I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 444 442 Hibiscus emerges from clear water (32)

Chapter 444 442. Hibiscus emerges from clear water (32)

"This...what should we write?"

"Are you sure it was written?"

"Didn't you see that other people were writing too?"

"This...should be some words of blessing to the crew, right?"

"No, Director Xu said that we should write what we want to write...I have already finished it."

"What did you write?"

"I hope Teacher Yu (obediently) won't cause trouble for me and will be admitted to the doctorate smoothly."

"Damn, you are such a thief!"

Regarding the novel opening ceremony of "Guaiguai", after these people reacted, they wrote down their wishes one after another, and then followed the others to the altar table.

There are also many kind-hearted people on the crew. After seeing a few people, one person did not forget to say:

"You draw a circle and put it to the side. The top one is placed by the director. Don't push it."

Hearing this, several people nodded quickly and came to the front and back of the offering table. They carefully placed their own guaguai and at the same time saw the contents recorded on the top package of guaguai:

"The filming of "The Love of Hawthorn Tree" (Guaiguai) was successfully completed - Xu Xin."

Simple wishes.

But among this stack of pallets that look like hills, they stand at the top where everyone can see.

A kind of director's weight suddenly transformed into inner motivation.

After placing their darlings, they turned around and walked back. Their eyes fell on Xu Xin, who was standing side by side with Zhang Yimou...

That is absolute leadership will.

Absolute authority.

Belongs to the authority of the "director".

so good……

I don’t know how many people have an idea in their minds:

"One day, I will stand in this position!"

Burn incense, mount it, and pray to heaven.

Bow, offer incense, and uncover the red cloth.

"Good luck with the boot!"

I framed the book with the title of the City God who rules the world and prayed to God to bless the crew of "The Hawthorn Tree" for everything going well.

After uncovering the red cloth and shouting out the blessing, the crew began to get busy quickly.

Today's first scene is the scene where Jingqiu and Lao San meet for the first time at the captain's house.

After the opening ceremony, the crew began to prepare for a series of scenes from Jingqiu entering the captain's house to meeting the third child.

At this moment, Liu Yifei was wearing a blue khaki overalls and sitting on the side with Jiefang shoes.

The weather in early April was neither hot nor cold. She put the purple down jacket that Wu Qiqi had brought her on her lap and was in a daze holding the script in her hand.

Xu Xin didn't come over to ask her how she was preparing.

No need to ask.

He believed that the other party could contribute the performance he wanted.

The sun is strong today, and the early morning light is warm but a bit dazzling.

He and Wang Lei stood in front of the camera. After seeing that after adding the gray and white filter, they could still feel the texture of sunlight, they nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said casually:

"Zhang...Tian'ai, go find Xia Guang."

Zhang Jiao was stunned...

But he immediately reacted, took off his coat, and came to the yard.

She was very familiar with this job.

And under this kind of natural light condition, finding the light does not have to be as slow as when shooting "The Golden Armor".

The main thing about "Golden Armor" is that the glass around it reflects light, so it's very troublesome to find.

Switching back and forth between close-ups, looking for fixed positions and light sources.

Zhang Yimou looked at Liu Yifei.

Upon seeing it, he frowned.


Her makeup is very light.

It can even be said to be only a thin layer.

That is to prevent shadows on the face due to different skin types and angles, so it must be replenished.

There is nothing else.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's pure makeup.

He became interested.

This kid...played so fancy when he first came up?

This makeup must have been set, right?

Let Liu Yifei appear on camera without makeup?

He became interested.

After Zhang Jiao finished looking for the light, his position had been moved to several monitors in the corner.

Liu Yifei cannot be seen on the monitor.

But he's in no hurry.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Mo's voice came from the speaker:

"Departments began to move out and prepare for filming."

As a result, everyone quickly evacuated the shooting scene.

Captain Zhang and Liu Yifei, played by the People's Veteran Artist Li Xuejian, stood at the door of the house at the same time.

