I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 472 470 Confused

Chapter 472 470. Confusion

May 10th, late.

Expo performance site.

Everyone was nervously waiting for the "shadows" from each ninja village to arrive at the scene.

The entire venue was surrounded by security forces inside and outside.

In the corridor backstage, Xu Xin looked at his watch, smiled and waved to the girls of the song and dance troupe:

"Okay, it's almost time. Behave well in a while. Don't be nervous."

"Okay, Director Xu."

The group of people nodded.

And a bold girl asked:

"Director Xu, will you really give us Jay Chou's autograph?"

"Yes! After the performance is successful, and when he releases the album the day after tomorrow, I will directly ask him to give you a signed copy of the "Across the Era" album! Is that okay? I will mail it to you all~"


The little girl smiled happily after getting the promise.

"Thank you, Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, you are so handsome!"


Amid laughter, Xu Xin nodded:

"Come on, everybody!"


After relieving the pressure of the performers of the singing and dancing troupe and the acrobatic troupe, Xu Xin went all the way from the backstage to the floor of the broadcasting station.

I also passed by a few...

Well, how should I put it.

That person's eyes are like lightning, his nose is wide and his mouth is wide, his shoulders can run a horse, and his arms are like heavy hammers... a passerby.

Let’s just shout like this.

Anyway, if these people were picked out alone, Xu Xin estimated that it would not be a problem to beat ten of his own virtues.

Ouchi master.

ANBU boss.

Can't afford to offend.

He quickly flashed his badge in cooperation, then went upstairs and all the way to the director's hall.

Inside the broadcasting hall, smoke filled the air.

This kind of large-scale event... is still a performance where so many movie-level celebrities come to watch the ceremony...

Although the foolproof plan has been done ten thousand times, when the real thing comes, the only thing that should be nervous is nervousness.

Some people were even covered in sweat and their eyes were blood red, staring at the empty stage in a daze.

Xu Xin wanted to laugh.

But I didn't dare.

It's so offensive.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Although their performance does not count as a fireworks show, it is only about forty-six minutes long.

But the level of attention... In fact, strictly speaking, it is not worse than the Olympic Games.

So it’s human nature to be nervous.

However, in his heart, he definitely did not think this performance was difficult.

It’s not even an exaggeration to say it’s “given for free”.

It's just a stage performance. Those girls and boys downstairs will definitely complete their mission gloriously.

You guys can just wait here for the good news.

Would you like to have some success?

Do you know how difficult it was for mothers to coordinate tens of thousands of people during the Olympic Games?

Compared to the difficulty you have with us, it pales into insignificance.

It's not the same level at all...

For no reason, he felt a sense of superiority in his heart.

He walked to Zhang Wu and handed him a cigarette. Zhang Wu asked:

"What are you doing?"

"I chatted with the actors below to help everyone relieve their stress."

Hearing this, Zhang Wu lowered his voice:

"You didn't say anything about the Olympics being much more difficult than this, right?"

"No way. How dare you say this."

Xu Xin shook his head first.



He asked for the answer with a "you think so too?" look.

Zhang Wu said nothing.

Big boss.

Joy and anger cannot be expressed in color.

Who knows what is going on in my heart.

It's impossible to show it on your face anyway.

At this time, someone shouted:

"Thirty minutes countdown, the audience begins to enter."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's eyes suddenly became strange.

Including Xu Xin and Zhang Wu.

Okay... okay.

Who is this?

And the audience...


He shook his head and silently followed Zhang Wu and acted like a transparent person.

And in this transparent atmosphere, the countdown came to an end minute by minute.

Perform first, then give speeches.

In the performance session, the first program: "Harmonious Song" begins.

The melody of "Jasmine" sounded.

In fact, before the performance, he was still thinking that this was far worse than the Olympics.

But once the show started, these thoughts were no longer forgotten.

This is China’s World Expo.

It is another business card that China has shown to the world after the Olympic Games.

The success or failure of this World Expo is also related to the face of more than one billion compatriots in the world.

