I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 463 461 Don’t sign the contract

Chapter 463 461. Don’t sign the contract

Strictly speaking, this Academy Award is quite memorable.

Because this is the first time the two of them have walked on the red carpet together.

It sounds outrageous.

It's actually the first time.

At this moment, Xu Xin got out of the car, fastened his buttons under the dazzling spotlights, turned around and helped Yang Mi out.

He heard a "click-click" sound.

Also mixed in between:

"Yang Mi, look here!"

"Look here, you two!"

"Can you be more intimate?"

All kinds of words.

Xu Xin was a little speechless... He thought to himself that this really looked like he was entertaining himself to death.

After posing on the spot for less than ten seconds, Huang Xiaoming and Liang Binning also got off the car, and after the two of them finished posing, the four of them got together and took a group photo, and then everyone walked all the way to the cultural center along the red carpet. Walk inside the infield of the Grand Central Theatre.

Because the flash made it difficult to see clearly, Xu Xin only saw the movie fans on both sides of the road after walking out of the area where reporters took pictures.

A group of people waved notebooks and pens, waiting for autographs.

What should he say to his fans?

Very indifferent.

It's not that he doesn't care, it means that as long as everyone wants him to do it, he can do it.

He has no special psychological burden or any need to maintain a high profile. When I saw others holding notebooks and shouting "Bingbing, Mimi, Brother Xiaoming", I didn't think about why others didn't call my name, so I walked over there with my wife.

Yang Mi was half a step behind him.

Then she saw a scene that made her almost unable to maintain the dignified smile on her face.

My brother reached for the notebook... and the girl actually dodged it.

I avoided my brother's hand, and then watched myself working hard to hand the notebook over here...


She couldn't hold anything back and wanted to laugh.

But he stopped immediately.

Xu Xin was also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, I didn’t pick out the other books when they were handed over.

He took one and scrawled his name on it and was about to return it when he heard another sentence:

"Mimi! Give Mimi a sign!"


He obediently handed the notebook in his hand to Yang Mi again:


But Yang Mi already had five or six books in her hand, and she was speechless for a moment.

But he saw the evil look on his brother's face.

Obviously, he also heard the "poof" just now.


You see, the bad thing about "buddies" being too familiar with each other.

Everyone knows everything. I know what fart you farted without taking off your pants.

But anyway, after signing more than a dozen autographs, Yang Mi forced her brother, who was still acting like a transport brigade, to run away quickly.

As he walked, he muttered:

"Just wait! We'll go back to the hotel in the evening."


Xu Xin smiled and held her hand before walking to the autograph and photo area.

He didn't recognize the four Xiangjiang hosts. He just signed his name on the autographed version of the Academy Awards and then stood next to Yang Mi. Listen to the host asking her questions.

Yang Mi's answer was very official and boring.

So does Xu Xin himself.

He was asked about his expectations for participating in the Academy Awards, and he replied: I hope everyone will bring more good movies, so that the film market will prosper and the filmmakers will get better and better.

When asked about how it felt to attend the Academy Awards for the first time with Yang Mi, she replied: Very good, great, I really like the atmosphere of the Academy Awards.

That's it.

Nutritious answer.

But that was his established impression of the awards show.

This is not a place for ambition or hype. Come with a peaceful mind, whether you win or not depends on God.

Let a social terrorist come up with something explosive, or answer some questions with witty remarks...

I think you are making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger.

After answering the questions and it was Liang Binning and Huang Xiaoming's turn to answer, he stood aside and looked at the road ahead.

I saw the crew of "Thieves of Time" at a glance.

Director Luo Qicong and heroine Wu Junru were walking at the front, waving to the fans.

He has seen this movie.

Honestly, it looks great.

Wu Junru's contribution to acting is obvious to all.

Perhaps because he happens to be a member of that generation, "Thieves of Time", a film about the contradiction between people at the bottom and the changing times, feels very sincere to him.

