I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 461 459 The dry firewood called ambition.

Chapter 461 459. The firewood called ambition.

Xu Xin slept for about an hour, and when he woke up, Liang Binning was gone.

He didn't ask what they talked about. After waking up, he washed his hair and walked outside the bedroom. When he saw his wife who was putting on makeup, he stopped moving.

Sitting on the sofa, I started to flirt with my sister who looked like a fairy after putting on makeup.

Yang Mi’s eyebrows can dance.

This is the place he envies most.

This sister's eyebrows can form that... very strange direction under her control.

No matter how you look at it, it seems obscene, but it is very fun.

If you don't look like yourself, your eyebrows will only rise or fall, making you look dull.

The two of them were beaming there, and the makeup artist, Sun Ting and the others pretended not to be seen.

The couple has a good relationship, so isn't it normal for them to do a little bit?

After Xu Xin was teasing for a while, he suddenly said:

"What makeup are you going to wear for the wedding?"

"I do not know."

Yang Mi, who also closed her eyes because she was about to start applying eye shadow, replied:

"Probably just put your hair up and put on makeup similar to what you have now..."

Suddenly they started talking about the wedding, and Yang Mi continued to ask:

"When do you want to get married?"

"It's the end of the year. How about it?"

"Okay, then at the end of the year, relatives and friends won't be busy anymore."

"The wedding photos..."

"There's no rush. You finish photographing the hawthorn trees first, and I'll see how to adjust the work over there."

By now, neither of them really cared about the wedding.

The relationship is here, and the child is here.

Although the life of love is plain, it has its own charm that is difficult for others to understand.

Things like weddings... In fact, apart from tormenting others, there is nothing to show to yourself.

It’s all for others to see.

After accompanying her daughter-in-law to put on makeup, Yang Mi went into the bedroom to change clothes.

Chanel's haute couture is really beautiful.

Xu Xin sat up unconsciously and put his hands in his pockets.

There's nothing he can do about it, it's just his hobby.

Anyway, this kind of high-end clothing can only be worn once, and then thrown into the closet to collect dust.

It's better to be cheaper than our old Xu, isn't it?

But this bitch always feels like she's wasting something...

What did I waste?

It just doesn't make sense.

Whenever I go to participate in an event, I guard myself as much as I guard against thieves...

how? At worst, it's over if I don't tear it up.

Can you make me feel comfortable?

Staring at this white dress, Xu Xin swallowed unconsciously.

After realizing that something was wrong in her husband's eyes, the young woman's expression suddenly became nervous + wary.

"Then what...let him go change clothes, hurry up...lock the door."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes again.

But the time was indeed coming soon. He sat on the sofa for a while before getting up and walking into the bedroom.

Men dress much more simply than women.

Soon, the dress was put on, the tie was hanging on his shoulders, and he walked out.

Without anyone else having to say anything, Yang Mi came directly to her husband with her skirt in hand, took out her tie and started tying it for him.

But not too hard.

The time is not up yet, the tie is too tight and makes people feel uncomfortable.

Then, the talented and beautiful couple received praise from everyone in the room:

"Sister, you and Brother Xu look great together."

"Brother Xu, our sister chose this outfit really well~"

“It’s very pretty~”

Amid the praise, Yang Mi pulled her husband to the mirror, raised her phone and took a selfie.

When taking pictures, she also deliberately looked like she was repelling others.

The white dress, coupled with this virtue, highlights a coldness.

It just goes well with my husband’s dog-faced and frigid style.

Really cool.

"The Wind" was nominated for five awards at the Academy Awards: "Best Picture", "Best Director", "Best Actress", "Best Asian Film" and "Best Costume Design".

But... let alone the media, even Xu Xin himself is not optimistic about any award except "Best Actress".

First of all, for the best picture, he has to compete with "October Siege" which has the same theme but a stronger lineup.

As for the Best Director, he is the only mainland director. The others, whether Er Dongsheng or Wu Yusen, are all local directors from Xiangjiang. In terms of "movie" qualifications and resume, none of them can match Xu Xin.

What's more, the shortcomings of "The Wind" are actually very obvious.

Its story isn't "big" enough.

So I have no idea.