Naturally, your strength must be directed in one place.

As a director with experience in directing the first half of the Olympic Games, Zhang Wu entered the directing room after the performance started.

Although Xu Xin does not have a specific position, he is still doing what he can.


For example, as the performance progresses, we maintain a superficial calmness when the stormy waves are blowing in our hearts.

Forty-six minutes...


In the blink of an eye, it was over.

From the "Harmonious Song" in the first scene to the final chorus of stars.

When the performance in the venue ended and the real-time fireworks broadcast started on the big screen...

Even in his shirt, his back was seeping through.

But after a feeling of weakness that was like losing strength, it was replaced by ecstasy.

The entire studio turned into a sea of ​​joy like a volcano erupting.

It worked.

More than a year of hard work was condensed into these 46 minutes.

They once again gave a perfect performance.

Although it is only an insignificant part of the title page under the big theme of "World Expo".

But no matter what, they succeeded.

Xu Xin, who was at the scene and joined in the carnival, did not realize for the time being that his glorious resume, which could be said to have been brilliant since his debut, once again added a touch of glory.

May 11, noon.

The opening ceremony of the World Expo was a complete success celebration banquet.

Note that this banquet is not, strictly speaking, a celebration banquet hosted by the World Expo Committee.

That banquet will not be held until the closing ceremony.

Today's event can be regarded as a small celebration banquet.

The organizer is also a local team from Shanghai Magic City, and several movie-level big shots will also come.

So it is correct to say that it is a top-level banquet.

This was the second time to have such a banquet...it was okay, Xu Xin wasn't too excited.

Although he could not say that he was ready to return home at the moment, the opening ceremony of the World Expo, which he had followed for more than a year, was successful. As consultants for the Olympic Games, he and Zhang Wu could be regarded as successful and retired.

And this kind of banquet is also a process.

The specific process is actually similar to the last time, including sitting down, speaking, applauding, celebrating, and having a banquet.

Finally, the big guys came over from the table to bring a glass of wine to celebrate these hard-working comrades.

Not only did Liu Kuan come, there were also many people.


Xu Xin looked at a person, and a doubt that had been hidden in his heart for a long time emerged again.

Isn't this... the one who had a glass of wine with me alone last time and said thank you for your hard work?

He always had a... weird feeling about the last glass of wine.

I don’t understand why the other party found me.

But he didn't dare ask.

Is it possible for him to ask: Leader, why did you come to me for a drink alone?

He was crazy to do this.

Not realistic.

And it's been so long since I thought about it.

I'm afraid the boss himself has forgotten it.

While I was thinking about it, as a few big guys came over, everyone at the table stood up.

There is no such thing as "Director Zhang, Director Liu, Director Sun" in this occasion.

All are unified by "comrades".

"Comrades, let's have a drink together. The opening ceremony of the World Expo was a complete success and was the result of everyone's joint efforts..."

During the enthusiastic and joyful speech, everyone raised their cups.

Some big guys just took a sip, but everyone present, regardless of whether they knew how to drink or not, had to drink the glass of wine.

After Xu Xin drank it all in one gulp, the smiling bosses gestured and everyone took their seats.

He thought that was the end of it.

But I didn't expect...

"Haha, Xiao Xu, we meet again."

"...Hey, leader."

Xu Xin, who was about to take a seat, quickly stood up respectfully.

And as he stood up, his table, as well as the banquet hall where the leader was quietly waiting for a toast, several people around him who heard this looked at this... inexplicable eyes.

Someone was surprised.

Some people are shocked.

Someone frowned.

But more people are confused...

what's the situation……

Let alone them, Xu Xin himself was confused.

what's going on?

Boss, you not only remember me...but you also give me such face?

So many people stopped chatting and came to me alone...


But it's not over yet.

When he stood up, the middle-aged man had already pressed his hands:

"Haha, why are you so polite? Sit down, let's have a drink later."

After saying that, he waved his hands and the big guys formed a team and left.

