I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 445 443 Talents that cannot be learned (33)

Chapter 445 443. Talent that cannot be learned (33)


"OK, not bad. Thank you for your hard work, Shishi."

Jay Chou looked at the footage in front of the monitor, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he said to everyone:

"That's it for today, that's it. There are still the last two days, everyone, work harder, and finally we have a perfect curtain call. Okay, others call it a day. Those who are filming today, hurry up and eat, and go to the recording studio after eating .”

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi breathed a sigh of relief. After handing the water cup to the assistant, she started to walk to the dressing room to remove her makeup.

"Pandaren" is almost finished.

Her scenes are finally almost finished filming.

And this time when she came to Wanwan to shoot, I can honestly say that she really gained a lot of knowledge.

It turns out that TV dramas can still be shot like this.

First of all, Jie Lun will find someone to prepare several BGMs for different scenes in advance, such as sad ones, happy ones, emotional ones, etc.

Then shoot according to the number of episodes.

Once one episode is finished, continue filming the next episode.

The filmed clips are taken directly to the editing company for editing. After editing, they are scored, dubbed, and then sent to the TV station for broadcast.

4 episodes aired a week.

This was the first time Liu Zhishi had seen such efficiency.

At first I was a little worried about the quality of the finished film.

However, after the screening, I found out that the ratings of "Pandaren" were acceptable, so I stopped worrying about it.

Frankly speaking, Jielun is quite childlike.

This drama is also about Zi Gong...but wouldn't it be inappropriate for Zi Gong to add some love elements to it?

She asked the crew this question.

The result was a response from the crew: "Children these days are very mature."

All right.

Magical curved scale standard.

But...if this play is sold to the mainland...what should we do?

As she became more familiar with the role of Jiang Xiaoyu, some random things started to come to her mind.

As far as the plot is concerned, it's actually quite childish.

After all, she was dubbing episode after episode, so she naturally watched all the TV series being filmed so far.

I found that the plot of this drama is a very young one for children. Good guys are good guys and bad guys are bad guys.

In terms of plot, this drama is rated PG13 at best.

Teenager audience.

But if you put it in China, there are many domestic fans who are adults.

Can adults accept this kind of plot?

This is the doubt that has been brewing in her heart these days.

But she couldn't say because she heard from Jay that the rights to broadcast the show in mainland China had been sold.

Then it's useless for her to talk.

Sitting in front of the makeup mirror, she closed her eyes and felt the makeup artist applying cleansing oil to her face, and she began to count the days in her mind.

Mimi is leaving on the 4th.

He also finished on the 4th.

Nazhao said...it seems like I'm going to miss Mimi again.


We even talked about secretly having a drink together.

No matter what kind of baby it is.

Where is Xu Xin? ... Hawthorn should have started filming, right?

How are Liu Yifei's preparations going?

I heard Mimi say that her acting skills are a bit reborn...that's strange, how did she do it?

Just because of those few months of missing contact?

Experience, observation, imitation... I always feel that methodism seems difficult.

Just as I was thinking about it, a voice sounded beside me:

"Shishi, what do you want to eat tonight?"

She didn't open her eyes, but she knew it was Li Minian, so she said:

"Just eat something simple. Brother Li."

Because she is a Muslim, she could never eat with the crew. Not even some roast duck rice or something.

So Li Minnian and his assistant were responsible for her diet.

After saying that, she thought Li Minnian had left. But after waiting for a while, I heard the other party continue to say:

"After filming ends on the 4th, we have to go to the Magic City."


Liu Zhishi, who didn't even open her eyes, said doubtfully:

""The Stranger Iljimae"? Isn't it in Hengdian?"

"It's not this script, it's another one. Mr. Cai found another script for you, which is also the protagonist. So this time we are going to read the script!"

Li Minnian's voice sounded quite excited.

But Liu Zhishi was speechless...

The filming date for "The Stranger Iljimae" has been set.

April 12th.

The starring roles are myself and Huo Jianhua.

How Huo Jianhua came back, Liu Zhishi didn't know... After all, according to her understanding, Huo Jianhua could still come back after everything was like this...

Although the real reason is unclear, she prefers to trust her intuition.

