I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 475 473 Wife, children, hot bed

Chapter 475 473. Wife, children, hot bed

I was very drunk at the end of the banquet.

What does it feel like to wake up the next day and find someone next to you?

Waiting online, quite urgent.

Xu Xin looked at the bare back next to him, the smooth and tender... Lin Gou.

The face is a little green.

good news.

Not female.

Not cheating.

Thank you very much.

bad news……

Why do you have to take off your clothes to sleep? ?

Who would be a serious person to take off his clothes while sleeping?

The most important thing is that it is someone else who is getting under the quilt!

"Lin Gou...Lin Gou!"


Lin Xinxin was shaken awake in a daze.

After vaguely seeing Xu Xin, he felt much more at ease than Xu Xin's frightened expression of wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

Maybe he hadn't sobered up yet, so he waved his hand when he saw Xu Xin:

"You don't have to worry about me, just leave... I'm talking when I wake up."


What are you talking about?


You sleep in my bed...huh?

Looking at the unfamiliar wardrobe, furnishings, etc. in the bedroom, he realized that it didn't seem to be his own room.

Why did I sleep here last night?

A trace of confusion gradually appeared on his face.

I can't help it, I'm really confused.

Because it wasn't just Lin Gou who was shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts... he was pretty much the same.

The coat was lying on the ground.

His pants swung on the back of the chair.

I still have my underpants on...but why doesn't anyone take off my socks?

I asked why it was so uncomfortable to sleep.

I slept for a long time without taking off my socks!

After forcing himself to wake up, he got out of bed, stepped on the carpet and touched his butt.

emmmm...it's okay.

Nothing to feel.

It means nothing happened last night... No, it's not appropriate to say that.

A more specific summary should be "At least I, Mr. Xu, am not that 0".

That'll do.

In other words, even if something happened... Lin Gou would be too embarrassed to say it.

He was embarrassed to tell others, so he just pretended that he didn't know.



With a mind full of bad taste, he hurriedly put on his clothes and walked out of Lin Xingxin's room.

It turned out that I didn't know where my room card was lost.

As a last resort, he dialed Su Meng's phone number.

The assistant quickly came to the door of his room to meet him, took out the key card and opened the door.

Xu Xin then asked:

"Why did I sleep with Lin Xinxin last night?"

"Brother Xu, you said you wanted to talk to him...how did you say that?"

Su Meng thought for a while, recalling what happened last night, and said a few unfamiliar words:

"Middle lane...gunfire...what's one blood and one life...what's SF, ZXC and the like...Then Brother Lin said no, what he said...I want ice and fire...Then you and Brother Lin went back to the room together. . Sister Jiaojiao said that you wanted to play games and asked me to get you a computer. But after I took the computer down... you and Brother Lin didn't open the door for me... Finally, Sister Jiaojiao said to let me go back and rest. Just came back.”

When Xu Xin heard the first few words, he felt his eyebrows piercing.

But after hearing it, I felt at ease.

He hasn't played DOTA for so long that his hands are raw.

Lin Gou Nakar is as good as a dog. In the past, Shadow Demon should be able to beat him casually. But I really can’t say yet…

However, he has also grown.

You actually know the combo of Ice Wall + Meteor?



The completion of filming of "Hawthorn Tree" does not mean that the movie is over.

There is still editing, scoring, dubbing and other work to be done in the later stage.

Logically speaking, he can leave directly today. But he can't leave for the time being. This afternoon he and the old man will attend a banquet for the leadership team of Yuan'an County.

Last May Day, Yuan'an County, relying on the reputation of Hawthorn Garden and "Hawthorn Tree", not to mention "hard", also ushered in a large flow of tourists.

Seeing a movie so effective, they must be grateful.

So I contacted the old man, and the old man came here for this purpose.

After the filming is completed, we have to have a meal with them.

Then it can be completely over.

But the rest of the crew can withdraw.

Xu Xin took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

When she came out, Su Meng had already packed her luggage.

"Brother Xu, Sister Mo came just now and said that she had obtained all the memory cards. I asked you to go downstairs to Director Zhang's room to find her after washing."


Xu Xin responded, looked at the lunch box on the table, and asked:

"What's inside?"

"Sister Jiaojiao cooked seafood and lean meat porridge for you."


Sitting at the table, he opened the lid.

After sniffing the smell, he asked with satisfaction:

"Where's Zhang Jiao?"

