xu Xin served himself rice and then asked:

"What did you talk about with Wang Jiawei?"

"We just talked about the character. He was very polite... Did you know that Shanghai Film Studio is about to withdraw its investment?"

She didn't choose to talk much about movies.

Once the role is decided, it’s decided.

When will filming start and when will the show start?

nothing to say.

At this moment, all she could think about was gossiping with her husband.


"I know. Shanghai Film Studio is going to divest its capital, and he is looking for other investment companies. He found Yindu, and Yindu found our factory. And now... I heard that Shanghai Film Studio may not withdraw its capital. This matter is very important. Maybe in the end it will be a three-thirds of the world. We will also join in when the time comes...but this matter must be discussed with the factory first."


The series of words instantly stunned this sister.

"What...what? What did you say?"

She blinked blankly:

"What does Yindu... our factory... mean?"

"That's right, Brother Qi called me just now..."

After describing the contents of the phone call with Qi Lei and Xue Haifeng, as well as her plans, Yang Mi's eyes lit up:

"Liu Ka!?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"This is the biggest benefit of this matter. You only need to act, I will take care of the other things."

The moment she heard this, Yang Mi, who was already excited, began to think rapidly.

While Xu Xin was chewing on a chicken drumstick, she asked:

"Then does this news need to be released?"

"It must be released. But the version needs to be modified."

He was not surprised that his wife could realize the pros and cons.

Her brain is no worse than mine.

Sure enough, after getting a definite answer from him, Yang Mi poured out her subsequent thoughts like pouring beans through a bamboo tube:

"Everyone in the circle knows that Shanghai Film Studio is going to give up "The Grandmaster", and then we act as the middleman to connect Shanghai Film Studio, our studio, and Yindu company... Like Aunt Zhao in Does it play such a role in the club?”


Scooping himself a bowl of pork rib soup, Xu Xin responded again as he smelled the sweet smell of corn and pork ribs:

"Even... if you want to do something even more extreme, you can also try to get Zhang Ziyi under your control. For example, if something happens to her and the employer withdraws its capital, you will quickly rescue her, and at the same time, you will also bring in Xiying Film Studio, Yindu, etc.

Then...as long as you contribute enough wonderful acting skills in the movie, then the movie will be recognized by fans from the turmoil before filming to after filming...Whether it is Wang Jiawei or Tony Leung Chaowei...it will only become your second palace credit. stepping stone on.

The only person who succeeds in this play is you.

Because your behavior is consistent throughout, without you, this drama will definitely not be successful. This drama can only be successful because of you. And this kind of success lies in the fact that you have contributed excellent acting skills, and its artistry has been recognized by the public.

The only thing I have to worry about is the box office...

However, the quality of the box office actually has little to do with what you gain. On the premise that this movie is not a bad movie, externally, you have gained recognition from movie fans. And internally, the knowledgeable people in the circle will naturally know how much energy you have to suppress this turmoil by bringing all three of them into one movie.

To put it in a bit of exaggeration... maybe after this movie, your status in the industry is no longer just that of a four-star actress or a popular little girl.

Your coffee number must start with the word "大", followed by the title "Master"... Of course, all this assumes that Wang Jiawei didn't mess up the show.

So... a top-notch production team is a must. Maybe I have to throw myself into it too. Everything is just for your success. "


Her husband's words left Yang Mi speechless.

She was silent because she didn't know how to react to the blueprint that her husband suddenly planned.

But her blood had completely heated up.

Suddenly, the world became a little unreal.

It was so unreal that she couldn't help but ask:

"Can you do it?... Just with this movie?"

"Of course you can't do it with a movie. Your status in the hearts of the audience is accumulated step by step. But for people in the industry, there is an actor who can integrate Shanghai Film Studio and Xiying Film Studio under certain specific conditions. Factory, and the cross river dragon Yindu that will suddenly come in next year... Just look for this energy.

In the entire industry, who can cross the circle like this... Just look for it. Cheng Long, Jet Li, who else? Besides you, find a third one for me to try. Cheng Long and Jet Li became famous in Hollywood. They were transformed into internal power through external fans, coupled with the support of their respective companies and the accumulation of one good film after another.

The path you take is the same as theirs. It's just that we don't have to go to foreign countries and be looked down upon. There is no need to pursue influence too much... The Beijing Circle is closed to you, but when you can unite three companies, this door is almost open.

Although it’s not about who wants to act in what drama, it’s so exaggerated that you have to nod. But this movie was successfully filmed without any conflicts between investors, and...it doesn’t need a high box office, it just needs to be a good movie...from now on you will be in our circle, It can almost be said that it went sideways. "

"Like Aunt Zhao!?"


