I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 420 418 She is the one who made everything possible

Chapter 420 418. She is the one who makes everything possible

January 18, masquerade, standing like a minions.

On this day, Xu Xin vowed that no one would see me.

To be honest...the arrangement of this dance by Wheel is quite touching.

Just all kinds of masked beauties wandering around in front of you, and then you bend down to tie your shoelaces, and you can easily tell which girls are not wearing safety pants...

Is it eye-catching?

So eye-catching.

Is it uncomfortable?

Quite uncomfortable.

"Handsome boy, are you alone? Did the two girls just have their butts perked up? Are their legs nice?"


Looking at his wife who is wearing a black hollow mask and wearing bright red lipstick, and who dominates the audience just by her temperament, listening to the Wangwan accent that sounds like a reminder, she also has a... somewhat similar to the Mayan sun god. The masked Xu Xin shook his head and pretended not to recognize him and said:

"Sorry, I'm married."

"Getting married doesn't stop you from looking at your thighs~ Hey, take a look at mine. Is it my whiteness or theirs?"

"...I'm sure you are white."

"Oh, handsome man, you have such good eyesight, how could you tell that I'm white?"

"Nonsense, they both wear black stockings, but you wear white stockings. If you don't wear white stockings, who will?"

"Oh~ Handsome guy, you're already married. Aren't you afraid that your wife will dig out your eyeballs when you talk like this?"

"...Can we not say such horrible things in a serious manner?"

"Is it scary? I don't feel anything. Handsome guy, I'm also married. Are you interested in married women?"


Although Xu Xin's overall expression could not be seen, looking at the corners of his twitching mouth, Yang Mi, who was wearing heavy makeup, smiled and continued to exhale like a blue:

"I don't know how good a young woman is, but I mistake a young girl for a treasure...handsome boy, I know a lot of tricks~"

"If you keep saying that, the atmosphere of tonight's party will completely change! Sister, can you let me go? Why don't you let me see your thighs when you go to the disco?"

"Hehe~ Just watch it~ I'm not letting you watch it... but it's not interesting just to watch it. Come on, come and have a drink with me."

Holding her husband's hand, she walked to the bar counter.

After passing through a group of handsome men and beauties in masks, Yang Mi knocked on the bar and shouted to the bartender:

"Handsome guy, let's have two strong drinks!"

"...just take it easy."

"It's okay. The rations for your daughter and son have been prepared a long time ago. No need to feed them today~~ I also have to eat meat. I haven't drank for a long time."

Perhaps it had been a long time since she had been to such an occasion, so Yang Mi was in a very excited mood.

Leaning on the bar, she looked at the large party with at least a hundred or so people present today, and nodded vigorously:

"Yeah! When it comes to nightclub culture, it's still a flower played by Wanwan. Where is the wheel? When will it come out?"

"I don't know, it should be soon..."

Xu Xin pointed to the small stage in this bar and found that a band was already on stage.

Tonight's birthday party, as a birthday boy, Jay Chou listened carefully to the voice of the "people" and made it a masquerade ball theme.

We also hired a professional PARTY planner and rented a bar to organize the event.

Invited a lot of friends from inside and outside the circle to play.

But the only pity is... Lin Chiling was not invited.

Why don't other people mention it? It's a pity for me, Lao Xu.

Of course, I don’t dare to express my regrets.

But I have to admit, the coquettish tone of girl Wanwan’s voice is really enjoyable to listen to.

His thinking was a little divergent, but he was immediately defeated by reality:

"Come on, brother, let's go."


Looking at the bullet cup handed to him, Xu Xin's mouth twitched:

"Whiskey? Made it so big?"

"Oh, you talk so much nonsense, hurry up!"

Yang Mi urged and raised her head.


After finishing the drink, the smell of alcohol came out. She hooked Xu Xin's neck, leaned into her husband's ear and whispered:

"You drink with me, and tonight I will transform into a soft girl to serve you! Isn't it Lin Zhiling? I can also play the role of Yujie~"


Hearing this, Xu Xin drank the drink in one gulp, imitating the call from the Easter egg in the movie "The Incredible Hulk", and asked the bartender to reload the "bullet" for him.

