I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 436 434 Rich people are not stupid

Chapter 436 434. Rich people are not stupid

In the silent atmosphere, Xu Xin put down the napkin.

His squinting eyes saw Yu Zheng's astonishment and his faintly trembling lips.

So, he withdrew his eyes, as if he had never asked about this before, picked up the knife and fork again, and began to cut the steak.

He doesn't usually like to eat steak, but he certainly doesn't refuse the tender texture.

However, he has a bad habit of eating steak, which was brought on by Yang Mi.

The two fell in love in the early years. At that time, Yang Mi was still a young Yanjing Chaihe girl. Although she was beautiful, she was not yet a household name.

The two of them would try all the famous or delicious things in Yanjing. When eating Western steak, the sisters always like to ask Xu Xin to help her cut the steak into pieces and eat it with rice.

Xu Xin was also in a... relatively rough stage at that time.

Although I can’t tell whether I’m holding the knife in my left hand or my right hand, my knowledge of Western food is limited to the few times I’ve had it in Xi’an.

When people ask, it’s almost done.

There was even a joke about the 8-point familiarity level the first time.

Or maybe the waiters at Haoxiang are lacking in virtue.

Xu Xin was more willing to believe that the waiters were not clear about the steak being of different degrees of doneness. They knew it but didn't tell him, and then said "bumpkin" in his mind after he finished ordering.

In short, after getting together with his girlfriend, he knew for the first time that someone really eats medium rare food.

I also accepted my girlfriend’s fallacy, the ridiculous and lazy reason of “the steak will heat itself, so in order not to affect the taste, it has to be cut and cooled quickly. I’m weak, brother, please help me.”

You just want to be lazy and don't want to cut it yourself, but want others to feed it!


Over time, he became a habit, and he accepted the eating method of cutting the steak into small pieces and eating it in small pieces.

What's more, today's filet tastes really good.

I don’t know how it’s made, but the sauce dripping on the plate and the steak are perfect together.

Especially suitable for people like him who are hungry and have their chests pressed against their backs.

Therefore, Yu Zheng did not answer.

The sweet yet slightly harsh sound of the knife touching the porcelain plate was heard in the room again.

Yu Zheng looked at the bright pink steak...

There was a vague feeling of discomfort as if I was lying on the plate and being cut.

Xue Haifeng and Qian Pengcheng had no intention of talking.

It is true that Qian Pengcheng brought him here, but the owner has not said how to deal with this matter now, and neither of them have spoken.

After the two old gangsters saw Director Xu starting to cut steak again, Xue Haifeng picked up the bread, tore it up and threw it into his mouth. Qian Pengcheng picked up the red wine glass, shook it a few times, put his nose into the mouth of the glass and sniffed, appreciating the taste of this bottle of red wine from Italy.

in silence.

But the cold sweat on Yu Zheng's back could no longer be said to be like rain when Qian Pengcheng lowered his head to taste the wine.

To say it was pouring water is an understatement.

Did he copy "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?


However, from a legal perspective, Potian cannot be considered to have plagiarized. At most, he is borrowing from others.

Therefore, when he wrote the script of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", he never thought about what trouble he would get into in the future.

At most, it is just scolded by those rotten netizens on the Internet.

Just kidding...it won't stop me from making money if I curse.

Why bother with them?

As long as I can pull in the ratings, that's all.

I just feel comfortable writing it.

Hey, I’m so mad at you~

Who let you buy the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?

When creating "Gong Lock Heart Jade", he had even thought about the strategy for the whole thing.

As a producer, he also realized that this kind of time-travel novel adaptation seems to be a huge, untapped potential cake for the current TV drama market.

After taking a fancy to "Step by Step Jingxin", which is one of the "Three Mountains Cleared", his plan was simple.

I bought the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", and then used its copyright to continue the main story of "time travel". At that time, I can "learn" from a large circle of novel content, because the so-called story plots and content in the online literature market , Golden Finger, etc., looking at it, almost all the bridges have been used by others.

All stories can be said to remain true to their roots.

It just depends on how the author writes and uses it.

And "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is such a comprehensive adult film with time travel as the background, integrating wits, intrigues, harem, and even a little sadomasochism!

If you buy it, you can write any time-travel-themed scripts in your life without fear of anyone suing you.

