I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 419 417 Void Favor

Chapter 419 417. Empty favors

"You're here? How about living in Tamsui?"

Jay Chou walked over quickly.

While asking, he glanced at Xu Xin's hand.

A cup?

Or drank with a straw inserted?

He turned to look at Yang Mi again.

Except for the cup of papaya milk that was handed to Liu Zhishi, Yang Mi had nothing else in her hand.


His eyes were full of confusion.

Xu Xin obviously understood the look in his eyes and shrugged directly:

"I don't know how many people are in your crew here. I'll count them up later and send them to you."


Jay Chou didn't think much and said:

"Do you two want to go to my place tonight? I'll book a restaurant and we can eat there?"

"I can't go, the child is still at home...Hey, Warhead."

Saying hello to Warnhead who was putting on makeup, Xu Xin looked at the surrounding settings, from the piano, to the interior of the luxury villa, to the classroom... After scanning around, he asked:

"How's the filming going?"

"It went pretty smoothly."

Xu Xin didn't say anything like "do you want help?"

In this play, the wheel is the director.

I don’t even come up and point fingers.

What's more...he actually came here today out of curiosity.

For him, Wanwan idol drama...has always been synonymous with exaggeration.

He also wanted to see this exaggerated performance style and what it would be like to watch it live and up close.

So, after chatting for a while, the crew was ready to start filming again after the warhead had finished applying makeup.

"Then I'll go first."

"come on."

Xu Xin nodded, while Yang Mi also finished refueling Liu Zhishi, and Jay Chou had already started talking about the next scene.

The two of them stood aside, keeping a certain distance from the staff on site, and then Xu Xin asked:

"Where's the buns? When will they come?"

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Come right here as soon as you get the pass."

Yang Mi held her own milk tea, and the two of them quietly waited for the series to resume filming.

This scene seems to be a Jay Chou play. The setting is very similar to a police station in Hong Kong movies, with various computers, high-tech screens and the like.

There are even various specially produced data films played on each computer.

Jay Chou was already sitting on...a half wall of the police station, posing...well, a cool-looking POSE.

Xu Xin was speechless.


Yang Mi on the side was not surprised:

"The three treasures of the wheel are the piano, acting cool, and pretending to be the school girl... Let me tell you first, don't criticize whether the filming is good or bad. This is a play directed by him. First of all, we have to respect it. . In other words... Even if the filming of this scene is terrible, we will just spend money to be comfortable and let him have fun... OK?"

Xu Xinxin said this, did you have to say it?

So, the two of them watched quietly.


The more I look at it, the weaker I feel.

Not to mention Wheel's acting skills.

Just talking about the drama "The Secret That Can't Be Told", his acting skills can get a passing score.

But since filming "Slam Dunk", it seems like I have returned to the time of "Initial D". The lack of breath in his speaking voice, his vagueness, and his excessive attempts to highlight his performance through his eyes are quite typical.

But in Xu Xin's opinion, that scene with the detective in the police station... can be tolerated for the time being.

After all, it is an idol drama, so the requirements are not that high.

But what really left him speechless was Warnhead and Zhan Yuhao...

The next warehouse scene seems to be a scene where Warhead's character impersonates Zhan Yuhao's superhero Pandaren.

After Warhead was beaten up by a group of sidekicks, the Pandaren came to the rescue. When the two acted against each other, they heard Zhan Yuhao's words: "It's very dangerous here, you'd better go back quickly." They all felt numb.

If he were to direct this play, there would be seven or eight ways to express it without thinking.

But I chose the most straightforward shot.

He looked extremely awkward.

But Jay Chou didn't seem to have any objections. Seeing that everyone was doing well, he gave it up.

Suddenly, Xu Xin had a rough judgment about this drama.

Not to mention the plot.

This acting... isn't very good.

A film and television work is actually closely related to the director's temperament.

Whatever tone the director wants to express will determine the style of the work.

The tone that the director wants to express is actually determined based on personal shooting habits or shooting style.

The tone set by the wheel for this drama...Although Xu Xin only watched two games, I dare not say that I have summarized it particularly comprehensively. But... things are ever-changing, and the keynote of "acting handsome" remains the same.

He was repeatedly communicating with the photographer on how to move the camera, and when the characters were in a fixed pose, when to go fast and when to go slow. Or from what angle.

Then he asked the makeup artist to make Zhan Yuhao's makeup more rustic.

It seems that he is pursuing that kind of... Superman Clark puts on glasses and becomes a reporter from Global Daily, but takes off the glasses and becomes Superman.

All right.

"Batman", "Superman", the silly and sweet heroine Liu Zhishi... and the afro played by the warhead who imitates the Pandaman is Robin? The master's wingman.

This hodgepodge made him frown.

