Chapter 460 458. Taste

If my father’s life is ruined because of his willful use of money to attend cram school...

In the taxi, Nazha didn't dare to think about it anymore.

She hates it so much.

I hate myself for being so willful!

I hate myself for why I had to choose this path!

If I hadn't put so much pressure on my father, why would his health suddenly begin to deteriorate?


In the back seat of the taxi, the girl burst into tears again.

The driver was very surprised.

But he didn't ask.

I have encountered too many different types of people driving taxis.

He has met many people, some who were so heartbroken after a breakup that they got so drunk that they vomited in the car, or those who had a sudden emotional breakdown and wandered around the city aimlessly...

There are so many different kinds, everything is there.

When people reach middle age, they are actually very open-minded about some things.

This city has swallowed up the dreams of too many people. Young people have graduated from college...or some have simply come to this city to become drifters without graduating from college. It is so common to drift around and eventually return to your hometown with scars all over your body.

To put it bluntly, what is good about this city?

A poor boy who comes here and works hard all his life can afford to buy a house?

Not everyone can meet some noble people or opportunities, or even if you do, you may not be able to seize them.

In the end, won't it be all in vain?

The wages here are high, but the problem is that your expenses are not small.

Take a look... isn't this young man an example?

He didn't think about other reasons why the other party was crying and running to the airport...

Just think of it as career failure or emotional frustration.

Others...he didn't want to think about it.

Why bother? I hope that people will be better, and at least their conscience will be at peace.

So, the driver allowed the girl's tears to burst into tears while he drove the car more smoothly.

Until the phone rings.

"Oooh... hello."

"Hello madam, I am Li Xiao from Qiangjiu Real Estate. Director Xu gave me your contact information..."

Just when Nazha subconsciously thought it was a real estate sales pitch and was about to hang up the phone, she heard the next sentence in time.

"Xu...Xu Director?"


The male voice named Li Xiao sounded unusually calm:

"May I ask where you are now? I am waiting for your arrival at the entrance of the private jet terminal between T2 and T3. How much luggage do you have? Do you need me to arrange for someone to pick up your luggage?"

He is calm, polite, and even very particular about his words.

Normally, Nazha would have dealt with it very carefully.

But at this moment, she couldn't care so much anymore:

"I... didn't take my luggage. Are you holding my ticket?"

"Ticket ticket... No, no, ma'am, Director Xu specially arranged a private jet to pick you up and asked me to take care of your journey. Are you on your way here now? If it's convenient, I'll check in with the driver. Is it okay to work?”


Nazha was really confused this time.

The main thing is... this man speaks in a polite manner, which sounds very polite, but a bit... convoluted.

She really can't take care of so much in her mind now.

So he asked:

"Did Director Xu arrange a private plane to take me off?"

There was joy from the bottom of her voice...

I can hurry home and see my dad...


"Then...then I know the place. I will go directly to the door. Can we take off immediately?"

"Of course, the route has been prepared. Are you going to the door? Is it the door? Or is it the terminal entrance? If you find it inconvenient, you can ask the driver to give me your license plate number and I will log it in..."

"Entrance! Entrance! I'm at the entrance!"

"Well, okay, then I'll wait for you at the entrance. I'm wearing a black suit and holding a briefcase in my hand. You can easily see me."

"Okay, okay!"

Nazha quickly hung up the phone and asked quickly towards the taxi:

"Master, do you know the small terminal between T3 and T2?"

"The one that goes directly under the bridge?"

The taxi driver asked, suppressing the absurdity in his heart.

"Yes! I'll go there!"


"Can you please hurry up?"


The taxi also started to speed up.

While running, he looked through the rearview mirror at the girl whose eyes were red and swollen, but whose face was full of anxiety...

I started to murmur in my heart.

what's the situation?

Rich people take taxis?

Isn't it the young lady who escaped from somewhere?

Director Xu...?

Which Director Xu?

Oops. Or maybe being a star makes money quickly. A director will be picked up and dropped off by a private jet when he goes out... Tsk tsk... By the way, who is this girl to this director?

She looks quite tender... could she be a mistress?

In any case, it can be included in the mental activities of future conversations. The taxi arrived at the small terminal building that even taxis only knew about but rarely went here.

After Nazha paid, the car door was opened.

The man named Li Xiao looks like he is in his early thirties. There is nothing wrong with him in either his behavior or his self-cultivation. He seems to be specially used as a concierge.

With a perfect polite smile on her face, after opening the car door, she wanted to say hello...but Nazha quickly said:

"Li...Mr. Li, can we leave now?"


Li Xiao was finally stunned when he heard the name "Mr. Li".

But he quickly responded:

"Yes, let's go in. The plane is ready. Have you arranged to pick it up in Beijiang?"

"...No, can you find the car? I want to get off the plane and rush to the hospital as quickly as possible."

"The problem. Leave it to me then."

Li Xiao nodded, and as soon as he agreed, Nazha was already running towards the terminal.

Seeing this, he quickly followed up.

The words are simple but not complex.

The second time I took Director Xu and Sister Mi's flight, this time the girl didn't have any curiosity or eagerness to try.

