I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 473 471 Conversation over the Air

Chapter 473 471. Conversation over the air


The set of "The Grandmaster".

Just when Yang Mi's mind was full of things and she was wondering how much torture Liang Chaowei would have to suffer, suddenly, she heard Wang Jiawei's words:

"Okay, passed."


Isn’t this satisfactory? I have to put Liang Chaowei to death... huh?

Her eyes suddenly fixed.

Wait wait...what the hell?

The expression she looked at Wang Jiawei could be described as terrifying.

Passed it, passed it... passed it?

? ? ? ?

Forget about her, everyone else was also a little confused.

Even the most confused ones were the martial artists lying in the rain.

Everyone looked in disbelief, staring blankly at the director wearing sunglasses.

Passed... passed?

"Next scene, Ah Jin, the conversation between your character Ma San and Gong Yutian, get ready. Tony, thank you for your hard work. I asked Ade to take you to the hospital."

Liang Chaowei covered his arm and nodded in pain.

When Yang Mi heard this, her impression of Wang Jiawei suddenly changed.

It’s okay, Director Wang doesn’t feel sorry for people either.

As soon as the scene was over and out of the filming state, I quickly paid attention to the actor's condition.

As she was thinking, she suddenly heard another sentence:

"Take a good rest these two months. Once you have rested, we will film the scene where you break into the Golden House."


The corner of her mouth twitched.

Two...two months?

have to.

Just endure it.


"Let me tell you, I really vomited. Today was supposed to be a happy day, you know? Liang Chaowei fought in the rain for a full month and finally got through, but ended up stuck again with Zhang Jin and Wang Qingxiang."

"Why is it stuck this time?"

"Why else? Zhang Jin can't figure out the character. This scene is about Ma San fighting on behalf of the old man. His hands and feet were too heavy and injured many people, which made the Guangdong and Guangxi martial arts circles lose face. The old man saw that his disciple was too sharp, This knife must be well hidden. Let him become famous in a few years... The two of them only had a few lines, but they couldn't achieve the effect he wanted after filming more than twenty times... We will continue filming tomorrow... Ahhhhh !I’m going crazy!!!”

Listening to his wife's complaints on the phone, Xu Xin scratched his head:

"More than twenty times? What's the problem? The actor's acting skills are not up to par? The lines are not read correctly? Or what?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm just not satisfied. I didn't say where I was, so I just let Zhang Jin figure it out. Zhang Jin almost cried, you know? And the most outrageous thing is... do you know what he said to Liang Chaowei?" He said: Tony, you have a good rest and we will film the scene where you broke into the golden building in two months.

If I remember correctly, that scene was about Jinlou, a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and a group of people fed him tricks... God knows how long it took to film, it was really outrageous! Then I have a fight scene with him. When will it be my turn? "


For a moment, Xu Xin was speechless.

Because he couldn't figure out why it could be shot so slowly.


"By the way, you're going back to Yanjing in a few days, right?"

"Yes, it's about "The Legend of Zhen Huan". But I guess it will be a little difficult for me to go back according to the situation. I plan to discuss it with Director Wang tomorrow after Zhang Jin's scene is over, and see if I can focus on filming mine first. Drama. I really can’t afford to spend time with him here.”

"...That's fine, then you can adjust the time. As long as you can maintain your condition."


Yang Mi rubbed her forehead with a headache:

"Really, it's so torturous... How are you doing there?"

"We're halfway through the process, so to speak. It's expected to be almost over by this time next month~ I'll go find you after the filming is over, and also see what kind of torture method it is. Study hard and use it for torture in the future. you……"


After his words were spoken, Yang Mi sneered:

"I won't say any harsh words. It seems that I am bullying the small. Just come directly. Once you come, you will see that everything you imagine now is nothing compared to this crew. Too much How naive, young man.”


Xu Xin chuckled lightly, and after chatting with her for a while, he hung up the phone.

What exactly happened to the wife remains to be determined.

But his life is not easy now.

As we all know, it is actually the most difficult to keep up with progress under certain circumstances.

During this one-month flowering period, he had to complete all the filming of the seasonal characteristics of "The Hawthorn Tree", which was actually quite stressful.

Fortunately, scheduling has always been his strength, and he is quite good at arranging these tasks reasonably.

Moreover, the actors we found this time are all in good condition, and they all know the roles they want to play.

The only problem now is how to present that misty and hazy environment.

In order to make the pale-based images look more beautiful, he set several scenes in hazy mist and rain.

