I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 441 439 A new generation replaces the old ones (32)

Chapter 441 439. A new generation replaces the old (32)

"Then follow this idea. We don't just stick to solar terms, regions, or seasons. We integrate it, and then start to select regional delicacies... In this regard, we must not only consider Teacher Dong's opinions, but also Also ask your friends. What we want to shoot is a down-to-earth food documentary, relying on food to convey those seemingly ordinary but most sincere feelings..."

In the conference room, facing the people sitting at the table, Xu Xin kept talking about the final summary of the plan.

Others used pens or laptops to record Director Xu's requirements.

Finally, after Xu Xin finished speaking, he asked:

"Do you have anything else to add?"

Everyone, including Ren Changzhen, shook their heads.

In their minds, this plan is clear and unambiguous, and everything from the project ideas to the coordination of details is done perfectly.

No need for supplementation at all.

Because Director Xu...in just one day, he considered everything thoroughly without missing a single thing.

Looking at the young man in front of them... these people sighed in unison:

"How did you do it? So young..."

at last.

"I will leave to shoot "Hawthorn Tree" in three days. In the next period of time, our meetings may be held mostly at night and online. Please understand. Then... the meeting is adjourned."

After nodding to everyone, everyone began to pack their things and prepare to leave.

They don't have to worry about hygiene, there will be dedicated people coming to clean it.

Xu Xin chatted with Yan Dazhong and Ren Changzhen about the specific details all the way until they reached the parking lot, and it was only after he smoked a cigarette that he was finally done.

By the time it was over, it was already the beginning of the lanterns.

He drove straight back.

All the way, I was wondering what the meal would be tonight.

After all, he was quite hungry after a busy day.

When he got home, he saw Zeng Jia chatting with Yang Mi.

"I'm home……"

"Well, how come Sister Zeng is here free?"

While changing clothes and shoes, Xu Xin said hello.

Then I heard Yang Mi ask:

"Do you still remember Shen Teng?"


"Shen Teng, the eunuch at the premiere of "The Golden Armor"..."

"I don't remember. I didn't go to the scene. I just watched the video of "Golden Armor". Even if I've seen it, I forgot about it... What's wrong?"

When he came to the climbing mat, he silently moved his son who was leaning on Zai Zai away.

Zaizai's eyes were full of resentment.

There is no way, spring is here, and the two dogs have reached the molting period.

Good guy, you can pick up the dog hair that you took off and tie it into thread and sew it into dog hair pants.

He was not happy to eat a mouthful of dog hair while secretly fucking his son at night.

"Shen Teng and the others opened a small theater called "Happy Twist" and invited Sister Zeng to watch a performance today. After the performance... everyone sat down and chatted. They... wanted to raise funds and put themselves Promote it.”

small theater?

Upon hearing this word, Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"Imitate Deyunshe?"

Zeng Jia nodded:

"That's pretty much what it means. But they are stage plays, dramas, and the content of the performances is also very exciting. They are not famous, but the quality of the works is definitely not bad."

As she spoke, she took out a few discs in her bag:

"This is the video they gave me of all the works they have performed so far. I watched a play called "Pirates of Somalia" in the afternoon, and it was really good."


Hearing this, Xu Xin did not look at these discs for the time being, but looked at Yang Mi:

"Are you interested?"

"Sister Zeng is interested."

One finger Zeng Jia:

"I'm not very interested, but Sister Zeng seems very interested, so I'm going to vote."

As soon as she said these words, Xu Xin understood that this fox was trying to win people's hearts...

Although he didn't quite know what was worth paying attention to about this Ma Hua and Shen Teng.

After all, I haven’t seen their works yet.

But... Zeng Jia's relationship with the two of them was originally a close partnership.

There is no need to win people's hearts.

Because everyone's interests and goals are the same...but my wife did it anyway.

Then she shouldn't be aimless.

If you have anything to say, we can talk slowly after Zeng Jia leaves, but now that the conversation has ended, Xu Xin nodded and asked:

"How much?"

