I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 479 477 A man must drive a Land Rover

Chapter 479 477. Men must drive Land Rover

(Written before: The reason for the late update is because I found a plot BUG and am looking for a fix. It is a problem with the recording time of "The Voice". A plot is missing in the middle and needs to be filled in. ""The Voice"" in the previous chapter The recording has been corrected the day after tomorrow.")

After Little Wheel and Little Smarty became quarrelsome, Little Gold and Little Puppy were dejected.

In one afternoon, Xu Xin was defeated by the two orphans in the villa next to him, perhaps because he had not finished playing computer games for too long.

From Red Alert to Warcraft to Age of Empires.

From StarCraft to CS to Meteor Butterfly Sword.

After being beaten, I doubted my life for a while.

But there was nothing that could be done. Who asked Xu Xin to bring a puppy?


You ask why Lang Lang is called Little Dog?

Isn't this very simple?

Before playing, during the chatter session, he was a big wolf dog.

Bite whoever you see.

As a result, after seeing the real chapter, he played with the Meteor Butterfly Sword and hit a square platform. He could only stay invisible and use a fire blunderbuss to shoot black guns on the edge of the platform. He just watched Xu Xin holding a small dagger at the two of them. WW+M1 is there for gua sha.

He was beaten so hard by a machete and a Qiankun knife that he couldn't get off his feet. He couldn't do anything except shouting "Come on" without pain.

Do you think he is a wolf or a dog?

Therefore, under the absolute disparity in total scores, the dejected Xu Sanjin accepted the loser's treaty that was humiliating and humiliating the country.

He'll treat him to a late-night snack.

As for why he invited... I can only say that it would be great to have a girlfriend while playing games.

If I win, it’s because I’m technically strong.

If I lose, it’s my teammate’s fault.

The glory of winning was all in MIUMIU's cheering and cheering voice of "Husband, you are awesome", but if they lost, Xu Xin would really take the blame.

If you lose the game, even your dinner won’t taste good.

Xu Xin's heart was so filled that she wanted to slap Lang Lang's face with the meat bun in her hand.


Why are you so delicious?

Just give me a dog and I can win the game, but you can't even win a game.

Just outrageous.

He took an indignant bite of the Roujiamo and saw Jay Chou's frowning face.

"What's wrong? It doesn't taste good?"

"No, I have to stay in shape recently and can't eat so many carbohydrates."

Jay Chou was a little troubled:

"I was doing well in Wanwan, but now I'm here... I had steamed buns for lunch and noodles at night..."

"Oh yo?"



When they heard him say "咥面", a noun specifically used by Lao Shaanxi, the three people's eyes widened in surprise.



Jay Chou, known as Xiao Laoshan?

Xu Xin was delighted:

"Just because of your pronunciation, you will lose money if you don't eat this bowl of noodles."

"But...I feel very guilty now. What's going on?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin put down the basin.

After thinking for a while, he picked up Jay Chou's bowl.

Jay Chou's eyes were filled with emotion.

Is Axin going to help me take the initiative to share the burden?

But... I've already had two bites of this noodle, doesn't Axin dislike it?



Very loyal!

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Xu Xin holding a noodle bowl and pointing directly at it and said:

"Hey, you drop, heat drops, how many drops do you need to work!"




Everyone at the table was stunned.

Brother, what kind of style are you doing?

Noodle bowl: "..."

Lang Lang is happy:

"Why doesn't it speak?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"Nonsense, if it really talks, you two won't be able to tell who will eat whom."

Xu Xin ignored these two talkative donkeys and suddenly nodded:

"My sister said it? My sister said it's zero calories. Here, you can eat it."




Jay Chou lowered his head, looked at the noodle bowl that was placed in front of him, and then looked at his friend who was starting to pick garlic.

"Whoa, newbee!"

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Zero calories, feel free to eat."


Jay Chou picked up the bowl... There were two voices talking in his heart.

One said: "Don't do it, don't do it, oh! don't do it!"

Another said: "My sister said it is zero calories. Be more rigorous, make sure it is correct, and set a good example. Just eat it."

