I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 440 438 Happy Twist (31)

Chapter 440 438. Happy Twist (31)

After picking up the phone, Yang Mi waved it to Xu Xin but didn't answer it in a hurry.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said:

"He's calling Yang Mi now."

"Don't answer it yet, get back to him later."

After Liu Momo finished speaking, Yang Mi pressed the lock screen and muted the phone.

After the phone stopped ringing, he said directly:

"I also just received a call from Shang Jing, telling me that he wants to buy the rights to "Wulin Gaiden" and make a movie."

"Well, everyone else agreed?"

"According to him, the intention is quite big. He said that Lao Sha and Yan Ni have already agreed... After all, they have an old relationship and have been cooperating since the cooking class. According to the episode, , although it is said that one of these people is missing or no one is missing their soul, Lao Bai and Shopkeeper Tong are the real core characters. As long as they agree, then this play...at least there will be a market."

Liu Momo's analysis is indeed correct.

In "Wulin Gaiden", from the Five to Mo Xiaobei, to Xing Baotou and Yan Xiaoliu, these people are indeed indispensable... In other words, they can be missing, but they cannot be replaced.

Because as long as he changes his face, no one will recognize him.

Who made "Wulin Gaiden" leave such a deep impression on everyone?

As long as the protagonist agrees to star, it won't be a problem to recruit Jiang Chao and Yu Entai.

But after Xu Xin thought about it for a moment, he understood... In fact, the difficulty lies with his wife.

Let a double-gold actress... play a supporting role?

Although this thing is sentimental, it’s hard to say but not pretty.

How to calculate Yang Mi’s coffee position?

After thinking for a while, he asked his wife:

"Do you want to act?"

"The schedule is open and it ends quickly. If it doesn't delay my filming of "The Grandmaster," I can act in it."

Her words let Xu Xin know... that she was thinking too much.

But the next words explained her motives:

"After all, if the movie "Wulin Gaiden" is expected by fans, I think what everyone is looking forward to is definitely not specifically to see me, or people like Lao Sha and Sister Ni. What everyone likes to watch should be this story, and they want to see it. Go to Tongfu Inn and open the door again to welcome guests as usual. Whether it's to make up for the regrets in the movie, or...just to meet a distant friend you haven't seen for a long time. You reunite with him and see that he is doing well. , it’s pretty good. It must be a very warm thing, right?”

After hearing her words, Xu Xin said subconsciously:


Yang Mi was stunned...

Then suddenly I felt happy:

"Yes, where is youth."

That family consists of shopkeeper Tong, Lao Bai, Xiao Guo, Xiucai, Da Zui and Xiao Bei. It is a Tongfu Inn full of laughter.

And Qixia Town, where Xing Baotou, Yan Xiaoliu, Wushuang...even Shopkeeper Qian, Xiaomi and other people left their footprints.

What everyone wants to see is not some off-screen star, but their old friend.

See if they are doing well recently and if they are living happily together...


Thinking of this, Yang Mi took the initiative to take her lover's phone and said to Liu Momo:

"Sister Mo, does Director Shang have any other requests?"

"That's fine... Mimi, do you want to act?"


Yang Mi responded:

"You don't have to think about roles, celebrity status, etc. here. I'm very interested... Sister Mo, do you have any ideas?"

"I have made two preparations."

Upon hearing this, Liu Momo said:

"Originally, I thought you might not be very interested. After all, in "Wulin Gaiden", Wushuang's role is definitely not as good as that of the Five. And if it is compressed into a movie, it feels even less. So, after he finished talking to me , I thought about it... If you decide not to star, I will sell him the copyright of a movie. But if you star, then the copyright will not be sold. If he wants to make it, I will invest using the dividend system. This That's my plan."

"Will he accept it?"

"As long as he wants to shoot, he will definitely accept it. And I won't consider the second outcome, because don't you know what happened before... He may be a director who is good at making movies, but he is definitely not a qualified one. Partner."

Yang Mixin said this was the truth.

So I thought about it and said:

"Then I'll call him back later, and let's talk like this? I agreed to star, and then I'll mention some requirements of the script to him myself. Then things like copyright, investment, etc..."

"Just leave it to me."

"No problem. That's settled then."


Xu Xin was of no use, and the two hung up the phone after talking.

As soon as the call was disconnected, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Are you sure you want to film?... You don't know how long you will be busy with "The Grandmaster"."

"Wushuang's role will definitely not be many. This is my request. After all... I am also a supporting role in the script."

Picking up her paragraph, Yang Mi continued:

"So it shouldn't be a problem to take the time to film one. What's more... "Wulin Gaiden" is also a good memory for me. If it were anything else, I might not be interested, but this drama is different after all."

As she said that, she thought her brother was worried about not being able to take care of the child, so she said:

"Don't worry, I won't delay taking care of the child."

