I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 435 433 The dining table of the superior

Chapter 435 433. The superior’s dining table

Roosevelt third floor.

Arriving in the room, Xu Xin saw Qian Pengcheng and Nazha who stood up and nodded respectfully.

None of the others were seen.

But that’s okay.

The advantage of having fewer people and being all acquaintances is that it eliminates all the trouble of being polite.

Everyone was familiar with each other and sat down to chat.

After taking the teacup handed over by Nazha, Xu Xin nodded to the little girl who was still wearing a business appearance and said hello. Then I heard Xue Haifeng say to Qian Pengcheng:

"Mr. Qian will have a nice drink with Director Xu soon."

All the people present were smart people, although Xue Haifeng's words did not mention "the matter is done" or "what will be the result".

But as a middleman, since he let the two people clink glasses, it means that the matter has at least been discussed from his side and there is a suitable and stable solution.

Qian Pengcheng was happy.

And Xu Xin didn't speculate on whether the two people would talk about something in private, such as "What kind of apology should Xu Xin give if he is really angry?" or "How should we deal with it if Xu Xin is really angry?"...

No need.

That would seem a bit petty.

So Xu Xin also nodded and said with a smile:

"I need to drink two more drinks. I was busy outside for a whole day last time, and ended up getting drunk after just a few glasses of wine. I didn't have a full drink. But I need to eat something to cushion my bed first... I'm busy in Yichang. It’s been a day, and the chest is pressed against the back because of hunger... Isn’t there a little less people?”

"Everyone else is busy, but we can save this drink and let them make up for it when we meet them next time. Haha~"

After Xue Haifeng finished speaking, Xu Xin and Qian Pengcheng both laughed.

next door.

Yu Zheng looked down at the time on his watch and found that it was already after 5 o'clock. He couldn't help but look up at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa next to him, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

A hint of vague dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

His room is not big, in terms of square meters, it is less than twenty square meters.

Except for a bathroom that was also not too big, the only other furnishings in the room were a small LCD TV and a single sofa for him and the middle-aged man to sit on.

And the long coffee table in the middle of the house.

Then there is a bookshelf at the door, with some magazines and books on it.

Objectively speaking, compared with Xue Haifeng's house, which has a beautiful view of the Huangpu River, this house is no different from a single apartment.

This is the driver's waiting room.

Specially prepared for drivers.

As for the people who came by car, they were chatting next door surrounded by delicious food, beautiful scenery and beauties.

There are some things where it is not convenient to bring a driver with you, so the driver will be waiting in this room.

It's not that the environment is bad, but it's definitely on the same level as next door.

Does Yu Zheng know this is the driver's waiting room?

he knows.

Because he had also been to Roosevelt.

And have been here more than once.

There are no fewer film and television investors in the Magic City than in Yanjing, and investors come to him to discuss matters, or he wants to treat investors to dinner, etc. Although this place is not a must-choice, he still frequents it.

Talking about things here is reasonable and face-to-face.

In the past, his driver would sit in this waiting room and wait for him and others to finish eating before seeing him off.

But the irony is that today he is the one sitting here.

Dissatisfaction is certain.

But I dare not say it.

Because the middle-aged man in front of me who called me here today and is sitting here waiting is Qian Pengcheng, the head of variety show marketing of Tianyu.

Don’t underestimate the category of “variety show marketing”.

You know, Tianyu itself started out by producing "Super Girl" and "Fast Man"... In other words, it was precisely because of these two variety shows that Tianyu was founded.

The company's external investment department at the beginning was variety show marketing.

At the time it was their only external marketing department.

Although Today Entertainment has been divided into film and television drama investment, artist business, etc., they are all sub-departments separated from the marketing department. The marketing department...or Mr. Qian's scope of authority can cover them all.

He was quite happy when he received a call from the driver named "Wu Qiang" at around 3 p.m. and told him that Mr. Qian had asked him to be here before 4:30 p.m.

I thought we were here to talk about the script.

But after he hurriedly arrived here, he was stopped by Wu Qiang and poured cold water on him:

"Qian always asks you to wait for him here."

When Wu Qiang pointed to the waiting room, Yu Zheng's first reaction was why the driver was so unreliable.

Want me to go to the waiting room where your driver is?

What international joke are you kidding?

But faced with his absurdity, Wu Qiang pointed firmly at the waiting room:

"Let's go."

But just when his driver wanted to follow him in, Wu Qiang simply refused to let him in.

"You go and wait below."

In one word, he sent his driver to the car in the underground garage.

At this time, Yu Zheng had a bad premonition in his heart.

Said to Wu Qiang:

"I'll give Mr. Qian a call."

"Qian is always busy, so just wait here. I'll call you later."

These are Wu Qiang’s original words.

But the tone was somewhat warning.

At first glance, it sounds a bit nonsense. A driver dares to speak like this to a screenwriter and producer who is not only famous, but also a well-known writer and producer.

