I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 418 416 Come out for a duel!

Chapter 418 416. Come out for a duel!

Jay Chou's lunar calendar birthday is on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, and his solar calendar birthday is on January 18th.

Usually, he spends his birthday with friends on the solar calendar, and spends his birthday with his family at home on the lunar calendar.

It’s quite cold in Yanjing this year.

And the snow is not light.

The two of them had already discussed that after finishing some trivial matters in January, the whole family would go to Wanwan to stay for a while.

Celebrate Wheel’s birthday and take a vacation.

Stay until early February and then come back.

After I came back in early February, I prepared all the gifts that I should prepare every year. I gave them all in a circle, and then I went back to Shenmu to celebrate the New Year.

She is Shenmu's wife. Since she is married, she will definitely have to go back to Shenmu to spend the Chinese New Year.

In fact, it is quite uncomfortable for an only child girl during the Chinese New Year.

If you marry a man, you won't be able to stay with your parents during the Chinese New Year.

Even Yang Mi felt quite uncomfortable when she thought about her parents standing alone at the table on New Year's Eve.

Xu Xin also invited his father-in-law and mother-in-law to return to Shenmu for the New Year. Because... it is impossible for him to celebrate the New Year in Yanjing. If you have both parents, that's actually fine. But because his mother passed away early, he would offer incense to his mother every Chinese New Year, and he could not stop it every year.

In this boundary between life and death, the New Year seems particularly difficult to choose.

But Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling were quite open-minded.

Especially Yang Chunling.

She has also been here since she was a girl and can understand her daughter's emotions.

She first refused her son-in-law's invitation, but in response to her daughter's sadness, she chose to persuade him.

Things like "I was a little bit uncomfortable in the first and second years, but I gradually got used to it." or "You have grown up and become a mother. During the New Year, you must first guard your own little family." , enlightening my daughter’s heart little by little.

It's not that they can't go to the sacred tree.

It’s just tradition to stay at home during the New Year.

Besides, the flavor of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker now, and celebrating the New Year is no different from a holiday.

Not even a firecracker could be heard.

I usually take care of my two children and two grandchildren every day, but I take a break during the Chinese New Year.

Not to mention anything else, how long has it been since Yang Dalin returned to the old home, playing chess with a few old neighbors and old ladies at the door?

He also looks forward to leisure.

Therefore, going on a "vacation" in Wanwan is like celebrating the New Year in advance for the family.

Yang Mi bought a house in Tamsui.

It's not far from Jay Chou's hometown.

The reason why I bought it in Tamsui is because my parents like the scenery there.

When they watched "The Secret" filmed by their son-in-law, they liked the kind of place near the sea, with windmills and wheat fields. An international city like Taipei...for the two authentic old Yanjings, it is just equivalent to the street in Wangfujing.

Eat in Taipei and have fun in Taipei.

But as for the beautiful scenery, Taipei really has nothing to do with it.

So, the family invested in a small independent house there, and the decoration style followed the Japanese style there.

After learning that the son-in-law had taken care of all the trivial matters, the family set off with their entire family.

Arrive in Taipei on January 14th.

Then the first thing I did was to go to the Straits Exchange Foundation in Taipei and renew my driver’s license.

If you are just traveling, mainlanders have to retake their driver's license there. But customers like Yang Mi who have purchased real estate in Wanwan can directly change their driver's license with their residence permit.

A Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, a MINICOOPER, and a G125 scooter from the local brand "Guangyang".

There are also two helmets by the way.

One is a commemorative Le Mans helmet, a gift from Jay Chou, costing more than NT$70,000.

The other one is a genuine HELLO KITTY cartoon helmet.

Yang Mi chose it herself.

Xu Xin's face turned red when he saw the two helmets hanging on the scooter.

Frankly speaking, it’s really cute for my wife to have Kitty with me.

But... let me wear such a professional carbon fiber helmet and only ride pedals? Or a single-cylinder, 150-displacement scooter?

Which bastard came up with the idea...

You can get me a retro motorcycle. If I wear such a big helmet and ride on small pedals, wouldn’t it make me turn heads?

So, facing the bad taste from his wife and friends, Xu Xin refused without hesitation and insisted on being an environmentalist, pushing a stroller:

"Let's go for a walk on the beach."

"I don't! I want to wear Hello Kitty!"

