I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 478 Mr. 476 Almost the same

Chapter 478 476. Almost Mr.

June 12th.

After staying in Chikan for a week, Xu Xin left the "orphan and widower" behind and headed to Xi'an with his cute little assistant.

The reason why he was said to be an orphan and a widower was because when he left, the bad bitches were crying and howling.

Words like "Dad doesn't want us", "Mom is old and young, dad is going to have a harem".


Why don't you just meet Jay Chou?

Where do you get so jealous?

He arrived in Xi'an at noon, got off the plane, and rushed to Xiying Film Studio.

In the car, Su Meng was still asking:

"Brother Xu, can you really see Jay Chou?!"


Xu Xin was a little helpless:

"Brother Xu, I am a celebrity after all, and everyone knows that I have a good relationship with the wheel. How come this has become a fantasy story for you? Why? You still don't believe that I know him?"

"no no……"

Su Meng quickly shook her head, with a timid expression of "happiness" on her face:

"But he is Jay Chou..."


You old man is a little too fond of using bean bags as solid food, right?

I'll deduct your year-end bonus back.

The difference is two hundred.

Grandma has legs.

With this thought, he suddenly remembered something and asked:

"By the way, I received one from Xi'an two days ago. Have I contacted you?"


Su Meng nodded quickly:

"They said it was a big item, so they confirmed it with me again and again. They even took photos and sent me MMS messages. I only signed for it after making sure the items were in good condition. It's placed at the guard box in the Royal Garden."

"Well, that's fine."

Xu Xin nodded, leaned on the chair and yawned lazily.

I've been feeling very exhausted lately.

That woman took all the "dissatisfaction" at work and took it upon herself.

Day and night come day after day, which is very annoying.

If he hadn't confirmed that they had no plans to have a second child within five years, he would have checked whether there were any pinholes on the helmet.

And now I can be clean for a few days.

On the one hand, he came to Xi'an this time to communicate with the factory about the editing ideas of Hawthorn Tree, and strive to produce the finished film before the end of July.

Secondly, I came to help bitches watch the recording of "The Voice".

Of course……

There is one more thing that needs to be determined.

We’re already halfway through this year, why are you guys’ “langlangDAY” nowhere to be seen?

You have to ask these questions.

He is still waiting for the vacation date to be confirmed, and then he will take a vacation as soon as possible.

All the way to the factory, he didn't enter the factory, but went directly to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, we felt as if we were going home and went straight to the restaurant.

The waiter quickly took him to the box and opened the door.

"To three!"

"I can't afford it!"

"Hahahahaha, you're a waste! Can't you afford three people?"

Wang Sicong's whirring sound came.

Xu Xin took a quick look and saw three gentlemen playing cards on the sofa next to the dining table.

There was a girl serving tea and water next to me.


"Yo? It's coming, it's coming. Come on, come on, I'm a busy man, I'm waiting for you."

Lang Lang, who was holding a handful of cards in his hand, saw Xu Xin coming in and immediately put the cards in his hand into the pile.

"Eh!? What a fool! You can't afford it, can you!"

The card in his hand looked like it was a bill. Wang Sicong was anxious.

"Take it back! Take it back! Do you want the pair of three?"

Lang Lang rolled his eyes:

"Why don't I care about San? Do you think I am him?"


Jay Chou's face darkened.

Then he piled his own cards into the deck and pulled them out with both hands.

All the cards are thrown out of whack.

"Oh my god!... We two are ghosts!!! Do you know that this card is going to kill both of you~!"

Similarly, he piled the cards in his hand into the deck, and Wang Sicong continued to be indignant.

But according to Xu Xin's understanding of him, these words were pure fart.

If you have two or three kings in your hand, only a fool will take two and three.

Just put the four cards on the card and you'll know what's going on?

Xu Xin sneered, turned to the cute Su Meng and said:

"Here, do you think that man looks like Jay Chou?"


Su Meng didn't say anything, she just made a nympho move to Jay Chou who was waving and smiling at her:

"Ah!!! Ah!!!!"




Let's call it cute, it's quite cute.

But Xu Xin really couldn't find her cute with her silly virtues.

He simply rolled his eyes and introduced:

"My assistant, Su Meng...you can just call her Ji Meng."

After speaking, he said to the waiter at the door:

"Okay, let's serve it. I'm making a few bowls of mutton dip and serve it directly with the dish."

"Okay, Director Xu."

The waiter nodded and left.

Several people walked towards the dining table, and Xu Xin asked Lang Lang:

"How many days have you been back?"

"It's been ten days."

"Then why don't you come to me?"

"Why are we looking for you? It's so hot in Guangzhou, Lao Wang and I are studying things."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

"What's the matter? What can you two understand through research?"

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Wang Sicong was unhappy:

"Studying computers, you know what?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sneered:

"Tsk...you are so funny. Just play games and study computers..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

It's okay if he didn't say this, but when he said it, Wang Sicong and Lang Lang were happy.

Looking at each other with the same look as looking at a country bumpkin:

"Look, what am I saying? He doesn't understand anything."