Are you really not afraid of offending people?

But does Yu Zheng actually dare to offend Wu Qiang?

Don't dare.

It's the same reason as in ancient times when one didn't dare to offend the emperor's servants.

He didn't know what happened. After he came in, Wu Qiang was either reading magazines or playing with his mobile phone, but didn't talk to him.

Even when faced with his own attempts to approach or ask questions, he always shook his head and couldn't explain clearly.

But that feeling of uneasiness is slowly increasing bit by bit as time goes by.


Mr. Qian received the script and read it. When he called himself, wasn't he quite happy? But what happened?

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, the door of the waiting room was pushed open.

Xue Haifeng's driver Chen Dingxin walked in.

As soon as he came in, Wu Qiang stood up, smiled and shouted:

"Brother Chen."

Yu Zheng was stunned...

Looking at Chen Dingxin, he smiled and nodded:

"Yeah. Are you hungry? Have you ordered something to eat?"

He looks like a "host" entertaining "guests".

Yu Zheng was stunned again.

Wu Qiang shook his head:

"No, Brother Chen is hungry? Shall I call the waiter over?"

"I'm not hungry either."

Chen Dingxin waved his hand and looked at Yu Zheng again.

But his eyes were more subtle.

He is a driver, and one of his most basic rules is to keep his ears open while driving and his mouth closed in private.

So even if you listened to what Director Xue and Director Xu said, it was basically impossible to pry something out of his mouth.

But that didn't stop him from looking at Yu Zheng with a look like "Looking at your joke" or "Let's see who is so bold".

Even if it's just a glance.

But Yu Zheng's heart skipped a beat again.

This is……

What's wrong?

And his doubts became stronger after Wu Qiang personally poured a cup of tea for Chen Dingxin and gave him a cigarette.

Is this person also a driver?

Whose driver?

Who is the driver?

With the sneer in his heart that "you will never make my money in your lifetime" and that... feeling of uneasiness that was getting stronger for some reason, he felt that it was getting harder and harder to sit on the sofa under his butt.

After all, he is a respectable person.

Although I can't afford to offend the giant Tianyu, I can let myself stay in the same room with the driver...

These two drivers are so virtuous...


I don't know if it was to be emboldened or something, but he sneered in his heart.



I remember.

You really think you can dominate the TV drama field, right? Um? Qian Pengcheng? You really think you are awesome, right...

It doesn’t matter if you are brave or show off your strength.

In the intense activity inside Yu Zheng's heart, time passes by minute by second.



Wu Qiang's cell phone rang.

After taking a look, he turned directly to Zheng and said:

"Money will always look for you. It's next door. Come in."


All thoughts were suppressed instantly.

A particularly strong sense of uneasiness struck again.


Yu Zheng nodded, stood up and walked out.

Opening the door, he looked at the waiters waiting at the door.

The waiter was looking at him too.

I don't know if he wants to leave or open the door to go in.

But his hand was already on the door.

But Yu Zheng subconsciously wanted to smoke.

But I didn't dare to waste any time.

Today's meeting is so weird.

Mr. Qian found him and arranged for him to stay in the driver's waiting room. There were only two drivers in the waiting room, one was Mr. Qian, and the other was... a driver who seemed to have a higher "status" than Mr. Qian.

What's going on?

His heart began to beat violently. Surrounded by a sense of uneasiness, he subconsciously turned around in the direction of the double copper doors guarded by two waiters.

The well-trained waiter's professionalism has been engraved in his heart. When he saw the "driver" turning around, his hands even faster than his brain pushed open the heavy door to let people in.

Yu Zheng's mouth twitched...

He's not ready yet.

But now that the door has been opened, he can only bite the bullet and walk in with a somewhat unnatural step.

Outside, facing those young actors and even some directors, he is the boss of the company, the producer, the screenwriter, and the person in charge of the life of some actors, who must be fawned over.

But if you add tofu with brine, one thing will be reduced.

His status is basically not worth mentioning in front of Mr. Qian.

Although he couldn't completely block his own way, as a link in the supply and demand relationship, Tianyu, who had always been a big bully in the store, wanted to get someone, so it was not too easy.

Even if they can't do it all, they will block whoever they say will be blocked. However, as the largest pan-entertainment TV platform in the country, for any drama, an actor's success from them is more than that of other TV stations, which may be three or three. The kind that none of the five films can necessarily surpass.

If he offended Tianyu, he would have no choice but to go to those small channels.

Satellite stations may not have the guts to cooperate with him.

Unless he can perform more valuable.

So we have to be cautious, and it is impossible not to be cautious.

The moment he walked into the room, his eyes were immediately attracted by a beautiful figure.

What a beautiful girl...

Looking at Nazha walking towards him, he was a little lost.

It’s not that you fall in love with it at first glance.