Among the team, even Liu Kuan looked at Xu Xin in surprise.




The atmosphere was somewhat quiet.

But no one, including Zhang Wu, asked.

Walls have ears.

not to mention……

Zhang Wu looked at Xu Xin's confused expression.

My heart was the same as Ming Jing's, not to mention that other people were confused, even Xiao Xu himself might not know what was going on, right?

And that one...

He glanced vaguely.

With some emotion in his eyes, he made a staggering sound:


After Xu Xin heard this, he turned his head instantly.

But Zhang Wu shook his head slightly, indicating that he would talk privately later.

Xu Xin understood clearly.

Just like that, the meal was over.

The boss did come to have a drink with Xu Xin, patted him on the shoulder, and left words of encouragement: "Do a good job."

Not to mention others, even Xu Xin himself was a little confused by his affectionate attitude.

But no matter what, this scene has fallen into the eyes of many, many, many, many people.

After that, when he returned to the hotel, Xu Xin chatted with Zhang Wu alone.

He understood something.

He also understood what kind of improvement just this scene at the banquet could bring him.

But regarding Zhang Wu's question "How do you know each other?", Xu Xin looked confused.

How could I know?

? ? ? ?

But no matter what.

According to Zhang Wu's words...

"Xiao Xu, just follow this path. Now you have to survive on your own. Once you get through it and have this impression...then wait until you step on the clouds."

Following Zhang Wu's words, Xu Xin, who was full of doubts and confusion, picked up his bag and luggage and headed towards Yichang.

Anyway, let’s film first.

The crew has been waiting for so many days.

May is the flowering period of hawthorn trees.

The flowers all over the mountains and plains are blooming more and more prosperously after the hustle and bustle of the May Day Golden Week.

Just looking at it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The flowering period at this stage is the most important time, and many of the crew's shots must be completed during the flowering period.

The real difficulty in shooting is that several scenes during this flowering period require special emotions.

First, there is a scene where Lao San and Jing Qiu accompany each other towards Qinglong Village.

The location of the scene is arranged at three scenic spots: the riverside - the mountain road - and the village entrance.

The riverside represents the city, the mountain road changes with the ups and downs of the two people's mentality, and the entrance to the village represents the "end point" or "starting point" of their relationship.

The scene by the river was actually not that difficult, it was just the scene of two people taking a ferry together.

Jingqiu took a boat to the other side and found that the third child had come to pick her up, showing her shy joy.

As for the scene on the mountain road, because the mountain road is rugged, Lao San takes the initiative to hold Jingqiu's hand and walk. But this kind of behavior was undoubtedly very bold in this pale era, so Jingqiu refused. The third child, who saw the trick, simply broke off a branch and said something like, "I am really afraid that you will fall. You must believe in the purity of revolutionary friendship."

But in the end, their hands became shorter and shorter on this branch.

Finally we held it together.

As for the stone bridge at the entrance of the village, he used a closed-loop narrative structure.

The story of Jingqiu and Lao San begins on this stone bridge when Captain Zhang brings Jingqiu home to live. The scene where the two of them walk across this stone bridge represents the "lonely Jingqiu" Endings, and new beginnings.

Xu Xin mixed multiple narrative metaphors into this shot.

For example, when the third child picked up Jingqiu, he should not have appeared at the ferry, but in the village.

But here he comes.

Therefore, when boats here cross the river, the direction is actually countercurrent.

It represents going against the current.

Throughout the film, Xu Xin has given metaphors in various senses, whether it is walking in the distance or near and far, or flowers, barren hillsides, weeds, etc. against various pale backgrounds.

When the boat enters Yuan'an from Qinglong Village, it goes with the current.

That also means that Jingqiu, who returned to the city, must "go with the flow" of life under the influence of the dual factors of mother and family.

For another example, in the shot of two people holding each other's stick before walking away, the scenery around the two people is also overgrown with grass at the beginning. Slowly, when the third child's hand starts to move back, dots of flowers will appear in the background to represent Ripples in his heart.