After thinking for a while, he stood up.

"Why go?"

"I'll take a look at the footage they shot."


Yang Mi didn't say anything, but she held his hand.

In fact, she also saw it... Regardless of the story of this movie, the acting skills of these protagonists are not very good.

The golden rule for film and television dramas.

Director, script, actors.

From the actor's point of view, it started to fall apart.

In fact, she understands wheels very well.

Just look at the regular characters that appear in this drama.

Whether it's Zhan Yuhao, Warhead, or Liu Genghong... Oh yes, Lian Fang Wenshan is in this drama.

Very typical Jay Chou style.

Make money with your friends.

She understood, so she didn't let Xu Xin say so much.

Although friends of friends are also friends. But friends also have distances and distances. The reason why my brother wanted to watch the clip is actually very simple... he was worried that the show would collapse if it was shot like this.

Want to save it.

After all, it was his friend's play, and he would "feel bad" if the filming was too bad.

But the same thing...

If he gets involved, it will definitely expose the problems of these people's acting skills.

Wheel casting itself inherently carries a filter.

Let your friends come first.

If my brother says this, he will make his friends with wheels look... bad.

So, after holding Xu Xin's hand, she shook her head slightly:

"Okay, you don't have much investment in this movie, and there are so many advertisements, so you just let him play. Once a big director like you gets involved, some things... may make everyone unhappy."


Xu Xin smashed his mouth.

In fact, he also understands this truth.

But the problem is that he is really contradictory.

Forget it if it comes to other fields, just like when he listened to the "Cross Era" album.

The first feeling is just average.

But it happened that Luan used all kinds of professional music knowledge to repeatedly flog him.

He admits.

Because I don’t understand.

Just listen with an open mind.

But the problem is... when it comes to movies and TV series, the one who doesn't understand is Jay Chou.

And if I make a suggestion, Luan Qing will probably accept it. But when the time comes, it will be Warnhead, Zhan Yuhao and the others who will suffer.

On the contrary, it makes the wheel difficult to make.

After all...he just came to visit the class, not to get involved in the drama.

It's really inappropriate to point fingers.

"If I had known about it, I would have invested. If I spent some money to be an investor, I would still have some say."

After careful consideration, he responded.

After hearing his words, Yang Mi smiled:

"Shishi's performance is okay, considered qualified. When Baozi arrives, we can focus on the two of them. As for Warhead... let's not mention it. You are a film director, so you can't have such high requirements for actors in idol dramas. . Even if you think exaggerated and exaggerated performances are also a style of idol dramas."


As he spoke, he touched his pocket...

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

"Go ahead."

He walked out of the studio, but Yang Mi, who was sitting aside and watching their busy filming, received other visitors.

"Mimi, long time no see."

"Yes, Brother Li, long time no see."

Looking at Li Minian walking over, Yang Mi smiled, pushed the chair where Xu Xin was sitting, and invited Li Minian to sit down.

Li Minnian nodded, sat on the chair, and said with a smile:

"Do you think Shishi has made any progress?"

"Definitely. She looks pretty good at handling such a sweet heroine."

Yang Mi said, glanced at Li Minian, and asked as if chatting:

"Brother Li, how much did you get paid for the poems in "Dream Zhu Xian"?"

Li Minnian was still thinking about how to tell Yang Mi about this.

After all, no matter how you mention it, it seems too deliberate.

Unexpectedly, she asked herself.

So he coughed lightly, adjusted his sitting posture, shook his head and said:

"Shishi didn't answer."


Yang Mi was stunned.

"I did not answer?"

"Well, I didn't answer."

"...Why? This advertisement...didn't your company digest it internally? How come there is no such thing as Shishi?"

Her eyes were full of doubts, and her eyes fell on Liu Zhishi.

Li Minnian shook his head slightly:

"This advertisement... originally had Shishi, but she rejected it. Originally it was Hu Shi, Shishi, Tang Yan, Yuan Hong, and Guo Xiaoting. After Shishi refused, it was replaced by Lin Zicong."


Yang Mi's brows wrinkled.

"Why would she refuse?"

"You have to ask Shishi...I'm not sure."

Li Minnian saw her frown, thought for a while, and added:

"Because of this matter, Shishi even contradicted Mr. Cai a few times."

Yang Mi was stunned.

"We had a quarrel?...Is everything okay? You didn't stop us when we were quarreling?"

"I definitely have to stop him, but the two of them didn't argue particularly fiercely. Shishi said she didn't want to accept it, but Mr. Cai meant that you have to act in accordance with the contract. Shishi said: Commercial advertising is not within the scope of the contract."