"I'm packing my things. Sister Mi called her last night and asked her not to go to Chikan with you, but to go back to Yanjing. She said that there was a character called "Huanbi" in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" who suited her well, so she asked her to go Audition. She will wait for you to wake up, tell you and leave immediately."

"Well, let her go directly."

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"It's true that you work hard. You also go back and pack your things. After lunch with the leaders, we will leave directly without stopping. Tell Director Xue that the crew will go directly back to Xi'an and wait for me."


Su Meng left directly to inform Zhang Jiao, while Xu Xin looked at the time and guessed that he would have to drink again at noon today.

So he finished the box of lean meat porridge, then got up and went out.

After arriving at the old man's room, I saw that he was continuing to watch the filming clips of "The Hawthorn Tree" on the computer.

Immediately, Xu Xin felt a ridiculous feeling of being checked by the teacher for his homework.

He quickly asked:

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No, I just watched it again."

Zhang Yimou shook his head, paused the clip, and asked:

"Do you have any ideas for editing?"

"Yes, but...the choice between urban and rural segments needs to be carefully considered and weighed later."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou felt relieved.

"After this film comes out, remember to ask the factory to go to the top three in Europe."

"I guess it won't be until winter when the finished product is ready."

"That's just right. First Berlin, then Cannes, and finally Venice. Cast your vote for them all."

The implication.

I'll help you.

Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Hey, okay."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Zhang Mo and said:

"Sister Mo, please follow me in the post-production of this film. How do you think?"

Zhang Mo understood what he meant.

Familiarize yourself with all the processes of the film.

After going through these processes, it is basically equivalent to saying... that you can make your debut as a "director".

So he nodded:


Zhang Yimou didn't say anything and just continued to play the clips.

Xu Xin sat next to him and the two of them watched together.

We also exchanged our thoughts from time to time.

Zhang Mo actually wanted to listen and learn from the side.

Unfortunately, as an assistant director, her work is not over yet.

She had to make arrangements for the departure of the crew, including air ticket reimbursement.

I can only leave with regret.

Less than 20 minutes after she left, a call came to Xu Xin:

"Xu Xin, those graduate students have packed their things and are ready to leave. Do you want to come down?"

"I won't go. Sister Mo, please help me tell them that everyone has worked hard these two months. When the film is completed, they will be invited to participate in the internal preview. Then there will be a small Gifts are ready for them.”


Zhang Mo hung up the phone.


Wen Muye nodded, smiled and said to Zhang Mo:

"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Mo."

He wasn't sorry either.

For other staff, the work has come to an end, but the director still has a lot of work to do.

They understand too.

What's more... everyone is eager to return home.

During the school holidays, I quickly went back to give a statement to Teacher Yu, and then prepared their respective papers.

After all, they really learned a lot during this time.

As for the little gift... Although I am very curious, Director Xu won’t tell me, so I’ll just wait.

Surprise gifts can only give you the greatest satisfaction when you open them.

So Zhang Mo left.

After she left, Fumino and the others also moved their luggage into the car.

Xu Xin was very generous and arranged a commercial vehicle to take them to Yichang.

The journey will be comfortable.

While sitting in the car, after the vehicle started, he looked at the county hotel slowly leaving and said to Guo Fan next to him:

"Lao Guo, it's finally over, right? Go back and have a drink?"


Guo Fan responded, leaning on his chair and looking at the city that was not familiar, but definitely not unfamiliar, and suddenly asked:

"Mosquito, what are your plans when you go back?"

Wen Muye smiled slyly:

"Hey, I won't tell you."


Guo Fan shrugged indifferently.

If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it.

In fact, it's not just mosquitoes. Others must have their own ideas after following the crew through a complete set of procedures.

Not saying it is normal.

Just wait and see.

Thinking of this, he murmured:

"This trip is not in vain..."

Wen Mino nodded silently.


It's really worth the trip.

"What are you going to do next?"

Xu Xin asked in the business car in the afternoon.

"Continue to prepare for "Thirteen Hairpins"."

"Have you said anything about the casting?"

He was referring to the "secret training" of Ni Ni and others.

Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"Still hiding it. Next, I'm going to talk to Bell and choose a location for it. But..."

Having said this, he added:

"Ni Ni's closed training is coming to an end soon. If Mimi wants to talk about it then, just feel free to contact her. It's better to decide early. She has a very good temperament and her temperament is quite down-to-earth. Once the news gets out, According to the usual ethics of reporters, they might end up like Li Man again, and then I'm afraid that messy people from this company and that company will show up again..."

If he hadn't mentioned Li Man, Xu Xin might not have thought about other aspects.