Yang Mi chuckled, and also made a "2" sign to the bartender, and then waved to Liu Zhishi, who was wearing a gold-carved mask:

"Come on, come on...what are you doing?"

"I'm going to the bathroom...Wow, you're wearing so much makeup? Your mask looks so good~"

Hearing this, Yang Mi took off the black hollow mask directly:

"Let's switch."

After putting on the golden carved mask again, the look of the flaming red lips and the golden mask was completely different.

Then she took the whiskey that the bartender poured again, and handed a glass to Liu Zhishi:


"What wine?"

Bringing it up to his nose and sniffing it, Liu Zhishi was speechless:

"So strong?"

"Drink, cheers! Drink more, and wait until I'm done with you."


Liu Zhishi was speechless for a moment.

Xu Xin had already turned his head away.

Frankly speaking, since becoming a mother, my wife has become more and more clueless.

He always had a feeling that he would be NTR sooner or later.

But think about it carefully...if she and Shishi...

That picture is quite beautiful.

"Where's the buns?"

"I don't know. I saw it just now..."

Yang Mi looked around, then waved her hands indifferently:

"Hurry up and drink. Let's go to the disco soon~"

"...You have to go with Xu Xin, I won't go with you."

"He won't. When Jay Chou comes out later, they may decide what they are going to do! Let's have a good drink tonight! ... Hey, he's out, he's out!"

After hearing her words, both of them looked in the direction of the stage.

Although he was wearing a mask, the mask could not cover his big face. Alang, wearing exaggerated costumes, had already stood at the C position of the stage.

And Lang Lang came to the piano wearing a V-shaped mask that he didn't know where to make.

Jay Chou, who was wearing a mask similar to Zorro's, stood aside with a guitar.

Then came the drumming slugs…

The live modern dynamic music stopped.

Alang's cough sounded from the speakers.


Everyone fell silent.

Then, he looked back at Warhead.

The warhead's two drumsticks began to beat the beat.



Following Warnhead's words, Alang's voice sounded from the microphone, just like the dance party during the filming of "Secret":


The sound is as oily as possible.

As disgusting as possible.

Coupled with his pretending to be charming, Xu Xin's scalp went numb!


"I want~~~~"

"I want you~~~~"

"I want you~~~~~~~~~~love~~~~~~"

The moment the word "love" was sung in a crude way, the piano, guitar, and drums started playing at the same time.

The classic JAZZ BLUES tune sounded.

Lang Lang’s piano, Jay Chou’s guitar, Wan Tou’s drums...

The entire nightclub instantly turned into a Las Vegas show.

Suddenly the smell became stronger.

"Come and dance, everyone~~~"

After hearing the words of the "lead singer" and matching this cheerful and gorgeous jazz music, a group of people began to twist to the rhythm of the music.

"Let's go, let's dance!"

Yang Mi liked this tune as soon as she heard it.

She is also a jazz dancer.

He pulled Liu Zhishi and headed towards the dance floor.


Liu Zhishi was pulled by her speechlessly. She raised her head and drank the wine. Then she hurriedly handed the cup to Xu Xin. Then the two masked beauties immediately started to dance the cha-cha dance.

One is a professional dancer from Beijing Dance University, and the other is a jazz lover.

The two of them were twisting around randomly at first.

But then Liu Zhishi seemed to remember a certain dance step, grabbed Yang Mi's hands, and the two started a dance... Xu Xin didn't know what it was called.

Yang Mi was a little unfamiliar when she held her hand at first, but after she immediately grasped the essentials of the movements, she began to dance forward and backward with her, and she was immediately impressed by the big-faced masked Alang on the stage. focus on:

"I want you to make love~~Oh, these two beauties dance well~"

As soon as he spoke, a group of people's attention turned to the two of them.

Seeing the two people interacting and dancing there, Alang stretched out his hand:

"Hey, come on, let's dance on the stage!"

Who is Yang Mi?

Nicknamed Yang Sheniu.