"Then I pulled Shishi away... Actually, I could tell what she meant, mainly because I felt a knot in my heart. After all, the original cast of "Sword and Sword" was perfectly found at the beginning of this advertisement, as well as you and Huo Jianhua. In In addition, you helped Shishi get this role in "Pandaren", and she feels that it would be a bit unfair to you if she acted in this commercial again..."

Now, Yang Mi understood the reason.

She didn't care about Li Minnian's hard-to-get tactics.

If the other party didn't have any ideas on this matter, there was no need to tell him the real reason why Shishi didn't follow the advertisement by recreating the scene after asking him to ask him about it.

Instead, he was thinking about the reason why the other party was playing hard to get.

All thoughts are spinning rapidly in my mind.

Gradually, she had a guess in her mind.

After thinking for a while, she asked:

"When will Shishi's work plan start next year?"

Li Minnian was stunned.

My brain slowed down for a moment, and then I realized what Yang Mi meant.

I felt a little emotional about the other party's intelligence.

He said:

"At the moment, it's just "Pandaren", the others... are not available yet."

"No, or I won't give it. ...Brother Li, we are all on our own, so there is no need to hide this. It's boring."


Li Minnian hesitated for a moment and nodded.

A long sigh:

"Sigh...Actually, I'm not hiding it from you, it's just that I haven't told Shishi about this yet."

"Just tell me, I won't tell Shishi first, okay?"

"Well... Mr. Cai means to stop Shishi's work for half a year. Of course, the contract for "Pandaren" has been signed, and it will definitely be finished. But other arrangements... will have to start in the second half of next year. And The most pity is that at the beginning of next year, the company has also prepared a drama called "The Strange Man Yizhimei". The script is quite good... Shishi may have been originally scheduled to be the female lead..."

But after hearing this, Yang Mi was actually happy:

"Ha, is this drama prepared by your company yourself?"

"Well, yes. Still the same old team member of "Sword and Fairy"."

"What about Tang Yan? I've been so close to you recently, so we're not far away from signing a contract, right?"

"It's still early, it won't be until 11 years. But the intention is still quite big. Have you not followed Tang Yan's Weibo recently? She has basically stopped interacting with her old club Chengtian."


For some reason, Yang Mi's face became lighter.

He smiled and said:

"Although what I said is a bit inappropriate... But, Brother Li. It seems that our Yifei has not suffered enough from Mr. Cai. For some things, you can't just heal the scar and forget the pain, right? As a poet, you Shi Shi's agent should be tougher when he sees the situation clearly."


Li Minnian was stunned.

Liu Yifei’s loss...

And what Mimi said after this...


His eyes lit up immediately.

But soon this brightness was shrouded again:

"But Tang Yan's intentions are indeed quite serious. It's a foregone conclusion that she will leave Chengtian."

Yang Mi smiled and waved her hands:

"Some things are like being bitten by a snake once and fearing for ten years. Time is always a good medicine to smooth out many things, right? Besides, have you ever thought about it... Sister Bingbing's career is developing really well now.

Brother Xiao Ming bought Huayi's shares last year. After becoming a shareholder, didn't he also set up his own studio? If it is not something expressly stipulated in the terms of the contract, it will not have legal effect. If we try to draw water from a bamboo basket again, everything will be in vain...

Of course, I'm just saying it's possible. But this world is so realistic. You are just like me... I also have a background in TV dramas. But I'm a movie actor now. If you ask me to go back to act in TV series... I don't really want to go back.

And if I want to act in a movie, I definitely have to find some movie resources... Not everyone has these resources, right? "

Her words sounded to Li Min Nian...

Extremely weird.

On the one hand, she is like a female temptress, constantly beguiling others to drink this bottle of poison.

But on the other hand...

But it makes unusual sense.


"Tang Yan's film resources..."

"I don't know the specifics. But I do know that at that time she appeared at the dinner hosted by Xu Xin at the Shanghai Film Studio. That dinner... ordinary people couldn't enter."


All of a sudden, Li Minnian felt enlightened.

Mimi's words were equivalent to feeding him the "solution".

And it's the kind that directly attacks the heart.

First, he brought up the matter of Liu Yifei, letting Mr. Cai recall how he got into trouble with the other party in the first place.

Then, through Tang Yan's incident, I learned how to talk to the company.

Will Tang Yan be the female lead in "The Stranger"?


Mr. Cai, please think about Liu Yifei.

Are you scared?

Not afraid? Okay, let me say one more thing.

Tang Yan's contract ended in 11 years, and now Liang Binning, Huang Xiaoming, and a large number of artists are starting to think about setting up their own studios.

This seems to be a big trend.

On the premise that Tang Yan has not actually signed a contract with us, we have invested so many resources in her. What if a second Liu Yifei appears?

It’s not impossible!

The degree of freedom in a celebrity's personal studio is much higher.