But when he mentioned this... name that seemed to have disappeared from the circle for a long time, Xu Xin understood.

What happened between Li Man and Huan Rui was still vivid in his mind.

He understood that the old man was trying to point his finger at him, and told himself that Zhang Weiping would definitely not let go of such a high-quality bargaining chip.

So he responded:

"Hey, I understand. I'll tell her when I get back."

"Well, how many days will you go back?"

"Let's rest for two or three days. In two or three days, we will go to Xi'an."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou seemed a little worried and said again:

"If you accompany Mimi to the set... remember, only bring your eyes, not your mouth."

"Don't worry, I won't stretch my hand that far."

Xu Xin was delighted:

"I'm talking about Director Wang's status being many meters higher than mine. There are so many great people on the set, so how can I speak for myself?"

"As long as you understand."

Now, the old man was completely relieved.

He moved his chair back, leaned back and closed his eyes.

It seemed like he was going to take a nap.

But it was precisely this detail that suddenly made Xu Xin feel something.

Old man...


Obviously during the Olympics, even if he was busy until two or three in the morning, and then got up at around eight in the morning and worked another day, he still seemed energetic.

The word nap... was basically never seen during the Olympics.


This time is really a butcher's knife.

A dull knife cuts flesh without any mercy.

At nearly 10 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin finally arrived at the relatively unfamiliar ancient town of Chikan.

There was almost no one in the town after 10 o'clock.

When he arrived at the rented house, he saw Yang Mi in pajamas and a peaked cap waiting for him at the door.

Suddenly, Lao Xu's heart melted.

Without saying anything, he got out of the car and picked up his wife.

There was a burst of laughter in the air.

"Hehehe, oh, okay...let me down."

Xu Xin ignored her.

He just pressed against his sister's chest and tried his best to absorb the scent of her body.

Although I bumped into it once at the Academy Awards.

But this separation of more than one month and almost two months has reached Xu Xin's limit.

My heart felt warm at the moment, but also very contradictory.

Now he really wants to take his good sister to take a bath, but he also wants to see the two little guys...

Finally came up with a compromise.

I carried my good sister and walked into the house.

Just like the Mountain King carrying Mrs. Yazhai home.

But the problem is...

Where is the bedroom?

When he entered this ancient building, he was a little confused.

In the end, his good sister, who had a spiritual connection with him, pointed upstairs:

"The bedroom is upstairs, can you do it, little dog?"

Xu Xin said nothing, huffing and puffing as he carried his wife upstairs.

And Su Meng, who was helping him carry his luggage, opened his mouth...

In the end, I didn’t ask anything.

Sister Jiaojiao's advice rang in her ears.

At this time...it's better not to get too close.


She looked at her surroundings on the first floor and felt like crying:

"Where the hell do I live?"

"Oh, you're done, hurry up and take a shower."


He held his daughter's exposed little feet and kneaded them gently. While speaking, he even put his nose to them.

My precious daughter and eldest son really smell like milk...


I have grown up and become much taller.

Although I can receive photos of the two children from Yang Mi, I will occasionally video chat with them at night.

But some feelings can only be vented at this moment.

He really missed the three of them so much.

Yang Mi also knelt on the carpet, lying on the edge of the bed, looking at him:

"Tonight we can only decide quickly. I know you miss your daughter and son and have to sleep with them in your arms. I don't want to wait for you to send Nuannuan and Yangyang to that room, and then bring them back again... That’s embarrassing.”

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if I don't touch you. I'll just keep watch over them~"

His heart was filled with the delicacy and softness of his old father, which made him say the most inhuman words to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi narrowed her eyes, and after about three seconds, she suddenly made a voice:


"What's wrong?"

"You know in my mind, in just those few seconds, you have died three times. Once by severing your descendants, once by killing for a thousand years, and once by suffocating."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

The young woman turned her nose up proudly:

"The harmonious society saved you, little brother."

"I can understand the annihilation of children and grandchildren. Killing for a thousand years...is okay. Then this death of suffocation...I can't understand it at all."

When she heard that he didn't understand, the young woman nodded.

Very normal.

Lang Jun is confused and can't figure it out, which is indeed a very painful thing.


She unbuttoned her nightgown.

Under Xu Xin's eyes, which gradually faded away from fatherly love and turned into a hungry wolf, the half-dressed, half-exposed, half-pushed woman unbuttoned the last button, biting her lower lip, her eyes blurred:

"Do you understand now?"

"I do not really understand."

Listening to this cat-like voice, Xu Xin shook his head, but he stood up.