After hearing this, he grabbed Liu Zhishi and ran towards the stage.

And the loud piano sound also beat like running water.

When they arrived on the stage, the two beauties who attracted much attention began to dance around A Lang.

Surrounded by two beauties, Alang's song "I Want Your Love" is becoming more and more debauched.

Xu Xin just swayed in front of the bar.

He looked at his wife with a silly smile on his face.

But that's as far as it goes.

If we let him go on stage to dance... no, no, he can't come.

Too shameful.

Why do you think these two people are so embarrassed...

And in front of countless people's mobile phones, after listening to this song, Alang is sitting on the "blessing of everyone". That sultry voice made this song sound like a 18-year-old.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became heated.

Too good to be true.

Immediately after the song ended, the two "dancing girls" received cheers from the audience.

Then, as the hero of the party tonight, Jay Chou also got the microphone amidst the cheers of everyone.

Although it's not a concert, the atmosphere is so high that it's unreasonable not to sing a song.

Soon, the prelude of "Red Imitation" started playing.

Although the song still uses accompaniment, after listening to it, Lang Lang automatically started to add a piano section.

It blends into this song in perfect harmony.

The atmosphere at the scene became more exciting.

At this time, Wang Sicong, wearing a mask like a night gown mask, appeared out of nowhere:

"Come on, let's dance! What's the point of just shaking by yourself?"

"I'm not going, sorry."


The young master was also happy when he heard this:

"I'm embarrassed too... Why do you think Da Mi has the nerve to dance in front of so many people?"

"It's simple, just be thick-skinned enough."


Wang Sicong, who only needed to use his mouth to express the expression "You really don't want your life", was a little surprised.

But at this time, Xu Xin discovered that the tone of Jay Chou's song was a bit strange.

It's not the original version of "Red Imitation", but a song sung in a... more playful bel canto way.

Very unlike Jay Chou.

But it's Jay Chou again.

After all, Fei Yuqing's voice is really difficult to imitate.

Wang Sicong also noticed it. Listening to the nasal accent, he said speechlessly:

"Whatever the wheel is singing, I can't even tell it's him. Are you imitating Fei Yuqing?...Hahahaha~"


Xu Xin also chuckled...but soon an idea flashed in his mind:


"...What's going on?"

"No...what did you just say?"

"...Imitate Fei Yuqing?"

"No, no, no, the previous sentence."

"Uh...I can't even tell it's him..."


Vaguely, Xu Xin felt like he had thought of something.

But for a while I couldn’t think clearly.

"What's going on?"


He shook his head.

After recording Wang Sicong's words and inspiration, he continued to sway with the music.

The carnival lasted until after 12 o'clock.

Liu Zhishi was already drunk by Yang Mi.

The crew of "Pandaren" was off tomorrow, so after seeing Liu Zhishi drunk and unconscious, Yang Mi asked her husband to carry her and planned to drag her back to Tamsui.

If it were anyone else, Li Minnian would definitely be worried.

But he was completely at ease when these two couples took Liu Zhishi away.

So, Xu Xin hooked Liu Zhishi with his shoulder, and Yang Mi got into the commercial car behind him. After settling her down, she heard Jay Chou, who was also drunk, shout:

"Axin, do you want to have a midnight snack?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi said directly:

"You go eat with them, I'll take Shishi back to sleep."

"Promise me to be gentle."

Xu Xin, who was also drunk, said this, successfully making Li Minnian's face turn green.

Yang Mi laughed:

"Haha, don't worry."

After speaking, he asked:

"Does your phone have battery?"

"There's a charger on the wheel."

"Ang, then I won't care about you."


After waving his hand and saying "drive slowly" to the driver of Jewel, he watched the commercial vehicle leave and got into Jay Chou's car.

There are quite a lot of people at midnight.

Fang Wenshan and Warnhead are all here.

Three commercial vehicles drove to a certain late-night snack spot they often went to.

I didn't drink alcohol while eating.

Xu Xin hugged a bowl of braised beef noodles and refused to let go.