Movies that touch people with sincerity often have unique advantages in award selections.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Yang Mi and Liang Binning.

I always feel like the two of them are hanging by a thread.

Then he realized something and suddenly smiled dumbly.

I didn’t have any intention of reporting in the first place, so why did I start to compare them again at this juncture?

He coughed slightly and cleared his thoughts. Just as the two people's questions over there ended, the four people entered the infield under the guidance of the host.

I quickly found my seat.

In fact, the award ceremony is a very boring and tiring activity.

Of course, the prerequisite for this kind of mood is not to covet any awards.

The arrangement of the Academy Awards for "The Wind" is quite clever.

Because Liang Binning is the heroine/supporting role of "Shinjuku Incident", "The Wind", and "October Siege" at the same time, the three crews are arranged in a triangle, and the position reserved for her is in the middle.

With the help of this relationship, Xu Xin finally struck up a conversation with the legendary "big brother".

"Hello, brother, it's an honor to meet you."


Cheng Long smiled and shook hands with Xu Xin:

"It's the second time we meet, Director Xu. Last time we were at the Golden Rooster Awards, we were too busy and didn't get in touch. We finally got to know each other this time."

After shaking hands with Xu Xin, he looked at Yang Mi again:

"Sister Mi, we meet again."

Xu Xin was stunned when he heard this title.

But Yang Mi smiled and opened her hands:

"Brother, long time no see!"

I gave him a hug generously.

Xu Xin was really curious.

"Have you known each other before?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Long looked at Yang Mi with a smile:

"You haven't told Director Xu?"

"No...I don't even remember the brand of the motorcycle. Brother, do you still remember it?"

"It seems to be called..."

Cheng Long thought for a while and said:

"Big money? Big money? Qianjiang?"

"It seems so."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly and said to Xu Xin:

"In 2003, when I was in high school, I auditioned to be a model for a motorcycle brand's advertisement. My eldest brother was the spokesperson, and the advertisement featured urban men and beautiful women. My eldest brother at that time was very handsome..."


Regardless of whether it was sincerity or flattery, Cheng Long smiled happily anyway.

"When I went for the audition, my eldest brother picked me right away."

"Because you are the only girl in there who dared to talk to me after I appeared. She called me Big Brother, and after I asked Mimi her name, I called her Sister Mi."

Yang Mi nodded and explained to her husband with a smile:

"Yes, I was stupid anyway, so I said hello to my eldest brother. He took special care of me at that time. My salary for that commercial was only 600. My eldest brother was 500,000. Then after we finished filming the commercial, he asked me about my salary. How much? When I heard it was 600 yuan, I asked the director to add more money... But the director couldn't make the decision, so he paid me 50,000 yuan from his own pocket... Hehe, thank you, brother!"


Cheng Long seemed surprised that Yang Mi remembered it so clearly.

But after hearing this, the expression on his face turned into a hearty smile with a hint of sadness.

"You have grown up too... At that time, I remember you were with my father, and your hair still had side bangs..."

"Hehe, yes, I even have a child now."


The small talk with Cheng Long became very pleasant after having the emotional foundation of previous cooperation.

Cheng Long sighed with emotion at Yang Mi's change. At the same time, he lowered his head and pointed at his hair, which was starting to become thinner, and told the two of them clearly:

"Dyeing it, my hair is a lot white now."

In one sentence, Yang Mi was quite uncomfortable.

After all, she clearly remembered how the eldest brother with long hair looked in front of the camera.

But as more and more people from the crew came, the "reminiscing about the past" had to be temporarily suspended.

But Yang Mi and Xu Xin still received Cheng Long's invitation, and they would all sit down together for a dinner later.

Regarding Cheng Long, Xu Xin's fan mentality is not as serious as Zhou Xunchi's.

Maybe it's because Cheng Long is too productive? After becoming a director, he always felt that the other party's films were much weaker than Zhou Xunchi's in terms of spiritual core and layering.