"I'm not worried about that."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hands:

"I'm just afraid that Sister Hua will disagree. After all, she values ​​her status as an artist..."

"Just leave it to me."

Yang Mi said and dialed Shang Jing's phone number directly.

And the sound of "Xiao Xu, come get the dishes and chopsticks" came from the kitchen.

"Hey, here we come."

Xu Xin responded and went directly to the kitchen, no longer worrying about things here.

"Wulin Gaiden" is already in the past for him.

Including the fact that the IP of "Wulin Gaiden" was used by Perfect People to adapt games and other things, which brought in an income of several million, he didn't pay much attention to it.

It's all handled by Liu Momo.

Not to mention the others.

Every year, the broadcast rights of "Wulin Gaiden" are sold to about ten or twenty copies.

Each one is an income of one to two million.

This script, which came about because I accidentally picked up the wrong luggage, has now become one of the most stable sources of income for Headwind.

But still the same sentence.

Let bygones be bygones.

With a glorious resume, people always have to look forward.

In the kitchen, while helping his father-in-law and mother-in-law to get the dishes and chopsticks, and brushing out the chopping boards and knives used for cooking in the basin, he heard Yang Mi's voice in the living room:

"Director Shang, I can act, but there are two conditions. First, if you want to act, all of our original cast members will appear on the screen. No one can be replaced! Second, the ending of the story must be certain. It is complete, just like the regrets that netizens discuss on the Internet...

Such as Wushuang's relationship, the marriage of shopkeeper Tong and Lao Bai, Li Dazui's love life, Xiao Guo and Xiucai, etc... These things do not have extended stories, but they must be explained in the movie. Give everyone a...happy ending! These are my two requirements. "

Hearing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Xu Xin's mouth unconsciously.


He liked the suggestion.

after all……

Since it is youth, please be sure not to leave any regrets.

Xu Xin didn't worry about what happened next. After eating, he went directly to the company to find Ren Changzhen and the others.

In Shuangwei's office building, Yang Mi specially designated an area, about the size of four conference rooms, with a total of 156 square meters of space, reserved for the "Tiangue" team.

It's not even a public stall.

The new building of the CCTV building was completed this year. The north building currently used by the TV station is an old building with old infrastructure and crowding. There is no way to give the "Tiangue" team a lot of space. This documentary is a study on the food culture of the entire Celestial Dynasty, and the required information is really not something that can be solved in just a few places.

Anyway, Shuangwei's office building is big enough, and the entire floor belongs to them.

The usual space is simply not used up.

According to a joke circulating within the company:

“Our company’s gym is the largest I’ve ever been to.”

With just this sentence, you can basically imagine this space.

The entire space also adopts a flat layout, which is a four-square box containing computers, bookshelves, conference tables, LED projection screens, etc.

Everything is there.

No matter what work you do here, it won't be crowded.

When he arrived, several consultants, including Dong Keping, a heavyweight in the domestic food industry, and a director team of twenty or thirty people were already sitting at the conference table.

When everyone comes together, the discussion begins.

Divided by region into north and south, delicacies from all over the world and food with special significance include the solar terms of the Chinese people, when and what to eat, to frying, frying, stewing, stewing...

What kind of cooking method, what kind of food, what does it represent, what does it express...

The entire "Bite of the Tongue" documentary is a huge and cumbersome project.

However, Xu Xin is very confident in this.

Because the time given by CCTV is ample enough.

From project establishment to filming, they gave it a full two years.

After all, the particularity of documentaries is that time and quality are almost directly proportional.

While Xu Xin was busy working on the documentary, Zeng Jia appeared in a small theater.

Haidian, Huangzhuang.

Haidian Theater, parking lot.

After Zeng Jia got off her Mercedes-Benz, she saw the person coming and took off her sunglasses with a smile:

"Shen Teng, long time no see."

Seeing her reaching out, Shen Teng walked up quickly and held Zeng Jia's hand with both hands.

"Agent Zeng, long time no see. Welcome."

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite."

Zeng Jia waved her hand and spoke in a friendly tone.

She has always had a good impression of Shen Teng.

In order to sign the actor Cao Lei, who now has no idea what to do, she stayed on the crew of "Youth Goose Step" for a long time.

It is equivalent to a "trial period", allowing Cao Lei to see if she, a new agent in the industry, is qualified.

At that time, she was just a small agent, and Rong Xinda's task was to sign artists herself. And the requirement is still to have a certain degree of fame and potential.

This task sounds quite nonsense at first.

Famous actors already have agents. Do they need you?

But there is no way, this is the mission.

And Cao Lei, whom Zeng Jia was staring at at that time, was the person she valued most.

It's a pity... After getting along for a while, Cao Lei probably felt that Zeng Jia didn't have much energy, so he didn't sign the contract.