Xu Xin nodded and spat out a clean rib:

"Just like Aunt Zhao."


Yang Mi was silent again.

But the cheeks were already red and connected.

Eyes full of confusion.

She murmured:

"Why does it sound... so unreal? Is it too easy?"

"Is it easy?"

Xu Xin smiled:

"Do you think it's easy to make Shanghai Film Studio bow its head? If they hadn't discovered the relationship between Sister Mo and Uncle Liu, do you think people really care about the artistic achievements brought by a movie? They would pay even though they knew they were owed?

We, the people in the factory, didn't fix the TV station first and then smashed "The Wind". By the way, we used "The Voice" to form an interest alliance with Shaanxi and Taiwan. Mr. Tian has given these tens of millions of investments, and other people really have no objections?

On the Yindu side, if the Hong Kong circle hadn't declined and the Beijing circle was facing transformation, would they really have reached a cooperation with our factory and returned to the mainland market? …What’s more, if you hadn’t worked hard this year, if Zhang Ziyi hadn’t suddenly attempted suicide, if Aunt Zhao hadn’t directly attacked…”

Speaking of this, he shook his head:

"Is there anything easy or coincidental in this world? Aren't they all caused by fate after accumulating enough things in the early stage... A strong wind blows, and some leaves may be carried forward and fly forward for a while. Fell into a deep pool.

But some birds can fly up to 90,000 miles with the help of this wind. It’s nothing more than seizing the opportunity. When the opportunity comes, let’s not miss it. Whether it's a coincidence or fate. If you want to win, win bigger, what do you think? "


Yang Mi said nothing.

I just squatted on the pony, silently digesting all my husband's words in my mind.


Her eyes grew brighter and brighter.

Getting brighter and brighter.

Like the sun in the sky.

When Xu Xin was full of wine and food, she finally spoke:

"Now what?"

"Just prepare for the role of Gong Er."

Xu Xin, who was clearing away the dishes, said casually:

"Leave the rest to me."


The protectiveness shown in her plain words made her subconsciously look at the back of the busy figure standing in front of the sink.

She carefully tasted the domineering power under those words...


Suddenly, Xu Xin, who was washing the dishes, was hugged by a pair of hands around his waist.

"...Don't make trouble, I'm doing the dishes."

"No trouble...I love you!"

Greedily absorbing the scent of her lover, she said intoxicatedly.

Xu Xin smiled:

"Well, I love you too."

"Husband and wife work together!"

"...More than three hundred pounds?"


It's over.

The whole section collapsed.

But that's okay.

She took another deep breath.

An indescribable sense of security completely enveloped her.

Xu Xin couldn't remember where he read a passage.

It seems to be said by some mysterious foreign research team, which roughly means "there will be seven turning points in a person's life, and just catching one will completely change the trajectory of life."

He forgot where he looked.

But he felt that what happened this time corresponded to this sentence.

It may be said that it was done unintentionally, or it may be said that it was done intentionally.

At least he feels that this time is a very good opportunity.

There is an old saying in China that good things are not famous but bad things spread thousands of miles.

The news that Shanghai Film Studio planned to end its cooperation with Wang Jiawei's "The Grandmaster" obviously spread much faster than he expected.

Wang Jiawei is not the kind of director who has little ability.

Many people even think that he is an over-mythified director.

Because from a literary and artistic perspective, the films he makes are not friendly to ordinary people.

Obscure. Or to put it more exaggeratedly, it’s smelly and long.

As for investors, his movies have tricked investors to the point of bankruptcy, and tricked investors to the point of being hospitalized. In fact, throughout his film and television career, it can be said that he has not had a single hit movie.

But why is he still so popular that even the old man is three points weaker than him in terms of overseas influence?

In the final analysis, it is the recognition of film art. Secondly, it’s how he makes money.

He was losing money making movies.

Because the elements he is good at are basically impossible to sell well in the commercial film market.

But when it comes to the DVD rental and buying and selling markets in China and even around the world, there are really not many people who can compete with his works...

Or to put it more intuitively.

As far as the disc market is concerned, every one of his works is phenomenal.

And why would investment companies look for him to make movies? In fact, it is nothing more than two points.

First, his movies can decorate the lintel of his company.

An investment company that has won many awards is itself attractive to some talented directors. And Wang Jiawei is exactly the kind of director who has the ability to help you win awards.