Wearing a cute cat helmet on her head and stepping on the small pedals, Yang Mi resisted.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and turned to look at his father-in-law and mother-in-law:

"Then the three of us go for a walk?"

Yang Dalin nodded, put on a single-sport hoodie, and pointed at his daughter:

"Go and buy me that oyster omelette that I said was delicious."

Tamsui Old Street here is quite famous.

Lots of delicious food.


Tu tu tu tu~

Yang Mi rode her beloved scooter, agreed to meet at the customs dock, and left directly.

In fact, celebrities should basically stay away from motorcycles because they are too dangerous and may leave scars on their bodies if something goes wrong. This is something that is expressly prohibited by major brokerage companies.

But who makes her the boss?

And just be careful when riding and obey the traffic rules.

The curved motorcycle is actually no different from domestic electric vehicles.

Especially the morning and evening peak hours in Taipei... My goodness, people who don't know think this is Mumbai or New Delhi.

Because there are so many motorcycles, cars also know how to avoid them during daily driving.

Nothing happened.

"The buildings here... feel really like those in Japan."

Yang Dalin looked at the streets and architectural styles around him and said.

Pushing the two little guys lying in the stroller, Xu Xin nodded:

"The Qing Dynasty once separated itself from Japan, so the architecture here was deeply influenced by that. Including the izakayas at night, many of them sell sake. Let's go try it tonight?"

When Yang Dalin mentioned this, he no longer felt sleepy:


"Let's also buy some specialties. The mullet roe we ate last time was quite delicious..."

Mullet roe?

Xu Xin thought for a while, took out his phone, and silently wrote down this delicious dish on his notepad.

"Bite of the Tongue" is currently recruiting for a shooting team, but this project is not only lacking a shooting team, but also a consultant and material shooting direction.

At that time, everyone will definitely sit down and discuss how to produce materials that meet the content in the plan. But as a director, he definitely has to prepare some things in advance.

If you want to talk about Shaanxi delicacies and Shenmu delicacies, he can tell you a lot without thinking.

Including how to cook and eat.

But the problem is that China is so vast and rich in resources, and there are so many foods that he has never eaten or even heard of.

If you want to find these, in addition to books and personal inspiration, there are also some daily accumulations.

This mullet roe was bought by Yang Mi from Wanwan.

He ate it too.

The method is actually very simple. First pour wine, light it, and soak it. Then use a blowtorch to spray the surface to produce the Maillard reaction.

Suitable for drinking, tastes very good.

The three of them walked to the beach while chatting.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the pier, and the golden and red color formed by the reflection of the sea water looks particularly beautiful.

Yang Dalin stood in front of the pier and looked into the distance.

Said in a low voice:

"You have to go home early..."

The lifelong veteran police officer expressed the common sentiments of countless people.

Xu Xin nodded:


The family had dinner on the pier.

Yang Mi not only bought oyster omelette, but also grandma's iron eggs, takoyaki and so on.

Placed on a bench by the pier, a family of six, except for the two little ones lying in the stroller, stared at their mother and drooled. The two children, the two children, had a really pleasant meal.

The average temperature in Benwan in January is 18 to 24 degrees.

Quite pleasant, neither cold nor hot.

Enjoying the sea breeze and eating delicious snacks, there are also some seabirds "eyeing eagerly" next to you.

The fresh taste of a foreign land, amidst the beautiful scenery and the harmony and happiness of the family, constituted the most delicious meal the family had after arriving in Wanwan.

The meaning of food seems extremely warm at this moment.

"Yang Mi and Xu Xin appeared in Wanwan, and the family had an intimate picnic by the pier, which was full of warmth! 》

"Let's take a look at Yang Mi and Xu Xin's picnic food choices! 》

"Revealing the picnic spot of Xu Xin and his wife - Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf"

"How beautiful is the picture of Yang Mi after giving birth!" It was so happy to have a family picnic talking and laughing! 》

Inexplicably, that night, these news poured out from Weibo and major websites.

The person who took the photos must be a professional photographer. It is obvious that these photos were not taken with a mobile phone. They are quite clear.

Even the composition seems quite interesting.

A scooter with a HELLO KITTY helmet hanging on the handlebars was parked nearby. A family guarded a bench by the pier, with a lot of food placed in the middle of the bench.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling sat on both sides, Xu Xin stood with his back to the camera, and Yang Mi faced the camera with her back to the sea and wearing a peaked cap.

There were these two little guys beside her who were mosaicd.