Of course, comparing the spiritual level of kung fu movies with other movies is just a blind thought on his part as a director.

But it is true that Cheng Long's movies are a bit "shallow" in his opinion.

Objectively, his achievements are definitely higher than Zhou Xunchi. But subjectively, he still likes the joys and sorrows of little people played by Zhou Xingchi.

So it is true that he is a fan of Cheng Long, but he is not a fan.

And while waiting like this, one after another, the entire infield was filled with people.

With the appearance of host Zheng Danrui, the 29th Academy Awards officially kicked off.

"New Director" has nothing to do with Xu Xin.

"Best Visual" was given to "Wind and Cloud 2".

The "Wind" nomination for "Production Design" was given to "October Siege".

As time passed, Xu Xin yawned a little.

how to say……

The screen is full of Hong Kong movies.

People change like they are just watching the flowers on horseback.

But not a single mainland face could be seen.

Xu Xin felt a little bored.

In this process one after another, the first award related to him finally appeared.

Best Supporting Actress.

Sister Bingbing was nominated through "October Siege".

Also nominated are Li Yuchun, nicknamed "Brother Chun" by many netizens, Zhao Wei from "Red Cliff", and Ye Xuan from Louis Koo's thriller "Accident".

Oh yes, there is also a ***.

Xu Xin has never seen any of these nominated movies. But he calculated... Although Sister Bingbing's "October Siege" didn't have many roles, among these people, it should be enough to fight, right?

Zhao Wei, Li Yuchun, Ye Xuan... No matter what, these people can't beat Sister Bingbing, right?

Just as I was thinking about it, the list of winners was read out on the stage.

"The winner of Best Supporting Actress is: "Accident", Ye Xuan."

Magnificent music sounded instantly.

The young face on the screen looked full of surprises and surprises.

Xu Xin's eyes narrowed.

In terms of acting, he can't comment because he hasn't seen the movie, but...

"Xiangjiang actor?"

Hearing this, Liang Binning nodded, applauded, and responded:


"That's it..."

Xu Xin was also applauding, but after applauding, he covered his mouth and yawned.


Academy Awards...

That's it.

The "Best Supporting Actor" went to Nicholas Tse, and the "Best Actor" went to Simon Yam from "Thieves of Time". The best actress is Hui Yinghong of "The Demon".

"Best Director" went to Chen Desen for "October Siege", and "Best Film" went to "October Siege".

Not to mention what the media said when the nominations were announced... Yang Mi won three golds, or Liang Binning double gold, or "The Wind" versus Biao's "October Siege."

Not even a hair on it.


Play for free.

When the overall list of winners was announced after the ceremony, Xu Xin glanced at this...


really interesting.

In the entire list of winners, there is not a single mainlander to be found.

Either "The Thief of Time" or "October Siege", or "Red Cliff"...

Also... okay.

It’s not unfair to lose.

After all, it is the Hong Kong Film Awards.

That’s a lot of experience.

On the other hand, Yang Mi looked at the list of winners and sneered.

It doesn't really matter whether she wins the Academy Award or not.

But it brought back some not-so-good memories.

So cool...

Are they really just like the old and the young who have been stripped of their iron hat? Even though you are all in despair, you still have to hang a piece of pig skin at the door and wipe your mouth with the pig skin when you go out, so that people can see the fishy smell on your mouth. How good are you?

Feeling dissatisfied, when she and her husband walked outside together, she pressed his shoulder and whispered in his ear:

"I think this Academy Award is almost becoming a joke."


Xu Xin said nothing and shrugged casually.

Except for the Golden Horse, all domestic awards are quite funny to him.

I just don’t know...whether the Golden Horse will also follow this old path.

And if it really happens... then it will be the biggest joke.

In such a big country, there isn't even one award that can be recognized... That's so funny.

Golden Rooster is okay.

The premise is that if it can be changed and awarded once a year...

Otherwise, there would still be one award every two years...there are so many movies packed together.

Good guy, where's the Gu?