Finally, he tremblingly picked up the chopsticks...

"What are we going to do tonight?"

Naturally, he snatched a garlic clove from Xu Xin's table and knocked half of it into his mouth. Wang Sicong shook his legs and asked.

Xu Xin was speechless at first.

This grandson promised not to eat garlic, so why are you waiting for others to pick apart your feelings?

But when he saw him shaking his legs, he slapped him on the knee again:

"Don't shake your legs, you're not lucky."


Looking at his friend who was avenging his personal revenge, he took a deep breath.

Lang Lang on the side thought for a while and said:

"Shall we find a nightlife activity?"

"How about a night out with him?"

Wang Sicong looked disgusted.

Jay Chou, who was holding a bowl of noodles and kept mumbling "0 calories, 0 calories", rolled his eyes.

Indeed, if he showed up in a bar with someone he wasn't friends with, he would be on the front page the next day.

And disgust is contagious.

The three of them, including Xu Xin, looked disgusted when they thought that because of bringing this old BURDEN with them, several people had no nightlife.

Jay Chou couldn't laugh or cry:

"Hey, please, don't be like this, okay?...I don't want to either. How about we go back to Wanwan, and I have friends wherever we go. But there's nothing I can do here, unless we get one ourselves. .”

Lang Lang was speechless:

"Just for nightlife, we are opening a nightclub for you? Why are you so big-faced?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xin suddenly said:

"Eh? Don't tell me, it seems really okay."



Lang Lang and Wang Sicong's eyes immediately went straight.

Brother, are you serious?

And Jay Chou...

"Wow! Axin! Are you an angel?! Do you really want to open a bar for me?!"

His eyes were filled with emotion.

But the eyes of those two people gradually started to feel wrong.


Do you two have a problem?

Do you just love him so much?

Does Dami know?

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I'm serious. At Jiaotong University, someone paid off the debt and gave my family a building that was just handed over after the new year. That was a gift from my dad to Yang Mi..."

Gong Xinliang’s mouth twitched on the side...

And Wang Sicong said:

"Residential property?"

"No, a commercial building. The place is not small...the shops on the three floors below alone are several thousand square meters in total. After the handover of the house later in the year, Yang Mi has been worried about what to do with the house. She must not be worried. It's rented, but she's too lazy to manage it... It's been empty for a few months. It's a frame structure... How about we build a KTV, what do you think?"

After hearing Xu Xin's words, several people looked at each other.

Wang Sicong asked a question that everyone is concerned about:

"Is it a KTV or... a nightclub?"


Xu Xin was speechless:

"There are all college students over there, what do you think?"

"KTV...it's boring."

"What's that? I open a nightclub? Is it just to make money from college students? A college student bought an IPHONE 4 in order to save money to pursue the school beauty. Then he went to sing with his dormitory, and met the school beauty who was holding a mobile phone. He bowed: “Good evening, distinguished guest? "Isn't that outrageous?"

Anyone else might be speechless at these words, but Wang Sicong said with a smile:

"Is that possible? Are you starting to formulate business plans targeted at consumer groups?"

"Get out of here, you."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Are you interested? If you are, look for someone in this field. Anyway, everyone will come here often in the future. Let's have a place to relax. By the way..."

He pointed at Jay Chou:

"Using his name to advertise, I think the customer flow should be okay. The most important thing is... the problem like tonight won't happen again. It's been half a year since the brothers got together, and they can't even go to a place to have fun at night. None, that’s really boring.”

It's not that he really wants to go to a nightclub.

I really want to go there. There are so many fun places in Yanjing and Shanghai.

He is just afraid of trouble.

The house was used to pay bills, and Yang Mi didn't bother to worry about how to deal with it. She doesn't care about the rent...it's a shame that the house is empty.

Just do something practical.

As soon as he made this suggestion, several people looked at each other and nodded in unison:

"Okay, do it!"

So, the topic of dinner came up.

"Can't the charge be too expensive?"

"Of course not. What's the point of making money from students? Just make small profits but quick turnover."

"Lao Xu, do you want to collect the rent?"

"If you charge a shitty rent, just treat it like I'm using the house as a stock."