Secondly, his movies are hard currency in the DVD market. On the basis of inheriting the first point, his works can continuously replenish the film source library of investment companies. Although there will be some losses when they are released, every subsequent film will basically make money.

There are even some market hits among them. For example, after its release in 2007, "Blueberry Nights" only received 13 million box office in the mainland and 860,000 US dollars in North America. However, it took nearly 18 million in Europe.

Wang Jiawei has no shortage of investors, it just depends on how much money he needs.

If you need less, whoever picks it up will earn it.

Sometimes even if you have money, he may not like you. Instead, he needs investors who can have a certain influence on his basic market in Europe and even the world.

And when a lot of money is needed, even the investors who share the pressure and risks must have some strength every time they pull it out.

Otherwise, sending money is not necessarily necessary.

But the script of "The Grandmaster" also has its unique characteristics.

What he made this time was not a literary film, but a commercial film of his own style.

"The Grandmaster" follows this path.

Overseas markets are not what Wang Jiawei values. Therefore, the investors he wants to find this time are mainly powerful domestic companies.

From Bona to Yanjing Emperor, etc., they are all within the scope of his consideration.

And when he released the news, all the powerful investors gathered together like sharks smelling blood.

Soon, the news spread throughout the entire circle.

Why Shanghai Film Studio gave up? No one cares about this reason.

Everyone just wants to know who Director Wang will choose and what the story is.

Word spread quickly.

In just two days, investment companies of all sizes in the entire circle knew about "The Grandmaster".

Even the media got wind of it.

However, Wang Jiawei kept a tight lid on it, so the media only knew that the copyright of this film was still in the hands of Shanghai Film Studio, but they really didn't know much about the specifics.

As for Xu Xin, the 8th is the first month meeting of the World Expo.

The World Expo is only a few months away, and today's regular meetings are also a top priority.

On the 7th, he was ready to go.

After Qi Lei learned about the movements of "The Grandmaster" in the past two days, his first reaction was that Wang Jiawei saved him the effort of "publicity".

The second reaction was a bit thankful.

Fortunately, the copyright is still in the hands of Shanghai Film Studio.

As long as the copyright is in hand, there will be a lot of noise outside, and the ultimate question of whether or not to stay will still focus on Shanghai Film Studio.

Not urgent.

After walking out of Xianyang Airport, he got into the car driven by Qi Lei who came to pick him up in person. The first thing he said when he got in the car was:

"Brother Qi, what is Yindu's attitude toward the investment in "The Grandmaster"?"

"That's not clear."

Qi Lei shook his head:

"This matter itself is because of Mimi, we got involved. Now it's not about our attitude, but it depends on how much the Shanghai Film Studio plans to sell..."

"What if they don't know how to sell it?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Qi Lei was stunned...

"What's wrong? What changes happened in the meantime?"

"Remember that afternoon on the 5th, I called you to ask about things at Shanghai Film Studio, right?"


"Their attitude has become ambiguous now. But it's not because of Wang Jiawei, but because of... some other reasons. I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out the details."

"Then you come here this time..."

"Let's discuss it with Mr. Tian and see how this is done. I want to promote a joint investment between Shanghai Film Studio, our factory, and Yindu. By the way, Yang Mi and I's company will be involved."

Qi Lei is one of his own.

There is nothing that cannot be said.

The moment he heard his words, Qi Lei reacted:

"Showing muscles?...You want to come out in the open?"

"It's not me, I pushed Yang Mi to the bright side. This is an opportunity. My relationship with Shanghai Film Studio is okay, and now in "The Grandmaster", I have a way to maximize the interests of all parties by including Yang Mi. . No, I’ll come back specially and discuss it with Mr. Tian. If it works, as long as the film is not too explosive, everyone will be a winner from the preparation stage of filming."

When it comes to smell, Qi Lei is certainly not bad.

With Xu Xin's words, he had already smoothed out the whole story by following Xu Xin's train of thought.


"Yes! This is a win-win situation! If Yindu bans the mainland market, it will definitely not be able to rely on artists from Xiangjiang alone. The reason why it joined forces with us is actually because some companies in the Beijing circle are intertwined, and now mainland and Xiangjiang artists If their status is reversed, they worry that they will lose the initiative.

Shanghai Film Studio wanted to find someone to share the risk. Both our factory and the bank are under warranty at the same time. As long as the quality of the film is not bad, we would rather suffer a small loss as they can make up for it through the huge DVD market in the future. What they want is to stop losses in time or even turn losses into profits.

Our factory can use this film to join forces with Yindu... But there is one most important condition that must be met..."

"The quality of the film, right?"

