I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 488 Interview 486 (Thanks to the boss of

Chapter 488 486. Interview·Part 2 (Thanks to the boss of "Neither Man nor Ghost" for being the leader again!)

In fact, Xu Xin's words cover a relatively wide range.

What Li Ziwei wants to ask is just as a director, how do you act as a manipulator of actors and use these actors.

After all, every director has his own style, and some people like to be puppet masters.

I can't wait to tie the thread to the actors, and even every line and every action must be done according to their own opinions.

And some people are just like herding cows and sheep.

As long as the actors don't come out of their own pasture, they can eat grass as they please, pursuing the freedom of the herds of cattle and sheep like white clouds.

What she wanted to ask about was the use of actors.

But the answer Xu Xin gave him was his definition of a director.

He did not dare to preach, but he was indeed telling those present here as a young director with some moderate achievements who love movies and are either already involved in them or who want to get into this industry. One thing to be consistent from the beginning.

That means don't worry about your own style.

Everything serves the script and story.

On the premise of making a good movie, make a story within your own capabilities.

You are the captain, you are the boss on this ship.

While you keep your word, you are also responsible for how to take this boat of people out and how to bring them back.

The ship suddenly ran aground on the rocks midway, and the ship sank. All the people on the ship died, but the captain who swore to live and die with the ship came back...

That would be a bit inappropriate.

As for if anyone really thinks he is preaching...

So be it whatever.

It’s up to you whether you like to hear it or not.

As for the reaction…

Just listen to the applause from the audience.

If it were an overly commercialized film festival, Xu Xin would not say these words even to death.

Who are you?

Say these words.

In this industry, at most 10% of the films reach theaters every year, and among these 10% there are still bad films.

The remaining 90% has basically gone to waste. Not to mention the total loss, you don’t even know what its real purpose is.

And now what is the use of telling us these empty words and lies?

It's like you'll never make a bad movie in your life.

Therefore, in such a thankless situation, he would not be mean.

But it's different here.

Looking at the people in the audience who were about the same age as him, he didn't want to open his mouth but said hello to me and everyone to be tactful.

The young scholar was angry and scolded Fang Qiu.

In this atmosphere, he hopes that more talented people will stick to their beliefs.

Even though it will be very painful, you must find the right direction.

Making money for the sake of making money is fine in other industries. But in the directing world, it’s really difficult to get ahead.

All directors know that you need to have a personality, and you need to be remembered by others in order to survive.

But if you blindly pursue "style", whether it is a script or a story, style will be the main focus, and you will strive to make your distinctive style the first to appear in the eyes of others... just like when you see a cigarette Frame, everyone thinks of Wang Jiawei, and as soon as they see the long shot, they think of Jia Zhangke...

When they think it's these styles that make these directors what they are, it's really completely lost.

Therefore, after answering, he could receive the thunderous applause.

Ordinary viewers think it makes sense, but for those who have already entered the industry and can only listen to him in the audience, his words are equivalent to the light that helps them clear the fog.

It may not have any substantive effect in the short term, and even for those who play with tickets, it may only sound exciting at best.

But for those who really regard directing as their lifelong career, his words are the direction.

Don't indulge in the illusion of style or lack of style.

Let’s shoot the story first.

Li Ziwei actually prepared quite a lot of questions for this interview.

More than an hour is enough time to ask.

However, in order to take care of the fans, the questions she prepared were not very professional.

For example, after the applause, she suddenly changed the subject:

"Speaking of which... Director Xu has never participated in such talk shows, right?"


Xu Xin shook his head honestly:

"In my impression... this should be the second time for an interview program, right?... It seems that I have only been interviewed once... or twice by "Southern Weekly", and the others should be... It’s gone.”

"Why? No one is looking for you?"

"Well, there are actually quite a few people looking for me."

Xu Xin said with a smile:

"But I actually don't worry about this kind of thing in my daily life. My wife helps me deal with these things, so she stopped all these interviews..."

Li Ziwei was stunned...

"Yang Mi... help you stop me?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"She helped me stop it all. I don't have an agent, so if anyone wants to contact me, they have to go to her. Then she stopped all these interviews, activities, etc. for me."


Li Ziwei seemed to really not understand:

"Why are you blocking it? ...To be more realistic, these are also a way to improve your popularity, right?"

“Isn’t the best way for a director to increase his reputation through his works?”

Xu Xin gave a "you are weird" look.

Then, he looked like he was thinking and continued:

"Actually, it's like this. First of all, everyone has their own career plan. If you refer too much to other people's ways of becoming famous, sometimes it may not be suitable for you.