"Should the decoration be done well? It's super luxurious!"

"Eh~~~ Isn't it a bit rustic? Have you been to Wanwan Nightclub a lot? This kind of economical KTV just needs to have a stronger sense of fashion, and some smart song-requesting software."

"We can also recruit some work-study waiters. It's best to exploit the student dogs."

"After you said these words, I suddenly felt that Wanda might be a black-hearted capital meat grinder! Are you employing child labor?"


"Then let's get one. It will leave a few places for us to go out. No matter we go out to play or do anything in the future, we won't have to worry about running out of places."

"If you say so, can you set up a chain? From now on, you won't have to worry about it anywhere in the country."

"Wow, yes! Make the KTV a Wanda package?"

"Hey, I dug a hole to bury myself..."


The four people were happily thinking about the "future" there.

But Gong Xinliang next to him looked weird.

Even a little doubtful about life.

Although... whether she is a person in the entertainment industry, or Lang Lang's girlfriend, even if she is a "Tsinghua alumnus", she can understand that her husband's friends are quite powerful.

But it sounds like they just have a house with "a few thousand square meters".

Or a KTV that invested at least tens of thousands, maybe ten to twenty million, but never considered issues such as "recovery of capital" and "profit". She still couldn't accept it.

Why do you feel like when you are with them, this money...is no longer money?

But in fact, what she didn't know was...if the only thing her boyfriend hid from her was probably the "Voice" thing.

The second season of "The Voice" was sold for a price that many people could not even dream of.

As for this price, only these four people, as well as some core employees of Shaanxi Film Studio, Xiying Film Studio, and Tianlaizhi Company who participated in the internal bidding, knew about this price.

It was covered to death.

Compared with this money, let alone a KTV.

It’s just ten, and it really doesn’t feel distressing at all.

The KTV matter was put on the agenda.

Even after dinner, everyone drove there for a trip.

Then a more embarrassing scene occurred.

Xu Xin thought that he was quite timid...after all, he didn't dare to watch horror movies.

But these three gentlemen turned out to be more cowardly than the other.

The business district of Xi'an Jiaotong University, headed by Ivy Garden, only handed over the apartment at the end of March at the beginning of this year. At this time, it was basically being renovated, and there were relatively few cars.

There's definitely nothing wrong with the location.

Across the street is Jiaotong University.

But standing at the crossroads, Xu Xin pointed at the dark building and asked the three "shareholders" to go inside and take a look at the environment...

None of the three people dared to go up.

It's so dark, who knows what's inside. Four people entered a vacant building with no lights on in the middle of the night... Ordinary people wouldn't be able to do such a thing anyway.

Totally cowardly.

Therefore, the four of them stood at the intersection tacitly:

"Well, the location is good."

“It’s really close to the university.”

"There is a market."

"Okay, okay... let's go?"

After driving for half an hour, I stood and watched for less than three minutes.


After getting in the car and driving out of two intersections, Wang Sicong said:

"It would have been nice to have gone up there just now. We could also have a look at the structure inside."

"Yeah yeah."

"Tomorrow, I'm tired today and don't want to bother anymore."

"Let's talk tomorrow."


When we went back in the evening, the four of us had another mahjong game at a friend's court, and the game didn't end until after 12 o'clock.

And because he was too lazy to go out and walk next door, Xu Xin simply slept in Xu Miao's villa.

You can find any room you want, if you're really "in a good mood" you can just squeeze into the bed...

Of course, this is a joke.

After the card game ended, Xu Xin walked to the backyard.

The summer night in Xi'an was neither cold nor hot. He yawned lazily, sat in front of the chair at the square table, put his legs on the table, and looked up at the dark sky in a daze.

There was a lot of cigarettes in the room where we were playing cards just now, and we urgently need some fresh air to catch our breath.

While in a daze, I enjoyed the climate that was very similar to the sacred tree, but slightly warmer.

Perhaps only by stepping on this loess plateau at this moment can he truly have that indescribable sense of security.

After he calmed down, his thoughts became somewhat divergent.