As for Best Asian Film and Costume Design…

The former doesn't have any major awards, while the factory doesn't care about the latter...

The kind that really don't care.

The only thing that Xu Xin is thinking about is whether his wife can win the Three Golden Awards for Best Actress.

And whether he can push Sister Bingbing up.

But looking at the candidates for the heroine nomination... there is actually not much hope.

Therefore, the people from "The Wind" this time are actually quite "cats and dogs".

The styling designer is deputy director Bi Qun, and the starring roles include Yang Mi, Huang Xiaoming, Liang Binning and Xu Xin himself.

There were only five people in total.

Brother Qian'er had a performance, but Wang Zhiwen was not interested, so Zhang Hanyu went to film. Li Pingdong was actually there, but he was still filming on the set and couldn't leave.

None of them can come.

Liang Bingning also has a nomination for Best Supporting Actress in "October Siege".

Her hope of winning is even higher than that of Yang Mi.

In short, if there is anything to look forward to in this Xu Xin Film Awards... it is the competition for Best Actress. The rest is gone.

He really doesn't care about Best Director or anything like that.

Even if you don't get it.

Early 5 p.m.

It was almost time, and the crew of "The Wind" met downstairs in the hotel.

When you go downstairs, you can see the stars in the hotel lobby.

Familiar faces on the screen were chatting in the lobby. The entire hotel lobby was like a red carpet backstage.

The appearance of Xu Xin and Yang Mi immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Can you not pay attention?

Yindu's resources began to move inland and reached a cooperation with Xiying Film Studio.

In addition, in the past two years, all major film companies in Hong Kong have reached cooperation with the mainland, and the golden age of Hong Kong movies has completely become a thing of the past.

The previous Hong Kong movie was Ye.

Whether their police and gangster films, gambling films, zombie films, ghost films... or even Category III films, they are like "Bibles" in the minds of mainlanders.

Even back then, mainland actors were paid ten or twenty yuan for a day of filming according to the standards of state-owned studios. Hong Kong stars in the same crew as them were already paid hundreds of thousands or even millions.

At that juncture, mainland filmmakers were inherently inferior to Hong Kong movie stars.

Even if it is a co-production, the people from Hong Kong still occupy an absolutely dominant position.

But what about now?

Resources, status, and markets are completely reversed.

Xiangjiang has to see the attitude of mainland film companies.

As the overall market began to wither, they looked at the young faces of the couple in front of them, whether they were those who lamented the difference between things and human beings, or those who still firmly believed that Hong Kong films were No. 1 in their hearts... or Although he is a man of words and a sword, these film-related practitioners all put on warm smiles and began to gather around Yang Mi and Xu Xin.

Xiangjiang movies have really run out of ammunition and food.

In the past few years, there have been the same police and gangster themes, the same "Infernal Affairs" model, and the box office is only 30 to 40 million at best... not even a fraction of the amount of the couple.

Don't talk about Wu Yusen and "Red Cliff".

Wasn't "Red Cliff" also funded by mainland China?

They, the remnants of the old era, see that Hong Kong movies are about to become a backwater. Even the newly grown audience in Hong Kong do not really recognize those old Hong Kong stars, but start chasing mainland entertainment idols.

When the ship is silent, if you don't quickly find someone to support you, will you be buried with them?


"Hello, Director Xu, I am the general manager of Xiangjiang Media Asia Fengyun Investment Company..."

"Mimi, do you still remember me? We worked together on "The Door"..."

"Director Xu, we meet again..."

As soon as the couple stepped out of the elevator, they were overwhelmed by the crowd.

The movement was so loud that almost everyone in the hotel lobby was paying attention.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the moon is surrounded by stars.

The couple was also shocked by the fight.

Isn't it?

This is Xiangjiang, not the mainland... Why are these people here?

Although the people who came were all investors or crew members, there were not many actors.

But for the entire film industry, actors are just the facade to the outside world. The real backbone is this group of people.

Everyone watched the two people being called by name, surrounded by people they had met, and even for some young actors, one word could determine life or death. They were scrambling to say a few words, and then exchanged words with the assistant next to them. In the scene of exchanging business cards, the actors felt a little... paradoxical and absurd.

