I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 474 Chapter 472 Finished

Chapter 474 472. Finalization

There are no lines in this scene.

Generally speaking, actors only need to pose there, and it is up to them how the director shoots and how the camera moves.

But some plays are more difficult, and that’s because they don’t have lines.

In Wang Jiawei's own mind, this shot was actually a difficult point.

That's how to express the feeling he wants.


What does it feel like, you ask?

Answer: I don’t know.

He couldn't describe it himself, but the hazy feeling was there.

Because there was no script for filming, all the plots were in his mind. Therefore, sometimes he tortures not only the actors, but also the crew around him.

For example, a photographer.

The photographer this time is an American named Philip Lexu.


Wang Jiawei's best friend.

He is also an expert in photography.

Speaking of the most famous works... Will Smith's "Seven Pounds" was shot by him, and he also directed "Tango of the Heart".

He is also the photographer for Wang Jiawei's films "Only One Sun" and "In the Heart".

It's not wrong to say it's for royal use.

The two have collaborated many times, so Philippe Lexu obviously knows Wang Jiawei's shooting habits well.

But even he occasionally shows impatience.

You can imagine how annoying Wang Jiawei is.

However, because Wang Jiawei could not give a specific plan for this scene, the shooting route gave Philippe Lexu a very high degree of freedom.

How to shoot this scene is all about freedom of expression.

He could shoot however he wanted, as long as he got the effect Wang Jiawei wanted in the end.

And when Yang Mi sat down in her seat and the brothel girls played by the girls called "aunts" in the play were also ready, there was no need for Wang Jiawei to speak. Philip, who was sitting on the slide, was talking to her. After adjusting the machine, he shouted in blunt Chinese:

"OK, MIMI, I'm damned."


Yang Mi, who originally maintained a good expression, instantly lost her strength.

Not to mention her, even the girls behind were laughing.

A series of laughter like silver bells sounded throughout the set room.

The emotions that had been adjusted so easily were washed away, and Yang Mi said helplessly in English:

"You can speak English too, Philip."

Philippe Lexu, who didn't know what mistake he had made, shrugged helplessly.

It can be regarded as injecting a bit of vitality into the morning set.

And then...it's endless torture.

One play, one morning.

In fact, strictly speaking, Philip Lesu felt that he had achieved the effect he wanted the first time.

After the official start of the laugh scene, Yang Mi readjusted her posture and entered the mood again.

She didn't deliberately grimace.

In fact, although Philip's shooting started when she sat down, her performance started when she walked.

When she walks, she steps her left leg forward first, then her right leg.

Especially when you come to the chair, the sitting posture of the big horse is the same. When sitting down, the left leg reaches the position first, and then the right leg turns to the left. After arriving at the seat position, he sits down directly.

This can ensure that the moment she sits down, her body will turn to the right and sit down.

This is the "small seat" in Peking Opera.

And her set of actions are also the unchanging rules of Peking Opera.

Small seat, just sit like this.

Both men and women.

No matter what kind of play it is or what position it is, the seats have to walk like this, sit like this, and the body has to turn this way.

Dead rules, hard rules.

At the same time, if the other party can cooperate with this kind of sideways movement, then the two of them only need to show sideways movements.

At that time, the communication feeling presented to the audience was not based on subjective vision of face to face or expression to expression, but communication from the "corner of the eye" to show that vivid feeling.

If we were to be more serious, this body would have something to say.

What is the angle of the "meridian pose", how to put the hands forward and backward, one virtual and one real on the knees to support the body, and how to perform well, these are all a very sophisticated system.

After the 0th laugh of Phillip's "I'm done", while preparing again, Wang Jiawei also noticed an extra fan on the table that was not among the props:

"Props, take the fan away. Whose fan was forgotten on the table..."

The fan itself is for those aunties.

Beauty shakes the fan, gold dominates romance.

But as soon as he said this, Yang Mi stopped the approaching prop:

"Director, I have some ideas of my own here."

Wang Jiawei was a little confused:


"This fan is a must."

She picked up the sandalwood fan painted black:

"This fan will be pressing on my left hand for a while."


Although Wang Jiawei was wearing sunglasses and couldn't see his eyes, Yang Mi looked at his silent expression and knew that he was waiting for her explanation.