After eating and drinking, everyone else went back to their homes.

Tamsui was too far away, and Xu Xin was too lazy to run away, so he went to Jay Chou's house to spend the night.

Big Laowang and Lang Lang just came over today. What we discussed at the dinner table was to go to Tamsui tomorrow and rent a yacht to go fishing.

But Lang Lang didn't follow, he took Gong Xinliang back to the hotel.

Actually I can understand it.

The period of love...

To put it bluntly, when we were in Yanjing a few days ago, a few people had dinner together, and Xu Xin even saw the hickey on Lang Lang's neck...

The young couple obviously had a lot of fun.

It's normal not to live with my brothers.

Not very convenient.

It was around 2 a.m. when we got home. The three of us were all sleepy after having had enough food and food.

Everyone went back to their rooms and planned to sleep.

When they walked to the former guest bathroom, Xu Xin and Jay Chou inevitably argued again about whose vomit they saw in the bathroom that morning belonged to...

The young master felt nauseated after hearing this.

But before Xu Xin went to bed, perhaps because alcohol accelerated his thinking, he couldn't let go of the thought in his mind.

In the spinning world, he thought about the relationship between the mask and the singer, until his consciousness fell into darkness.

On the morning of the 19th.

it's clear.


At around 8 o'clock, the powerful biological clock made Xu Xin open his eyes.

After looking at the time, he immediately stunned the other two people.

Today we agreed to go fishing on a yacht, but it would be meaningless if we slept too late.

Wang Sicong hadn't slept enough yet and didn't want to get up.

Xu Xin was not one to spoil children, so he wet a towel with some cold water and breathed on Wang Sicong's face.

"!! Hiss!!! What a fool!"

The eldest young master suddenly became excited and suddenly woke up.

And when I saw the smiling Xu Xin... all kinds of anger turned into a middle finger...

In the end, I was so helpless that I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

When he finished everything, he saw that Jay Chou was still awake. Based on the principle of empathy, he and Xu Xin entered Jay Chou's master bedroom together.

Looking at my friend who was sleeping soundly with the quilt between him and wearing only boxers...

Xu Xin would follow the same pattern and slap his face with a cold towel.

But he was stopped by Wang Sicong.

"Aren't you angry? What kind of towel are you using? Use a bath towel!"


Are you a devil?

Xu Xin was speechless.

Then, Wang Sicong took action himself and wet all the bath towels...


A scream came from underneath the towel.

Then there was the sound of jumping and cursing in the bathroom.

No matter what happened in the end, the three of them planned to pick up Lang Lang.

Wang Sicong drives Jay Chou's convertible Ferrari.

Jay Chou drives that beloved McLaren.

Xu Xin drives a very retro Mercedes-Benz convertible SLR722.

The reason why we drove 3 cars is because there are 5 people going to Tamsui and two cars cannot fit.

The three sports cars have gained a lot of attention on the streets of Taipei.

After Sheraton received Lang Lang, Xu Xin faced the same problem as "who do you follow when your parents get divorced?"

SLR722 was driven by Lang Lang and his wife.

As for Wang Sicong's Ferrari and Jay Chou's McLaren... After Xu Xin made a choice, he finally chose the roofed McLaren.

It's not that he and Jay Chou are in true love.

Simply because even though it’s hot today, it’s a bit stupid to open the top.

The wind noise is quite loud.

It is close to 17 kilometers from downtown Taipei to Tamsui, and there are many traffic lights.

He didn't want to suffer that.

Sitting on the McLaren's co-pilot, he held the walkie-talkie:

"Lao Wang, Lao Wang, call Lao Wang, OVER."

"Climb for me!"

"It's not that I don't love you, it's just that I would rather cry in a McLaren than laugh in a Ferrari. OVER!"

"...What kind of joke is this?...Also, can you please stop saying OVER, OVER? It sounds so awkward to me."

"Okay, OVER."

"No...it's a bit cold when the convertible is open."

A loud voice interrupted.

"It gets hot when I run, OVER."

Three cars formed a row and shuttled through the streets of Taipei.

Turn heads instantly.

