I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 476 474 The Iron-clad Bastard and the Master

Chapter 476 474. The Iron-shell Bastard and the Master

"What's going on here?"

Xu Xin was really stunned.

"What role did you play? How did you end up like this?"


Perhaps because of the speaking habits of Northeastern people, Shen Xiaoyang first asked a question, put down his clothes, and then laughed at himself:

"I don't know what Yin thinks the kung fu I practice is... the Iron Shell Bastard Kung Fu. If Yin doesn't hit me, I'll expose my back and let him hit him as he pleases..."


Xu Xin is okay.

On the other hand, Su Meng... really couldn't hold it back.

Laughed out loud.

Shen Xiaoyang has become popular in the past two years, and each of his various sketches is more interesting than the last.

As soon as he said this, Su Meng couldn't hold back any longer.

But Shen Xiaoyang didn't care and just said to Su Meng:

"Girl, don't laugh. It's true. Do you look scared?"

Su Meng was a little embarrassed.

And Xu Xin didn't blame his assistant.

After all, this is really funny.

But what made him even more curious was what exactly Shen Xiaoyang was playing...

"What kind of role is this?"

"Three rivers of water."

Shen Xiaoyang sighed and handed the script book to Xu Xin.

"Just...a Northeastern gangster who collects protection money in Xiangjiang. He received the White Rose Barber Salon for collecting protection money. He is a top-notch person. He just got beaten...

Then Director Wang requested that there be a scene in which Yixian Tian was so aggressive that he knocked me out of the barber shop, flew me outside the barber shop, hit my back against a pillar, and then fell onto the chair below.

Just yesterday, my back hit the wall eleven times... It's true, Director Xu, don't talk about people, even an iron-clad bastard can't stand it. "


Xu Xin said nothing and looked at the lines in the script book.

Because he had read the script, he probably understood what the story was about.

The story should be that after Yi Xiantian learned that Gong Er opened a medical clinic in Xiangjiang, he voluntarily opened a barber shop next to the medical clinic because Gong Er saved his life on the train in the early years.

He stayed by Gong Er's side all his life, like the most loyal guard, until Gong Er's death.

When Gong Er passed away, not a single ounce of sky left.

So he kept the White Rose Barber Shop open and bought Gong Er's medical clinic.

However, it did not expand or renovate the store, but retained everything original.

It's like Gong Er has never left.

To be honest, the story line of Yixiantian is actually quite exciting.

There is a sense of déjà vu like a "cold-faced killing god".

If we say that in the script, Ip Man is drifting with the tide, while Gong Er is a wanderer of loyalty and filial piety who cannot have both ends.

So the story of Yixiantian is like a... unity of mind and heart that kills decisively.

Use the eight poles to implement your own path until the end of your life.

He seems to live a simple life, but he does everything extremely freely.

Just like the set of Bajiquan in your hand, you are so strong and fierce that you will never regret anything you have done.

A very outstanding character.

But what is this Sanjiang water?

He was filled with doubts.

But, in the final analysis, Shen Xiaoyang's problem can be said to be a problem of "acting skills".

One monkey and one tied method.

If it were his own crew, he might still say a few words. But he will definitely not interfere with Wang Jiawei's crew.

Just send a supervisor.

So he showed a helpless expression:

"what is it now?"

Shen Xiaoyang was also happy.

He also knows that complaining is useless.

He said that his background as a two-handed swordsman and his ability to join this crew all depended on his master.

Complaints are complaints, if he was still picky...then he wouldn't be where he is today.

So he shook his head:

"I'm adding them up."

"Well, I'll go there first."

"Okay, let's drink together after my play is over?"


Xu Xin waved his hand and continued walking to the set.

Then I saw Xu Haofeng and Wang Jiawei talking about something.

As soon as Xu Haofeng saw him coming, he suddenly became happy:

"Hahahaha, Xiao Xu."

"Hey, Lao Xu."

Xu Xin responded with a smile and said hello to Wang Jiawei:

"Director Wang."

"Hello, Director Xu."

Wang Jiawei smiled kindly:

"Come to visit?"

"No, but I am a permanent visiting team."

"Oh? "Hawthorn Tree" is over?"

"Yes, it was completed the day before yesterday."

Saying that, Xu Xin patted the little guy's stroller:

"No, I just finished filming and came back to work as a nanny."


How deep is the relationship between the two of you? That's definitely not the case.

There is an age and generation gap here.

So after a few words of greeting, Xu Haofeng pulled Xu Xin aside:

"Are you free tonight?"

This means drinking.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay, how about drinking at home?"

"I've been waiting for your words."