And among these ridiculous crowds, Tang Yan was also there.

She watched helplessly as the producer of the "Wind and Cloud 2" crew, Lin Xiaoming from Universal Entertainment, walked over, exchanged greetings with Mimi, and handed over his business card.

At this moment, her eyes were a little straight.

Looking in the direction of Yang Mi, she was in a daze.

The production company of "Wind and Cloud 2" is dominated by Yindu.

Yindu, co-produced by Huanyu Entertainment, Chengtian, and Jiahe.

However, after the box office and word-of-mouth hit the market, although the actors including himself were not abandoned, people including the godfather were also spreading rumors that the main reason for firming up the belief that Yindu would return to the mainland was that It is the fact that "The Storm 2", which has a star cast such as Cheng Yik Kin, Aaron Kwok, Simon Yam, Nicholas Tse, and Choi Zhuoyan, has been a hit.

Facts have proven that mainland audiences are becoming less and less interested in movies starring Hong Kong artists.

Therefore, they decided to return to the mainland and reached a cooperation with Xiying Film Studio.

And who is the biggest face of Xiying Studio now?

Among the directors, it’s Xu Xin.

Among the actors, it’s Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was just like herself, staying on the set of "Sword and Fairy" on a hot day, eating popsicles and hiding under the shade of a tree, laughing.

Yang Mi had changed so much that she could hardly recognize her.

As a collaborator who has been in the same crew for several months, Tang Yan is not unaware of how popular Yang Mi is now in the eyes of the media.

Whether she is being secretly photographed by paparazzi, occasionally attending an event or showing her face, her "noble" look has earned her, the first of the second generation of Mainland's four young beauties, a lot of attention.

But Tang Yan also knew how powerful Yang Mi was... after all, she was now a double-gold actress.

But in her memory, Yang Mi is still the same person wearing red clothes and wearing a side ponytail, and everyone "shares the joys and sorrows" together.

It was really hard for her to understand why the photos taken by the media always made her look full of... an indescribable temperament.

At that time, Mimi was obviously very easy to talk to.

And it feels quite simple.

But why has there been such a big change after "Sword of Immortal"?

Is it because you got married and had children?

That transformation from girl to woman?

Or... other reasons?

She really couldn't understand it.

But I don't know when it started. When everyone mentioned the name "Yang Mi"...even herself, they no longer dared to call out the "Mi Mi" that was so common in the crew.

Instead, he called her "Yang Mi" in a very cautious manner.

It's quite strange.

But in the strangeness there is also a complicated feeling of right and wrong.

Frankly speaking, even if they have acted in "Secret" and Zhu Wushuang, "Secret" has achieved Gui Lunmei, "Wulin Gaiden" has achieved the five-person team, and Zhu Wushuang and Qingyi are both marginal figures. So when we were on the set of "Sword and Sword III", although everyone knew about Yang Mihuo, they really didn't have the feeling of "ah, the big shot is here".

But now... "The Wind" has directly established her status outside the industry.

The ability of "The Grandmaster" to attract the three major film studios has made people in the industry wake up from a dream.

While she was still struggling for some film resources, she had become that...

How to describe it?

You look at the woman standing in the crowd, showing off her smile, but letting everyone please the woman who smiles with her...

Does it look like a phoenix receiving worship from birds?


Her eyes were still straight.

There is an unspeakable complexity in the sluggishness.

We agreed that we would all get through it together...

Why did you bake it secretly?

And just when her heart was filled with mixed feelings, Yang Mi seemed to have something in her heart. She looked through the layers of people and suddenly saw Tang Yan, who was staring straight at her.

She was stunned.

Immediately, the polite smile on his face changed visible to the naked eye, and a hint of agility and naturalness appeared.


While Xu Xin was heartily shouting "bitch woman", she left her husband behind without hesitation and walked towards Tang Yan step by step while holding up her skirt.


The little breast voice called "Jia Zi Yin" by the black fans stood up, attracting many people who paid attention to her and looked over.


Who are you calling?

Such an enthusiastic title?

Oh, it turned out to be her.

what do you say that is? Sugar...Tang Yan?

She also knows Yang Mi... Oh yes, the two of them seemed to have acted in a TV series together.


No wonder.