"45% of the shares, three million. The price is a bit high... Sister Zeng and I are talking about this right now. Money is not important, Sister Zeng, as long as you say it is worth it, then I will invest directly. Not even an acquisition question……"

Three hundred yuan?

After hearing this number, Xu Xin lost interest.

His monthly salary is 7,500.

This three hundred yuan is not worth a tank of gas.

Cabbage price.

You can’t spend it all, you can’t spend it all.

However, there must be cooperation between husband and wife.

Not to mention the stage of winning people's hearts.

So, Xu Xin said:

"Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome. If Sister Zeng is short of money and doesn't want to have too much contact with them, and if they are short of money, then just give the money to Sister Zeng and lend it in her name. That's it. You won't be able to pay it back. It doesn’t matter, Sister Zeng, don’t worry too much.”

His words raised this matter to a human level.

Money, doesn't matter.

If you can't keep your face clean, I'll pay for it and give you a good reputation.

But in fact, it means sending goose feathers thousands of miles away, which means that the courtesy is light but the affection is heavy.

And the attitude has been shown.

And as expected, Zeng Jia quickly shook his head:

"No, no, no, it's not a loan. In fact, I came here... after considering it comprehensively and thinking that this matter is beneficial to us. Director Xu, think about it, Mimi still wants to continue to recruit more artists. Our talent scout department It has been formed, and starting this year we will continue to discover some good talents in major colleges and universities. But when these talents enter the company, they also need a process of experience, and a place to improve their acting skills is very needed. It cannot be an individual. Are you all going to take the humanities and drama exams? It’s a bit too counterproductive..."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin understood what she meant:

"You mean, this kind of stage play can be used to let our people hone their acting skills?"

"Yes. I am also interested in this platform... It's not that they are not famous... On the contrary, they have some fixed student audiences. But that's it. The performance is in the HD area, and there are few people. Again It’s just that they are not famous and their customer flow is not large.

Although he also followed De Yunshe's example and posted clips of his performances online... there was basically no splash. Therefore, it is true that they need money for operational turnover, but everyone also talked about it in the afternoon. In the short term, this money is used to maintain the company's expenses, but in the long term, they need a publicity channel.

And this kind of channel is actually nothing more than some celebrity guest appearances or signature attractions. If we buy shares, Mimi, Liu Yifei, and you can all provide this kind of diversion. At the same time, with our investment starting to bear the costs, their creative freedom will be higher.

And the most important thing is... they are also aware of the limitations of the Haidian Theater, so they want to move the theater to the city... But now the housing prices in Yanjing are getting higher year by year, especially those theaters that are imitated by some German theaters. The people in Yunshe's folk art industry were paid ridiculously high prices. The main thing this money is used for is theater rental..."


When Zeng Jia said this, Xu Xin became interested.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"They all write their own plays? What form? What about the rehearsal cycle? What about the genre?"

"Comedy, the scripts are all original, I don't know the cycle. But there are more than a dozen actors...it's not a big one..."


This time, Xu Xin was even more interested.

Because...he doesn't know what others think, but for him, comedy is a very, very, very advanced form of performance.

He told Mr. Motoyama before that comedy actors are all "high-class" and it is definitely not a cliche.

It's what's in his heart.

After thinking for a while, his eyes fell on those CDs.

"It sounds pretty good... I just don't know how it will perform. But I agree with the mutually beneficial channels you mentioned, Sister Zeng... provided they are not exclusive and we have the right to speak."

"That's definitely no problem. Regarding the training of actors, I told them this afternoon. They also welcomed it..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"That's fine, but it's useless to just say it. It has to be marked in the contract. And there's an important point, that is, in order to prevent both parties from looking down on each other, the best way is for everyone's acting contracts to fall into both parties' hands. Only here, where everyone is a family, is the safest place.

Think about it, new actors should first go to the drama club where they are closest to the audience and most need to mobilize all their energy to impress the audience. After they have tempered themselves, we will give them the resources to act... This is a very, very solid rule. Upward channel. "

"But I'm worried...what if I get labeled as a comedian?"

