I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 422 420 Legal and compliance, low-key handling

Chapter 422 420. Legal compliance and low-key handling

Hubei, Yichang, Yuan'an County.

The eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

There is a relatively primitive village in Yuan'an County called Qinglong Village.

Farmers in this village usually make a living by planting hawthorn and farming. Plowing the land during the busy farming season and going out to work during the slack farming season. Although it cannot be said to be particularly poor, it is not related to wealth.

But this situation has improved since last year.

Or in January of the Gregorian calendar year.

Beginning in January of the Gregorian calendar year, news suddenly spread that the crew of "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" would be filming in Qinglong Village.

Suddenly, many strangers focused their attention on this previously unknown village.

Many people may not have read the book "Hawthorn Tree Love".

Even the villagers, when they heard this name, at most they thought it might be related to hawthorn, but if they asked more deeply, it was not clear.

Or to put it more bluntly, ask the villagers: Do you know Xu Xin?

The answer must be that 80 to 90% of people have never heard of this name.

But the question arises: do you know Zhang Yimou...

That would be too much to say.

Perhaps the nickname "National Master" is still unfamiliar to them, but when it comes to the nickname "Lao Mouzi", no matter young or old, they must have heard of this name more or less.

Under the camera of "Lao Mouzi", Nanping Village became famous for "Ju Dou".

Zhouzhuang gained attention because of "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma Bridge".

Zhangye is also famous all over the world because of the beautiful Danxia landscape with splashes of ink like oil under the lens of Lao Mouzi.

Not to mention the Tianguanyi Station in Wulong, Chongqing.

When Director Zhang's works appear in any city, town, county, or village, it is a "grand event" for the locals.

Even though the director of this drama is Xu Xin, he is only the producer.

But when we got the news that Director Zhang was coming on the eighth day of the lunar month, the leadership teams of YC City and Yuan'an County were already waiting in Yuan'an County that morning.

After seeing Zhang Yimou coming out of the car, they held hands together enthusiastically.

Xu Xin, who was behind, was here to help.

The local TV station recorded this scene and used it as the headline of the local news in the evening.

While the old man was chatting with the local leaders in a familiar manner, Xu Xin had already taken a look at Yuan'an County.

"The Hawthorn Tree" was filmed in two locations.

One is Qinglong Village, and the other is Yuan'an County.

Qinglong Village was used when Jingqiu went to the countryside to compile teaching materials, while Yuan'an County was used to film the county drama between her and Lao San.

The reason why I chose Yuanan is actually very simple.

If you really want to trace the history of this county, it is actually quite mysterious.

First of all, it is one of the few counties in the country that is not open to the outside world.

Chinese people can come as they please.

But foreigners who want to come in... can only visit a small part of it under the accompaniment of relevant departments.

Yuan'an is located in the mysterious and ancient Dayan primeval forest. As early as the most difficult era, this ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms was responsible for the preparation and research and development of the military factory. A large number of people with lofty ideals devoted themselves to and took root in this ancient battlefield. Here, the most glorious secret defense construction began.

The shadow of the “third-line construction” of that year can be seen everywhere in this county.

Because of its mysterious characteristics and quite chronological urban style, it won the favor of Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou, and they decided to place the filming location of "The Hawthorn Tree" here.

Some of the buildings here don't even need much modification, and they can perfectly match all the characteristics of that era.

The Fuhua Tao teachers at Xiying Studio were very satisfied with the show.

After arriving in Yuan'an County, Xu Xin and the old man separated.

Fu Huadao was also divided into two groups of people.

Xu Xin personally took Wang Lei and the others, and after a brief meeting with the leaders of Yuan'an County, they drove directly to Qinglong Village.

The old man stayed in the county town and began to look at filming locations such as "school", "Jingqiu's house" and "hospital".

Yichang in February is still under the magical attack of winter.

Not particularly warm.

But you only need to wait until April and May, when the weather temperature will warm up quickly, and then you can start shooting.

There are dozens of kilometers of rural roads from Yuan'an County to Qinglong Village. It is not difficult to walk. However, due to factors such as the narrow road and the traffic congestion, it was almost noon when Xu Xin took the crew to Qinglong Village.