Full of good looks:

"I am tired today. Queen, please follow me back to Yangxin Hall."

After hearing this, the young woman who had not yet put on her clothes stood up and bowed down:

"According to the decree~"


Xu Xin, whose eyes had turned from green to blue, used his last bit of reason to place a pillow next to the two children to prevent them from rolling over and falling out of bed.

Then he walked towards the bathroom in the house with a domineering step.

I even thought about tomorrow’s leave request:

"I'm not feeling well, so I won't go to court tomorrow. Please take a day off, and please remember to vote monthly."

This is June 6th.


It's sunny and sunny!

Xu Xin woke up in the morning and had the happiest day of the year.

Wrapped in a quilt and sleeping soundly, he was suddenly awakened by a familiar smell of milk.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his eldest son's face, which he didn't know how to reach, and was slapping him with his soft little hands.

He immediately put the child in his arms and began to look for his daughter.

I saw... a holy figure under the sunlight, holding a child and breastfeeding.

At the same time, I also heard:

"Go on to sleep. After feeding Nuannuan later, I will carry her over to you."

So, he closed his eyes again.

Yangyang in his arms didn't cry, but touched the stubble on his face from time to time, looking quite curious.

Then he didn't know how long it took before he heard a soft and tender voice:



Xu Xin opened his eyes instantly and looked at his daughter who was sitting in front of him, holding a stuffed toy turtle in her hand.

The sound made his bones seem to go numb.

All of a sudden the sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

He opened his eyes and looked at Yang Mi who was starting to get dressed next to him:

"Did you hear that! Did you hear that!"

Yang Mi smiled:

"I heard it. The child became pregnant last month, but I didn't tell you. I planned to give you a surprise."


He directly held the two children in his arms, kissing the left side and the right side.


"Mom, kiss."

"Kiss me, get up and eat quickly. The child also needs complementary food."


Xu Xin shook his head.

Bitches, you won’t recognize anyone if you fall out, right?

Last night, the older brother was the younger brother.

Today I became my brother and you didn’t care if I didn’t get enough sleep?


What humanity!

My two eldest babies are better.

He held the two children and kissed them promiscuously.

Happy and forgetful.

Nuannuan and Yangyang are now 8 months old. When he started eating solid food at 6 months old, he happened to be filming "Hawthorn Tree" so he didn't catch up.

And today he also completed his achievement milestone and obtained the achievement of "feeding the baby the first bite of complementary food".


This stuff tastes really bad.

No taste at all.

After more than two months of absence, the family sat down to eat together again.

We didn’t talk about work, we just talked about life.

The growth of the child, the changes in the child, the living environment here, the weather, etc. As a "local", Yang Mi introduced Xu Xin bit by bit.

But that doesn't mean the couple will live here forever.

In the beginning, this was indeed what Yang Mi had planned.

She estimated that no matter how slow Wang Jiawei's filming was, it wouldn't be that outrageous.

It's almost enough to rent it for a year.

At the same time, because the scenes of "The Grandmaster" were shot in Liaoning and Guangdong, she guessed that the winter scenes would definitely go to the Northeast.

So although I signed a one-year contract, the rent is paid half a year.

And I made an agreement with the landlord that if the half-year period is over and I no longer rent, the deposit will be waived and it will be regarded as compensation for not fulfilling the contract.

But now that she had only shot a few scenes in two months, she began to make new plans.

In August, Zhang Zhen will go to another crew.

The title of the film is "Great Deeds".

He plays Duke Jiang in it.

And just next month, Zhang Jin will also join the crew to film the CCTV TV series "Seventh Army".

In September, Tony Leung is going to shoot a movie called "The Magician".

Everyone has to join other groups.

That's what Wang Jiawei is good for.

He doesn't stop actors from acting.

Because he also knows that he is slow in taking pictures.

Therefore, Yang Mi plans to discuss with Director Wang to focus on filming her scenes in July and August.

Most of her opposite roles in this drama are related to Tony Leung Chaowei.

And in July or August, she filmed her one-man show or her scenes with other actors...let's not finish the filming. Anyway, she filmed part of it. In September, Liang Chaowei joined the team, and she returned to Yanjing.

You can't ignore the company's affairs, not to mention...Xu Xin still has "The Tip of the Tongue" and another "Thirty-three Days of Love" waiting for him.

Everyone’s time must be negotiated.

Therefore, it is estimated that this house will be rented for a year, but it is hard to say how long one will live in it.

But the advantage is that the rent is not expensive.