Yang Mi expressed her worries.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin waved his hand directly:

"There is no such thing. Some actors who can act in dramas may not necessarily be able to act in comedies. But if they can act in comedies and convey the emotions of joy and joy to the audience, they will definitely be good at handling other roles. You said It’s just a label that promotes and hypes up one’s own persona. But what we want to cultivate is a group of people who are valuable and can perform whatever they want on stage, but can return to being themselves when they get off stage... and can even be “forgotten” by the audience. Actors..."

"Except Yang Ying."


Xu Xin's lips twitched, thinking to herself that you really treat her like a sewer.

Nodding speechlessly:

"Yes, yes, except your "good sister"."

Yang Mi stuck out her tongue with a smile.

We are all our own people, there are no insiders, so you can trade with confidence.

"Then let's put it this way... But for the specific investment matters, Sister Zeng, you still have to send someone from the company to investigate. Including contract drafting, artist contracts, share conversion, etc... Brother, are you affected tonight? Look? See these works?”


With Xu Xin's immediate agreement, the whole matter became completely clear.

"Have your own drama club."

This concept is like opening up a channel for the couple to fundamentally improve themselves from the bottom up.

The interest suddenly grew.

Compared with this interest, the price of three hundred yuan is insignificant.


three hundred?

Is that also called money?

Zeng Jia left after dinner.

With Liu Yifei joining the team, she will be fully responsible for the financing and acquisition of "Happy Twist".

After she left, Xu Xin held a teacup and the whole family sat in front of the TV and watched "Pirates of Somalia" recommended by Zeng Jia.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it…


"Pfft hahahaha..."

"Ouch... hahaha... stealing food... hahahahaha..."

"Ah, is this the part from "The Wind"?"


Not to mention Yang Mi, the whole family was laughing so hard.

It has nothing to do with professionalism or acting skills, just looking at the story from the audience's perspective.

It's a mixture of things that happened in 2009, from that "Jia Junpeng, your mother called you home for dinner" to the sudden and unexpected phenomenon of farm stealing, etc.

At first glance, it looks like a hodgepodge, but in fact, what it expresses... in cross talk terms, there is no shortage of baggage and jokes, and it is really interesting.

A performance that lasts for more than an hour, the arrangement is quite mature and not messy at all.

Although the radio effect is very poor, the picture is also a bit blurry.

But Yang Mi nodded directly after reading:

"Well, not bad, not bad, fun! Hahaha~"

Subtext: You can vote.

And as the saying goes, a thousand dollars cannot buy a beautiful smile.

Seeing his wife so happy, Xu Xin stopped finding fault with his acting skills.

Just vote.

As long as she's happy.

Xu Xin didn't care about what happened next.

"Tip of the Tongue" is on the right track. As for Shuang Wei's series of actions, whether it is about "Wulin Gaiden" or the financing of Happy Twist, he has not worried about any of this.

March has come to an end amidst all this busyness.

On the last day of March, when Xu Xin woke up early in the morning, he saw Zhang Jiao, whom he had not seen for a long time, appearing on his sofa.

Next to him was an ordinary-looking, slightly chubby girl.

"Hey, classmate Zhang Tianai, hello."

He smiled and said hello.

When she heard the name, Zhang Jiao blushed, but she stood up and bowed to Xu Xin generously:

"Hello, Senior Xu Xin."


Yang Mi on the side burst into laughter:

"The way you two are holding up the airs is so funny. You still play the same tricks at home as you did at school~"

Xu Xin glanced at his wife who had broken through this layer of cosplay with disgust, shook his head speechlessly, and asked:

"Already asked for leave?"

"Please pass."

She returned to her role as an assistant and was about to leave for Yuan'an with Mr. Xu. She nodded and said.

In fact, Zhang Jiao has already agreed with Yang Mi that the academic year for Beijing Film Academy’s adult education students will be 2.5 years. Their courses are more focused, there are not so many educational classes, and they only take practical performance courses. After finishing it, he made his debut as an actor.

Although the subject content is very compact, the school does not prevent students from going to the film crew for in-depth experience.

But the course cannot be left behind.

On the graduation day, if you pass all exams, you can graduate.

Xu Xin originally didn't want to take her with him this time.

