I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 446 444 The green dragon explores its claws in the form of a dragon

Chapter 446 444. The situation in dragon form·Green dragon exploring its claws

Zhang Yimou's words are very straightforward.

Even bluntly cruel.

He directly told them the difference between them and Xu Xin.

But no one objected.

I couldn't even think of a rebuttal.

In the past two days, they could be said to have followed Xu Xin almost step by step, from the early preparations to the handling methods and the strength shown when the filming started...

Even when taking a break after lunch, Xu Xin would not refuse their request to see the original films, and generously showed them the original films that had been shot.

While showing, he tells his creative ideas.

For example, why use a gray and white filter?

What is the sense of paleness conveyed through the screen trying to express, and why was a certain one selected among the several scenes shot? The others are so different.


If you just look at the mountain without climbing it, you don't know how high the mountain is.

As Xu Xin explained, they gradually discovered that... it turned out that the setting, camera angle, entry point, and even the actors' expressions, which seemed simple at first glance, actually hid so much of the director's thoughts.

If he doesn't say it, it may take a long time for the other party to figure it out.

But after he explained it, everyone felt enlightened.

I feel like I learned a lot.

The most important thing is that the person who teaches them is only 24 years old this year.

Not even satisfied.

The age is only 23 years old.

Among this group of graduate students, the youngest one, Wen Mino, was born in 1985.

The oldest person is Guo Fan who is 80 years old.

He is 30 years old this year.

In fact, this age is not that unusual among graduate students. After all, there are many people who first started working in society for two years after graduating from college and found that they had not accumulated enough, so they turned around and applied for graduate students.

However, when these people face a junior who was born in 1986, the gap they feel in him and his brilliant resume inevitably make some people feel a little frustrated.

But it couldn't survive for too long.

After feeling frustrated, they will immediately stop being fascinated by Xu Xin's sometimes simple and sometimes gorgeous shooting techniques, and once again immerse themselves in the acquisition of knowledge.

If you can't compare, you can't compare.

Not to mention 30 years old... some of the 35- and 40-year-old directors in the industry have not yet understood it.

If I have this time to feel sorry for myself, I might as well learn something from Director Xu or Director Zhang. After all... Director Zhang seems to be quite easy to talk to and doesn't have the airs of a great director.

If you leave something out from between your fingers, you can use it to your advantage.

This kind of opportunity... must be seized.

Filming "The Hawthorn Tree" is Xu Xin's most important thing right now, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have other things to do.

No, the filming of "Hawthorn Tree" started on the 2nd, but on the 5th, the crew returned to Yuan'an for repairs.

Because the director is going to Shanghai for a meeting.

Expo meeting.

The time is 2 days.

And walking with him was Zhang Yimou.

The old man returned to Yanjing and planned to start the "Jinling" project.

Early morning on the 5th.

The two of them took a car together from Yuan'an and headed for Yichang.

Xu Xin's original intention was to take his own plane and fly to Magic City first. After flying to Magic City, he got off the plane and sent the old man back to Yanjing directly.

But Zhang Yimou found it troublesome.

Insisted on taking a passenger plane.

The most important thing is that he is alone this time, and Assistant Shen and the others are not with him.

Xu Xin was quite worried, fearing that he would be recognized at the airport and blocked by reporters... and wanted Zhang Mo to be with him.

As a result, the old man glared:

"She is the assistant director. She has a lot of work to do while you are away. Why should I ask her to follow me?"

At the end, there is another sentence:

"Can I still lose it?"

Xu Xin came back with one sentence.

Xu Xin had no choice but to give up.

While sitting in the business car from Yuan'an to Yichang, he thought for a while and asked:

"I heard that you are planning to invite a Hollywood actor to play "Jinling"?"


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Have you seen Batman?"

"Which one?"

"Nolan's series."


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched. After the story of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" emerged in his mind, he began to think of the image of John Miller, an alcoholic.

