I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 421 419 Happy New Year

Chapter 421 419. Happy New Year

This report was sent out on the 27th.

Yang Mi saw it on the day it was sent out.

She was not surprised at all that this so-called "insider" introduced her so comprehensively.

Because all she wanted from the whole thing was results.

For movie fans, just let everyone know that he will star in "The Grandmaster". For people in the circle, the information they can get is limited to so much.

There is no need to know other things.

As for the subsequent effects, you just need to wait for time to ferment.

For this reason, she specifically contacted Wang Jinghua.

After the new year, her business activities will also increase.

The premise is that it does not affect film shooting.

Xu Xin's response was "mediocre".

All the preliminary work has been done, and time will do the rest.

The family stayed in Wanwan until February 1st.

February 13th is New Year’s Eve, and it’s time for them to go back.

On the one hand, I went back to give gifts, and on the other hand, Shuangwei and Tianlai were still waiting for the boss's return at the annual party.

Shuangwei's annual meeting was held separately from Tianlaiyin.

As for the purpose of Tianlaizhiyin's annual conference, the brothers have a very unified understanding.

At the beginning, Yang Mi personally promised everyone: follow her, and she will let everyone eat meat.

So this annual meeting is the time for her to fulfill her promise.

not much.

5 million in cash was the reward she gave at the annual meeting.

"The Voice"'s advertising revenue exceeded 100 million. In fact, she had already given out a round of rewards after the finals ended successfully.

This is another round.

On average, everyone working on the "The Voice" project has earned more than 80,000 yuan this year.

Not counting salary and year-end bonus.

Along with the 5 million cash reward, she also announced bonus points for the second season.

With the joint support of the company's shareholders, the company paid a 5% profit dividend as a reward for the complete success of the second quarter.

When the news came out, the eyes of everyone present turned red.

Needless to say, you can tell by just looking at her expression that she is determined to follow Sister Mi.

The profit point of 5% seems very low at first glance, but you need to know... 5% of 100 million is 5 million. And according to the current popularity of "The Voice", investors waving banknotes have already lined up outside.

Advertising fees will definitely double next year!

One hundred million is five million, what about two hundred million? Three hundred million...

And that's just dividends.

For a moment... Although I didn't dare to say that I was embarrassed, Sister Mi's generosity and the weight of her promise made it seem heavy in everyone's hearts.

Follow Sister Mi, there will be meat to eat!

This impression was deeply engraved in my heart.

Especially those who have worked in other companies before, after getting used to the reality that the boss makes a fuss and makes no distinction between the truth and the truth in his words, listening to these news at this moment, with the blood in their eyes and the money in their hands, It became the best catalyst for them to start construction after the new year.

Compared with Tianlai's directness, Shuangwei's internal annual meeting seems more "professional".

It’s not that everyone is very utilitarian, but there are many things to talk about.

The total number of employees at Shuangwei, including the permanent staff of various departments and the artist team, totals less than 40 people.

Saying too much is not too much, saying too little is not too much.

And to be honest, Shuangwei's business this year is not particularly large.

Zhao Liying and Lin Yixin are working on a film called "Legend of the Wind," which will be released next year, and Liu Yifei is working on a film called "Hawthorn Tree" that has already been confirmed.

Their salaries are not particularly large.

If I really want to say that the most profitable person is Yang Ying...

Because Yang Mi is pregnant this year, her activity level is basically zero.

Without considering "The Wind", her commercial activities are still negative.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a has-been artist.

But Yang Ying created nearly one million profits for the company this year.

Advertising spokesperson for "Xifeng Wine".

And the salary of 100,000 (after division) for "Love in the City".

In addition to the remuneration from "The Voice" and some photoshoots for print magazines.

She really made a lot of money this year.

It seems like she has become the "first sister" of the company.

And the most important thing is that the things she got did not take up any company resources.

Huang Xiaoming asked for the movie from his godmother, Xiang Tai.

The remuneration for "The Voice" is provided by Teana.

The spokesperson for "Xifeng Wine" was also won by Tianlai.