That is... Huo Jianhua's company is not very powerful. After leaving Tangren, there is no other ability to expand business.

In Mimi’s words:

"It's normal. No one can have trouble with money. After all, what everyone wants is development..."


Why do I keep thinking about this level of things lately?

Sure enough...that woman Yang Mi is too scary.

It took me astray.

Temporarily putting Huo Jianhua's matter behind her, she realized that after the filming of "Pandaren" was completed, except for the day she left the crew, she only had a week's rest, and sighed helplessly:

"It's so short...uh..."

Afterwards, she realized that Brother Li had just said that she still wanted to go to the company.

The 7 days has been reduced by one day.

ah! !

what! ! ! !

What are you doing~~~~~~~~~

Speechless, she suppressed the emotion of going on strike by twisting and turning on the stool, and said helplessly:

"What kind of show is it? How long will it take to film?"

The filming time for "The Stranger Iljimae" was about 45 to 50 days.

It will probably be June when the work is finished.

What kind of fairy script is this?

I want to rest...I want to drink...I want to take a vacation! ! !

Mimi also said that she would invite me to what...Langlang day this year?

It seems like such a festival, right?

It is said that if you go to Miami, you can enjoy the sun, the beach... and the unashamed vacation life!

I really want to go out and play! ! ! !

Li Minnian's voice sounded:

"I don't know about this. The company didn't elaborate. Anyway, there are still two days. I won't know until we get there."

"This... okay."

In order to get rid of the reputation of "Liu Yifei's cousin" as soon as possible.



After doing some psychological construction for herself, she became energetic again.


A sentence flowed silently from the bottom of her heart:

"I hope it's a good story."

Let me experience it...like Mimi or Liu Yifei, it feels like concentrating on preparing for a role for months...or even a year or two.

I felt how serious Mimi was about her work, and what she learned from Xu Xin about Liu Yifei's transformation during these few phone calls... She had never been as eager for someone who could give her all her life as she was at this moment. A peak to climb with all your efforts.

Even if you sink like this, if you burn yourself out, you can bring an impressive character to the audience...

She doesn't hesitate!

Throughout the whole day, if Liu Yifei's performance could be described in one sentence, Xu Xin's evaluation would be:

“Excellent quality.”

She really nailed the role of Jingqiu.

She is Jingqiu.

Every move she makes looks like Jingqiu.

As long as she appears in the camera, she makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Not to mention Xu Xin, even the old man nodded vigorously.

During this day, he watched all the relevant scenes on the spot.

Even he felt qualified.

No, what we are filming now is a scene showing a movie at night.

Originally, the original work here was about watching a theater, but Xu Xin felt that the plot of watching a theater was not as intense as watching a movie, so he changed it.

And the movie he chose is "Visitors from the Iceberg", which tells the story of the warrior Amir and the real and fake Gundam.

The movie of 1964 just fits the times.

At the same time, the love story between Amir and Gundam is also touching enough.

It is more suitable to be used as the tone of the somewhat ambiguous emotional line between Jingqiu and Laosan than in opera.

In order to make this scene less abrupt, he specifically asked Brother Qian'er.

I learned that in those days, many things in the folk art industry were considered the "Four Olds". People did not dare to sing the classic passages of the past, and they were all singing "New Peking Opera".

So if we really follow the instructions in the original work, it would really not be appropriate.

However, there is a difficulty in this play, and that is the Tajik folk song "Why Are the Flowers So Red?"

Xu Xin's plan was to take photos of innocent faces humming along.

Captain Zhang beat people with a stick because several young people in the village got excited about singing and stood up to direct everyone to sing along.

Captain Zhang beat the young people and told them to sit down and not block the villagers behind from watching the movie.

Moreover, the song "Why Are the Flowers So Red" also has a bright red color, echoing the scene in the original book where Jingqiu participated in the school's "Literary Thought Report Performance" in order to stay in school.

The two young people sang red songs, and there was a little ambiguity between them.

The dark square gave the two of them the greatest cover. At the same time, although they were singing a popular song, the first few lines of "Why Are the Flowers So Red" were able to transform the little daughter's psychology naturally and vividly.