Jingqiu's side is decorated with messy flowers and weeds, expressing her mood like a bunny bumping around.

Because it is a background of a special era.

In the script with Xu Xin, the two did not break through the bottom line of lust.

So there was no such thing as kissing or passionate love. After giving it the sweet color, he treated all the emotions in a subtle way.

Using his signature background decoration and different compositions of different pictures, he vividly expresses everything about young men and women in the stage of ignorance and passion.

It is true that there are barriers to watching movies in this way.

Those who are not professional film critics or experienced viewers who like to study movies will understand it clearly.

But he never deviated from his inner creed of "shooting a story first".

While he was making these metaphors in lens language, the appearance was not left behind.

Ordinary viewers will not have any barriers to watching.

Although...I dare not say that it is suitable for both refined and popular tastes.

But everything he does is to fill in and enrich the details under the premise of understanding a story first.

How can I put this "Hawthorn Tree"... It is not his ambitious work.

Because of the subject matter, his evaluation of his performance is: there is room for improvement.

The script was not enough to support the splashing colors in his heart.

But...it's weird.

This is completely opposite to the big opening and closing, and there is actually a lot of fun in a little bit of fine craftsmanship.

Moreover, he also has a partner who works well together.

"Yifei, everyone will crowd onto the boat in a while. You know how to behave, right?"


Liu Yifei thought for a while and said:



Xu Xin was stunned:

"What the hell?"

Obviously, he had no idea what the other person was talking about.


Liu Yifei smiled and shook her head:

"I act timidly, okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"That's it."

Because filming was about to start, she had already changed her clothes.

Wearing a small floral shirt that was too large and carrying a military green shoulder bag, she covered the bag with her hands and tucked her shoulders.

The neck also shrunk slightly.

In that era, young people generally wore larger clothes.

The poorer the children's new clothes, the more so.

Not to mention the characteristics of three years for the new and three years for the old, and three years of mending and repairing. Young people are growing and wearing larger clothes can last longer.

But the disadvantage is...it will look very "thin".

Liu Yifei's hunched back made her look very small.

"Because I ride on a boat with many men, and it's still summer. The boat rocks and everyone has physical contact. I don't want to, so I hide very carefully. Occasionally, I have to hold the boat with my hand... How about?"


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

She was so well prepared for this drama.

So much so that sometimes Xu Xin could completely give up control over her and give her full freedom to watch her perform.


He sighed in his heart and nodded:

"Then you can play freely in this scene... Lin Gou, come on, let's talk..."

Soon, the crew was ready.

Extras come on board.

For safety reasons, there are two jet skis next to it, with a total of four lifeguards sitting on them.

"Let everyone pay attention to safety. Director Wang, are you ready?"

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Wang Lei, who was sitting on the rocker arm, gave a thumbs up to indicate that he was ready.

"Well, let's start with the board."

Xu Xin didn’t wear headphones either.


The sound of the ship's motor has been collected.

There are no lines in this part either.

The difficulty in filming is no longer the radio, but the tacit understanding between Wang Lei and Liu Yifei.

How do actors perform and how do photographers take photos?

This is the hard part.

When everything was ready, the boatman invited to control the boat began to set up the boat after getting Zhang Mo's gesture.

With the chug of the engine, the boat headed towards the other side of the river.

In front of three monitors, Xu Xin narrowed his eyes as he watched the slowly advancing pictures on the monitors.

When the boat started, it shook a little.

In the crowd of extras, Jingqiu, played by Liu Yifei, subconsciously grabbed the boat gang.

But at this moment, the group of performers next to her lost their balance... Xu Xin originally allowed them to perform freely, but although the start was not sudden, for someone who was not used to riding on a boat, it was especially difficult. Standing... it seems a bit awkward.

As a result, the extra who had his back to Liu Yifei lost his balance and subconsciously fell towards her.

Xu Xing was about to shout stop, but he saw Jingqiu in the camera subconsciously shrinking her neck after someone lost her balance. Then when she noticed someone approaching, the hand that was originally supporting the boat hurriedly supported the extra.