Soon, when we came to a traffic light intersection, we heard the roar of the engine next to the McLaren.

Xu Xin turned his head and glanced...

The eldest young master was driving a Ferrari and stepped on the accelerator provocatively.

"Hey, young man, what kind of car are you driving?"


Jay Chou was speechless.

What era is this? Are you still playing?

But he still cooperated and lowered the window:

"AE86, how is it?"

"AE86? What kind of car is that? Hey, how about a ride?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin said:

"Give up, your AE86 is no match for Natsuki's Daben."


Wang Sicong burst out laughing instantly.

On the SLR following McLaren, Lang Lang saw Wang Sicong talking and laughing. Because he couldn't hear the engine sound, he could only use the intercom to ask:

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? The engine is too loud, I can't hear it."

Xu Xin picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Hey, Old Wolf, which one do you think is faster, the AE86 or the Mercedes-Benz?"

Gong Xinliang, who was sitting in the passenger seat wearing sunglasses and enjoying the sun and the vanity of being noticed, was stunned.

But Lang Lang smiled evilly and said into the intercom:

"It must be a Mercedes-Benz! Then no matter how fast the AE86 drives, isn't Natsuki still sitting on Uncle Benz's lap?"


"You are really..."

Jay Chou couldn't laugh or cry.

I can't get over this.

Helplessly, he looked at the traffic light that suddenly turned green, and the McLaren sped out like the wind.

To get to Tamsui from Taipei, you have to take a section of the coastal highway Longmi Road and cross the Guandu Bridge. The scenery along the way is really beautiful.

Good friends hang out together, and my mood becomes better.

The jokes on the intercom didn't stop all the way.

It was around 10:30 when we arrived at Tamsui.

We all agreed to meet at the pier.

By the time the three cars arrived, Yang Mi, Liu Zhishi, Zhao Liying, Xu Xin's father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter, and son had already arrived.

Everyone boarded the rented yacht and went directly to sea carrying fishing rods.

The yacht is very big and the sea is calm today, making it the perfect time to go out and play.

And the two little guys performed very well.

Perhaps the exercises the couple did to help develop the vestibule had an effect, and there was no sign of seasickness at all.

And the captain's skills in driving the boat are also very good, and the boat is driven very smoothly.

After driving to the sea, an area near the reef, everyone put down their fishing rods.

Yang Dalin was more interested in fishing, while Yang Mi was enjoying sunbathing with a few girls.

Xu Xin felt a little regretful. If the weather had been warmer, he would have had more fun with a few jet skis.

But it doesn’t matter.

Soon, Yang Dalin caught the fish.

A small grouper.

This thing likes to hide in rocks, and the place chosen by the yacht is a natural fishing position, which is quite good.

Freshly caught fish is perfect for sashimi.

A glass of beer and a piece of sashimi started a wonderful day of fun.

And just as the family was enjoying this wonderful holiday at the end of the year, a piece of news quietly leaked out in the mainland entertainment industry.

This news was revealed by the media.

"The investment in "The Grandmaster" has settled! Wang Jiawei's masterpiece will be launched after the year!"

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused quite a stir in the circle.

And the reason is very simple.

The entire manuscript is written in detail from the time when the script of "The Grandmaster" was drafted to the previous turmoil when Shanghai Film Studio wanted to withdraw its capital and resell it.

These things are basically known to investors who are interested in investing or have been paying attention to the news. They are not considered secrets. They are obviously told to the audience.

Even some things seem to be based on speculation, which seems a little less rigorous and professional.

But the content of the second half of the manuscript is very intriguing.

"The reporter broke the news based on insiders: Although the investment in "The Grandmaster" attracted the attention of many investment companies, it ended up being settled by Shanghai Film Studio.

The investment in "The Grandmaster" was ultimately composed of three established film studios: Shanghai Film Group, Xiying Group, and Yindu Organization, as well as five investors, Shuangwei Entertainment and Headwind Entertainment.

Compared with the three state-owned film studios, the names of the latter two entertainment companies seem a bit unfamiliar.