The dinner after the Academy Awards is still a cold meal.

It was in the Royal Hotel where Xu Xin and the others stayed.

It's quite ironic to say that the actor is okay and there is no pressure to dress. But in order to keep her curves beautiful, the amount of food the actress can eat throughout the day is pitiful.

Everything is just to walk on the red carpet during the ceremony so that everyone can see your body curves.

And finally the red carpet was over, and we caught up with this kind of social dinner.

Not being able to put anything in my stomach for a whole day is quite a torture.

In this dinner party, directors, investors and actors were all the targets of various parties. Xu Xin is like this, and Yang Mi is like this.

In this huge fame and fortune fair, "Director Xu" has received far more attention than imagined.

This is true for both men and women.

Yang Mi also understood this truth, so after entering the banquet hall, the two of them separated with their assistants.

She is an actress, but the crowd surrounding her is still smaller after all.

Grabbed a glass of champagne and ate some cake. The truth is that she was very hungry, so hungry that she wanted to hold the suckling pig's head on the table and chew it.

But no matter how good a social person you are, you really can't do anything that would make you lose your status in this situation.

After eating something to cushion her stomach, and chatting with the director and producer for a while, she looked around and finally found someone sitting at a small round table, holding champagne and just talking to no one. After a glass of wine, a man of some identity bid farewell to Tang Yan politely.

So, she walked over directly:


"Eh... honey... honey."

After finally calling out the name, the smile on Tang Yan's face became much more natural.

Yang Mi sat directly opposite her and raised her wine glass.


The wine glasses touched lightly, and after the two drank a glass of bubbly champagne, Yang Mi looked around:

"Why haven't I met your agent?"

"It's over there."

Tang Yan pointed into the distance.

Yang Mi saw Ji Rujing chatting with several people.

But that was the reason why she asked Ji Rujing. After opening the topic, she asked with a smile:

"how are things?"

"...It's pretty good. What about you?"

"I'm okay too. By the way, how long has it been since we last met?"


Tang Yan thought about it and said:

"It's been a long time. I haven't seen you since the filming of "Sword"."

At this point, she may have felt that such chatting was too crude, so she added:

"But there's nothing I can do about it. You're so busy. Even if I want to go out to dinner with you, I don't dare to do it. I'm afraid that you're filming or preparing a script, which will disturb your mood..."


Yang Mi did not continue the conversation, but said in a thoughtful tone:

"I've been really busy in the past two years... Actually, the main reason is that there is a pregnancy interval in between. You don't know, as soon as I got pregnant, I... didn't want to come out. Since I was a twin, I felt very tired. Every move made me feel... I feel uncomfortable, bored at home every day. Even if you call me, I really don’t want to go out... The feeling of pregnancy is too unbearable."

As soon as these words came out, both parties gave each other a reason to stop contacting each other after leaving the crew.

Let the other person step on his own steps and walk down.

So, Tang Yan nodded:

"Yes, last time I saw Xu... the director specifically asked about your health. I also said I would go check on you... How are you recovering now?"

"It's good. No, everyone is out working."

""the Grand Master"?"


Yang Mi responded:

"I've been filming in Guangdong recently... and you, you haven't done anything this year, right?"

"No... there will be a TV series in a few days."

"From the Tang Dynasty?"

"No, from other companies."

"Oh...Eh? When will your contract expire? Are you planning to sign with the Tangren then?"

After hearing this, Tang Yan didn't think much.

It is a foregone conclusion that she will run away, and her good relationship with Tang Ren is well known in the circle, so she has answered this question many times from other people, not to mention Yang Mi.

It's just that...she had answered in the affirmative before.

But this time facing Yang Mi...

She thought for a while and said:

"Not sure yet."

If this answer were anyone else, he would definitely look surprised.

But Tang Yan couldn't see the slightest bit of surprise in the other party. Instead, he felt a sense of "confused calmness" as it should be:

"Well, I understand."


Tang Yan was stunned.