Subconsciously asked:

"You wouldn't want to invite Christian Bale, would you?"

Zhang Yimou's eyes lit up:

"Do you also think he is suitable?"


After mixing the images of Batman and John Miller in his mind, he shook his head slightly:

"I can't think of it yet. I have to look at your makeup photos to get some idea. But...his salary is not cheap, right?"

"It's not bad. It's not expensive. We first met when I was arranging the movie "Qin Shi Huang" for the Met. The young man was very humble, and we met him later at the film festival. At that time, I thought he was very suitable for John. I also asked him about the image of Miller. Probably at the beginning of last year, he contacted me... and he had already read the original work."

"Agreed to appear?"


Zhang Yimou responded:

"I agreed last year, but the difficulty now is the remuneration."

Speaking of this, a trace of emotion appeared in his eyes:

"Hollywood salaries...are too expensive."

"How much did he quote?"

"9 million US dollars. In conversion..."

"Sixty-five to six million."

Xu Xin reported the numbers directly.

But I still have some doubts:

"No, isn't he a Hollywood superstar? The reputation of "Batman" is really good, especially the second one. He only has nine million? I remember he won something else with "Batman"...Saturn Best actor award, right?”

"Fortunately it's not the Golden Globe or Oscar. Otherwise, the price would have tripled at least. So I can accept the price. This time I will sign the contract after I go back and confirm the film project with Wei Ping."

Xu Xin frowned at the mention of Zhang Weiping.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"One Bell alone costs more than 60 million... Not to mention the thirteen-year-old. They are all amateurs and they don't cost much. The children are not included... So he is the one who makes this movie more expensive?"

"There is also a Hollywood photography team. And I plan to shoot this movie in real locations, from churches to the ruins of Nanjing... It is estimated to cost two to three billion."


Xu Xinxin said that the investment was really not small.

It is also different from "Golden Armor". "Golden Armor" is expensive, although it is also expensive in serving the path of transformation. And the external investment is close to 300 million.

But in the past few years, Xu Xin thought about it and realized that the actual cost of this play might not be that much.

Although the total investment at that time also came from the old man's mouth, something between 270 and 350 million...

But what was the relationship between the two at that time?

Xu Xin is just a fringe figure who has just joined the props team of the Olympic Games Director Group.

A child with a hairless mouth.

What's good for you is what's good for you.

But it is impossible for others to be completely honest with you without any concealment or secret.

The amount of investment mentioned by the old man is consistent with the amount of investment mentioned by Zhang Weiping... Now it seems that it is actually very strange.

Not to mention anything else, from the fact that Zhang Weiping said that the investment was "more than 100 million" in "Three Guns", we know that his words are really too watery.

Including later asking Jay about his salary and the cost of the song "Chrysanthemum Terrace", Xu Xin estimated that the filming cost of "Golden Armor" was the most expensive, at 100 million.

100 million in 2006.

Money wasn't as bad as it is now.

It's already at the ceiling level.

After all, it is not used in many exterior scenes, and the most expensive ones are those recyclable golden transformation channels.

But today is different from the past.

The two to three billion the old man is talking about now is real money.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Is that Wei Ping enough money?...You won't need to find financing again this time, right? It's like that...farming game from "Three Guns"."


This time it was Zhang Yimou's turn and he didn't know how to answer.

Indeed, Zhang Weiping meant not to look for Bell, it would cost too much.

Anyway, this scene was filmed to highlight the role of Thirteen Hairpins. It would have been easy for a foreign undertaker to be played by a foreigner who was familiar to everyone.

It doesn't cost much.

Hire a third-tier Hollywood actor, and the salary will only be one or two million dollars at most.

This is what Zhang Weiping meant.

But Zhang Yimou himself disagreed.

It is different from the large number of actors in China who have excellent acting skills but are frustrated.

Hollywood's capital market determines that fame, acting skills and film remuneration are directly proportional to each other.