But when she went to school, Yang Mi had to find a new assistant for her brother.

However, Xu Xin has a temperament that doesn't like being around many people. He is not used to people who are not familiar to him.

She insisted on this matter several times, and Xu Xin also insisted on it a few times, and then let it go.

In addition, Xu Xin didn't do much last year, and it was not convenient to find an assistant to follow him, so this matter was forgotten.

But when "The Hawthorn Tree" was about to begin, Yang Mi slapped her forehead and remembered that she hadn't arranged an assistant for her brother to take care of him.

The assistant thing also needs to be adjusted with the artist. Only by understanding Xu Xin's preferences can he be able to satisfy all aspects.

Although it is possible to find someone now, there is really no one who can take good care of Xu Xin's life.

No, she caught Zhang Jiao again.

Xu Xin didn't agree at first, thinking it would delay Zhang Jiao's work.

But if you think about it carefully... Anyway, the people who came to the crew this time were not only Zhang Jiao, but also his "seniors and sisters" who were studying for graduate school again.

Even the teacher will personally come over for a period of time to guide the students.

It would be more appropriate to bring along Zhang Jiao.

Follow Teacher Yu for some systematic study.

I agreed.

As soon as he agreed, the subsequent supporting packages were immediately arranged.

No, Yang Mi pointed at the fat girl next to Zhang Jiao:

"Su Meng, your second assistant."

After hearing Yang Mi's words, the girl who also stood up quickly bowed:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Su Meng. I will work hard. Please give me your advice!"

Su Meng looked nervous, at a loss, and a little reserved.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Well, hello. Let's get in touch slowly from now on~"

"This time, let Jiaojiao guide Mengmeng. A crew member can probably touch it almost. Mengmeng is a person with high scores in physical therapy and massage. Don't you like people with strong hands the most? If you are tired or have sore shoulders in the future, If you have a stiff neck or something like that, just look for her."


After hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Are you a medical professional?"


Su Meng was stunned for a moment before shaking her head:

"No, no, no, no, I learned it through company training..."


Upon hearing this, Xu Xin's eyes widened and he looked at Yang Mi:

"corporate training?"


The young woman pinched her waist, her face filled with pride:

"Otherwise, what do you think? I specially opened a course, massage. No matter who you are in the future, you can ask the assistant to massage you when you are tired to relax better. This course is also one of the standards for graduation from training... Don't worry. , I hired a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, not a technician training in the bath..."

"Why...why do you know so much about what happens in the bath?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but say something more.

Then the young woman who had pinched her waist just now became furious:

"You're the only one who talks so much nonsense! Go and eat quickly! I'm going to destroy you!"

"Hey, that's good."

Xu Sanjin, who was afraid of being beaten, nodded quickly and walked to the kitchen obediently.

As he walked, he sighed to his mother-in-law at the kitchen door:

"Oh... I'm scared to death."

The two passed by each other.

Yang Chunling looked at her daughter with an unkind look:

"Say what you just said again, who do you want to destroy?"

"Oh, Mom... I was joking with him."

The little coward immediately slumped his shoulders, looking like a submissive and cute girl.

Yang Chunling looked at her daughter with a smile:

"You better be joking."

"Hehehe, yes, yes, he is my brother, how can I bear to lay a finger on him?"

"You can't even think about it!"

"Hey, I understand, Queen Mother..."

Yang Mi, who was as fierce as a tiger in front of her husband and as timid as a mouse in front of my mother, really changed her style a bit quickly, and Su Meng was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Zhang Jiao turned her head and glanced at her underachiever.

He didn't say anything either.

I just muttered in my heart:

"Take your time, there are still many things you don't know. When Sister Mi gives Brother Xu a look, and Brother Xu knows it's time to leave without even having to get into the room... you will have learned the lesson. "

After finishing breakfast, the three of them went downstairs to the parking lot.

Zhang Jiao was still a little uncomfortable when she handed the key to Su Meng.

There is a sense of "my things have been taken away" absurdity.

Xu Xin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt the girl's smooth driving skills and nodded silently.

It's okay, the car drives very smoothly.