What...you understand?

I am because of the leadership of Shanghai Film Studio. What do you understand?

After thinking for a while, she asked:

"What do you understand?"

"Hey, you still want to test me?"

Yang Mi looked a little speechless:

"What a simple truth, even a child can understand it. Tangren's resources are all in the television industry, and you are now in both film and television. If you sign with Tangren, you will only develop in the television industry, and you will still be alone in the film industry. . But the problem is that if you don’t sign with Tang Ren, you also have a career in TV dramas. What you lack now is just connections in the film industry. Isn’t that what you mean?”


Is she right?


Tangren really couldn't provide her with any film resources.

But this was also what she and Ji Rujing had discussed before.

The two of them felt that they could gain the greatest freedom by finding a company that guaranteed the bottom line and managing other resources themselves.

While the contract does not restrict oneself from finding film resources, and while independently exploring the market, one can still have Tang TV dramas, not to mention one every year, but one or two hit and minor hit TV series every two years to support and maintain the popularity.

This is how she and her team made the decision.

But after these words came out of Yang Mi's mouth, Tang Yan felt a little strange.

Obviously the meaning is the same in some aspects, but why does it come out of Mimi's mouth as if she can live well without the "guarantee" of the Tang Dynasty?

What she lacks most now is works that can make her screen image memorable.

In other words, the only TV series that is well-known to the audience is Tang Dynasty's "Sword and Sword III".

As for other resources, she is still competing with others.

This is true for movies and TV series.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but said:

"Don't praise me too highly. I don't have anything else but "Sword and Sword III" right now."

"Just because it's not there now doesn't mean it won't be there in the future, right?"

Yang Mi shrugged:

"Come on little by little. Haven't you noticed...that our situations are similar?"


Tang Yan was a little confused.

Sister, how can I compare with you?

Xu Xin is your husband, not mine...

Looking at her ridiculous look, Yang Mi still nodded:

"I'm serious. Think about when I was filming "Wulin Gaiden". The company also asked me to renew my contract at that time, but I didn't renew it. Do you know why I didn't renew it?"


"Because of Zhou Xun. Do you know the story about that white Audi?"

As soon as Yang Mi said this, Tang Yan nodded:

"I know, I've seen this gossip. It was said that after Zhou Xun won the award, the organizer rewarded her with a car. She didn't let go of the key at the time... but it was still taken away by the company."


Yang Mi responded:

"At the end of 2006, when Zhou Xun's contract was expiring in 6 days, Rong Xinda held a dinner party. She was also there, and I was in love with Xu Xin at that time. The movie "Secret" was not filmed, and " "Wulin Gaiden" had just finished filming and had not yet been released. During the dinner, he called me and I went to the corridor. Then Zhou Xun also came here to smoke, and we happened to bump into each other, so we started talking about the contract. You Do you know what advice she gave me?"


"Don't renew."


In Tang Yan's silence, Yang Mi shrugged:

"I still had two years left on my contract, so I asked her: Why don't you renew it? This is the story she told me... At first glance, it actually has nothing to do with me, right? I didn't think much about it at the time. I was quite puzzled. Because I wasn’t popular at that moment, so I asked her: What if I don’t renew the contract and I don’t have resources?”

"What did she say?"

"She said she didn't know."


Looking at Tang Yan's speechless look, Yang Mi smiled and said:

"Don't believe it, she really said that. But what I was thinking at the time was: This person really doesn't feel pain in the back when he stands and talks. Once you are successful and famous, leave the company, the sky is high outside and the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump. What about me? ?”

"...You were also looking for a girl at that time."

"It's true that she's a girl, but Xu Xin got her for me. What does it have to do with the company? Don't you have Zixuan too?"


Tang Yan was silent again.

"I was thinking, if I leave the company, will I be able to survive in the future?"

"Then when did you decide not to renew your contract?"