What? Are you suing me for plagiarizing your script?

Come, take a look at the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" in my hand. Does it look like the ancestor of your story?

"Step by Step" is such a novel.

It almost runs through the history before and after the seizure of the throne in Kowloon, and while extremely following the historical facts, it also adds the cool design of "time travel", which seamlessly combines historical romance with a poignant and beautiful love structure.

This is why it is praised by netizens as the "Three Mountains".

This book is awesome and awesome.


It was bought.

The person on the website did not disclose the buyer's information, and Yu Zheng himself was not that capable of finding out.

He only knew that Tang Ren was competing with him before, but after initiating some relationships, he found out from within Tang Ren that this book was not in Tang Ren either.

Since he couldn't buy it, he could only start with the constraint of being less than "30%", which allows literary works to be defined by numbers, and walked on the road he was familiar with.

Let’s learn from it, it’s not shabby.

This script of mine, even if you say it’s broken, you can’t even call it plagiarism!

Create an original "Gong Lock Heart Jade", and then use this as an anchor to start spreading "time travel dramas" outwards.

"Gong Lock Heart Jade" is his "Step by Step Jingxin". In the future, this series can rely on this, regardless of plot or story. In the strict implementation of the red line of less than 30%, he seems to have seen himself The bright road is like a fish in water.

So, he was in a hurry.

I eagerly invested in Tianyu and competed for the timeline with the buyer of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" who didn't know where he was.

Whoever can take the first bite of the cake, whoever launches the work first to open the market, will have the right to speak!

And the people from Tianyu really took a fancy to their script.

And the intention is great.

Everything is rushing towards its preset path...

Suddenly, he appeared in the room.

Met the buyer of "Bu Bu Jing Xin".

At this moment, he was sweating profusely and his mind was spinning crazily as he began to think of countermeasures.

What should I say?

How to talk?

Who is that person sitting in the main seat?

What status?

Can Xu Xin be offended?

Can you offend Qitianyu?

He was thinking wildly.

And Xu Xin finally finished cutting the steak on his plate.

"It seems that screenwriter Yu is not good at words."

Xu Xin said this without looking back.

Yu Zheng finally came to his senses.

From the moment he came in until now, he just said "I haven't seen it" and ignored Xu Xin's two questions.

It can be said that words are cherished like gold.

But now he understood that he had to say something, so he quickly said politely and with a bit of flattery:

"Perhaps Director, you have misunderstood. I... was just wondering if there is any misunderstanding here... because I really don't know what you are talking about... what "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is..."

As soon as these words were spoken, Qian Pengcheng's expression turned completely gloomy.

It’s a sure thing, and you still say it’s not there?

But Xu Xin suddenly smiled.


His laughter stopped Qian Pengcheng's words.

But it succeeded in making Xue Haifeng frown.

"In that case, screenwriter Yu is really talented."

Xu Xin nodded as if he didn't know anything, and then said to Nazha:

"see a visitor out."

Nazha, who had been standing next to him, nodded slightly, but did not come to Yu Zheng.

Instead, he walked straight to the gate.

He walked to the door and opened it.

The meaning is self-evident.

But as soon as Yu Zheng heard this and saw Qian Pengcheng's gloomy face, he suddenly realized that this matter was not that simple, and he quickly wanted to make amends:

"Director Xu, it's like this, this script..."

"Screenwriter Yu."

Xu Xin interrupted him.

He turned to look at this chubby man with a flattering face, and pointed at the door:

"you can go now."

After saying that, he turned around, held the wine glass and smiled at Qian Pengcheng:

"Mr. Qian, here's a toast to you."


Qian Pengcheng glanced at Yu Zheng, and after retracting his gaze, a smile returned to his face:

"Please, Director Xu."


As if the proof did not exist, the two of them drank up the small amount of wine in the glass that was specially made for tasting.

At this time, Nazha saw that Yu Zheng was not moving, so she could only remind her:

"Screenwriter Yu, please."


Has Yu Zheng left?

not at all.

He tried to say something else.

"Director Xu..."

But this time, it was Qian Pengcheng who spoke.

"Okay, you can go."

Without giving him any face, he told him by name: Get out of here.

"Mr. Qian, there is some misunderstanding here..."