This is very appropriate for him.

But the requirements are also relatively high.

The first thing is singing, and fellow villagers must be able to sing.

And you have to sing naturally in front of the camera.

Then there is the capture of the scene light, and how to arrange the personnel of these fellows who have not participated in the film.

Letting amateurs cooperate with the crew in making movies is not an easy task anywhere.


In the hands of the Ouchi manager, it is very easy to mobilize everyone's emotions.

Under working conditions, he basically has no social fear.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the curtain, next to him was the village chief of Qinglong Village.

"Everyone just sing normally for a while, and you don't have to strain your neck to shout. Just sing normally along with the movie... Don't worry about the camera, you can just watch the movie. In this scene, the camera is shooting everyone's profile. I will ask for something... …The cameras are here.”

He pointed to the side of the curtain:

"When we are filming everyone later, the movie will also be shown simultaneously. Please don't look at the camera, okay? Just watch the movie. Don't be too nervous. When the music starts, just sing along."

After he finished speaking, the village chief next to him said in half-baked Mandarin:

"Listen to the director, don't look at the camera, and cooperate with the crew! No looking! No one is allowed to look at the camera! Do you all understand?"

The three, old and four young people who were selected from the whole village nodded to express their understanding.

But the nervous look could already be seen on his face.

While he was speaking, Zhang Yimou, Zhang Mo, including several students from the training class who unconsciously gathered around Zhang Yimou, all heard Zhang Yimou's words:

"When he finishes speaking, you can go over and see how he handles this kind of amateur scene. It will be helpful to you."

Several people, including Zhang Mo, were a little stunned.


Didn’t they all tell you how to deal with it?

Just let the fellows not look at the camera and behave more naturally in front of the camera.

Is there anything else?

As for Zhang Mo, although he was murmuring in his heart, he still nodded and walked directly to Xu Xin, who was preparing to die.

When she moved, the others quickly followed.

When they followed him, Xu Xin was already talking with Wang Lei and several stage managers.

They heard Xu Xin say:

"Is the black box ready?"

One of the stage managers nodded:


"Okay, let's go and install it. Director Wang will go directly in to shoot. Once this scene is finished, everyone's close-up will be easy to tell in the next scene. Let's just do it in one go. As long as we finish filming this most difficult scene, tonight It will be over soon.”

As he said that, he glanced at Zhang Mo and then at the other people who were following him. Without saying a word, he took the walkie-talkie and walked directly to the back of the crowd, where Lao San and Jingqiu were.

Several people quickly followed.

Then Xu Xin was seen standing at the place where he made the sign of the cross, looked in the direction of the curtain, and said to the staff manipulating the projector:

"The light of the spotlights is being adjusted to be brighter."

Upon hearing this, the staff quickly turned up the brightness.

The scene from "Visitors on the Iceberg" appeared on a curtain made of white sheets. As the light intensified, the black and white lens began to blur and become somewhat distorted.

But Xu Xin stared at the side with squinted eyes.

After Wang Lei entered a small space covered with black gauze curtains, Xu Xin held up the walkie-talkie and continued:

"Okay, lighting team, turn on the lights."

Following his order, several film shooting lights that had been set up were turned on, and dim and soft light shone on the auditorium area where these people were sitting with their own little horses.

The people following him suddenly had an illusion...

Because the light was too concentrated, they gradually lost sight of the camera's position.

Then Xu Xin himself walked into the auditorium, his eyes also fell on the camera. After looking at it, he seemed to confirm something. He stopped talking on the intercom and walked directly to the curtain again.

So, a group of people followed suit again.

After they arrived at the place, they heard Xu Xin's words:

"Director Wang, are you ready?"

Under the cover of darkness, Wang Lei, who looked like a sniper in a ghillie suit, said nothing, but stretched out a hand indicating "OK" from under the black gauze curtain.

"Okay. Let's go clear the scene and make sure that none of our staff can be seen in Director Wang's camera."

After he said this to the stage manager next to him, several of the stage staff ran out quickly.

Everyone is getting more and more confused...

This seems normal.

It’s nothing more than preparations before shooting begins.