Yang Mi's promise to make money was fulfilled in the first year she joined.

Yang Ying, who holds a "huge sum" of nearly 2 million yuan and has a popular domestic boy as her boyfriend, even wore a Givenchy haute couture at the annual meeting.

Is it beautiful?

The answer is yes.

Her face is punchable, that's a fact.

The 18th-tier young model who used to rely on Sister Mi to buy some luxury goods and cosmetics has now transformed, her temperament has become dignified, and she has a vague air of a big shot.

Especially in the absence of Liu Yifei.

As the head artist of the company, when she appeared at the hotel venue, she was called "Sister Baby" constantly.

As for why Liu Yifei is absent...

The answer is actually very simple.

She returned to the countryside.

I left directly after filming "The Deal."

And cut off all unnecessary contact, not even using mobile phones.

There was only Wu Qiqi following her, and she ignored everything else.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin was actually quite pleased with her professionalism.

Let’s not talk about the quality of acting skills or image. Back then, Liu Yifei was able to go to Wudang Mountain to practice swordsmanship for the role of Xiao Longnu. Now, for the movie "Hawthorn Tree", I can return to the rural hometown of my distant relatives and silently experience that kind of rural life.

Just for this reason, Xu Xin felt that she was a good material.

If you don’t want to attend the annual meeting, then don’t attend.

For Liu Yifei, he felt like... waiting for a pot of good food.

The longer it simmers, the crispier it becomes and the better.

Put aside the image of city girl and fairy sister.

He is looking forward to "Jingqiu" more and more.

The annual meeting is scheduled for the morning.

After the meeting, everyone will have a holiday.

Take the money and go home happily for the New Year.

At around 9 o'clock or almost 10 o'clock, the tables set up for the banquet in Wanda's converted small conference hall were filled with people.

At 10 o'clock, Wanda's security appeared at the gate on time.

Not to escort Yang Mi.

Instead, he was pushing a large cart covered with red cloth.

When they saw the outline covered by the red cloth, the eyes of Shuangwei employees who already knew the situation at Tianlai became eager.

Don’t worry about how much you can share.

It's impossible not to get jealous when you take out this real money.

What's more... many employees find working in the company quite relaxing.

They don't need to go to the market or promote artists or anything like that. Just wait for the boss to send you work.

Although everyone knows that this situation will not last long, once all the artists in the company are on the right track, there will be a lot of contacts and business arrangements waiting for them. But no one would refuse a job that is more leisurely.

Not to mention... there's a lot of money.

Sister Mi is really not stingy at all.

As long as you abide by the company's rules and procedures, everything will go smoothly.

Unconsciously, I had the feeling that if I followed Sister Mi, my future would be bright.

After the security guard pushed the car to the small stage, he waited for a while. After 10:30, four people, Yang Mi, Xu Xin, Wang Sicong, and Wang Jinghua, appeared at the door.

The moment the four people at the table saw her, everyone stood up unconsciously.

Applause rang out at the same time.

"Hua la la la la..."

Including Yang Ying, who was as proud as a phoenix just now, everyone burst into warm applause to welcome Sister Mi's arrival.

Yang Mi smiled and walked forward with the three "followers" behind her.

When they reached their own table, Xu Xin, Wang Sicong and Wang Jinghua all sat down.

Yang Mi took the microphone handed over by Sun Ting and walked straight onto the stage.

The applause stopped as she raised her hand.

All it takes is one movement and silence.

Watching Wang Sicong sat at the table and muttered to Xu Xin:

"No one else has the style of Da Mi."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Call Chairman, dear Mr. Shareholder."

"Hehe, yes, yes, our chairman is so awesome!"

Following Wang Sicong's words, Yang Mi spoke the first words.

She held the microphone and looked at all the employees:

"The first thing is to send money."




The whole place fell silent.



"Hua la la la la..."


Amidst the whistle, Yang Mi unveiled the red cloth.

Stacks of red banknotes blinded many people.

Sun Ting also came to Yang Mi with a document.

After Yang Mi took it, she opened it and called out her name:

"Wu Sijie, Hu Zhuang, Zhou Hongwei, Jiang Li..."