At this time, the sound of the door being pulled sounded.

He turned around and saw Wang Sicong walking out with two bottles of Perrier in his hands.

Due to the tacit understanding between friends, Xu Xin directly extended his hand.

After the elder Wang handed over the water, he said:

"Lao Lang is taking MIUMIU back there and wants you to send him the password."


Xu Xin responded and took his mobile phone to send the password.

Then, the eldest young master imitated his actions, raised his legs on the table, looked at Xu Xin who was holding the glass bottle on his forehead, and handed over a cigarette:


"You smoke it. I have a headache from the smoke."

Shaking his head, he didn't open the bottle of water either.

The taste is too bitter and I can't get used to it.

At this time, I heard a piece of news from Wang Sicong:

"Lao Lang plans to buy a house."


Xu Xin was excited and turned to look at the young master who had made such a big gossip...

"He said that?"


Wang Sicong responded:

"We came here together in Yanjing. Before we came... probably on the third day after he came back, he suddenly made an appointment with me and said he was going to look at the house. I asked what kind of house to buy..."

"Don't tell me it's a wedding room..."

"That's more or less what it means. Haven't house prices risen sharply recently? He wants to build a villa first... I walked around with him in several properties owned by Wanda, and even talked to him about it. There is good news. Bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Brother, how long has it been since you started doing this?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry and asked:

"What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that maybe, if nothing else happens, by this time next year, he may be thinking about it and doing something."


To be honest, getting married is definitely a good thing.

It wouldn't be described as bad news.

But Wang Sicong used the words "bad news"...

Xu Xin knew it in his heart.

Obviously, he should be like himself. If Lao Lang really marries her, neither of them is very optimistic about the prospect.


"What's your reason?"

Although he didn't say clearly what he was talking about, Wang Sicong understood.

So, he asked:

"What do you think?"


Seeing that Xu Xin didn't speak, Wang Sicong shook his head helplessly:

"What I don't like about her actually is not about her family, education, or whether she is beautiful or not. The main thing is... that feeling, do you understand what I mean? Look, let's get together, no matter who has a girlfriend , then you have to look up to other girls, right? But this girl...I can't explain why, I just feel something is wrong. Do you think she is sensible? Sensible. She is obedient to the old wolf... no matter what Why, I’ve never said anything about it…but it just doesn’t feel right…”

"Because I have no self."

As he was talking, suddenly, Jay Chou's voice came from above the two of them.

Xu Xin looked up...and found Jay Chou wearing a big vest beside the bedroom window, stretching his head and looking at the two of them.

"Damn it! You were eavesdropping!"

"Haha, isn't it normal to hear some movement in the backyard in the middle of the night and take a look?"

Jay Chou smiled and pointed at the table in front of them:

"Hey, I threw a bottle of water over, but there isn't one in the room. I don't want to go out and get it."


Xu Xin stood up speechlessly.

He really couldn't drink this Perrier water.

It's bitter and tastes weird.

"Caught it!"

He threw it up.

Anyway, there is lawn below, so you are not afraid of falling.

Jay Chou caught it accurately, unscrewed the cap and took a sip before continuing:

"Because she has no ego here with us."

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"Can you come down and talk?"

"Please, I'm too lazy to go downstairs to get water. Why do you think I can still go downstairs and chat with you?"

Jay Chou shrugged and continued to lie on the balcony and said:

"She is not Mimi. Mimi has a lot of personality. But here, she does not show any personality that belongs to "MIUMIU". What she shows us is only obedience and obedience to Lang Lang. . This... is too fake. It’s not like everyone has never had a girlfriend, how could any girl do this?"

The moment he heard this, Xu Xin's instinct of survival made him blurt out:

"That's what my wife is like."



He couldn't see Jay Chou's eyes clearly.

But I can see Wang Sicong clearly.

The eldest young master’s eyes were filled with one emotion:

"I know you are afraid of death, so I don't blame you if you say whatever you want without conscience."