Yu Zheng tried hard to say something, but then Xue Haifeng finally spoke:

"go out."

It's not a reprimand, nor a scolding.

It was just an ordinary sentence, but it issued an ultimatum.


The look on Yu Zheng's face changed... He took one last look at the three of them, then turned around and walked out silently.

The moment he went out, he heard Qian Pengcheng's voice:

"Director Xu, his matter..."

Before he could finish listening, Nazha had already closed the door.

The brass door blocked out all sounds and nothing could be heard.

But he didn't leave.

Ignoring the greetings from the two waiters who thought he needed something, he just stood there with a cloudy look on his face.

There were even times when I turned around and tried to push the door open.

But after turning around, he stopped moving again.

His face became paler.

Finally, with a pale face, he took out his phone, rummaged through it, and left quickly.

From Nazha's perspective, what happens next...

It's a bit fantasy.

Although she saw a lot in the Demon City... people or things that other people would never come into contact with in their entire lives.

But for her, she truly felt what status was, and the feast in front of her was the best proof.

To be honest, she didn't quite understand some of what Director Xu, Director Xue and Mr. Qian were talking about.

I vaguely knew that what everyone was talking about seemed to have a double meaning.

But she couldn't figure it out and couldn't understand it.

However, she understood some things.

This screenwriter named Yu Zheng relies most heavily on two television stations.

One is Modu Terrace and the other is Hunan Terrace.

On Modu TV, his famous TV series, such as "Suo Qingqiu" and "Rouge Snow", were aired last year, and this year is the year of settlement.

This amount of money... Director Xue means that he can't get it out.

Moreover, what is the name of the producer of this year's "Beauty's Scheming"... Zijun Film and Television's company is Yu Zheng's largest financial backer, and has always relied on Modutai to conduct business.

Director Xue didn't explain it thoroughly, but Nazha listened to what he meant. Director Xue would handle it personally at the Magic City Terrace.

Mr. Qian, on the other hand, is more direct. He will suppress the drama "The Maid" that will be released on Hunan TV this year.

Anyway, they have many TV series, so there is no need to worry about running out of TV series.

And there will be other actions, such as talking to a few TV stations that like to take over their second-round broadcast rights, and blocking this person's way in the future.

Nazha probably understood that much.

If you really want to say... kill this Yu Zheng or completely ban him... that's not the case.

But Nazha thought about it for a moment. Although she didn't know much about Zheng, she also knew that he was the screenwriter and producer of the TV series. Not to mention offending Director Xu, as far as Director Xue and Mr. Qian were concerned... Modu Channel is the second largest TV station after Hunan Channel.

If we really talk about it, it is not an exaggeration to say that Hunan Channel is number one and Modou Channel is second.

Offending these two TV stations, for a TV drama screenwriter, the road is almost cut off.

Who among the investors in TV series doesn’t want to be on Hunan TV?

If you want to watch a drama, you must first go to Hunan TV. If Hunan TV doesn’t like it, you will choose other TV stations.

If you look for this Yu Zheng to be a screenwriter, or any film and television works related to him, you will be rejected...

Then who would ask him to cooperate?

If you want to cooperate with him, you will naturally not be able to get on the first and second place TV stations.

Nazha thought with her toes and knew it was impossible.

Even if I think about it deeply, even if Director Xue is only from Shanghai Film Studio, his influence on Shanghai TV Station is limited...

But if you have money, one is enough.

Cooperating with Yu Zheng is equivalent to blocking the way to cooperate with Hunan Taiwan. Which investor would be willing to invest in him when "there is no one in the world"?

Wouldn't investing money in him mean offending Hunan, Tianyu and Mr. Qian?

Rich people...are not stupid.

They are very smart about how to use money.

This is the most real feeling Nazha has had with all kinds of people she has come into contact with over the past two years.

Even if they look "silly", it's all disguise.

He's such a fool, he can't make that much money.

not to mention……

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Director Xu, who was chatting and laughing with Director Xue and Mr. Qian.

Yu Zhengke not only offended Mr. Qian and Director Xue...

Director Xu... hasn't "opened his mouth" yet.

Good news: I will be under observation for a day tomorrow. If my wife’s condition is good, she can be discharged from the hospital. She will be able to resume normal updates the day after tomorrow.

Bad news: There is still only one chapter today.

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