But during this period of getting along, Shen Teng and Zeng Jia, both fellow HLJ fellows, have always gotten along well.

The two of them were very chatty.

Moreover, Shen Teng also helped her say a lot of nice things to Cao Lei.

But such is fate.

Cao Lei failed to sign the contract, and Zeng Jia also had the idea of ​​​​signing the contract with the equally unsatisfied Shen Teng.

But after giving feedback to the company, they were directly called back.

Although he has the reputation of being the star of the military arts school, Rong Xinda learned from many sources that Shen Teng is a "problem student" who usually likes to play games, but is not diligent and often cannot remember his lines. He gives people the impression that he has a problem with his professional attitude. "After that, he directly rejected Zeng Jia's proposal.

Sorry to miss both of them.

But the friendship between fellow villagers remained.

Although she went through several twists and turns along the way, whether she became Mimi's agent or is now Liu Yifei's first agent... Logically speaking, her status and now can only be found in a small theater that is not in very good operating conditions. Shen Teng, who plays the stage play here, is in heaven and earth.

But everyone’s contact information has always been retained.

There are even more greetings during the holidays.

Especially this year.

During the Spring Festival this year, Zeng Jia, who was home for the New Year, received a text message with New Year greetings from Shen Teng. After sending the same message back, Shen Teng made an unprecedented call to her.

Nothing more was said.

Just some polite and auspicious words.

But Zeng Jia is not a fool.

The other party suddenly called me to communicate with me, and the level jumped from "text message" to phone call. Something must have been "changed".

Although the two are about the same age, Zeng Jia is both married.

Shen Teng also has a very beautiful actress girlfriend.

It's basically impossible for both men and women.

So, apart from work matters, Zeng Jia couldn't think of anything else that brought about this change.

And sure enough, starting from that phone call during the Chinese New Year, the two of them had basically never lost contact in the past two months.

Shen Teng made an appointment with Zeng Jia several times, meaning that they would have dinner together when they returned to Yanjing.

Invite her to watch the performance of "Happy Twist".

But because Zeng Jia was busy running for Liu Yifei's resources before, she kept using the excuse of "waiting for Liu Yifei's movie to be released" to shirk the responsibility.

But in a few days, "Hawthorn Tree" Liu Yifei will join the cast. After she was free, when Shen Teng called again, she no longer refused.

After all, the news that "Hawthorn Tree" was about to start was not only circulated within the company, but also among the media reporters and Yuan'an.

It would be inappropriate to refuse at this time.

So, she came here today specifically to watch a happy twist performance.

But it was only noon right now, and it was still early before the afternoon performance.

Shen Teng also wanted to treat her to a meal.

After the two met, they did not go directly into the Haidian Theater.

Shen Teng took her north on foot, explaining as he walked:

"Brother Zeng, I'm really sorry. This place is next to Huangzhuang Community. It's really hard to find a parking space on the roadside, and the traffic police can easily post stickers. So let's walk a short distance. The restaurant is right in front. It tastes very good... …”

"It's okay, just take a walk before meals. I can eat more later."

Zeng Jia said jokingly.

Shen Teng showed a relieved look.

At this time, Zeng Jia asked:

"how are things?"


Shen Teng hesitated and chose to tell the truth:

"To be honest, it's not that good. At the beginning of the new year, we have entered the off-season. There are basically no seats available for performances on weekdays, but weekends are okay..."

As soon as he said these words, Zeng Jia understood the reason for coming here today.

But she also had doubts in her heart.

He was confused as to what Shen Teng was looking for.

Sign a contract with yourself?

Since you signed the contract alone, why do you have to call yourself here again?

While thinking about it, she said:

"So, the best day should be at the end of the year?"

"Yes, there are many people at the end of the year."

"What about winter and summer vacations?"

"Business is only good for two days during the winter and summer vacations, and we can't wait until the students are gone... Sigh."

Shen Teng sighed.

Zeng Jia thought for a while and did not answer the question, but comforted:

"Don't worry, Deyun Club wasn't full at the beginning. Look at them now, haven't they managed to survive..."

"We can't compare with them."

Hearing this, Shen Teng smiled and said:

"We still have this bit of self-knowledge... Guo Degang's success is basically irreproducible. After so many years, he just happened to catch up with the rise of grassroots culture, and he turned into a dragon when the storm hit. But..."

Having said this, he paused and then said:

"When a person becomes famous, there will be more right and wrong."

"That's right. I can see all the favors and interests."

Zeng Jia nodded with emotion.

The two of them were talking about the incident in January last year.

Cao Yunjin made a big fuss at Guo Degang's birthday party. The place where he ate at that time was Guojia Cuisine next to Tianyuan Garden. There were many fans there at that time.

