I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 457 455 Montage (32)

Chapter 457 455.Montage (32)

The long shot makes Liu Yifei look like a three-inch villain in the picture.

Wearing simple clothes, walking on the still deserted country road.


This is Director Xu’s description of the timeline of this movie.

When the fields were deserted, Liu Yifei was walking.

When the seedlings were green, Liu Yifei was also walking.

When the mountain flowers were blooming and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, Liu Yifei was still walking.

The same scene, different body language, different camera distances, and different expressions express the passage of time.

At this moment, Liu Yifei heard the words: "Get ready, let's go." from the distant loudspeaker. She carried her luggage and basin, and walked step by step from the inside of the village towards the outside.

Because of the heavy luggage, her body language was like the tall tracker in the illustration in "The Trackers on the Volga". She stood up straight, her head leaned forward, and her back was slightly arched by the pull.

Vivid and vivid.

There were some people in front of her who quickly walked out of the camera.

The setting of Jingqiu in the movie is that because of her composition, she is alienated from other workers and peasants disciples. In the very first scene of the film that has already been filmed, she is the inconspicuous person silently following the team.

And now when she finished the teaching material about the heroic hawthorn tree and left the village, she was still alone.

However, compared to the last time Xu Xin used a close-up lens to depict group relationships, this time his lens zoomed out further, further expressing the distance between Jingqiu and the crowd.

At this moment, the students in front of the camera have disappeared from the fixed lens.

Jing Qiu, played by Liu Yifei, is the only one left in the picture.

Under Wang Lei's control, the camera began to move slowly.

Start with a small dynamic swing from side to side.

As if Jingqiu was the only person left in the world, she walked more and more hesitantly.

When she was about to walk out of the screen, she paused.

Suddenly he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the village.

Then he lowered his head again.

Lower your head, hold your chest, and hunch your back.

out of the picture.

"Very good, passed."

Xu Xin's voice sounded:

"Next scene."

Following the director's words, the staff began to walk towards the bridge carrying various equipment.

There are still two shots of this scene to go.

The first scene is a long shot, while the second scene is directly facing Liu Yifei and filming her worried look.

The third scene is when she turns her head, capturing her sense of anticipation and reluctance... waiting for someone to appear.

Xu Xin moved with the team, while Yu Zhen followed the team with her graduate students.

Teacher Yu's arrival gave them some "teaching time" and sometimes they didn't have to be busy with the crew. However, this time is not much. The more time is after the crew has finished work, Teacher Yu will chat with them.

Today is the last day of the first phase in Qinglong Village.

After these shots were shot, the crew's early scenes in Qinglong Village were almost over.

I want to go to Yuan'an to shoot.

Then we will return when the hawthorn trees are in bloom.

It was also Yu Zhen's last day in the crew, and she needed to give a summary to the students.

So, while waiting for the crew to make arrangements, Yu Zhen pulled her students to stand at the end and asked the first question:

"Who can deconstruct for me the lens language of Xu Xin's shot?"

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, and Wen Muye stood up:

"Teacher Yu, I think there is a double meaning in this shot. The first one is actually the expression of time. But the shooting time of Director Xu's long shot this time is obviously longer than the previous "Quiet Autumn Walking Alone" that expressed the length of time.

So, the second thing I think... is that Director Xu expressed that when Jingqiu walked this journey, not only time passed, but also her mood. He deliberately took a long time to shoot and added the element of looking back to express Jingqiu's feeling of hoping that this road will never come to an end. It's a bit like a montage as a way of expression... but a little more subjective. "

Hearing his words, Yu Zhen didn't say whether it was right or wrong, but continued to wait for other people's answers.

After waiting for a while, when no one answered, she started to call the names:

"Guo Fan, what do you think?"


After Guo Fan was stunned for a moment, he said:

"I agree with Mosquito's statement, but what I care about is the way he uses it. This road is indeed the dual meaning of the actual road and the mental road. But when switching, in order not to appear abrupt and to allow the audience to understand, he used The borrowed seats are those in front.

When those people appear in the camera, this road is an actual road. Director Xu uses a fixed lens to describe it. But after they gradually walked out of the range of the camera, he began to push the camera for dynamic shooting.

After the actual person steps out of the shot, the camera begins to move, and from then on, the path becomes Jingqiu's path. The use of swaying from left to right allows the senses to lengthen the distance of this road, and at the same time expresses Jingqiu's hope that this road will never end and that it is difficult to let go.

The last one is that look back.

Looking back at this scene, my own feeling is that I am looking forward to the appearance of the third child. If the third child appears...then maybe Jingqiu will...turn back without any scruples? But the third child did not appear. Jingqiu was very disappointed, then changed her body language and walked out of the camera silently...

After she looked back and turned her body upright again, this road became a real road again..."