So he continued:

“In those days, when holding a fist and cupping one’s hand, one had to press the left hand over the right hand, because the right hand was often used as a weapon, and pressing it down meant peace.

But... Gong Er was not convinced by Ip Man.

Because Director Wang, you didn’t plan a scene where the two of them meet and greet each other. So I designed a movement where my right hand is lowered from my body and my left hand is pressing the fan on the table. According to the normal explanation, if I hold the fan with my right hand, the hand that usually holds the sword is exposed as a warning. Tell Ip Man that you know exactly what is going on in this competition.

And if I sit on the left and expose my right hand, it also means that I have the upper hand. I can move whenever I want. Use this fan as a weapon to attack. But I won’t tighten my grip, which means I’m sure I’m going to attack. Today is a banquet after all, so even if we want to fight, we have to wait until it’s over.

Therefore, the fan will not move here. And my hands are like this..."

As she spoke, she sat down with a stern look on her face:

"I just clasped my hands on the fan. The reason is that my position here is on the right in the camera, but actually from my perspective, I am on the left.

I am a member of the Gong family. The Gong family handles affairs openly and will not take advantage of others' danger. This is a "literary spirit". And "Martial Qi" is what I just explained.

In this scene, I had to go toe-to-toe with Ip Man, but I also couldn’t lose the face of the Gong family. This is the action I designed.

Zuo Weizun, there is a difference between superior and inferior. In Gong Er's heart, he still looked down on Ip Man. In the previous scene, Gong Yutian said to Gong Er personally: The winner is treated to a treat. Logically speaking, Ip Man should be sitting in my position. After all, according to the drinking position, the host companion is to the left of the guest of honor. The host is the person who invites guests to dinner.

But I don't, so I still sit on the left. When I sit in this position, I am the host, and Ip Man is just the guest. The Gong family has never failed. If it fails, the Gong family will find it back.

Therefore, from the perspective of the relationship between master and subordinate and the deconstruction of the lens, this explanation can be obtained by holding the fan in the left hand. This is my own design. From the camera to the psychological changes of the characters...

Because there are no lines in the first scene, I think this sudden change in the first scene can be combined with the unceremonious tit-for-tat confrontation between the two in the second scene. Brother Tony and I had a chat just now, and he thought it was pretty good. "




After Yang Mi gave her explanation, Liang Chaowei nodded.

Apparently, Yang Mi also successfully persuaded him to use this somewhat contradictory "male and female reverse" lens to shoot.

People including Wang Qingxiang and Zhang Jin who were waiting at the scene had already gathered around.

Xu Haofeng and the others on the sidelines were also thoughtful.

Lao Xu looked at Yang Mi who sat down again and kept her fan still, and subconsciously sighed softly.



Tell me, why do you sit on the right and face left... It turns out there is such a design.


This design…

Did she think about it? Or... Xiao Xu was helping with suggestions from behind?

That’s awesome! Hey!

Xu Haofeng didn't know that Xu Xin actually thought the same thing as him. The relationship between the left and right positions in this scene is Yang Mi's own interpretation.

It's her own understanding of the character.

After she finished explaining, Wang Jiawei didn't say anything, but this time he shouted ACTION instead of Phillip.

Acting is a no-brainer.

Yang Mi understands the role of Gong Er very well.

She maintained this position, staring.

From the figure, gestures, and eyes, after appropriating the frame of the Peking Opera seat, the rich beauty that is seen from any angle suddenly emerges.

This is the charm of traditional opera culture.

It is also a foundation accumulated over hundreds of years.

And Philip followed his own ideas and quickly finished filming the first scene.

While filming, I kept shouting "BRAVO".

But when it comes to the King of Sunglasses...

"Mimi, you are changing the angle. This time, sit on the left and take a look..."

Okay, this is the second time.

"Don't hold the fan with your hands this time...take the fan away and we'll see again."

The third time.

"Can your eyes be more unreal, not so focused, and express some preoccupied feelings?"

The fourth time.

"Philip, try gradually and gradually."

The fifth time.

"Let's change it again and try to take pictures from the angle of the aunts, from back to front..."

The sixth time...

Again, again, and again.

The whole morning passed.

have lunch.