The family seemed to be talking and laughing. In some of the pictures, Yang Mi was holding a box of octopus balls in her hand and feeding it to Xu Xin, or she was waiting for her husband to feed her with her mouth open.

Appearing without makeup.

However, that 23-year-old face can be beaten into a mess.

Fisherman's Wharf in Tamsui faces the west, and at dusk, the sun hits the side of her face.

The head raised as cutely as a greedy cat, and the satisfied squinting eyes after eating the food, the people who looked at it really felt that it looked good from the bottom of their hearts.

There are many photos taken in this group of pictures, more than 30 before and after, recording the beginning of the meal, finishing the meal, Xu Xin smoking against the remaining food boxes, and finally packing up the family as a whole , and even wiped the chair clean with a wet wipe and threw it into the trash can...

Soon someone found out that these two old people were Yang Mi's parents.

And looking at the way they talk and laugh in the photos, anyone can see how close this family is.

The final touch is a picture of Xu Xin hooking Yang Mi's shoulders and the two of them holding their mobile phones high to take a selfie.

Throughout the whole process, Yang Mi and Xu Xin didn't seem to notice anyone filming them.

What is revealed are the most natural scenes in private.

The two people standing in the sunlight and taking a close photo together really fed everyone in front of the screen a handful of good dog food.

And perhaps because it is so heartwarming, this set of pictures is very popular on the Internet.

Yang Mi personally forwarded a piece of news at around 7 a.m. on the 15th:

"When was it taken? I didn't even notice it. / Cute, Tamsui's snacks are so delicious."

She didn't blame anyone for secretly filming her.

Anyway, Nuannuan and Yangyang are coded.

After she responded in person, her Weibo fans left messages below.

"Why are you going to Wanwan?"

"Where does Mimi live?"


"Seeing you show affection is more painful than killing me!"

Netizens began to criticize Xu Xin on a daily basis, and because she posted it earlier, the Weibo post was a bit slow to ferment.

But by the time it was around nine or ten o'clock, there were already more than 7,000 replies to her Weibo post.

Moreover, it is on data that ordinary people cannot pay attention to.

The number of keyword searches for "Tsui, Wanwan, Wanwan Danshui, tourism" began to rise.

Obviously, this wave of unintentional publicity has caused many people who are waiting for the Spring Festival holiday to set their sights on this small town, Jay Chou's hometown.

But at this stage not many people care about it.

As for why Yang Mi got up after seven o'clock...

Go back in time to that time.

"How long have you been, and you are still playing on the computer? Hurry up!"

Hearing Xu Xin's urging, Yang Mi quickly turned on the computer:

"Didn't I see someone secretly taking photos of us...Dad, let's go. Remember to wear sunscreen when you take your children out."

"What candid camera?"

Xu Xin, who was holding the car key, was a little puzzled.

"Yesterday we were eating on the pier, and someone took a photo of it."

"oh oh."

Xu Xin, who didn't care, opened the door and unlocked the MINI.

This car is very new, and this is the first time I have driven it after getting the Wanwan license plate.

After getting used to driving a big car, Xu Xin was still a little uncomfortable getting in this car. But considering the winding road conditions and parking problems, he still felt that there was nothing wrong with choosing a "small car".

After getting in the car, Yang Mi also entered the navigation based on the address given by Jay Chou.

"Let's go, GOGOGO!"

"Well, do you have your driver's license?"

"Bring it."

She took out her new driver's license from her bag and put it directly into the MINI's storage compartment.

As soon as I opened the storage compartment, I was suddenly stunned:


He reached inside and took out a box containing a CD.

"What's in this?... It can't be a pornographic film, right?"


Xu Xin's lips twitched as he was waiting for the automatic garage door to open.

Do you think she is scary?

How did this come out of the mouth of a big star?

After Yang Mi curiously opened the disc package and saw the few discs inside, she was immediately speechless:

"What...he is really narcissistic."

Xu Xin turned around and saw a cover of "Ye Huimei" with Jay Chou sitting on the sofa.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, this MINI, and the scooter were all purchased by him.

Apparently, Asian king Jay Chou also thoughtfully considered the issue of whether the two of them would be bored while driving, and included a set of his own albums as a gift.

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

"Listen, it's dozens of kilometers anyway."

The two of them were going to the studio of "Pandaren", which was still some distance away from Tamsui.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Which one should I listen to?...Hey, I want to listen to something cheerful."