Yang Mi is said to be very righteous and will never forget a friend in need.

So...the two of them have a close relationship?

After all, he could leave so many people behind, and it seemed a little "rude" to stand with the other party.


So if they have a good relationship with Tang Yan, does that mean they also have a chance to have a good relationship with Yang Mi?

After all... isn't that young model named Baby an example?

For a time, these small details were like pebbles thrown into the lake, causing ripples in everyone's hearts.

Tang Yan was a little confused when he heard the name "Tangtang".

She didn't understand why Yang Mi came suddenly.

Logically speaking, our relationship has not reached this stage, right?

We haven’t contacted each other since "Sword and Sword III".

But she had no time to think about it, because at a glance, she was wearing a dress that was not cheap at first glance, and the dazzling white female star of domestic entertainment had already walked over and said to her with a smile:

"I just told Xu Xin that I would look for you first...hehe. Yeah, you look so beautiful."


Tang Yan opened his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You're much prettier than me."

As she spoke, she paid attention to the eyes of the people around her.

A lot of people are paying attention here.

Mostly men.

Although he knew that he might not have earned this honor, it was like a poor boy following a well-known man to a ballroom party.

A false sense of vanity still made her unconsciously begin to enjoy the attention of the audience.

The wonderful feeling of being noticed by handsome guys, celebrities, and even jealous women is like giving a mouthful of clear spring water to a thirsty traveler who has been walking in the desert for many days.

He knew clearly that the water belonged to someone else and did not belong to him.

But the refreshing taste still made her feel like she couldn't stop.

Become famous.

Into the wrist.

Become a big star.

Then...enjoy the attention that this status and beauty bring.

Is this what it feels like?

It's like the most delicious spoonful of golden soup in the world.

Once you taste it once, you'll never forget it.

For a time, the smile on her face became more natural and brighter.

Said to Yang Mi:

"You just came here like this? Don't you care about Director Xu?"

"What does it matter to him?"

Yang Mi smiled and glanced at her lover, who was still greeting others politely, and asked:

"Hey, are you in a hurry to leave after the award ceremony? Can we sit together at the reception?"


Tang Yan was stunned.

I subconsciously looked back at the crew who only won two awards this time: "Best Art Direction" and "Costume Design".

Simon Yam is the host of this Academy Awards.

Zheng Yijian didn't come.

Aaron Kwok is here...but as one of the four established kings, he has his own social circle.

That leaves just a few of the cast's nominees.

As an actress who got the opportunity to star because of the recommendation of investors, her status is really embarrassing.

Because... Chengtian also knew that he couldn't keep her.

Although she was far from alone, facing Yang Mi's invitation, after hesitating for a moment, she still obeyed the lingering feeling in her heart, nodded and agreed:


Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled even brighter:



At this time, a voice sounded.

Liang Bingning's voice came out of the elevator.

Yang Mi turned around:

"Hey...ah, sister, you look so beautiful!"

Looking at Liang Binning, who looked elegant and elegant in a white gold dress, she first praised her, then turned to Tang Yan and said:

"Tangtang, I'm going over first, see you later."

"……All right."

Then, the beautiful white phoenix flapped its wings and left lightly.

Get together with the white golden phoenix.

The two skirts, worth a combined value of nearly 200,000 yuan, set off two beauties who are equally beautiful and graceful even though they belong to different "eras". Everyone's attention is like a spotlight, surrounding them. Follow Yang Mi's footsteps.

It peeled off little by little on Tang Yan's side.

Finally, they converged on two women laughing and chatting.

And when the light is not there, attention is far away.

At this moment, Tang Yan, who was wearing Valentino, suddenly felt like... Cinderella after midnight.

After there are no more glass slippers and pumpkin carriages...

Once again, it was brought back to its prototype.

The increasingly real coldness caused a layer of fine goosebumps to appear on her exposed neck, shoulders and arms.

But her mind was trying hard to recall the wonderful feeling when that beam of light came over just now.

It's like the faint spark that falls from the body when the phoenix takes off.

Remember, remember.

Sparks are falling in my heart little by little...

It fell on the dry wood called "ambition".

I'm having a gathering with friends today and there's only one chapter. Will update as usual tomorrow!

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