The village leaders, who had been notified long ago, were already waiting at the head of the village.

It's right next to the "hero hawthorn tree" chosen by the crew.

Xu Xin didn't have such heavy ideological baggage. After a brief meeting with everyone, he waved his hand and refused the village chief's invitation to dinner.

It’s not too late to eat later.

When he arrived under the hawthorn tree, he looked around, then led Wang Lei towards the distant hillside.

He grew up climbing Erlang Mountain, a sacred tree. He has played wildly on the mountain since he was a child. To him, the mountain road is no different from the plain.

A group of people carried cameras and started looking for the camera angle that Xu Xin had in mind.

It must have just rained here in Qinglong Village, and the mountain road is still a bit slippery. After a few feet, it was covered in mud.

Wang Lei, who grew up in the city, is still a little uncomfortable with it.

Fortunately, the village chief, who was also used to walking on mountain roads, followed with a few young people to help carry the camera, so that Wang Lei would not be too tired.

Zhang Mo has been here several times, so he is quite familiar with it.

Walking next to Xu Xin.

As an assistant director, she intuitively felt that Xu Xin had one...very, very good advantage.

overall planning.

He knows how to schedule and save time.

While looking for an angle to photograph the hawthorn tree along the way, Zhang Mo discovered that he was always looking around.

After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped and said with a walkie-talkie:

"Brother Xue, Brother Xue."

Xue Yong, one of the assistant directors of "Hawthorn Tree".

He is also one of the assistant directors of "The Beginning of Spring".

He and Gu Changwei are both directors of photography, and this time they were sent here by the factory.


"Can you see me?"


"Okay, Brother Xue, do you see the direction of my finger?"

"I saw it, pointing in the direction of the river ditch to the east."

"Yes, do you see the stone bridge that crosses the entrance of the village in Qinglong Bay? Over there, I want a mid-range camera position. Find the location. I will go over there after I finish shooting. In addition, the prop team will go there. Wait for me at an old house."


No one who came was spared.

Everyone started to get into working mode.

At this time, it can be basically seen that Zhang Mo is unfamiliar with the assistant director's job.

But that's okay.

Xu Xin just takes her slowly.

"Before the light renovation of this house, you have to take pictures of all the details. This is an old house, so you must pay attention when removing the roof, and then restore it to the original condition after taking the pictures. The work should be more precise, this is A place for people to live.”

"Okay, Director Xu."

"Brother Wang, let me see if you add a layer of cyan light filter... No, cyan light is not suitable yet. I want a paler tone."


"Yes, the color is a little distorted at first glance. When we were shooting, I wanted to see some flowers in the distant view... they looked so full in color against this pale texture. You need to check this with the flower shop to see if there are any flowers that bloom in May or June. Bring me pictures... Remember, don't be artificially planted in a regular manner, just scatter the seeds casually, the kind of blooming mountain flowers. Feel……"

"Okay, Director Xu."

"Props, you have to pay attention to them when the time comes. Enamel was used more in those days, so it's not easy for you to prepare this kind of basin."

"Okay, Director Xu."

"The colors of the slogans here are still too bright. Is it possible to achieve the feeling of being eroded by wind and rain?"

"No problem, just scrape it with a hard wire broom when the time comes."

"The color needs to be distorted. This is the south wall. It has the distorted feeling of wind, sun, mountains and rain at the top of the south wall in the countryside. It can't just look a bit rough."

"I understand, Director Xu."

"Director Ning, people in that era used yellow enamel bowls to eat?"

"Yes, considering the background here in the book, isn't there a geological exploration team? It is inappropriate to use a porcelain bowl, as it is easy to break."

"I think the villagers also have enamel bowls in their homes?"

"This involves a matter of taking advantage of the public. It doesn't mean how bad this person's quality is. In fact, every household has this kind of thing... and some old rubber can be placed in the yard. Triangular Belt and the like.

These were all eliminated by the geological team, but in the era when every household might have to raise livestock and hitch carts, this kind of rubber belt, which was eliminated first, was the best thing to make a riding whip. So there must be something public. "

"I understand, or you should be the professional."


It was around 3pm when Zhang Yimou arrived.

Xu Xin has already included all the places in the village that need to be used for shooting into the layout plan.