Whether it’s the lighting or the brightening of the movie curtain, it’s just to hide Director Wang Lei’s camera.

To prevent everyone from glancing towards the camera unconsciously for a while...

Quite normal.

What did Director Zhang want us to see?

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Xin's voice sounded again:

"Come on, let's play the movie first and let everyone feel it... Fellow friends, let's familiarize ourselves with the melody of this song by following the movie clips. If you know how to sing, just sing along!"

"Everyone listens to the director, and those who can sing will sing together!"

The village chief started shouting again.

But before he could say a word, he was pulled away from the venue by two stewards.

The village chief himself was wondering...what was this for?

But as the projector played, the old movie had started, and the melody of "Why Are the Flowers So Red" came from the speakers.

At this time, people including Zhang Mo heard Xu Xin whisper:

"Three, two, one, start shooting."



What the hell?

Is this the beginning?

A group of people stood behind the camera and instinctively looked toward the audience.

as expected……

Under the premise of abnormal filming, these villagers were watching the somewhat distorted movie, and then started humming along with the music.

The square was filled with the singing of "Why are the flowers so red...".

And some of these people were still talking and laughing.

From a director’s perspective…

Naturally a mess!

There is no trace of performance, even if it is requested by the director and village chief... But from their perspective, the filming is not started at the moment, and the director is just letting everyone get familiar with the rhythm of the familiar song.

Therefore, their truest side is revealed.

"Hey~~~it looks red~"

"Red like burning fire~~~"

"Hey~~~~Red! Good! Looks like~"

"Symbolizes pure friendship and love~~~~love~~~~"

Some people can’t remember the lyrics, and that’s okay.

If someone forgets a tune, that's okay.

Anyway, there are subtitles on the curtain, so everyone can lip-sync to it.

The most natural expressions and the most natural expressions of emotions, in this song that is almost familiar to everyone in the whole dynasty, were completely recorded by Wang Lei on the camera.

In total, I sang it twice.

After singing twice, Xu Xin walked directly to the tent with the monitor next to it.

As soon as I walked to the tent, I saw Zhang Yimou sitting in front of the monitor.

Everyone saw that Director Zhang spoke before Xu Xin opened his mouth:

"The second pass is much better than the first pass. If you want to edit, the emotions are the most sincere at the beginning of the first pass, and you can mix it up later."

Only then did everyone understand...

Director Zhang knew what Director Xu was going to do from the beginning.

Then I saw Director Xu grinning happily:

"Hey, I understand."

After finishing speaking, he raised the walkie-talkie:

"After this is over, let the actors prepare to appear."




Not to mention Zhang Mo, Guo Fan and the others who were following Xu Xin.

Others suddenly reacted...


Already finished filming?

No...it hasn’t started yet!

Looking back at the students in the training school, Zhang Yimou thought for a while, then spoke louder and said to Zhang Mo and these master students:

"His thoughts are actually a common thought in doing work. Most people can't think of such a trick to hide the truth. But when we make movies, what we often want to capture the most is actually the true feelings revealed in that moment.

This was what he had in mind from the beginning.

Amateurs will feel nervous no matter what when facing the camera. In order to eliminate these tensions, many directors will hire extra actors, while others will force these untrained people to shoot over and over again like a mock exam, and through the accumulation of numbers, they can edit out the clips they want. .

But in my case, I always feel that this kind of innate craftsmanship is inherent in it.

The method he is using now is the accumulation of experience... After all, at the Olympics, he did a lot of the psychological construction of the fighters who participated in our opening ceremony performance. But more than anything, I think it's a talent.

A flash of inspiration, a series of meticulous operations from the idea to the implementation.

He has a talent. Let alone ten people, there may not be one person with his talent among a hundred people.

If you want to learn it, I don’t recommend that you learn it this way, because it might just become a mess.

But it is possible to record the way this kind of group drama is handled. If you encounter this situation in the future, you might as well try it out and see if it works. But don’t imitate what the gourd is doing..."

Having said this, the old man paused and looked at Xu Xin, who was communicating with Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin, who had just finished a scene, with eyes filled with joy, and said an extremely cruel word:

"Because you may not be able to learn it."

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