Lang Lang also nodded:

"Yeah, it's really nothing. Let me tell you... we will go to Miami together after the audition. Over there, Lao Wang has built a computer room, and we have to go over and negotiate with the construction company."

"You want to open an Internet cafe?"




Under the speechless looks of disgust from the three people, Xu Xin was a little confused.

The computer room...isn't it a black Internet cafe?

He really didn't go to the Internet cafe for many, many years.

When he went to the Internet cafe, the Internet cafe was called the computer room.

Like many ordinary people born in the 1980s, he was obsessed with computer games for a while... This is actually wrong.

He first became interested in computers because Xu Miao bought a computer with a DOS operating system and put it at home.

It means that keyboard operation is greater than mouse operation.

And Xu Miao's original computer... it was the best memory in his life.

As for the reason...

Xu Miao currently has two games on her computer.

One is called "Gorgeous Life" and the other is called "Same Level Student".

Aiya, I go……

Thinking about it now makes me excited.

At that time, he accidentally went astray and clicked on these two games...

The innocent boy who was still ignorant about relationships and girls died.

Although the game is simple, for him, it is simply a wonderful paradise.

But heaven didn't last long.

One afternoon, Xu Miao was secretly playing in her room, but Xu Daqiang, who was not allowed to enter, saw her...

Heaven was immediately destroyed.

Xu Xin always remembered that when he heard a "bang", rushed out of the house, and saw that the computer in the yard that carried his best memories had been smashed to pieces, what was the reason he was pretending to be calm on the surface? How gloomy.

And let’s not mention how pleasant Xu Miao’s screams were that afternoon.


Let you not learn well!

Let you unlock the door!

After that, he became curious about computers. But ever since the establishment of an Internet cafe, things have been out of control.

CS, Red Alert, WAR3, Fairy Sword...including "Meteor Garden".

These are his memories of Internet cafes.

But now that he heard this familiar name, after being confused, his eyes lit up:

"Is it the kind of computer room where you can't access the Internet and can only connect to the LAN, and then the four of us will call red alerts all afternoon?"




As soon as these words came out, the three of them were even more speechless.

If you say this to the graphics card, you will be banned.

How dare you say it?


Under Wang Sicong's explanation, Xu Xin understood.

It is a recognized fact that China’s Internet speed is slow.

The Internet atmosphere in the United States is very sweet.

What does he want to build... a private network with extremely fast uplink and downlink speeds, specifically for the brothers to play games with low lag, and play games and movies without lag. The most important thing is... the computer configuration must be high.

On the first day of Langlang, I did nothing.

Red wine potato chips Kang Shuaifu.

Whoever gets up sitting in front of the computer is the grandson.

Those who usually blow the whistle three times and six times, such as "I am a strong red police thief, and I fight 7 cold computers at the beginning", "I am a strong star thief, and the Zerg push everything", "I got up, I hit, I was knocked out, there are What can I say "Bala-Bala"...

At that time, everyone will take pictures of their seats and determine the rankings for each game.

In order to see who could secure the top spot in "mixed martial arts", Wang Sicong specially built a... In Xu Xin's understanding, it was a super-fast local area network.

Everyone has the same latency and the same configuration.

A computer room that cannot make any excuses and relies solely on technology to win.

Quite expensive.

According to him, someone with a computer and Internet would get at least one or two hundred thousand dollars.

But everyone is fighting for their breath.

Your surname is Xu, aren't you BB? Didn't you once...defeat the strongest one-on-one champion in the "Shenmu CS Internet Cafe League"?

Then let’s see who is the father in CS1.6.

As for the cost, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Even if Miami may be the host place for the second edition of Langlang, the third edition may be abandoned.

That's okay too.

Isn't it just money?

We don’t have much in anything, but our big boss just has a lot of money.

So, the dinner started like this, with the topic of "computer room".

Only then did Xu Xin realize that Wang Sicong knew so much about computers because he once worked in a subtitle group.

It’s still a two-dimensional thing!

I have been a translator for American TV series, and what have I done for Japanese animations... compression.

Anyway, it’s pretty awesome.


Then we were chatting, and somehow we started talking about black games.

There are two villas in the Xu Xin family's Royal Garden. When they were bought, one was owned by Xu Daqiang himself and the other was reserved for Xu Miao and his wife.

As for the second child...

When Qujiang Royal Garden was built, Xu Xin's wings were not yet strong.

When they were recording The Voice last year, Jay Chou and Wang Sicong lived in the same apartment, and each of them had a computer.

Xu Xin also has a desktop computer at home.

Three computers are enough for the three of them to play StarCraft in the afternoon.


You ask Lang Lang?

Lang Lang spent his entire adolescence playing the piano, so he was recognized as the sewer among the four of them.

Just giving him a notebook and following him around is already a sign of respect for him.


Are you still a fan of his?

emmmm... Then for your sake, buy him a separate keyboard and mouse at most.


Therefore, with the idea of ​​"opening up the black", the style of the four people together looks like four high school students.

