I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 458 456 Yuezi’s hatred, irreconcilable (33)

Chapter 458 456. Yuezi’s hatred, irreconcilable (33)

"Click, do it again."

When he heard Wang Jiawei's voice amidst the sound of water, Liang Chaowei couldn't help but gasp twice.

Then he quickly picked up a few martial artists nearby who were supporting him.

At the same time, he kept saying:

"Evil, evil, evil..."

The reason why this scene was killed was that he didn't hold back his strength and knocked one martial artist away before hitting another martial artist. As a result, Wu Xing bumped into the photographer who was taking a close-up shot, causing the lens to become crooked.

These people are all dragon and tiger martial arts masters in the Yuan family class, and bruises and injuries during filming have become commonplace.

After hearing what Liang Chaowei said, he quickly got up and kept saying that Brother Tony was okay.

However, the crew's filming had to be interrupted again.

Because when the photographer was knocked away just now, the slide rail was also bent and needed to be rejoined.

During the process of reconnecting the slide rails, Liu Zhishi looked at the martial arts masters who were helping each other to massage, and whispered to Yang Mi:

"The martial artist looks really hard."


This is not true at all.

After following the crew for two days, let alone Liu Zhishi, even she could see clearly how hard these martial artists worked.

Injuries from bruises are almost commonplace.

Then, Liu Zhishi looked at the time...and suddenly sighed:

"Oh...another day."


Yang Mi also glanced at the phone and nodded slightly.

Yes, today is April 12th.

4:30 p.m.

It’s almost time to call it a day.

She and Wang Jiawei had an agreement, that is... if it is not her own night scene, please allow her to leave early.

Wang Jiawei also knew that she had to raise two children, which was different from everyone else in the crew.

So I agreed very happily.

In terms of human relations, Wang Jiawei is actually quite easy to talk to.

5 o'clock is the time when she gets off work.

And today...she didn't get anything done.

After the scene on the first day, the crew was stuck with Tony Leung.

It’s not that he’s not good at kung fu, or that his movements aren’t in place.

It's that he can't get the feeling the opponent wants.

It was obvious that two or three scenes had been successfully executed, but either the camera failed to capture it well, or his or a certain warrior's expression was not up to par.

Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi even heard an extremely ridiculous reason.

That is, after Tony Leung Chaowei and the martial arts masters worked hard to complete a successful scene, they rejected it because Wang Jiawei felt that "the rain was not good".

It's really outrageous.

One scene, including today, has been shot for two and a half days.

Still can't get over it.

Let’s not talk about Yang Mi for now. Liu Zhi, the poet, is a little numb.

She... doesn't count as having acted in movies.

In 2007, she once played the role of Sun Xiuqing in the movie channel's self-made digital movie "Lu Xiaofeng" series.

The reason why I say she has not acted in a movie is because she has never appeared on the screen.

But at least she had seen how movie crews filmed.

Speaking of which, whether it is a movie or a TV series, they are all filming. She has never made a movie, but she has done a lot of TV series.

I still understand the most basic industry conditions.

Why did she come to Chikan this time?

The reason is that after being hidden in the snow, she was relaxed and wanted to see how Mimi interpreted the role of "Gong Er".

After all, between her and Liu Yifei, Mimi's "Gong Er" belongs to the common ceiling in their minds.

I feel really itchy in my heart.

After all, she actually wanted to star in Wang Jiawei's role.

It's not that I want to make a cameo in "The Grandmaster", but I want to get a feel for it first. After I improve my acting skills, I might have the opportunity to collaborate in the future.

But from the time I got here on the morning of the 11th to now...

All her eyes were filled with Liang Chaowei... and she didn't see anyone else at all.

It’s not that there are no other actors in the crew, but that everyone is waiting for Tony Leung.

In other words... wait until Director Wang can pass.

After these two days, Liu Zhishi suddenly no longer wanted to be in Wang Jiawei's drama.

He's... too ink-stained.