This kind of rain has to happen.

It takes luck.

It won't work if it's too big, and it won't work if it's too small.

I hope God will do his best.

Xu Xin is busy, and Yang Mi is not idle either.

The literary drama between Zhang Jin and Wang Qingxiang took three days to shoot, but the martial arts drama took a week.

It’s really a matter of taking one shot at a time.

A scene in the Golden Building that required a martial artist to smash the railing and fly out was shot over and over again, and decorated over and over again...

Yang Mi was a little impressed by this patience.

Director Wang's temperament... is really hard-wearing.

However, these days' dramas are not just about the two of them, there is also a set that is being arranged intensively.

That is, after Gong Yutian lost, Gong Er held the King's Night Banquet again in Jinlou, intending to get back what the Gong family had lost.

Yang Mi didn't know exactly how to shoot this scene.

I only know that Wang Jiawei has been busy working on the scenery recently.

Moreover, she could often hear the sounds of Western operas playing in the increasingly exquisitely decorated set room.

It was still sung on an old-fashioned gramophone.

She also specifically looked at the vinyl record.

But I can’t quite understand the English above.

After taking the photo and sending it to Jay Chou, Jay Chou explained to her:

"'Matthew Psalm', a stanza from Bach's 'Matthew Passion'. Oh, you have good taste. Have you started listening to opera recently?"

Yang Mi didn't explain much.

She just took a photo of the set room, returned home, uploaded it to her computer, and then translated and listened to the entire story of "Matthew Passion" and this single section.

I closed my eyes and simulated in my mind why Wang Jiawei wanted to add this song and this element to this story of the Republic of China.

The set room is very luxurious.

The song is spiritual and powerful.

How is he going to shoot it? How to arrange it?

It was obviously just a confrontation with Ip Man before the fight started...

Think over and over again, ponder over and over again, and think over and over again in what performance state you should be in to deal with it.

In the beginning, she simulated many scenarios.

For example, she and Ip Man were tit for tat.

For example, the two of them smiled but hid their knives.

But none of it feels right.

If this BGM was to be used here, paired with this luxurious setting, she felt... the first atmosphere of this scene should be a conflict with strong contradictions and contrasts.

But what should be the linguistic structure of this conflict in the camera?

What should their acting skills be like?

She thought about it for several nights and couldn't figure it out.

Finally, she sent the photo to Xu Xin:

"Brother, help me look at this scene."

Over there in Yuan'an.

God is good.

In the evening, Xu Xin finally captured the hazy and ethereal feeling of azure mist and rain that he wanted.

And he decided directly to excerpt this footage and use it as a poster for "The Hawthorn Tree".

I can't help it, it's so beautiful.

Liu Yifei, whose hair was slightly wet, held an old oil-paper umbrella, waiting for the shot of Lao San in the hazy rain.

Not to mention it was him, everyone on the crew admitted...

At this moment, Liu Yifei is not even called a "mundane" person like a fairy sister.

If you say she is really a fairy descended to earth, I believe it.

When he returned to the hotel with joy and received a call from his wife, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Mo were also in his room.

The old man just came here today.

Accompanying me, I finished filming Liu Yifei’s scene.

After coming back, they originally planned to have dinner together in the evening. Xu Xin showed him the footage taken recently and asked the old man to evaluate it just like handing in homework. Unexpectedly, he received a call from his wife.

Turn on the computer and see the email.

After downloading the photo and clicking it to look at it, Xu Xin suddenly felt happy:

"Ha, what is this? "The Last Supper"?"

He said with a smile, looking at the photo of the entire set divided by the luxurious decoration on the central axis.

Zhang Yimou said nothing, just stared at the photo and frowned.

"The Last Supper?...Hmm."

Yang Mi, who was also staring at the computer, looked at it and said:

"No wonder... when you say it, it seems like... no wonder you have to use an aria. I'm sending you a file. You can read it together with this song."

"Okay...tell me first what you want to do?"

"This scene is where I want to shoot next. But I'm a little unsure these days. Please help me find my feelings. This is the place where Gong Er and Ip Man went to the banquet before the fight. I thought about several emotions. , are not quite right. Director Wang wants to use this aria as the soundtrack, but no matter how I look at it, I don’t think it fits..."

While talking, Xu Xin also received an email with an MP3 attachment.

"Okay, let me take a look."

After downloading the MP3, Xu Xin found that it was a piece of music that lasted about ten minutes.

"Ten minutes, so long..."