"Teacher Li, please give me your advice."

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Li Xuejian nodded with a smile.

Putting aside the acting skills.

This girl has really good foundation.

Clean and tidy.

Coupled with the clothes and "simple" appearance, it immediately reminded him of the good years he had experienced.

Well, pretty good.

Xu Xin also returned to the monitor.

Looking at the old man who took the initiative to sit in the seat next to him, he was stunned and suddenly smiled:

"Ha ha."

"What are you laughing at?"

"I just thought... you seem to be sitting in my seat. But when I think about it carefully... oh, I am the director in this drama... I feel very strange."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou was also happy.


The little guy who came into my sight because of some scratch paper...

I have really grown up.

Thinking of this, he picked up what Xu Xin spent 680 to buy... Super! He opened the lid of the magnetic water health thermos cup, poured Xu Xin a cup of tea with the lid that could be used as a small tea cup, and said:

"Director Xu, please have tea."


Hey, the old man has a very bad conscience.

Are you trying to kill me?

Just drink.

So he nodded:

"Well, thank you, Producer Zhang."

"Ha~! Brat."

While joking, Xu Xin looked at Li Xuejian and Liu Yifei in the camera and stopped talking.

Until Zhang Mo's voice came from the intercom:

"The removal is complete, director, you can start at any time."

"Okay, let's take a look at the game recorder."

Following the director's words, the recorder quickly appeared in front of the camera holding the board:

"Act 7, Scene 1, three, two, one, start!"

Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou's eyes focused on Liu Yifei through the monitor.

Li Xuejian carried the luggage bag and washbasin in front, and Liu Yifei followed behind. The two began to walk up the slope to Captain Zhang's house.

After taking three steps, Li Xuejian shouted:


An old actor, an old people's artist, no matter what role he plays, he can digest it just right.

When it comes to playing the role of a farmer, just play the role of a farmer.

There is no need to watch Li Xuejian's drama.

As long as he plays the role, it means that the role is qualified for the director.

What's more, the person was invited by the old man.

Including Sarina, who plays Captain Zhang's wife and aunt, both of them are like this.

There is almost no need to pick on the acting.

Therefore, Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou's focus was not on Li Xuejian, but on Liu Yifei who slowly walked into the camera.

She was seen leaning forward, expressing the heavyness of her luggage, and followed Li Xuejian step by step on her liberation shoes. After Li Xuejian shouted "Coming", she made a move to arrange her clothes.

Even a little breathless.

Obviously, she was either weak or exhausted during this part of the journey, or she had walked a short distance.

At this time, Zhang Yimou seemed to realize something, but remained silent.

And just after walking up the slope, Xu Xin took the walkie-talkie and shouted:

"Click, stop."

The director shouted stop, and the three people in the venue stopped.

Xu Xin's voice sounded through the intercom:

"Put on makeup. Wet Liu Yifei's hair so that it sticks to the skin with sweat. It's okay if it's a little messy. Yifei, reshoot this scene, and then wait for you to go up the slope and come to the second camera. When the time comes, I want a clean smile. Start over."

Following the director's words, several makeup artists immediately came forward with small watering bottles and started working, but Zhang Yimou's heart was completely at ease.

He changed his position, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his hand.

Looks very relaxed.

But he said nothing.

There was just a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Is this movie not an answer sheet given to him by his disciples?

Therefore, his aim is to talk less and interfere less.

Wait until you find that the disciple cannot handle it or you are sure that some details have been missed before you speak.

This was the scene just now.

If a person walks such a long way, he will definitely be sweating.

But Liu Yifei didn't.

This is a bit lacking.

The second is the location of the sweat.

How to show a clean smile?

Are your clothes wet? Or the sweat on the girl's neck?

Or is it the beauty of sunshine and sweat?

Every director has a different answer.

But Xu Xin's handling method was consistent with what he thought in his heart.

A clean smile requires the most simple and pure sweat.