Although the details are unclear, Cao Yunjin caused quite a stir when he knelt down to worship the statue of Guan Gong in the hall on the first floor, raised his hands to the sky and vowed to "break up" with his master.

But in the eyes of Zeng Jia and Shen Teng, this is actually normal.

The crosstalk master-apprentice company based on the class system is a messy business that relies on favors.

Rather than relying on contractual constraints, it is more about maintaining the warmth and warmth of people's hearts.

But Shen Teng asked himself that these people would not.

It’s not that everyone is in good company, but the contract is here with a clearly marked price.

Everything just needs to be done in accordance with the rules and contracts.

For better or worse, the law has your back.

But it doesn't hinder them...even small theaters all over the capital and even the country, various folk arts clubs are waiting to see Deyun Club's jokes.

Times have changed.

Trying to use favors to maintain a company is not guaranteed to be a dead end, but 99% of the time it will not work.

"Agent Zeng, I heard... Yang Mi has a very good relationship with a kid from Deyun Club..."

"You're talking about Shaobing, Guo Degang's apprentice."

Zeng Jia responded:

"Shaobing asked Mimi to call him sister, and Mimi also regarded him as her brother. So when Cao Yunjin's incident first came to light, Mimi was still pregnant at the time, so she went to beat him with her belly full. This child He is silly and honest, but with Mimi here, he won't make any big mistakes."

Hearing this, Shen Teng smiled and nodded:

"Haha, that's for sure... With all our efforts, who doesn't know that she is just and righteous... In terms of character and humanity, there is nothing wrong with her at all. Not to mention anything else, just her friendship with the recently popular host ANGELBABY. He is considered a role model by many people. After all... the most common people in our industry are those who are ungrateful for profit, but the two of us have shared weal and woe along the way... Now who wouldn't give a thumbs up in their hearts."

Is it flattery?

Not really.

Because what Shen Teng said is true.

But if it’s true, sometimes it’s a score.

At least at this moment, Zeng Jia could tell that even if Shen Teng's words were true, they were meant to flatter him.

Thinking of this, she more or less had a realization in her heart.

Shen Teng's purpose... was not only to ask him for help, but also to find Mimi?

While thinking about it, Shen Teng continued:

"What's more... I still remember Yang Mi's kindness to me. I was able to become the eunuch in "Golden Armor", but it was because of her recommendation of Assistant Shen that I got the job..."

"Hahaha, it's all in the past."

Zeng Jia laughed and said haha.

This deepening of the impression further proved that he definitely wanted something.

And what happened next, the two of them were talking about some things in the past.

Of course, the name Yang Mi can never be avoided.

In terms of handling this aspect, Shen Teng is actually very tactful.

Turning Zeng Jia and Yang Mi into a whole, the general meaning is:

"Yang Mi is so powerful now, it must be due to Manager Zeng. For this reason, Manager Zeng is also very powerful."

That's probably what it means.

As the saying goes, you can wear everything you wear, but you can never wear flattery.

Although Zeng Jia knew the real situation, it felt comfortable for anyone to praise himself so much.

We chatted like this for the whole meal. After the meal, the time came to around 1 p.m.

The performance started at 2 o'clock, so naturally, Shen Teng invited Zeng Jia to sit in the front row and watch a performance of "Happy Twist".

The performance is in the form of a drama, and the name of the drama performed today is "Pirates of Somalia".

Zeng Jia didn't know what was going on at first.

But as he looked at it, a smile began to spread on his face.

This drama is a hodgepodge of various things that happened in 2009.

In particular, there is a scene of acupuncture, which is completely a replica + funny version of "The Wind".

Zeng Jia laughed and leaned back and forth.

Immediately I felt the excellent performance skills under this joy.

But compared to that...

But it was the dismal attendance rate.

The small theater was filled with 120 people. From just a few before the performance started, to midway through the performance, Zeng Jia was distracted and looked back at the entire theater.

She counted the heads of the audience.

Counting myself, there were less than 40 people in total.

Although the 40 people were seated in a tight space, all in the first few rows, the vast emptiness and darkness behind them formed a sharp contrast with the hard-working and wonderful performances of the actors on the stage.

Is the show good to watch?

There is no doubt about it.

But this poor attendance rate... is really worse than this group of "non-mainstream" Somali pirates.

And in this afternoon, the nearly two-hour performance ended...

She looked at the actors on the stage who were taking their last breaths with sparse applause, and suddenly felt a trace of sympathy in her heart.

Such good gold...

Why doesn't it glow?

Then, she vaguely had a guess in her mind as to why Shen Teng was looking for her.

As expected.

Backstage after the performance, Zeng Jia was invited to enter the backstage and found Shen Teng again. There were two people standing next to him.

Under Shen Teng's introduction, one was named Yu Kai and the other was named Zhang Chen.

They are the founders of Happy Twist.

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