"The original version is longer. The wheel said that this song composed by Bach is divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts, which together last three hours. This is the section that Director Wang wants to use..."

As he spoke, the song started playing.

Xu Xin responded:

"Okay, don't talk for now, let me feel it."

I put down the phone, turned up the volume on my laptop, and made the photo full screen.

He and the old man narrowed their eyes together.

Zhang Mo on the side was also feeling silently...

About three or four minutes later, Xu Xin suddenly said to the old man:

"This feels like The Last Supper, right?"

"It's not a feeling, it's just."

Zhang Yimou shook his head slightly and asked:

“Have you ever seen Bach’s Matthew Passion conducted by Karl Richter?”

? ? ?

Seeing Xu Xin's confused look, he smiled:

"The source of this audio. But I haven't studied much about religion. How do you feel now?"

"I'm thinking about it in conjunction with the story. A martial arts drama from the Republic of China suddenly needs to use this kind of Western elements... Putting aside the soundtrack, it must be based on visual performance. There are Ip Man and Gong Er in this scene... …Can you understand?”

He thought that the old man didn't know what story "The Grandmaster" was about, so he planned to explain it.

But the old man just rolled his eyes, pointed at the central axis of the screen and said:

"If it's in place, then it has to be the man on the left and the woman on the right... Find a picture of "The Last Supper" and compare the two sides."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin quickly searched Baidu.

After downloading the pictures, although the clarity is average, the taste is immediately apparent when the two pictures are compared one above the other.

While Zhang Mo was still thinking about how to compare the pictures with obviously different settings, Xu Xin suddenly chuckled:

"Ha, got it."


Zhang Moxin said, what do you understand?

But Xu Xin pointed at the place where the old man pointed just now:

"Then divide the divisions according to the male left and female right. Liang Chaowei, it should be here, Yang Mi is on the right. As for the position of the two of them... they definitely can't be like Jesus, spreading his hands and lying flat. The two of them... Oh yes."

He suddenly thought of something and shook his head:

"This scene should not be about the man on the left and the woman on the right. It should be the other way around. Tony Leung is on the right, because this scene is a treat scene, right?"


Yang Mi on the phone responded:

"Yes, that's the scene."

"That's right, the winner's treat. According to the master-slave relationship, Liang Chaowei should be the one who appears on the right side of the camera. And you happen to be on the left... If you look at it this way, this shooting angle..."

"Got to profile."

Zhang Yimou didn't worry about how the two of them should sit.

Because the central axis is there, just follow the story of the script.

He just said:

"Profiling, static shooting. Since he decided to create such a holy atmosphere, there must be extras around him. The extras are static...I guess he will also imitate the disciples in this painting, posing in various poses expression……"

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Is it an observation? Jinlou is a romantic place in the script, and the Yao Sister is definitely indispensable. Gong Er is a lady from a famous family, and she definitely can't act like Jesus here... It's not impossible to act like that. But no matter how she acts, , the actors around her should also be observing her... behind with static expressions?"

Zhang Mo: What? What's behind?

Zhang Yimou followed his words:

"Yes, but you can't sit too spread out. If you sit too spread out, people will be able to tell who you are imitating at a glance. So... more people should be watching. Sit behind her and watch from her blind spot. As for the expression... …”

Zhang Mo: Oh, so I meant standing behind the protagonist.

Before Zhang Yimou could summarize it, Xu Xin had already figured out his thoughts:

"In terms of expression... picky, judgmental, frivolous... or envious? No, no, no, envy should be less. Jealousy is more appropriate. Right? People with different fates, they are lonely actors, but they are also women, Gong Er Being able to sit at the table...but she represents the Gong family, and Ip Man is the one who defeated her father. Logically speaking, this place should be very tense...but with this music..."

Zhang Mo: I know, I know! Point to point!

The old man, who had never guessed that his daughter was also "booing" in his heart, responded:

"Well, since you are a lady, you should be well-educated and sensible. No matter who is hosting the banquet, the visitor is a guest. No matter how directed you are, you will not show it at the dinner table. That would be rude. But you will not be too polite or too polite. , the warrior's momentum weakened.

Therefore, their faces should be calm and calm. With this kind of expressiveness, it matches the atmosphere of the music very well. However, if this is the case, then some special contrast is needed to express the difference between the two people. "

Zhang Mo:? ? ? ?

Xu Xin’s eyes lit up as he understood the script and story content better:

"Clothing...or makeup. How about it? A prostitute with charming makeup, willow-leaf eyebrows, and exquisite clothes. Can Ip Man and Gong Er be more elegant? Since we need to contrast this difference, then...