"Then this one belongs to Aunt Ye. "In the Name of the Father", "Sunny Day", "Class 3, Second Class", and "Terrace" are all in this album. There are also "Love Cliff" and "Her Eyelashes" ...Oh yes, "Dongfeng Po" is also in this one."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Looking at my husband...

"How do you know so clearly?"

"...Isn't this a basic operation? Haven't you listened to this album?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled.


Yang Mi said nothing and put the CD into the CD player.

The car was walking slowly on the small road in the residential area. After walking for about two intersections, she suddenly said:

"What kind of drama have I played?"

""The Wind", "Wulin Gaiden", "The Untold Secret"... "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier"... uh... "Da... Daming Palace Ci"?"

"The last name is Xu Da!"

Seeing that he not only started stumbling, but also started speaking incorrectly, Yang Mi pointed to the side:

"You park first."


"You park first."


Xu Xin parked the car in front of a house:

"What's going on?"

"I will bite you to death!!! Hoo! Give me a life-threatening scissor bite!!!!"

"Hey...oh...it hurts! You really bite...don't pinch...don't, don't, don't..."

"You remember this old man's album so clearly! You can't remember the movie your wife has acted in! Ah! And "Da Ming Gong Ci"... Why, your wife's name is Zhou Xun!! I'm fighting with you! ! Get off the car! It’s a one-on-one fight! It’s a one-on-one fight if you dare!”

A creak.

The door to this house is open.

The head of the household seemed to be going to work, but he saw a mini blocking the door of his house.

He frowned and was about to speak when he saw the woman in the co-pilot seemed to be furiously typing at the driver.

Even scratching and scratching...


The corner of his mouth twitched... He picked up the briefcase and silently rubbed the edge and left quickly.

Oh my god.

So cruel.

The person driving the car...is her husband, right?

What outrageous thing did this do? Did you go to the karaoke bar to find Mamasang and didn’t wipe off the lipstick marks?



"Hey, ah, ah, wow ~ Na Nona, roar ~~~~"

Driving on a tree-lined road lined with paddy fields, Yang Mi howled along with the singing on the stereo.

Not to mention...

It feels really good to listen to "Terraces" while walking next to the paddy fields.

And after she finished howling, she didn't forget to use her hand to direct.

Xu Xin, who was driving, sang along speechlessly:

"Oh~ My dear Di Niu'er~"

"Hey, hey, hey..."

While listening to his wife singing there, he scolded Jay Chou in his heart.

You really know how to write songs.

She has played this song five times.

I couldn't hear the other lyrics clearly. Except for the opening line "Wenshan, when you finish writing the lyrics," she would just be here babbling.

I almost vomited while singing this line of the song!

MINI galloped all the way and finally arrived at the Film Culture City.

Yang Mi finally no longer has to "Hey, bab, bab".

After arriving here, she looked at the familiar streets and sighed:

"Ah! Film Culture City! Unexpected? I'm back again!!!"

"You might as well be shouting Shurima."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

"What is Shurima?"

"Uh...I don't know either."

"Crazy!... Hey, hey, stop the car, papaya milk! Is his place still open?"

Seeing the familiar store from when she was filming "Secret", Yang Mi quickly asked her husband to park the car.

Xu Xin looked at the time after 9 o'clock speechlessly.

"They've started filming over there, okay?"

"We are going to visit the class, can you do it without bringing something?...You still drink frogs and milk?"

Frog Milk is a combination of brown sugar pearls and milk. It was a drink that Xu Xin particularly liked to drink.

"...Well, don't drink papaya milk..."

"I don't drink it, I drink Boba milk tea. I bought papaya milk for Shishi! She needs to take a good supplement~"

Take a look.

She was completely damaged.

They are burying and killing people there in different ways.

Are you really not afraid that Liu Zhishi will jump and curse?

Reluctantly, he parked the car on the side of the road, got out and lit a cigarette.

The Film Culture City is half tourism and half film and television.

It seems that there are still quite a lot of tourists at this juncture.

And just by smoking a cigarette, he was recognized by several people:

"Are you director Xu Xin?"


Xu Xin looked at the three or four girls in front of him and nodded subconsciously:

"Yes, hello."

And when a few girls heard this...

"Oh my god! It's really Xu Xin! ...Where's Yang Mi? Is she here?"