Of course, people with good acting skills and fame can "condescend" to join some low-cost movies, but usually it is for the sake of transformation, or because they really like a certain script.

But in most cases, acting skills and remuneration are directly proportional.

After the failure of "Three Guns", "Jinling" was his most ambitious work.

This time he wants to take full control and not let anyone interfere.

But...his ambitious project will require 200-300 million yuan this time.

Whether the domestic market can support the return of capital is a matter of debate.

Zhang Weiping has always been resistant to inviting Bell and the Hollywood production team.

If I hadn't been ruthless and insisted on never changing, this matter might have been denied early on.

Therefore, when faced with Xu Xin's question, he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

And how well Xu Xin knew him.

Seeing that the old man didn't answer, and adding his understanding of Zhang Weiping... thinking with his toes, he knew that Zhang Weiping must be spending a small amount of money to do big things...

There was a hint of helplessness in my heart.

But this time he didn't say anything like "How about I invest" or "How about you come to my place".

And the reason why he didn't say it, even Yang Mi probably couldn't guess it.

He is afraid.

It's not that he's afraid of the old man spending money, or that he's afraid of offending Zhang Weiping.

But he was afraid that the consequences of his impulsiveness would bring trouble to the old man.

It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain.

He had already seen Zhang Weiping's villainous appearance that night.

A person who can poke the head of a patient with a cerebral infarction with his finger...

Anyone who wants to overestimate his bottom line is simply a fantasy.

But now, the old man has the biggest handle still in the opponent's hands. That is the matter of the three children's household registration and Aunt Ting.

If he was too high-profile at this time and fell out with Zhang Weiping directly... he wouldn't be afraid.

Apart from anything else, if something really happened, I could just hide behind my father.

Hey, I'm young and I can't beat you. Should I go to the parent's head office?

Not embarrassing.

Besides, as long as he doesn't break the law and walks upright, he won't be afraid of others no matter how mean they are.

At worst, I'll be disgusted.

But why should we make others disgusted with ourselves?

But the old man is different.

If he really pulled the old man over, he would still have a falling out with Zhang Weiping. Then the matter of Aunt Ting and the three children will become a "scar" that the old man is least willing to uncover.

After the scar was revealed, he might be able to block everything, but he could only block the pain this scar caused to the mother and son.

Yes, the scars are revealed and dealt with. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.

But the problem is that what Xu Xin is pursuing now is to give the old man a treatment that will not hurt anyone and can easily make the scar intact.

Therefore, he will not do anything that may arouse Zhang Weiping's alarm before the child's household registration, birth certificate, aunt and old man's certificate are obtained.

Because...he really doesn't dare to overestimate the villain's inner bottom line.

If the old man is silent, just be silent.

He turned his mind around and said the only thing he could say to make the old man less upset:

"But it's okay. If he really has any difficulties with investment, or if he wants someone to take the risk, you can ask him to contact me... Forget it, when the movie is finished and I find a chance to meet him, I will Talk to him.

If he's short of money, I'll just lend it to him. If he wants to share risks, then I have a good relationship with Big Laowang anyway. He must also value Wanda Cinema Line, so I will invest with him... Don't have any problems, I'm here. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou couldn't laugh or cry:

"What's the matter with you? I haven't considered you at all. How can an adult go to a child to get "new year's money" when he has no money?"


Xu Xin was delighted:

"You're looking down a bit. New Year's money? If my New Year's money were divided equally, it would be enough to support the children of a prefecture-level city."

"If you really have spare money and you don't think you can spend it all, go do something good. If you are young, you know that you have to give yourself a gold medal. Charity is also a good thing. Not to mention the merit of accumulating blessings for your children and grandchildren~"


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned...

Nodding thoughtfully:

"Hey, I got it."

Guangdong, Chikan.

The filming location of "The Grandmaster" - the set room of Jinlou.

Yang Mi was wearing cotton-soled cloth shoes, loose practice pants on her legs, and a cheongsam on her upper body. She looked nondescript as she sat in front of the makeup mirror.