The picture is given a background at the beginning, and then pulled back little by little. When the two of them were brought together, the contrast in makeup came out. The gorgeous but pink skull-like actor stood and commented on the two people on the table, but these two people were dressed in plain clothes... Suhua sat in front of the table.

Everyone wore makeup, which reflected her elegance. On the other hand, the human world is full of skeletons and bones. These gorgeous but empty bodies have become the contrast that makes her successful. It just feels like a little bit of green among thousands of flowers. No makeup is needed. Through the background behind her, she becomes the most special one. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yimou expressed his agreement:

"Well, you can go like this. There is no need to look dignified or different from others. Just wait quietly. Wait for the other party to speak first, or calmly say some tit-for-tat lines. Hide all the smell of gunpowder here. Among the holy and magnificent music and the surrounding "environment". Then she is the most different and does not need any other embellishments..."

"So, the two of them don't need to show their emotions very much. They just need to stay restrained."


The two of you have a story, and I have a story.

Three plus five divided by two deconstructs this BGM and this picture... Although I dare not say it is the best, but it is the most suitable shooting method, I have deconstructed it clearly.

Even if Zhang Yimou doesn't know the specific story content of "The Grandmaster", he doesn't even know how the scenes before and after this scene are connected.

But sometimes the truths are actually interoperable.

The old man who has been immersed in this aspect for a lifetime has too much experience.

After understanding the analysis, Xu Xin lowered his head and said to his wife on the phone:

"Did you hear everything Director Zhang said?"

"I heard it, and I understand it. Okay, then I'll start from this aspect... If Director Wang doesn't agree... Hey, I won't disagree. This scene must have been shot at least ten times, and it can be shot according to my wishes no matter what. Once, I will tell you the effect when the time comes, and let him taste it after the shooting. I gave up...Thank you, Director Zhang."


The call was immediately hung up.

Xu Xin also closed the two pictures and paused the music playback.

Then I opened the dedicated video clip decoding player, connected the external camera storage device, and started playing the footage shot during this period.

The two directors have already begun the following work.

But Zhang Mo, who was sitting next to the two of them, was still thinking about what they had just said...

Oh~~Yes, yes, indeed, tit-for-tat is a bit inappropriate.

If this kind of beautiful music and scenery can match the contrast they mentioned, the feeling of the prostitute criticizing the protagonist...well, it would be great.

Well, according to that, people really can’t be too scattered. Because I want to watch...

After all, her thinking was still several beats behind the two of them.

By the time she had thoroughly figured out how to film this scene through the two people's thoughts, Xu Xin and the old man had already begun to exchange the contents of several clips of "The Hawthorn Tree".

Zhang Mo didn't feel anything at all.

After this period of time, she had already tasted the difference between herself and Xu Xin.

The most intuitive thing is the difference in thinking reaction speed.

But she is not discouraged.

Dad said that the ultimate goal of a director is to achieve the same goal through different paths.

What's the point of him running faster?


Can you still fly?


When Yang Mi saw the little sisters in the extras, each wearing a gorgeous cheongsam, sitting in front of the makeup mirror and putting on makeup, she immediately understood...her brother and Director Zhang were on the right track.

Then... that's easy.

She walked directly to Wang Jiawei.

"Director Wang, morning, it's my show today, right?"

Because of Wang Jiawei's unscripted shooting style, even an actor has to ask about today's plans when he comes in the morning.

as expected.

Wang Jiawei nodded and took out the crumpled note in his hand.

"Here, take a look."

Yang Mi took it and took a look. There was a line written on it:

"Gong Er is sitting in the room at the Jinlou night banquet. His temperament is incompatible with the surroundings, waiting for the arrival of Ye Wen."

The second line of words:

"Gong Er and Ye Wen were sitting at the table, tit for tat."

Just looking at these two lines of words, it is really the outrageous father who opened the door for the outrageous.

It's so outrageous.


got used to.

"Okay, got it."

Yang Mi nodded and asked:

"Have you already designed the makeup?"

"Yeah. You go ahead."


She remembered the contents of the note and walked directly to the dressing room.


She looked at the almost bare face in the mirror, and she felt even more confident.

That's absolutely true.

When he came out of the dressing room, he happened to bump into Liang Chaowei, whose hands were still tied up.

Looking at the other person's arm, she had to sigh in her heart again.