An empty lunch box was placed next to Yang Mi.

He also held a portion in his hand.

She glanced at it as she picked up her second portion of pig's trotter rice.

After making sure that no one was paying attention to him, he muttered to Sun Ting:

"Grandma's legs... I feel like I'm about to get hemorrhoids."

"Pfft...cough cough cough cough."

Sun Ting covered her mouth, careful not to spray her rice grains onto Yang Mi, while trying to calm down her breathing.

Sister has hemorrhoids?

Why didn't I know?

After so many years together...why haven't I heard of it?

its not right.

Sister usually likes to exercise so much, how could she get hemorrhoids?

Moreover, women are less likely to have hemorrhoids than men.



As if she thought of something, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Good...good guy.

Playing...it's quite fun to play.

Sun Ting, who had been together for three or four years and whose work could no longer bring any "freshness", calmed down her cough and whispered quickly:

"Sister, let me buy a tube of Ma Yinglong and prepare it?"

"...Isn't that thing supposed to cure acne?"

Yang Mi asked in surprise.

Sun Ting was speechless:

"That's hemorrhoid cream!"

"I don't have hemorrhoids or acne. What should I use that for?"


Sun Ting was even more speechless:

"Then you just said..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked cute:

"Isn't that an adjective? I've been sitting on the hardwood bench all morning, and my butt hurts now~"


Manager Sun, who is known as "below two people and above ten thousand people" in the company, opened his mouth...

Finally he lowered his head again.

Two words passed through my heart faintly:


June 4th.


"Everyone, it's the last scene. The filming was completed successfully, and we're off to the closing banquet. Director Xu is treating us!!"

Lin Gou, who was covered in purple paint and didn't even take off his makeup, shouted this.

Just now, he and Liu Yifei had just finished filming the scene where Jingqiu said goodbye to her third child with a smile, and their emotions for more than two months were completely released.

By now I had gotten carried away.

To be honest, the acting was really enjoyable.

There is really a lot of growth.

In this drama, Lao Xu finally figured himself out.

From the beginning, when compared with Liu Yifei, she was still young, but later she developed a tacit understanding little by little. After this scene, Lin Xingxin's spirit was completely relaxed.

At this time, he saw Liu Yifei who was still crying.

Obviously, the other party hasn't gotten over the ending of the script of "Jingqiu bids farewell to her third child".

So he walked forward and patted Liu Yifei on the shoulder.

"Hey, look, I'm alive again."

The moment Liu Yifei raised his head, he said this.

As for "The Hawthorn Tree", Liu Yifei, who can be said to be "deeply affectionate", was stunned for a moment...


Tears turned into laughter in an instant.

In fact, because she cried so hard, snot bubbles came out of her nose when she sprayed it.

But Lin Xingxin didn't care.

Just open your arms.

and Liu Yifei crowded together.

It's not that the two of them are a couple, but that as working partners, in the past two months of repeatedly jumping out of and into the characters' minds, the two of them have a more intimate relationship than others.

Hold the beauty in your arms.

He patted the other person's back without any lust:

"Okay, don't cry. We'll finish shooting the last scene in a while, and let's have a drink tonight."


Liu Yifei gave her own feedback.

She patted Lin Xinxin's back and signaled him to let go of her.

Then he waved to the makeup artist, indicating that he would touch up his makeup.

While letting the powder puff slap her cheeks, she looked at Liu Xiaoli, who came over specially after learning that her daughter was going to finish her filming.

Mom arrived yesterday.

After arriving, I spent a day with myself.

When she returned to her residence last night, she mentioned it to herself.

It probably means:

"Why do I feel that when Xu Xin shoots you, it feels very bland."

Is it bland?


She didn't explain that much to her mother.

Because...it’s not “Jingqiu” herself, she wouldn’t feel this way.

This script is not based on the kind of heart-wrenching filming.

It is like a small river, a winding stream, infiltrating everything silently and silently.

The emotional line between Lao San and Jing Qiu is advanced layer by layer.

If you look at it from the middle, you will feel that this movie is very "plain".

There's no real conflict, nothing particularly memorable.

But if you watch it from the beginning and slowly, she believes that the audience will be able to feel what they feel...the delicate emotions in the pale background in this specific era.