When he arrived, Xu Xin took him personally and visited the inside and outside of the village.

After all the details were explained, Zhang Yimou nodded slightly:

"Hmm...are you sure you want to use the paler picture?"

"Yes, because the overall tone is pale, the whole picture can be given that kind of vitality when some flowers are embellished and a close-up of Jingqiu is given. Just like this bridge... In the original work, Amy likes to use a sentence The words passed by in two sentences.

For example: Since this meeting, Jingqiu has not seen the third child for a long time.

Or: The third child went to the city and didn't come back for many days.

I don’t want any of these rough timeline explanations. Look at this bridge... I will use a combination of far, medium and near angles.

The third child was away for a long time, so the scene of Jingqiu walking in the fixed shot was far away.

But if the third child is away for a day or two, then I will put the scene of her crossing the bridge into just a few steps...

The bridge is static.

The river water is flowing.

The camera is fixed.

But Jingqiu is mobile.

I wanted this combination of relative motion and stillness to express time... because the time span of the entire film spans several years. Whether in the countryside or in the city - the road is a very important timeline.

The road is like this, the bridge is like this, and the river that represents the separation between life and death is still like this..."

Standing at the bridge, Xu Xin said and Zhang Yimou listened.

Zhang Mo studied silently beside him.

As he described it, Zhang Yimou kept looking at the scenic spots he chose.

While nodding slightly:

"Well, then we can also add the changes of the four seasons..."

"Wind, rain, flowers blooming, flowers fading, even cattle, or rivers with abundant water and dry periods...these shots can all be supplemented."

"If you want flowers, don't plant them artificially. Let the props scatter them as you like."

"Yes, I want these wild flowers to highlight the layering of the painting!"

"Hmm...it looks great like this."

The two continued to chat there.

But Zhang Mo felt a little uncomfortable.

It's hard to say that I feel uncomfortable or jealous.

But...that feeling is very strange.

Dad and Xu Xin... their thoughts overlap so much.

Not to mention anything else, as far as planting flowers is concerned, the two people have exactly the same understanding.

And compared with Xu Xin...

What is in my mind can simply be described as pale.

The tacit understanding between these two people in every aspect...

Tsk tsk.

I stayed in Qinglong Village for a whole day.

As night fell, the convoy began to return.

On a Toyota SUV.

Xu Xin drove the car himself, Zhang Yimou sat in the passenger seat, and Zhang Mo sat in the back.

There were only three people in the car.

Xu Xin arranged for the driver to move to another car.

The motorcade was not moving very fast. Judging by the time it would take to reach Yuan'an County, it would be close to 9 o'clock.

Xu Xin drove and followed the vehicle in front, keeping the speed and distance at a relatively safe position.

"Sister Mo."


"How was your new year?"

After hearing this, Zhang Mo narrowed his eyes and said:

"Not bad."

"Are they allowed to set off firecrackers in Wuxi?"

"No. If you want to set off the firecrackers, you have to go outside the city. There is no New Year flavor at all. Are you allowed to set off firecrackers at Shenmu? I looked at Mimi's Weibo and it seems that your New Year celebrations are quite lively."

"You can't call me Mi Mi now."


"When you see her, you have to call her Deputy Director Yang of the Xujiawan Roohuo Subdistrict Office. She is in charge of village gossip and mediator of civil disputes."


Zhang Mo burst out laughing instantly.

She is not the kind of child who is not born with love.

She has also experienced what life in the countryside is like.

And what this title represents... she understands it very well.

At this time, Zhang Yimou was also speechless:

"It's okay to just gossip, why do you want to mediate civil disputes?"

"Don't mention it... there is nothing in the village or outside that she doesn't know about. There is disagreement between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, quarrels between brothers... these are all Deputy Director Yang's work scope. There is not enough for her to complain about every day."

"...Mimi's character is indeed interesting."

"But no, years ago, there were several dogs in the village who were in heat, and they fought for the little bitch every day. As soon as they saw her coming out, they ran faster than a rabbit. The accuracy of the Wu Mu Thirteen Spears she practiced was all inferior to those few dogs. She was a dog. The little male dog looked at her and was so frightened that he became incontinent.