After chatting about all these plans and trivial matters over a meal, Yang Mi, who was completely naked, was ready to set off.

One-day assistant and lifelong nanny Xu Sanjin is online.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling were still a little worried, fearing that their son-in-law wouldn't be able to take care of their two children.

But seeing him making the two children laugh so hard, I felt that my worries were unnecessary.

In this way, including Sun Ting and Su Meng, the family of six filled the business car driven by Cheng Hu and walked towards the crew.

Xu Xin originally said he was a little embarrassed for being late.

After all, it’s past 8 o’clock now and 9 o’clock then. Even putting on makeup and changing clothes, at least it would be like 9:30 or 10:00.

The morning was so short that I couldn’t take any pictures.

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Yang Mi just looked at her husband with a somewhat innocent look.

Say nothing more.

There are some things... that are misguided.

Just experience it for yourself.

So, when he arrived at the crew, he saw the "Big Time" crew's sign.

With a confused look on his face:

"what is this?"

"A cover."

Yang Mi’s words are concise and to the point.


Xu Xin, who was pushing the stroller, twitched the corner of his mouth.

A cover?

He looked at the busy crowd, including the fully equipped crew with monitors, cranes, cameras, and makeup tents.

"What the hell is this a pretense?"

"What do you think?"

Yang Mi looked surprised:

"The second group includes more than 20 people from photography to lighting and field management. This does not include the security scattered around to prevent paparazzi... Now you know where all your money is spent, right?"


As for money... Xu Xin doesn't feel bad about it.

As long as there are no actors, these crew members don’t cost much.

He just feels...

Is this really necessary?

With this idea in mind, I followed my wife all the way inside and soon arrived at the set of "The Grandmaster".

"What's your show today?"

"Logically speaking, today there is a scene between Gong Er and Yi Yin Tian who has already arrived in Xiangjiang. However, this scene may not be finished today."



Yang Mi pointed to the side:

"Look who that is."

Following the direction she pointed, Xu Xin looked over and saw a familiar frowning face.

Shen Xiaoyang? ? ?

He was stunned.

Why is Shen Xiaoyang here?

"Is Teacher Motoyama here?"

"Not yet. I don't know how Director Wang arranged it, but Shen Xiaoyang came in advance. He has been filming scenes with Yin Yin Tian for the past two days. Today is already the third day of being stuck... He didn't, but... The show can't start. So..."

Coming closer, Yang Mi shrugged:

"I'm going to put on makeup, and I'll leave the baby to you."

Because she knew people like Wang Jiawei, Yang Mi naturally didn't need to be a middleman.

On the contrary, as an "investor", someone will probably come over and take the initiative to visit Xu Xin soon.

And her movement made Shen Xiaoyang, who was reading the script with a frown on his face, raise his head.

When he saw the smiling Xu Xin, he was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes lit up immediately:

"Director Xu!?"

"Hey, Teacher Shen..."

"No, do as the Romans do, call me Yangzi! ...Hey, the eldest young master and eldest lady are here too~"

While talking, Shen Xiaoyang squatted down and played with the two children.


You call it humorous? It's quite humorous.

Coming to Guangdong and Guangxi and calling them handsome is the last sign of stubbornness for many people.

But the sadness on his face that hasn't dissipated really can't support this humor. Moreover, there was a...very strong medicinal smell coming from Shen Xiaoyang's body.

Xun Nuannuan kept hiding back.

You know, this is outdoors, so just think about how strong the smell is.

So, Xu Xin responded with a smile, and at the same time handed the stroller to Su Menglai to push, and asked after moving away from each other:

"Beautiful boy, how was the filming?"

For greetings, let’s ask Shen Xiaoyang first and then Teacher Benshan.

After all, he was quite curious about the other party appearing here.

Could it be that his acting skills exploded?

Just thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiaoyang's face turned bitter when he heard what he said.

After standing up with his knees supported, he sighed sincerely at Xu Xin:

"Sigh... I have been miserable in filming. Really... Director Xu. This is the worst movie I have ever made since my debut."


There was something Xu Xin was embarrassed to ask.

My heart said: Is it worse than "Three Guns"?

Just as he was thinking about it, Shen Xiaoyang turned around, turned his back to him, and opened his clothes:

"Here, take a look."

After listening to his words, Xu Xin looked around.

I was still a little speechless in my heart, thinking that people who don't know think you are going to blame me.

It’s okay if you don’t see the result, but now that you see it…

Good guy.

Back full of plaster.

The strong medicinal fragrance hits my face.

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