I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 462 460 Young man, let’s have some fun?

Chapter 462 460. Young man, let’s have some fun?

If there is anyone who can share the world with "Xu Yang" in the West Film Studio, then it is the Liang Binning who is clearly less than 30 years old but has such a mature temperament...it can be said that she is very mature. .

And the white and gold people put together in front of me, let alone... it is really a pleasure to look at.

Liang Binning has a big frame and looks plump but not fat.

Every movement and stillness seemed to exude a peach-like fragrance all the time.

As for Yang Mi, she has a small frame. The biggest figure advantage over Liang Bingning is the pair of beautiful legs in the slit of the skirt.

Especially when wearing high heels, the soft and delicate lines are enough to become the perfect thing that many foot fetishists dream about.

This year's Hong Kong Film Awards itself is dominated by Hong Kong films, and only foreign films such as "The Embalmer" and "Let's Dance" are shortlisted.

As for these female Hong Kong stars...to be honest, they can't be compared.

The only one who can speak for herself with her looks is probably Shu Qi.

Among the Taiwanese stars, there is nothing more than one... sister Zhiling that F4 will never forget.

Most of the other actresses are from the Mainland.

Be it Zhao Wei or Xu Jinglei, are they beautiful?

It certainly cannot be denied.

But beauty also scores levels.

Today's Zhao Wei is no longer the "Little Swallow" who could only let Liang Bingning play the role of the maid.

Although Xu Jinglei is still gorgeous, when it comes to beauty, she is still a bit weaker than Yang Mi.

As for Zhang Jingchu next to her... to be honest, Xu Xin, Yang Mi, including Liang Binning, all thought she didn't exist.

It's not that I don't like this woman, but I'm thinking of the overall situation.

No one would give Jiang Wenli eye drops because of her.

That affects internal unity.

These people are like this, and those foreign friends, such as Hirosue Ryoko and Kuroki Narisa, are even less so.

It’s not that there are no beautiful girls in the small country, but when it comes to innate body advantages, they are really not good at it.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have mixed-race children every day.

In short, in this hotel lobby where most of the male actors are from Hong Kong and most of the female actors are from mainland China, Yang Mi and Liang Binning have no rival.

Even outsiders find it difficult to rank them first and second.

After all, there is a 5-year difference.

And they are all so pleasing to the eye. It’s not like you like JK but hate mature sisters, right?

The two are competing for beauty, and Xu Xin is the one who suffers the most.

He really didn't know these people, but these people were trying to get close to him in a very enthusiastic tone.

Gentlemen... please don't block me from seeing Lin Chiling, okay?

His eyes were full of melancholy, but he still had a polite and polite smile on his face.

On the other hand, Yang Mi was holding hands with Liang Binning, talking and laughing.

It seems that they are very close, but if someone came over to listen to what the two of them talked about, their outlook on life would probably be subverted.

"Sister, who do you think is better looking, me or Lin Zhiling?"

"...Why are you asking this? How is she comparable to you?"

"Right? Right?! I think I'm beautiful too, don't you?"

"That's for sure."

"Then why do you think these stinky men still miss her so much?"

"What...are they referring to?"

"Xu Xin!"


"Xu Xin, Wheel, Wang Sicong, Lang Lang...the four grown-ups like me can't mention her. Whenever we mention her, it's like beating chicken blood."

"This...Xu Xin is just joining in the fun with his friends. He has you. How could he like Lin Zhiling?"

"He's so proud of her movements. Don't you think it's outrageous? Doesn't my voice sound good!"


Although their faces were still smiling and smiling, Liang Binning's eyes gradually became weird.

Like Lin Chiling?

What taste...

Those who have breasts but not breasts and those who have buttocks...

Sometimes men’s taste is really hard to understand.

The two of them were chatting on the topic of "Lin Chiling" when suddenly, Yang Mi saw Zhang Jingchu out of the corner of her eye.

She looked at Zhang Jingchu, and Zhang Jingchu looked at her.

After their eyes met, the senior who had been in business for many years showed Yang Mi a... very polite smile.

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled politely.

This counts as saying hello.

In fact, in her opinion, Zhang Jingchu was quite miserable.

You said it's not good for you to offend anyone, but you have to offend Gu Changwei, who has a tiger at home.

It's better now.

Jiang Wenli directly activated the energy of the Taitai Group and forced her to Xiangjiang.

He is obviously a good actor, but he destroys other people's families.

Even if Gu Changwei is not clean in this matter... But we are all adults. No matter how affectionate Lang is, you can't be completely ignorant of it.

While she was thinking about it, she heard Liang Binning's voice:

"Oh, I didn't even see you just now."

Turning around subconsciously.


Zhao Wei, who has finished giving birth and has started to return to work after confinement, is here.