Everyone stood up, including the supervisor.

At Sun Ting's greeting, she walked to the stage.

Then, Yang Mi picked up a bundle of banknotes. This is the amount of 50,000 bundles, and everyone queues up to receive it.

Among the people whose names were read out, there were even cleaning ladies from two companies.

When the two cleaning aunts each held a 50,000-yuan banknote in their hands, the surprise and surprise smiles on their faces were paired with their red faces, which completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire venue!

The lowest is 50,000.

Some of the top department heads directly doubled their salary based on 50,000.

The piles of cash quickly dwindled and were dispersed into everyone's hands.

Everyone held a bundle or two of money in their hands, and their smiles of surprise and joy filled the entire annual meeting with a deep sense of joy.

After the money was distributed, Yang Mi picked up the phone again:

"I'm afraid you don't know. Turn right 100 meters from the hotel and you'll find China Construction Bank. Our Mr. Wang has already booked the special savings channel for you. After dinner, we can all go there to save money together. Bring your salary cards with you. ?”

"Bring it!!!"

The uniform sound was deafening.

Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"Okay. Then put the money aside for now. It's all yours anyway... Let me talk about the second thing."

She held up two fingers:

"The working time for the coming year is February 24th. It's New Year's Day. Everyone has 22 days of rest!"


The cheers returned.

And Yang Mi's words made the waiter waiting at the door for instructions to pass the dishes go straight-eyed.

Forget about the payment just now.

It is estimated that other companies make more money.

But this holiday...

Are you sure you are not running a charity?

Is your company still short of people? …Can I be a cleaner?

What kind of treatment is this?

That’s outrageous!

Amidst the cheers, Yang Mi raised her third finger:

"Third point, next year, everyone will be very busy. Recuperate your energy at home and work hard, okay?"


In the neat response, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Let the banquet begin! Serve the food!"

There is no nonsense, the money distribution activity starting at 10:30 seems to be the most time-consuming content.

After finishing three sentences, it was just around 11 o'clock.

A wave of his hand announced that the food was served.

Some words of encouragement, or words like drawing a pie.

Yang Mi’s purpose is actually very simple. According to Xu Daqiang’s words:

"Everything you say in a crowded place is empty talk. It makes no difference whether you say it or not. In this case, let's just be practical. People follow you, not to listen to your pie-in-the-sky pie, nor to listen to your vision of the future. Wow. The purpose of your little brother following you is very simple, there is only one, and that is to make money. If he can make money by following you, he will be determined to work with you. If he needs something, you can give it to him. "

These guys don't think so much, they just need to do their job well.

The reason why a boss can become a boss is because he can lead everyone to make money.

Just let everyone understand this.

Everything else is false.

Yang Mi thinks this is very reasonable, so the company processes reported by her subordinates before include finding a host, making an opening speech, or asking people from various departments to stand up and shout slogans to show team momentum, and The employees swore that I would not do anything like being a bully for the company.

You just need to know that you can make money by following me.

This is better than a unity meeting or leading everyone to play games.

To put it bluntly, the reason why everyone hangs around with you, the boss, in these scenes is just for the reward of the year-end bonus at the end.

Superficial work, at least for her, is not necessary.

The only people she wants to talk to for promotion are her artists.

Just chat one by one in the afternoon.

For other things on the scene, if you spend real money on it, this kind of "sincere" emotion is actually more simple.

And looking at the smiles on everyone’s faces…

It seems to work great.

After she sat down, she took the tea cup from Xu Xin and said to the "core" people at this table with a smile:

"After lunch, let's go back to the company and have a chat in the afternoon."

The annual meeting started early, and we started eating at early 11 o'clock.

And at early 12 o'clock, it was over.

The group of people returned directly to the company in two cars.

On the way, Xu Xin didn't ask Lin Gou how he was preparing for the role of "Lao San". Everyone actually chatted about games together.

Yang Mi and Yang Ying in the other car didn't talk about anything substantial.

I just asked how the relationship between Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying was.