What? Mr. Cai, do you think Tang Yan will have no resources without us?

Just kidding?

Whether it's "Sword of Immortality" or "Strange Hero Yizhimei", aren't they all promoted by us?

What's more, they still have contact with Shanghai Film Studio!

You ask how I know?

I have a friend who works at Shanghai Film Studio. Last time I saw with my own eyes Tang Yan was at the cocktail party held by Xu Xin at Shanghai Film Studio!

Mr. Cai, think about it, who among the actresses doesn’t want to act in movies?

Who doesn’t want to be Yang Mi, Liang Binning?

Our company only has resources for TV dramas, but we can’t make full use of them for movies. Tang Yan just in case! If we have had enough of our TV drama resources and turn around and go to Shanghai Film Studio with this bargaining chip, then we will not be in vain! ?

Mr. Cai, are you afraid?

Li Minnian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

This "game", according to Mimi's words, is really solved! ?


"If the company insists..."


Yang Mi smiled.

His eyes fell on his friend who was working hard with the script, and a possessive desire gradually emerged in his eyes.

"Brother Li, do you know who played the role of Jingqiu in "The Hawthorn Tree"?"


"Of course it's my Yifei."

Holding milk tea in her hand, she smiled like a flower:

"As for the movie "The Hawthorn Tree", the West Film Studio has investment, and the Shanghai Film Studio has also invested. Xu Xin is also particularly optimistic about Yifei's acting skills. Director Zhang also nodded in person, feeling that she can completely control the role of Jingqiu... …

Moreover, in just these few days, you will hear another news. I won’t tell you what it is for now, but you will know it by then. It is also about a movie by an internationally famous director. You think... will Yifei make a comeback through this drama? "


Li Minnian couldn't figure out the meaning of her words for a while.

Aren't you talking about Tang Yan?

Why are you talking about Liu Yifei?

But he got the answer right away:

"The popularity of TV series is very solid. Just like Yifei, she may have just started in the film industry, but as long as she is willing to return to TV series, her film appointments will continue. So you see... sometimes, TV series It is the best springboard for actors to jump into the film industry...

In other words, the final promised land for all actors is on the big screen of the movie. It's impossible for anyone to be willing to be trapped in a TV series for the rest of their life. For actors, only movies don't need them, but no actor will refuse movies. This is determined by the industry ecology, right? "

Finished saying this.

Li Minnian understood it completely.

I understand it completely.

His eyes glowed again:

"Yes, yes, that's so right! This is so right!"

"What are you talking about?"

Xu Xin walked in after finishing smoking.

Li Minnian turned around and quickly stood up when she saw him coming.

"Ah? Director Xu... you sit down, you sit down."

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"No, Manager Li can just sit down. It's okay, no need to be so polite."

"elder brother."


"Do you think Tang Yan is suitable for acting in movies?"


Although he didn’t know why his wife suddenly asked such a question, Xu Xin thought about it and said:

"The facial features are okay. As for whether it's suitable...you don't need me to say, right? Didn't she already play Chu Chu in "Wind and Cloud 2"? Although I haven't seen that movie, I heard that the box office was 60 to 70 million? It's not bad. ”

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked at Li Minian with a smile:

"Look, it's not like she doesn't have any movie resources. Wang Chu is not called her godfather for nothing."

"...Ha, yes, yes."

By now, Li Minnian had completely learned how to talk to the company under Yang Mi's guidance.

At this moment, he urgently needed to think through his thoughts.

So he stood up quickly:

"Director Xu, please sit down while I go read Shishi... Mimi, let me think about it first."

"Well, call me if you need anything."

Yang Mi watched him leave.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What are we talking about?... Why is Tang Yan involved?"

But Yang Mi, who was smiling just now, suddenly sighed.


"What's wrong?"

"Brother, tell me...do we, Shishi, and Tang Yan know each other since we were young?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and nodded:

"It can be said that if you exclude TV series, in terms of movies, you were just a "Secret" at that time. You were a very inconspicuous movie actor. But if you include TV series, you can't say that."

"...I owe Tang Yan a favor."

After hearing what her husband said, she suddenly said:

"Although we must keep a close relationship in everything, I still admit this favor. If we have any communication in the future, remember to remind me, okay?"


Xu Xin was really confused now.

Why did she become strange when she smoked a cigarette?

I still owe Tang Yan a favor...

"So, what happened?"

"Axin, come on, come on, help me take the camera. There is a fighting scene here."

Suddenly, Jay Chou's voice sounded.


"Go ahead and be strict!"

"……All right."

Xu Xin nodded and walked quickly towards Jay Chou.

What his wife said was quickly forgotten by him.


What favor?


Please give me a monthly ticket! ! !

Tang Yan's line is closed! Haha~

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