Secondly... I feel that my career does not have much reference. Because to be honest, I think I'm quite lucky. By chance, I joined the preparatory team for the Olympic Games. I was appreciated by my boss... Director Zhang, and then I started working on the Olympic Games.

During the Olympics, Director Zhang, as a mentor, almost taught me the values ​​​​of being a director through words and deeds. From him, I understood that as a director, the most appropriate way for us to express our views on the world, literary works, and even a period of history is to put it into our works.

As for...including today's interview, I don't know what the purpose of everyone's participation is. For example, if you are a fan of Liu Yifei..."

He pointed towards Liu Yifei, who had "taken away" all the light by him.


"In other words, you have never participated in a film exhibition before, and you want to see something new this time. Or, as a person in the industry, your career is currently in trouble and you want to get some direction, or to put it more simply, you just want to come Let’s see what kind of virtue a person who marries Yang Mi has..."


Waves of laughter rang out in the venue.

Everyone was happy.

Including Li Ziwei and Liu Yifei on the stage.

Amid the roar of laughter, Xu Xin shrugged with a proud look on his face:

"Yes, it's me!"


When boos broke out, the auditorium of Zhongchuan seemed to have turned into the scene of Deyun Society.

Amidst the boos, Xu Xin continued:

"Actually, what many people overlook is that everything I said today, including what I am saying now, are all my personal subjective remarks. And the remarks I made will reach your ears. Your feelings after listening to it are actually based on your own subjective understanding."

When he said this, he held the microphone in one hand, and with the other hand, he made a gesture of spreading his fingers and pressing down.

"However, when we talk about these things, what I want to express is..."

His palm moved to the other side:

"It's just like what the host just mentioned, the so-called increase in popularity. I said, as directors, our expression of the world is in our works. And the rest, such as interviews, activities, interviews, questions, etc. , in fact, like the works, they all belong to the subjective understanding of "you".

I think...directing is a profession that requires some mystery. For example, now, I can fully tell everyone my understanding of the world. However, when you understand my understanding, you feel... oh, you are actually quite shallow.

Then when you continue to read my works, you may use your natural subjective impression to affect your judgment or interpretation of the works. "

After his words made many people look thoughtful, he continued:

"So, first of all, I can't let you see that I actually don't have much and that I am a very superficial person. And through these interviews, talk shows and the like, I let everyone see clearly who I am. It's so superficial... maybe my movie won't sell.

Secondly, I actually really like other people’s over-interpretation of art. Just like those reading comprehension questions we did when we were in school. I'm sure that 80% of authors may not have thought that much when they wrote a certain passage in a literary work.

Seeing that the sky was blue, I wrote it down casually. But when readers or some scholars read this passage, it will be interpreted as something... reflecting the author's mentality, or the author is using a metaphor or something.

When I was in school, I felt that this kind of reading comprehension was really taking off my pants and farting. I especially want to get in the face of the person who asked the question, and then call the author over... Come, let's have a three-way confrontation. What on earth were you thinking about this question when you wrote "The sky is so blue"? Please tell me carefully! Why give my paper 0 points..."


In the field, laughter sounded again.

Xu Xin also shrugged with a weird smile:

"But later... maybe as my experience grew, I discovered... that the so-called art is actually what it is.

The reading comprehension we do is not over-interpretation, but we hope to find an explanation that is more in line with our own definition of this passage.

Isn’t this the source of the charm of artistic diversity? Ten thousand Hamlets have ten thousand Harry Potters in their hearts..."




Just when the somewhat convoluted brain teasers showed their astonishment in everyone's eyes, the humor burst out into laughter again.

And in this laughter, Xu Xin's voice turned into a calm narrative:

"So you see, that's it. Since a director becomes famous because of his works, he shouldn't tear off his mysterious veil easily. If he becomes famous because of his works, if you want to interpret it, just go and interpret it in the works.

We use our works to express our underlying thoughts, and everyone relies on their own subjective thinking to interpret our works.

Because art is subjective, right?

In the process of interpretation, you will find that there are people who think the same as you. You are attracted to each other and form a common interest. To even exaggerate, you will lay the foundation of the school... Isn't this how the Red School came about?

But more than anything, I think it’s a tacit understanding among everyone. For example, if you like my movies and are a fan of mine, you will watch my works. And after reading it, no matter whether it was good or bad, I kept it in my heart.