She just kept shaking her legs.

It's like rushing to get out of the car to go to the toilet.

She didn't dare to make phone calls, for fear that her sister and mother would use her as an outlet to vent her emotions...

Although she also knew that this would not happen...

But from the bottom of her heart, she always felt that the reason why her father suddenly became ill was because of the pressure she had put on him.

And if the only thing that could make her feel at ease was a message from Sister Mi.

Fifty thousand yuan has been transferred to my sister's account.

There was a text message on her sister's bank card, and she knew it, so she didn't call to ask. She just looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window and kept shaking her legs.

I hope the plane can go faster...a little faster...a little faster.

But no matter how fast it is, the flight still takes 3 hours.

She had never felt... that every minute and every second passed by like a year.

At this moment, Li Xiao came over:

"I have already contacted the ground manager. In addition, here is 100,000 cash prepared by Mr. Xu for you."


When Nazha came back to her senses and heard about the money, confusion appeared in her eyes again.

Isn’t it...even fifty thousand?

Why did I give another 100,000...

Director Xu...

Suddenly, her tears were uncontrollable again.

She never thought that the "Mr. Xu" the other party mentioned was not Director Xu.

Instead, Xu directed his brother.

But no matter what, with this hundred thousand, she felt at ease... expensive.

Really expensive.

It costs less than 10,000 per day.

With this money... no matter whether I sell the house or the land or how to pay it back in the future, at least now... I can help my father survive for more than ten days... provided that my father can survive...

Thinking of this, the tears that were originally uncontrollable surged again.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

dad! ! …


Li Xiao was suddenly speechless.

To be honest, when Secretary Liu arranged this job for him, he didn't explain clearly what happened.

He was also confused.

But seeing that the little girl's emotions were so broken and fragmented that it was ridiculous, he thought about it for a while and made a decision.

No matter what, the person who can make Mr. Xu give up his private plane and take the passenger plane... must have a lot of background.

But someone with a good background...why doesn't he even have 100,000 yuan?

But no matter what, seeing that she could no longer deal with her emotions rationally, in order to get this thing done, he had no choice but to accompany her all the way.

So he said:

"If you don't mind, I will accompany you all the way this time and help you deal with some trivial matters. Is that okay?"

Nazha didn't respond.

Her emotions were over.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiao, who simply took silence as a default, handed over a few tissues, stepped aside, and began to report the situation to Xu Miao's secretary.

Secretary Liu, who had seen Mr. Xu’s attitude, gave a very quick reply:

"Accompany her to handle all aspects of trivial matters and report to me in time."

"Oh, is this it?... That's okay, let him take care of it. After all, it's a human life... Okay?"


"Are you still getting on the plane?"

"What the hell! Oh my, there are so many people at Yanjing Airport! I'm not used to it..."

"Don't do this! It's not even three months since I got this plane."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Okay, I'm going to be busy here, so go back and see my sister-in-law!"

The simple and crude conversation between the two brothers ended.

Looking at his wife who was ironing his suit, Xu Xin said:

"Xu Miao prepared another 100,000 yuan in cash, and then sent someone to follow her... We'll see what happens when the time comes."


Yang Mi responded.

This little money is not enough for her.

On the contrary, after hearing that there was someone beside the little girl, I felt more at ease.


If you do something good, you should do good deeds for Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang.

"I hope her father is safe and sound."

Hearing his wife's simple wish, Xu Xin nodded:

"Hmm. What are you going to do later?"

"I want to put on makeup. You can go out and walk around. There are quite a few people here this time."

"Forget it, I'm tired and too lazy to go."

He yawned.

After finishing the meal, I felt a little sleepy again.

"Shall I take a nap?"

"Okay, do you want to put on makeup?"

"No, it feels like there's a layer of cement on your face. It's uncomfortable."

Rejecting outright, he tucked the quilt into his arms and closed his eyes.

The only sound left in the room was the popping sound of water vapor.

But the silence didn't last long, as if God didn't want him to take a nap.

"Jingle Bell……"

The ringtone of Apple phone rings.

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

"Who is it?"

"...Sister Bingbing."

Upon hearing this title, Yang Mi turned around and said with a smile:

"Fool, you have to call Aunt Liang."

"Get out!"

Xu Xin, who suddenly had goosebumps, answered the phone with a helpless voice:


"Yo? What's wrong? Are you so impatient?"

Liang Bingning's voice on the phone was full of smiles.

"You must be impatient if you want to sleep but are woken up."

Xu Xin looked helpless.

"Ha ha."

Liang Bingning laughed out loud:

"Okay, are you and Mimi here?"


"Then send me the room number and find you two."


After saying the room number, Xu Xin reluctantly opened the bed.

"Yeah, I really can't sleep anymore."

"Then don't sleep. Just go to bed as soon as you're full. If your eyes get swollen after a while, I'll see how you walk on the red carpet."


Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at the Chanel set she hung on the hanger.


Guarding against me is like guarding against thieves.

After squeezing me dry, I asked Sun Ting to send me the clothes.


What humanity!