Although the movie only shot one scene, you can see the whole story at a glance.

This "test", from this point of view, he has understood the central theme of the article.

More than half of it passed.

As for his choice of actors...

Looking at the makeup artists busy in front of the camera...

He still firmly believed that the girl he took to the Jinling crew was the most suitable Jingqiu.

But in this regard, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

He is not the director and cannot decide who to choose.

That’s why I want to see it even more...

What are the highlights of Liu Yifei that make her worthy of your love?

And what he wanted to see quickly appeared in front of him.

After putting on a sweaty makeup, the two returned to the starting point again.

Still three steps, still "coming here", Jingqiu played by Liu Yifei followed Captain Zhang played by Li Xuejian, quickly passed the No. 1 booth and came to the No. 2 booth.

Captain Zhang was on the right. She took half a step slowly and walked in front of the No. 2 camera little by little.

Facing the busy farm work at the No. 3 seat, after hearing Captain Zhang's "Come here", Sarina wiped her hands with the apron around her waist and greeted Sarina, who bowed first:


"Eh eh eh..."

Sarina's enthusiastic voice came from the earphones.

Then, in the camera, the girl who could almost be seen without makeup raised her head. The smile on her face and the sweat on her temples and forehead were as beautiful as a clear spring in summer.

Shy with enthusiasm, enthusiasm with a hint of shyness.

All these emotions turned into a crescent moon at the corner of his mouth.

The picture instantly conveys a sense of vividness... that makes the entire world under the gray and white filter suddenly rich and colorful.

Zhang Yimou raised his eyebrows...

Squinting at this smile...


Look closely.

There's nothing magical about it.

There is no urban appearance at all.

But...she is so beautiful but a little unreal.

She is obviously not from that era, but her temperament is so fitting.

Clean and pure.

That "immortality" seems to have quietly transformed into a natural smile that intersects with the mountains, rivers and plants.

After seeing this scene, not to mention Zhang Yimou, even the people watching behind the camera unconsciously thought of a poem:

"Clear water brings out hibiscus, and nature removes the carvings."



You are beautiful...

What a foul!

I used to feel like God was unfair when I watched it on TV.

But now this smile is truly a smile that captivates the city.

However, her makeup and clothing perfectly integrated this beauty into the surrounding environment, making her a part of them, regardless of you and me.


Nothing too exaggerated to praise.

Xu Xin heard a sound of approval from the old man next to him.

So he smiled.

very good.

Within a few months, Liu Yifei disappeared.

Instead, it was his own Jingqiu.

Just like the much-anticipated main course, the moment it is served and the lid is lifted...

Perfect present!

Then, He Xiaoyu, a little girl selected from the art troupe of the local Children's Cultural Palace in Yuan'an, ran out of the house.

"Huanhuan, my name is Aunt Jing."

The five-year-old girl playfully shouted:

"Aunt Jing."

This time, the shyness and shyness in the smile faded slightly, replaced by a kind of love and intimacy:


The mood transition is completed quietly.

Xu Xin nodded vigorously.

"OK, passed, next game."

Liu Yifei, who had made a good start, was relieved when she heard the news.

Forget about facing Xu Xin.

There is also Director Zhang next to him...

Although she had tried her best to immerse herself in the role of Jingqiu, she still felt a little nervous.

After hearing that the scene was over, she was relieved at first, but then an idea came to her mind:

"In Director Zhang's eyes, did I perform well? I should...have not embarrassed Xu Xin, right?"

As if Xu Xin felt her thoughts, the voice rang from the intercom again:

"Yifei, this is great, the character is captured very accurately... Well, this is what Director Zhang said."


Liu Yifei was stunned.

Then...a touch of joy and relief climbed onto his cheeks again.


Just pass it.

In the director's tent, Zhang Yimou looked at the disciple who was pulling the tiger skin speechlessly...

"When did I say that?"