He arrived at the school steadily. This time, he did not go through the gate, but went around to the gate of Beijing Film Research Institute on Huangtingzi Road.

Just when Su Mengman was looking for a parking lot, Xu Xin pointed at the gate of the research institute:

"Just drive in and go downstairs to the doctor's dormitory, parking space 65."

"Huh? Okay."

Su Meng drove into the campus, which was unfamiliar to her, and came to a dormitory building under Xu Xin's guidance.

Teacher Yu really couldn't stand the pressure from his disciples, so he took advantage of this year's juncture when several PhD students were leaving school and applied for a dormitory parking space relatively close to the research institute.

Otherwise, she would feel heartbroken when she sees the disciple being fined two hundred yuan every now and then.

Even if she knew that her disciple didn't feel bad...

After taking her to find her parking space and making sure she remembered everything, the three of them got out of the car.

Xu Xin walked to the research institute as a habit. Su Meng wanted to follow but was stopped by Zhang Jiao.

She didn't say anything and waited until Xu Xin walked into the building of the research institute before she said:

"Brother Xu is a student in school, and all outside matters will not be dealt with in school. So we can't follow him. Generally, if he doesn't say when he will leave, it means he will come down soon. But if he says let When you find a place to rest, it might be to go to class, or you need to stay for a long time... you can just arrange your own activities here.

You can do whatever you want, but don't run too far to prevent Brother Xu from waiting for you too long at the end. You can't call him in the middle, unless it's necessary... but usually not. Brother Xu handles his affairs by himself. We are here, at most, a driver. We can just take care of his food and daily life while on the set. .

After you get familiar with them, you will meet many people who want to get into Brother Xu's relationship. They will give you gifts or give you benefits, etc. It is up to you to decide whether to accept or not. "

Hearing this, Su Meng was a little surprised:

"Can we still collect these?"


Zhang Jiao nodded:

"But you need to weigh whether Brother Xu likes doing this kind of thing... Brother Xu doesn't care much about trivial things, but he can't make mistakes on principled issues. Especially when he is on the set...

The first thing he focuses on is safety, and the second is efficiency. I don’t care much about other things...such as which vehicle to arrange, which hotel to stay in, etc. In fact, it is all arranged by the company. As for these tasks, Sister Mi tacitly agrees to let us communicate.

The hotel will give you benefits in order to win over the crew, and the car rental place will also give you benefits... There are many, many things that will benefit you. It's all the extra money that Sister Mi allows us to earn. "

"Ah this..."

Obviously, Su Meng's three views were somewhat subverted.

"Can you acquiesce to this?"

Seeing her cute appearance, Zhang Jiao didn't laugh at her, because she also came here at this time.

Instead, he explained to her more patiently:

"Yes, Sister Mi's aim is to allow everyone to make money...but there is a premise, that is, everything must be of high quality and quantity, and you must take good care of your artists. So, I will guide you this time, But it’s up to you to measure it in the future…”


"Well, anyway, there is only one standard. Before doing anything, just think about whether Brother Xu likes it and whether you agree with it or not. As Brother Xu's assistant, you have more say than many people... From now on, you will slowly I can feel it.”

As she said that, she glanced vaguely at the girl's thumb, which was swollen and plastered...

"Don't worry, all your hard work and hard work to get to this position...getting here will definitely not be in vain."


Seeing her eyes, Su Meng retracted her hand subconsciously and nodded vigorously:

"Thank you, Sister Jiaojiao."

"Well, remember to choose a tasteless plaster next time. Brother Xu touched his nose when he got in the car, which proves that he has discovered the strangeness of your fingers. He is very considerate..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiao paused and seemed to be thinking about something.

But he immediately shook his head firmly and said:

"In other words, he is the most considerate and caring man I have ever seen. I won't ask you for a massage until the swelling in your fingers is reduced. Just rest and recover. But Sister Mi has a very good nose, and the smell of the plaster will make her I'm worried that Brother Xu is not feeling well, he will be distressed and worried. So I must pay attention next time."


Su Meng's heart trembled.

This insight…

Whether it’s Director Xu or Sister Jiaojiao...

It's not simple.

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