Seeing that he had understood what he meant, Xu Xin asked.

Qi Lei responded:

"Well. This film... must make everyone have confidence in it. We can't let him do whatever he wants!"

"The type of it is here. It is not a purely literary film, and perhaps the story cannot be compared with that kind of mature commercial film at first glance. But with his appeal and foundation, it is absolutely unmistakable. And... this I have read the story of the film in detail, and Yang Mi’s interpretation can be said to be the ultimate in my opinion! It will not be bad when it is shot. This is the guarantee I can give. Besides..."

Looking at the speeding scenery outside the window, Xu Xin shook his head:

"Director Wang's directing quality is on display here, and if it really works this time, then three film studios with national prefixes are here to press, and the type of the film's script is semi-artistic and semi-commercial. As long as he can be given If you have a comfortable degree of freedom, then the things you shoot without departing from the framework of the script will definitely be good.”

As a director, he said this, and Qi Lei instantly felt at ease.

As far as the directing industry is concerned, no one can regard Xu Xin as an ordinary young director.

This is true both inside and outside the industry.

The reputation and box office both inside and outside the industry have been used to support his status as a top director.

Even if he only has two works.

But it's enough.

And even he said so, which proves that this matter is reliable.


"If Mr. Tian agrees, or if Shanghai Film Studio, us, and Yindu can really do what you said, it would definitely be the most suitable if you and Mimi can step in as intermediaries to play a buffering role. We won't Having said that, I think the other two companies won’t have any objections. But Wang Jiawei’s side must also have corresponding restrictions.”

"A team of producers and supervisors is a must. The guarantee is that one is produced per family, right?"

Qi Lei became happy as soon as he said these words.

"How about we just get a co-director."

"Ha, don't."

Knowing that he understood what he meant, Xu Xin shook his head:

"It won't be that bad. My understanding that the film must be a good story is based on Yang Mi's interpretation of the character and the content evaluation of the script. For me, it is difficult for this film to be a big hit. It’s a little bit difficult to protect the capital. But the loss is definitely within the tolerance range. Of course, I’m referring to the box office. It shouldn’t be difficult to recover the capital in the future..."

"But we won more things. Sometimes money doesn't mean everything. We are not a private company~"


Seeing that he completely understood what he meant, Xu Xin felt relieved.

Qi Lei understands and agrees.

Then it should not be difficult for Mr. Tian.

And if there are no difficulties in the factory, then it will be easier to communicate with Yindu.

As for Shanghai Film Studio...

It shouldn't be a problem.

After all, they were the ones who took over this "mess" in the first place.

I am definitely losing a lot of money now. The housing prices in Magic City have risen so sharply that even if they withdraw their money, it will be difficult to make up for the value.

Nowadays, there is another way to find joy in suffering.

How to make a choice...should not be difficult.

Looking out the window, Xu Xin leaned on the passenger seat and let out a long sigh of relief.

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.


There was nothing wrong with my persistence at the beginning.

On the contrary, it is a bit of a blessing in disguise.

In fact, The Grandmaster itself has three extended plots. The first one is the interaction with Xu Haofeng, which leads to clues to another work in the next stage. The second point is a face-to-face communication between Wang Jiawei and Xu Xin, and the clues to changing the length of the film "The Grandmaster". At the same time, the third point is the Shanghai Film Studio's reaction to Yang and Xu and their subsequent cooperation after knowing the "truth" of the whole matter. .

I didn't plan to end "The Grandmaster" today

Because essentially, as I said before, the "Director" stage will come to an end in 2009, and 2010 will be the beginning of "Better Than Worse". And this movie is a story that changes from "the protagonist knows that he is awesome" to "insiders know that the protagonist is awesome".

It was never a simple story where Xu Xin had to kneel down and lick her, or Yang Mi had to have a warm face against a cold ass.

Including the lines of Tang people interspersed during this period are also foreshadowing for "Palace" and "Bu".

But it's just like Liu Yifei's line. The more I try to portray it realistically, the more fierce the scolding people become, so that I don't dare to extend the subsequent plot at all.

So I just told everything.

With the help of Xu Xin's dialogue with Yang Mi and Qi Lei, it was explained clearly why the entire copy of "The Grandmaster" was designed in this way.

I am not a fan of Wang Jiawei, nor am I a licking dog. I am a plot-reasonable person.

I already touched on the topic in the chapter "A dog that bites doesn't bark."

I just want to use a reasonable plot to show the protagonist's power and status.

Telling others that I am awesome is different from knowing that I am awesome.

It's my fault that I didn't handle it well, I'm sorry.

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