Xu Haofeng wiped his lips:

"I haven't had Yanjing cuisine for a long time. I need to make more tonight."

"Isn't that for sure? I'll tell my father-in-law soon and let's have a good meal tonight."

As he spoke, he turned to look at the studio being set up and asked:

"How is Yang Mi doing?"

"Nothing to say."

Sincerely, without any falsehood, Xu Haofeng gave a thumbs up:

"The martial arts drama hasn't started yet, but there's nothing wrong with the literary drama. Whether it's the temperament, the mentality, or the charm, they're all perfectly nailed."

As one of the three screenwriters of "The Grandmaster".

Being able to say this sentence from his mouth has an extremely real gold content.

So Xu Xin was relieved.

He did not regard Lao Xu as an outsider, so after receiving this comment, he lowered his voice:

"Then why are you filming so slowly?"


The muscles on Xu Haofeng's face twitched.

After being stunned for two or three seconds, he suddenly said:

"You'll find out soon."

"This... okay."

"Well, let's go and find a cooler place for you and the doll."

In front of an air-conditioned tent, Xu Xin sat with her children, and there were others including Yang Mi and Xu Haofeng.

Although there is air conditioning, the four open tents are no different than the tents for free, and they are only slightly cooler than outside.

At this moment, Shen Xiaoyang has already finished hanging wires on his body.

It seems that the filming of his drama has been completed. This morning, Wang Jiawei still chose to let him be the "iron-clad bastard" in his own words.

Xu Xin also checked the pillar he was going to hit soon.

The split structure looks the same on the surface, but the area where the head will hit is filled with foam.

At that time, it may feel a little shaky when shooting, or there may be a bouncy texture in the camera.

But it can be repaired later.

And Shen Xiaoyang, who had adjusted the wires, was communicating with Zhang Zhen, who was wearing a white coat, and it probably meant something like, "Relax your strength, but don't keep your hands, I have cushions inside my clothes."

After finishing preparations, Yang Mi patted Xu Xin on the shoulder:

"here we go."

Xu Xin looked at the field attentively.

As the countdown sounded, Zhang Zhen made an elbow-to-heart movement in front of the camera.

He is not as experienced as his wife, but it can be seen that when he performs this movement, he exerts force on his heels, thighs, waist, and entire body.

That kind of movement is quite harmonious and natural.

Hitting Shen Xiaoyang's heart, several stuntmen pulled Wia back.

Shen Xiaoyang's body fell backwards as if flying.

He hit the pillar behind him.


Hearing this movement, Xu Xin felt excited.

Good guy...

It is said that bystanders know clearly, but he really felt how hard the impact was.

This movement meant that he didn't even have time to capture Shen Xiaoyang's expression, he just wanted to quickly confirm the other person's status.

I subconsciously stood up...but immediately thought about it.

It seems that there is no place for him to speak.

Come on, shut up.

Shut up and watch honestly.

She looked at Shen Xiaoyang who was slumped on a chair, assuming an awkward and contrived posture.

After waiting for about five or six seconds, Wang Jiawei's voice rang out:

"No, it's still not natural enough. Yangzi, your posture should be more natural when you fall. Slow down and do it again."

"Ahem...good director."

Shen Xiaoyang responded while coughing.

Yang Mi whispered in Xu Xin's ear:

"Look, let me tell you, it won't be finished in one morning."


Xu Xin said nothing.

In fact, he didn't see it clearly just now.

However, Shen Xiaoyang's posture after landing was indeed unnatural because he actively controlled his body. This is true.

Then... let's take a look.



"...Rest first. Then we'll see."




In the end, Xu Xin couldn't stand it anymore.

He stood up directly.

He had already seen where Shen Xiaoyang's problem lay.

Although he didn't know whether Wang Jiawei was satisfied or not, but if this continued... he felt sorry for his disciple for Teacher Motoyama.

Just take it out and beat it, it's not like this.

That's a bit outrageous.

So, for the first time, someone from director Wang Jiawei's crew, who likes to let actors figure it out on their own, came over to give pointers on other people's acting skills.

"how do you feel?"


Shen Xiaoyang, who was pale, looked up and shook his head slightly when he saw it was Xu Xin.

He didn't even have the strength to speak or raise his hands.

It feels like there is no good place in my internal organs.

Seeing this, Xu Xin didn't waste any more nonsense and said directly:

"Just for a moment, when you pull back, relax your whole body and don't think about anything. Your posture just now was too awkward. On the one hand, you want to maintain your balance. On the other hand, you have too many thoughts, always thinking about where you were before. It’s wrong. But in fact, when a person collides, his brain will go blank for a moment. The blank space will make your limbs feel particularly stiff, have you ever seen it?”