Although this kind of nitpicking may be the main reason why people are so successful, the problem is...

She couldn't understand it, but she was shocked.

You really just want to kill yourself with one shot, right?

With a feeling of 30% speechless and 70% even more speechless, when Liang Chaowei's scene was cut off again, she left the studio together with Yang Mi who had finished greeting the other actors in the crew.

After walking out, Sun Ting was followed around her. Finally able to speak freely, she asked directly:

"Mimi... how long do you have to film this scene?"

"I don't know either."

Yang Mi's face was also full of distress:

"It feels like it will take at least a year to film... It's true. It's so scary. If this continues, I really want to go back to Yanjing. Really..."


Sighing, the two got into the car.

"It's getting hot here right now. I'm a little worried that Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang won't be able to adapt to the hot climate..."

Yang Mi chatted with Liu Zhishi distressedly.

As usual, Sun Ting held the iPad released by Apple in March and was known as the "bigger iPhone" and began to sort out the news.

My sister’s work and life are quite separate.

During the day, I work as a salesperson, and after get off work, I rush to deal with the company's affairs.

The company had been quiet these past two days. As an assistant, she checked to see if there was any news in the entertainment industry. If she thought it was useful, she would save it and show it to Yang Mi.


Calm and calm.

But Sun Ting knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the crew of "The Strange Man Iljimae" should start filming today.

She had to see if there were any changes.

as expected.

When she saw a piece of news, her eyes narrowed. After thinking for a moment, she turned to Yang Mi and said:

"Sister, Sister Shishi, news about the production launch of "The Strange Man Iljimae"."


Liu Zhishi was stunned.

But Yang Mi directly took the iPad over.

Then I saw the news headline:

"The production of "The Stranger Iljimae" was blocked and the heroine Liu Zhishi did not show up."

Seeing this news, Yang Mi showed a smile, while Liu Zhishi was confused:

"When was this news?"

"Just sent it."


After Liu Zhishi browsed it quickly, he said speechlessly:

"That's not right. I've been hidden in the snow. What does the crew of "The Stranger" have to do with me?"

"Ask Brother Li."

Yang Mi said casually:

"Don't make any mistake, or someone will use you to hype you up again."

"But I don't want to contact Brother Li now... I don't want to worry about work these past few months. What's going on? My assistant has only been on the job for one day, and you are going to fire me?"

Liu Zhishi was speechless.

Yang Mi shrugged:

"Just in case, the worst thing you can do is tell Brother Li that I won't contact you for unnecessary things in the past few months. It's not like you've always been hiding this change of phone number. .”

"That's... okay, let me ask now?"

"Just ask."

As Yang Mi spoke, she took out the half-encrusted diamond phone case and started scrolling through Weibo.

Liu Zhishi took out the fruits of his labor last night, a mobile phone covered with a diamond-encrusted mobile phone case, and dialed Li Minian's number.

While beating, she also complained:

"How ugly."

Hearing this, Yang Mi glanced at her phone and shrugged:

"You can help me finish setting the other half tonight."

"Yesterday I said I would help you get it, why didn't you let me... Hey, Brother Li."

"On speakerphone."

Yang Mi reminded.

Liu Zhishi nodded, turned on the speakerphone, and heard Li Minian say:

"Shishi... you finally called me. Let me tell you, the company is going crazy looking for you."

"The company is looking for me?"

Liu Zhishi was a little stunned:

"What are you looking for me for?"

"Looking for you to come back and play "The Strange Man Iljimae"!"


Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched:

"I've been hidden in the snow. Didn't Mr. Cai find Tang Yan?"

"Tang Yan has some heart problems and is recuperating, so he refused. Now the crew is in Hengdian and there is no heroine. Mr. Cai asked you to play... But you must first write a letter of apology and apologize to everyone in the company. Finally, this matter of snow hiding is in the past."


Liu Zhishi wouldn't have been so excited if he hadn't turned on the speakerphone.

The reason why she was kept hidden was told to Mimi after she arrived.