In fact, Yang Mi had a relatively clear grasp of the emotional state of the two of them.

Orange has always been very precise about its positioning.

The immediate boss is always Sister Tingting.

So no matter what happens, as long as she knows something, she will always tell Sister Tingting.

Moreover, Sun Ting is not the kind of person who likes to betray her teammates.

Perhaps because she watched too much "Infernal Affairs", she was always very careful about how to protect the oranges.

Yang Ying still doesn't know how to confide in him, and the assistant he trusts the most is actually a young man...

After comparing Yang Ying's answer about her and Huang Xiaoming's relationship status with Orange's usual information, Yang Mi understood that although she didn't tell the whole story, she didn't lie either.

that's it.

Emotional matters are, after all, private matters.

She understands.

Then I chatted with Zhang Jiao about academic matters.

After arriving at the company, everyone came to the office, the tea was brewed, and after closing the door, Yang Mi began to tell her arrangements.

the first thing……

"Baby, tomorrow, you are going to Xi'an."

Yang Ying was stunned.

"Go to Xiying Studio to complete the entry procedures and join the actor troupe. From next year, most of your opportunities will be in movies."


Yang Ying was stunned for a moment, but his eyes immediately lit up:

"Okay, sister!... Hehehe, thank you, sister!"

Yang Mi smiled and waved her hands:

"Don't be too busy thanking me. When it comes to movies, acting is the most important thing. Spend more time and strive to become a capable actor from a vase as soon as possible. Do you understand?"


Never mind whether you really understand or pretend to understand.

But the excitement on Yang Ying's face cannot be faked.


Still a movie actor!

For her who has already finished filming "Love in the City" and feels the "charm" of the movie, Sister Mi's words are like a fragrant and tempting apple at this moment, and she is so greedy that she wants it!

Next came Zhang Jiao.

"Jiaojiao, I will arrange small roles in several TV series for you next year."

"Thank you, Sister Mi! Hehehehe..."

Zhang Jiao beamed.

Finally, there is Lin Xin.

As for Lin Gou, Yang Mi didn't say much, she just said:

"For "Hawthorn Tree," you must be prepared. Your starting point is very high. If you take this step well, you will be sure to become a hit!"

"rest assured."

Lin Xinxin nodded:

"I know it well."


After finishing talking about the three people, she started to talk about the core content of calling the three people here today:

"Starting next year, we currently have a TV series tentatively planned, which is "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and two movies, one "Hawthorn Tree" and one "Thirty-day Love"... The TV series is directed by Zheng Xiaolong, although he and I The conversation was about not intervening too much in his casting, but as a management company, he also had to consider my feelings.

And if nothing unexpected happens...the protagonist of this drama will be played by Liang Binning. It is a large-scale production with an investment of nearly 100 million... Everyone in our company is considered for my role. As for movies, not to mention "Hawthorn Tree", the script of "Love Is Not Blind" is already in production. We will definitely not be short of resources. "

Following her words, several people nodded silently.

"Then there is the business aspect. We are indeed a little weaker in this area so far. Because everyone's career has just started. But once you become famous, everything will fall into place. So, I hope everyone understands the truth that you can't eat it all at once. Fatty. Eat your food one bite at a time. Please remember this."

"As for your development plans, Sister Zeng will tell you one after another after the year. But there is one thing you must understand... I hope that everyone in the company, regardless of gender, is not just a flashy actor.

The company will work hard to expand your commercial value, but at the same time, your acting path must be planned more rationally. What will ultimately allow you to gain a foothold in this industry is definitely not the commercial value of youthful eating, but your acting skills. this point is very important! "

"I believe you have also heard about "The Grandmaster" recently. Some of the things in it are actually very complicated, and it would take a long time to really talk about it.

But what I can tell you is that at present, not only Xiying Film Studio, but also Shanghai Film Studio, Yindu Institution... or in other words, all resources outside the Beijing area, we are qualified to take a bite.

But whether it can succeed depends firstly on the company and secondly on one’s own efforts. As long as everyone is good enough, then what I can guarantee is that you will definitely get resources that match your position! "...