Don't talk about the decline of the Hong Kong film industry. Putting aside these things, judging from the level of professionalism, she has really learned.

To be honest, if she suffered a broken bone while filming, she would definitely go to recuperate first.

Work-related injuries caused by work require recovery and treatment after injury.

This is a very normal phenomenon.

It has nothing to do with enlightenment.

Instead of treating the injury, he chose to persevere through the injury. In her opinion...it's not like devoting oneself to the great cause of mankind.

Although making movies is also for art, taking such risks to continue filming is a bit too outrageous.

However, Liang Chaowei persisted.

I insisted on finishing filming that fight scene before going back to treatment.

This is quite outrageous.

It's obviously not a particularly touching thing, but when he made it like this, it seemed like if everyone broke an arm and became lame during filming, it didn't matter.

The problem is that this itself is stupid.

Therefore, she felt that Liang Chaowei was a bit exaggerated in this matter.

But this is also a conclusion based on the facts.

From another perspective, the other party's professionalism is indeed worthy of her deep thought and learning.

The premise is not to gamble with your career.

For the sake of a drama, risk your bones and joints getting sore in the wind and rain in the future?

Sorry, she can't do it.

If I am not related to you, why should I sell my life to you?

You are not my brother.

It’s not like finishing this movie will save the earth.

"Brother Tony, how is your arm?"

she asked.

Liang Chaowei smiled and nodded:

"Good morning...it's okay. Just recover slowly. I was just about to ask you. Let's go for a scene? Did you find Director Wang and see today's shooting assignment?"

Since the arms cannot move, the fight scenes between the two of them and the kung fu scenes of other people will be postponed.

So during this period, there were mostly literary plays.

"I've looked for it and seen it. Let's go..."

With that said, the two of them walked towards the set that was temporarily named "The Last Supper" by Yang Mi.

About half an hour passed.

All actors have their makeup done.

Liang Chaowei and Yang Mi also separated after finishing their scenes.

The warm-up process for the two of them to enter the role is actually similar. They both need to be alone for a period of time without anyone else.

Yang Mi half-squinted her eyes, turning a deaf ear to the words in her ears that Wang Jiawei was personally arranging for these extra girls.

She didn’t know how long it took before she heard Wang Jiawei’s voice:

"Ready to start shooting."

Then, open your eyes.

The woman, who is as beautiful as a plum blossom in the snow, has calm eyes and walks towards the table in the set room calmly and step by step.

Some girls now kept in mind Director Wang's instructions and began to maintain their expressions.

When looking at Yang Mi, a look of scrutiny inevitably appeared.

But unfortunately, Yang Mi didn't pay attention to them.

No need to have either.

After a while, the back of the head was exposed to them, and they could look at it as they wished.

She just walked into the frame of the camera step by step.

He walked into Wang Jiawei's sunglasses who was sitting in front of the monitor.

In the first scene, Ip Man hasn’t arrived yet.

Gong Er wants to hold the entire audience by himself and "become the most beautiful".

As she came to the seat step by step in the camera, the photographer had begun to focus.

The experienced photographer had already focused on Yang Mi the moment she sat down.

Yang Mi sat down.

When sitting, her legs are spread out, her back is straightened, and she has a big horse and a golden sword.

Logically speaking, it is definitely indecent for a woman to cheat while sitting down.

But the table had a diamond-shaped tablecloth, just enough to cover her legs.

And this kind of man's sitting posture can make her whole person look very upright. Moreover, some people with experience in opera will know Yang Mi's posture at this moment at a glance. Even if her legs are not visible, her sitting posture is based on the Peking Opera technique of "small seat".

Women do not give way to men.

Therefore, in this scene, there is no need to think about the elegance of her sitting posture. She only needs to let the audience see her momentum on the table.


Cameras, monitors, and everyone's sight.

They looked at the woman sitting behind the table, wearing an embroidered cheongsam with a black bottom and a ponytail, sitting upright, placing one hand in front of the table, staring at something, motionless...

At this moment, Yang Mi ended.

Mr. Gong Er...

Make an appearance on stage.

It instantly attracted the attention of the onlookers.

no way.

The face can be punched.


Xu Haofeng on the side suddenly frowned.

She's sitting in the wrong position... How can she be facing to the right?

It should be facing left.

However, he remained silent.

Mimi's understanding of this script and Gong Er is as good as anyone else's.

Since she chose to do this... she should have her own reasons.

Take a look first.

If something is really wrong, you can mention it to Director Wang when the time comes.

Xu Haofeng thought secretly.

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