Mimi feels particularly guilty...

And now the phone is on speakerphone. It was originally the company's fault for letting me act in a plagiarized script, but now I am being asked to write a self-criticism and apologize to everyone in the company?

If I really do it, will I still have dignity in Mimi?

Where should I put my face?

Therefore, she refused without thinking:

"I won't write, and I didn't make any mistakes. Why should I write a review?"


Li Minnian seemed to be in trouble.

After hesitating for a while, he persuaded:

"It's okay, Shishi, I'll write this self-criticism for you, okay? Just pretend that this never happened. It's just a process, Mr. Cai wants to save face. Then you go straight to acting, and the ban on snow hiding is also lifted... …”

"You can't write it either! Is this a matter of self-reflection? Brother Li! That script is a plagiarized script. If we really had no bottom line, how could we end up like this?...Brother Li, you can't write it! You write it ...I will be angry! I was right, why should I apologize to them?"

"Ah this..."

Li Minnian seemed to be even more embarrassed.

At this time, Yang Mi finally spoke:

"Agent Li."

"...Huh? Mimi?...Are you two together?"


Yang Mi responded:

"Shishi came to see me...and I actually heard about her."

"Uh... I'm sorry, Mimi, for making you worry."

"Ha, what's going on... It's like this, Manager Li, do you think this can work? Let's just pretend that this matter doesn't exist, you and Mr. Cai discuss it, and say... Shishi knows the company's difficulties, and I know I have to worry about Mr. Cai. Now that the crew is waiting for Shishi, let’s film the movie first. After all, the crew will make a lot of money a day after it starts. If you have anything else, let’s wait until the filming is finished, okay?”

"Hey, sis!"

Liu Zhishi was even more speechless.

But Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Agent Li, talk to Mr. Cai carefully. In fact, both sides need a step down. Let's not mention the script of "Gong Lock Heart Jade". The chief director of "The Strange Man" is Director Li. We can't let Director Li continue to Waiting in Hengdian? You agree, right? We’ll shoot first and then we’ll talk about it after we finish.”

This time, Li Minnian agreed very happily:

"Okay, no problem. In fact, I think Shishi is right, but both sides do need a step..."

After exchanging pleasantries, he ended the call.

But he didn't rush to call Cai Yinong back. Instead, he thought about what to say for a while.

Yang Mi's words were actually discussed between the two of them.

I delayed it for two or three days until the crew started filming, and after I contacted Shishi, I did this.

As for the strategy of "don't apologize, act first", Mimi also proposed it.

The meaning is also very simple.

First of all, it sends a signal to Cai Yinong that Shishi is convinced.

But this softness does not mean that there is no principle.

Not writing a letter of apology would be like a thorn in Cai Yinong's throat.

Can't spit it out, can't swallow it.

Secondly, because this matter has not been resolved, Tsai Yinong's urgent need is solved, and after the filming of "The Strange Man" is completed, I will find an opportunity to talk about "Gong Lock Heart Jade" again.

Shishi clearly rejected the script, which led to her being shelved.

But she stood up when "The Stranger" needed her.

People's hearts have a reputation. If Tsai Yinong holds on to Liu Zhishi again because of the "Palace Locked Heart Jade" incident...or in other words, even if she wants to let her go, Yang Mi and Li Minian will not let her go.

He had to hold her up and continue to "punish" Shishi.

Will the employees under such a capricious boss really feel safe?

After losing the sense of security, alienation becomes a matter of course.

At this moment, looking at Liu Zhishi who was speechless, Yang Mi didn't say much.

She wants to pave the way for Shishi to leave Tang Dynasty.

If Shishi wants to leave, she should be "forced to leave". Instead of her ruthlessly leaving Tangren.

Pay attention to justice in everything.

As a friend of hers, she didn't want Shishi to be wronged in any way.

Even if he was the one pushing it behind the scenes.

But without Yu Zheng, she would not have done this at all, but would have used other means to disintegrate the Tang people.