Meet people with similar interests and discuss them. If others have no feelings for you, you can still be indifferent. And when one day you don't like my movie, we have known each other since we were young, and met by chance. Now our fate is over, and we simply forget each other in the world. I think this is also a kind of romance. so……"

He waved to everyone:

"There is no need to carefully explore anyone's history of fame, and there is no need to pay special attention to the director's private life. Since we are connected to the work, we must ultimately rely on the work to speak for itself. I think this is a kind of celestial romance...

Of course, there is a premise for all of this, or the prerequisite for chasing your dream is to be able to eat first. But for some people, this is linked to compromise, which runs counter to their dreams. So, again, it varies from person to person.

Keep your style and focus on your dreams, but don’t be stubborn. You still have to compromise when it’s time to compromise. Only when you are full can you have the strength to curse. Here is a quote from Mr. Guo Degang: Before you become famous, talent is equal to shit. Let’s encourage you all. "

“Crash la la la la!!!”

When he finished speaking, the audience burst into the loudest applause ever.

Some people applauded Xu Xin for living a clear and free life.

Some people were excited because of the enlightenment-like comfort in these words.

But as Xu Xin said, different people can use their own subjectivity to understand what he said.

Some people even think that from the beginning of the interview to the present, it has been a long and lengthy talk, which is nonsense and is their own personal stuff.

In fact, no matter what.

The reason why he took off his watch and tie was that he wanted to chat with these people with an ordinary person's mentality and share some trivial suggestions in his heart.

The building has become crooked unconsciously.

Li Ziwei had even forgotten about the questions he had prepared.

But she, who was also applauding at this moment, had to admit it.

Although celebrities such as Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Ziyi and Li Ming were not invited to the film exhibition.

But the director Xu in front of me... seems to be more in line with the temperament of the film festival.


You do not believe?

Then come and listen to the applause.

How warm it is.

Inexperienced, slightly stiff host.

I discovered my friend's desire to talk, and suddenly I became a god watching the crowd.

And a director who is particularly good at crooked buildings, and on a just-in-time occasion, he evokes a desire to talk.

To sum up the overall quality of this interview...


That's quite, quite high!

Although Li Ziwei still has many unfinished questions prepared by himself.

For example, the slightly expanded gossip questions in the book, such as "How did Director Xu and Yang Mi meet?" or "Is Liu Yifei really not acting in TV dramas anymore?" were not asked before the time was over.

For more than an hour, the topic actually always revolved around one theme.

That's the movie.

Or to be more precise, it is "self" and "movie" in the director's eyes.

Some were humorous, some were playful, and some were professional terms that many audience members didn’t understand.

But fortunately there are not many professionals.

This young director just used his own experience to express his current views on his works and the career of directing.

There is no need to praise anyone or put anyone down, and there is no cynicism. Let everyone focus on the road of art instead of pursuing food and clothing.

Even during the interview, when the relationship between the director and investors was mentioned, Xu Xin's words: "What I hope most is that my investors cut off their hands before joining the team. Fortunately, I have done it now." It really aroused the laughter and laughter of many people and yearning.

As for the so-called commercialization, his opinion is:

"It makes money, it's not shabby."

Down-to-earth, but not deviating from the path of art.

Pursuing the balance between business and art, even he knows that achieving perfection is almost a fantasy.

But no matter what, this more than one hour interview was very inspiring to these people here.

Xu Xin didn't talk about chicken soup for the soul, and he didn't have a condescending talking style. When Li Ziwei said the words that ended today's interview, Xu Xin and Liu Yifei stood up to express their thanks and received nearly a minute of applause from the audience.

A sincere applause.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin's words may not establish such a strong belief in their hearts.

That's not realistic.

But at least he cleared up a small piece of the fog.

Let these people who are still in the initial stage of exploration find a clear direction.

Just doing this alone makes the trip worthwhile.

Many people have even made up their mind to pay close attention to the official website of the College Student Film Festival during this period.

There were some things in this interview that they had not yet thought through.

I have to go back and read it a few more times to think about it carefully.

at the same time……

They were even more looking forward to the opening ceremony short film in the afternoon.

Director Xu... what kind of short film will he bring?

"Only 250,000!?"

At the dinner table, Xu Xin looked at Song Wen and Li Ziwei in surprise, his eyes widening in surprise.

As the two nodded and smiled bitterly, Xu Xin licked his fingers and said:

"250,000 yuan, and you gave me 100,000 yuan. In other words... you organized this film exhibition with 150,000 yuan?"

His voice rose unconsciously.

Every eye is filled with "???" question marks.


Song Wen nodded:

"Only 150,000."