"Hey, actors need encouragement. Especially if it comes from you."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he asked tentatively:

"But she's doing pretty well, what do you think?"

Zhang Yimou nodded slightly:

"Yeah. If you want to watch just this scene, you've found the right person."


See the old man and refuse to admit defeat.

Xu Xin didn't mind either.

He believed that his vision was absolutely correct.

The old man talks back, right?


We’ll see!

Magic City.

Inside Cai Yinong's office.

The secretary brought two cups of tea to Cai Yinong and Yu Zheng respectively, and then left directly.

The door was closed, Yu Zheng held the teacup, sniffed it, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Cai's tea is pretty good."

Cai Yinong's face was also full of smiles:

"If Mr. Yu likes it, I can take some away later."

"Haha, Mr. Cai is too polite... What do Mr. Cai think of the script?"

He chose to get straight to the point.

Seeing this, Cai Yinong was not surprised. He also held up the tea cup and said:

"Since Mr. Yu is so happy, I will open the skylight and speak frankly. This story... is a low-end version of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", right? It also incorporates some elements of idol dramas."


This time, Yu Chengda admitted openly:

"That's right. But I'm still very confident about this story. No one can find fault with it."

Cai Yinong knew what he meant by "can't find fault".

"After all, not only did I not buy the copyright to "Bu Bu Jing Xin", but Mr. Cai didn't buy it either."


One sentence made Cai Yinong instantly speechless.

When they were competing for the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", the reason why the website dared to ask for such a high price was actually the result of competition from multiple parties.

Everyone is waiting and watching.

As a result, I was intercepted by an unreasonable person who took money.

And who is this person...

"Mr. Yu knows who owns the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" now?"

"Of course I know. That couple."

When saying this, Yu Zheng also carefully observed Cai Yinong's expression.

Unfortunately, nothing was seen.

But that's okay:

"What? What is Mr. Cai worried about?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Yinong said calmly:

"It's not necessary to worry. The cooperation between Mimi and us has always been very good. What's more, no matter how much energy the two of them have in movies, they can't radiate into the field of TV dramas for the time being. Mr. Yu can come to us, isn't it because he has Is this an idea?"


Similarly, Yu Zheng also admitted it openly.

I really have this idea.

Since Tianyu's people can't protect themselves, then they will just set up another mountain.

It’s not like you and Tianyu are the only ones in this circle.

The Tang people have not dealt with Hunan Taiwan for so many years.

There is no way, the "corporate culture" of both sides is actually similar, they both want to take advantage of it and praise their own artists.

Although it cannot be said that they are incompatible, Tang Dynasty's dramas, whether it is the previous "Peerless Two Prides" and "The Female Generals of the Yang Family", or the "Fairy Sword" that brought them to the first-line production company, all revolve around Hunan TV. Walk.

If Tianyu's road was blocked, they even set up a table for me...

The big deal is, I just don’t want to hang out with Hunan TV.

Who are you trying to scare?

Doesn't the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" belong to you?

Okay, let’s see who of us is disgusting this time.

He also heard about Yang Mi and Tang Ren.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Yu Zheng, who hadn't yet realized whether he had misjudged his opponent's energy, thought about it and thought of Tang Ren, who was competing for "Bu Bu Jing Xin" like him before.

So I sent the script here and found Cai Yinong.

"So, what does Mr. Cai think of this script? If nothing else is mentioned, the current market for TV dramas is a big piece of cake. The kind that has not been touched... whoever comes out first can eat it. The biggest bite ever.”

Faced with the blunt testimony, Cai Yinong just asked:

"Then Mr. Yu thinks who is more suitable for the role of Luo Qingchuan?"

"Haha, of course it's Shishi."

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Yu Zheng's face:

"Luo Qingchuan and Huaying, red and blue nightshades. Isn't it very suitable?"

He looked at the poster of "Sword and Sword III" on the wall of his office, and his eyes moved from Xuejian's face to Long Kui's words.

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