There was no makeup on her face, but the hairstylist was braiding her braids.

And in her arms was the warmth of dozing off.

Compared with his younger brother's high adaptability to the weather in Guangdong, Nuan Nuan is a little uncomfortable with it.

The three months of March, April and May are the rainy season in Guangdong.

Chikan is close to the sea, and it has been raining every day in the past few days, making it very humid.

Nuannuan has only been here for a day, and her armpits are starting to turn red.

It seems to be quite painful, and I couldn't sleep well last night after tossing and turning.

Yang Mi didn't sleep for long.

The last time she got prickly heat on her butt, she didn't pay much attention to it. She used up the talcum powder and threw it away at home. I quickly bought a pack at dawn this morning. After applying it to my child, Nuan Nuan stopped crying.

At the moment, I am catching up on my sleep in my mother's arms.

Sun Ting, on the other hand, was assembling a mosquito net on a second-hand cradle with a few props.

The reason why she used a second-hand one was because she was afraid that the varnish on the surface of the new cradle would contain formaldehyde. Although you can also buy unpainted cradle... But it is too humid here in Chikan. Without the protection of the paint, the wood of the cradle will smell when it gets wet, and the child may not sleep comfortably.

Cradles, mosquito nets, and fans are essential.

There is no way, raising children is so troublesome.

Soon, the braid was finished.

Yang Mi looked at herself in the mirror, nodded with satisfaction, stood up gently, and carried the child into the cradle.

After Sun Ting hurriedly covered the mosquito net tightly, Yangyang, who was sitting in the stroller and half-lying and half-sitting, started to stop lying on her side and pointed at her sleeping sister and shouted.


Yang Mi raised a finger:

"Don't disturb sister."


"Well, you're so good~"

As if she could really have a conversation with her son, after instructing her precious son to be quiet, she said to her father:

"Then I'm going."

"Go, be careful and stay safe."


After responding, Yang Mi opened the dressing room door and walked out.

There are a bunch of busy people outside.

The busy scenes of these crew members gave her a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

But she quickly gathered her thoughts and walked towards the Jinlou set.

I soon saw a few familiar faces.

Liang Chaowei, Zhang Jin, Zhang Zhen, Yuan Heping, Wang Jiawei, Xu Haofeng and others are all there.

Zhang Jin was standing next to Yuan Heping, and Yuan Heping, the top martial arts instructor in the country, was showing Zhang Jin certain moves one by one.

However, not all the moves are done, or there are basically no special moves visible, it is just a demonstration of how to fight.

Today is the day when several leading actors meet.

Everyone came quite early.

It takes several days of training with a martial arts instructor.

The rivalry between Ip Man and Gong Er.

Ma San singled out Guangdong Wulin's group attack scene.

Zhang Zhenhe's script did not say whether the military commander or some other department's "organization" was involved in the siege scene.

Everyone has Kung Fu, but in fact traditional Chinese martial arts are not very good to watch. Because from the beginning, the purpose of martial arts was not to strengthen the body, and the available moves were all killer moves.

Therefore, the job of a martial arts instructor is to make these moves look better.

They want to take photos.

Needless to say, Yuan Heping's abilities have been spent all his life in movies.

He can almost be said to be a master of the way he presents Northern martial arts in movies, how to fight, and how to make the fight look good.

But in fact, if we look at the status of the martial arts sect and the martial arts world, Yuan Heping actually has no status in the martial arts world.

This may seem absurd at first glance, but in fact, although the Yuan family is a family of martial arts, the Yuan family’s martial arts has neither a sect nor a foundation. It belongs to the "miscellaneous family" who came from Peking Opera Wu Chou.

It can't be compared with someone like me who is a "heir of the martial arts school" who has become a master, and it can't be compared with someone like Zhang Jin who has an inheritance from a master in a professional martial arts team.