"How did you do it? Hold a knife to someone's neck? Or did you kidnap the principal of Zhongchuan and force him to hand over these classrooms, equipment, etc. to you for use?"

Just outrageous.

Although it is just a small film exhibition, if nothing else is mentioned, the salary of an employee is more than 150,000, right?

You know, Xu Xin saw at least fifty or sixty people in the auditorium along the way.

Well, even if some of them are temporary workers, from the time we hired him for the film exhibition last year, to the coordination, planning, construction... no matter what, there must be a fixed team here.

If we don’t mention anything else, let’s talk about the basic salary in Yanjing City.

In 2009, the average annual salary income in Yanjing City was 48,444 yuan.

Converted to 12 months, it's just over 4,000.

Xu Xin said that their team had 20 people... This was already the minimum standard.

For a fixed team of 20 people, each person gets 4,000 yuan, which is 80,000 yuan a month.

And they have been busy for more than a year since they found themselves... The labor cost alone is at least seven figures, right?


Are you kidding me?

Looking at his confused look with a piece of grated chicken on his chopsticks, Li Ziwei gave a bitter smile:

"Actually not, Director Xu... we are very poor, have you noticed that?"

Xu Xinxin said this is not nonsense.

Although they are careful, there is an air of poverty everywhere.

But he did not respond directly and just said:

"Let's order some dishes, Yifei, and see what you want to eat...I'll treat you to this meal."



The two of them looked at each other strangely.

But Liu Yifei nodded:

"Okay. Qiqi, call the waiter."

The place where several people ate today was in a private room of a Sichuan restaurant next to Communication University.

It's really crude.

Then, Xu Xin asked:

"So...how does it operate? Do you owe the employees' wages?... Baoyou, you don't want to default on the wages of migrant workers."


Song Wen's mouth twitched:

"Director Xu is a college student, not a migrant worker."

Xu Xinxin said she would wait and see, guessing that in five or ten years, college students might not earn as much as migrant workers.

Then, Li Ziwei said:

"Actually... the employees Director Xu saw today are all members of our film exhibition... or in other words, volunteers."




At this time, the four people's eyes became outrageous.

Good guy, or a free prostitute?

Not even a penny?

Li Ziwei and Song Wen were used to seeing their eyes.

When he heard Xu Xin's words "power generation with love", Song Wen also smiled bitterly:

"That's right, it's actually about using love to generate electricity... In fact, it wasn't so miserable in previous years. When the first session was held, we got support from the school. Including the sponsorship from our run, that session... there were nearly 80 people million in sponsorship. At that time, each of our awards also came with bonuses.

The second and third sessions were actually the same. Even because some invited directors and media liked our style of imitating the three major foreign companies, they took the initiative to sponsor us in the second and third years. until……"

"Glorious Fury, right."

Looking at the waiter who pushed open the door and walked in with a menu, Xu Xin closed his mouth appropriately.

But my heart is the same as Mingjing.

To put it bluntly, the root cause lies here.

In the entertainment industry, it doesn't mean that he is the only one who "has a conscience", or that he is the only one who has his own moral standards above all else and is the "sage" there.

In fact, he didn't feel that his moral standards were very high.

If you really want to talk about it, I can only say that he takes a relatively light view of what everyone is chasing because he already has it.

Therefore, if I like the atmosphere of this film exhibition, others may not say absolutely, but at least they will feel it.

Even to put it in a harsh tone.

Just think of them as a bunch of stinky beggars, and when you see them with mutilated bodies, living on the streets, and half-clothed, you will feel a little compassion in your heart.

Anyway, in this industry, "money comes quickly", and the income is directly proportional to the rise in fame and status.

Is it difficult to just take out one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand to sponsor?

Not difficult.

But why until now, apart from myself and Liu Yifei, who are somewhat famous, no other insiders have seen this fourth film exhibition.

They weren't even given the license to feature some feature-length films, and they didn't even get a screen time for a movie with a dragon logo?

Isn't that the movie that made the scene so noisy?

Cao Baoping is living a good life, doing whatever he has to do.

But a stupid young man who has no official endorsement and has no background and no ability comes out...

That's bad luck.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin sighed in his heart again.


Therefore, some things really cannot be left to college students.

It’s not that they can’t do it well, but that they have poor sensitivity to some things, or to the positions of certain lines.

Are you right?

"The most watched movie among college students" - "Glorious Fury".

This title...

How dare you give it.

Thanks to the boss of "Neither Man nor Ghost" for being the leader of the League again! , owe 8 updates.

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