However, according to information known to reporters, the biggest credit for "The Grandmaster" being able to bring in three state-owned film studios to jointly complete the investment is due to "Shuangwei" and "Nailfeng" who acted as middlemen and lobbied for bridge building. Two companies.

The boss behind these two companies is none other than Yang Mi, a popular domestic entertainment star.

Shuangwei Entertainment is an artist management company established directly after Yang Mi left Rong Xinda. The company's artists include not only the "fairy" Liu Yifei, but also the beautiful host of "The Voice" - Yang Ying, whose debut film was remembered by the audience. Artists such as the still-new "Brother No" Lin Xin, and Zhao Liying, who has attracted much attention in "Legend of the Wind".

Headwind Entertainment is the production company of "Wulin Gaiden" which broke the ratings record. It is also the distribution company for the overseas copyright of "The Voice".

For the investment in "The Grandmaster" this time, it was Yang Mi, who controlled the two companies, who bridged the gap and joined three film companies to invest in Wang Jiawei's film, which has been in preparation for ten years.

Moreover, reporters learned from insiders that it was Yang Mi who joined the company and acted as a middleman among the three investment companies. It is still unknown when the film "The Grandmaster" will start filming.

In the preliminary preparation work of this work, it can be said that Yang Mi took the greatest credit. Coupled with the joining of many famous stars such as Liang Chaowei, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Jin, and Wang Jiawei writing and directing, we will wait and see what height this film and television work that has been polished for ten years will reach. "

Although the content of the second half of the entire manuscript seems simple at first glance, it is just that Yang Mi acted as a middleman to allow the three companies to invest. And by the way, I introduced the company owned by Hua Dan, a popular domestic entertainment actress. From the perspective of movie fans or outsiders, they just say, "Thanks to Yang Mi, this drama was able to get investment and be filmed."

But from within the industry, the meaning of this news is completely different.

Yang Mi?

Did three state-owned factories stir the pot?

What an international joke.

Is it really so easy to get money from a state-owned film studio?

If you are just a Western Film Studio, forget it.

Who doesn't know that you two are from Xiying Studio?

But what about Yindu?

Where can I meet Yang Mi, this old-school Hong Kong film and television organization?

She doesn't mix in Hong Kong circles.

And Shanghai Film Studio is even more outrageous...

According to the news obtained in the early stage of "The Grandmaster", it is already certain that it will lose money, otherwise there would not be news that it would sell the script to stop losses.

But now it suddenly doesn’t sell anymore?

Continue investing instead?

When did Shanghai Film Studio start recognizing people instead of money?

This is outrageous enough in itself, but in the end, Yang Mi was the one pulling the strings?

Where does she get so much energy?

As soon as the news came out, the first reaction of many people in the industry was that it was impossible.

Yang Mi...or rather, how could the energy of Yang Mi and Xu Xin be so great?

It’s ridiculously big!

Can one person give face to three state-owned factories?

Isn't this nonsense?

However, as this news spread, in the past few days at the end of January, countless reporters and curious people in the industry began to inquire about the news.

Whether it was Shanghai Film Studio, Yindu, or even West Film Studio... Including Bona, who was said to have the most active contact with Wang Jiawei before, they also joined in, wanting to find out what was going on.

But the news I got from some of my relationships was quite uniform.

"The news in the news is true. Yang Mi did join "The Grandmaster", and she was indeed the catalyst for the investment from the three parties."

"All three companies gave her face and believed in her box office appeal."

"Without her, it's hard to say how long Wang Jiawei's drama would have been delayed."

"Shanghai Film Studio's attitude indeed began to change after learning about Yang Mi's joining."

"What? Xu Xin? This drama has nothing to do with Xu Xin."

"But then again..."

"Xu Xin is really capable of marrying this wife... she is really quite capable!"

Under the surface of the circle that movie fans cannot see, undercurrents surged in all directions with this news.

Spreading far and wide.

Although there is no disturbance outside the circle, inside the circle...

As for the energy represented behind the name "Yang Mi"... it has quietly undergone earth-shaking changes.

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