"You said... I'm... so hot right now... that I can't speak."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Don't think about anything before you hit your body. When you feel the pain in your back, you tighten your body. Your arms and legs are all tightened, but it's not to support you from falling, but to fall down. , do you understand what I mean?"

"Tighten it up...then ignore it and just hit it down?"

"It's not smashing, but falling in a natural state. Isn't it just for you to sit on this chair?"


"Just follow what I say. Remember, when flying, relax your whole body, push your body back from the place where it was hit, and then put your hands and feet forward, like a big shrimp. But when you fall, tighten your hands and feet. Try it.”


Shen Xiaoyang nodded with pain on his face.

After Xu Xin walked back, Yang Mi asked:

"What did you say?"

"It's okay, I just helped him find a rhythm."

After saying that, Xu Xin looked at the time and said:

"After lunch, I will go back."

"...You won't accompany me anymore?"

"Well, the weather is hot and I'm afraid the children won't be able to bear it."


Yang Mi nodded, a little dissatisfied.

You agreed to stay with me for a day.

Going back this morning?


A duplicitous man.

But in fact she is just a fan of the authorities.

Xu Haofeng on the side felt the same as Ming Jing.

After all, Xiao Xu is still a good person.

Everything is handled to perfection.

While thinking about it, he looked towards Wang Jiawei.

Unfortunately, Director Wang was wearing sunglasses, so his expression and eyes could not be seen.

Seeing this, Xu Haofeng didn't say much, but curiosity arose in his eyes.

What did Xiao Xu and Shen Xiaoyang say?

What is the effect?

With this thought, after about ten minutes of rest time, Shen Xiaoyang's recovery was completed again.

The "iron-shelled bastard" appears.

He silently recited Director Xu's explanation in his heart.

“Relax before takeoff, tighten after impact.”

“Relax before takeoff, tighten after impact.”


Keeping this confession firmly in his heart, he waited for Zhang Zhen, who looked guilty, to make a move.

"Ready! ACTION!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhen pushed him with his elbow.

After ten or twenty times of running-in, Shen Xiaoyang and Wia's stunt technicians also developed a tacit understanding.

The moment Zhang Zhending hit, they pulled Wia.

But this time, to the camera and people's perspective, it seemed that Zhang Zhen was being particularly ruthless.

Shen Xiaoyang looked like...

How to put it, it's like a balloon that suddenly deflated.

The limbs took on the shape of waves when the balloon was inflated, and the whole person "fluttered" and hit backwards.


The moment the sound came, when the touch felt the impact, and before the nerves released the pain signal, Shen Xiaoyang tried hard to recall Xu Xin's explanation and tensed his limbs.

Then, in the moment of tension, his feet felt the tactile feedback of the chair.

With the help of this 100-pound body, the whole person fell downwards after a weak rebound.

And because of the different power points of Wia, his posture cannot be consistent.

His tense right foot slid directly off the chair.

But his left foot stepped on the edge of the chair, using the downward pressure of his body to form a bowing motion.

His hands were also separated by the back of the armchair and hung aside.

Shen Xiaoyang's mind suddenly felt dark...

My whole body was stiff and I couldn't move.




This shape is very strange.

At first glance, he seemed a little dazed, sitting on the chair with a slender look.

But his head was drooped, and there was no sound of breathing.

There's a feeling... that you can't get over it even when you're about to die.


But... unexpectedly, it fits his comedian style.

Quite strange.

The moment he remained motionless, someone felt that he needed to retake the photo.

But some people think...

not bad.

However, the final interpretation of all this lies with the director.

Everyone looked at Wang Jiawei again out of habit.

Wang Jiawei was seen looking at the picture on the monitor without saying a word.

After about ten seconds, a voice sounded:

"This one is okay...just keep it for now and prepare for the next game."


After hearing his words, Yang Mi couldn't help but look at her husband.

Xu Xin shrugged and did not respond.

But in fact, he knew it.

Although I don’t know what the role of Sanjiang Shui is, since he is playing a gangster, he must have the temperament of being a gangster.

He and Brother Qianer talked about the gangsters in Sijiu City in the past.

All of them usually wish they were so awesome.

Even if he was beaten, he would still have to hold his neck and let you beat him without moving.

That way we won't lose our manly temperament.

But Shen Xiaoyang flew too much like an ordinary person.

This shot doesn’t fit the “nine-nine-nine-nine-nine plus-one” temperament.

Although it was not possible to judge others by oneself, he thought that the feeling Wang Jiawei wanted was a kind of consistency.