Therefore, the further the performance goes, the more natural her emotions become.

This feeling becomes more sincere.

Mom doesn’t understand, that’s okay.

After it is released, I will take her to see it and she will know...

Thinking of this, she unconsciously turned her head to look at Xu Xin.

The creator of all this is currently watching the footage on the monitor with Director Zhang, wondering what they are talking about.

She didn't even try to guess.

I just closed my eyes again, silently adjusting my emotions, and prepared for the last scene, which represents the entire timeline of the movie and is jokingly called the last road of "walking around the world" by the crew.

In fact, she considers herself to be somewhat sensitive.

Whether a work is good or bad... no matter how slow an actor is, after filming the entire story himself, he should have a general evaluation in his heart.

In this drama, both she and Xu Xin are actually pursuing a transformation.

Let her break away from the image that shackles her in the past, and spread her wings to fly high like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon.

She doesn't know if the audience's evaluation will change after the show is released.

But in her heart, she had completely completed her transformation.

Sure enough...did we go the wrong way before?

For the sake of fame, fame and fortune, I have to go to announcements and crews endlessly to gain face and popularity.

Now think about it...

I really wasted a lot of good time.

Read, experience, perceive, think...

Calm down and don't compete for coffee positions or resources. Instead, be a pure actor and let your works speak...

It turns out to be this wonderful taste.

This play, from the previous audition, to the preparation stage of returning to the countryside, to now with almost no obstacles encountered, everything is so natural, she is intoxicated and obsessed with it.

It turns out... is it such a wonderful thing for a pure actor to do the job he likes?

Prosperity, fame and fortune are just embellishments.

The most important thing is to return to the original intention and devote yourself wholeheartedly to every performance.

This feeling is so wonderful that it makes people forget to leave.

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes and let the makeup artist use the powder puff brush to caress her face, and once again showed a smile that would bring disaster to the country and the people.

Xu Xin's side.

He didn't know what kind of transformation his actions had brought on an actress, so he felt quite uneasy.

It's like a child waiting for the teacher to correct his homework.

The chapter "The Death of the Third Brother", as the finale of the whole play, is also a sublimation point and a tear-jerking point...

It can be said that whether this movie can leave an unforgettable impression in the hearts of the audience, in the plot that advances layer by layer, this is the stick of incense after praying to the Buddha three thousand times.

Once it's lit, it's done.

Can't click...

Well, then we have to reshoot it.

Anyway, Liu Yifei's performance here was impeccable.

As for the forest dog...

What a joke.

Lying on the hospital bed holding your breath and pretending to be dead for a while... How dare you lick your face and come to me.


You still dare to hug my teeth...ah no, fairy sister.

Thief Sun, if I don’t feed you two ounces of urine for a while, your grandfather’s surname will not be Xu!

At this moment, when the old man was checking the camera lens, he had a sense of deja vu that the winter vacation was about to start and the teacher was going to check the winter vacation homework.

I was feeling very anxious and anxious.

Zhang Yimou didn't say anything.

Frowning, he sat on the monitor and repeatedly checked the footage he had just taken.

Shot, angle, expression, emotion...

He watches "frame by frame".

He asked Xiao Xu to film this script.

Now, except for the last symbolic "road ahead", everything has been filmed.

Although it has not been edited yet, as a director, he naturally has the ability to connect the whole play in his mind.

Watched it several times.

In the end, I drooped my eyelids and silently recalled all the hawthorn tree filming clips I had seen.

Feeling the emotions that were accumulated in Xu Xin's hands from the very first shot.

Push higher and higher.

Push harder and harder.

at last……


In this scene, all emotions were released.


I thought about it for about ten minutes.

He nodded:


He gave the most pertinent evaluation of his students:


Not one point too much, not one point too little.

Not even willing to give a little more.

I'm afraid that next to me will show the pride of a student who says, "I just handed in my homework when school started, and oh, the school suddenly sent me a notice to postpone the start of classes and have another holiday."

But no matter what.

He is very satisfied with this movie.

What Xiao Xu did... was great.


In the last shot, Liu Yifei is walking on a country road with crisp seedlings, and then fades away from the scene.

"Hawthorn Tree Love" has been completed.


Please give me a monthly ticket!

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