And the moment she appeared, Yang Mi noticed a slight change in Liang Binning's aura... It wasn't right to say aura.

Just...a woman's intuition.

In her intuition, Sister Bingbing raised her head, straightened her chest, and stuck out her butt.

His whole body began to exude a... radiant brilliance. He took two steps forward and got close to Zhao Wei.


"Huan Zhu Princess" is in the same century frame.

Jinsuo and Xiaoyanzi are fighting!

Hey yo hey yo...

A tuneless song came out of Yang Mi's heart, and she heard Liang Binning say:

"Oh, it's a pity that Xinru didn't come. Otherwise, we would have all come together~... I heard that the movie "Wild Rose" she filmed last year had a good reputation, wasn't it? It was not shortlisted... It's really a pity."

As for Zhao Wei, because of the distance, and the lobby was really noisy at the moment, she really didn't hear what Zhao Wei said.

Just listen to Liang Binning continue to say:

"I didn't see her when she was in Golden Horse... Her recent career focus is on TV dramas, and I haven't seen her for a long time. What about you, what have you been busy with recently? Is "Jinyiwei" doing well at the box office?"

"Can't you? Not to mention the cost is already 130 million? Why is the box office so low?"


"Well, it's not bad. The Cannes nomination came out and I was shortlisted for the main competition... Hey, I don't really pursue box office anymore. Now that commercial activities have spread, the factory's intention is to get recognition first in terms of artistry. . So I turned down many offers from commercial films..."

Zhao Wei's voice was really too low...or maybe her voice was a bit hollow.

Yang Mi really couldn't hear clearly.

But through Sister Bingbing's words, she could more or less guess what the two were talking about.

And just for these chat contents...she had to sigh in her heart.

What is the Great Onmyoji?

Did you see it?

This is.

That 130 million-invested movie should be talking about "The Golden Guard", which was released in February and gained a reputation that even my mother didn't recognize, right?

Played by Zhao Wei.

When mentioning Lin Xinru and the movie "Night Rose" that I have never watched, the subtext is nothing more than: Why didn't she even come to the Academy Awards?

Or to extend it a little further: Why can't she even win a mere Academy Award?

And the phrase "filming a TV series" that follows is even more heartbreaking.

Back then you were Princess and I was the maid. I have to call you master...but now after so many years, you are still toiling in TV series.

That's all.

As for talking about being shortlisted for Cannes, or about something artistic or commercial. It’s just a meaning... I won the Golden Rooster last year and was shortlisted for Cannes this year. If the factory wants an award, I will get it. I'm too lazy to take on commercial films... I don't rely on commercial films to make money.

The former little maid Jinsuo has now grown into a towering tree.

On the other hand...not to mention Zhao Wei, who has made mediocre achievements in movies over the years, the famous "Xia Yuheshengziweigugege" by Daming Lake really looks like he is getting better and better.

Praising the high and undermining the low, openly praising and secretly belittling.

If Sister Bingbing has any inner demons now, then maybe they are the people from the cast of The Return of the Pearl, right?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a "gaffe".


Thinking of this, Yang Mi felt a little emotional.

But in this matter, she must be on Sister Bingbing's side.

An old aunt has no clue and makes such funny remarks as "I can only play the role of a maid for the rest of my life", which can mean life or death.

It's simply disrespectful.

Who are you?

She was a little aggrieved for no reason.

But that's all.

By now, as everyone had arrived, vehicles were starting to be arranged at the Academy Awards, and the staff had begun to read the names of each movie.

Xu Xin finally ended the social interaction and was currently chatting with Huang Xiaoming.

After hearing "The Sound of the Wind", several people walked towards the door together. The weather in Xiangjiang today was not very good, and it was raining heavily outside. The team that was originally waiting at the door had to stay in the lobby, waiting for the organizer's arrangement to line up to get on the bus.

At this moment, Sun Ting came over holding the phone:

"Brother Xu, there's a phone number."


Xu Xin took it, took a few steps away from the team, held up the phone and answered:

'Hello? "

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Li Xiao. I am the person that Mr. Xu arranged to accompany Miss Nazha this time."

"Oh, hello. How is the situation over there?"

"...Not very good, Director Xu."

Northern Xinjiang.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the sun in northern Xinjiang was still hanging in the sky, shining brightly inside the hospital.

Li Xiao held up the phone and lowered his voice and said:

"Miss Nazha's father is being treated in the ICU. Just now... After I accompanied Miss Nazha to the hospital, I immediately joined her sister and mother. They are still in the attending doctor's office... I accompanied her to listen in. of.

Miss Nazha's father is in some critical condition. The hospitals in northern Xinjiang can only try their best to rescue him, but they dare not say that he will be out of danger after the rescue. So the doctor's advice to them was to transfer to another hospital... to Yanjing. Then actively seek donors and perform transplant operations as early as possible. This is the result of consultations between several experts.