This time, Yu Zhen finally nodded slightly, showing a satisfied look.

There is no need to continue listening.

Two students have deconstructed and completed their understanding of this footage.

What others say is nothing more than nitpicking or superfluous.

"Very good, you two summed it up well... Then let me ask you again, why do you think he shot this shot directly using a montage technique? How did he think of using a static shot? How to complete the montage?"




Everyone paused.

They all showed thoughtful expressions.


Montage is an editing term originating from French. In movies, it is mostly a theory of combining shots.

Its common presentation method is the combination of multiple shots. Shots shot in different locations, from different distances and angles, and in different ways are arranged and combined to narrate the plot and depict the characters.

When everyone mentions montage, they always subconsciously think that the picture should be dynamic and illusory, expressing the switching between virtual and real states in a lens that is not obscure but extremely complicated. status.

But leave it to Director Xu...


There is no need for complicated lenses at all.

He just used the group of passers-by as an anchor, and expressed this relationship clearly as if he were taking a leisurely stroll...


How to answer Teacher Yu’s question?

How do we know what Director Xu came up with?

Everyone was silent for a while.

But if you really want them to explain... there is only one reason they can give.

That's what Director Zhang said to them at the beginning:

"Don't imitate him, because you may not be able to imitate him."

He is a genius...

"A sneeze."

Xu Xin, who was walking in front, rubbed his nose.

He didn't know what happened next. Even if it is clear, I feel that I have been a little over-interpreted.

Although what they say is right.

But... when he was handling this scene, he really didn't think about what specific techniques he would use.

Forget about the montage... it doesn't matter if it's Montana.

Anyway, it’s all for the movie.

He just needs to express what he wants to express. What lenses to use, what techniques to use... these things seemed too ingenious to him.

It doesn't make sense either.

Movies are not about showing off skills.

But it serves the story.

Before you figure out how to use these fancy techniques, you should first capture your own story and tell it clearly.

Walking up to Liu Yifei, holding the script, Xu Xin said:

"The performance just now was very good, but when you look back later, you have to pay attention. You will be disappointed if the third child doesn't come, but don't show too much nostalgia on your face. Do you understand what I mean?"

Liu Yifei thought for a while and nodded:

"At this stage of Jingqiu's life, staying in school to teach is more important than anything else. She may have feelings for the third child in her heart, but they are still not greater than this mother's expectations, right?"


There was no surprise at all about her understanding, and Xu Xin responded as he should:

"Yes, so, you should have nostalgia, but don't give too much. The more important thing is to be firm."

"Okay, I understand."

"Well, come on, let's call it a day after filming this part."


Liu Yifei responded, then lowered her head silently, and began to look for the feeling Xu Xin wanted.

Xu Xin said no more and retreated to the tent that had just been set up.

His cooperation with Liu Yifei...

how to say.

Quite quite enjoyable.

Compared with Lin Gouna, who has been NGed a lot these days, Liu Yifei's preparation for Jingqiu was simply perfect.

Whatever she says to express can be found on her face.

Is it a drastic change in her acting skills?

In fact, it cannot be achieved.

If you really look into it carefully, it's actually more like a person who is fully prepared and takes out something from his arsenal when needed.

It is certain that her acting skills have improved and changed.

But if she leaves the Hawthorn Tree, although she won't get so many bonuses, she will also get a big improvement.

In half a year, her hard work really paid off.

As for how big the reward is...

Well, let's put it this way.

Didn't you see that the old man went directly to Nanjing after following him for a few days?

After seeing Liu Yifei's acting skills and Xu Xin's grasp of the overall tone of the play, he flew directly to Nanjing to prepare for his play after confirming his departure.

Soon, the movie continued to be shot.

The first time, a frontal shot, it was easy.

The second time, the crew changed the angle again.

Xu Xin saw her glance back.

Frankly speaking...

It's really beautiful.

No matter how many times he watched the close-ups of the other party from all angles, he had to admit...her bowl of rice was really rewarded by God.

Her face is simply the best synonym for the word "pure".

Even, sometimes he would have some evil thoughts... As the first love in countless people's dreams, if Liu Yifei finds a boyfriend in the future, gets married, gets married, has a child, or even gets fatter... …

Will he hear the sound of other people's broken dreams?

But no matter what, looking at the girl who turned around and looked back with reluctance in her eyes, he firmly picked up the loudspeaker:

"Ka. I'm so full of emotions. Don't be so reluctant and try again."

"How on earth did you become an agent? Huh!? Such a big living person can't be contacted even if he says he can't be contacted!? Huh?!"

Faced with the questioning on the phone, Li Minnian rolled his eyes.

Standing on the balcony, holding a cigarette, he looked through the glass door at his son and daughter, who were two years apart, feeling extremely relaxed.