If Sanjiangshui dares to come here to collect protection money from Yixiantian, it is equivalent to putting his hand in the tiger's mouth. If the tiger dares to bite, he would rather give up his arm to touch Porcelain.

And as of now...

His concept is right.

Wang Jiawei's pulse... is quite easy to feel.

He thought secretly.

But that's about it.

The old man's words still ring in his ears.

Don't interfere with other people's crew. Anyway, your wife has no problem handling the characters.

As long as there are no problems, he can just focus on Milkman these days.

Love so much.

So, he had a packed lunch on the set at noon, and in the afternoon he took his baby home and accompanied Yang Dalin to choose fishing gear.

Before, the son-in-law was away, and the old couple had two children, and it was really hard for them to live well.

Don’t be ignorant of this little thing. He is young and can’t even walk or talk.

But it can really tie people up.

If you make any slightest movement, you have to worry about whether there is any danger.

If she even cried a little bit, she would have to run all the way over to comfort her.

At this time, Yang Dalin had long forgotten how stubborn he was at the beginning, and firmly vowed to his daughter, "Your mother and I are going to travel around the world, so I won't help you take care of your baby."

But now the son-in-law is here, the three of them take care of two children, and there is also... a little assistant who seems to be dull, but judging from the quiet style of doing things, he is quite honest.

The couple's life became easier.

He had long been envious of the group of fishermen on the Tanjiang River who were throwing their poles every day.

Can’t wait to experience it.

Let these southern fishing guys feel the power of his Yanjing Black Pit King.

A busy afternoon.

I selected a few handle rods and got two sets of fishing tackle.

When she got home, Yang Chunling had almost prepared the dishes for the guests tonight.

In this matter, Yang Dalin is the absolute protagonist.

Unlike Xu Xin, who was used to being a useless person who couldn't even distinguish between salt and sugar, he could lick the dishes clean of his old father-in-law's dishes.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, Xu Haofeng and Yang Mi came back together.

After arriving home, the two children took a look...

Yo~ The rice bowl is back.

Dry rice, dry rice.

He just scratched and bit me.

It was still some time before dinner, and Lao Xu also brought him a gift.

"Xiao Xu, here it is."

Looking at the pile of manuscripts handed over by Lao Xu, Xu Xin took them over curiously.

The first two characters:


"This is……?"

"Newly completed novel."

Sitting on the sofa, Xu Haofeng stroked his fat head and said with a smile:

"See how it feels."

Xu Xin did not respond, but looked at the content.

The first sentence at the beginning:

"The secret of martial arts competition is not to hide. A person's head is not as fast as a person's hands..."

After tasting these words, he asked doubtfully:

"Is there something wrong with the structure of the writing? ...You don't hide at all?"

"Yes, not hiding. It was the jargon of the martial arts back then."

Xu Haofeng nodded:

"To strike first and gain the upper hand is the only way to compete in martial arts. And if you want to win, you must be faster than others. Attack fast, retreat fast, dodge fast, fight fast... Always be one step faster than others, and you will I can keep winning.”

"...What's Tai Chi?"


Xu Haofeng was also a little dumbfounded by Soul's question.

He smiled and shook his head:

"The kind of Tai Chi you think of, the slow kind...I can't say it's not Tai Chi, but the real thing is not in it."

"This... okay."

Xu Haofeng is definitely professional in terms of martial arts rules and old affairs.

Yang Mi is not as good as him.

I'm afraid that among the people he knows, only Yu Lao can argue with him.

And taking advantage of his free time before dinner, he started reading this novel.

At first glance, I didn’t think it was anything.

But as he read it, he suddenly found it quite interesting.

How to sum it up...

To put it simply, most of the masters in his books can be summed up in one sentence, that is, "teach the disciples and starve the master to death."

As the plot progresses, the kind of person who sticks to the old rules and doesn't like newcomers coming forward.

But I don’t have any passion, and the feeling of being either assimilated or eliminated is too strong.

But there are some plot points in it... At first glance, it seems despicable and very unfriendly to newcomers.

But if you think about it carefully...it really makes sense.

His eyes lit up.

This story...

That's interesting.

At this time, the dishes that Yang Dalin had been busy with for several hours were all finished.

"Eat first, Lao Xu. If you feel at ease with this manuscript, let me have it first so I can take a good look at it. I quite like the story~"


Although the novel has not yet been published, Xu Haofeng has no worries at all.

Smiling and nodding:


However, after finishing speaking, he suddenly smiled playfully:

"Then you have to exchange it with Maotai."


Pointing to the row of Moutai boxes in the wine cabinet.

Xu Xin, who knew with his toes that it must be the handiwork of his biological father, responded:

"no problem!"

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