"...You came from the Northeast?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised when he heard this accent which was obviously different from Wanwan accent.

"Yes, yes!"


"We are in the same dormitory..."

A girl took out her mobile phone while talking...

"Can we take a group photo? We all like Yang Mi! ...and we also like you!"


Xu Xinxin said that you and my wife are really the same.

Do you think I can't hear it?

He nodded helplessly:


"Um... is Yang Mi here?"

"Here we go, buying milk tea over there."

Xu Xin quickly put out the cigarette.

Then the three girls gathered around him.

At the beginning, everyone took a photo together.

Because they were relatively close, Xu Xin quickly put his hands behind his back, keeping a proper distance where a daughter-in-law would not be angry.

"Can we take a photo with you alone?... This is my first time meeting a celebrity! Really... I'm so excited..."

After taking a picture together, the Northeastern girl asked a little embarrassedly.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:


"That's great...You two help me take pictures!... Make my legs longer!"

The girl immediately approached Xu Xin.

Xu Xin quickly stood up straight and silently put his hands behind his back.


"Change me, change me!"

"It's my turn!"

"Oh Yang Mi! Ah!!! Yang Mi!!!"

As soon as Yang Mi appeared, carrying several cups of milk tea, the girls immediately screamed.

Yang Mi had actually seen them a long time ago.

While buying milk tea, I saw them taking photos with their husbands.

So no surprise.

On the contrary, I found it a bit funny.

The photo my husband took was too humble.

That helpless look... so innocent.

But the more this happened, the sweeter she felt.

Even sweeter than this cup of boba milk tea.

The sweetness in my heart brings more smiles on my face.

"Hmm, hello you guys...brother, here you go."

After handing the milk tea to Xu Xin, she was much more surprised than Xu Xin and said directly:

"Just take a few photos. We have other things to do over there...Brother, please take some photos for us."


Xu Xin nodded, took the phone, and took a group photo of the four people gathered together.

And Yang Mi took photos with them respectively, then smiled and waved her hands:

"Okay, let's go. I hope you have fun here~"

"Thank you...Mimi, you are so kind! We really like you!"

"Hey, thank you for your support, bye."

"Yeah, bye! Xu Xin, you are also very handsome! You and Mimi are a good match!"


Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand, restarted the car and walked towards the studio.

"The young man performed well."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Yang Mi said with a smile and put the milk tea straw to his mouth:

"Reward you!"


Xu Xin took a sip:


"Well, I just bought a cup of papaya milk, and then I left the boss's phone number. After talking to him, I will start making milk tea now. When I get to the place later, I will see how many people are on the crew and order it directly for them to deliver."

"Didn't you buy wheels?"

"Buy him a piece of shit! Fight for a man with me! ...Kill him!"


Look, I haven’t even drank yet, and I’m already talking nonsense.

Xu Xin was speechless as he followed the path in his memory and arrived at the entrance of the studio area.

And Dani was already waiting at the door.

When I saw this MINI, I immediately waved my hand:

"Brother Xu, Sister Mi!"

At the same time, ask the guard to raise the railing.

With her trotting all the way, the car finally stopped at the door of a studio.

Xu Xin looked around and walked directly into the studio.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, took Dani to communicate with her how many people were on the crew and how to order milk tea.

After entering the studio, Xu Xin saw many busy people at a glance.

At the same time, we also saw Liu Zhishi wearing a tube top dress, standing in front of the piano and holding a script in her hand.

Before Xu Xin could speak, Yang Mi saw that the crew didn't seem to be filming, so she shouted:


Liu Zhishi, who was holding the script in her hand, turned her head instinctively and immediately saw Yang Mi waving to her.


A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she quickly ran over with her skirt in hand.

Obviously, the arrival of her friends made her feel very happy.

And Yang Mi's voice also attracted the attention of many people.

Including Jay Chou who was communicating with others in front of the camera.

Jay Chou turned around and saw Xu Xin and Yang Mi. Just as he was about to say hello, he saw Yang Mi hand a cup of milk tea to Liu Zhishi:

"Here, papaya milk, take a good tonic."




Everyone, including Liu Zhishi, twitched their mouths.

Okay... okay.

Under Xu Xin's face-covering action, Liu Zhishi lowered her head and glanced at her tube top dress.

Then I looked at my friend, who was wearing a wide sweatshirt but couldn't hide the spectacular sight...

"Thank you, hehe~"




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