But as a brokerage company owner, he had an intuition the moment he saw this girl's face...

This girl is very suitable to be an actress.

Even if his acting skills are bad, it won't matter.

As long as there are some suitable fixed roles, it is definitely not difficult to use this face to gain popularity and become a money-making tool!

This girl...who is she?

He was absent-minded, but Nazha, who received Director Xu's order to "bring people here", did not dare to show the slightest respect.

She dared not be respectful.

Because... this person offended Director Xu.

Even she knew it and had even heard of the name "Yu Zheng".

But he still didn't dare to show any attitude beyond politeness.

In this banquet, although it would be easy for others to misunderstand her... But she knew very well that the reason why she appeared here was because she had the label of Director Xu on her body.


It belongs to Director Xu.

Even if it is temporary, it still represents Director Xu's attitude.

So, the girl followed the instructions and greeted her politely:

"Hello, Director Xu is looking for you."

If possible, she wouldn't even want to add the word "you".

I'm afraid that Director Xu won't like it.

But after thinking about it, I think I still need to add it.

After all... Director Xu is not afraid of offending him.

But just in case something happens here...

Yu Zheng was stunned when he heard this.

Director Xu?

Which Director Xu?

Because of the angle and the chair, he could only see a fat middle-aged man sitting in front of the dining table that deliberately imitated the British aristocracy in the room, and Qian Peng, who was facing him with a lukewarm look in his eyes. Procedure.

But there is indeed a third person.

The third man had his back to him, his body hidden behind the back of the tall, ornate chair.

Holding a knife and fork in his hand, he was feasting on a piece of... some unknown meat on a fine porcelain plate.

Can't see the face clearly.

So, with doubts, under the guidance of Nazha, he came to a position two steps behind the dining table.

The delicious food on the table didn't give him any desire to eat.

In Mr. Qian's lukewarm gaze and the middle-aged man's narrowed eyes, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, I became more and more puzzled...what exactly happened.

And...who is that person who used a knife and fork to break up a piece that looked tender and juicy, but the hemoglobin was particularly bright red?

So, he took another step forward.

It was this step that allowed him to finally see who that person was.

Xu Xin! ? ? ?

Yang Mi’s husband? ? ?

Yu Zheng recognized it the moment he saw the profile of the man who was eating steak with his head down.

It's impossible for him not to recognize it.

Whether it's from the movies, the Olympics, or the couple who were widely spread in the circle a few years ago acted as the middlemen to connect the Yindu, Xiying, and Shanghai Films that were impossible to connect. The "energy" coming out...

The names of these two couples are enough for these people to treat them carefully.

After all... not everyone can ask Shanghai Film Studio, which has put "The Grandmaster" on the shelves, to withdraw the script, and continue to invest even though they know they will lose money.

Who doesn’t know that the purpose of Shanghai Film Studio is “investment”?

And even though he knew he would lose money, he still did it...

No matter how this couple did it, this ability alone is enough to scare many people.

How the hell did these two young men get such a big reputation?

Forget it about Xiying.

Both Yindu and Shanghai Film Studio give you face?

Do both the Hong Kong and Shanghai circles have energy?

Everyone is guessing, and everyone is extremely cautious towards these two couples.

Therefore, he knows Xu Xin.

But doubts also emerged in my heart.

This very beautiful girl said...he is looking for me?

What are you doing to yourself?

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a voice:

"Are you Yu Zheng?"


The words came from Xu Xin's mouth.

But he didn't raise his head, as if he was asking for air.

He didn't even stop cutting the steak with his hands.

Every time the fine steak is cut with the knife, tender, juicy, but extremely bright red hemoglobin juice drips.

The red is dazzling.

The red one is equally uncomfortable.

Yu Zheng's slow-thinking silence aroused Qian Pengcheng's dissatisfaction.

The coldness in his eyes grew stronger.

At this moment, Xu Xin, who seemed unconcerned, continued to cut the steak and asked:

"Have you ever read a novel called "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?"


Now, the silence was settled.

His heart skipped a beat, and Yu Zhengben, who seemed to understand something in a daze, shook his head:


After saying that, he looked at Qian Pengcheng.

You are so interested in this script...

Mr. Qian... won't you say a few words?

His mind was already a little confused at the moment and he reacted instinctively in the negative.

However, when he met Qian Pengcheng's eyes that were suddenly extremely cold, the sweat on his back suddenly burst out.



No, no, no, no...


how could this be?

its not right……


He always felt that he had figured something out, but the time was too short to think in detail.

And just when I was about to calm down forcibly and quickly think about how to deal with it next...

"Has anyone told you that the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" belongs to me?"

Xu Xin put down the knife and wiped the corners of his mouth with a snow-white napkin. He turned his head and looked at him with an ordinary side eye and asked.


Sweat poured down my back.

But in Yu Zheng's mind, there was only one thought:

"It's over."

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