That guy can scare a chicken so much that it doesn't dare to lay eggs. My fourth sister-in-law’s family raised a few geese. During the Chinese New Year, some children teased the geese and got bitten by the geese. Crying and shouting, they asked their aunt to stand up for them. She went to my fourth sister-in-law's house, grabbed the two geese and stewed them... The geese didn't know how they offended her until they died..."


Zhang Mo was laughing from behind.

Zhang Yimou also shook his head in confusion:

"Ah...this melon girl..."

"This Chinese New Year, I didn't do anything. I ate melon seeds until I had a gap in my teeth...don't you think it's outrageous?"


Laughter echoed in the off-road vehicle, while Xu Xin shook his head while driving:

"Anyway, after this year, she is completely familiar with the village. No, we came back on the second day of the Lunar New Year. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the eldest girl and daughter-in-law in the village formed a group and went directly to Xiangjiang. She recommended the people there, A group of people bought millions of cosmetics in large and small bags...

When I went through the customs, I was so surprised that I wasn't detained as a foreign passenger. According to what my third uncle said... I married Nezha and she returned to the village, which meant that Nezha returned to Chentangguan, and it wouldn't be complete unless he stirred things up. She also gave my second grandma a set of La Mer. The old lady is already seventy, and she smells of Dior perfume when she walks in the morning..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Mimi is really..."

Zhang Yimou shook his head dumbfounded.

"Teaching my sisters, nieces, and nephews, teaching others how to put on makeup and how to match clothes... During this Chinese New Year, my home is like a technical school. A group of people sit on the horse with small books and listen to her class there... …”

Recalling the ridiculous things Yang Mi did during the Chinese New Year...

You have to admit...

The daughter-in-law of Xu Laosi (ranked by Xu Daqiang) is really famous in Xujiawan.

Not just because she is a big star.

Even more because of these "great achievements".

To put it bluntly.

It was so true that even Xujiawan's rooster had to kowtow and lay an egg before leaving when seeing her.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait until tomorrow. It will be served on the table that night and stewed for an hour or two without being able to close your eyes until death.

After a short chat with these parents, Xu Xin finally said:

"By the way, let me tell you something."


"During the Chinese New Year, my relative's child wanted to come to Yanjing to attend elementary school. However, in order for the child to take the college entrance examination, his student status was directly transferred to Beijiang... He went through a borrowing process or something, and anyway, he went to school in Yanjing normally. , and it seems that the entrance exams are still taken in Northern Xinjiang... My dad found someone to take them for him. I was thinking, wouldn't a boy go to school a year late this year? Otherwise..."


In Zhang Yimou's suddenly frowning gaze, Xu Xin said:

"I asked my dad to take care of everything, including Yi Ding, right? Let the children go to school first, and it's easy to talk about school status. I asked my dad, and everything can be done. Don't you always worry about these things? Shall I do it?"

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became quiet.

Zhang Yimou frowned and remained silent.

After about ten seconds, he said:

"Is it public or private?"

"A top private school. The principal of that school is a good friend of my dad's, and they have a very close relationship. If you think it's okay, then just send your child to Yanjing this year. Don't worry about confidentiality. Their teachers all sign contracts. , Keeping the information of people in this kind of aristocratic school confidential is a top priority, there is absolutely no problem."

Xu Xin's breasts were slapped loudly.

Because that's what it is.

Although China is very safe, kidnapping cases have not happened.

Not to mention anything else, just two years ago, an artist in the industry was kidnapped on Yanjing Street.

Therefore, this kind of private school pays special attention to the protection of students' data privacy.

Don't dare to cause any trouble.

Otherwise, the school's reputation will be ruined.

But Zhang Yimou remained silent.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo thought for a while and then said cooperatively:

"Is it reliable? Are you sure you can go to school? The key is that both of their current household registrations are problematic..."

"Household registration is also simple."

Xu Xin waved his hand casually:

"We have people who have connections. In fact, it involves nothing more than a public figure and the issue of paying a fine. The most important thing about this matter is how to complete it silently. The confidentiality work must be done very well. This matter is also It's easy... everything should follow normal procedures. You have to get the certificate with Aunt Ting, and then go to the Family Planning Commission to pay the fine. As long as the news is suppressed, everything will be normal. I can handle it, don't worry. "

"...can you do it?"