At this time, Jay Chou's voice sounded again:

"In short, she chose to put on a mask and treat us instead of treating her boyfriend's friends as her own friends. Just like I treat Mimi's friends as my own friends. Because she is fake, everyone treats her very badly. It’s fake. When fake comes and goes, naturally I don’t feel anything anymore~ Because all of us are very real~”


When he said this, Xu Xin looked around.

Although there is still some distance between the two villas, he is also afraid that the old wolf is hiding in the grass somewhere, waiting for him to gank.

Have to guard against it.

But after he finished speaking, Xu Xin sighed.

Instead of continuing to chat, he turned to Wang Sicong and asked:

"So what's the good news?"

"The good news is, I asked Lao Lang, whose name are you going to write?... It's okay, he said to write his own."



In silence, Jay Chou yawned:

"Ha... um. Okay, I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow."


The window is closed.

Wang Sicong turned to look at Xu Xin:

"Let's go?"

"Let's go."

The two also left the yard.

Even if this topic ends in vain.

Actually, that's the bad thing about being buddies.

There is no way to be like a girl.

Other girls and best friends are all like "Listen to me, sister, if he really cares about you, he will never break up with you. Just scare him, men have to take care of it."

But when several buddies get together, they all say, "Is this the girlfriend my buddy is looking for?...Forget it, even if we don't like her, since he approves of her, then we will treat her as one of our own."

That's the difference.

Although I don’t like it, I always feel it’s fake.

But the old wolf is standing here, and as long as he doesn't speak, no one will say a word no.

Just treat this topic as a small talk before going to bed.

Once it was said and understood, it was over.

The relationship between the couple is so good, and no one is going to instigate the relationship between you and me.

That's not a thing anymore.

let it go.

With this idea in mind, Xu Xin finished taking a shower, sent Yang Mi a good night message, and slept until dawn.

When I woke up, it was less than 10 o'clock.

I stayed up late last night and got up a little late.

When I walked out of the bedroom door, I could still vaguely hear the snoring coming from next door.

He walked lightly and came downstairs, where he saw Su Meng already waiting in the living room.

"Let's go."

he said.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet, Brother Xu, should we go directly to Xiying Studio?"

"Well, there is a good breakfast shop at the door."

The two of them walked out of the house directly.

We walked all the way to the factory, had breakfast, and went straight to the office building.

By chance, I happened to bump into Qi Lei walking out with a somewhat familiar face.

The two came out talking and laughing.

After meeting Xu Xin, Qi Leile was happy:

"Haha, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!"

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Brother Qi."

"Well, come on, come on..."

Qi Lei turned to the man next to him, who was about thirty or forty years old and had an older look, pointing at Xu Xin and said:

"Let me introduce you... Actually, no introduction is needed. You must know him. Xu Xin, Director Xu."

Upon hearing this, the big brother responded with a smile:

"That's for sure...Hello, Director Xu. My name is Zhang Jiayi."

Upon hearing this name, Xu Xin remembered who this person was.

With the phrase "all men who drive, all passionate men want to own a Land Rover", the "Brand Promotion Ambassador" who made the "Land Rover" car brand a household name is the big boss "Song Siming" in "Snail House".

Although Land Rover was already very famous before "Snail House".

But really speaking, Zhang Jiayi can be said to have made a huge contribution to promoting this brand and making it visible to thousands of households.

Recognizing the person, Xu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Teacher Zhang. It's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me."

"Hey, no, Director Xu is too kind."

Zhang Jiayi finished speaking with a smile and glanced at Qi Lei again. Seeing that he had no intention of ending the topic, he continued to chat with Xu Xin:

"I was chatting with Mr. Qi just now, saying that I really wanted to meet Director Xu. I didn't expect to meet him like this."

"Haha, Teacher Zhang is too polite. Then we can be considered to be on the same page, right?"


Amid laughter, Qi Lei added:

"Director Xu, Zhang Jiayi also joined the actor group yesterday. No, the formalities have just been completed. We were still chatting here after we came out. If he hadn't been in a hurry to go back to Hengdian for filming, we could still sit together at noon. I was just regretting it when I met him."


Upon hearing this, Xu Xin asked:

"Which work is Teacher Zhang working on recently?"