I definitely don’t want to involve Shishi.

Therefore, at this stage, even if Cai Yinong wanted to let go, Yang Mi would not let her.

This opportunity...is so rare.

Through poetry, she wanted to give everyone the impression that the boss of Tang Dynasty was a villain who could share joys and sorrows but never wealth.

It’s true that Cai Yinong made money through Tangren.

She can't take away the money from the other person's pocket.

Since I can't steal your money, I will destroy your company and ruin your reputation.


do not think so.

I am a beautiful woman, but you have repeatedly forced girls into prostitution... Then you will be in the first grade of junior high school, and I will be in the fifteenth grade.

I'll show you how to be a thief.

When I was still in confinement, you came to provoke me.

Because it's just a few million, you want to put the blame on me for not being able to distribute the benefits equally?


Don’t you know what it means: the sworn hatred of Yuezi?

Therefore, she and Li Minian have already started acting.

Shishi doesn’t need to know that much.

She needs to grow up, but definitely not with the help of friends.

She must understand something for herself.

As for other things...

Just wait and see.

"Go and act, business is business, friendship is friendship. Don't worry about "Gong Lock Heart Jade" for now... don't let go of any opportunity to improve your acting skills. We actresses only have a few years of youth, Just cherish it."

She said looking at her friend.


"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. Can I still trick you?"

One sentence made Liu Zhishi choked and speechless.

Because this is true...

Call her stupid or blind.

But she really didn't believe that Mimi would cheat her.

Because she saw Mimi's eyes.

He has absolutely no reservations about his sincerity!

Of course...it doesn't rule out that she is short-sighted and a little blind, so she didn't see clearly the hidden look in the young woman's eyes.

But no matter what, listen to others and eat enough.

After Li Minian called and received Cai Yinong's nod of approval, Liu Zhishi left for the Magic City that night.

Her acting contract has not been signed yet.

He left in a hurry, leaving only the regret of not seeing Mimi's acting skills.

After arriving in the magic city, she didn't see Cai Yinong either.

It's just that the person responsible for the contract worked overtime and was waiting for her.

But this time... Liu Zhishi rarely read the terms of the contract carefully. She didn't just do whatever the company asked her to do after signing the contract like before.

I was afraid that the company would add some additional clauses to the contract, allowing me to act in "Gong Lock Heart Jade" again.

Although she was not a law major... she still tried her best to sign her name on the acting contract.

Trust between people is actually a mirror.

Once a crack occurs, it can never be restored to its original state.

As for Yang Mi, once Liu Zhishi left, she was lonely for a few more days.

Then on the 15th, I took a leave of absence from the crew and set off for Xiangjiang.

She was in a good mood all the way.

Because a certain legal food reserve also set out.

I drove from Chikan to Shenzhen. The distance was quite far and it took 5 hours.

But Mr. Sen’s grain reserves are similar.

He didn't take a private plane because Brother Sanshui wanted to go to Yanjing from Shanghai.

I have business to attend to.

To reserve grain, we can only take a passenger flight from Yichang to Xiangjiang.

From departure to security check to landing...

In fact, they both arrived at about the same time.

Even the Yang Mi arrived earlier than the grain reserves.

After arriving at the hotel arranged by the Hong Kong Film Awards, she confirmed from Sun Ting that she already knew the room number, and then turned off her phone.

The people who came this time had many friends.

Although "The Wind" has become a thing of the past for her, her social circle continues.

Sister Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming are also there.

In order to prevent these people from disturbing me by calling, making dinner appointments, or whatever...

Need to shut down immediately.

As for asking Tingting to remind her to talk to Tang Yan... I don't remember it at all.

She just had an idea at the moment.


I have to eat meat.

Why is it so slow to reserve food?

It's been so long, why hasn't he come yet?

Can you please stop the ink stains quickly?

Why is there no dedication at all?

Why did you come to Xiangjiang? Don’t you have any idea?

Grinding and chirping!

Just because you are late, I will squeeze you one more time!


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