After hearing the treatment plan, I withdrew and reported the situation to Mr. Xu, who asked me to contact you directly. I would like to hear your opinion... The current situation is that even if a person can be rescued, he or she will have to stay in the ICU for a long time.

And after being discharged from the hospital, you may face the risk of heart failure again at any time. And the difficulty of treatment is becoming more and more difficult every time... The doctor has even issued a critical illness notice just now. Now it depends on how Miss Nazha and her family discuss it. "


Listening to Li Xiao's words, Xu Xin slowly frowned.

"That is to say...if you can be rescued, you may face this situation again at any time after you are discharged?"

"Yes. And the risk of death is getting higher every time. So the only treatment option is to perform a heart transplant as soon as possible. But... even if the transplant is successful, it is difficult to predict the rejection reaction."

"Then what did Nazha's family say?"

For no reason, Xu Xin's heart hurt a little.

It's not that it really hurts, but it's a very uncomfortable feeling.

Back then, I was still young and ignorant.

Xu Miao's mood...is it the same as hers now?

No, it should be more serious.

I am not a relative of Nazha, so I cannot empathize with her personally.

But Xu Miao... accompanied her mother on her last journey.


Unconsciously, he covered his heart and took a few deep breaths.

Yang Mi, who noticed something was wrong with her husband, also came over immediately.


Xu Xin didn't say anything, just waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Li Xiao said:

"Miss Nazha's mood... is not very good, and she is already a little confused. Her sister and mother are a little better, and they have been asking questions like how much money is needed..."

Speaking of this, Li Xiao paused and then said:

"Their intuitive pressure comes from economic aspects."

"...Did you tell Xu Miao about this when you called her?"


"What did he say?"

"Mr. Xu said that you should make the decision. If anything happens, I will report it directly to you. There is no need to tell him anymore."


The tacit understanding between the two brothers made Xu Xin understand... The point of Xu Miao's words was not about Nazha.

It’s not about the money either.

It was only a few hundred thousand, but the brothers didn't even notice it.


Xu Xin guessed that he had caused trouble for his brother.

A trouble that triggered painful memories for him.

And the so-called "making his own decision" is nothing more than an excuse for him not to get into too deep.

Watching his mother leave was something his eldest brother never wanted to remember in his life. Therefore, he didn't want to care, not because he was cruel, but because he didn't want to hear this kind of thing again and be reminded of sad memories.

If you can't save him, you're in trouble.

After being rescued, it would be troublesome if he didn't survive the surgery successfully.

And if the surgery is successful and rejection occurs, it will still be troublesome...

In a daze, Xu Xin also felt that he had caused "trouble" for himself.

But it happened that this trouble made him unable to let it go.

Heart problems, no money, death…

These three points alone made Xu Xin afraid to continue thinking.


"Where is Nazha now?"

"Still in the doctor's office."

"...Okay, I'll call you later and you can contact this person. Let the hospital try its best to rescue you, whether it's a transfer or a heart transplant. How much it costs, you can just contact Na... Tell Na Don’t worry Zha…”

When Yang Mi listened to her husband's words, she never took her eyes away from his face.

Then I saw his slightly red and bloodshot eyes.

And what my husband said word for word:

"Now that I have money... I don't have to worry about anything..."


She couldn't hear the words on the phone.

But after her husband said these words, she suddenly felt so distressed...

But the only thing she could do was to hold his hand and hold it tightly in her own.

Give him all the warmth in your heart.

And in this warmth, Xu Xin responded:

"Go ahead and I'll call you right now. Hang up."

After hanging up the phone, he ordered Sun Ting next to him:

"Use my phone and call the finance department. Ask her to contact the owner of the phone number. If she needs more money, call her directly."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

It could be seen that Brother Xu was not in a good mood at the moment. Sun Ting nodded and stepped aside.

After she retreated, Yang Mi asked:

"Are you okay?"

"Huh...it's okay."

Xu Xin shook his head.

"Nazha is rescuing her. If she is rescued, she will be transferred to another hospital... I told the people sent by Xu Miao to provide all conveniences."

Yang Mi nodded directly:

"Yeah, no problem. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda... Do you want to go smoke a cigarette?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin subconsciously touched his pocket.

"Mengmeng, smoke."

Su Meng, who was confused, quickly found Xu Xin's cigarettes from her bag.

But this time, Yang Mi held it in her hand:

"I'll go with you."


"Sister, let's go out and wait for you."

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Liang Binning nodded:


The couple walked out from the side door.

The wind outside blew a cold mist and rain in my face.

Seeing this, Xu Xin unbuttoned his suit directly, took it off and put it on his wife's smooth shoulders.

The trash can at the entrance of the hotel is on the edge of the reception desk.