Of course, these are all false claims.

But if we really want to talk about the roots of Miao Hong, whether it is Ip Man who became a disciple of Ip Man's disciple Liang Shaohong, or Zhang Zhen's teacher Wang Shiquan... everyone has inheritance.

Yuan Heping did not...

The differences between doors are so strange sometimes.

Moreover, if we really talk about it, Liang Chaowei would call himself senior sister.

Because he only became a disciple of Liang Shaohong in 2008. And I was in 2007.

Zhang Zhen wants to call himself "Uncle Master".

Because his teacher Wang Shiquan is a generation younger than his master Yu Chenghui.

Zhang Jin is even more special.

If he is brave enough, he can call himself "Junior Sister".

When he was in the martial arts team, he practiced Chen Style Tai Chi from Xiao Jiaze, a disciple of Chen Chunsheng, the master of Xiaojia Chen Style Tai Chi. However, the martial arts team does not have such a saying. After graduating from the martial arts team, he became a disciple of Yuan Heping.

Yuan Heping and Yu Chenghui cannot talk about seniority.

There is no way, the master came from Shandong Guoshu Hall. The seniority of those gentlemen from the Guoshu Academy back then was too high to be discussed.

But to be fair, Master should be of the same generation as Yuan Heping's father, Yuan Xiaotian.

But again, the Yuan family is not a serious martial arts inheritance.

Whether it's Southern Quan spreading to the North, or Northern Quan going to Jiangnan... the affairs of these martial arts people have nothing to do with the Yuan family.

Everyone has their own opinions, but he is brave enough to call himself Junior Sister.

But in fact, when it comes to the old man's seniority, no one in this circle is necessarily higher than him.

But... these are all martial arts matters.

There is no need to be so serious. After all, Mr. Yuan's status in the film festival is that of a master.

It's not something that actors can compare to.

Now Yuan Heping is the martial arts instructor, and everyone is just an actor under the old man.

Mr. Yuan is currently taking photos of Zhang Jin and teaching him how to play the Golden Tower scene. And a Tayan kicked backwards. The moment he turned around, he happened to see Yang Mi coming over, and he stopped.

He looked at Yang Mi, and everyone turned their heads in the direction he was looking, and then they saw Yang Mi walking over.


Xu Haofeng took the lead in saying hello.

"The child is asleep?"

Yang Mi bowed slightly in embarrassment:

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Sorry, sorry~"

Several people didn't care.

Those two children are chubby and cute... They are both gentlemen. If they don't even have time to give to their mother, that would be too narrow-minded.

Yuan Heping said:

"Then let's try this trick on you and Tony first."

"Well, okay."

Yang Mi nodded and began to move her joints.

"Mimi, do you know Wing Chun?"

Hearing Yuan Heping's words, Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes, I know how to fight, but I haven't practiced it in particular. I can only do the three-fold hand movements to a standard."

After she finished speaking, she directly put her feet together, stepped forward diagonally, crossed her hands, and acted like a little thought.

Demonstration of punching, spreading hands, and closing fists from the Japanese character.

Yuan Heping knew at one glance that the other party was not lying.

I must have practiced, but it was just superficial.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"In that case, I have three ideas, one is the most straightforward Baguazhang versus Wing Chun, the other is Bagua + Xingyi versus Wing Chun, and the last one is after Bagua versus Wing Chun, you two are fighting After more than ten rounds, switch between each other, you use Wing Chun, Tony uses Baguazhang... Director, would you like to watch it again? See which one is suitable?"

Wang Jiawei nodded:


Following his words, Yuan Heping waved his hand:

"Stay back, Tony. Come on, you two...use normal movements and follow the routine first. Remember to hold back."

Liang Chaowei smiled and nodded:


Yang Mi thought for a while...

Three ways to play, right?

Then just follow the director's request.

Try Bagua + Xingyi first.

So, she made a split-palm stance.

Liang Chaowei's corresponding action is Xiaoniu.