"A period drama, performed with Deng Chao and Dong Jie, called "You Are My Brother"."

"Oh...you want to leave in a hurry?"

"Yes, the flight is at 12 o'clock, we have to go to the airport now..."

"That's such a pity... In this case, next time, when next time, let Brother Qi make an appointment and let's have a meal together. Can you leave a phone number first?"

"Ok, Ok……"

They left each other's phone numbers and exchanged a few words.

In the end, with Zhang Jiayi's words of "stay here, stay here", Xu Xin and Qi Lei bid farewell to this actor who walked with a hunchback but had a natural sense of style.

Waiting until the other party walked away, Qi Lei smiled more naturally than before and said to Xu Xin with a smile:

"We used to be colleagues."


Under Xu Xin's curious gaze, Qi Lei shrugged:

"That's a long way to go...do you know him well?"

"I don't know much about them, I just know "Snail House" and Land Rover."


Upon hearing that Xu Xin also knew this joke, Qi Lei smiled and said:

"I was assigned to the factory in 1988, and he came in in 1991. At the beginning, I was in the equipment management department. Although he came as an actor, there were too many actors in the factory at that time. He was just assigned The young actor who came over... said he was an actor, but he was actually just like a handyman. After going back and forth, we became familiar with each other."

"...Then why haven't you seen him in the past few years?"

"Because he was... kicked out."

After taking the cigarette from Xu Xin, Qi Lei shook his head slightly:

"The old head of the screenwriting troupe in our factory was named Du Lincai, and he had a daughter named Du Jun. Director Du admired him very much... He had been a bit player in the factory for 9 years, and our factory is getting better and better every year. In 2000, Director Du introduced him to the crew of "Dr. Pamir", a theater group in Yanjing.

Director Du's daughter Du Jun was also there at that time. As soon as they met, they knew each other right. They became boyfriend and girlfriend after a while.

Director Du was quite happy. After all, he also admired this young man who had been working as a bit player for nine years without complaining. The two finally got married naturally. Zhang Jiayi saved more than 20,000 yuan, and Director Du gave him some more, and the two of them bought a house in Yanjing..."

"Then why were you kicked out?"

"It's because of the divorce. The specific thing...how to say it. It can only be said that women are strong and men are weak. Think about it, what was Director Du's status back then? When our factory was good, the screenwriting team was in the entertainment industry Walk sideways. Growing up in an environment like Du Jun's, it is inevitable for someone to have a arrogant temper. So..."

"...Is that why?"


Qi Lei shrugged, his eyes filled with memories of the past:

"In short, although the divorce was amicable, if you think about it, they were all from the factory and divorced less than two years after getting married. Even if Director Du is about to retire, his skinny camel is still bigger than a horse. If Zhang Jiayi is still in the factory...then where will he put his face?

So in the end, he left on his own initiative...but when he left, the organization remained. It's just that he hasn't come back since he left... When "Snail House" became a hit, he also became famous, so there was no need to come back..."


The next thing is nothing more than "strong alliance".

Although Zhang Jiayi's career has been good in the past two years, he has also reached a bottleneck and wants to reach a higher level.

Now, Xiying Film Studio has been transformed, reborn, and prosperous.

Then it's natural to come back and reminisce about the past, and then "go home and develop."

It's not just him, there are also many people who left their staff in the factory back then.

It's just that he is more famous.

But Xu Xin could tell that Qi Lei should have a pretty good relationship with Zhang Jiayi.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have explained the relationship between the two to him.

So, after understanding the ins and outs, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"I understand. So, Brother Qi's group of people is quite talented."


Qi Lei waved his hand:

"There are not many, and there are even fewer people who hang out. But we do have a good relationship~"


Xu Xin, who knew something about it, responded:

"Okay, then I'll go to the editing side first, Brother Qi, let's have lunch together."

"no problem."

After Qi Lei agreed, the two temporarily separated.

Xu Xin entered the office building.

In the elevator, Su Meng, who was silently waiting to reach the floor, suddenly heard Brother Xu say:


She looked up in confusion.

"Brother Xu?"


"What's the matter?"

Xu Xin smiled:


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