"When the company wanted to exchange resources with me. It was "Dream of Red Mansions" that was broadcast in June. The company told me that if the contract was renewed, the role of Lin Daiyu would be given to me. If the contract was not renewed, I would get nothing. From then on From then on, I was sure that I would not renew my contract."

"Has The Secret been released at that time?"

"No, but "Wulin Gaiden" became a hit. After I had a work that was remembered by people, I decided that I would do the rest by myself."

Hearing this, Tang Yan sighed.


Looking at Yang Mi, her tone was full of vague envy:

"But, Mimi, don't forget, you have Xu Xin."

"That's true. But when I decided not to renew the contract, Xu Xin and I were just boyfriend and girlfriend. Who dares to promise the future to him?"

"Then you two are also boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

"That's definitely what I said... But Tangtang, have you ever thought about it, what if I renewed my contract in advance? You have to know this timeline. When the company told me that if I renew my contract, I will play Lin Daiyu, "Secret" "But it has not been released. If I renew the contract in advance, then whether it is "Secret" or "The Wind"... the one standing in front of you now is Rong Xinda - Yang Mi."

Yang Mi picked up the champagne glass again, meaning that we should touch one.


Amidst the sound of cups clinking, she pressed the rim of the cup to her lips and said:

"So, sometimes I am very grateful to Zhou Xun. Otherwise, this step was wrong...Who knows if the me who renewed the contract...is still the me before?"


Does Tang Yan understand the truth?


Yang Mi was telling herself not to sign a contract with Tangren.

It couldn't be simpler.

But after understanding this truth, she suddenly felt a little confused.

Why...why did she get involved in my affairs?

Since when did you start paying so much attention to me?

Why did Youshuang come to me specifically at this juncture? No matter it's a close relationship or something else, the meaning is the same:

"Don't renew."

The meaning was conveyed.

But... why?

She couldn't figure it out.

Should I renew my contract or not...what does it have to do with her?

Tang Yan's eyes were full of confusion.

At this time, Yang Mi’s voice sounded again:

"Are you curious why I came here to tell you this?"


Tang Yan didn't answer, but his confusion was clear.

But just when she looked at the four little beauties opposite her... or even one of the most popular beauties in domestic entertainment, she suddenly found that the other person's eyes had become somewhat meaningful.

A kind of... definitely not Mi Mi who calls herself "Tangtang", and definitely not "actor--Yang Mi", but a kind of person who can't explain it, but is extremely familiar... but can't remember where she is. The kind of temperament I had seen in someone suddenly showed up with this look.

Her eyes are long and narrow.

It's full of profound meaning.

This profound meaning made Tang Yan subconsciously want to close his legs and sit up straight.

? ? ?

She was at a loss.

At this time, she heard a sentence:

"Because I had someone call you the number at Shanghai Film Studio."


Tang Yan's eyes suddenly opened wide.

He looked at the woman opposite with a hint of disbelief.


What! ! ?

Under her horrified gaze, Yang Mi chuckled:

"Of course I have some considerations in not letting you take on "The Stranger". But in the final analysis, Tangtang, we have been through adversity together. There are some things that I know you don't understand, but I don't want you to either." If you have any doubts in your heart, you should be cautious all day long. So this is why I came to see you today."


In Tang Yan's glare that almost made his eyes pop out, the superior person opposite shook the last third of the champagne in the glass.

Orange-yellow bubbles rise to the top of the wine and begin to transform into transparent, colorful bubbles.

Crystal clear, like a dream.

"Remember what I just said? Zhou Xun said to me personally: Don't sign the contract. I didn't understand it at the time, but I understood it later."


"I send these words to you as well."

She raised the wine glass and moved it to the glass Tang Yan placed on the table:

"Don't sign."

The words fell.


Wine glasses clinked.

She held the cup and greeted each other "from afar":

"Please keep in touch in the future."

The last drink was drank by this woman as if she was swallowing a mountain of water.

Put down the cup.

Leave gracefully.

Only Tang Yan's disbelieving eyes and dull expression were left.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

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