After Xu Xin walked over, he was about to turn around and signal his wife to give him the cigarette, but saw that the other party had already taken one out:

"Big Brother Qiayan."


Xu Xin, who was amused by her strange words, laughed out loud.

He laughed, and Yang Mi laughed too.

After personally delivering the cigarette to my lover's mouth, I took a lighter and struck it a few times with some unfamiliarity.

The flames light up.

Xu Xin tilted his head and moved closer.


The smell of tobacco made him feel much calmer.

Yang Mi wrapped her husband's suit tighter.

It's been drizzling here and it's quite cool.

Then, she looked at her lover, whose legs looked extremely long against the background of dark blue trousers, black suspenders, and white shirt, and said with some jealousy:

"Why are your body proportions so good? You have long legs. I get jealous every time I see you dressed like this~ Our dad doesn't have long legs either."

"Our mother has long legs."


Yang Mi, who was originally trying to change the topic and tell her husband not to think about this matter, turned a little green.

And Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha~ I know what you mean...it's actually nothing. People always have to look forward..."

As he spoke, he looked down at his leather shoes, stamped his feet and then said:

"Our mother was also a famous village beauty in Shiliba Village back then. She was very beautiful~ A girl follows her father, and a son follows his mother. All the advantages you find in me are inherited from our mother."


Yang Mi couldn't help but laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

"My smile is Nuannuan and Yangyang. Look, if Nuannuan can inherit it from you, it will also be long legs... Yangyang will inherit it from me..."

"Short legs?"

"Do you want to die, dear?"


Xu Xin also laughed sarcastically.

Just listen to my wife pointing at her face, drawing a circle with her finger pen, pinching her waist with both hands, and saying with a proud face:

"Hmph! Haven't you noticed yet? My facial features are beautiful even if they are placed on a man's face. If Yangyang will follow me, then you can have fun! Your son will definitely be a famous girl killer in the future!"

She seemed extremely happy, and her teeth were neatly grinned.

But Xu Xin was speechless...

"Have you moved your appearance to a man's face?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, look at it... you ignore my hair and my neck, just look at my face... I'm very handsome, okay?"


Don't tell me yet.

It's okay that she didn't mention it. When Xu Xin mentioned this, he observed it carefully... and he really had a feeling.

She is really "handsome".

Instantly, his eyes became strange.

The young woman, who was always concerned about her husband's mental state, immediately noticed the change in his mood.

With a roll of eyes...

His arm was put on Xu Xin's shoulder.

Because of her height, it was a bit difficult for her to ride.

However, the words in his mouth and the stinky behavior on his face made Xu Xin's face turn green:

"Hey, young man, let's have some exciting fun tonight?"


It’s ridiculous that you can drive on this road!

Subconsciously tightening his gluteus maximus muscles, he quickly shook his head:

"Don't do it..."

"Oh, don't be nervous...I'm just asking for your opinion."

Yang Mi looked eager to try.

Xu Xin’s mouth twitched:

"Then what if I agree?"

"I agree and I'll take you to the sky in one go."

"...What if I refuse?"

"I'll beat you until you can't resist, and then I'll take you to the sky!"


These words frightened Xu Xin so much that when he blew out the cigarette, there were wavy lines.

"I thought my glow-in-the-dark strawberry joke was bad enough...whose subordinate are you?"


The young couple took advantage of this uninhabited land to play unscrupulous jokes that only happen in the boudoir.

While chatting, rows of motorcades drove directly into the hotel.

The red carpet is finally about to begin.

Soon, one car after another, and then their respective crew members walked out.

Xu Xin smoked two cigarettes in a row before it was finally the turn of the "Wind" crew.

Yang Mi then took off her suit and carefully helped her husband put it on. After tidying it up, the two of them got into the car.

The car drove all the way down to the concierge desk.

And Yang Mi was suddenly stunned...

In the dusk in the evening, the few vehicles on both sides of the hotel were empty.

But she happened to see the glass of a car fall, and there was someone inside with a camera taking pictures of the car...


She was speechless for a moment.

No, are the paparazzi in Xiangjiang really so scary?

Can such a hotel booked in advance be penetrated?

Oh my god, it's so scary.

But it doesn’t matter.

Just take pictures, but nothing will come out of them.

She withdrew her gaze and began to think about whether she should have something exciting with her brother tonight...

And just after the car passed by the paparazzi car that had sneaked in, the paparazzi in that car took back their lenses, and while wiping the lenses, he looked at the photos he had just taken.

It was a complete set of pictures of the couple going out to smoke.

From taking off clothes, passing cigarettes, to lighting cigarettes, to the loving look when they are joking, the whole set of pictures, just looking at the photos, fully reflects the loving feelings between the two.


The paparazzi nodded with satisfaction.

This set of pictures is beautiful and clear.

At least one thousand yuan is obtained!

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