No outsiders.

After closing the door, Yang Mi spoke to them thoroughly.

It is very clear what everyone should do, how to do it, and how the company arranges it.

The year-end meeting lasted for more than an hour.

Finally, after leaving messages of greetings for the upcoming New Year, the company boss announced the dissolution.

It also brings an end to the last job before the New Year.

February 7th.

Little year.

The couple ran through all their relationships except Director Zhang.

After delivering everything that needed to be visited and given gifts, he completely began a restful life without shame.

February 11th.

A family of four appeared at Yanjing Airport.

Bid farewell to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and flew to Dongsheng.

On the day she arrived in Xujiawan, Yang Mi put on a floral cotton jacket and green cotton trousers... No matter what, she wanted to experience a "village fire party" and infiltrated the Xujiawan Risk Assessment Committee. Get a deputy director.

If Xu Xin hadn't forced her to take off her pants and put on a normal outfit, the photos of her at the village women's fire party that were leaked in the afternoon... would have caused a stir on Weibo.

And on the 12th, as the young girls returned one after another, Yang Mi finally experienced what is called "the simple and unpretentious life of the rich second generation."

She went to Xu's coal yard and counted the carts all morning.

According to Xu Xin:

"Just count. Don't overload a car. Just calculate it as normal, 45 tons, 750 per ton. This car earns 30,000 yuan... Haven't you always wanted to see how much money our family can make in a day? Here, you count."

Then... In this coal mine, Yang Mi counted 74 vehicles in the morning.

Although I don't know how much the cost is, the gross profit... This morning, as the New Year is approaching, it was more than 2.2 million.

This is just a mine...

And my husband’s family has more than one mine.

Then, when she looked at the dirty mine in front of her, the black coal was no longer coal.

But tons and tons of gold...

One year after receiving the certificate, the baby is less than half a year old.

In this trance, she finally had a hint of consciousness as a "female coal boss".


It turns out that my family... is so rich.

2010 Spring Festival.

The family watched the TV set, making dumplings, and happily watching the sketch "Donation" brought by Zhao Benshan, Shen Xiaoyang, and Wang Xiaoli.

There is Teacher Motoyama in the Spring Festival Gala, so it feels right.

Xu Daqiang smiled while watching, and asked his son:

"How old is Zhao Benshan this year?"

"I was born in 1957, and I am 53 this year."

"So old?...Ah, I feel like I won't be able to perform for a few more years. The Spring Festival Gala would be meaningless without him."

After saying this, Xu Xin nodded thoughtfully:


Recalling the family dinner at Zhang Weiping's house that night, when the topic of the Spring Festival Gala came up, Teacher Benshan's inseparable and complicated alienation from the Spring Festival Gala, looking at Zhao Benshan on the screen who brought bursts of laughter to the audience, he felt... Time is actually a little sad.

What the old man said is not false at all.

If there is no teacher Benshan in the Spring Festival Gala...

What else does that mean?

With a bit of melancholy and drunkenness, time passed by minute by second.

Finally, during the countdown to the Spring Festival Gala, Xu Xin put on her clothes, came to the yard with Xu Miao, and lit the fireworks that had been prepared for a long time.

Under the Xujiawan night sky where bangs and bangs came one after another, he looked up at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky and murmured to himself amidst the cries of his daughter and son who were awakened:

"Say goodbye to the old year with the sound of firecrackers, and welcome the new year with joy...Brother."


Xu Miao, who was smoking a cigarette and waiting for the fireworks to finish lighting up the 100,000 firecrackers, turned around and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

"What's going on... I wish you dad, mom, you and your sister-in-law, and everyone who is watching this "fireworks" at this moment and supporting me along the way. I wish you good health and everything goes well, Peace and joy..."

As he spoke, he said sincerely, full of sincerity and sincere wishes to the people who saw this moment:

"Happy New Year."

This chapter touches on the topic again. hey-hey.

Everything that needs to be said is in the book.

I think...this chapter belongs to my romance with you.

Please give me a monthly pass here, okay?

Happy New Year everyone.

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