"Are you scolding me?"



"Sure, why are you scolding you?"

Xu Xin, who looked sanctimonious, nodded and quickly put on his pants.

Yang Mi's suit has also been ironed.

After checking it, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The door just happened to ring.

She took the suit and walked out of the bedroom with her husband.

As the crew of "The Wind", the director and leading actors must live in a suite.

Arriving at the small living room, Xu Xin opened the door. Liang Binning, who was wearing heavy makeup, was standing outside the door, holding a bag in her hand.

"Coffee, do you want to drink it?"

"Don't drink it, it's too bitter."

Xu Xin refused directly.

Liang Binning felt helpless for a moment:

"You really have a child's taste... I'll buy you milk tea next time. Can you drink it, Mimi?"



After walking in alone, she handed Yang Mi a cup of coffee. Looking at her bare face, she was speechless:

"Aren't you going to put on makeup?"

"I'm planning to have someone come over now. Sister, you are so fast~"

"There's nothing I can do. With you here, why can't I take care of myself?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Unable to tell whether the two were complimenting each other or fishing for law enforcement, Xu Xin yawned again.

After Liang Binning saw it, she said with concern:

"Why do you look so tired? Are you okay?"

"It's okay. I finished work late last night and got up early today to catch a flight in Yichang. I couldn't wake up... Sister, are you okay? If there's nothing important, I'll go inside and take a nap."

"Go, I'm just here to talk about "The Legend of Zhen Huan"."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin's interest was completely gone.

Just wave your hand:

"Then you two take your time and chat, I'm going to bed."

When he entered the room, Liang Binning took a big sip from her coffee cup and then said to Yang Mi:

"The casting has already started, when do you plan to go back and take a look?"

"...Don't mention it."

When she mentioned this, Yang Mi also showed a look of despair:

"I would like to, but Wang Jiawei's movie making is really too ink..."

"That's true."

Although she has never worked with Wang Jiawei, Liang Bingning, who has also been in the Hong Kong circle, is convinced.

When Yang Mi talked about "The Legend of Zhen Huan", she was quite curious:

"Sister, how did you persuade Director Zheng? I heard that he insisted on letting you play Concubine Hua in the early stage."

Hearing this, Liang Binning sighed:

"How can I convince him? He felt that I was too old to play the role of Zhen Huan who had just entered the palace. Then I asked him for the phone number of the art director, contacted and communicated, and got the appearance of Zhen Huan as a girl in the drafting stage, and found someone to design it. I put on my makeup and went to look for him with it. Then it was like~ Mimi, I’m old.”


Yang Mi was a little sad.

In every aspect.


"Director Zheng's ear is pretty soft when you say that. When we first met, when he was going to film "Zhen Huan", he emphasized to me that he didn't like investors interfering with this or that."

"If you contact him now, he will still tell you this. But some things are just like that, and nothing can replace them. If Director Zheng's personality was really such a strong one, with his qualifications, he would have been firmly established in Diaoyutai. …”

Liang Binning waved her hand:

"What these directors say is seven out of ten and you're done. He asked me to play a supporting role, but I still didn't do it."

As she said that, she put down the cup:

"I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Well, okay."

Yang Mi nodded.

After Liang Binning got up, she walked to the bedroom door and knocked on the door first:

"Xu Xin, I need to use the bathroom."

"Oh, you use it."

Xu Xin, who had already curled up under the quilt, responded.

Liang Binning then opened the door and walked in.

Directly opposite the door is the hotel's bathroom, which has a very normal structure.

As soon as she entered the door, she suddenly froze as she took a breath...

This taste...


Her eyes looked strange.

A little envious, but also a little dumbfounded.

And this dumbfounding is mixed with some things that should be so clear.

Without saying much, he walked directly into the bathroom.

The ventilation fan in the bathroom is not turned on, but even if the hygiene standards of this star-rated hotel are not strict, they are definitely higher than those of ordinary hotels.

Generally speaking, there is no peculiar smell.

But Liang Bingning's nose moved again...

Unconsciously, he looked at the puddle of water stains on the floor of the shower area of ​​the bathroom that was separated from wet and dry areas.

It smells like body wash, but there's something else...

So, she lowered her head unconsciously and glanced to the side...

Good guy.

The corner of her mouth twitched.

Embarrassed and a little speechless.

Checked the quantity...

People who don’t know in their heart would think that you two are planning to have a second child.


With some sigh, she stood up.

Amidst the sound of water flushing, I walked to the sink, washed my hands, and glanced at myself in the glasses.

Honestly, let others choose, who is more beautiful, me or Mimi?

She believes that anyone with a fair and objective perspective will give the answer "each has his or her own merits."

But now that I think about it, the happiness and rosy complexion on Mimi's face outside the house are much better than mine.


Seemingly thinking of something, she murmured to herself in the mirror.

Recommending this book is not a friendly recommendation, but a seedling I found myself. If I see you reading it, I would like to recommend it. The taste is really good, I feel so happy when I see it. The title of the book is "I am the Hokage, I am Aizen". The Aizen smell is the most authentic I have ever seen, it’s really great!

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