High school students are like wild boars. They run to the cafeteria to finish their meal, and then run to the Internet cafe to play for a while before going to class at 2:30.

After finishing four bowls of mutton dip, Xu Xin, who was the first to put down his chopsticks, slapped the table:




"Hululu... I'll take a sip of soup... What's in it, MIUMIU, your afternoon..."

Before Lang Lang finished speaking, Xu Xin glared:

"What time has it been! The ink stains are still there! Hurry!"

Lang Lang was excited:

"Hey, okay, MIUMIU, I don't care about anything anymore..."

After saying that, he ran out directly:

"Where's the car! Where's the car! Are you ready?!..."

The four people hurriedly but cheerfully drifted away.

Gong Xinliang is actually somewhat used to it now.

I'm used to my boyfriend... When I get together with the three of them, I look like a child, not the internationally famous piano artist.

So it's not surprising.

She wasn't full yet, so she was eating slowly.

But Su Meng wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Where the hell am I going?"

Just talking about Qujiang Royal Garden... I don’t know where the door opens at that place!

When it comes to assistants, tacit understanding still needs to be cultivated little by little.

Look at Dani.

Although the recording of "The Voice" has not started yet.

Nothing happened in the past two days. After learning that Brother Xu was coming today and that everyone in the F4 group had arrived today, she went to visit the stupid Big Wild Goose Pagoda early in the morning.

Last time I was relatively new to this city and didn’t do any homework.

This time she wanted to have some fun.

Fortunately, Dani had a conscience and kept the car.

Xu Xin drove a business car and walked quickly to Qujiang Garden with his three living fathers.

The three living dads were still there discussing the selection of candidates.

Let’s see who this unlucky guy Lang Lang is paired with.

But Xu Xin suddenly remembered something and quickly called Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, which door is the express delivered to?"

"Uh... Beimen, the name is my name, a big bag... Brother Xu, Qujiang..."



Su Meng, who had not asked where Qujiang Garden was, really cried now.

When the business car arrived at the north gate, Xu Xin suddenly braked, opened the door and quickly got out of the car.

The three of them were still stunned when they saw him walking out of the security box again. There were two security guards behind him:

"Director Xu, please go slowly. We will take these two boxes to your home later."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Xu Xin responded, habitually reaching for cigarettes from under the car door.

As a result, after opening the car door, I remembered...this is a car with wheels.

He waved his hands wordlessly, got in the car, and drove out again.

"Hey, Mengmeng, when you come back later, take two pieces of Chinese food. Open them and take two boxes to the security guard at the north gate."

"Brother Xu Qujiang..."



inside the car.

"Why did you go? Get express delivery?"

Lang Lang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was a little puzzled.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, I bought 500 copies of "Crossing the Era", along with 500 album cover posters."


In the back row, Jay Chou, who was crossing his legs and searching for "Interstellar Zerg Mad Dog Flow Speed ​​Pushing Technique" on his mobile phone, suddenly shuddered:

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

Xu Xin didn't even look back, and said while grinding the steering wheel to turn:

"At the opening ceremony of the World Expo, the actors were promised a bunch of autographs of the album "Across the Ages."


Jay Chou immediately put down his phone, stretched his head, and looked straight at Xu Xin:

"Whose "Cross Era" is it?"

"It's yours, who else can have it?... The album you sold this time is quite expensive. I remember, wasn't it always 25 in the past? This time it's 35?"

Jay Chou ignored his words and continued to ask:

"Sign...whose name?"

"It's yours."

Xu Xin looked matter-of-fact.

"If you don't sign your album, who will sign it?"


From Wang Sicong's perspective, Jay Chou's lips began to tremble.



After receiving confirmation again, Jay Chou slowly sat up straight.

He was sitting behind the driver's seat.

After sitting up straight, he tremblingly stretched out his hand, walked around the seat, and pinched Xu Xin's neck:

"I'll strangle you to death (GAI)!!!"

"Hey, I...cough cough cough cough cough..."

"Hey, hey, he's driving, he's driving, please let go of the wheel, Lao Xu..."

Speak loudly and righteously.

Unfortunately, because he was sitting in the passenger seat, the most he could do was persuade, which was of no use.

Jay Chou grabbed Xu Xin's neck and jumped around to curse.

Xu Xin's face was full of pain and he shouted his wish.

Lang Lang wanted to persuade him, but at this moment, he suddenly heard Wang Sicong's words:

"Hey, turn up the music."


"Hurry up, this song is nice."


The loyal and kind-hearted Comrade Old Wolf twisted the clipper.

In the rhythmic and restless BEAT, Hot Dog sang his own "Mr. Almost":

"Same singers, with similar mistakes!

The same microphones, the same silly singing, all crying for poverty!

Almost all of them look like pigs, but they and I are almost pig friends..."

Wang Sicong crossed his legs and let the noise in the car go on.

In the swaying car, he shook his legs and hummed to the rhythm of the music:

"I am Mr. Almost~ I am born~... Isn't it wonderful to have this kind of life?"

Hearing this rhetorical question and looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, he laughed.


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