At this moment, Ultraman, who represents justice, occupies half of the coffee table, facing off against the two armies of dolls on the other side.

Even the long sofa was divided into two by a few throw pillows.

The brother and sister each occupy half of the territory. Whoever dares to cross the line rashly will be waiting for the other party to be hit like a storm.

A child.

Likes to fight for everything.

There was a fight over who sat next to mom and who sat next to dad.

You can fight over whoever is watching your favorite cartoons.

Now it's good to split it into two.

At least, parents don't have to separate two fighting children.

Well water does not interfere with river water.

The old father's eyes were filled with relief.

His face was full of relief, but his mouth was not idle:

"Mr. Cai...it's really my fault. The main reason is that Shishi said she wanted to settle down for a while, so I can't restrict her freedom, right?...I've already called her parents and asked. You also know their family Case……

Her father said to me directly: I don’t know where my daughter is. Contact her yourself...

Mr. Cai, to be honest, I can tell that he is also angry with me. It is definitely wrong for Shishi to contradict you and disobey the company's management this time, but... Shishi's father, as a layman, does not understand your painstaking care of her and does not cooperate with us... I can't say anything more. "

The words fell.

He also took a puff of cigarette happily.

Then I heard Cai Yinong saying angrily:

"It's hard to say? Don't say more? Then Liu Zhishi, please find it for me!? Huh?! Now the whole crew is waiting for her. She can't be found. I don't know the phone number. Tell me what to do. ?Who will bear the loss of the crew for one day!?"

Who will bear the responsibility?

Just yourself.

You said Xue Zang.

Never mind my business.

Li Minnian, who had already hardened his waist, rolled his eyes again.

But the tone was still respectful:

"This...yes, yes, I will think about it again...I will think about it again."

"Hurry! Think quickly!"

"Okay, okay."


The phone hangs up.

Li Minnian put out the cigarette butt.

He drank some water to wash away the smell of cigarette smoke, sprayed a few more puffs of spray into his mouth, and then walked into the living room again.

As soon as they arrived in the living room, the son and daughter broke the peace treaty again because they were fighting for the remote control.

The two began to wrestle.

The corner of his mouth twitched...

However, having already gained experience in raising children, he knew that this was only the first stage.

The first stage is scrambling.

In the second stage, they started fighting each other directly.

In the third stage, the loser comes to his parents crying for comment.

The second stage has not yet been reached, and rash intervention will turn the matter into a battle for the right to belong to parents.

So, it’s not yet time.

He ignored the two children and walked directly into the kitchen.

His virtuous wife is making fried noodles for him.

As an old couple, he took one look at the progress and knew it was time to help chop the onions.

When he came to the chopping board, he cut onions and said:

"Mr. Cai called me just now."

"Hmm. What did you say?"

"What can you say? Just teach me. Let me help her find Shishi... I won't help, let her worry for two days. She has the ability to solve the wrong things she did on her own."

Hearing this, the woman started stirring the fried sauce in the pot.

After thinking for a while, she said tentatively:

"Yang Mi...is it really reliable? Is she too young? Are you sure you have a future with her?"

"The future is definitely much greater than it is now... I have carefully analyzed her resources in the past few days, and they are basically all that Shishi can use. Besides... I can trust her character."

After her husband's words made the woman think about it for a while, she sighed helplessly:

"Oh...that's what I said. She can take her little sister...what is her name?"


"Yes. I keep seeing her on various online news recently...she seems to be really popular. It is said that "The Voice" is about to start, and she is becoming more and more famous anyway. From this point of view, Yang Mi is quite loyal. ... But I'm afraid. We still have more than 20 years to pay off the loan on this house... Shishi has finally become famous. If you really resign rashly, what if it doesn't work... Xiaoqing should go to elementary school next year …”


Li Minnian did not stop chopping green onions.

After his wife finished speaking, she responded:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on... Let's take a gamble, okay? I've really had enough of this company. The boss is stupid and mean, and I don't want to stay anymore... Don't worry, it won't be too hard. Yang Mi Now there is more anger than the stubble. What’s more, there is Director Xu... Those couple are quite loyal. "

"... Anyway, you can make up your own mind. I will be responsible for taking good care of Xiaojun and Xiaoqing... thank you for the hard work outside."


That was the end of the couple's kitchen conversation.

Because the son and daughter also ended the first stage and began to enter the second stage.

He had to be careful that his sister didn't blow his brother's head off with the doll in her hand.

Also be careful not to rub your sister's doll's wig against your butt like last time...


Thinking of this, he sighed.

They are obviously brothers and sisters, why are they acting like enemies?

Putting down the kitchen knife and leaning against the kitchen door, he thought unconsciously as he looked at the war that was still within control for the time being.

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