"Xiaoxiong, right...here I come, the first move is to strike with a chopping palm, followed by a downward move in dragon form, followed by a green dragon's probing claw."

As soon as she spoke, if there were computer special effects, you could see a big question mark appearing on Liang Chaowei's head.


But before she could figure it out, Yang Mi stepped forward and was already approaching.

Her speed is neither fast nor slow, but the speed change between steps is very strange. The first step is obviously very slow, but the next moment her speed and frequency suddenly change, accelerating almost instantly, and teleporting. Likewise, his palms like tigers grabbed Liang Chaowei's neck.

Liang Chaowei started with a small thought and put his fists on his chest.

Seeing this catch, I subconsciously punched out...

But as soon as he punched, Yang Mi's palm changed from grasping to chopping.


There was a small movement, and she directly broke the opponent's hand with her palm, and then followed the force...

The dragon is in danger!

Bend your legs at the knees, rotate your left foot externally, and leave the ground. Your whole body will go down through your chest, pressing the opponent's arm and rushing straight down!

This is like a heavy object falling on one side of Liang Chaowei's arm and being pushed down by the belt. The human instinct is to lift the heavy object with force.

But when he was about to lift it hard, the right hand that was originally pressing his arm suddenly pushed to the side...

Used to build the foundation of Xingyi Five Elements Quan, the so-called "one can scatter ten thousand plants, and ten thousand plants can return to one". After the horizontal fist is released, the opponent's arm is separated from the line that can hurt her, Yang Mi's left hand Just like the name of the move, he quickly reached forward, and with the help of the rotation of his knees, he twisted with a step like a flower...

The whole person was like a counter-rotating screw, pulled out on the spot, and the fist of his left hand attacked Liang Chaowei's chin, which was completely destroyed by Xiao Niu, causing the middle door to open wide.


Liang Chaowei's upper and lower teeth clicked together gently, making a crisp hitting sound.

Not heavy.

Yang Mi gave up her strength.

The force was as if two rows of teeth collided once, and a sound was heard.

No pain, no itching.

Liang Chaowei, who had not yet reacted, finally realized that he smelled the scent of shampoo coming from the other party.




There was silence.

How can there be any competition between "grand masters"?

Ip Man of Wing Chun was so defeated by Gong Er... He didn't even use Ba Gua Zhang, his best skill, but just used a simple combination of the most basic steps and starting movements in Xingyi Quan. The combination punch of "lower chopping palm + dragon-shaped downward move, and then the green dragon's probing claw"... disintegrated the entire offensive.

This still retains strength.

If you don't use your strength, this move... is enough to make the opponent fall to the ground and unable to get up.

Among all the people who witnessed all this, Zhang Zhen looked confused.

He also became a monk in Baji Quan halfway. Although he won a championship, he knew the ingredients of that championship.

What's more, he was practicing routines, and he had never done this kind of attack except Baji Quan with his senior brothers during normal practice.

So I can't understand it at all.

Wang Jiawei couldn't see clearly.

Yuan Heping's eyes were filled with surprise.


Zhang Jin frowned.

So strong...

It's not the kind of showmanship, but the kind of power that is really capable of killing moves!

Her master actually taught her a killing move! ?

If anyone dared to teach this in the martial arts team, they would have been expelled long ago!

Only Xu Haofeng...

Unknowingly, he recalled the afternoon after that year, when he was eaten by a young woman who didn't know she was pregnant. After eating a pot of beef, she used Baguazhang + Xingyiquan as a human sandbag as if she was digesting food after a meal. The fear that greets…

Oh my god...

How could there be such a terrifying woman in this world!

Thinking of this, my thoughts extended.

He thought of another thing unconsciously.

Marrying such a horrible wife... What kind of life is Xiao Xu usually living?

Along with this thought, the image of Yang Mi laughing wildly on Xiao Xu's face, who was crying with a bruised nose and swollen face, came to mind.



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