Zhang Yimou was really stunned now.


Xu Xin answered decisively:

"My dad has many friends, and this kind of thing is nothing more than a matter of eating a few meals. If you think it's okay, just leave it to me one after another... But don't tell anyone else, who knows about this matter The less the better. Me, you, Aunt Ting, Sister Mo, my dad, just the few of us who know about it will be fine..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Mo spoke:

"Dad, I remember... Aunt Ting's household registration book and everything are in Uncle Zhang's place, right?"

Zhang Yimou responded subconsciously:

"Yes, it's all in Little Wei Na... I'll just come back..."


There was no need for Xu Xin to speak. Zhang Mo, who already knew what to do, quickly shook his head:

"Didn't Xu Xin say that? The fewer people who know about this, the better... Then let Aunt Ting make up a set of documents, okay?"

She and Xu Xin started singing a double act.

After she finished speaking, Xu Xin directly added:

"This is the best. Who is on Aunt Ting's household registration? Grandpa Chen, Grandma Chen?"


"Then just split it up. She will have a separate household registration book, and then after she and you get the certificate, add the children's household registration to her side. In this case, the impact will definitely be minimal. Don't tell other people about this, either. After all...if this matter comes up then, as a public figure, you will definitely receive a lot of attention. Therefore, if people want to help us with this, the first thing they need to do is to make everything legal and compliant..."

At this moment, Zhang Yimou's thinking rhythm had unconsciously kept up with Xu Xin and Zhang Mo's, and he nodded subconsciously:

"That's for sure..."

"Yes, if someone says that our rules are unreasonable, we can also provide evidence. Citizens' privacy itself needs to be protected. As long as everything follows formal procedures, this is the only thing you may have to do. The difficulty they faced was the fine imposed on Yiding and Yijiao.

I have specifically asked people who know this. The rule is that social support will be calculated starting from the second child. The threshold for the second child is 3 to 10 times the citizen's annual income in the year of birth. The third is a double penalty based on the second.

Money must be paid. You must prepare in advance the annual income certificate for Yiding and Yijiao when they come out... For taxes, do you have an account sheet? "

"Of course there is."

Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Xiao Pang has records of his personal income."

"That's okay. You prepare these in advance, and when I ask you for it, you can give it to me. We have one goal in this matter, which is to be legal and compliant, and handle it in a low-key manner. Just don't worry, it won't cost you any favors. . Even if someone asks later, our privacy belongs to citizens, and state agencies will be held accountable if it is leaked in private..."


Because it is getting dark.

So Xu Xin didn't see Zhang Yimou's clenched fist.


The trembling voice of the old man who had experienced many storms in his life betrayed his emotions:

"Is it really that simple!? Just... pay the money?"

"It must be difficult for others."

Xu Xin said with a smile:

"But since my dad said it can be done, then it can definitely be done. Just keep your heart in mind, I will definitely handle these things for you this year, okay?"


Zhang Yimou said nothing.


Even the sound of the car's engine couldn't suppress his heavy breathing.

At this time, Zhang Mo added the last sentence:

"In this case, Aunt Ting's biggest worry will be relieved. There is no need to hide every day... Just like being a thief, you will also be criticized by friends and relatives around you. Aunt Ting has been with you for so many years, working hard and without complaint, and now It’s a good result...Dad, you can rest assured.”

"That's right!"

Xu Xin was full of praise for this teammate.

Or maybe it's a little cotton-padded jacket.

It really made the old man's heart feel warm.


"The most important thing is to keep it secret. The fewer people who know about it, the better! This news will sink right into your stomach! Never say it, never mention it, and never let anyone know, is the best!"

Zhang Mo nodded:

"Well, that's for sure. No matter how close or close you are, you can't tell. Just your family knows!"

As she spoke, she stuck her head forward and looked at her silent father sitting in the passenger seat:

"Dad, are you right?"


Zhang Yimou nodded vigorously.


The less people know about this, the better.

"Xiao Xu..."



"Don't... isn't this what you should do? Just see how the children are arranged when the time comes. Other things..."

Holding the steering wheel and driving the car smoothly, Xu Xin smiled slightly:

"give it to me."

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