With her support, the extras steadied their bodies, grabbed the boat, subconsciously turned their heads and glanced, and said something with a tone full of apology and uneasiness.

No sound, can't hear clearly.

But Liu Yifei shrank her neck and made a small retreating movement.

Not really retreating, but the way of retreating and avoiding.

There's no disapproval, I'm just "holding back" and shaking my head.

By this time the ship was sailing smoothly.

Everyone stood firm.

After she shook her head, she covered the military green crossbody bag with both hands and stared at the river in a daze.

From helping the boat, to helping people, to backing away and looking dazed, it was all natural.

He vividly demonstrated his dislike of contact with others, but his eagerness to help others.

Amidst the sound of the motor, the boat arrived at the ferry on the other side of the river.

The scene ends.

Xu Xin nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, this part performed well. But now let's go back and take another normal shot to see the effect... Yifei, the performance is very good, quite natural."

Liu Yifei on the boat didn't speak, but just gave a thumbs up to the camera. The boat began to slowly retreat, turned around, and spent some time before reaching the ferry again.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

There's nothing I can do about it, filming is like this.

It may only be a few seconds before the show, but the preparation may take at least half an hour...or even an hour.

And now the sky has entered the dusk stage.

The setting sun reflects on the river, and people's faces are naturally tinged with a hazy light.

So, after taking a normal shot... Xu Xin thought about it and suddenly felt that it would be good to match the unexpected shot just now.

I came again.

But this time because the extra act was too contrived, Liu Yifei fell down without holding her.

The boat sailed back again and continued filming...

I shot it back and forth three times.

It never achieved the effect Xu Xin wanted.

But the dusk was missed.

It was starting to get dark too.

Seeing this, he planned to let everyone call it a day.

I think I can add another one tomorrow.

But as soon as this idea was born, I was suddenly shocked...

Oh my god.

Why am I the same as Wang Jiawei?

If Yang Mi knew what Xu Xin was thinking at this moment, she would probably sneer.

But pull it down.

Do you compare with Director Wang?

You beat him up as a younger brother.

Have you seen Liang Chaowei still standing in the heavy rain?

Yes, this is the scene again.

That’s fucking outrageous…

In one month, Yang Mi, including herself, shot three or four scenes.

The entire crew spent time with Tony Leung.

But can you say that Tony Leung has no acting skills?


Can you say that he is not desperate?

His arm was kicked to the bone by that martial artist.

Persevere despite the injury.

This spirit of the older generation of Xiangjiang actors is indeed worthy of admiration and learning... But, Director Wang.

You are such a big daddy.

Are we really...that outrageous?

Yang Mi, who felt like she was going moldy this month, looked numbly at the actors who were repositioned again, with a look of despair on her face.

She finally knew where Wang Jiawei's play was so slow.

Today is May 12th.

For a whole month, I averaged two to three fight scenes a day, but I just couldn't get through it, and I couldn't meet Director Wang's heart's requirement of "harmony between man and nature".

Simply outrageous!

Everyone else’s bones are broken!

Do you have to torture him like this?

Let Liang Chaowei recuperate first. After the injury is healed, can he adjust his condition before filming?

She regretted it.

I really regret it.

If I had known earlier... I really wouldn't have come!

Why are Zhang Ziyi and I competing for this?

Give it, give it, I give it to you, can I give it to you?

How outrageous!

Looking at the scene where the crew was fighting again, with figures swaying around in the camera, she sighed helplessly.

Eyes filled with love.

That’s all.

Grind it.

This is the only time in our lives... that we will cooperate.

My aunt wants to see it... You filmed the fight scene for a month, right?


Do you want to shoot this movie for another three years?

The first half of this chapter is actually very sloppy, so please forgive me. As for the reason... I understand.

Then the chapter number was 466 twice yesterday, so I made a mistake. I have to ask the editor to correct it tomorrow. It’s too late today.

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